function show() { global $CONF, $LNG, $PLANET, $USER, $db, $resource, $UNI; //$PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate(); //$PlanetRess->CalcResource(); //$PlanetRess->SavePlanetToDB(); $this->tplObj->loadscript('p_trader.js'); if ($_POST) { //if($_SESSION['last']['user_side'] != 'game.php?page=p_trade'){ // $this->printMessage("Page error, err nr 5.", true, array('game.php?page=ptrade', 2)); // die(); //} //$PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate(); //$PlanetRess->CalcResource(); //$PlanetRess->SavePlanetToDb(); /*totalPoints oldMetal oldCrystal oldDeuterium newMetal newCrystal newDeuterium */ $total_points = isset($_POST['totalPoints']) ? $_POST['totalPoints'] : 0; $new_metal = isset($_POST['newMetal']) ? $_POST['newMetal'] : 0; $new_crystal = isset($_POST['newCrystal']) ? $_POST['newCrystal'] : 0; $new_deuterium = isset($_POST['newDeuterium']) ? $_POST['newDeuterium'] : 0; $userId = isset($_POST['userid']) ? $_POST['userid'] : null; $recalculate = $new_metal + 2 * $new_crystal + 4 * $new_deuterium; if ($recalculate != $total_points && $recalculate - $total_points > 2000) { $this->printMessage("Error with inputs.", true, array('game.php?page=PTrader', 2)); die; } if ($new_metal < 0 || $new_crystal < 0 || $new_deuterium < 0) { $this->printMessage("ERROR with negative numbers.", true, array('game.php?page=PTrader', 2)); die; } // if($USER['antimatter'] < 250 && $USER['premium_reward_days'] < TIMESTAMP){ // $this->printMessage("Not enough antimatter.", true, array('game.php?page=PTrader', 2)); // die(); // } $PLANET['metal'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($new_metal); $PLANET['crystal'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($new_crystal); $PLANET['deuterium'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($new_deuterium); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " set `metal` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($new_metal) . "', `crystal` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($new_crystal) . "', `deuterium` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($new_deuterium) . "' where `id` = '" . $PLANET['id'] . "' ;"); if ($USER['premium_reward_days'] < TIMESTAMP) { //$GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE ".USERS." set `antimatter` = antimatter - '250' WHERE `id` = '".$USER['id']."' ;"); } $this->printMessage("Exchange has been successfully made.", true, array('game.php?page=PTrader', 2)); die; } $recalculate = $PLANET['metal'] + $PLANET['crystal'] * 2 + $PLANET['deuterium'] * 4; //$GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE ".USERS." set `ptrader_total` = '".$recalculate."' where `id` = '".$USER['id']."' ;"); $_SESSION['total_p'] = $recalculate; $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('total_points' => pretty_number(floattostring($recalculate)), 'total_points11' => floattostring($recalculate), 'planet_metal' => pretty_number($PLANET['metal']), 'planet_crystal' => pretty_number($PLANET['crystal']), 'planet_deuterium' => pretty_number($PLANET['deuterium']), 'planet_metal11' => $PLANET['metal'], 'planet_crystal11' => $PLANET['crystal'], 'planet_deuterium11' => $PLANET['deuterium'], 'planet_metal_t' => pretty_number($PLANET['metal']), 'planet_crystal_t' => pretty_number(floattostring($PLANET['crystal'] * 2)), 'planet_deuterium_t' => pretty_number(floattostring($PLANET['deuterium'] * 4)))); $this->display('page.ptrader.default.tpl'); }
/** _ \_/ |\ | /¯¯\ \ / /\ |¯¯) |_¯ \ / /¯¯\ | | |´¯|¯` | /¯¯\ |\ |5 ¯ /¯\ | \| \__/ \/ /--\ |¯¯\ |__ \/ \__/ |__ \_/ | | \__/ | \|Core. * @author: Copyright (C) 2011 by Brayan Narvaez (Prinick) developer of xNova Revolution * @link: * @package 2Moons * @author Slaver <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2009 Lucky <*****@*****.**> (XGProyecto) * @copyright 2011 Slaver <*****@*****.**> (Fork/2Moons) * @license GNU GPLv3 License * @version 1.3 (2011-01-21) * @link * Please do not remove the credits */ function calculateSteal($attackFleets, $defenderPlanet, $ForSim = false) { //Steal-Math by Slaver for 2Moons( based on global $pricelist, $db; $SortFleets = array(); $Sumcapacity = '0'; foreach ($attackFleets as $FleetID => $Attacker) { $SortFleets[$FleetID] = '0'; foreach ($Attacker['detail'] as $Element => $amount) { $SortFleets[$FleetID] = bcadd($SortFleets[$FleetID], bcmul($pricelist[$Element]['capacity'], floattostring($amount))); } $SortFleets[$FleetID] = bcsub($SortFleets[$FleetID], $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_metal']); $SortFleets[$FleetID] = bcsub($SortFleets[$FleetID], $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_crystal']); $SortFleets[$FleetID] = bcsub($SortFleets[$FleetID], $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_deuterium']); $SortFleets[$FleetID] = bcsub($SortFleets[$FleetID], $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_norio']); $Sumcapacity = bcadd($Sumcapacity, $SortFleets[$FleetID]); } $AllCapacity = $Sumcapacity; // Step 1 $booty['metal'] = min(bcdiv($Sumcapacity, 3), bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['metal']), 2)); $Sumcapacity = bcsub($Sumcapacity, $booty['metal']); // Step 2 $booty['crystal'] = min(bcdiv($Sumcapacity, 2), bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['crystal']), 2)); $Sumcapacity = bcsub($Sumcapacity, $booty['crystal']); // Step 3 $booty['deuterium'] = min($Sumcapacity, bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['deuterium']), 2)); $Sumcapacity = bcsub($Sumcapacity, $booty['deuterium']); // Step 6 $booty['norio'] = min(bcdiv($Sumcapacity, 2), bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['norio']), 2)); $Sumcapacity = bcsub($Sumcapacity, $booty['norio']); // Step 4 $oldMetalBooty = $booty['metal']; $booty['metal'] = bcadd($booty['metal'], min(bcdiv($Sumcapacity, 2), max(bcsub(bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['metal']), 2), $booty['metal']), 0))); $Sumcapacity = bcsub($Sumcapacity, bcsub($booty['metal'], $oldMetalBooty)); // Step 5 $booty['crystal'] = bcadd($booty['crystal'], min($Sumcapacity, max(bcsub(bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['crystal']), 2), $booty['crystal']), 0))); // Step 7 $booty['norio'] = bcadd($booty['norio'], min($Sumcapacity, max(bcsub(bcdiv(floattostring($defenderPlanet['norio']), 2), $booty['norio']), 0))); if ($ForSim) { return $booty; } $Qry = ""; foreach ($SortFleets as $FleetID => $Capacity) { $Factor = bcdiv($Capacity, $AllCapacity, 10); $Qry .= "UPDATE " . FLEETS . " SET "; $Qry .= "`fleet_resource_metal` = `fleet_resource_metal` + '" . bcmul($booty['metal'], $Factor, 0) . "', "; $Qry .= "`fleet_resource_crystal` = `fleet_resource_crystal` + '" . bcmul($booty['crystal'], $Factor, 0) . "', "; $Qry .= "`fleet_resource_deuterium` = `fleet_resource_deuterium` + '" . bcmul($booty['deuterium'], $Factor, 0) . "', "; $Qry .= "`fleet_resource_norio` = `fleet_resource_norio` + '" . bcmul($booty['norio'], $Factor, 0) . "' "; $Qry .= "WHERE fleet_id = '" . $FleetID . "';"; } $db->multi_query($Qry); return $booty; }
public static function calculateAKSSteal($attackFleets, $defenderPlanet, $ForSim = false) { //Steal-Math by Slaver for 2Moons( based on global $pricelist; $SortFleets = array(); foreach ($attackFleets as $FleetID => $Attacker) { foreach ($Attacker['detail'] as $Element => $amount) { $SortFleets[$FleetID] += $pricelist[$Element]['capacity'] * $amount; } $SortFleets[$FleetID] -= $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_metal'] - $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_crystal'] - $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_deuterium']; } $Sumcapacity = array_sum($SortFleets); // Step 1 $booty['metal'] = min($Sumcapacity / 3, $defenderPlanet['metal'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['metal']; // Step 2 $booty['crystal'] = min($Sumcapacity / 2, $defenderPlanet['crystal'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['crystal']; // Step 3 $booty['deuterium'] = min($Sumcapacity, $defenderPlanet['deuterium'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['deuterium']; // Step 4 $booty['tritium'] = min($Sumcapacity, $defenderPlanet['tritium'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['tritium']; // Step 5 $oldMetalBooty = $booty['metal']; $booty['metal'] += min($Sumcapacity / 2, max($defenderPlanet['metal'] / 2 - $booty['metal'], 0)); $Sumcapacity += $oldMetalBooty - $booty['metal']; // Step 6 $booty['crystal'] += min($Sumcapacity, max($defenderPlanet['crystal'] / 2 - $booty['crystal'], 0)); $booty['metal'] = max($booty['metal'], 0); $booty['crystal'] = max($booty['crystal'], 0); $booty['deuterium'] = max($booty['deuterium'], 0); $booty['deuterium'] = max($booty['tritium'], 0); $steal = array_map('floor', $booty); if ($ForSim) { return $steal; } $AllCapacity = array_sum($SortFleets); $QryUpdateFleet = ""; foreach ($SortFleets as $FleetID => $Capacity) { $QryUpdateFleet = "UPDATE {{table}} SET "; $QryUpdateFleet .= "`fleet_resource_metal` = `fleet_resource_metal` + '" . floattostring($steal['metal'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . "', "; $QryUpdateFleet .= "`fleet_resource_crystal` = `fleet_resource_crystal` +'" . floattostring($steal['crystal'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . "', "; $QryUpdateFleet .= "`fleet_resource_deuterium` = `fleet_resource_deuterium` +'" . floattostring($steal['deuterium'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . "', "; $QryUpdateFleet .= "`fleet_resource_tritium` = `fleet_resource_tritium` +'" . floattostring($steal['tritium'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . "' "; $QryUpdateFleet .= "WHERE fleet_id = '" . $FleetID . "' "; $QryUpdateFleet .= "LIMIT 1;"; doquery($QryUpdateFleet, 'fleets'); } return $steal; }
function StoreGoodsToPlanet($Start = false) { global $db; $Qry = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $Qry .= "`metal` = `metal` + '" . floattostring($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal']) . "', "; $Qry .= "`crystal` = `crystal` + '" . floattostring($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal']) . "', "; $Qry .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` + '" . floattostring($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium']) . "' "; $Qry .= "WHERE "; $Qry .= "`id` = '" . ($Start == true ? $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id'] : $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']) . "';"; $db->query($Qry); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', '0'); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', '0'); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', '0'); }
function ShowQuickEditorPage() { global $LNG, $db, $reslist, $resource; $action = request_var('action', ''); $edit = request_var('edit', ''); $id = request_var('id', 0); switch ($edit) { case 'planet': $DataIDs = array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['build'], $reslist['defense']); foreach ($DataIDs as $ID) { $SpecifyItemsPQ .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "`,"; } $PlanetData = $db->uniquequery("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsPQ . " `name`, `id_owner`, `planet_type`, `galaxy`, `system`, `planet`, `destruyed`, `diameter`, `field_current`, `field_current`, `field_max`, `temp_min`, `temp_max`, `metal`, `crystal`, `deuterium` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "';"); $reslist['build'] = $reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']]; if ($action == 'send') { $QryUpdateString = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($DataIDs as $ID) { $QryUpdateString .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "', "; } $QryUpdateString .= "`metal` = '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var('metal', 0.0)), 0)) . "', "; $QryUpdateString .= "`crystal` = '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var('crystal', 0.0)), 0)) . "', "; $QryUpdateString .= "`deuterium` = '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var('deuterium', 0.0)), 0)) . "', "; $QryUpdateString .= "`field_max` = '" . request_var('field_max', 0) . "', "; $QryUpdateString .= "`name` = '" . $db->sql_escape(request_var('name', '')) . "' "; $QryUpdateString .= "WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' LIMIT 1;"; $db->query($QryUpdateString); exit(sprintf($LNG['qe_edit_sucess'], $PlanetData['name'], $PlanetData['galaxy'], $PlanetData['system'], $PlanetData['planet'])); } $UserInfo = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $PlanetData['id_owner'] . "'"); $build = $defense = $fleet = array(); foreach ($reslist['build'] as $ID) { $build[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]); } foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $fleet[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]); } foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $defense[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]); } $template = new template(); $template->page_header(); $template->assign_vars(array('qe_resources' => $LNG['qe_resources'], 'Metal' => $LNG['Metal'], 'Crystal' => $LNG['Crystal'], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['Deuterium'], 'qe_defensive' => $LNG['qe_defensive'], 'qe_fleet' => $LNG['qe_fleet'], 'qe_build' => $LNG['qe_build'], 'qe_input' => $LNG['qe_input'], 'qe_count' => $LNG['qe_count'], 'qe_name' => $LNG['qe_name'], 'qe_reset' => $LNG['qe_reset'], 'qe_send' => $LNG['qe_send'], 'qe_temp' => $LNG['qe_temp'], 'qe_fields' => $LNG['qe_fields'], 'qe_owner' => $LNG['qe_owner'], 'qe_coords' => $LNG['qe_coords'], 'qe_id' => $LNG['qe_id'], 'qe_info' => $LNG['qe_info'], 'build' => $build, 'fleet' => $fleet, 'defense' => $defense, 'id' => $id, 'ownerid' => $PlanetData['id_owner'], 'ownername' => $UserInfo['username'], 'name' => $PlanetData['name'], 'galaxy' => $PlanetData['galaxy'], 'system' => $PlanetData['system'], 'planet' => $PlanetData['planet'], 'field_min' => $PlanetData['field_current'], 'field_max' => $PlanetData['field_max'], 'temp_min' => $PlanetData['temp_min'], 'temp_max' => $PlanetData['temp_max'], 'metal' => floattostring($PlanetData['metal']), 'crystal' => floattostring($PlanetData['crystal']), 'deuterium' => floattostring($PlanetData['deuterium']), 'metal_c' => pretty_number($PlanetData['metal']), 'crystal_c' => pretty_number($PlanetData['crystal']), 'deuterium_c' => pretty_number($PlanetData['deuterium']))); $template->show('adm/QuickEditorPlanet.tpl'); break; case 'player': break; } }
private function DoFleetJump() { global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $LNG, $db, $reslist; if (!$_POST) { return false; } $RestString = $this->GetNextJumpWaitTime($PLANET); $NextJumpTime = $RestString['value']; $JumpTime = TIMESTAMP; if ($NextJumpTime != 0) { return $LNG['in_jump_gate_already_used'] . $RestString['string']; } $TargetPlanet = request_var('jmpto', 0); $TargetGate = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `id`, `last_jump_time` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $TargetPlanet . "' AND `sprungtor` > '0';"); if (!isset($TargetGate)) { return $LNG['in_jump_gate_doesnt_have_one']; } $RestString = $this->GetNextJumpWaitTime($TargetGate); if ($RestString['value'] != 0) { return $LNG['in_jump_gate_not_ready_target'] . $RestString['string']; } $ShipArray = array(); $SubQueryOri = ""; $SubQueryDes = ""; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $Ship) { $ShipArray[$Ship] = min(max(request_var('ship' . $Ship, 0.0), 0), $PLANET[$resource[$Ship]]); $SubQueryOri .= "`" . $resource[$Ship] . "` = `" . $resource[$Ship] . "` - '" . floattostring($ShipArray[$Ship]) . "', "; $SubQueryDes .= "`" . $resource[$Ship] . "` = `" . $resource[$Ship] . "` + '" . floattostring($ShipArray[$Ship]) . "', "; $PLANET[$resource[$Ship]] -= floattostring($ShipArray[$Ship]); } if (empty($SubQueryOri)) { return $LNG['in_jump_gate_error_data']; } $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= $SubQueryOri; $SQL .= "`last_jump_time` = '" . $JumpTime . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $PLANET['id'] . "';"; $SQL .= "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= $SubQueryDes; $SQL .= "`last_jump_time` = '" . $JumpTime . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $TargetGate['id'] . "';"; $db->multi_query($SQL); $PLANET['last_jump_time'] = $JumpTime; $RestString = $this->GetNextJumpWaitTime($PLANET); return $LNG['in_jump_gate_done'] . $RestString['string']; }
public static function calculateAKSSteal($attackFleets, $defenderPlanet, $ForSim = false) { //Steal-Math by Slaver for 2Moons( based on global $pricelist, $db; $SortFleets = array(); foreach ($attackFleets as $FleetID => $Attacker) { foreach ($Attacker['detail'] as $Element => $amount) { if ($Element != 210) { //fix probos capacity in attack by jstar $SortFleets[$FleetID] += $pricelist[$Element]['capacity'] * $amount; } } $SortFleets[$FleetID] -= $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_metal'] - $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_crystal'] - $Attacker['fleet']['fleet_resource_deuterium']; } $Sumcapacity = array_sum($SortFleets); //FIX JTSAMPER $booty['deuterium'] = min($Sumcapacity / 3, $defenderPlanet['deuterium'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['deuterium']; $booty['crystal'] = min($Sumcapacity / 2, $defenderPlanet['crystal'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['crystal']; $booty['metal'] = min($Sumcapacity, $defenderPlanet['metal'] / 2); $Sumcapacity -= $booty['metal']; $oldMetalBooty = $booty['crystal']; $booty['crystal'] += min($Sumcapacity / 2, max($defenderPlanet['crystal'] / 2 - $booty['crystal'], 0)); $Sumcapacity += $oldMetalBooty - $booty['crystal']; $booty['metal'] += min($Sumcapacity, max($defenderPlanet['metal'] / 2 - $booty['metal'], 0)); $booty['metal'] = max($booty['metal'], 0); $booty['crystal'] = max($booty['crystal'], 0); $booty['deuterium'] = max($booty['deuterium'], 0); //END FIX $steal = array_map('floor', $booty); if ($ForSim) { return $steal; } $AllCapacity = array_sum($SortFleets); $QryUpdateFleet = ""; foreach ($SortFleets as $FleetID => $Capacity) { $QryUpdateFleet = 'UPDATE {{table}} SET '; $QryUpdateFleet .= '`fleet_resource_metal` = `fleet_resource_metal` + ' . floattostring($steal['metal'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . ', '; $QryUpdateFleet .= '`fleet_resource_crystal` = `fleet_resource_crystal` +' . floattostring($steal['crystal'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . ', '; $QryUpdateFleet .= '`fleet_resource_deuterium` = `fleet_resource_deuterium` +' . floattostring($steal['deuterium'] * ($Capacity / $AllCapacity)) . ' '; $QryUpdateFleet .= 'WHERE fleet_id = ' . $FleetID . ' '; $QryUpdateFleet .= 'LIMIT 1;'; doquery($QryUpdateFleet, 'fleets'); } return $steal; }
public function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $pricelist, $reslist, $LNG; $targetGalaxy = HTTP::_GP('galaxy', (int) $PLANET['galaxy']); $targetSystem = HTTP::_GP('system', (int) $PLANET['system']); $targetPlanet = HTTP::_GP('planet', (int) $PLANET['planet']); $targetType = HTTP::_GP('type', (int) $PLANET['planet_type']); $mission = HTTP::_GP('target_mission', 0); $Fleet = array(); $FleetRoom = 0; $allyInfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT FleetCapa FROM `uni1_alliance` WHERE id = " . $USER['ally_id'] . ";"); $allyInfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($allyInfo); $listorder = array(210, 212, 202, 203, 204, 205, 229, 209, 206, 207, 208, 217, 215, 213, 211, 220, 224, 219, 223, 225, 226, 214, 216, 230, 227, 228, 222, 218, 221); foreach ($listorder as $id => $ShipID) { $amount = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('ship' . $ShipID, 0.0, 0.0))); if ($amount < 1 || $ShipID == 212) { continue; } $Fleet[$ShipID] = $amount; $FleetRoom += $pricelist[$ShipID]['capacity'] * $amount; $FleetRoom += $FleetRoom / 100 * getbonusOneBis(1207, $USER['academy_1207']) + $FleetRoom / 100 * $allyInfo['FleetCapa']; } foreach ($Fleet as $Ship => $Count) { if ($Count > $PLANET[$resource[$Ship]]) { $this->printMessage($LNG['fl_not_all_ship_avalible']); } } $FleetRoom *= 1 + $USER['factor']['ShipStorage']; if (empty($Fleet)) { FleetFunctions::GotoFleetPage(); } $FleetData = array('fleetroom' => floattostring($FleetRoom), 'gamespeed' => FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor(), 'fleetspeedfactor' => max(0, 1 + $USER['factor']['FlyTime']), 'planet' => array('galaxy' => $PLANET['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANET['system'], 'planet' => $PLANET['planet'], 'planet_type' => $PLANET['planet_type']), 'maxspeed' => FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($Fleet, $USER), 'ships' => FleetFunctions::GetFleetShipInfo($Fleet, $USER), 'fleetMinDuration' => MIN_FLEET_TIME); $token = getRandomString(); $_SESSION['fleet'][$token] = array('time' => TIMESTAMP, 'fleet' => $Fleet, 'fleetRoom' => $FleetRoom); $shortcutList = $this->GetUserShotcut(); $colonyList = $this->GetColonyList(); $ACSList = $this->GetAvalibleACS(); if (!empty($shortcutList)) { $shortcutAmount = max(array_keys($shortcutList)); } else { $shortcutAmount = 0; } $this->tplObj->loadscript('flotten.js'); $this->tplObj->execscript('updateVars();FleetTime();window.setInterval("FleetTime()", 1000);'); $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('token' => $token, 'mission' => $mission, 'shortcutList' => $shortcutList, 'shortcutMax' => $shortcutAmount, 'colonyList' => $colonyList, 'ACSList' => $ACSList, 'galaxy' => $targetGalaxy, 'system' => $targetSystem, 'planet' => $targetPlanet, 'type' => $targetType, 'speedSelect' => FleetFunctions::$allowedSpeed, 'typeSelect' => array(1 => $LNG['type_planet'][1], 2 => $LNG['type_planet'][2], 3 => $LNG['type_planet'][3], 4 => $LNG['type_planet'][4]), 'fleetdata' => $FleetData)); $this->display('page.fleetStep1.default.tpl'); }
function StoreGoodsToPlanet($Start = false) { global $db; $Qry = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $Qry .= "`metal` = `metal` + '" . floattostring($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal']) . "', "; $Qry .= "`crystal` = `crystal` + '" . floattostring($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal']) . "', "; $Qry .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` + '" . floattostring($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium']) . "' "; $Qry .= "WHERE "; if ($Start == true) { $Qry .= "`galaxy` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_type'] . "' "; } else { $Qry .= "`galaxy` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] . "' "; } $Qry .= "LIMIT 1;"; $db->query($Qry); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', '0'); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', '0'); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', '0'); }
public function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $pricelist, $reslist, $LNG; $targetGalaxy = HTTP::_GP('galaxy', (int) $PLANET['galaxy']); $targetSystem = HTTP::_GP('system', (int) $PLANET['system']); $targetPlanet = HTTP::_GP('planet', (int) $PLANET['planet']); $targetType = HTTP::_GP('type', (int) $PLANET['planet_type']); $mission = HTTP::_GP('target_mission', 0); $Fleet = array(); $FleetRoom = 0; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $id => $ShipID) { $amount = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('ship' . $ShipID, 0.0, 0.0))); if ($amount < 1 || $ShipID == 212) { continue; } $Fleet[$ShipID] = $amount; $FleetRoom += $pricelist[$ShipID]['capacity'] * $amount; } $FleetRoom *= 1 + $USER['factor']['ShipStorage']; if (empty($Fleet)) { FleetFunctions::GotoFleetPage(); } $FleetData = array('fleetroom' => floattostring($FleetRoom), 'gamespeed' => FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor(), 'fleetspeedfactor' => max(0, 1 + $USER['factor']['FlyTime']), 'planet' => array('galaxy' => $PLANET['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANET['system'], 'planet' => $PLANET['planet'], 'planet_type' => $PLANET['planet_type']), 'maxspeed' => FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($Fleet, $USER), 'ships' => FleetFunctions::GetFleetShipInfo($Fleet, $USER), 'fleetMinDuration' => MIN_FLEET_TIME); $token = getRandomString(); $_SESSION['fleet'][$token] = array('time' => TIMESTAMP, 'fleet' => $Fleet, 'fleetRoom' => $FleetRoom); $shortcutList = $this->GetUserShotcut(); $colonyList = $this->GetColonyList(); $ACSList = $this->GetAvalibleACS(); if (!empty($shortcutList)) { $shortcutAmount = max(array_keys($shortcutList)); } else { $shortcutAmount = 0; } $this->tplObj->loadscript('flotten.js'); $this->tplObj->execscript('updateVars();FleetTime();window.setInterval("FleetTime()", 1000);'); $this->assign(array('token' => $token, 'mission' => $mission, 'shortcutList' => $shortcutList, 'shortcutMax' => $shortcutAmount, 'colonyList' => $colonyList, 'ACSList' => $ACSList, 'galaxy' => $targetGalaxy, 'system' => $targetSystem, 'planet' => $targetPlanet, 'type' => $targetType, 'speedSelect' => FleetFunctions::$allowedSpeed, 'typeSelect' => array(1 => $LNG['type_planet'][1], 2 => $LNG['type_planet'][2], 3 => $LNG['type_planet'][3]), 'fleetdata' => $FleetData)); $this->display('page.fleetStep1.default.tpl'); }
