public function updateViaFtp($content, $settings) { $this->saveBackup(); $tmp_file = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_put_contents($tmp_file, $content); $ftp_copy_result = fn_copy_by_ftp($tmp_file, $this->path, $settings); fn_rm($tmp_file); $status = $ftp_copy_result === true; return array($status, $ftp_copy_result); }
/** * Render PDF document from HTML code * @param string $html HTML code * @param string $filename filename to save PDF or name of attachment to download * @param boolean $save saves to file if true, outputs if not * @param array $params params to post along with request * @return mixed true if document saved, false on failure or outputs document */ public static function render($html, $filename = '', $save = false, $params = array()) { if (is_array($html)) { $html = implode("<div style='page-break-before: always;'> </div>", $html); } if (self::isLocalIP(gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) { $html = self::convertImages($html); } $default_params = array('content' => $html, 'page_size' => 'A4'); $params = array_merge($default_params, $params); $file = fn_create_temp_file(); $response = Http::post(self::action('/pdf/render'), json_encode($params), array('headers' => array('Content-type: application/json', 'Accept: application/pdf'), 'binary_transfer' => true, 'write_to_file' => $file)); if (!empty($response)) { return self::output($file, $filename, $save); } return false; }
/** * Returns image width, height, mime type and local path to image * * @param string $file path to image * @return array array with width, height, mime type and path */ function fn_get_image_size($file) { // File is url, get it and store in temporary directory if (strpos($file, '://') !== false) { $tmp = fn_create_temp_file(); if (fn_put_contents($tmp, fn_get_contents($file)) == 0) { return false; } $file = $tmp; } list($w, $h, $t, $a) = @getimagesize($file); if (empty($w)) { return false; } $t = image_type_to_mime_type($t); return array($w, $h, $t, $file); }
/** * Converts URL ( to CSS property ( url("../a.png") ) * @param string $style_id style ID * @param array $style_data style data (fields) * @return array modified style data */ private function urlToCss($style_id, $style_data) { $patterns_url = Patterns::instance($this->params)->getUrl($style_id, true); if (!empty($this->schema['backgrounds']['fields'])) { foreach ($this->schema['backgrounds']['fields'] as $field) { if (!empty($field['properties']['pattern'])) { $var_name = $field['properties']['pattern']; if (!empty($style_data[$var_name]) && strpos($style_data[$var_name], '//') !== false) { $url = preg_replace('/url\\([\'"]?(.*?)[\'"]?\\)/', '$1', $style_data[$var_name]); if (strpos($url, '//') === 0) { $url = 'http:' . $url; } $url = fn_normalize_path($url); if (strpos($url, $patterns_url) !== false) { $url = str_replace($patterns_url, '..', $url); if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) { // URL is parsed by Less::parseUrls method, so remove everything after ? list($url) = explode('?', $url); } } elseif ($style_id) { // external url $tmp_file = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_put_contents($tmp_file, fn_get_contents($url)); $_style = Patterns::instance($this->params)->save($style_id, array('data' => $style_data), array($var_name => array('name' => fn_basename($url), 'path' => $tmp_file))); $style_data = $_style['data']; continue; // assignment done in save method } $style_data[$var_name] = 'url(' . $url . ')'; } } } } return $style_data; }
/** * Function get local uploaded * * @param array $val * @staticvar array $cache * @return array */ function fn_get_local_data($val) { $cache = Registry::get('temp_fs_data'); if (!isset($cache[$val['path']])) { // cache file to allow multiple usage $tempfile = fn_create_temp_file(); if (move_uploaded_file($val['path'], $tempfile) == true) { @chmod($tempfile, DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); clearstatcache(true, $tempfile); $cache[$val['path']] = $tempfile; } else { $cache[$val['path']] = ''; } Registry::set('temp_fs_data', $cache); } if (defined('KEEP_UPLOADED_FILES')) { $tempfile = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_copy($cache[$val['path']], $tempfile); $val['path'] = $tempfile; } else { $val['path'] = $cache[$val['path']]; } return !empty($val['size']) ? $val : false; }
