function buildServerConfig($serial_no) { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG, $fm_name; /** Check serial number */ basicGet('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'servers', sanitize($serial_no), 'server_', 'server_serial_no'); if (!$fmdb->num_rows) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>', __('This server is not found.')); } $server_details = $fmdb->last_result; extract(get_object_vars($server_details[0]), EXTR_SKIP); $response = null; switch ($server_update_method) { case 'cron': if ($action == 'buildconf') { /* set the server_update_config flag */ setBuildUpdateConfigFlag($serial_no, 'conf', 'update'); $response = sprintf('<p>%s</p>' . "\n", __('This server will be updated on the next cron run.')); } else { $response = sprintf('<p>%s</p>' . "\n", __('This server receives updates via cron - please manage the server manually.')); } break; case 'http': case 'https': /** Test the port first */ if (!socketTest($server_name, $server_update_port, 10)) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", sprintf(__('Failed: could not access %s using %s (tcp/%d).'), $server_name, $server_update_method, $server_update_port)); } /** Remote URL to use */ $url = $server_update_method . '://' . $server_name . ':' . $server_update_port . '/' . $_SESSION['module'] . '/reload.php'; /** Data to post to $url */ $post_data = array('action' => 'buildconf', 'serial_no' => $server_serial_no); $post_result = @unserialize(getPostData($url, $post_data)); if (!is_array($post_result)) { /** Something went wrong */ if (empty($post_result)) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>', sprintf(__('It appears %s does not have php configured properly within httpd or httpd is not running.'), $server_name)); } return $response . '<p class="error">' . $post_result . '</p>' . "\n"; } else { if (count($post_result) > 1) { $response .= '<textarea rows="7" cols="100">'; /** Loop through and format the output */ foreach ($post_result as $line) { $response .= "[{$server_name}] {$line}\n"; } $response .= "</textarea>\n"; } else { $response .= "<p>[{$server_name}] " . $post_result[0] . '</p>'; } } break; case 'ssh': /** Test the port first */ if (!socketTest($server_name, $server_update_port, 10)) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", sprintf(__('Failed: could not access %s using %s (tcp/%d).'), $server_name, $server_update_method, $server_update_port)); } /** Get SSH key */ $ssh_key = getOption('ssh_key_priv', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$ssh_key) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", sprintf(__('Failed: SSH key is not <a href="%s">defined</a>.'), getMenuURL(_('General')))); } $temp_ssh_key = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/fm_id_rsa'; if (file_exists($temp_ssh_key)) { @unlink($temp_ssh_key); } if (@file_put_contents($temp_ssh_key, $ssh_key) === false) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", sprintf(__('Failed: could not load SSH key into %s.'), $temp_ssh_key)); } @chmod($temp_ssh_key, 0400); $ssh_user = getOption('ssh_user', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$ssh_user) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", sprintf(__('Failed: SSH user is not <a href="%s">defined</a>.'), getMenuURL(_('General')))); } /** Test SSH authentication */ exec(findProgram('ssh') . " -t -i {$temp_ssh_key} -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p {$server_update_port} -l {$ssh_user} {$server_name} 'ls /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']}/fw.php'", $post_result, $retval); if ($retval) { /** Something went wrong */ @unlink($temp_ssh_key); return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", __('Could not login via SSH.')); } unset($post_result); /** Run build */ exec(findProgram('ssh') . " -t -i {$temp_ssh_key} -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p {$server_update_port} -l {$ssh_user} {$server_name} 'sudo php /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']}/fw.php {$action} " . implode(' ', $options) . "'", $post_result, $retval); @unlink($temp_ssh_key); if ($retval) { /** Something went wrong */ return '<p class="error">' . ucfirst($friendly_action) . ' failed.</p>' . "\n"; } else { if (!count($post_result)) { $post_result[] = ucfirst($friendly_action) . ' was successful.'; } if (count($post_result) > 1) { $response .= '<textarea rows="4" cols="100">'; /** Loop through and format the output */ foreach ($post_result as $line) { $response .= "[{$server_name}] {$line}\n"; } $response .= "</textarea>\n"; } else { $response .= "<p>[{$server_name}] " . $post_result[0] . '</p>'; } } break; } /* reset the server_build_config flag */ if (!strpos($response, strtolower('failed'))) { setBuildUpdateConfigFlag($serial_no, 'no', 'build'); } $tmp_name = getNameFromID($serial_no, 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'servers', 'server_', 'server_serial_no', 'server_name'); addLogEntry(ucfirst($friendly_action) . " was performed on server '{$tmp_name}'."); return $response; }
