/** * @deprecated * @desc Loads a configuration file. You choose a bases path, and you specify a folder name in which you file should be found, if it doesn't exist, it will take a file in another folder. * It's very interesting when you want to * @param string $dir_path Path of the file (relative from this page). * @param string $require_dir The name of the folder in which the configuration file should be. This folder must be in the bases file ($dir_path). If this directory doesn't exist, another will be read. * @param string $ini_name The name of the configuration file you want to know. * @return string[] The configuration values contained in the file $dir_path/$require_dir/$ini_name. */ function load_ini_file($dir_path, $require_dir, $ini_name = 'config.ini') { $dir = find_require_dir($dir_path, $require_dir, false); $file = $dir_path . $dir . '/' . $ini_name; if (file_exists($file)) { $result = parse_ini_file($file); } else { $result = false; } return $result; }
define('SID', 'sid=' . $User->get_attribute('session_id') . '&suid=' . $User->get_attribute('user_id')); define('SID2', 'sid=' . $User->get_attribute('session_id') . '&suid=' . $User->get_attribute('user_id')); } else { define('SID', ''); define('SID2', ''); } $user_theme = $User->get_attribute('user_theme'); if ($CONFIG_USER['force_theme'] == 1 || !isset($THEME_CONFIG[$user_theme]['secure']) || !$User->check_level($THEME_CONFIG[$user_theme]['secure'])) { $user_theme = $CONFIG['theme']; } $User->set_user_theme(find_require_dir(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/templates/', $user_theme)); $user_lang = $User->get_attribute('user_lang'); if (!isset($LANGS_CONFIG[$user_lang]['secure']) || !$User->check_level($LANGS_CONFIG[$user_lang]['secure'])) { $user_lang = $CONFIG['lang']; } $User->set_user_lang(find_require_dir(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/lang/', $user_lang)); $LANG = array(); require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/lang/' . get_ulang() . '/main.php'; require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/lang/' . get_ulang() . '/errors.php'; $Cache->load('day'); if (gmdate_format('j', time(), TIMEZONE_SITE) != $_record_day && !empty($_record_day)) { import('io/filesystem/file'); $lock_file = new File(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/changeday_lock'); if (!$lock_file->exists()) { $lock_file->write(''); $lock_file->flush(); } $lock_file->lock(false); $yesterday_timestamp = time() - 86400; if ((int) $Sql->query("\n\t SELECT COUNT(*)\n FROM " . DB_TABLE_STATS . "\n WHERE stats_year = '" . gmdate_format('Y', $yesterday_timestamp, TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "' AND\n stats_month = '" . gmdate_format('m', $yesterday_timestamp, TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "' AND\n stats_day = '" . gmdate_format('d', $yesterday_timestamp, TIMEZONE_SYSTEM) . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__) == 0) { $Cache->generate_file('day');
function get_ini_config($dir_path, $require_dir, $ini_name = 'config.ini') { $dir = find_require_dir($dir_path, $require_dir, false); import('io/filesystem/file'); $module_config_file = new File($dir_path . $dir . '/config.ini', READ); $module_config_file->open(); $module_config_text = $module_config_file->get_contents(); $result = array(); if (preg_match('`;config="(.*)"\\s*$`s', $module_config_text, $result)) { return str_replace('\\n', "\r\n", $result[1]); } else { return ''; } }