/** * Function get local uploaded * * @param unknown_type $val * @staticvar array $cache * @return unknown */ function fn_get_local_data($val) { $cache =& Registry::get('temp_fs_data'); if (!isset($cache[$val['path']])) { // cache file to allow multiple usage $tempfile = fn_create_temp_file(); // var_dump($tempfile); /*error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); */ if (move_uploaded_file($val['path'], $tempfile) == true) { @chmod($tempfile, DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); $cache[$val['path']] = $tempfile; } else { $cache[$val['path']] = ''; } } if (defined('KEEP_UPLOADED_FILES')) { $tempfile = fn_create_temp_file(); fn_copy($cache[$val['path']], $tempfile); clearstatcache(); $val['path'] = $tempfile; } else { $val['path'] = $cache[$val['path']]; // $val['path'] = $val['path']; } return $val; }
private static function fn_twg_get_image_by_api_data($api_image) { if (empty($api_image['data']) || empty($api_image['file_name']) && empty($api_image['type'])) { return false; } if (empty($api_image['file_name'])) { $api_image['file_name'] = 'image_' . strtolower(fn_generate_code('', 4)) . '.' . $api_image['type']; } $_data = base64_decode($api_image['data']); $image = array('name' => $api_image['file_name'], 'path' => fn_create_temp_file(), 'size' => strlen($_data)); $file_descriptor = fopen($image['path'], 'wb'); if (!$file_descriptor) { return false; } fwrite($file_descriptor, $_data, $image['size']); fclose($file_descriptor); @chmod($image['path'], DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); return $image; }
$counter->out(); } } else { $tbl .= fn_price_list_print_product_data($product, $selected_fields, $style, $price_schema); $fill = !$fill; } $counter->out(); } $tbl .= '</table>'; $counter->out(); Pdf::batchAdd($tbl); } } } //Close and output PDF document $temp_filename = fn_create_temp_file(); $imp_filename = $temp_filename . '.pdf'; fn_rename($temp_filename, $imp_filename); Pdf::batchRender($imp_filename, true); Storage::instance('assets')->put($filename, array('file' => $imp_filename, 'caching' => true)); fn_echo('<br />' . __('done')); } /** * * Adds product data in HTML format to price list table * @param array $product Product data * @param array $selected_fields Product fields that should be in price list * @param string $style Product row style (similar to the HTML style attribute, e.g.: style="background-color: #EEEEEE") * @param array $price_schema Price list columns scheme * @param array $options_variants Product options variants *
/** * Creates PO file for specified Language * * @param string $lang_code 2-letters language code (Example: "en", "ru") * @param string $output Output destination * screen - Output countent direct to browser page * download - Force file downloading * server - upload file to the config.dir.lang_packs directory * @param string $output_file Default name is $lang_code . '.po' */ public static function createPoFile($lang_code, $output = 'download', $output_file = '') { // Translation packs should not include "Not translated" language data $allow_overlap = $lang_code == 'en' ? true : false; $filename = fn_create_temp_file(); if (empty($output_file)) { $output_file = $lang_code . '.po'; } $langs = self::get(array('lang_code' => $lang_code)); $lang = $langs[$lang_code]; Po::createHeader($filename, $lang); // Export Language values list($values) = LanguageValues::getVariables(array(), 0, $lang_code); $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('Languages'); foreach ($values as $_id => $value) { $values[$_id]['original_value'] = isset($original_values['Languages::' . $value['name']]) ? $original_values['Languages::' . $value['name']]['msgid'] : ''; } $values = Po::convert($values, array(), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('Languages', $values, $filename); // Export "SettingsVariants" $values = Settings::instance()->getVariants('', '', '', 'all', $lang_code); $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsVariants'); foreach ($values as $_id => $value) { $values[$_id]['original_value'] = isset($original_values['SettingsVariants::' . $_id]) ? $original_values['SettingsVariants::' . $_id]['msgid'] : ''; } $values = Po::convert($values, array('id' => '%key'), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('SettingsVariants', $values, $filename); // Export Settings Sections $values = Settings::instance()->getCoreSections($lang_code); $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsSections'); foreach ($values as $_id => $value) { $values[$_id]['original_value'] = isset($original_values['SettingsSections::' . $value['section_id']]) ? $original_values['SettingsSections::' . $value['section_id']]['msgid'] : ''; } $values = Po::convert($values, array('id' => 'section_id', 'value' => 'description'), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('SettingsSections', $values, $filename); // Export Settings Options $values = Settings::instance()->getList(0, 