function make_default() { global $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $db, $entry; $db = new db(); $arc_list = ""; if (file_exists($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_cat.php") && file_exists($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_cat.php")) { $arc_array_cat = load_serialize($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_cat.php", TRUE); $arc_array_mon = load_serialize($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_mon.php", TRUE); // if over three three days old. if (mktime() - filemtime($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_cat.php") > 259200) { unlink($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_cat.php"); unlink($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_mon.php"); } } else { $list_entries = $db->getlist_range("1970-01-01-00-00", "2020-12-31-23-59", "", "", FALSE); // iterate through all of the entries, building the arrays for both the // per-month and per-category lists.. foreach ($list_entries as $list_entry) { $date = format_date($list_entry['date'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['fulldate_format']); $link = make_filelink($list_entry['code']); list($ye, $mo) = explode("-", $list_entry['date']); if (isset($list_entry['category'])) { foreach ($list_entry['category'] as $cat) { $arc_array_cat[$cat][$ye] = 1; } } $arc_array_mon[$ye][$mo] = 1; } save_serialize($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_cat.php", $arc_array_cat, FALSE); save_serialize($pivot_dir . "db/ser-archive_overview_mon.php", $arc_array_mon, FALSE); } $current_cats = find_cats_in_weblog($Current_weblog); // build the per-month list foreach ($arc_array_mon as $ye => $months) { $arc_list .= "<p><b>{$ye}:</b><br />\n"; ksort($months); $temp_arr = array(); foreach ($months as $mo => $dummy) { $temp_arr[] = sprintf("<a href=\"%s/%s/\">%s</a>\n", $ye, $mo, lang('months', -1 + $mo)); } $arc_list .= implode(", ", $temp_arr) . "<br /></p>\n"; } // build the per-category list ksort($arc_array_cat); if (count($arc_array_cat) > 1) { foreach ($arc_array_cat as $cat => $year) { if (in_array($cat, $current_cats)) { $arc_list .= "<p><b>{$cat}:</b>\n"; ksort($year); $temp_arr = array(); foreach ($year as $ye => $dummy) { $temp_arr[] = sprintf("<a href=\"%s/%s/\">%s</a>\n", $cat, $ye, $ye); } $arc_list .= implode(", ", $temp_arr) . "</p>\n"; } } } // the search template for the current weblog if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template'] != "") { $template_html = load_template($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template']); } else { $template_html = load_template($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['archive_template']); } $template_html = replace_subweblogs_templates($template_html, $arc_list); $filename = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['archive_path'] . make_archive_name(); if (!$template_html) { ErrorOut("Could not load template file: <i>{$template}</i> [does not exist]"); } else { $output = $template_html; $output = parse_step4($output); } echo $output; flush(); }
/** * metaWeblog.newPost * * @param array $params Contains blog id, username, password, content, and publish status. */ function metaweblog_newPost($params) { global $Cfg, $xmlrpcerruser; $conv = $params->getParam(0); $blogid = $conv->scalarval(); $conv = $params->getParam(1); $user = $conv->scalarval(); $conv = $params->getParam(2); $pass = $conv->scalarval(); $conv = $params->getParam(3); $contentstruct = php_xmlrpc_decode($conv); $conv = $params->getParam(4); $conv = $conv->scalarval(); i18n_array_from_utf8($contentstruct, $dummy); // Check password $login = pivot_get_userid($user, $pass); $uid = $login['uid']; if ($uid != -1) { if (!pivot_user_blog_check($uid, $blogid)) { $err = "User " . $user . " does not have access to any category in blog " . $blogid; } } else { $err = $login['err']; } if ($err) { return new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpcerruser + 1, $err); } else { //Create post and respond $title = $contentstruct['title']; $content = $contentstruct['description']; if (!isset($contentstruct['categories']) || count($contentstruct['categories']) == 0) { // Finding (first) allowed category in selected blog $categories = array(); $cats = find_cats_in_weblog($blogid); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $allowed = explode("|", $Cfg['cat-' . $cat]); if (in_array($uid, $allowed)) { $categories[] = $cat; break; } } } else { $categories = $contentstruct['categories']; // Checking if submitted categories really belong to selected blog. $cats = find_cats_in_weblog($blogid); foreach ($categories as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value, $cats)) { unset($categories[$key]); debug("Category {$value} doesn't belong to weblog {$blogid}"); } } if (count($categories) == 0) { $err = "None of the entry's categories belong to the selected blog"; return new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpcerruser + 1, $err); } } $postid = pivot_new_post($uid, $title, $content, $categories); $myResp = new xmlrpcval($postid, "string"); return new xmlrpcresp($myResp); } }
function snippet_last_comments() { global $Cfg, $db, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Paths; if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_format']) && strlen($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_format']) > 2) { $last_comments_format = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_format']; } else { $last_comments_format = "<a href='%url%' title='%date%' %popup%><b>%name%</b></a> (%title%): %comm%<br />"; } if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_length']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_length'] > 0) { $last_comments_length = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_length']; } else { $last_comments_length = 100; } if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_trim']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_trim'] > 0) { $last_comments_trim = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_trim']; } else { $last_comments_trim = 16; } if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_amount']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_amount'] > 0) { $last_comments_count = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_amount']; } else { $last_comments_count = 10; } if (file_exists($Paths['pivot_path'] . "db/ser_lastcomm.php")) { $file = array_reverse(load_serialize($Paths['pivot_path'] . "db/ser_lastcomm.php", true, true)); } else { $file = array(); } $cats = find_cats_in_weblog($Current_weblog); $output = ""; $count = 0; if (count($file) > 0) { foreach ($file as $comment) { // if it's in a category that published n the frontpage, and the user is not blocked, we display it. if (count(array_intersect($comment['category'], $cats)) > 0 && !ip_check_block(trim($comment['ip'])) && $db->entry_exists($comment['code'])) { $id = safe_string($comment["name"], TRUE) . "-" . format_date($comment["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%"); $url = make_filelink($comment['code'], "", $id); $comment['name'] = trimtext(stripslashes($comment['name']), $last_comments_trim); $comment['title'] = trimtext(stripslashes($comment['title']), $last_comments_trim); // Commenting out mywordwrap since it currently breaks textile commands (and maybe more). // $comment['comment'] = mywordwrap($comment['comment'], 18, " ", 1); $comment['comment'] = comment_format($comment["comment"]); // Remove the [name:1] part in the 'last comments.. $comment['comment'] = preg_replace("/\\[(.*):([0-9]+)\\]/iU", '', $comment['comment']); $comment['comment'] = trimtext(stripslashes($comment['comment']), $last_comments_length); // $comment['comment'] = unentify($comment['comment']); if ($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['comment_pop'] == 1) { $popup = sprintf("onclick=\"'%s', 'popuplink', 'width=%s,height=%s,directories=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,status=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes'); return false\"", $url, $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['comment_width'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['comment_height']); } else { $popup = ""; } $thisline = $last_comments_format; $thisline = str_replace("%name%", $comment['name'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace("%date%", $comment['date'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace("%title%", $comment['title'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace("%url%", $url, $thisline); $thisline = str_replace("%popup%", $popup, $thisline); $thisline = str_replace("%comm%", $comment['comment'], $thisline); $thisline = format_date($comment["date"], $thisline); $output .= "\n" . $thisline; $count++; if ($count >= $last_comments_count) { return $output; } } } } return $output; }