/** FLEET FUNCTIONS **/ function SendFleet($FleetData) { $FleetData = array_merge(array('mission' => 3, 'galaxy' => 0, 'system' => 0, 'planet' => 0, 'planettype' => 0, 'fleetgroup' => 0, 'speed' => 10, 'metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0, 'holdingtime' => 0, 'fleet' => array()), $FleetData); $mission = $FleetData['mission']; $galaxy = $FleetData['galaxy']; $system = $FleetData['system']; $planet = $FleetData['planet']; $planettype = $FleetData['planettype']; $fleet_group = $FleetData['fleetgroup']; $GenFleetSpeed = $FleetData['speed']; $TransportMetal = $FleetData['metal']; $TransportCrystal = $FleetData['crystal']; $TransportDeuterium = $FleetData['deuterium']; $holdingtime = $FleetData['holdingtime']; $rawfleetarray = $FleetData['fleet']; if ($planettype != 1 && $planettype != 3) { return false; } if ($this->PLANET['galaxy'] == $galaxy && $this->PLANET['system'] == $system && $this->PLANET['planet'] == $planet && $this->PLANET['planet_type'] == $planettype) { return false; } if ($galaxy > $CONF['max_galaxy'] || $galaxy < 1 || $system > $CONF['max_system'] || $system < 1 || $planet > $CONF['max_planets'] + 1 || $planet < 1) { return false; } if (empty($mission)) { return false; } $ActualFleets = parent::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id']); if (parent::GetMaxFleetSlots($USER) <= $ActualFleets) { return false; } $fleet_group_mr = 0; if (!empty($fleet_group) && $mission == 2) { $aks_count_mr = $db->uniquequery("SELECT COUNT(*) as state FROM " . AKS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $fleet_group . "' AND `eingeladen` LIKE '%" . $USER['id'] . "%';"); if ($aks_count_mr['state'] > 0) { $fleet_group_mr = $fleet_group; } else { $mission = 1; } } $ActualFleets = parent::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id']); $TargetPlanet = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `id`, `id_owner`,`destruyed`,`ally_deposit` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `universe` = '" . $UNI . "' AND `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND `planet_type` = '" . ($planettype == 2 ? 1 : $planettype) . "';"); if ($mission != 15 && $TargetPlanet["destruyed"] != 0 || $mission != 15 && $mission != 7 && empty($TargetPlanet['id_owner'])) { return false; } $MyDBRec = $USER; $FleetArray = parent::GetFleetArray($rawfleetarray); if (!is_array($FleetArray)) { return false; } $FleetStorage = 0; $FleetShipCount = 0; $fleet_array = ""; $FleetSubQRY = ""; foreach ($FleetArray as $Ship => $Count) { if ($Count > $this->PLANET[$resource[$Ship]] || $Count < 0) { return false; } $FleetStorage += $pricelist[$Ship]["capacity"] * $Count; $FleetShipCount += $Count; $fleet_array .= $Ship . "," . $Count . ";"; $FleetSubQRY .= "`" . $resource[$Ship] . "` = `" . $resource[$Ship] . "` - '" . floattostring($Count) . "', "; } $error = 0; $fleetmission = $mission; $YourPlanet = false; $UsedPlanet = false; if ($mission == 11) { $maxexpde = parent::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id'], 11); if ($maxexpde >= $CONF['max_dm_missions']) { return false; } } elseif ($mission == 15) { $MaxExpedition = $USER[$resource[124]]; if ($MaxExpedition == 0) { return false; } $ExpeditionEnCours = parent::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id'], 15); $EnvoiMaxExpedition = floor(sqrt($MaxExpedition)); if ($ExpeditionEnCours >= $EnvoiMaxExpedition) { return false; } } $YourPlanet = isset($TargetPlanet['id_owner']) && $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] == $USER['id'] ? true : false; $UsedPlanet = isset($TargetPlanet['id_owner']) ? true : false; $HeDBRec = $YourPlanet ? $MyDBRec : GetUserByID($TargetPlanet['id_owner'], array('id', 'onlinetime', 'ally_id', 'urlaubs_modus', 'banaday', 'authattack')); if ($HeDBRec['urlaubs_modus'] && $mission != 8) { return false; } if (!$YourPlanet && ($mission == 1 || $mission == 2 || $mission == 5 || $mission == 6 || $mission == 9)) { if ($CONF['adm_attack'] == 1 && $UsedPlanet['authattack'] > $USER['authlevel']) { return false; } $UserPoints = $USER; $User2Points = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `total_points` FROM " . STATPOINTS . " WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $HeDBRec['id'] . "';"); $IsNoobProtec = CheckNoobProtec($UserPoints, $User2Points, $HeDBRec); if ($IsNoobProtec['NoobPlayer']) { return false; } elseif ($IsNoobProtec['StrongPlayer']) { return false; } } if ($mission == 5) { if ($TargetPlanet['ally_deposit'] < 1) { return false; } $buddy = $db->uniquequery("SELECT COUNT(*) as state FROM " . BUDDY . " WHERE `active` = '1' AND (`owner` = '" . $HeDBRec['id'] . "' AND `sender` = '" . $MyDBRec['id'] . "') OR (`owner` = '" . $MyDBRec['id'] . "' AND `sender` = '" . $HeDBRec['id'] . "');"); if ($HeDBRec['ally_id'] != $MyDBRec['ally_id'] && $buddy['state'] == 0) { return false; } } if (!parent::CheckUserSpeed($GenFleetSpeed) || !array_key_exists($mission, parent::GetAvailableMissions(array('CurrentUser' => $USER, 'galaxy' => $galaxy, 'system' => $system, 'planet' => $planet, 'planettype' => $planettype, 'IsAKS' => $fleet_group, 'Ship' => $FleetArray)))) { return false; } $MaxFleetSpeed = parent::GetFleetMaxSpeed($FleetArray, $USER); $SpeedFactor = parent::GetGameSpeedFactor(); $distance = parent::GetTargetDistance($this->PLANET['galaxy'], $galaxy, $this->PLANET['system'], $system, $this->PLANET['planet'], $planet); $duration = parent::GetMissionDuration($GenFleetSpeed, $MaxFleetSpeed, $distance, $SpeedFactor, $USER); $consumption = parent::GetFleetConsumption($FleetArray, $duration, $distance, $MaxFleetSpeed, $USER, $SpeedFactor); $fleet['start_time'] = $duration + TIMESTAMP; if ($mission == 15) { $StayDuration = max($holdingtime, 1) * 3600 / $CONF['halt_speed']; $StayTime = $fleet['start_time'] + $StayDuration; } elseif ($mission == 5) { $StayDuration = $holdingtime * 3600; $StayTime = $fleet['start_time'] + $StayDuration; } elseif ($mission == 11) { $StayDuration = 3600 / $CONF['halt_speed']; $StayTime = $fleet['start_time'] + $StayDuration; } else { $StayDuration = 0; $StayTime = 0; } $fleet['end_time'] = $StayDuration + 2 * $duration + TIMESTAMP; $FleetStorage -= $consumption; $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate(); $PlanetRess->CalcResource(); $TransportMetal = min($TransportMetal, $this->PLANET['metal']); $TransportCrystal = min($TransportCrystal, $this->PLANET['crystal']); $TransportDeuterium = min($TransportDeuterium, $this->PLANET['deuterium'] - $consumption); $StorageNeeded = $TransportMetal + $TransportCrystal + $TransportDeuterium; $StockMetal = $this->PLANET['metal']; $StockCrystal = $this->PLANET['crystal']; $StockDeuterium = $this->PLANET['deuterium']; $StockDeuterium -= $consumption; if ($this->PLANET['deuterium'] < $consumption) { return false; } if ($StorageNeeded > $FleetStorage) { return false; } $this->PLANET['metal'] -= $TransportMetal; $this->PLANET['crystal'] -= $TransportCrystal; $this->PLANET['deuterium'] -= $TransportDeuterium + $consumption; if ($fleet_group_mr != 0) { $AksStartTime = $db->uniquequery("SELECT MAX(`fleet_start_time`) AS Start FROM " . FLEETS . " WHERE `fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "' AND '" . $CONF['max_fleets_per_acs'] . "' > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . FLEETS . " WHERE `fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "');"); if (isset($AksStartTime)) { if ($AksStartTime['Start'] >= $fleet['start_time']) { $fleet['end_time'] += $AksStartTime['Start'] - $fleet['start_time']; $fleet['start_time'] = $AksStartTime['Start']; } else { $SQLFleets = "UPDATE " . FLEETS . " SET "; $SQLFleets .= "`fleet_start_time` = '" . $fleet['start_time'] . "', "; $SQLFleets .= "`fleet_end_time` = fleet_end_time + '" . ($fleet['start_time'] - $AksStartTime['Start']) . "' "; $SQLFleets .= "WHERE "; $SQLFleets .= "`fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "';"; $db->query($SQLFleets); $fleet['end_time'] += $fleet['start_time'] - $AksStartTime['Start']; } } else { $mission = 1; } } $QryInsertFleet = "LOCK TABLE " . FLEETS . " WRITE, " . PLANETS . " WRITE;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO " . FLEETS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_mission` = '" . $mission . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_amount` = '" . $FleetShipCount . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t `fleet_array` = '" . $fleet_array . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t `fleet_universe` = '" . $UNI . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_start_time` = '" . $fleet['start_time'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_start_id` = '" . $this->PLANET['id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_start_galaxy` = '" . $this->PLANET['galaxy'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_start_system` = '" . $this->PLANET['system'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_start_planet` = '" . $this->PLANET['planet'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_start_type` = '" . $this->PLANET['planet_type'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_time` = '" . $fleet['end_time'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_stay` = '" . $StayTime . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_id` = '" . (int) $TargetPlanet['id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_system` = '" . $system . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_planet` = '" . $planet . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_end_type` = '" . $planettype . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_resource_metal` = '" . floattostring($TransportMetal) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_resource_crystal` = '" . floattostring($TransportCrystal) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_resource_deuterium` = '" . floattostring($TransportDeuterium) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_target_owner` = '" . ($planettype == 2 ? 0 : (int) $TargetPlanet['id_owner']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`start_time` = '" . TIMESTAMP . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE `" . PLANETS . "` SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . substr($FleetSubQRY, 0, -2) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`id` = " . $this->PLANET['id'] . " LIMIT 1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUNLOCK TABLES;"; $db->multi_query($QryInsertFleet); return true; }
public function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $LNG, $resource, $dpath, $reslist, $requeriments, $CONF; $fmenge = isset($_POST['fmenge']) ? $_POST['fmenge'] : array(); $action = HTTP::_GP('action', ''); $NotBuilding = true; if (!empty($PLANET['b_building_id'])) { $CurrentQueue = unserialize($PLANET['b_building_id']); foreach ($CurrentQueue as $ElementArray) { if ($ElementArray[0] == 21 || $ElementArray[0] == 15) { $NotBuilding = false; break; } } } $ElementQueue = unserialize($PLANET['b_hangar_id']); if (empty($ElementQueue)) { $Count = 0; } else { $Count = count($ElementQueue); } if ($USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) { if (!empty($fmenge) && $NotBuilding == true) { if (Config::get('max_elements_ships') != 0 && $Count >= Config::get('max_elements_ships')) { $this->printMessage(sprintf($LNG['bd_max_builds'], Config::get('max_elements_ships'))); exit; } $this->BuildAuftr($fmenge); } if ($action == "delete") { $this->CancelAuftr(); } } $elementInQueue = array(); $ElementQueue = unserialize($PLANET['b_hangar_id']); $Buildlist = array(); if (!empty($ElementQueue)) { $Shipyard = array(); $QueueTime = 0; foreach ($ElementQueue as $Element) { if (empty($Element)) { continue; } $elementInQueue[$Element[0]] = true; $ElementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element[0]); $QueueTime += $ElementTime * $Element[1]; $Shipyard[] = array($LNG['tech'][$Element[0]], $Element[1], $ElementTime, $Element[0]); } $this->tplObj->loadscript('bcmath.js'); $this->tplObj->execscript('ShipyardInit();'); $Buildlist = array('Queue' => $Shipyard, 'b_hangar_id_plus' => $PLANET['b_hangar'], 'pretty_time_b_hangar' => pretty_time(max($QueueTime - $PLANET['b_hangar'], 0))); } $mode = HTTP::_GP('mode', 'fleet'); if ($mode != 'defense' && $PLANET['planet_type'] == 4) { $this->printMessage("You cant acces this page on a fortress"); } if ($mode == 'defense' && $CONF['fleetconf'] == 1 && $CONF['purchase_bonus_timer'] > TIMESTAMP) { $elementALL = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 502, 503); $elementIDs = array(407, 408, 409, 411, 502, 503); $elementIDd = array(401, 402, 403, 420); $elementIDa = array(405, 404, 406, 416, 417, 421); $elementIDq = array(418, 412, 410, 413, 419, 414, 422, 415); } elseif ($mode == 'defense') { $elementALL = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 502, 503); $elementIDs = array(407, 408, 409, 411, 502, 503); $elementIDd = array(401, 402, 403); $elementIDa = array(405, 404, 406, 416, 417); $elementIDq = array(418, 412, 410, 413, 419, 414, 415); } elseif ($mode == 'fleet' && $CONF['fleetconf'] == 1 && $CONF['purchase_bonus_timer'] > TIMESTAMP) { $elementALL = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230); $elementIDs = array(208, 210, 220, 223); $elementIDd = array(212, 202, 203, 204, 205, 229); $elementIDa = array(209, 206, 207, 217, 215, 213, 211, 219, 224); $elementIDq = array(225, 226, 214, 216, 230, 227, 228, 222, 218, 221); } elseif ($mode == 'fleet') { $elementALL = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230); $elementIDs = array(208, 210, 220, 223); $elementIDd = array(212, 202, 203, 204, 205); $elementIDa = array(209, 206, 207, 217, 215, 213, 211, 219); $elementIDq = array(225, 226, 214, 216, 227, 228, 222, 218, 221); } $Missiles = array(); $Domes = array(); $Orbits = array(); foreach ($reslist['missile'] as $elementID) { $Missiles[$elementID] = $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]]; } foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $elementID) { $Domes[$elementID] = $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]]; $Orbits[$elementID] = $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]]; } $MaxMissiles = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleRockets($USER, $PLANET, $Missiles); $MaxDomes = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleDomes($USER, $PLANET, $Domes); $MaxOrbits = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleOrbits($USER, $PLANET, $Orbits); foreach ($elementALL as $Element) { $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element); $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $buyable = BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $maxBuildable = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleElements($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); if (isset($MaxMissiles[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxMissiles[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxDomes[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxDomes[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxOrbits[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxOrbits[$Element]); } $AlreadyBuild = in_array($Element, $reslist['one']) && (isset($elementInQueue[$Element]) || $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] != 0); $elementListall[$Element] = array('id' => $Element, 'available' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'costRessources' => $costRessources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'maxBuildable' => floattostring($maxBuildable), 'AlreadyBuild' => $AlreadyBuild, 'techacc' => BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)); } foreach ($elementIDs as $Element) { $AllTech = array(); $GetAll = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_vars_requriements` WHERE elementID = " . $Element . " ;"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($GetAll) > 0) { while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($GetAll)) { $AllTech[] = $x; } } $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element); $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $buyable = BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $maxBuildable = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleElements($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); if (isset($MaxMissiles[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxMissiles[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxDomes[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxDomes[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxOrbits[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxOrbits[$Element]); } $AlreadyBuild = in_array($Element, $reslist['one']) && (isset($elementInQueue[$Element]) || $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] != 0); $elementList[$Element] = array('id' => $Element, 'available' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'costRessources' => $costRessources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'maxBuildable' => floattostring($maxBuildable), 'AlreadyBuild' => $AlreadyBuild, 'AllTech' => $AllTech, 'techacc' => BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)); } foreach ($elementIDq as $Element) { $AllTech = array(); $GetAll = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_vars_requriements` WHERE elementID = " . $Element . " ;"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($GetAll) > 0) { while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($GetAll)) { $AllTech[] = $x; } } $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element); $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $buyable = BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $maxBuildable = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleElements($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); if (isset($MaxMissiles[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxMissiles[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxDomes[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxDomes[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxOrbits[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxOrbits[$Element]); } $AlreadyBuild = in_array($Element, $reslist['one']) && (isset($elementInQueue[$Element]) || $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] != 0); $elementListq[$Element] = array('id' => $Element, 'available' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'costRessources' => $costRessources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'maxBuildable' => floattostring($maxBuildable), 'AlreadyBuild' => $AlreadyBuild, 'AllTech' => $AllTech, 'techacc' => BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)); } foreach ($elementIDa as $Element) { $AllTech = array(); $GetAll = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_vars_requriements` WHERE elementID = " . $Element . " ;"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($GetAll) > 0) { while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($GetAll)) { $AllTech[] = $x; } } $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element); $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $buyable = BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $maxBuildable = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleElements($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); if (isset($MaxMissiles[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxMissiles[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxDomes[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxDomes[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxOrbits[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxOrbits[$Element]); } $AlreadyBuild = in_array($Element, $reslist['one']) && (isset($elementInQueue[$Element]) || $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] != 0); $elementLista[$Element] = array('id' => $Element, 'available' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'costRessources' => $costRessources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'maxBuildable' => floattostring($maxBuildable), 'AlreadyBuild' => $AlreadyBuild, 'AllTech' => $AllTech, 'techacc' => BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)); } foreach ($elementIDd as $Element) { $AllTech = array(); $GetAll = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_vars_requriements` WHERE elementID = " . $Element . " ;"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($GetAll) > 0) { while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($GetAll)) { $AllTech[] = $x; } } $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element); $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $buyable = BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); $maxBuildable = BuildFunctions::getMaxConstructibleElements($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources); if (isset($MaxMissiles[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxMissiles[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxDomes[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxDomes[$Element]); } if (isset($MaxOrbits[$Element])) { $maxBuildable = min($maxBuildable, $MaxOrbits[$Element]); } $AlreadyBuild = in_array($Element, $reslist['one']) && (isset($elementInQueue[$Element]) || $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] != 0); $elementListd[$Element] = array('id' => $Element, 'available' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'costRessources' => $costRessources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'maxBuildable' => floattostring($maxBuildable), 'AlreadyBuild' => $AlreadyBuild, 'AllTech' => $AllTech, 'techacc' => BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)); } $manual_step_9 = 1; if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 9 && ($PLANET['misil_launcher'] < 25 || $PLANET['small_laser'] < 10)) { $manual_step_9 = 0; } $manual_step_10 = 1; if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 9 && $PLANET['misil_launcher'] >= 25 && $PLANET['small_laser'] >= 10) { $manual_step_10 = 0; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `training_step` = '11' WHERE `id` = " . $USER['id'] . ";"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `experience_peace` = `experience_peace` + '650' WHERE `id` = '" . $USER['id'] . "';"); require_once 'includes/classes/class.FleetFunctions.php'; $rawfleetarray = array(204 => 8, 205 => 5, 206 => 3); $fleetRessource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0); FleetFunctions::sendFleet($rawfleetarray, '1', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, $PLANET['id_owner'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $PLANET['planet_type'], $fleetRessource, TIMESTAMP + 58, TIMESTAMP + 58, TIMESTAMP + 116, 0); } $manual_step_16 = 1; if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 16) { $manual_step_16 = 0; } if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 16 && $PLANET['recycler'] >= 5) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `training_step` = '17' WHERE `id` = " . $USER['id'] . ";"); } $this->tplObj->loadscript('shipyard.js'); $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('manual_step_16' => $manual_step_16, 'manual_step_10' => $manual_step_10, 'manual_step_9' => $manual_step_9, 'elementListall' => $elementListall, 'elementList' => $elementList, 'elementListd' => $elementListd, 'elementLista' => $elementLista, 'elementListq' => $elementListq, 'NotBuilding' => $NotBuilding, 'BuildList' => $Buildlist, 'maxlength' => strlen(Config::get('max_fleet_per_build')), 'mode' => $mode)); $this->display('page.shipyard.default.tpl'); }
