$I = new ApiTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Test the cart behaviour with items');
$I->amGoingTo('confirm the cart is empty');
$I->seeCodeAndJson(200, ['items' => [], 'total' => floatify(0)]);
 * @var array $item1
 * @var array $item2
 * @var int   $item_id
require "_AddItems.php";
$I->amGoingTo('Verify order');
$I->expectTo('see items in order');
$I->seeCodeAndJson(200, ['items' => [$item1, $item2]]);
$I->expectTo('see correct total');
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(['total' => floatify($item1['final_price'] + $item2['final_price'])]);
$I->amGoingTo('delete an item');
$I->sendDELETE('cart/item/' . $item_id);
$I->seeCodeAndJson(200, ['items' => [$item2], 'total' => floatify($item2['final_price'])]);
$I->amGoingTo('clear the cart');
$I->seeCodeAndJson(200, ['items' => [], 'total' => floatify(0)]);
/** @var Faker\Generator $faker */
$faker = Fixtures::get('faker');
$coupons = Fixtures::get('coupons');
$I = new ApiTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Use a coupon in my cart');
 * @var array    $item1
 * @var array    $item2
 * @var int      $order
 * @var callable $gen_item
require "_AddItems.php";
$calculate_discount = function ($discount, ...$items) {
    $mult = 1 - $discount;
    return array_reduce($items, function ($total, $item) use($mult) {
        return floatify($total + floatify($item['final_price'] * $mult));
    }, 0);
$I->amGoingTo('use an invalid coupon code');
$I->sendPOST('cart/coupon', ['code' => 'XXX']);
$set_coupon = function ($coupon) use($I, $item1, $item2, $calculate_discount) {
    $I->sendPOST('cart/coupon', ['code' => $coupon['code']]);
    $I->seeCodeAndJson(HTTP_OK, $coupon);
    $I->seeResponseContainsJson(['total' => $calculate_discount($coupon['discount'], $item1, $item2)]);
$I->amGoingTo('use a valid coupon code');
$I->amGoingTo('change the coupon');

$I = new ApiTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Insert items and checkout');
 * @var array $item1
 * @var array $item2
 * @var int   $order
require "_AddItems.php";
$I->seeCodeAndJson(200, ['id' => $order, 'total' => floatify($item1['final_price'] + $item2['final_price'])]);
$I->amGoingTo('verify the order was really ~closed~');
$I->assertEquals(sizeof(json_decode($I->grabResponse())->items), 0, 'verify the cart is now empty');

$devs = \Codeception\Util\Fixtures::get('devs');
$gen_item = function () use($devs) {
    return ['item' => $devs[array_rand($devs)], 'price' => floatify(rand(1000, 99999) / 100), 'qty' => floatify(rand(10, 200) / 10)];
$add_item = function () use($gen_item, $I) {
    $item = $gen_item();
    $I->sendPUT('cart', $item);
    $item += ['final_price' => floatify($item['price'] * $item['qty'])];
    $I->seeCodeAndJson(201, $item);
    return $item;
/* ********************************************************** */
$I->amGoingTo('add items to cart');
$item1 = $add_item();
$data = json_decode($I->grabResponse());
$order = $data->order_id;
$item_id = $data->id;
$I->amGoingTo('add another item to the same order');
$item2 = $add_item();
$I->assertEquals($order, json_decode($I->grabResponse())->order_id, 'The two items are in the same order');