0, true, null, $lang_code); $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('SettingsOptions'); foreach ($values as $_id => $value) { $values[$_id]['original_value'] = isset($original_values['SettingsOptions::' . $value['name']]) ? $original_values['SettingsOptions::' . $value['name']]['msgid'] : ''; } $values = Po::convert($values, array('id' => 'name', 'value' => 'description'), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('SettingsOptions', $values, $filename); // Export Addons data (name, description) list($addons) = fn_get_addons(array('type' => 'installed'), 0, $lang_code); $values = array(); foreach ($addons as $addon_id => $addon) { $values[] = array('name' => $addon_id, 'value' => $addon['name'], 'original_value' => $addon['originals']['name']); } $values = Po::convert($values, array(), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('Addon', $values, $filename); $values = array(); foreach ($addons as $addon_id => $addon) { $values[] = array('name' => $addon_id, 'value' => $addon['description'], 'original_value' => $addon['originals']['description']); } $values = Po::convert($values, array(), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('AddonDescription', $values, $filename); // Export Profile fields $profile_fields = fn_get_profile_fields('ALL', array(), $lang_code); $original_values = self::getOriginalValues('ProfileFields'); $values = array(); foreach ($profile_fields as $zone => $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) { $values[] = array('name' => $field['field_name'], 'value' => $field['description'], 'original_value' => isset($original_values['ProfileFields::' . $field['field_name']]) ? $original_values['ProfileFields::' . $field['field_name']]['msgid'] : ''); } } $values = Po::convert($values, array(), $allow_overlap); Po::putValues('ProfileFields', $values, $filename); switch ($output) { case 'screen': header("Content-type: text/plain"); readfile($filename); exit; break; case 'server': fn_copy($filename, Registry::get('config.dir.lang_packs') . $output_file); break; case 'download': fn_get_file($filename, $output_file); break; } }
function fn_find_file($prefix, $file) { $file = fn_strip_slashes($file); // Absolute path if (is_file($file)) { return realpath($file); } // Path is relative to prefix if (is_file($prefix . '/' . $file)) { return realpath($prefix . '/' . $file); } // Url if (strpos($file, '://') !== false) { $content = fn_get_contents($file); if (!empty($content)) { $fname = basename($file); if (empty($fname) || strpos($fname, '?') !== false) { $fname = basename(fn_create_temp_file()); } if (fn_put_contents(DIR_COMPILED . $fname, $content)) { return DIR_COMPILED . $fname; } } } return false; }
private static final function getApiImageBinData($icon, $params, $type = 'product') { if (!empty($icon['absolute_path'])) { $image_file = $icon['absolute_path']; } else { $_image_file = db_get_field("SELECT image_path FROM ?:images WHERE image_id = ?i", $params['image_id']); $image_file = Registry::get('config.dir.images') . $type . '/' . $_image_file; } if (extension_loaded('gd') && (!empty($params['image_x']) || !empty($params['image_y']))) { $new_image_x = !empty($params['image_x']) ? $params['image_x'] : $params['image_y'] / $icon['image_y'] * $icon['image_x']; $new_image_y = !empty($params['image_y']) ? $params['image_y'] : $params['image_x'] / $icon['image_x'] * $icon['image_y']; $new_image_gd = imagecreatetruecolor($new_image_x, $new_image_y); list(, , $mime_type) = fn_get_image_size($image_file); $ext = fn_get_image_extension($mime_type); if ($ext == 'gif' && function_exists('imagegif')) { $image_gd = imagecreatefromgif($image_file); } elseif ($ext == 'jpg' && function_exists('imagejpeg')) { $image_gd = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_file); } elseif ($ext == 'png' && function_exists('imagepng')) { $image_gd = imagecreatefrompng($image_file); } else { return false; } imagecopyresized($new_image_gd, $image_gd, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_image_x, $new_image_y, $icon['image_x'], $icon['image_y']); $tmp_file = fn_create_temp_file(); if ($ext == 'gif') { imagegif($new_image_gd, $tmp_file); } elseif ($ext == 'jpg') { imagejpeg($new_image_gd, $tmp_file, 50); } elseif ($ext == 'png') { imagepng($new_image_gd, $tmp_file, 0); } if (!($image_data = fn_get_contents($tmp_file))) { return false; } $icon['data'] = base64_encode($image_data); $icon['image_x'] = $new_image_x; $icon['image_y'] = $new_image_y; } elseif (fn_get_contents($image_file)) { $image_data = fn_get_contents($image_file); $icon['data'] = base64_encode($image_data); } return $icon; }