private function Menus() { global $PLANET, $LNG, $USER, $CONF; //PlanetMenu if (empty($this->UserPlanets)) { $this->getplanets(); } $this->loadscript("planetmenu.js"); $this->loadscript("topnav.js"); $this->execscript("PlanetMenu();"); $this->phpself = "?page=" . request_var('page', '') . "&mode=" . request_var('mode', ''); $PlanetSelect = array(); $Scripttime = array(); foreach ($this->UserPlanets as $CurPlanetID => $PlanetQuery) { if (!empty($PlanetQuery['b_building_id'])) { $QueueArray = explode(";", $PlanetQuery['b_building_id']); $ActualCount = count($QueueArray); for ($ID = 0; $ID < $ActualCount; $ID++) { $ListIDArray = explode(",", $QueueArray[$ID]); if ($ListIDArray[3] > TIMESTAMP) { $Scripttime[$PlanetQuery['id']][] = $ListIDArray[3]; } } } $Planetlist[$PlanetQuery['id']] = array('url' => $this->phpself . "&cp=" . $PlanetQuery['id'], 'name' => $PlanetQuery['name'] . ($PlanetQuery['planet_type'] == 3 ? " (" . $LNG['fcm_moon'] . ")" : ""), 'image' => $PlanetQuery['image'], 'galaxy' => $PlanetQuery['galaxy'], 'system' => $PlanetQuery['system'], 'planet' => $PlanetQuery['planet'], 'ptype' => $PlanetQuery['planet_type']); $PlanetSelect[$this->phpself . "&cp=" . $PlanetQuery['id']] = $PlanetQuery['name'] . ($PlanetQuery['planet_type'] == 3 ? " (" . $LNG['fcm_moon'] . ")" : "") . " [" . $PlanetQuery['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['system'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['planet'] . "] "; } if ($USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) { $CONF['metal_basic_income'] = 0; $CONF['crystal_basic_income'] = 0; $CONF['deuterium_basic_income'] = 0; $CONF['norio_basic_income'] = 0; } $this->assign_vars(array('PlanetMenu' => $Planetlist, 'show_planetmenu' => $LNG['show_planetmenu'], 'current_pid' => $PLANET['id'], 'Scripttime' => json_encode($Scripttime), 'lm_overview' => $LNG['lm_overview'], 'lm_empire' => $LNG['lm_empire'], 'lm_buildings' => $LNG['lm_buildings'], 'lm_resources' => $LNG['lm_resources'], 'lm_trader' => $LNG['lm_trader'], 'lm_fleettrader' => $LNG['lm_fleettrader'], 'lm_research' => $LNG['lm_research'], 'lm_shipshard' => $LNG['lm_shipshard'], 'lm_fleet' => $LNG['lm_fleet'], 'lm_technology' => $LNG['lm_technology'], 'lm_galaxy' => $LNG['lm_galaxy'], 'lm_defenses' => $LNG['lm_defenses'], 'lm_alliance' => $LNG['lm_alliance'], 'lm_forums' => $LNG['lm_forums'], 'lm_officiers' => $LNG['lm_officiers'], 'lm_statistics' => $LNG['lm_statistics'], 'lm_records' => $LNG['lm_records'], 'lm_topkb' => $LNG['lm_topkb'], 'lm_search' => $LNG['lm_search'], 'lm_battlesim' => $LNG['lm_battlesim'], 'lm_messages' => $LNG['lm_messages'], 'lm_notes' => $LNG['lm_notes'], 'lm_buddylist' => $LNG['lm_buddylist'], 'lm_chat' => $LNG['lm_chat'], 'lm_support' => $LNG['lm_support'], 'lm_faq' => $LNG['lm_faq'], 'lm_options' => $LNG['lm_options'], 'lm_banned' => $LNG['lm_banned'], 'lm_rules' => $LNG['lm_rules'], 'lm_logout' => $LNG['lm_logout'], 'new_message' => $USER['new_message'], 'forum_url' => $CONF['forum_url'], 'lm_administration' => $LNG['lm_administration'], 'topnav' => true, 'metal' => $PLANET['metal'], 'crystal' => $PLANET['crystal'], 'deuterium' => $PLANET['deuterium'], 'norio' => $PLANET['norio'], 'energy' => $PLANET["energy_max"] + $PLANET["energy_used"] < 0 ? colorRed(pretty_number($PLANET["energy_max"] + $PLANET["energy_used"]) . "/" . pretty_number($PLANET["energy_max"])) : pretty_number($PLANET["energy_max"] + $PLANET["energy_used"]) . "/" . pretty_number($PLANET["energy_max"]), 'darkmatter' => pretty_number($USER["darkmatter"]), 'metal_max' => shortly_number($PLANET["metal_max"]), 'crystal_max' => shortly_number($PLANET["crystal_max"]), 'deuterium_max' => shortly_number($PLANET["deuterium_max"]), 'norio_max' => shortly_number($PLANET["norio_max"]), 'alt_metal_max' => pretty_number($PLANET["metal_max"]), 'alt_crystal_max' => pretty_number($PLANET["crystal_max"]), 'alt_deuterium_max' => pretty_number($PLANET["deuterium_max"]), 'alt_norio_max' => pretty_number($PLANET["norio_max"]), 'js_metal_max' => floattostring($PLANET["metal_max"]), 'js_crystal_max' => floattostring($PLANET["crystal_max"]), 'js_deuterium_max' => floattostring($PLANET["deuterium_max"]), 'js_norio_max' => floattostring($PLANET["norio_max"]), 'js_metal_hr' => $PLANET['planet_type'] == 1 ? floattostring($PLANET['metal_perhour'] + $CONF['metal_basic_income'] * $CONF['resource_multiplier']) : 0, 'js_crystal_hr' => $PLANET['planet_type'] == 1 ? floattostring($PLANET['crystal_perhour'] + $CONF['crystal_basic_income'] * $CONF['resource_multiplier']) : 0, 'js_deuterium_hr' => $PLANET['planet_type'] == 1 ? floattostring($PLANET['deuterium_perhour'] + $CONF['deuterium_basic_income'] * $CONF['resource_multiplier']) : 0, 'js_norio_hr' => $PLANET['planet_type'] == 1 ? floattostring($PLANET['norio_perhour'] + $CONF['norio_basic_income'] * $CONF['resource_multiplier']) : 0, 'current_planet' => $this->phpself . "&cp=" . $PLANET['id'], 'tn_vacation_mode' => $LNG['tn_vacation_mode'], 'closed' => !$CONF['game_disable'] ? $LNG['ov_closed'] : false, 'vacation' => $USER['urlaubs_modus'] ? date(TDFORMAT, $USER['urlaubs_until']) : false, 'delete' => $USER['db_deaktjava'] ? sprintf($LNG['tn_delete_mode'], date(TDFORMAT, strtotime("+7 day", $USER['db_deaktjava']))) : false, 'image' => $PLANET['image'], 'settings_tnstor' => $USER['settings_tnstor'], 'PlanetSelect' => $PlanetSelect, 'Metal' => $LNG['Metal'], 'Crystal' => $LNG['Crystal'], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['Deuterium'], 'Norio' => $LNG['Norio'], 'Darkmatter' => $LNG['Darkmatter'], 'Energy' => $LNG['Energy'])); }
function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $LNG, $LANG, $CONF, $UNI; $max_users_tickets = 10; $ticket_price_metal = 50000000; $ticket_price_crystal = 50000000; $ticket_price_deuterium = 50000000; $this->tplObj->loadscript('jquery.countdown.js'); $ticket_prize_dm = $CONF['lottery_prize']; if ($_POST) { $tickets = HTTP::_GP('tickets', 0); if ($tickets <= 0 || $tickets > 10) { $this->printMessage("Hack attempt , F**K YOU"); die; } $cautare = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT *from `uni1_loteria` where `id` = '" . $USER['id'] . "' ;"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($cautare) > 0) { $cautare2 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT SUM(tickets) as total_tickets from `uni1_loteria` where `id` = '" . $USER['id'] . "' ;"); $cautare2 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($cautare2); if ($cautare2['total_tickets'] + $tickets > $max_users_tickets) { $this->printMessage($LNG['MaximumAB'], true, array('game.php?page=lottery', 2)); die; } } $cost['metal'] = $tickets * $ticket_price_metal; $cost['crystal'] = $tickets * $ticket_price_crystal; $cost['deuterium'] = $tickets * $ticket_price_deuterium; if ($PLANET['metal'] < $cost['metal'] || $PLANET['crystal'] < $cost['crystal'] || $PLANET['deuterium'] < $cost['deuterium']) { $this->printMessage($LNG['NotEnoRes'], true, array('game.php?page=lottery', 2)); die; } else { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `metal` = `metal` - '" . $cost['metal'] . "', `crystal` = `crystal` - '" . $cost['crystal'] . "', `deuterium` = `deuterium` - '" . $cost['deuterium'] . "' where `id` = '" . $PLANET['id'] . "' AND `universe` = " . $UNI . " ;"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO `uni1_loteria` VALUES ('" . $USER['id'] . "','" . $USER['username'] . "','" . $tickets . "') ;"); $this->printMessage($LNG['boti'], true, array('game.php?page=lottery', 2)); die; } } $total_users = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` from `uni1_loteria` ;"); $total_users = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($total_users); if ($CONF['lottery_time'] < TIMESTAMP) { if ($total_users < $CONF['lottery_min']) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " set `lottery_prize` = `lottery_prize` + 250 "); $time = TIMESTAMP + 24 * 60 * 60; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE `uni1_config` SET `lottery_time` = " . $time . " where `uni` = " . $UNI . ";"); $this->printMessage("Lottery Postponing from the lack of lottery users.", true, array('game.php?page=lottery', 2)); die; } $get_tickets = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT *FROM `uni1_loteria` "); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($get_tickets) > 0) { $user_array = array(); $diferent_users = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` from `uni1_loteria` ;"); while ($s = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($diferent_users)) { $user_array[] = $s['id']; } $random = rand(0, count($user_array) - 1); do { $random1 = rand(0, count($user_array) - 1); } while ($random1 == $random); do { $random2 = rand(0, count($user_array) - 1); } while ($random2 == $random1 || $random2 == $random); $total_user = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT SUM(tickets) as sum_tickets, user from `uni1_loteria` where `id` = '" . $user_array[$random] . "' ;"); $total_user1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT SUM(tickets) as sum_tickets, user from `uni1_loteria` where `id` = '" . $user_array[$random1] . "' ;"); $total_user2 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT SUM(tickets) as sum_tickets, user from `uni1_loteria` where `id` = '" . $user_array[$random2] . "' ;"); $total_user = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($total_user); $total_user1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($total_user1); $total_user2 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($total_user2); $total_user_prize = $ticket_prize_dm * $total_user['sum_tickets']; $total_user_prize1 = $ticket_prize_dm / 2 * $total_user1['sum_tickets']; $total_user_prize2 = $ticket_prize_dm / 4 * $total_user2['sum_tickets']; if ($USER['id'] == $user_array[$random]) { $USER['darkmatter'] += $total_user_prize; } else { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `darkmatter` = `darkmatter` + " . $total_user_prize . " where `id` = '" . $user_array[$random] . "' AND `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';"); } if ($USER['id'] == $user_array[$random1]) { $USER['darkmatter'] += $total_user_prize1; } else { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `darkmatter` = `darkmatter` + " . $total_user_prize1 . " where `id` = '" . $user_array[$random1] . "' AND `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';"); } if ($USER['id'] == $user_array[$random2]) { $USER['darkmatter'] += $total_user_prize2; } else { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `darkmatter` = `darkmatter` + " . $total_user_prize2 . " where `id` = '" . $user_array[$random2] . "' AND `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';"); } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `uni1_loteria_log`;"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO `uni1_loteria_log` VALUES('" . $total_user['user'] . "','" . TIMESTAMP . "','" . $total_user_prize . "') "); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO `uni1_loteria_log` VALUES('" . $total_user1['user'] . "','" . TIMESTAMP . "','" . $total_user_prize1 . "') "); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO `uni1_loteria_log` VALUES('" . $total_user2['user'] . "','" . TIMESTAMP . "','" . $total_user_prize2 . "') "); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `uni1_loteria`;"); SendSimpleMessage($user_array[$random], $user_array[$random], TIMESTAMP, 1, 'Lotery', 'You just won', 'You just won ' . $total_user_prize . ' DM in the lotery'); //Enviamos el mensaje SendSimpleMessage($user_array[$random1], $user_array[$random1], TIMESTAMP, 1, 'Lotery', 'You just won', 'You just won ' . $total_user_prize1 . ' DM in the lotery'); SendSimpleMessage($user_array[$random2], $user_array[$random2], TIMESTAMP, 1, 'Lotery', 'You just won', 'You just won ' . $total_user_prize2 . ' DM in the lotery'); $time = TIMESTAMP + 24 * 60 * 60; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE `uni1_config` SET `lottery_time` = " . $time . " where `uni` = " . $UNI . ";"); $this->printMessage("Lottery restarting.", true, array('game.php?page=lottery', 2)); die; } else { $time = TIMESTAMP + 24 * 60 * 60; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE `uni1_config` SET `lottery_time` = " . $time . " ;"); $this->printMessage("No tickets, postponing 2.", true, array('game.php?page=lottery', 2)); die; } } else { $secs = $CONF['lottery_time'] - TIMESTAMP; $diferent_users = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` from `uni1_loteria` ;"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($diferent_users) > 0) { $lista = '<div class="ally_contents"><tr><td>Username</td><td>Tickets Bought</td></tr>'; while ($s = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($diferent_users)) { $total_user = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT user,SUM(tickets) as sum_tickets from `uni1_loteria` where `id` = '" . $s['id'] . "' ;"); $total_user = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($total_user); $lista .= '<tr><td>' . $total_user['user'] . '</td><td>' . $total_user['sum_tickets'] . '</td></tr>'; } $lista .= '</div>'; } else { $lista = "<p><font color='red'>There are no tickets bought</font></p>"; } $castigatori = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT *FROM `uni1_loteria_log` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 5"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($castigatori) > 0) { $lista_winners = "<table style='width:100%'><tr><td>Winner</td><td>Time</td><td>DM WON</td></tr>"; while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($castigatori)) { $lista_winners .= "<tr><td>" . $x['username'] . "</td><td>" . gmdate("M d Y H:i:s", $x['time']) . "</td><td>" . $x['prize'] . "</td></tr>"; } $lista_winners .= "</table>"; } else { $lista_winners = $LNG['NoWinners']; } $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('metal_p' => pretty_number(floattostring($ticket_price_metal)), 'crystal_p' => pretty_number(floattostring($ticket_price_crystal)), 'deuterium_p' => pretty_number(floattostring($ticket_price_deuterium)), 'dm_win' => $ticket_prize_dm, 'secs' => $secs, 'user_lists' => $lista, 'max_tickets_per_player' => $max_users_tickets, 'winners' => $lista_winners, 'minimum_users' => $CONF['lottery_min'])); $this->display('page.lottery.default.tpl'); } }
function TargetEvent() { global $resource, $reslist; $db = Database::get(); $fleetAttack = array(); $fleetDefend = array(); $userAttack = array(); $userDefend = array(); $incomingFleets = array(); $stealResource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0); $debris = array(); $planetDebris = array(); $debrisResource = array(901, 902); $messageHTML = <<<HTML <div class="raportMessage"> \t<table> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td colspan="2"><a href="game.php?page=raport&raport=%s" target="_blank"><span class="%s">%s %s (%s)</span></a></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span class="%s">%s: %s</span> <span class="%s">%s: %s</span></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span class="reportSteal element901">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="reportSteal element902">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="reportSteal element903">%s</span></span></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span class="reportDebris element901">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="reportDebris element902">%s</span></span></td> \t\t</tr> \t</table> </div> HTML; //Minize HTML $messageHTML = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), "", $messageHTML); $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;"; $targetPlanet = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'])); $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;"; $targetUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $targetPlanet['id_owner'])); $targetUser['factor'] = getFactors($targetUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate(); list($targetUser, $targetPlanet) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($targetUser, $targetPlanet, true, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); if ($this->_fleet['fleet_group'] != 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM %%AKS%% WHERE id = :acsId;"; $db->delete($sql, array(':acsId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_group'])); $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_group = :acsId;"; $incomingFleetsResult = $db->select($sql, array(':acsId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_group'])); foreach ($incomingFleetsResult as $incomingFleetRow) { $incomingFleets[$incomingFleetRow['fleet_id']] = $incomingFleetRow; } unset($incomingFleetsResult); } else { $incomingFleets = array($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] => $this->_fleet); } foreach ($incomingFleets as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;"; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'] = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $fleetDetail['fleet_owner'])); $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetDetail['fleet_array']); $userAttack[$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['username']; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%%\n\t\tWHERE fleet_mission\t\t= :mission\n\t\tAND fleet_end_id\t\t= :fleetEndId\n\t\tAND fleet_start_time \t<= :timeStamp\n\t\tAND fleet_end_stay \t\t>= :timeStamp;"; $targetFleetsResult = $db->select($sql, array(':mission' => 5, ':fleetEndId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'], ':timeStamp' => TIMESTAMP)); foreach ($targetFleetsResult as $fleetDetail) { $fleetID = $fleetDetail['fleet_id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;"; $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'] = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $fleetDetail['fleet_owner'])); $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail; $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['unit'] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetDetail['fleet_array']); $userDefend[$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['username']; } unset($targetFleetsResult); $fleetDefend[0]['player'] = $targetUser; $fleetDefend[0]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[0]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetDefend[0]['fleetDetail'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => $targetPlanet['galaxy'], 'fleet_start_system' => $targetPlanet['system'], 'fleet_start_planet' => $targetPlanet['planet'], 'fleet_start_type' => $targetPlanet['planet_type']); $fleetDefend[0]['unit'] = array(); foreach (array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['defense']) as $elementID) { if (empty($targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]])) { continue; } $fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$elementID] = $targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]]; } $userDefend[$fleetDefend[0]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[0]['player']['username']; require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateAttack.php'; $fleetIntoDebris = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'])->Fleet_Cdr; $defIntoDebris = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'])->Defs_Cdr; $combatResult = calculateAttack($fleetAttack, $fleetDefend, $fleetIntoDebris, $defIntoDebris); foreach ($fleetAttack as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) { $fleetArray = ''; $totalCount = 0; $fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']); foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) { $fleetArray .= $elementID . ',' . floattostring($amount) . ';'; $totalCount += $amount; } if ($totalCount == 0) { if ($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] == $fleetID) { $this->KillFleet(); } else { $sql = 'DELETE %%FLEETS%%, %%FLEETS_EVENT%% FROM %%FLEETS%% INNER JOIN %%FLEETS_EVENT%% ON fleetID = fleet_id WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;'; $db->delete($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID)); } $sql = 'UPDATE %%LOG_FLEETS%% SET fleet_state = :fleetState WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID, ':fleetState' => FLEET_HOLD)); unset($fleetAttack[$fleetID]); } elseif ($totalCount > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE %%FLEETS%% fleet, %%LOG_FLEETS%% log SET\n\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_array\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount,\n\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_array\t\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount\n\t\t\t\tWHERE log.fleet_id = :fleetId AND log.fleet_id = :fleetId;"; $db->update($sql, array(':fleetData' => substr($fleetArray, 0, -1), ':fleetCount' => $totalCount, ':fleetId' => $fleetID)); } else { throw new OutOfRangeException("Negative Fleet amount ...."); } } foreach ($fleetDefend as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) { if ($fleetID != 0) { // Stay fleet $fleetArray = ''; $totalCount = 0; $fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']); foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) { $fleetArray .