function fn_magiczoom_install() { $moduleDirectory = str_replace(array("//", "\\"), array("/", "/"), Registry::get('config.dir.addons') . '/magiczoom'); $cancel = false; if (!defined('PRODUCT_VERSION') || version_compare(PRODUCT_VERSION, '4.0.0', '<')) { $cancel = true; if (!fn_notification_exists('E', 'magiczoom_module_version_notification')) { $message = "<br/><span style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; margin-top: 5px; display: block;\">This Magic Zoom module is intended only for CS Cart Version 4 and above." . "<br/>Your version of CS Cart is " . PRODUCT_VERSION . "</span>"; fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), $message, true, 'magiczoom_module_version_notification'); } } if ($cancel) { $args = func_get_args(); if (!empty($args)) { fn_redirect("addons.manage"); } return; } //fix url's in css files $cancel = fn_magiczoom_fix_css(); if ($cancel) { $args = func_get_args(); if (!empty($args)) { fn_redirect("addons.manage"); } return; } //NOTE: fix the order in which modules call $magicAddons = db_get_fields("SELECT addon FROM ?:addons WHERE addon LIKE 'magic%'"); if (!empty($magicAddons)) { $magicAddonsData = array(); foreach ($magicAddons as $addon) { $magicAddonsData[$addon] = db_get_row("SELECT * FROM ?:addons WHERE addon='{$addon}'"); db_query("DELETE FROM ?:addons WHERE addon='{$addon}'"); } if (isset($magicAddonsData['magiczoom'])) { db_query("INSERT INTO ?:addons ?e", $magicAddonsData['magiczoom']); unset($magicAddonsData['magiczoom']); } foreach ($magicAddonsData as $addon => $data) { db_query("INSERT INTO ?:addons ?e", $data); } } fn_magiczoom_send_stat('install'); }
public function delete($id) { $data = array(); $status = Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; if (LLanguages::deleteLanguages(array($id))) { $status = Response::STATUS_NO_CONTENT; } elseif (!fn_notification_exists('extra', 'language_is_default')) { $status = Response::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } return array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data); }
public function update($id, $params) { $data = array(); $status = Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; unset($params['category_id']); $lang_code = $this->safeGet($params, 'lang_code', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); $category_id = fn_update_category($params, $id, $lang_code); $this->prepareImages($params, $id); $updated = fn_attach_image_pairs('category_main', 'category', $id, DESCR_SL); if ($category_id || $updated) { if ($updated && fn_notification_exists('extra', '404')) { fn_delete_notification('404'); } $status = Response::STATUS_OK; $data = array('category_id' => $id); } return array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data); }
/** * Dispathes the execution control to correct controller * * @return nothing */ function fn_dispatch($controller = '', $mode = '', $action = '', $dispatch_extra = '', $area = AREA) { Debugger::checkpoint('After init'); $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $controller = empty($controller) ? Registry::get('runtime.controller') : $controller; $mode = empty($mode) ? Registry::get('runtime.mode') : $mode; $action = empty($action) ? Registry::get('runtime.action') : $action; $dispatch_extra = empty($dispatch_extra) ? Registry::get('runtime.dispatch_extra') : $dispatch_extra; fn_set_hook('before_dispatch', $controller, $mode, $action, $dispatch_extra, $area); $view = Registry::get('view'); $run_controllers = true; $external = false; $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE; // CSRF protection if (fn_is_csrf_protection_enabled($auth) && !fn_csrf_validate_request(array('server' => $_SERVER, 'request' => $_REQUEST, 'session' => $_SESSION, 'controller' => $controller, 'mode' => $mode, 'action' => $action, 'dispatch_extra' => $dispatch_extra, 'area' => $area, 'auth' => $auth))) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_csrf_attack')); fn_redirect(fn_url()); } // If $config['http_host'] was different from the domain name, there was redirection to $config['http_host'] value. if (strtolower(Registry::get('config.current_host')) != strtolower(REAL_HOST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && !defined('CONSOLE')) { if (!empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) { $qstring = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; } else { if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $qstring = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $qstring = Registry::get('config.current_url'); } } $curent_path = Registry::get('config.current_path'); if (!empty($curent_path) && strpos($qstring, $curent_path) === 0) { $qstring = substr_replace($qstring, '', 0, fn_strlen($curent_path)); } fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.current_location') . $qstring, false, true); } $upload_max_filesize = Bootstrap::getIniParam('upload_max_filesize'); $post_max_size = Bootstrap::getIniParam('post_max_size'); if (!defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) && ($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > fn_return_bytes($upload_max_filesize) || $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > fn_return_bytes($post_max_size))) { $max_size = fn_return_bytes($upload_max_filesize) < fn_return_bytes($post_max_size) ? $upload_max_filesize : $post_max_size; fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_forbidden_uploaded_file_size', array('[size]' => $max_size))); fn_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } // If URL contains session ID, remove it if (!defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && !empty($_REQUEST[Session::getName()]) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { fn_redirect(fn_query_remove(Registry::get('config.current_url'), Session::getName())); } // If demo mode is enabled, check permissions FIX ME - why did we need one more user login check? if ($area == 'A') { if (Registry::get('config.demo_mode') == true) { $run_controllers = fn_check_permissions($controller, $mode, 'demo'); if ($run_controllers == false) { fn_set_notification('W', __('demo_mode'), __('demo_mode_content_text'), 'K', 'demo_mode'); if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { exit; } fn_delete_notification('changes_saved'); $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT; $_REQUEST['redirect_url'] = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : fn_url(''); } } else { $run_controllers = fn_check_permissions($controller, $mode, 'admin', '', $_REQUEST); if ($run_controllers == false) { if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { $_info = Debugger::isActive() || fn_is_development() ? ' ' . $controller . '.' . $mode : ''; fn_set_notification('W', __('warning'), __('access_denied') . $_info); exit; } $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED; } } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' && !defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { if ($area == 'A' && empty($_REQUEST['keep_location']) && !defined('CONSOLE')) { if (!defined('HTTPS') && Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_admin') == 'Y') { fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.https_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url')); } elseif (defined('HTTPS') && Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_admin') != 'Y') { fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url')); } } elseif ($area == 'C') { $secure_controllers = fn_get_secure_controllers(); // if we are not on https but controller is secure, redirect to https if (!defined('HTTPS') && (Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_storefront') == 'full' || isset($secure_controllers[$controller]) && $secure_controllers[$controller] == 'active')) { fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.https_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'), false, true); } // if we are on https and the controller is insecure, redirect to http if (defined('HTTPS') && Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_storefront') != 'full' && !isset($secure_controllers[$controller]) && Registry::get('settings.Security.keep_https') != 'Y') { fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'), false, true); } } } LastView::instance()->prepare($_REQUEST); $controllers_cascade = array(); $controllers_list = array('init'); if ($run_controllers == true) { $controllers_list[] = $controller; $controllers_list = array_unique($controllers_list); } foreach ($controllers_list as $ctrl) { $core_controllers = fn_init_core_controllers($ctrl); list($addon_controllers) = fn_init_addon_controllers($ctrl); if (empty($core_controllers) && empty($addon_controllers)) { //$controllers_cascade = array(); // FIXME: controllers_cascade contains INIT. We should not clear initiation code. $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE; $run_controllers = false; break; } if (count($core_controllers) + count($addon_controllers) > 1) { throw new DeveloperException('Duplicate controller ' . $controller . var_export(array_merge($core_controllers, $addon_controllers), true)); } $core_pre_controllers = fn_init_core_controllers($ctrl, GET_PRE_CONTROLLERS); $core_post_controllers = fn_init_core_controllers($ctrl, GET_POST_CONTROLLERS); list($addon_pre_controllers) = fn_init_addon_controllers($ctrl, GET_PRE_CONTROLLERS); list($addon_post_controllers, $addons) = fn_init_addon_controllers($ctrl, GET_POST_CONTROLLERS); // we put addon post-controller to the top of post-controller cascade if current addon serves this request if (count($addon_controllers)) { $addon_post_controllers = fn_reorder_post_controllers($addon_post_controllers, $addon_controllers[0]); } $controllers_cascade = array_merge($controllers_cascade, $addon_pre_controllers, $core_pre_controllers, $core_controllers, $addon_controllers, $core_post_controllers, $addon_post_controllers); if (empty($controllers_cascade)) { throw new DeveloperException("No controllers for: {$ctrl}"); } } if ($mode == 'add') { $tpl = 'update.tpl'; } elseif (strpos($mode, 'add_') === 0) { $tpl = str_replace('add_', 'update_', $mode) . '.tpl'; } else { $tpl = $mode . '.tpl'; } $view = Registry::get('view'); if ($view->templateExists('views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl)) { // try to find template in base views $view->assign('content_tpl', 'views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl); } elseif (defined('LOADED_ADDON_PATH') && $view->templateExists('addons/' . LOADED_ADDON_PATH . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl)) { // try to find template in addon views $view->assign('content_tpl', 'addons/' . LOADED_ADDON_PATH . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl); } elseif (!empty($addons)) { // try to find template in addon views that extend base views foreach ($addons as $addon => $_v) { if ($view->templateExists('addons/' . $addon . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl)) { $view->assign('content_tpl', 'addons/' . $addon . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl); break; } } } /** * Performs actions after template assignment and before controller run * * @param string $controller controller name * @param string $mode controller mode name * @param string $area current working area * @param array $controllers_cascade list of controllers to run */ fn_set_hook('dispatch_assign_template', $controller, $mode, $area, $controllers_cascade); foreach ($controllers_cascade as $item) { $_res = fn_run_controller($item, $controller, $mode, $action, $dispatch_extra); // 0 - status, 1 - url $url = !empty($_res[1]) ? $_res[1] : ''; $external = !empty($_res[2]) ? $_res[2] : false; $permanent = !empty($_res[3]) ? $_res[3] : false; // Status could be changed only if we allow to run controllers despite of init controller if ($run_controllers == true) { $status = !empty($_res[0]) ? $_res[0] : CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK; } if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK && !empty($url)) { $redirect_url = $url; } elseif ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT && !empty($url)) { $redirect_url = $url; break; } elseif ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED || $status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE) { break; } } LastView::instance()->init($_REQUEST); // In console mode, just stop here if (defined('CONSOLE')) { $notifications = fn_get_notifications(); $exit_code = 0; foreach ($notifications as $n) { fn_echo('[' . $n['title'] . '] ' . $n['message'] . "\n"); if ($n['type'] == 'E') { $exit_code = 1; } } exit($exit_code); } if (!empty($auth['this_login']) && Registry::ifGet($auth['this_login'], 'N') === 'Y') { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __(ACCOUNT_TYPE . LOGIN_STATUS_USER_DISABLED)); $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED; } // [Block manager] // block manager is disabled for vendors. if (!(fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id') || fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && !Registry::get('runtime.company_id'))) { if (fn_check_permissions('block_manager', 'manage', 'admin')) { $dynamic_object = SchemesManager::getDynamicObject($_REQUEST['dispatch'], $area, $_REQUEST); if (!empty($dynamic_object)) { if ($area == 'A' && Registry::get('runtime.mode') != 'add' && !empty($_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']])) { $object_id = $_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']]; $location = Location::instance()->get($dynamic_object['customer_dispatch'], $dynamic_object, CART_LANGUAGE); if (!empty($location) && $location['is_default'] != 1) { $params = array('dynamic_object' => array('object_type' => $dynamic_object['object_type'], 'object_id' => $object_id), $dynamic_object['key'] => $object_id, 'manage_url' => Registry::get('config.current_url')); Registry::set('navigation.tabs.blocks', array('title' => __('layouts'), 'href' => 'block_manager.manage_in_tab?' . http_build_query($params), 'ajax' => true)); } } } } } // [/Block manager] // Redirect if controller returned successful/redirect status only if (in_array($status, array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT)) && !empty($_REQUEST['redirect_url']) && !$external) { $redirect_url = $_REQUEST['redirect_url']; } // If controller returns "Redirect" status, check if redirect url exists if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT && empty($redirect_url)) { $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE; } // In backend show "changes saved" notification if ($area == 'A' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && in_array($status, array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT))) { if (strpos($mode, 'update') !