$data['imgBaseDir'] = $_GET['imgBaseDir']; $data['imgBase'] = $_GET['imgBase']; // $data['imgExtension'] = $_GET['imgExtension']; $data['imgSuffix'] = $_GET['imgSuffix']; } else { // An additional image is being added $data['imgBaseDir'] = $_GET['imgBaseDir']; $data['imgBase'] = $_GET['imgBase']; // $data['imgExtension'] = $_GET['imgExtension']; // Image Suffix (if set) if ($_POST['imgSuffix'] != '') { $data['imgSuffix'] = '_' . $_POST['imgSuffix']; } else { // get directory list $array = array(); find_additional_images($array, DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $data['imgBaseDir'], $data['imgExtension'], $data['imgBase']); echo "<!-- point 1" . $data['imgExtension'] . "-->"; $c = sizeof($array); if ($c > 1) { sort($array); } // calculate the next suffix // (This is lame, unscalable, and inefficient, but effective) $suffix = 1; $m = 0; while ($m != 1) { if ($suffix < 10) { $suffixStr = "0" . $suffix; } else { $suffixStr = $suffix; }
$products_image_base = substr($products_image_base, strrpos($products_image_base, '/') + 1); } // sort out directory $products_image_directory = substr($products_image, 0, strrpos($products_image, '/')); // add slash to base dir if ($products_image_directory != '' && !ereg("\\/\$", $products_image_directory)) { $products_image_directory .= '/'; } $products_image_directory_full = DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_image_directory; // Check that the image exists! (out of date Database) if (file_exists($products_image_directory_full . $products_image_base . $products_image_extension)) { // Add base image to array $products_image_match_array[] = $products_image_base . $products_image_extension; // $products_image_base .= "_"; // Check for additional matching images find_additional_images($products_image_match_array, $products_image_directory_full, $products_image_extension, $products_image_base); } } // if products_image ?> <?php if ($pInfo->products_id != '') { ?> <h2> <?php echo TEXT_PRODUCT_INFO . ': #' . $pInfo->products_id . ' ' . $pInfo->products_name; ?> <?php if ($pInfo->products_model != '') {