= $elementID . ',' . floattostring($amount) . ';'; $totalCount += $amount; } if ($totalCount == 0) { $sql = 'DELETE %%FLEETS%%, %%FLEETS_EVENT%% FROM %%FLEETS%% INNER JOIN %%FLEETS_EVENT%% ON fleetID = fleet_id WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;'; $db->delete($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID)); $sql = 'UPDATE %%LOG_FLEETS%% SET fleet_state = :fleetState WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID, ':fleetState' => FLEET_HOLD)); unset($fleetAttack[$fleetID]); } elseif ($totalCount > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE %%FLEETS%% fleet, %%LOG_FLEETS%% log SET\n\t\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_array\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_array\t\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE log.fleet_id = :fleetId AND log.fleet_id = :fleetId;"; $db->update($sql, array(':fleetData' => substr($fleetArray, 0, -1), ':fleetCount' => $totalCount, ':fleetId' => $fleetID)); } else { throw new OutOfRangeException("Negative Fleet amount ...."); } } else { $params = array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']); // Planet fleet $fleetArray = array(); foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) { $fleetArray[] = '`' . $resource[$elementID] . '` = :' . $resource[$elementID]; $params[':' . $resource[$elementID]] = $amount; } if (!empty($fleetArray)) { $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET ' . implode(', ', $fleetArray) . ' WHERE id = :planetId;'; $db->update($sql, $params); } } } if ($combatResult['won'] == "a") { require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateSteal.php'; $stealResource = calculateSteal($fleetAttack, $targetPlanet); } if ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3) { // Use planet debris, if attack on moons $sql = "SELECT der_metal, der_crystal FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id_luna = :moonId;"; $targetDebris = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':moonId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'])); $targetPlanet += $targetDebris; } foreach ($debrisResource as $elementID) { $debris[$elementID] = $combatResult['debris']['attacker'][$elementID] + $combatResult['debris']['defender'][$elementID]; $planetDebris[$elementID] = $targetPlanet['der_' . $resource[$elementID]] + $debris[$elementID]; } $reportInfo = array('thisFleet' => $this->_fleet, 'debris' => $debris, 'stealResource' => $stealResource, 'moonChance' => NULL, 'moonDestroy' => true, 'moonName' => NULL, 'moonDestroyChance' => NULL, 'moonDestroySuccess' => NULL, 'fleetDestroyChance' => NULL, 'fleetDestroySuccess' => false); switch ($combatResult['won']) { case "a": $moonDestroyChance = round((100 - sqrt($targetPlanet['diameter'])) * sqrt($fleetAttack[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['unit'][214]), 1); // Max 100% | Min 0% $moonDestroyChance = min($moonDestroyChance, 100); $moonDestroyChance = max($moonDestroyChance, 0); $randChance = mt_rand(1, 100); if ($randChance <= $moonDestroyChance) { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id_luna = :moonId;'; $planetID = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']), 'id'); $sql = 'UPDATE %%FLEETS%% SET fleet_start_type = 1, fleet_start_id = :planetId WHERE fleet_start_id = :moonId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':planetId' => $planetID, ':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id'])); $sql = 'UPDATE %%FLEETS%% SET fleet_end_type = 1, fleet_end_id = :moonId, fleet_mission = IF(fleet_mission = 9, 1, fleet_mission) WHERE fleet_end_id = :planetId AND fleet_id != :fleetId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':planetId' => $planetID, ':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id'], ':fleetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_id'])); $sql = "UPDATE %%AKS%% SET target = :planetId WHERE target = :moonId;"; $db->update($sql, array(':planetId' => $planetID, ':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id'])); PlayerUtil::deletePlanet($targetPlanet['id']); $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = 1; } else { $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = 0; } $fleetDestroyChance = round(sqrt($targetPlanet['diameter']) / 2); $randChance = mt_rand(1, 100); if ($randChance <= $fleetDestroyChance) { $this->KillFleet(); $reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess'] = true; } else { $reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess'] = false; } $reportInfo['moonDestroyChance'] = $moonDestroyChance; $reportInfo['fleetDestroyChance'] = $fleetDestroyChance; // Win $attackStatus = 'wons'; $defendStatus = 'loos'; $class = array('raportWin', 'raportLose'); break; case "r": // Lose $attackStatus = 'loos'; $defendStatus = 'wons'; $class = array('raportLose', 'raportWin'); $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = -1; break; default: // Draw $attackStatus = 'draws'; $defendStatus = 'draws'; $class = array('raportDraw', 'raportDraw'); $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = -1; break; } require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/GenerateReport.php'; $reportData = GenerateReport($combatResult, $reportInfo); $reportID = md5(uniqid('', true) . TIMESTAMP); $sql = 'INSERT INTO %%RW%% SET rid = :reportId, raport = :reportData, time = :time, attacker = :attackers, defender = :defenders;'; $db->insert($sql, array(':reportId' => $reportID, ':reportData' => serialize($reportData), ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], ':attackers' => implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)), ':defenders' => implode(',', array_keys($userDefend)))); $i = 0; foreach (array($userAttack, $userDefend) as $data) { $thisClass = $class[$i]; foreach ($data as $userID => $userName) { $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $userID); $message = sprintf($messageHTML, $reportID, $thisClass[$i], $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $LNG['type_planet_short'][$this->_fleet['fleet_end_type']], $LNG['sys_lost'], $thisClass[0], $LNG['sys_attack_attacker_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']), $thisClass[1], $LNG['sys_attack_defender_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['defender']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($stealResource[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($stealResource[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($stealResource[903]), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($debris[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($debris[902])); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($userID, 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 3, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $message, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $sql = "INSERT INTO %%TOPKB_USERS%% SET\n\t\t\t\trid\t\t\t= :reportId,\n\t\t\t\trole\t\t= :userRole,\n\t\t\t\tusername\t= :username,\n\t\t\t\tuid\t\t\t= :userId;"; $db->insert($sql, array(':reportId' => $reportID, ':userRole' => 1, ':username' => $userName, ':userId' => $userID)); } $i++; } if ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3) { $debrisType = 'id_luna'; } else { $debrisType = 'id'; } $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET der_metal = :metal, der_crystal = :crystal WHERE ' . $debrisType . ' = :planetId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':metal' => $planetDebris[901], ':crystal' => $planetDebris[902], ':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'])); $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET metal = metal - :metal, crystal = crystal - :crystal, deuterium = deuterium - :deuterium WHERE id = :planetId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':metal' => $stealResource[901], ':crystal' => $stealResource[902], ':deuterium' => $stealResource[903], ':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'])); $sql = 'INSERT INTO %%TOPKB%% SET units = :units, rid = :reportId, time = :time, universe = :universe, result = :result;'; $db->insert($sql, array(':units' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'] + $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'], ':reportId' => $reportID, ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], ':universe' => $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], ':result' => $combatResult['won'])); $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `' . $attackStatus . '` = `' . $attackStatus . '` + 1, kbmetal = kbmetal + :debrisMetal, kbcrystal = kbcrystal + :debrisCrystal, lostunits = lostunits + :lostUnits, desunits = desunits + :destroyedUnits WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)) . ');'; $db->update($sql, array(':debrisMetal' => $debris[901], ':debrisCrystal' => $debris[902], ':lostUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'], ':destroyedUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'])); $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `' . $defendStatus . '` = `' . $defendStatus . '` + 1, kbmetal = kbmetal + :debrisMetal, kbcrystal = kbcrystal + :debrisCrystal, lostunits = lostunits + :lostUnits, desunits = desunits + :destroyedUnits WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($userDefend)) . ');'; $db->update($sql, array(':debrisMetal' => $debris[901], ':debrisCrystal' => $debris[902], ':lostUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'], ':destroyedUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'])); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); $this->SaveFleet(); }
public static function sendFleet($fleetArray, $fleetMission, $fleetStartOwner, $fleetStartPlanetID, $fleetStartPlanetGalaxy, $fleetStartPlanetSystem, $fleetStartPlanetPlanet, $fleetStartPlanetType, $fleetTargetOwner, $fleetTargetPlanetID, $fleetTargetPlanetGalaxy, $fleetTargetPlanetSystem, $fleetTargetPlanetPlanet, $fleetTargetPlanetType, $fleetRessource, $fleetPopulation, $fleetStartTime, $fleetStayTime, $fleetEndTime, $fleetGroup = 0, $missleTarget = 0) { global $resource, $UNI; $fleetShipCount = array_sum($fleetArray); $fleetData = array(); $planetQuery = ""; foreach ($fleetArray as $ShipID => $ShipCount) { $fleetData[] = $ShipID . ',' . floattostring($ShipCount); $planetQuery[] = $resource[$ShipID] . " = " . $resource[$ShipID] . " - " . floattostring($ShipCount); } $SQL = "LOCK TABLE " . LOG_FLEETS . " WRITE, " . FLEETS_EVENT . " WRITE, " . FLEETS . " WRITE, " . PLANETS . " WRITE;\n\t\t\t\t UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(", ", $planetQuery) . " WHERE id = " . $fleetStartPlanetID . ";\n\t\t\t\t INSERT INTO " . FLEETS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t fleet_owner = " . $fleetStartOwner . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_target_owner = " . $fleetTargetOwner . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_mission = " . $fleetMission . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_amount = " . $fleetShipCount . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_array = '" . implode(';', $fleetData) . "',\n\t\t\t\t fleet_universe\t = " . $UNI . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_time = " . $fleetStartTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_stay = " . $fleetStayTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_time = " . $fleetEndTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_id = " . $fleetStartPlanetID . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_galaxy = " . $fleetStartPlanetGalaxy . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_system = " . $fleetStartPlanetSystem . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_planet = " . $fleetStartPlanetPlanet . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_type = " . $fleetStartPlanetType . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_id = " . $fleetTargetPlanetID . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_galaxy = " . $fleetTargetPlanetGalaxy . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_system = " . $fleetTargetPlanetSystem . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_planet = " . $fleetTargetPlanetPlanet . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_type = " . $fleetTargetPlanetType . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_metal = " . $fleetRessource[901] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_crystal = " . $fleetRessource[902] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_deuterium = " . $fleetRessource[903] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_elyrium = " . $fleetRessource[904] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_301 = " . $fleetPopulation[301] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_302 = " . $fleetPopulation[302] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_303 = " . $fleetPopulation[303] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_304 = " . $fleetPopulation[304] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_305 = " . $fleetPopulation[305] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_306 = " . $fleetPopulation[306] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_307 = " . $fleetPopulation[307] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_309 = " . $fleetPopulation[309] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_group = " . $fleetGroup . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_target_obj = " . $missleTarget . ",\n\t\t\t\t start_time = " . TIMESTAMP . ";\n\t\t\t\t SET @fleetID = LAST_INSERT_ID();\n INSERT INTO " . FLEETS_EVENT . " SET \n\t\t\t\t fleetID = @fleetID,\n\t\t\t\t `time` = " . $fleetStartTime . ";\n\t\t\t\t INSERT INTO " . LOG_FLEETS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t fleet_id = @fleetID, \n\t\t\t\t fleet_owner = " . $fleetStartOwner . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_target_owner = " . $fleetTargetOwner . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_mission = " . $fleetMission . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_amount = " . $fleetShipCount . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_array = '" . implode(',', $fleetData) . "',\n\t\t\t\t fleet_universe\t = " . $UNI . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_time = " . $fleetStartTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_stay = " . $fleetStayTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_time = " . $fleetEndTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_id = " . $fleetStartPlanetID . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_galaxy = " . $fleetStartPlanetGalaxy . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_system = " . $fleetStartPlanetSystem . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_planet = " . $fleetStartPlanetPlanet . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_start_type = " . $fleetStartPlanetType . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_id = " . $fleetTargetPlanetID . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_galaxy = " . $fleetTargetPlanetGalaxy . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_system = " . $fleetTargetPlanetSystem . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_planet = " . $fleetTargetPlanetPlanet . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_end_type = " . $fleetTargetPlanetType . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_metal = " . $fleetRessource[901] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_crystal = " . $fleetRessource[902] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_deuterium = " . $fleetRessource[903] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_resource_elyrium = " . $fleetRessource[904] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_301 = " . $fleetPopulation[301] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_302 = " . $fleetPopulation[302] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_303 = " . $fleetPopulation[303] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_304 = " . $fleetPopulation[304] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_305 = " . $fleetPopulation[305] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_306 = " . $fleetPopulation[306] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_307 = " . $fleetPopulation[307] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_population_309 = " . $fleetPopulation[309] . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_group = " . $fleetGroup . ",\n\t\t\t\t fleet_target_obj = " . $missleTarget . ",\n\t\t\t\t start_time = " . TIMESTAMP . ";\n\t\t\t\t UNLOCK TABLES;"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query($SQL); }
function ShowAccountEditorPage() { global $USER, $db, $LNG, $reslist, $resource, $UNI; $template = new template(); switch ($_GET['edit']) { case 'resources': $id = request_var('id', 0); $id_dark = request_var('id_dark', 0); $metal = floattostring(round(abs(request_var('metal', 0.0)), 0)); $cristal = floattostring(round(abs(request_var('cristal', 0.0)), 0)); $deut = floattostring(round(abs(request_var('deut', 0.0)), 0)); $norio = floattostring(round(abs(request_var('norio', 0.0)), 0)); $dark = request_var('dark', 0); if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`metal` = `metal` + '" . $metal . "', "; $SQL .= "`crystal` = `crystal` + '" . $cristal . "', "; $SQL .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` + '" . $deut . "', "; $SQL .= "`norio` = `norio` + '" . $norio . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); if (!empty($id_dark)) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`darkmatter` = `darkmatter` + '" . $dark . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id_dark . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "' "; $db->query($SQL); } $template->message($LNG['ad_add_sucess'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=resources'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`metal` = `metal` - '" . $metal . "', "; $SQL .= "`crystal` = `crystal` - '" . $cristal . "', "; $SQL .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` - '" . $deut . "', "; $SQL .= "`norio` = `norio` - '" . $norio . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); if (!empty($id_dark)) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`darkmatter` = `darkmatter` - '" . $dark . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id_dark . "';"; $db->query($SQL); } $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_sucess'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=resources'); } exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'button_delete' => $LNG['button_delete'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'Metal' => $LNG['Metal'], 'Crystal' => $LNG['Crystal'], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['Deuterium'], 'Norio' => $LNG['Norio'], 'Darkmatter' => $LNG['Darkmatter'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id_user' => $LNG['input_id_user'], 'resources_title' => $LNG['resources_title'], 'input_id_p_m' => $LNG['input_id_p_m'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageResources.tpl'); break; case 'ships': if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_add_sucess_ships'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=ships'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_sucess_ships'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=ships'); } exit; } $parse['ships'] = ""; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT, 'button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'button_delete' => $LNG['button_delete'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id_p_m' => $LNG['input_id_p_m'], 'ships_title' => $LNG['ad_ships_title'], 'ad_number' => $LNG['ad_number'], 'ships_count' => $LNG['ad_count'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageShips.tpl'); break; case 'defenses': if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_add_defenses_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=defenses'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $Name = $LNG['log_nomoree']; $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_defenses_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=defenses'); } exit; } foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT, 'button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'button_delete' => $LNG['button_delete'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id_p_m' => $LNG['input_id_p_m'], 'defenses_title' => $LNG['ad_defenses_title'], 'ad_number' => $LNG['ad_number'], 'defenses_count' => $LNG['ad_count'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageDefenses.tpl'); break; break; case 'buildings': if ($_POST) { $PlanetData = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `planet_type` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); if (!isset($PlanetData)) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_not_exist'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=buildings'); } if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_add_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=buildings'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=buildings'); } exit; } foreach ($reslist['build'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT, 'button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'button_delete' => $LNG['button_delete'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id_p_m' => $LNG['input_id_p_m'], 'buildings_title' => $LNG['ad_buildings_title'], 'ad_number' => $LNG['ad_number'], 'ad_levels' => $LNG['ad_levels'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageBuilds.tpl'); break; case 'researchs': if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_add_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=researchs'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=researchs'); } exit; } foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT, 'button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'button_delete' => $LNG['button_delete'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id_user' => $LNG['input_id_user'], 'research_title' => $LNG['ad_research_title'], 'ad_number' => $LNG['ad_number'], 'research_count' => $LNG['ad_count'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageResearch.tpl'); break; case 'personal': if ($_POST) { $id = request_var('id', 0); $username = request_var('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $password = request_var('password', '', true); $email = request_var('email', ''); $email_2 = request_var('email_2', ''); $vacation = request_var('vacation', ''); $PersonalQuery = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; if (!empty($username) && $id != 1) { $PersonalQuery .= "`username` = '" . $db->sql_escape($username) . "', "; } if (!empty($email) && $id != 1) { $PersonalQuery .= "`email` = '" . $db->sql_escape($email) . "', "; } if (!empty($email_2) && $id != 1) { $PersonalQuery .= "`email_2` = '" . $db->sql_escape($email_2) . "', "; } if (!empty($password) && $id != 1) { $PersonalQuery .= "`password` = '" . $db->sql_escape(md5($password)) . "', "; } $Answer = 0; $TimeAns = 0; if ($vacation == 'yes') { $Answer = 1; $TimeAns = TIMESTAMP + $_POST['d'] * 86400 + $_POST['h'] * 3600 + $_POST['m'] * 60 + $_POST['s']; } $PersonalQuery .= "`urlaubs_modus` = '" . $Answer . "', `urlaubs_until` = '" . $TimeAns . "' "; $PersonalQuery .= "WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "'"; $db->query($PersonalQuery); $template->message($LNG['ad_personal_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=personal'); exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('button_submit' => $LNG['button_submit'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id' => $LNG['input_id'], 'ad_personal_vacat' => $LNG['ad_personal_vacat'], 'ad_personal_email2' => $LNG['ad_personal_email2'], 'ad_personal_email' => $LNG['ad_personal_email'], 'ad_personal_pass' => $LNG['ad_personal_pass'], 'ad_personal_name' => $LNG['ad_personal_name'], 'ad_personal_title' => $LNG['ad_personal_title'], 'time_seconds' => $LNG['time_seconds'], 'time_minutes' => $LNG['time_minutes'], 'time_hours' => $LNG['time_hours'], 'time_days' => $LNG['time_days'], 'Selector' => array('' => $LNG['select_option'], 'yes' => $LNG['one_is_yes'][1], 'no' => $LNG['one_is_yes'][0]))); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPagePersonal.tpl'); break; case 'officiers': if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['dmfunc'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_offi_succes_add'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=officiers'); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['dmfunc'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . floattostring(round(abs(request_var($resource[$ID], 0.0)), 0)) . "'"; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . request_var('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"; $db->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['ad_offi_succes_delete'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=officiers'); } exit; } foreach ($reslist['dmfunc'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT, 'button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'button_delete' => $LNG['button_delete'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'input_id_user' => $LNG['input_id_user'], 'officiers_title' => $LNG['ad_offi_title'], 'ad_number' => $LNG['ad_number'], 'officiers_count' => $LNG['ad_count'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageOfficiers.tpl'); break; case 'planets': if ($_POST) { $id = request_var('id', 0); $name = request_var('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $diameter = request_var('diameter', 0); $fields = request_var('fields', 0); $buildings = request_var('0_buildings', ''); $ships = request_var('0_ships', ''); $defenses = request_var('0_defenses', ''); $c_hangar = request_var('0_c_hangar', ''); $c_buildings = request_var('0_c_buildings', ''); $change_pos = request_var('change_position', ''); $galaxy = request_var('g', 0); $system = request_var('s', 0); $planet = request_var('p', 0); if (!empty($name)) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `name` = '" . $db->sql_escape($name) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if ($buildings == 'on') { foreach ($reslist['build'] as $ID) { $BUILD[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '0'"; } $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $BUILD) . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if ($ships == 'on') { foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $SHIPS[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '0'"; } $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $SHIPS) . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if ($defenses == 'on') { foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $DEFS[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '0'"; } $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $DEFS) . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if ($c_hangar == 'on') { $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `b_hangar` = '0', `b_hangar_plus` = '0', `b_hangar_id` = '' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if ($c_buildings == 'on') { $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `b_building` = '0', `b_building_id` = '' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if (!empty($diameter)) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `diameter` = '" . $diameter . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if (!empty($fields)) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `field_max` = '" . $fields . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if ($change_pos == 'on' && $galaxy > 0 && $system > 0 && $planet > 0 && $galaxy <= MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD && $system <= MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY && $planet <= MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM) { $P = $db->uniquequery("SELECT galaxy,system,planet,planet_type FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); if ($P['planet_type'] == '1') { if (CheckPlanetIfExist($galaxy, $system, $planet, $UNI, $P['planet_type'])) { $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_error_planets3'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', `system` = '" . $system . "', `planet` = '" . $planet . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } else { if (CheckPlanetIfExist($galaxy, $system, $planet, $UNI, $P['planet_type'])) { $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_error_planets5'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $Target = $db->uniquequery("SELECT id_luna FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND `planet_type` = '1';"); if ($Target['id_luna'] != '0') { $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_error_planets4'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $db->multi_query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `id_luna` = '0' WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $P['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $P['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $P['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1';UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `id_luna` = '" . $id . "' WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND planet_type = '1';UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', `system` = '" . $system . "', `planet` = '" . $planet . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); $QMOON2 = $db->uniquequery("SELECT id_level, id_owner FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "';"); $db->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', `system` = '" . $system . "', `planet` = '" . $planet . "', `id_owner` = '" . $QMOON2['id_owner'] . "', `id_level` = '" . $QMOON2['id_level'] . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '3';"); } } $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('button_submit' => $LNG['button_submit'], 'button_reset' => $LNG['button_reset'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'ad_pla_title' => $LNG['ad_pla_title'], 'input_id_p_m' => $LNG['input_id_p_m'], 'ad_pla_edit_name' => $LNG['ad_pla_edit_name'], 'ad_pla_edit_diameter' => $LNG['ad_pla_edit_diameter'], 'ad_pla_edit_fields' => $LNG['ad_pla_edit_fields'], 'ad_pla_delete_b' => $LNG['ad_pla_delete_b'], 'ad_pla_delete_s' => $LNG['ad_pla_delete_s'], 'ad_pla_delete_d' => $LNG['ad_pla_delete_d'], 'ad_pla_delete_hd' => $LNG['ad_pla_delete_hd'], 'ad_pla_delete_cb' => $LNG['ad_pla_delete_cb'], 'ad_pla_title_l' => $LNG['ad_pla_title_l'], 'ad_pla_change_p' => $LNG['ad_pla_change_p'], 'ad_pla_change_pp' => $LNG['ad_pla_change_pp'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPagePlanets.tpl'); break; case 'alliances': if ($_POST) { $id = request_var('id', 0); $name = request_var('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $changeleader = request_var('changeleader', 0); $tag = request_var('tag', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $externo = request_var('externo', '', true); $interno = request_var('interno', '', true); $solicitud = request_var('solicitud', '', true); $delete = request_var('delete', ''); $delete_u = request_var('delete_u', ''); #$QueryF = $db->uniquequery("SELECT * FROM ".ALLIANCE." WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';"); $QueryF = $db->uniquequery("SELECT * FROM " . ALLIANCE . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); if (!empty($name)) { #$db->multi_query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_name` = '".$name."' WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';UPDATE ".USERS." SET `ally_name` = '".$name."' WHERE `ally_id` = '".$id."';"); $db->multi_query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_name` = '" . $name . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_name` = '" . $name . "' WHERE `ally_id` = '" . $id . "';"); } if (!empty($tag)) { #$db->query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_tag` = '".$tag."' WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';"); $db->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_tag` = '" . $tag . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } $QueryF2 = $db->uniquequery("SELECT ally_id FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $changeleader . "';"); #$db->multi_query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_owner` = '".$changeleader."' WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';UPDATE ".USERS." SET `ally_rank_id` = '0' WHERE `id` = '".$changeleader."';"); $db->multi_query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_owner` = '" . $changeleader . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_rank_id` = '0' WHERE `id` = '" . $changeleader . "';"); if (!empty($externo)) { #$db->query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_description` = '".$externo."' WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';"); $db->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_description` = '" . $externo . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if (!empty($interno)) { #$db->query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_text` = '".$interno."' WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';"); $db->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_text` = '" . $interno . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } if (!empty($solicitud)) { $db->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_request` = '" . $solicitud . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';"); } #$db->query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_request` = '".$solicitud."' WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `ally_universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';"); if ($delete == 'on') { #$db->multi_query("DELETE FROM ".ALLIANCE." WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';UPDATE ".USERS." SET `ally_id` = '0', `ally_name` = '', `ally_request` = '0', `ally_rank_id` = '0', `ally_register_time` = '0', `ally_request` = '0' WHERE `ally_id` = '".$id."';"); $db->multi_query("DELETE FROM " . ALLIANCE . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_id` = '0', `ally_name` = '', `ally_request` = '0', `ally_rank_id` = '0', `ally_register_time` = '0', `ally_request` = '0' WHERE `ally_id` = '" . $id . "';"); } if (!empty($delete_u)) { #$db->multi_query("UPDATE ".ALLIANCE." SET `ally_members` = ally_members - 1 WHERE `id` = '".$id."' AND `universe` = '".$_SESSION['adminuni']."';UPDATE ".USERS." SET `ally_id` = '0', `ally_name` = '', `ally_request` = '0', `ally_rank_id` = '0', `ally_register_time` = '0', `ally_request` = '0' WHERE `id` = '".$delete_u."' AND `ally_id` = '".$id."';"); $db->multi_query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_members` = ally_members - 1 WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_id` = '0', `ally_name` = '', `ally_request` = '0', `ally_rank_id` = '0', `ally_register_time` = '0', `ally_request` = '0' WHERE `id` = '" . $delete_u . "' AND `ally_id` = '" . $id . "';"); } $template->message($LNG['ad_ally_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=alliances'); exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('button_submit' => $LNG['button_submit'], 'ad_back_to_menu' => $LNG['ad_back_to_menu'], 'ad_pla_title' => $LNG['ad_pla_title'], 'ad_ally_title' => $LNG['ad_ally_title'], 'input_id_ally' => $LNG['input_id_ally'], 'ad_ally_change_id' => $LNG['ad_ally_change_id'], 'ad_ally_name' => $LNG['ad_ally_name'], 'ad_ally_tag' => $LNG['ad_ally_tag'], 'ad_ally_delete_u' => $LNG['ad_ally_delete_u'], 'ad_ally_user_id' => $LNG['ad_ally_user_id'], 'ad_ally_delete' => $LNG['ad_ally_delete'], 'ad_ally_text1' => $LNG['ad_ally_text1'], 'ad_ally_text2' => $LNG['ad_ally_text2'], 'ad_ally_text3' => $LNG['ad_ally_text3'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageAlliance.tpl'); break; default: $template->assign_vars(array('ad_editor_personal' => $LNG['ad_editor_personal'], 'ad_editor_alliances' => $LNG['ad_editor_alliances'], 'ad_editor_planets' => $LNG['ad_editor_planets'], 'ad_editor_resources' => $LNG['ad_editor_resources'], 'ad_editor_officiers' => $LNG['ad_editor_officiers'], 'ad_editor_researchs' => $LNG['ad_editor_researchs'], 'ad_editor_defenses' => $LNG['ad_editor_defenses'], 'ad_editor_ships' => $LNG['ad_editor_ships'], 'ad_editor_buildings' => $LNG['ad_editor_buildings'], 'ad_editor_title' => $LNG['ad_editor_title'])); $template->show('adm/AccountEditorPageMenu.tpl'); break; } }
private function CreateFleetPopupedFleetLink($fleetRow, $Text, $FleetType) { global $LNG, $USER, $resource; $SpyTech = $USER[$resource[106]]; $Owner = $fleetRow['fleet_owner'] == $this->UserID; $FleetRec = explode(';', $fleetRow['fleet_array']); $FleetPopup = '<a href="#" data-tooltip-content="<table style=\'width:200px\'>'; $textForBlind = ''; if ($this->IsPhalanx || $SpyTech >= 4 || $Owner) { if ($SpyTech < 8 && !$Owner) { $FleetPopup .= '<tr><td style=\'width:100%;color:white\'>' . $LNG['cff_aproaching'] . $fleetRow['fleet_amount'] . $LNG['cff_ships'] . ':</td></tr>'; $textForBlind = $LNG['cff_aproaching'] . $fleetRow['fleet_amount'] . $LNG['cff_ships'] . ': '; } $shipsData = array(); foreach ($FleetRec as $Item => $Group) { if (empty($Group)) { continue; } $Ship = explode(',', $Group); if ($Owner) { $FleetPopup .= '<tr><td style=\'width:50%;color:white\'>' . $LNG['tech'][$Ship[0]] . ':</td><td style=\'width:50%;color:white\'>' . pretty_number($Ship[1]) . '</td></tr>'; $shipsData[] = floattostring($Ship[1]) . ' ' . $LNG['tech'][$Ship[0]]; } else { if ($SpyTech >= 8) { $FleetPopup .= '<tr><td style=\'width:50%;color:white\'>' . $LNG['tech'][$Ship[0]] . ':</td><td style=\'width:50%;color:white\'>' . pretty_number($Ship[1]) . '</td></tr>'; $shipsData[] = floattostring($Ship[1]) . ' ' . $LNG['tech'][$Ship[0]]; } else { $FleetPopup .= '<tr><td style=\'width:100%;color:white\'>' . $LNG['tech'][$Ship[0]] . '</td></tr>'; $shipsData[] = $LNG['tech'][$Ship[0]]; } } } $textForBlind .= implode('; ', $shipsData); } else { $FleetPopup .= '<tr><td style=\'width:100%;color:white\'>' . $LNG['cff_no_fleet_data'] . '</span></td></tr>'; $textForBlind = $LNG['cff_no_fleet_data']; } $FleetPopup .= '</table>" class="tooltip ' . $FleetType . '">' . $Text . '</a>'; return $FleetPopup; }
function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $reslist, $resource; $Slots = HTTP::_GP('slots', 1); $BattleArray[0][0][109] = $USER[$resource[109]]; $BattleArray[0][0][110] = $USER[$resource[110]]; $BattleArray[0][0][111] = $USER[$resource[111]]; if (empty($_REQUEST['battleinput'])) { foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { if (FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($ID, $USER) > 0) { // Add just flyable elements $BattleArray[0][0][$ID] = $PLANET[$resource[$ID]]; } } } else { $BattleArray = HTTP::_GP('battleinput', array()); } if (isset($_REQUEST['im'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['im'] as $ID => $Count) { $BattleArray[0][1][$ID] = floattostring($Count); } } $this->tplObj->loadscript('battlesim.js'); $this->assign(array('Slots' => $Slots, 'battleinput' => $BattleArray, 'fleetList' => $reslist['fleet'], 'defensiveList' => $reslist['defense'])); $this->display('page.battleSimulator.default.tpl'); }
public final function MakeStats() { global $db, $CONF; $this->DeleteSome(); $AllyPoints = array(); $UserPoints = array(); $TotalData = $this->GetUsersInfosFromDB(); $FinalSQL = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . STATPOINTS . ';'; $FinalSQL .= "INSERT INTO " . STATPOINTS . " (`id_owner`, `id_ally`, `stat_type`, `universe`, `tech_old_rank`, `tech_points`, `tech_count`, `build_old_rank`, `build_points`, `build_count`, `defs_old_rank`, `defs_points`, `defs_count`, `fleet_old_rank`, `fleet_points`, `fleet_count`, `total_old_rank`, `total_points`, `total_count`) VALUES "; while ($PlanetData = $db->fetch_array($TotalData['Planets'])) { if (in_array($CONF['stat'], array(1, 2)) && $PlanetData['authlevel'] >= $CONF['stat_level'] || !empty($PlanetData['bana'])) { continue; } if (!isset($UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']])) { $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['build']['count'] = $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['build']['points'] = $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['fleet']['count'] = $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['fleet']['points'] = $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['defense']['count'] = $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['defense']['points'] = 0; } $BuildPoints = $this->GetBuildPoints($PlanetData); $FleetPoints = $this->GetFleetPoints($PlanetData); $DefensePoints = $this->GetDefensePoints($PlanetData); $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['build']['count'] += $BuildPoints['count']; $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['build']['points'] += $BuildPoints['points']; $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['fleet']['count'] += $FleetPoints['count']; $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['fleet']['points'] += $FleetPoints['points']; $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['defense']['count'] += $DefensePoints['count']; $UserPoints[$PlanetData['id_owner']]['defense']['points'] += $DefensePoints['points']; } $db->free_result($TotalData['Planets']); $UniData = array(); while ($UserData = $db->fetch_array($TotalData['Users'])) { if (!isset($UniData[$UserData['universe']])) { $UniData[$UserData['universe']] = 0; } $UniData[$UserData['universe']]++; if (in_array($CONF['stat'], array(1, 2)) && $UserData['authlevel'] >= $CONF['stat_level'] || !empty($UserData['bana'])) { $FinalSQL .= "(" . $UserData['id'] . "," . $UserData['ally_id'] . ",1," . $UserData['universe'] . ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), "; continue; } $TechnoPoints = $this->GetTechnoPoints($UserData); $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['count'] = $TechnoPoints['count']; $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['points'] = $TechnoPoints['points']; if (isset($TotalData['Fleets'][$UserData['id']])) { foreach ($TotalData['Fleets'][$UserData['id']] as $FleetArray) { $FlyingFleetPoints = $this->GetFlyingFleetPoints($FleetArray); $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['count'] += $FlyingFleetPoints['count']; $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['points'] += $FlyingFleetPoints['points']; } } $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['total']['count'] = $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['count'] + $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['build']['count'] + $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['defense']['count'] + $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['count']; $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['total']['points'] = $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['points'] + $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['build']['points'] + $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['defense']['points'] + $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['points']; if ($UserData['ally_id'] != 0) { if (!isset($AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']])) { $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['build']['count'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['build']['points'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['fleet']['count'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['fleet']['points'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['defense']['count'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['defense']['points'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['techno']['count'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['techno']['points'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['total']['count'] = $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['total']['points'] = 0; } $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['build']['count'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['build']['count']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['build']['points'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['build']['points']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['fleet']['count'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['count']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['fleet']['points'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['points']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['defense']['count'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['defense']['count']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['defense']['points'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['defense']['points']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['techno']['count'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['count']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['techno']['points'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['points']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['total']['count'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['total']['count']; $AllyPoints[$UserData['ally_id']]['total']['points'] += $UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['total']['points']; } $FinalSQL .= "('" . $UserData['id'] . "','" . $UserData['ally_id'] . "', 1, " . $UserData['universe'] . ", '" . (int) $UserData['old_tech_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['techno']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $UserData['old_build_rank'] . "','" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['build']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['build']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $UserData['old_defs_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['defense']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['defense']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $UserData['old_fleet_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['fleet']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $UserData['old_total_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['total']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($UserPoints[$UserData['id']]['total']['count']) . "'), "; } $db->free_result($TotalData['Users']); $FinalSQL = substr($FinalSQL, 0, -2) . ';'; $this->SaveDataIntoDB($FinalSQL); unset($UserPoints); if (count($AllyPoints) != 0) { $AllySQL = "INSERT INTO " . STATPOINTS . " (`id_owner`, `id_ally`, `stat_type`, `universe`, `tech_old_rank`, `tech_points`, `tech_count`, `build_old_rank`, `build_points`, `build_count`, `defs_old_rank`, `defs_points`, `defs_count`, `fleet_old_rank`, `fleet_points`, `fleet_count`, `total_old_rank`, `total_points`, `total_count`) VALUES "; while ($AllianceData = $db->fetch_array($TotalData['Alliance'])) { $AllySQL .= "('" . $AllianceData['id'] . "', 0, 2, " . $AllianceData['ally_universe'] . ",'" . (int) $AllyPoints['old_tech_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['techno']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['techno']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $AllianceData['old_build_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['build']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['build']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $AllianceData['old_defs_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['defense']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['defense']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $AllianceData['old_fleet_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['fleet']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['fleet']['count']) . "', '" . (int) $AllianceData['old_total_rank'] . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['total']['points']) . "', '" . floattostring($AllyPoints[$AllianceData['id']]['total']['count']) . "'), "; } unset($AllyPoints); $AllySQL = substr($AllySQL, 0, -2) . ';'; $this->SaveDataIntoDB($AllySQL); } $db->free_result($TotalData['Alliance']); $RankSQL = $this->SetNewRanks(); $this->SaveDataIntoDB($RankSQL); $this->CheckUniverseAccounts($UniData); $this->BuildRecordCache(); $this->AnotherCronJobs(); return $this->SomeStatsInfos(); }