== false && $mode != 'update_status' && $mode != 'update_mode' && !fn_notification_exists('extra', 'demo_mode') && !fn_notification_exists('type', 'E')) { fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_changes_saved'), 'I', 'changes_saved'); } } // Attach params and redirect if needed if (in_array($status, array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT)) && !empty($redirect_url)) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['return_to_list'])) { $params = array('page', 'selected_section', 'active_tab'); $url_params = array(); foreach ($params as $param) { if (!empty($_REQUEST[$param])) { $url_params[$param] = $_REQUEST[$param]; } } if (!empty($url_params)) { $redirect_url = fn_link_attach($redirect_url, http_build_query($url_params)); } } if (!isset($external)) { $external = false; } if (!isset($permanent)) { $permanent = false; } fn_redirect($redirect_url, $external, $permanent); } if (!$view->getTemplateVars('content_tpl') && $status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK) { // FIXME $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE; } if ($status != CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK) { if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE) { if ($area == 'A' && empty($auth['user_id'])) { // If admin is not logged in redirect to login page from not found page fn_set_notification('W', __('page_not_found'), __('page_not_found_text')); fn_redirect("auth.login_form"); } header(' ', true, 404); } $view->assign('exception_status', $status); if ($area == 'A') { $view->assign('content_tpl', 'exception.tpl'); // for backend only } if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED) { $view->assign('page_title', __('access_denied')); } elseif ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE) { $view->assign('page_title', __('page_not_found')); } } fn_set_hook('dispatch_before_display'); Debugger::checkpoint('Before TPL'); // Pass current URL to ajax response only if we render whole page if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && Registry::get('runtime.root_template') == 'index.tpl') { Registry::get('ajax')->assign('current_url', fn_url(Registry::get('config.current_url'), $area, 'current')); } Registry::get('view')->display(Registry::get('runtime.root_template')); Debugger::checkpoint('After TPL'); Debugger::display(); fn_set_hook('complete'); if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) { // HHVM workaround. Destroy Ajax object manually if it has been created. $ajax = Registry::get('ajax'); $ajax = null; } exit; // stop execution }
list($cart_products, $product_groups) = fn_calculate_cart_content($cart, $auth, Registry::get('settings.General.estimate_shipping_cost') == 'Y' ? 'A' : 'S', true, 'F', true); fn_gather_additional_products_data($cart_products, array('get_icon' => true, 'get_detailed' => true, 'get_options' => true, 'get_discounts' => false)); fn_add_breadcrumb(__('cart_contents')); fn_update_payment_surcharge($cart, $auth); $cart_products = array_reverse($cart_products, true); Tygh::$app['view']->assign('cart_products', $cart_products); Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_groups', $cart['product_groups']); if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR')) { Tygh::$app['view']->assign('take_surcharge_from_vendor', fn_take_payment_surcharge_from_vendor($cart['products'])); } // Check if any outside checkout is enbaled if (fn_cart_is_empty($cart) != true) { $checkout_buttons = fn_get_checkout_payment_buttons($cart, $cart_products, $auth); if (!empty($checkout_buttons)) { Tygh::$app['view']->assign('checkout_add_buttons', $checkout_buttons, false); } elseif (empty($payment_methods) && !fn_notification_exists('extra', 'no_payment_notification')) { fn_set_notification('W', __('notice'), __('cannot_proccess_checkout_without_payment_methods')); } } // All checkout steps } elseif ($mode == 'checkout') { if (Registry::get('settings.General.min_order_amount_type') == 'only_products' && Registry::get('settings.General.min_order_amount') > $cart['subtotal']) { Tygh::$app['view']->assign('value', Registry::get('settings.General.min_order_amount')); $min_amount = Tygh::$app['view']->fetch('common/price.tpl'); fn_set_notification('W', __('notice'), __('text_min_products_amount_required') . ' ' . $min_amount); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'checkout.cart'); } fn_add_breadcrumb(__('checkout')); $profile_fields = fn_get_profile_fields('O'); // Display steps $display_steps = array('step_one' => true, 'step_two' => true, 'step_three' => true, 'step_four' => true);