function EndStayEvent() { global $pricelist, $reslist; $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']); $expeditionPoints = array(); foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $expeditionPoints[$ID] = ($pricelist[$ID]['cost'][901] + $pricelist[$ID]['cost'][902]) / 1000000; } $expeditionPoints[202] = 12; $expeditionPoints[203] = 47; $expeditionPoints[204] = 12; $expeditionPoints[205] = 110; $expeditionPoints[206] = 47; $expeditionPoints[207] = 160; $fleetRaw = explode(";", $this->_fleet['fleet_array']); $fleetPoints = 0; $fleetCapacity = 0; $find_stardust = 5; $fleetArray = array(); $stardustCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT COUNT(planetarium) as planetarium FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id_owner = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . ";"); $stardustCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($stardustCount); $find_stardust = $find_stardust + $stardustCount['planetarium']; foreach ($fleetRaw as $Group) { if (empty($Group)) { continue; } $Class = explode(",", $Group); $fleetArray[$Class[0]] = $Class[1]; $fleetCapacity += $Class[1] * $pricelist[$Class[0]]['capacity']; $fleetPoints += $Class[1] * $expeditionPoints[$Class[0]]; } $fleetCapacity -= $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter']; /*if($GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['purchase_bonus_timer'] > TIMESTAMP || $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['cosmonaute'] == 1){ $GetEvent = mt_rand(1,7); }else{ $GetEvent = mt_rand(1,6); } */ $GetEvent = mt_rand(1, 7); $combat_bonus = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_nothing_' . mt_rand(1, 8)]; $chancetogetstar = mt_rand(0, 100); if ($chancetogetstar < $find_stardust) { $find_stardust = 1; } else { $find_stardust = 0; } switch ($GetEvent) { case 1: $WitchFound = mt_rand(1, 3); $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); $Factor = 0; if (10 < $FindSize) { $Factor = mt_rand(100, 500) / $WitchFound * $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['resource_multiplier']; $Factor = $Factor + $Factor / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_1_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Factor = mt_rand(520, 1000) / $WitchFound * $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['resource_multiplier']; $Factor = $Factor + $Factor / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_2_' . mt_rand(1, 3)]; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Factor = mt_rand(1020, 2000) / $WitchFound * $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['resource_multiplier']; $Factor = $Factor + $Factor / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; } $StatFactor = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT MAX(total_points) as total FROM `" . STATPOINTS . "` WHERE `stat_type` = 1 AND `universe` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'] . "';"); $MaxPoints = $StatFactor['total'] < 5000000 ? 9000 : 12000; $Size = min($Factor * MAX(MIN($fleetPoints / 1000, $MaxPoints), 200), $fleetCapacity); switch ($WitchFound) { case 1: $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal'] + $Size); break; case 2: $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal'] + $Size); break; case 3: $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'] + $Size); break; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `achievements_expedition` = `achievements_expedition` + '1', `expedition_count` = `expedition_count` + '1' where `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET stardust = stardust + '" . $find_stardust . "' where `id` = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $INFOR = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_users` WHERE id = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($INFOR) > 0) { while ($xkf = mysqli_fetch_assoc($INFOR)) { $ACTUA = $xkf['expedition_count']; $ACTUAL = 10 * $xkf['achievements_misc_expe'] + 10; $expe_lvl = $xkf['achievements_misc_expe'] + 1; $expe_reward_points = 50; $expe_reward_am = 50; $expe_reward_points = $expe_reward_points + $xkf['achievements_misc_expe'] * $expe_reward_points; $expe_reward_am = $expe_reward_am + $xkf['achievements_misc_expe'] * $expe_reward_am; } if ($ACTUA == $ACTUAL) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET achievements_misc_expe = achievements_misc_expe + '1', antimatter = antimatter + " . $expe_reward_am . " WHERE id = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $msg = '<img alt="" style="float:left; width:60px; margin-right:6px;" src="styles/images/achiev/ach_expedition.png">reached: <span class="achiev_mes_head">expeditions lvl. ' . $expe_lvl . '</span><br> received:<br> ' . $expe_reward_am . ' antimatter <br> ' . $expe_reward_points . ' achievement points'; SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], '', TIMESTAMP, 4, 'System', 'Achievements', $msg); } } break; case 2: $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); $Size = 0; if (10 < $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(1000, 3000); $Size = $Size + $Size / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_1_' . mt_rand(1, 5)]; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(3001, 6000); $Size = $Size + $Size / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_2_' . mt_rand(1, 3)]; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(6001, 30000); $Size = $Size + $Size / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `achievements_expedition` = `achievements_expedition` + '1', `expedition_count` = `expedition_count` + '1' where `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET stardust = stardust + '" . $find_stardust . "' where `id` = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_darkmatter', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter'] + $Size); break; case 3: $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); $Size = 0; $Message = ""; if (10 < $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(100, 500); $Size = $Size + $Size / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_1_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(520, 1000); $Size = $Size + $Size / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_2_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(1020, 2000); $Size = $Size + $Size / 100 * $combat_bonus['combat_reward_expe']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; } $StatFactor = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT MAX(total_points) FROM `" . STATPOINTS . "` WHERE `stat_type` = 1 AND `universe` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'] . "';"); $MaxPoints = $StatFactor < 5000000 ? 4500 : 6000; $FoundShips = max(round($Size * min($fleetPoints, $MaxPoints)), 10000); $FoundShipMess = ""; $NewFleetArray = ""; $Found = array(); foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { if (!isset($fleetArray[$ID]) || $ID == 208 || $ID == 209 || $ID == 214) { continue; } $MaxFound = floor($FoundShips / ($pricelist[$ID]['cost'][901] + $pricelist[$ID]['cost'][902])); if ($MaxFound <= 0) { continue; } $Count = mt_rand(0, $MaxFound); if ($Count <= 0) { continue; } $Found[$ID] = $Count; $FoundShips -= $Count * ($pricelist[$ID]['cost'][901] + $pricelist[$ID]['cost'][902]); $FoundShipMess .= '<br>' . $LNG['tech'][$ID] . ': ' . pretty_number($Count); if ($FoundShips <= 0) { break; } } if (empty($Found)) { $FoundShipMess .= '<br><br>' . $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_nothing']; } foreach ($fleetArray as $ID => $Count) { if (!empty($Found[$ID])) { $Count += $Found[$ID]; } $NewFleetArray .= $ID . "," . floattostring($Count) . ';'; } $Message .= $FoundShipMess; $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleetArray); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', array_sum($fleetArray)); break; case 4: $Chance = mt_rand(1, 2); if ($Chance == 1) { $Points = array(-6, -8, -10); $Which = 1; $Def = -3; $Name = $LNG['sys_expe_attackname_1']; $Add = 0; $Rand = array(5, 3, 2); $DefenderFleetArray = "204,5;206,3;207,2;"; } else { $Points = array(-7, -9, -11); $Which = 2; $Def = 3; $Name = $LNG['sys_expe_attackname_2']; $Add = 0.1; $Rand = array(4, 3, 2); $DefenderFleetArray = "205,5;215,3;213,2;"; } $messageHTML = <<<HTML <div class="raportMessage"> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2"><a href="CombatReport.php?raport=%s" target="_blank"><span %s>%s %s (%s)</span></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>%s</td><td><span %s>%s: %s</span> <span %s>%s: %s</span></td> </tr> <tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span style="color:#a47d7a;">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span style="color:#5ca6aa;">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span style="color:#339966;">%s</span></span></td> \t\t</tr> <tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span style="color:#a47d7a;">%s</font> </span><span>%s: <span style="color:#5ca6aa;">%s</span></span></td> \t\t</tr> </table> </div> HTML; //Minize HTML $messageHTML = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), "", $messageHTML); $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); $maxAttack = 0; if (10 < $FindSize) { $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_' . $Which . '_1_' . $Rand[0]]; $maxAttack = 0.3 + $Add + mt_rand($Points[0], abs($Points[0])) * 0.01; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_' . $Which . '_2_' . $Rand[1]]; $maxAttack = 0.3 + $Add + mt_rand($Points[1], abs($Points[1])) * 0.01; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_' . $Which . '_3_' . $Rand[2]]; $maxAttack = 0.3 + $Add + mt_rand($Points[2], abs($Points[2])) * 0.01; } foreach ($fleetArray as $ID => $count) { $DefenderFleetArray .= $ID . "," . round($count * $maxAttack) . ";"; } $AttackerTechno = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $DefenderTechno = array('id' => 0, 'username' => $Name, 'military_tech' => min($AttackerTechno['military_tech'] + $Def, 0), 'defence_tech' => min($AttackerTechno['defence_tech'] + $Def, 0), 'shield_tech' => min($AttackerTechno['shield_tech'] + $Def, 0), 'laser_tech' => 0, 'ion_tech' => 0, 'plasma_tech' => 0, 'gravity_tech' => 0, 'rpg_amiral' => 0, 'dm_defensive' => 0, 'dm_attack' => 0, 'experience_combat_level' => min($AttackerTechno['experience_combat_level'], 0), 'academy_1101' => 0, 'academy_1102' => 0, 'academy_1301' => 0, 'academy_1302' => 0, 'academy_1103' => 0, 'academy_1108' => 0, 'academy_1109' => 0, 'academy_1110' => 0, 'academy_1111' => 0, 'academy_1303' => 0, 'academy_1311' => 0); $fleetID = $this->_fleet['fleet_id']; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $this->_fleet; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'] = $AttackerTechno; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetAttack[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = array(); $temp = explode(';', $this->_fleet['fleet_array']); foreach ($temp as $temp2) { $temp2 = explode(',', $temp2); if ($temp2[0] < 100) { continue; } if (!isset($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'][$temp2[0]])) { $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'][$temp2[0]] = 0; } $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'][$temp2[0]] += $temp2[1]; } $fleetDefend = array(); $defRowDef = explode(';', $DefenderFleetArray); foreach ($defRowDef as $Element) { $Element = explode(',', $Element); if ($Element[0] < 100) { continue; } if (!isset($fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$Element[0]])) { $fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$Element[0]] = 0; } $fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$Element[0]] += $Element[1]; } $fleetDefend[0]['fleetDetail'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], 'fleet_start_system' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], 'fleet_start_planet' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], 'fleet_start_type' => 1, 'fleet_end_galaxy' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], 'fleet_end_system' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], 'fleet_end_planet' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], 'fleet_end_type' => 1, 'fleet_resource_metal' => 0, 'fleet_resource_crystal' => 0, 'fleet_resource_deuterium' => 0); $fleetDefend[0]['player'] = $DefenderTechno; $fleetDefend[0]['player']['factor'] = 0; require_once 'calculateAttack.php'; $fleetIntoDebris = $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['Fleet_Cdr']; $defIntoDebris = $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['Defs_Cdr']; $combatResult = calculateAttack($fleetAttack, $fleetDefend, $fleetIntoDebris, $defIntoDebris); $fleetArray = ''; $totalCount = 0; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = array_filter($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit']); foreach ($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] as $element => $amount) { $fleetArray .= $element . ',' . $amount . ';'; $totalCount += $amount; } if ($totalCount <= 0) { $this->KillFleet(); } else { $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', substr($fleetArray, 0, -1)); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $totalCount); } require_once 'GenerateReport.php'; $debrisRessource = array(901, 902); foreach ($debrisRessource as $elementID) { $debris[$elementID] = 0; } $stealResource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0); $raportInfo = array('thisFleet' => $this->_fleet, 'debris' => $debris, 'stealResource' => $stealResource, 'moonChance' => 0, 'moonDestroy' => false, 'moonName' => null, 'moonDestroyChance' => null, 'moonDestroySuccess' => null, 'fleetDestroyChance' => null, 'fleetDestroySuccess' => null); $raportData = GenerateReport($combatResult, $raportInfo); $raportID = md5(uniqid('', true) . TIMESTAMP); $sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " . RW . " SET rid = '" . $raportID . "', raport = '" . serialize($raportData) . "', time = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'] . "', attacker = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($sqlQuery); switch ($combatResult['won']) { case "a": $attackClass = 'style="color:green;"'; $defendClass = 'style="color:red;"'; break; case "w": $attackClass = 'style="color:orange;"'; $defendClass = 'style="color:orange;"'; break; case "r": $attackClass = 'style="color:red;"'; $defendClass = 'style="color:green;"'; break; } $message = sprintf($messageHTML, $raportID, $attackClass, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $LNG['type_planet_short'][$this->_fleet['fleet_end_type']], $LNG['sys_lost'], $attackClass, $LNG['sys_attack_attacker_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']), $defendClass, $LNG['sys_attack_defender_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['defender']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($stealResource[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($stealResource[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($stealResource[903]), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($debris[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($debris[902])); if ($combatResult['won'] == 'a') { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `achievements_expedition` = `achievements_expedition` + '1', `expedition_count` = `expedition_count` + '1' where `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET stardust = stardust + '" . $find_stardust . "' where `id` = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); } SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'], 3, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $message); break; case 5: $this->KillFleet(); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_lost_fleet_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; break; case 6: # $MoreTime = mt_rand(0, 100); $Wrapper = array(); $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 2; $Wrapper[] = 3; $Wrapper[] = 3; $Wrapper[] = 5; if ($MoreTime < 75) { $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_end_time', $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] + ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] + ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']) * $Wrapper[mt_rand(0, 9)])); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_time_slow_' . mt_rand(1, 6)]; } else { $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_end_time', $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] + max(1, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] - ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']) / 3 * $Wrapper[mt_rand(0, 9)])); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_time_fast_' . mt_rand(1, 3)]; } break; case 7: $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); if (30 < $FindSize) { $Message = 'You found one frisbee'; $varis = 'frisbee'; } elseif (10 < $FindSize && 30 >= $FindSize) { $Message = 'You found one alien'; $varis = 'alien'; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Message = 'You found one rocket'; $varis = 'rocket'; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set `achievements_expedition` = `achievements_expedition` + '1', `expedition_count` = `expedition_count` + '1' where `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " set " . $varis . " = " . $varis . " + '1' where `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"); break; } SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'], 15, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], $LNG['sys_expe_report'], $Message); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); $this->SaveFleet(); }
function TargetEvent() { global $resource, $reslist; $fleetAttack = array(); $fleetDefend = array(); $userAttack = array(); $userDefend = array(); $stealResource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0, 904 => 0); $debris = array(); $planetDebris = array(); $raportInfo = array(); $TargetOwner = $this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner']; $StartOwner = $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']; $debrisRessource = array(901, 902, 903); $SelectCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uni1_buddy WHERE (sender = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner'] . " AND owner = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . " AND state = '1') OR (sender = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . " AND owner = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner'] . " AND state = '1');"); if ($SelectCount > 0) { $senderUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']); $TheMessage = '<div style="text-align : justify;"> ' . sprintf($LNG['ls_fts_colo_1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $LNG['type_missionbis'][$this->_fleet['fleet_mission']]) . ' </div> <div class="citation"> <div class="guillemet ouvrir">«</div> <div class="guillemet fermer">»</div> ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_2'] . ' : <ul style="text-align : left;"> <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_3'] . '</li> <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_4'] . '</li> <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_5'] . '</li> <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_6'] . '</li> <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_7'] . '</li> <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_8'] . '</li> </ul> </div> <div class="explication_utilisateur"> ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_9'] . ' </div>'; SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 7, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from_text1'], sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_mess_report1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $TheMessage); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } else { $messageHTML = <<<HTML <div class="raportMessage"> \t<table> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td colspan="2"><a href="CombatReport.php?raport=%s" target="_blank"><span class="%s">%s %s (%s)</span></a></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span class="%s">%s: %s</span> <span class="%s">%s: %s</span></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span class="raportSteal element901">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="raportSteal element902">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="raportSteal element903">%s</span><span>%s: <span class="raportSteal element904">%s</span></span></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span class="raportDebris element901">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="raportDebris element902">%s</span><span>%s: <span class="raportDebris element903">%s</span></span></td> \t\t</tr> \t</table> </div> HTML; //Minize HTML $messageHTML = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), "", $messageHTML); $targetPlanet = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . "';"); $targetUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = '" . $targetPlanet['id_owner'] . "';"); $targetUser['factor'] = getFactors($targetUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate(); list($targetUser, $targetPlanet) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($targetUser, $targetPlanet, true, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); if ($this->_fleet['fleet_group'] != 0) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM " . AKS . " WHERE id = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_group'] . "';"); $incomingFleetsResult = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . FLEETS . " WHERE fleet_group = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_group'] . "';"); while ($incomingFleetsRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($incomingFleetsResult)) { $incomingFleets[$incomingFleetsRow['fleet_id']] = $incomingFleetsRow; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->free_result($incomingFleetsResult); } else { $incomingFleets = array($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] => $this->_fleet); } foreach ($incomingFleets as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) { $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail; $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = '" . $fleetDetail['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = fleetAmountToArray($fleetDetail['fleet_array'] . ';306,' . $fleetDetail['fleet_population_306'] . ';307,' . $fleetDetail['fleet_population_307']); $userAttack[$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['username']; } $targetFleetsResult = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . FLEETS . " WHERE fleet_mission = '5' AND fleet_end_id = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . "' AND fleet_start_time <= '" . TIMESTAMP . "' AND fleet_end_stay >= '" . TIMESTAMP . "';"); while ($fleetDetail = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($targetFleetsResult)) { $fleetID = $fleetDetail['fleet_id']; $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail; $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = '" . $fleetDetail['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['unit'] = fleetAmountToArray($fleetDetail['fleet_array']); $userDefend[$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['username']; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->free_result($targetFleetsResult); $fleetDefend[0]['player'] = $targetUser; $fleetDefend[0]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[0]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $fleetDefend[0]['fleetDetail'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => $targetPlanet['galaxy'], 'fleet_start_system' => $targetPlanet['system'], 'fleet_start_planet' => $targetPlanet['planet'], 'fleet_start_type' => $targetPlanet['planet_type']); $fleetDefend[0]['unit'] = array(); $avaible_fleets = array(202, 203, 209, 223, 219, 210, 204, 205, 206, 207, 211, 214, 215, 216); $avaible_def = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408); $avaible_pop = array(306, 307); foreach (array_merge($avaible_fleets, $avaible_def, $avaible_pop) as $elementID) { if (empty($targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]])) { continue; } $fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$elementID] = $targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]]; } $userDefend[$fleetDefend[0]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[0]['player']['username']; require_once 'calculateAttack.php'; $fleetIntoDebris = $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['Fleet_Cdr']; $defIntoDebris = $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['Defs_Cdr']; $combatResult = calculateAttack($fleetAttack, $fleetDefend, $fleetIntoDebris, $defIntoDebris); $sqlQuery = ""; foreach ($fleetAttack as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) { $fleetArray = ''; $totalCount = 0; $fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']); foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) { $fleetArray .= $elementID . ',' . floattostring($amount) . ';'; $totalCount += $amount; } if ($totalCount == 0) { if ($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] == $fleetID) { $this->KillFleet(); } else { $sqlQuery .= "DELETE FROM " . FLEETS . " WHERE fleet_id = " . $fleetID . ";"; $sqlQuery .= "DELETE FROM " . FLEETS_EVENT . " WHERE fleetID = " . $fleetID . ";"; } $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . LOG_FLEETS . " SET fleet_state = 2 WHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetID . "';"; } elseif ($totalCount > 0) { $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . FLEETS . " SET fleet_array = '" . substr($fleetArray, 0, -1) . "', fleet_amount = '" . $totalCount . "' WHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetID . "';"; $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . LOG_FLEETS . " SET fleet_array = '" . substr($fleetArray, 0, -1) . "', fleet_amount = '" . $totalCount . "', fleet_state = 1 WHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetID . "';"; } else { throw new Exception("Negative Fleet amount ...."); } } foreach ($fleetDefend as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) { if ($fleetID != 0) { $fleetArray = ''; $totalCount = 0; $fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']); foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) { $fleetArray .= $elementID . ',' . floattostring($amount) . ';'; $totalCount += $amount; } if ($totalCount == 0) { $sqlQuery .= "DELETE FROM " . FLEETS . " WHERE fleet_id = " . $fleetID . ";"; $sqlQuery .= "DELETE FROM " . FLEETS_EVENT . " WHERE fleetID = " . $fleetID . ";"; $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . LOG_FLEETS . " SET fleet_state = 2 WHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetID . "';"; } elseif ($totalCount > 0) { $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . FLEETS . " SET fleet_array = '" . substr($fleetArray, 0, -1) . "', fleet_amount = '" . $totalCount . "' WHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetID . "';"; $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . LOG_FLEETS . " SET fleet_array = '" . substr($fleetArray, 0, -1) . "', fleet_amount = '" . $totalCount . "', fleet_state = 1 WHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetID . "';"; } else { throw new Exception("Negative Fleet amount ...."); } } else { $fleetArray = array(); foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) { $fleetArray[] = $resource[$elementID] . " = " . $amount; } if (!empty($fleetArray)) { $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $fleetArray) . " WHERE id = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . "';"; } } } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query($sqlQuery); if ($combatResult['won'] == "a") { require_once 'calculateSteal.php'; $stealResource = calculateSteal($fleetAttack, $targetPlanet); } if ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3) { // Use planet debris, if attack on moons $targetPlanet = array_merge($targetPlanet, $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT der_metal, der_crystal, der_deuterium FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id_luna = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . ";")); } foreach ($debrisRessource as $elementID) { $debris[$elementID] = $combatResult['debris']['attacker'][$elementID] + $combatResult['debris']['defender'][$elementID]; $planetDebris[$elementID] = $targetPlanet['der_' . $resource[$elementID]] + $debris[$elementID]; } $debrisTotal = array_sum($debris); $moonFactor = $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['moon_factor']; $maxMoonChance = $GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['moon_chance']; if ($targetPlanet['id_luna'] == 0 && $targetPlanet['planet_type'] == 1) { $chanceCreateMoon = round($debrisTotal / 100000 * $moonFactor); $chanceCreateMoon = min($chanceCreateMoon, $maxMoonChance); } else { $chanceCreateMoon = 0; } $raportInfo = array('thisFleet' => $this->_fleet, 'debris' => $debris, 'stealResource' => $stealResource, 'moonChance' => $chanceCreateMoon, 'moonDestroy' => false, 'moonName' => null, 'moonDestroyChance' => null, 'moonDestroySuccess' => null, 'fleetDestroyChance' => null, 'fleetDestroySuccess' => null); $randChance = mt_rand(1, 100); if ($randChance <= $chanceCreateMoon) { require_once 'includes/functions/CreateOneMoonRecord.php'; $LNG = $this->getLanguage($targetUser['lang']); $raportInfo['moonName'] = $LNG['type_planet'][3]; /* CreateOneMoonRecord( $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $targetUser['id'], $raportInfo['moonName'], $chanceCreateMoon, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'] ); */ if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG'][$this->_fleet['fleet_universe']]['debris_moon'] == 1) { foreach ($debrisRessource as $elementID) { $planetDebris[$elementID] = 0; } } } require_once 'GenerateReport.php'; $raportData = GenerateReport($combatResult, $raportInfo); switch ($combatResult['won']) { case "a": $attackStatus = 'wons'; $defendStatus = 'loos'; $attackClass = 'raportWin'; $defendClass = 'raportLose'; break; case "w": $attackStatus = 'draws'; $defendStatus = 'draws'; $attackClass = 'raportDraw'; $defendClass = 'raportDraw'; break; case "r": $attackStatus = 'loos'; $defendStatus = 'wons'; $attackClass = 'raportLose'; $defendClass = 'raportWin'; break; } $raportID = md5(uniqid('', true) . TIMESTAMP); $sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " . RW . " SET \n\t\trid = '" . $raportID . "',\n\t\traport = '" . serialize($raportData) . "',\n\t\ttime = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'] . "',\n\t\tattacker = '" . implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)) . "',\n\t\tdefender = '" . implode(',', array_keys($userDefend)) . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($sqlQuery); $sqlQuery = ""; foreach ($userAttack as $userID => $userName) { $senderUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $userID . ";"); $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']); $message = sprintf($messageHTML, $raportID, $attackClass, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $LNG['type_planet_short'][$this->_fleet['fleet_end_type']], $LNG['sys_lost'], $attackClass, $LNG['sys_attack_attacker_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']), $defendClass, $LNG['sys_attack_defender_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['defender']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($stealResource[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($stealResource[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($stealResource[903]), $LNG['tech'][904], pretty_number($stealResource[904]), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($debris[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($debris[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($debris[903])); if ($combatResult['won'] == 'a') { $FromSend = sprintf($LNG['sys_mess_tower_space_battle_won'], $this->getUsername($TargetOwner)); } elseif ($combatResult['won'] == 'r') { $FromSend = sprintf($LNG['sys_mess_tower_space_battle_lost'], $this->getUsername($TargetOwner)); } else { $FromSend = $LNG['sys_mess_tower']; } SendSimpleMessage($userID, 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 3, $FromSend, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $message); $sqlQuery .= "INSERT INTO " . TOPKB_USERS . " SET "; $sqlQuery .= "rid = '" . $raportID . "', "; $sqlQuery .= "role = 1, "; $sqlQuery .= "username = '******'DATABASE']->escape($userName) . "', "; $sqlQuery .= "uid = " . $userID . ";"; } foreach ($userDefend as $userID => $userName) { $senderUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $userID . ";"); $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']); $message = sprintf($messageHTML, $raportID, $defendClass, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $LNG['type_planet_short'][$this->_fleet['fleet_end_type']], $LNG['sys_lost'], $defendClass, $LNG['sys_attack_attacker_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']), $attackClass, $LNG['sys_attack_defender_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['defender']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($stealResource[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($stealResource[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($stealResource[903]), $LNG['tech'][904], pretty_number($stealResource[904]), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($debris[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($debris[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($debris[903])); if ($combatResult['won'] == 'a') { $FromSend = sprintf($LNG['sys_mess_tower_space_battle_won'], $this->getUsername($StartOwner)); } elseif ($combatResult['won'] == 'r') { $FromSend = sprintf($LNG['sys_mess_tower_space_battle_lost'], $this->getUsername($StartOwner)); } else { $FromSend = $LNG['sys_mess_tower']; } SendSimpleMessage($userID, 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 3, $FromSend, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $message); $sqlQuery .= "INSERT INTO " . TOPKB_USERS . " SET "; $sqlQuery .= "rid = '" . $raportID . "', "; $sqlQuery .= "role = 2, "; $sqlQuery .= "username = '******'DATABASE']->escape($userName) . "', "; $sqlQuery .= "uid = " . $userID . ";"; } if ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3) { $debrisType = 'id_luna'; } else { $debrisType = 'id'; } $sqlQuery .= "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\tder_metal = " . $planetDebris[901] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tder_crystal = " . $planetDebris[902] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tder_deuterium = " . $planetDebris[903] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $debrisType . " = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . ";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmetal = metal - " . $stealResource[901] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcrystal = crystal - " . $stealResource[902] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdeuterium = deuterium - " . $stealResource[903] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\telyrium = elyrium - " . $stealResource[904] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . ";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO " . TOPKB . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\tunits = " . ($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'] + $combatResult['unitLost']['defender']) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\trid = '" . $raportID . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttime = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuniverse = " . $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresult = '" . $combatResult['won'] . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . USERS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $attackStatus . " = " . $attackStatus . " + 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkbmetal = kbmetal + " . $debris[901] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkbcrystal = kbcrystal + " . $debris[902] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkbdeuterium = kbdeuterium + " . $debris[903] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlostunits = lostunits + " . $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdesunits = desunits + " . $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)) . ");\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . USERS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $defendStatus . " = " . $defendStatus . " + 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkbmetal = kbmetal + " . $debris[901] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkbcrystal = kbcrystal + " . $debris[902] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkbdeuterium = kbdeuterium + " . $debris[903] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlostunits = lostunits + " . $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdesunits = desunits + " . $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($userDefend)) . ");"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query($sqlQuery); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } $this->SaveFleet(); }
function ShowBattleSimPage() { global $USER, $PLANET, $reslist, $pricelist, $LNG, $db, $ExtraDM, $LANG, $CONF; $action = request_var('action', ''); $Slots = request_var('slots', 1); if (isset($_REQUEST['im'])) { $Array = $_REQUEST['im']; foreach ($Array as $ID => $Count) { $BattleArray[0][1][$ID] = floattostring($Count); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['battleinput'])) { $BattleArray = $_REQUEST['battleinput']; } else { $BattleArray = array(); } if ($action == 'send') { $Counts = array(0, 0); foreach ($BattleArray as $BattleSlotID => $BattleSlot) { if (isset($BattleSlot[0]) && (array_sum($BattleSlot[0]) > 0 || $BattleSlotID == 0)) { $Att = mt_rand(1, 1000); $attack[$Att]['fleet'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => 1, 'fleet_start_system' => 33, 'fleet_start_planet' => 7, 'fleet_end_galaxy' => 1, 'fleet_end_system' => 33, 'fleet_end_planet' => 7, 'metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0); $attack[$Att]['user'] = array('username' => $LNG['bs_atter'] . ' Nr.' . ($BattleSlotID + 1), 'military_tech' => $BattleSlot[0][109], 'defence_tech' => $BattleSlot[0][110], 'shield_tech' => $BattleSlot[0][111], 0, 'dm_defensive' => 0, 'dm_attack' => 0); foreach ($BattleSlot[0] as $ID => $Count) { if (!in_array($ID, $reslist['fleet']) || $BattleSlot[0][$ID] <= 0) { unset($BattleSlot[0][$ID]); } } if ($Counts[0] == 0 && $BattleSlotID != 0) { exit('ERROR'); } $Counts[0] = $Counts[0] + array_sum($BattleSlot[1]); $attack[$Att]['detail'] = $BattleSlot[0]; } if (isset($BattleSlot[1]) && (array_sum($BattleSlot[1]) > 0 || $BattleSlotID == 0)) { $Def = mt_rand(1, 1000); $defense[$Def]['fleet'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => 1, 'fleet_start_system' => 33, 'fleet_start_planet' => 7, 'fleet_end_galaxy' => 1, 'fleet_end_system' => 33, 'fleet_end_planet' => 7, 'metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0); $defense[$Def]['user'] = array('username' => $LNG['bs_deffer'] . ' Nr.' . ($BattleSlotID + 1), 'military_tech' => $BattleSlot[1][109], 'defence_tech' => $BattleSlot[1][110], 'shield_tech' => $BattleSlot[1][111], 0, 'dm_defensive' => 0, 'dm_attack' => 0); foreach ($BattleSlot[1] as $ID => $Count) { if (!in_array($ID, $reslist['fleet']) && !in_array($ID, $reslist['defense'])) { unset($BattleSlot[1][$ID]); } } if ($Countd[1] == 0 && $BattleSlotID != 0) { exit('ERROR'); } $Countd[1] = $Countd[1] + array_sum($BattleSlot[1]); $defense[$Def]['def'] = $BattleSlot[1]; } } $LANG->includeLang(array('FLEET')); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/classes/missions/calculateAttack.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/classes/missions/calculateSteal.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/classes/missions/GenerateReport.php'; $start = microtime(true); $result = calculateAttack($attack, $defense, $CONF['Fleet_Cdr'], $CONF['Defs_Cdr']); $totaltime = microtime(true) - $start; $steal = $result['won'] == "a" ? calculateSteal($attack, array('metal' => $BattleArray[0][1][1], 'crystal' => $BattleArray[0][1][2], 'deuterium' => $BattleArray[0][1][3]), true) : array('metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0); $FleetDebris = $result['debree']['att'][0] + $result['debree']['def'][0] + $result['debree']['att'][1] + $result['debree']['def'][1]; $StrAttackerUnits = sprintf($LNG['sys_attacker_lostunits'], $result['lost']['att']); $StrDefenderUnits = sprintf($LNG['sys_defender_lostunits'], $result['lost']['def']); $StrRuins = sprintf($LNG['sys_gcdrunits'], $result['debree']['def'][0] + $result['debree']['att'][0], $LNG['Metal'], $result['debree']['def'][1] + $result['debree']['att'][1], $LNG['Crystal']); $DebrisField = $StrAttackerUnits . "<br>" . $StrDefenderUnits . "<br>" . $StrRuins; $MoonChance = min(round($FleetDebris / 100000, 0), 20); $AllSteal = array_sum($steal); $RaportInfo = sprintf($LNG['bs_derbis_raport'], ceil($FleetDebris / $pricelist[219]['capacity']), $LNG['tech'][219], ceil($FleetDebris / $pricelist[209]['capacity']), $LNG['tech'][209]) . "<br>"; $RaportInfo .= sprintf($LNG['bs_steal_raport'], ceil($AllSteal / $pricelist[202]['capacity']), $LNG['tech'][202], ceil($AllSteal / $pricelist[203]['capacity']), $LNG['tech'][203], ceil($AllSteal / $pricelist[217]['capacity']), $LNG['tech'][217]) . "<br>"; $INFO['moon']['battlesim'] = $RaportInfo; $INFO['steal'] = $steal; $INFO['fleet_start_time'] = TIMESTAMP; $INFO['moon']['des'] = 0; $INFO['moon']['chance'] = $MoonChance; $raport = GenerateReport($result, $INFO); $rid = md5(microtime(true)); file_put_contents(ROOT_PATH . 'raports/raport_' . $rid . '.php', '<?php' . "\n" . '$raport = ' . $raport . ';' . "\n" . '?>'); $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO " . RW . " SET "; $SQLQuery .= "`time` = '" . TIMESTAMP . "', "; $SQLQuery .= "`owners` = '" . $USER['id'] . ",0', "; $SQLQuery .= "`rid` = '" . $rid . "';"; $db->query($SQLQuery); echo $rid; exit; } $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate(); $PlanetRess->CalcResource(); $PlanetRess->SavePlanetToDB(); foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $GetFleet[$ID] = $LNG['tech'][$ID]; } foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { if ($ID >= 501) { break; } $GetDef[$ID] = $LNG['tech'][$ID]; } $template = new template(); $template->loadscript('battlesim.js'); $template->assign_vars(array('lm_battlesim' => $LNG['lm_battlesim'], 'bs_names' => $LNG['bs_names'], 'bs_atter' => $LNG['bs_atter'], 'bs_deffer' => $LNG['bs_deffer'], 'bs_steal' => $LNG['bs_steal'], 'bs_techno' => $LNG['bs_techno'], 'bs_send' => $LNG['bs_send'], 'bs_cancel' => $LNG['bs_cancel'], 'bs_wait' => $LNG['bs_wait'], 'Metal' => $LNG['Metal'], 'Crystal' => $LNG['Crystal'], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['Deuterium'], 'attack_tech' => $LNG['tech'][109], 'shield_tech' => $LNG['tech'][110], 'tank_tech' => $LNG['tech'][111], 'GetFleet' => $GetFleet, 'GetDef' => $GetDef, 'Slots' => $Slots, 'battleinput' => $BattleArray)); $template->show("battlesim.tpl"); }
function pretty_number($n, $dec = 0) { return number_format(floattostring($n, $dec), 0, ',', '.'); }
function sendExpo() { global $LNG, $ProdGrid, $resource, $reslist, $CONF, $pricelist, $USER, $PLANET; $Type_search = HTTP::_GP('type_fouille', ''); $Popu = array(); $endtime = 0; if ($Type_search == 1) { $endtime = rand(7200, 9000); } elseif ($Type_search == 2) { $endtime = rand(14400, 16200); } elseif ($Type_search == 3) { $endtime = rand(21600, 23400); } foreach ($reslist['population'] as $id => $popID) { $amount = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('population' . $popID, 0.0, 0.0))); if ($amount < 1) { continue; } $Popu[$popID] = $amount; } //if (empty($Popu)) //FleetFunctions::GotoFleetPage(); $token = getRandomString(); $_SESSION['population'][$token] = array('time' => TIMESTAMP, 'population' => $Popu); $fleetArray = $_SESSION['population'][$token]['population']; foreach ($fleetArray as $Ship => $Count) { if ($Count > $PLANET[$resource[$Ship]]) { $this->printMessage('<span class="rouge">' . $LNG['ls_explora_27'] . '</span>'); } } foreach ($fleetArray as $ShipID => $ShipCount) { $fleetData[] = $ShipID . ',' . floattostring($ShipCount); $planetQuery[] = $resource[$ShipID] . " = " . $resource[$ShipID] . " - " . floattostring($ShipCount); $PLANET[$resource[$ShipID]] -= floattostring($ShipCount); } $SQL = "LOCK TABLE uni1_explorations WRITE, " . USERS . " WRITE, " . PLANETS . " WRITE;\n\t\t\t\t UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(", ", $planetQuery) . " WHERE id = " . $PLANET['id'] . ";\n\t\t\t\t UPDATE " . USERS . " SET max_explore = max_explore + 1 WHERE id = " . $USER['id'] . ";\n\t\t\t\t INSERT INTO uni1_explorations SET\n\t\t\t\t userID = " . $USER['id'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t state = '1',\n\t\t\t\t type_of_search = " . $Type_search . ",\n\t\t\t\t start_planet_name = '" . $PLANET['name'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t start_system = " . $PLANET['system'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t start_planet = " . $PLANET['planet'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t end_planet_name = '" . $PLANET['name'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t start_time = " . TIMESTAMP . ",\n\t\t\t\t emd_time = " . (TIMESTAMP + $endtime) . ",\n\t\t\t\t population_array = '" . implode(';', $fleetData) . "',\n\t\t\t\t ships_array = '" . implode(';', $fleetData) . "';\n\t\t\t\t SET @explorationID = LAST_INSERT_ID();\n\t\t\t\t UNLOCK TABLES;"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query($SQL); $this->printMessage('<span class="vert">' . $LNG['ls_explora_26'] . '</span>', true, array('game.php?page=Explorations', 3)); $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array()); $this->display('page.explorations.busy.tpl'); }