/** * Pre/Post coupon checking/applying * * @param array $cart cart * @param boolean $initial_check true for pre-check, false - for post-check * @param array $applied_promotions list of applied promotions * @return boolean true if coupon is applied, false - otherwise */ function fn_promotion_check_coupon(&$cart, $initial_check, $applied_promotions = array()) { $result = true; // Pre-check: find if coupon is already used or only single coupon is allowed if ($initial_check == true) { fn_set_hook('pre_promotion_check_coupon', $cart['pending_coupon'], $cart); if (!empty($cart['coupons'][$cart['pending_coupon']])) { $_SESSION['promotion_notices']['promotion']['messages'][] = 'coupon_already_used'; unset($cart['pending_coupon']); $result = false; } elseif (Registry::get('settings.General.use_single_coupon') == 'Y' && sizeof($cart['coupons']) > 0) { $_SESSION['promotion_notices']['promotion']['messages'][] = 'single_coupon_is_allowed'; unset($cart['pending_coupon']); $result = false; } else { $cart['coupons'][$cart['pending_coupon']] = true; } // Post-check: check if coupon was applied successfully } else { if (!empty($cart['pending_coupon'])) { if (!empty($applied_promotions)) { $params = array('active' => true, 'coupon_code' => !empty($cart['pending_original_coupon']) ? $cart['pending_original_coupon'] : $cart['pending_coupon'], 'promotion_id' => array_keys($applied_promotions)); list($coupon) = fn_get_promotions($params); } if (empty($coupon)) { if (!fn_notification_exists('extra', 'error_coupon_already_used')) { $_SESSION['promotion_notices']['promotion']['messages'][] = 'no_such_coupon'; } unset($cart['coupons'][$cart['pending_coupon']]); $result = false; } else { $cart['coupons'][$cart['pending_coupon']] = array_keys($coupon); fn_set_hook('promotion_check_coupon', $cart['pending_coupon'], $cart); } unset($cart['pending_coupon'], $cart['pending_original_coupon']); } } return $result; }
public function delete($id) { $data = array(); $status = Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; if (fn_delete_user($id)) { $status = Response::STATUS_OK; $data['message'] = 'Ok'; } elseif (!fn_notification_exists('extra', 'user_delete_no_permissions')) { $status = Response::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } return array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data); }
if (!isset($auth['first_expire_check'])) { $auth['first_expire_check'] = true; } // Make user change the password if: // - password has expired // - this is the first admin's login and change_admin_password_on_first_login is enabled // - this is the first vendor admin's login if (empty($auth['password_change_timestamp']) && (Registry::get('settings.Security.change_admin_password_on_first_login') == 'Y' || !empty($auth['company_id'])) || $expire && $time_diff >= $expire) { $_SESSION['auth']['forced_password_change'] = true; if ($auth['first_expire_check']) { // we can redirect only on first check, else we can corrupt some admin's working processes ( such as ajax requests fn_delete_notification('insecure_password'); $return_url = !empty($_REQUEST['return_url']) ? $_REQUEST['return_url'] : Registry::get('config.current_url'); return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, "auth.password_change?return_url=" . urlencode($return_url)); } else { if (!fn_notification_exists('E', 'password_expire')) { fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('warning'), str_replace('[link]', fn_url('profiles.update', 'A'), fn_get_lang_var('error_password_expired_change')), true, 'password_expire'); } } } else { $auth['first_expire_check'] = false; } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { return; } // Get base menu $menues = fn_get_schema('menu', 'menu', 'xml'); if (fn_check_suppliers_functionality()) { if (PRODUCT_TYPE == 'MULTIVENDOR') { $menues .= fn_get_schema('menu', 'menu_mve', 'xml');
/** * Sends request * * Method does not return result. It's exit from script. */ public function send() { if (fn_notification_exists('extra', 'company_access_denied')) { $this->status = Response::STATUS_FORBIDDEN; } elseif (fn_notification_exists('extra', '404')) { $this->status = Response::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } if ($this->status == self::STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="User email/API key"'); } $this->sendStatusCode($this->status); if ($this->status == self::STATUS_NO_CONTENT) { exit; } header('Content-type: ' . $this->content_type); if (!self::isSuccessStatus($this->status)) { $messages = array(); if (is_array($this->body)) { if (!empty($this->body['message'])) { $messages = array($this->body['message']); } else { $messages = $this->body; } } elseif (!empty($this->body)) { $messages = array($this->body); } $this->body = array(); $codes = self::getAvailableCodes(); $this->body['message'] = $codes[$this->status]; $notifications = fn_get_notifications(); foreach ($notifications as $notice) { if ($notice['type'] == 'E') { $messages[] = $notice['message']; } } foreach ($notifications as $notice) { if ($notice['type'] == 'W') { $messages[] = $notice['message']; } } if (!empty($messages)) { $this->body['message'] .= ': ' . implode('. ', $messages); } $this->body['status'] = $this->status; } $body = FormatManager::instance()->encode($this->body, $this->content_type); echo $body; exit; }
public function delete($id) { $data = array(); $status = Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; if (fn_delete_company($id)) { $status = Response::STATUS_NO_CONTENT; } elseif (!fn_notification_exists('extra', 'company_has_orders')) { $status = Response::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } return array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data); }