function EndStayEvent() { global $pricelist, $CONF, $db, $reslist; $LNG = $this->GetUserLang($this->_fleet['fleet_owner']); foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $Expowert[$ID] = ($pricelist[$ID]['metal'] + $pricelist[$ID]['crystal']) / 1000; } $Expowert[202] = 12; $Expowert[203] = 47; $Expowert[204] = 12; $Expowert[205] = 110; $Expowert[206] = 47; $Expowert[207] = 160; $farray = explode(";", $this->_fleet['fleet_array']); $FleetPoints = 0; $FleetCapacity = 0; foreach ($farray as $Item => $Group) { if (empty($Group)) { continue; } $Class = explode(",", $Group); $FleetCount[$Class[0]] = $Class[1]; $FleetCapacity += $Class[1] * $pricelist[$Class[0]]['capacity']; $FleetPoints += $Class[1] * $Expowert[$Class[0]]; } $FleetCapacity -= $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter']; $GetEvent = mt_rand(0, 10); switch ($GetEvent) { case 1: $WitchFound = mt_rand(1, 3); $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); if (10 < $FindSize) { $WitchSize = 1; $Factor = mt_rand(10, 50) / $WitchFound * $CONF['resource_multiplier']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_1_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $WitchSize = 2; $Factor = mt_rand(52, 100) / $WitchFound * $CONF['resource_multiplier']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_2_' . mt_rand(1, 3)]; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $WitchSize = 3; $Factor = mt_rand(102, 200) / $WitchFound * $CONF['resource_multiplier']; $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; } $StatFactor = $db->uniquequery("SELECT MAX(total_points) as total FROM `" . STATPOINTS . "` WHERE `stat_type` = 1;"); $MaxPoints = $StatFactor['total'] < 5000000 ? 9000 : 12000; $Size = min($Factor * MAX(MIN($FleetPoints / 1000, $MaxPoints), 200), $FleetCapacity); switch ($WitchFound) { case 1: $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal'] + $Size); break; case 2: $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal'] + $Size); break; case 3: $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'] + $Size); break; } break; case 2: $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); if (10 < $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(100, 300); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_1_' . mt_rand(1, 5)]; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(301, 600); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_2_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(601, 3000); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; } $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_darkmatter', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter'] + $Size); break; case 3: default: unset($FleetCount[208]); unset($FleetCount[209]); unset($FleetCount[214]); $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); if (10 < $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(2, 50); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_1_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; $MaxFound = 300000; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(51, 100); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_2_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; $MaxFound = 600000; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Size = mt_rand(101, 200); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)]; $MaxFound = 1200000; } $StatFactor = $db->uniquequery("SELECT MAX(total_points) as total FROM `" . STATPOINTS . "` WHERE `stat_type` = 1;"); $MaxPoints = $StatFactor['total'] < 5000000 ? 4500 : 6000; $FoundShips = max(min(round($Size * $FleetPoints), $MaxPoints), 10000); $MinFound = mt_rand(7000, 10000); $FoundShipMess = ""; $NewFleetArray = ""; $LNG += $this->GetUserLang($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 'TECH'); foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { if (!isset($FleetCount[$ID])) { continue; } $Count = mt_rand(1, floor($FoundShips / ($pricelist[$ID]['metal'] + $pricelist[$ID]['crystal']))); $FleetCount[$ID] = bcadd($Count, $FleetCount[$ID]); $NewFleetArray .= $ID . "," . floattostring($Count + $FleetCount[$ID]) . ";"; $FoundShips -= $Count * ($pricelist[$ID]['metal'] + $pricelist[$ID]['crystal']); $FoundShipMess .= '<br>' . $LNG['tech'][$ID] . ': ' . pretty_number($Count); if ($FoundShips <= 0) { break; } } $Message .= $FoundShipMess; foreach ($FleetCount as $ID => $Count) { if (empty($Count)) { continue; } } $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleetArray); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', array_sum($FleetCount)); break; case 4: $Chance = mt_rand(1, 2); if ($Chance == 1) { $Points = array(-3, -5, -8); $Which = 1; $Def = -3; $Name = $LNG['sys_expe_attackname_1']; $Add = 0; $Rand = array(5, 3, 2); $DefenderFleetArray = "204,5;206,3;207,2;"; } else { $Points = array(-4, -6, -9); $Which = 2; $Def = 3; $Name = $LNG['sys_expe_attackname_2']; $Add = 0.1; $Rand = array(4, 3, 2); $DefenderFleetArray = "205,5;215,3;213,2;"; } $FindSize = mt_rand(0, 100); if (10 < $FindSize) { $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_' . $Which . '_1_' . $Rand[0]]; $MaxAttackerPoints = 0.3 + $Add + mt_rand($Points[0], abs($Points[0])) * 0.01; } elseif (0 < $FindSize && 10 >= $FindSize) { $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_' . $Which . '_2_' . $Rand[1]]; $MaxAttackerPoints = 0.3 + $Add + mt_rand($Points[1], abs($Points[1])) * 0.01; } elseif (0 == $FindSize) { $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_' . $Which . '_3_' . $Rand[2]]; $MaxAttackerPoints = 0.3 + $Add + mt_rand($Points[2], abs($Points[2])) * 0.01; } foreach ($FleetCount as $ID => $count) { $DefenderFleetArray .= $ID . "," . round($count * $MaxAttackerPoints) . ";"; } $AttackerTechno = $db->uniquequery('SELECT id,username,military_tech,defence_tech,shield_tech,rpg_amiral,dm_defensive,dm_attack FROM ' . USERS . ' WHERE id=' . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ";"); $DefenderTechno = array('id' => 0, 'username' => $Name, 'military_tech' => min($AttackerTechno['military_tech'] + $Def, 0), 'defence_tech' => min($AttackerTechno['defence_tech'] + $Def, 0), 'shield_tech' => min($AttackerTechno['shield_tech'] + $Def, 0), 'rpg_amiral' => 0, 'dm_defensive' => 0, 'dm_attack' => 0); $attackFleets[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['fleet'] = $this->_fleet; $attackFleets[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['user'] = $AttackerTechno; $attackFleets[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['detail'] = array(); $temp = explode(';', $this->_fleet['fleet_array']); foreach ($temp as $temp2) { $temp2 = explode(',', $temp2); if ($temp2[0] < 100) { continue; } if (!isset($attackFleets[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['detail'][$temp2[0]])) { $attackFleets[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['detail'][$temp2[0]] = 0; } $attackFleets[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['detail'][$temp2[0]] += $temp2[1]; } $defense = array(); $defRowDef = explode(';', $DefenderFleetArray); foreach ($defRowDef as $Element) { $Element = explode(',', $Element); if ($Element[0] < 100) { continue; } if (!isset($defense[$defRow['fleet_id']]['def'][$Element[0]])) { $defense[0][$Element[0]] = 0; } $defense[0]['def'][$Element[0]] += $Element[1]; } $defense[0]['user'] = $DefenderTechno; require_once 'calculateAttack.' . PHP_EXT; $start = microtime(true); $result = calculateAttack($attackFleets, $defense); $totaltime = microtime(true) - $start; foreach ($attackFleets as $fleetID => $attacker) { $fleetArray = ''; $totalCount = 0; foreach ($attacker['detail'] as $element => $amount) { if ($amount) { $fleetArray .= $element . ',' . $amount . ';'; } $totalCount += $amount; } if ($totalCount <= 0) { $this->KillFleet(); } else { $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', substr($fleetArray, 0, -1)); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $totalCount); } } require_once 'GenerateReport.' . PHP_EXT; $raport = GenerateReport($result, $INFO); $rid = md5(microtime(true) . mt_rand(1, 100)); file_put_contents(ROOT_PATH . 'raports/raport_' . $rid . '.php', '<?php' . "\n" . '$raport = ' . $raport . ';' . "\n" . '?>'); $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO " . RW . " SET `time` = '" . TIMESTAMP . "', `owners` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . ",0', `rid` = '" . $rid . "', `raport` = '';"; $db->query($SQLQuery); switch ($result['won']) { case "r": $ColorAtt = "red"; $ColorDef = "green"; break; case "w": $ColorAtt = "orange"; $ColorDef = "orange"; case "a": $ColorAtt = "green"; $ColorDef = "red"; break; } $MessageAtt = sprintf('<a href="CombatReport.php?raport=%s" onclick="OpenPopup(\'CombatReport.php?raport=%s\', \'combat\', screen.width, screen.height);return false" target="combat"><center><font color="%s">%s %s</font></a><br><br><font color="%s">%s: %s</font> <font color="%s">%s: %s</font><br>%s %s:<font color="#adaead">%s</font> %s:<font color="#ef51ef">%s</font> %s:<font color="#f77542">%s</font><br>%s %s:<font color="#adaead">%s</font> %s:<font color="#ef51ef">%s</font><br></center>', $rid, $rid, $ColorAtt, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $ColorAtt, $LNG['sys_perte_attaquant'], pretty_number($result['lost']['att']), $ColorDef, $LNG['sys_perte_defenseur'], pretty_number($result['lost']['def']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['Metal'], pretty_number($steal['metal']), $LNG['Crystal'], pretty_number($steal['crystal']), $LNG['Deuterium'], pretty_number($steal['deuterium']), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['Metal'], pretty_number($result['debree']['att'][0] + $result['debree']['def'][0]), $LNG['Crystal'], pretty_number($result['debree']['att'][1] + $result['debree']['def'][1])); SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], '', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 3, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $MessageAtt); break; case 5: $this->KillFleet(); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_lost_fleet_' . mt_rand(1, 4)]; break; case 6: $MoreTime = mt_rand(0, 100); if ($MoreTime < 75) { $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_end_time', $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'] - TIMESTAMP * mt_rand(1, 5) + TIMESTAMP); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_time_slow_' . mt_rand(1, 6)]; } else { $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_end_time', round($this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] + ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay']) / 2)); $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_time_fast_' . mt_rand(1, 3)]; } break; default: $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_nothing_' . mt_rand(1, 8)]; break; } SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], '', $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'], 15, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], $LNG['sys_expe_report'], $Message); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_mess', 1); $this->SaveFleet(); }
public static function GetFleetShipInfo($FleetArray, $Player) { $FleetInfo = array(); foreach ($FleetArray as $ShipID => $Amount) { $FleetInfo[$ShipID] = array('consumption' => self::GetShipConsumption($ShipID, $Player), 'speed' => self::GetFleetMaxSpeed($ShipID, $Player), 'amount' => floattostring($Amount)); } return $FleetInfo; }
public function DefensesBuildingPage() { global $USER, $PLANET, $LNG, $resource, $dpath, $reslist; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions/IsTechnologieAccessible.php'; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions/GetElementPrice.php'; $template = new template(); if ($PLANET[$resource[21]] == 0) { $template->message($LNG['bd_shipyard_required']); exit; } $fmenge = $_POST['fmenge']; $cancel = request_var('auftr', range(0, MAX_FLEET_OR_DEFS_IN_BUILD - 1)); $action = request_var('action', ''); $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate(); $PlanetRess->CalcResource(); $NotBuilding = true; if (!empty($PLANET['b_building_id'])) { $CurrentQueue = $PLANET['b_building_id']; $QueueArray = explode(";", $CurrentQueue); for ($i = 0; $i < count($QueueArray); $i++) { $ListIDArray = explode(",", $QueueArray[$i]); if ($ListIDArray[0] == 21 || $ListIDArray[0] == 15) { $NotBuilding = false; break; } } } if (isset($fmenge) && $NotBuilding == true && $USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) { $ebuild = explode(";", $PLANET['b_hangar_id']); if (count($ebuild) - 1 >= MAX_FLEET_OR_DEFS_IN_BUILD) { $template->message(sprintf($LNG['bd_max_builds'], MAX_FLEET_OR_DEFS_IN_BUILD), "?page=buildings&mode=fleet", 3); exit; } $Missiles[502] = $PLANET[$resource[502]]; $Missiles[503] = $PLANET[$resource[503]]; $SiloSize = $PLANET[$resource[44]]; $MaxMissiles = $SiloSize * 10; $BuildQueue = $PLANET['b_hangar_id']; $BuildArray = explode(";", $BuildQueue); for ($QElement = 0; $QElement < count($BuildArray); $QElement++) { $ElmentArray = explode(",", $BuildArray[$QElement]); if (isset($Missiles[$ElmentArray[0]])) { $Missiles[$ElmentArray[0]] += $ElmentArray[1]; } } foreach ($fmenge as $Element => $Count) { if (empty($Count) || !in_array($Element, $reslist['defense'])) { continue; } $Count = is_numeric($Count) ? $Count : 0; $Count = max(min($Count, MAX_FLEET_OR_DEFS_PER_ROW), 0); $MaxElements = $this->GetMaxConstructibleElements($Element); if (empty($Element) || empty($Count) || empty($MaxElements) || !IsTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)) { continue; } if ($Element == 502 || $Element == 503) { $ActuMissiles = $Missiles[502] + 2 * $Missiles[503]; $MissilesSpace = $MaxMissiles - $ActuMissiles; $Count = $Element == 502 ? min($Count, $MissilesSpace) : min($Count, floor($MissilesSpace / 2)); $Count = min($Count, $MaxElements); $Missiles[$Element] += $Count; } elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['one'])) { $Count = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] == 0 && strpos($PLANET['b_hangar_id'], $Element . ',') === false ? 1 : 0; } else { $Count = min($Count, $MaxElements); } if ($Count < 1) { continue; } $Ressource = $this->GetElementRessources($Element, $Count); $PLANET['metal'] -= $Ressource['metal']; $PLANET['crystal'] -= $Ressource['crystal']; $PLANET['deuterium'] -= $Ressource['deuterium']; $PLANET['norio'] -= $Ressource['norio']; $USER['darkmatter'] -= $Ressource['darkmatter']; $PLANET['b_hangar_id'] .= $Element . ',' . floattostring($Count) . ';'; } } if ($action == "delete" && is_array($cancel) && $USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) { $this->CancelAuftr($cancel); } $PlanetRess->SavePlanetToDB(); foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $Element) { if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)) { continue; } $DefenseList[] = array('id' => $Element, 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$Element], 'descriptions' => $LNG['res']['descriptions'][$Element], 'price' => GetElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, false), 'restprice' => $this->GetRestPrice($Element), 'time' => pretty_time(GetBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element)), 'IsAvailable' => IsElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, false), 'GetMaxAmount' => floattostring($this->GetMaxConstructibleElements($Element)), 'Available' => pretty_number($PLANET[$resource[$Element]]), 'AlreadyBuild' => in_array($Element, $reslist['one']) && (strpos($PLANET['b_hangar_id'], $Element . ",") !== false || $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] != 0) ? true : false); } $Buildlist = array(); if (!empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id'])) { $ElementQueue = explode(';', $PLANET['b_hangar_id']); $Shipyard = array(); $QueueTime = 0; foreach ($ElementQueue as $ElementLine => $Element) { if (empty($Element)) { continue; } $Element = explode(',', $Element); $ElementTime = GetBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element[0]); $QueueTime += $ElementTime * $Element[1]; $Shipyard[] = array($LNG['tech'][$Element[0]], $Element[1], $ElementTime); } $template->loadscript('bcmath.js'); $template->loadscript('shipyard.js'); $template->execscript('ShipyardInit();'); $Buildlist = array('Queue' => $Shipyard, 'b_hangar_id_plus' => $PLANET['b_hangar'], 'pretty_time_b_hangar' => pretty_time(max($QueueTime - $PLANET['b_hangar'], 0))); } $template->assign_vars(array('DefenseList' => $DefenseList, 'NotBuilding' => $NotBuilding, 'bd_available' => $LNG['bd_available'], 'bd_remaining' => $LNG['bd_remaining'], 'fgf_time' => $LNG['fgf_time'], 'bd_build_ships' => $LNG['bd_build_ships'], 'bd_building_shipyard' => $LNG['bd_building_shipyard'], 'bd_protection_shield_only_one' => $LNG['bd_protection_shield_only_one'], 'bd_cancel_warning' => $LNG['bd_cancel_warning'], 'bd_cancel_send' => $LNG['bd_cancel_send'], 'bd_operating' => $LNG['bd_operating'], 'bd_actual_production' => $LNG['bd_actual_production'], 'BuildList' => json_encode($Buildlist), 'maxlength' => strlen(MAX_FLEET_OR_DEFS_PER_ROW))); $template->show("shipyard_defense.tpl"); }
public static function FleetAjax() { global $USER, $PLANET, $db, $resource, $LNG; $UserSpyProbes = $PLANET[$resource[210]]; $UserRecycles = $PLANET[$resource[209]]; $UserGRecycles = $PLANET[$resource[219]]; $UserDeuterium = $PLANET['deuterium']; $UserMissiles = $PLANET['interplanetary_misil']; $thisgalaxy = $PLANET['galaxy']; $thissystem = $PLANET['system']; $thisplanet = $PLANET['planet']; $thisplanettype = $PLANET['planet_type']; $galaxy = request_var('galaxy', 0); $system = request_var('system', 0); $planet = request_var('planet', 0); $planettype = request_var('planettype', 0); $mission = request_var('mission', 0); $CurrentFlyingFleets = parent::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id']); switch ($mission) { case 6: $SpyProbes = request_var('ships', 0); $SpyProbes = min($SpyProbes, $PLANET[$resource[210]]); if (empty($SpyProbes)) { exit($ResultMessage = "611; " . $LNG['fa_no_spios'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $FleetArray = array(210 => $SpyProbes); break; case 8: $SRecycles = explode("|", request_var('ships', '')); $GRecycles = min($SRecycles[0], $PLANET[$resource[219]]); $Recycles = min($SRecycles[1], $PLANET[$resource[209]]); if (empty($Recycles) && empty($GRecycles)) { exit($ResultMessage = "611; " . $LNG['fa_no_recyclers'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $FleetArray = array(219 => $GRecycles, 209 => $Recycles); break; default: exit("610; " . $LNG['fa_not_enough_probes'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); break; } parent::CleanFleetArray($FleetArray); if (empty($FleetArray)) { exit("610; " . $LNG['fa_not_enough_probes'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } if (parent::GetMaxFleetSlots($USER) <= $CurrentFlyingFleets) { $ResultMessage = "612; " . $LNG['fa_no_more_slots'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($galaxy > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD || $galaxy < 1) { $ResultMessage = "602; " . $LNG['fa_galaxy_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($system > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY || $system < 1) { $ResultMessage = "602; " . $LNG['fa_system_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($planet > MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM || $planet < 1) { $ResultMessage = "602; " . $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } $QrySelectEnemy = "SELECT id_level, id_owner FROM " . PLANETS . " "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "WHERE "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`system` = '" . $system . "' AND "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`planet_type` = '" . $planettype . "';"; $TargetRow = $db->uniquequery($QrySelectEnemy); if ($TargetRow['id_level'] > $USER['authlevel'] && $mission == 6 && $CONF['adm_attack'] == 0) { exit("619; " . $LNG['fa_action_not_allowed'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $TargetUser = GetUserByID($TargetRow['id_owner'], array('id', 'onlinetime', 'urlaubs_modus')); if ($USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) { $ResultMessage = "620; " . $LNG['fa_vacation_mode_current'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($mission == 6) { $TargetVacat = $TargetUser['urlaubs_modus']; if ($TargetVacat) { $ResultMessage = "605; " . $LNG['fa_vacation_mode'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } $UserPoints = $USER; $User2Points = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `total_points` FROM " . STATPOINTS . " WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $TargetRow['id_owner'] . "';"); $IsNoobProtec = CheckNoobProtec($UserPoints, $User2Points, $TargetUser['onlinetime']); if ($IsNoobProtec['NoobPlayer']) { exit("603; " . $LNG['fa_week_player'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } elseif ($IsNoobProtec['StrongPlayer']) { exit("604; " . $LNG['fa_strong_player'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } if (empty($TargetRow['id_owner'])) { $ResultMessage = "601; " . $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($TargetRow["id_owner"] == $PLANET["id_owner"]) { $ResultMessage = "618; " . $LNG['fa_not_spy_yourself'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } } $SpeedFactor = parent::GetGameSpeedFactor(); $Distance = parent::GetTargetDistance($thisgalaxy, $galaxy, $thissystem, $system, $thisplanet, $planet); $SpeedAllMin = parent::GetFleetMaxSpeed($FleetArray, $USER); $Duration = parent::GetMissionDuration(10, $SpeedAllMin, $Distance, $SpeedFactor, $USER); $consumption = parent::GetFleetConsumption($FleetArray, $Duration, $Distance, $SpeedAllMin, $USER, $SpeedFactor); $UserDeuterium -= $consumption; if ($UserDeuterium < 0) { exit("613; " . $LNG['fa_not_enough_fuel'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } elseif ($consumption > parent::GetFleetRoom($FleetArray)) { exit("613; " . $LNG['fa_no_fleetroom'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $fleet['fly_time'] = $Duration; $fleet['start_time'] = $Duration + TIMESTAMP; $fleet['end_time'] = $Duration * 2 + TIMESTAMP; $FleetShipCount = 0; $FleetDBArray = ""; $FleetSubQRY = ""; foreach ($FleetArray as $Ship => $Count) { $FleetShipCount += $Count; $FleetDBArray .= $Ship . "," . $Count . ";"; $FleetSubQRY .= "`" . $resource[$Ship] . "` = `" . $resource[$Ship] . "` - " . $Count . " , "; } if (connection_aborted()) { exit; } $QryUpdate = "LOCK TABLE " . FLEETS . " WRITE, " . PLANETS . " WRITE;"; $QryUpdate .= "INSERT INTO " . FLEETS . " SET "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_mission` = '" . $mission . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_amount` = '" . $FleetShipCount . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_array` = '" . $FleetDBArray . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_time` = '" . $fleet['start_time'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_galaxy` = '" . $thisgalaxy . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_system` = '" . $thissystem . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_planet` = '" . $thisplanet . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_type` = '" . $thisplanettype . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_time` = '" . $fleet['end_time'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_system` = '" . $system . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_planet` = '" . $planet . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_type` = '" . $planettype . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_target_owner` = '" . $TargetRow['id_owner'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`start_time` = '" . TIMESTAMP . "';"; $QryUpdate .= "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $QryUpdate .= $FleetSubQRY; $QryUpdate .= "`deuterium` = '" . floattostring($UserDeuterium) . "' "; $QryUpdate .= "WHERE "; $QryUpdate .= "`id` = '" . $PLANET['id'] . "';"; $QryUpdate .= "UNLOCK TABLES;"; $db->multi_query($QryUpdate); $CurrentFlyingFleets++; $ResultMessage = "600; " . $LNG['fa_sending'] . " " . $FleetShipCount . " " . $LNG['tech'][$Ship] . " a " . $galaxy . ":" . $system . ":" . $planet . "...|"; $ResultMessage .= $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . ($UserSpyProbes - $SpyProbes) . " " . ($UserRecycles - $Recycles) . " " . ($UserGRecycles - $GRecycles) . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); }
public function SavePlanetToDB($USER = NULL, $PLANET = NULL) { global $resource, $reslist; if (is_null($USER)) { global $USER; } if (is_null($PLANET)) { global $PLANET; } $buildQueries = array(); $params = array(':userId' => $USER['id'], ':planetId' => $PLANET['id'], ':metal' => $PLANET['metal'], ':crystal' => $PLANET['crystal'], ':deuterium' => $PLANET['deuterium'], ':ecoHash' => $PLANET['eco_hash'], ':lastUpdateTime' => $PLANET['last_update'], ':b_building' => $PLANET['b_building'], ':b_building_id' => $PLANET['b_building_id'], ':field_current' => $PLANET['field_current'], ':b_hangar_id' => $PLANET['b_hangar_id'], ':metal_perhour' => $PLANET['metal_perhour'], ':crystal_perhour' => $PLANET['crystal_perhour'], ':deuterium_perhour' => $PLANET['deuterium_perhour'], ':metal_max' => $PLANET['metal_max'], ':crystal_max' => $PLANET['crystal_max'], ':deuterium_max' => $PLANET['deuterium_max'], ':energy_used' => $PLANET['energy_used'], ':energy' => $PLANET['energy'], ':b_hangar' => $PLANET['b_hangar'], ':darkmatter' => $USER['darkmatter'], ':b_tech' => $USER['b_tech'], ':b_tech_id' => $USER['b_tech_id'], ':b_tech_planet' => $USER['b_tech_planet'], ':b_tech_queue' => $USER['b_tech_queue']); if (!empty($this->Builded)) { foreach ($this->Builded as $Element => $Count) { $Element = (int) $Element; if (empty($resource[$Element]) || empty($Count)) { continue; } if (in_array($Element, $reslist['one'])) { $buildQueries[] = ', p.' . $resource[$Element] . ' = :' . $resource[$Element]; $params[':' . $resource[$Element]] = '1'; } elseif (isset($PLANET[$resource[$Element]])) { $buildQueries[] = ', p.' . $resource[$Element] . ' = p.' . $resource[$Element] . ' + :' . $resource[$Element]; $params[':' . $resource[$Element]] = floattostring($Count); } elseif (isset($USER[$resource[$Element]])) { $buildQueries[] = ', u.' . $resource[$Element] . ' = u.' . $resource[$Element] . ' + :' . $resource[$Element]; $params[':' . $resource[$Element]] = floattostring($Count); } } } $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% as p,%%USERS%% as u SET p.metal = :metal, p.crystal = :crystal, p.deuterium = :deuterium, p.eco_hash = :ecoHash, p.last_update = :lastUpdateTime, p.b_building = :b_building, p.b_building_id = :b_building_id, p.field_current = :field_current, p.b_hangar_id = :b_hangar_id, p.metal_perhour = :metal_perhour, p.crystal_perhour = :crystal_perhour, p.deuterium_perhour = :deuterium_perhour, p.metal_max = :metal_max, p.crystal_max = :crystal_max, p.deuterium_max = :deuterium_max, p.energy_used = :energy_used, = :energy, p.b_hangar = :b_hangar, u.darkmatter = :darkmatter, u.b_tech = :b_tech, u.b_tech_id = :b_tech_id, u.b_tech_planet = :b_tech_planet, u.b_tech_queue = :b_tech_queue ' . implode("\n", $buildQueries) . ' WHERE = :planetId AND = :userId;'; Database::get()->update($sql, $params); $this->Builded = array(); return array($USER, $PLANET); }