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /** * fmFirewall Client Utility HTTPD Handler * * @package fmFirewall * @subpackage Client * */ require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/functions.php'; initWebRequest(); /** Process $_POST for buildconf or zone reload */ if (isset($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'buildconf': exec(findProgram('sudo') . ' ' . findProgram('php') . ' ' . dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/fw.php buildconf 2>&1', $output, $retval); if ($retval) { /** Something went wrong */ $output[] = 'Config build failed.'; } else { $output[] = 'Config build was successful.'; } break; case 'upgrade': exec(findProgram('sudo') . ' ' . findProgram('php') . ' ' . dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/dns.php upgrade 2>&1', $output); break; } } echo serialize($output);
/** * Pings the $server to check if it's alive * * @since 1.0 * @package facileManager */ function pingTest($server) { $program = findProgram('ping'); if (PHP_OS == 'FreeBSD' || PHP_OS == 'Darwin') { $ping = shell_exec("{$program} -t 2 -c 3 {$server} 2>/dev/null"); } elseif (PHP_OS == 'Linux') { $ping = shell_exec("{$program} -W 2 -c 3 {$server} 2>/dev/null"); } else { $ping = shell_exec("{$program} -c 3 {$server} 2>/dev/null"); } if (preg_match('/64 bytes from/', $ping)) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Performs syntax checks with named-check* utilities * * @since 1.0 * @package fmDNS * * @param array $files_array Array containing named files and contents * @return string */ function namedSyntaxChecks($files_array) { global $__FM_CONFIG; if (!array_key_exists('server_serial_no', $files_array)) { return; } if (getOption('enable_named_checks', $_SESSION['user']['account_id'], 'fmDNS') != 'yes') { return; } $die = false; $named_checkconf = findProgram('named-checkconf'); $uname = php_uname('n'); if (!$named_checkconf) { return sprintf('<div id="named_check" class="info"><p>%s</p></div>', sprintf(__('The named utilities (specifically named-checkconf and named-checkzone) cannot be found on %s. If they were installed, these configs and zones could be checked for syntax.'), $uname)); } $fm_temp_directory = '/' . ltrim(getOption('fm_temp_directory'), '/'); $tmp_dir = rtrim($fm_temp_directory, '/') . '/' . $_SESSION['module'] . '_' . date("YmdHis") . '/'; system('rm -rf ' . $tmp_dir); $debian_system = isDebianSystem($files_array['server_os_distro']); $named_conf_contents = null; /** Create temporary directory structure */ foreach ($files_array['files'] as $file => $contents) { if (!is_dir(dirname($tmp_dir . $file))) { if (!@mkdir(dirname($tmp_dir . $file), 0777, true)) { $class = 'class="info"'; $message = sprintf(__('%s is not writeable by %s so the named checks cannot be performed.'), $fm_temp_directory, $__FM_CONFIG['webserver']['user_info']['name']); $die = true; break; } } file_put_contents($tmp_dir . $file, $contents); if ($debian_system && (strpos($file, 'named.conf.options') || strpos($file, 'named.conf.local'))) { $named_conf_contents .= $contents; } /** Create temporary directory from named.conf's 'directory' line */ if (strpos($contents, 'directory')) { preg_match('/directory(.+?)+/', $contents, $directory_line); if (count($directory_line)) { $line_array = explode('"', $directory_line[0]); @mkdir($tmp_dir . $line_array[1], 0777, true); $named_conf = $file; } } /** Build array of zone files to check */ if (preg_match('/\\/zones\\.conf\\.(.+?)/', $file)) { $view = preg_replace('/(.+?)zones\\.conf\\.+/', '', $file); $tmp_contents = preg_replace('/^\\/\\/(.+?)+/', '', $contents); $tmp_contents = explode("};\n", trim($tmp_contents)); foreach ($tmp_contents as $zone_def) { if (strpos($zone_def, 'type master;') !== false) { preg_match('/^zone "(.+?)+/', $zone_def, $tmp_zone_def); $tmp_zone_def = explode('"', $tmp_zone_def[0]); preg_match('/file "(.+?)+/', trim($zone_def), $tmp_zone_def_file); $tmp_zone_def_file = explode('"', $tmp_zone_def_file[0]); if (!empty($tmp_zone_def_file[1])) { $zone_files[$view][$tmp_zone_def[1]] = $tmp_zone_def_file[1]; } } } } } if ($debian_system) { file_put_contents($tmp_dir . $named_conf, $named_conf_contents); } if (!$die) { /** Run named-checkconf */ $named_checkconf_cmd = findProgram('sudo') . ' ' . findProgram('named-checkconf') . ' -t ' . $tmp_dir . ' ' . $named_conf . ' 2>&1'; exec($named_checkconf_cmd, $named_checkconf_results, $retval); if ($retval) { $class = 'class="error"'; $named_checkconf_results = implode("\n", $named_checkconf_results); if (strpos($named_checkconf_results, 'sudo') !== false) { $class = 'class="info"'; $message = sprintf(__('The webserver user (%s) on %s does not have permission to run the following command:%sThe following error ocurred:%s'), $__FM_CONFIG['webserver']['user_info']['name'], $uname, '<br /><pre>' . $named_checkconf_cmd . '</pre><p>', '<pre>' . $named_checkconf_results . '</pre>'); } else { $message = __('Your named configuration contains one or more errors:') . '<br /><pre>' . $named_checkconf_results . '</pre>'; } /** Run named-checkzone */ } else { $named_checkzone_results = null; if (array($zone_files)) { foreach ($zone_files as $view => $zones) { foreach ($zones as $zone_name => $zone_file) { $named_checkzone_cmd = findProgram('sudo') . ' ' . findProgram('named-checkzone') . ' -t ' . $tmp_dir . ' ' . $zone_name . ' ' . $zone_file . ' 2>&1'; exec($named_checkzone_cmd, $results, $retval); if ($retval) { $class = 'class="error"'; $named_checkzone_results .= implode("\n", $results); if (strpos($named_checkzone_results, 'sudo') !== false) { $class = 'class="info"'; $message = sprintf(__('The webserver user (%s) on %s does not have permission to run the following command:%sThe following error ocurred:%s'), $__FM_CONFIG['webserver']['user_info']['name'], $uname, '<br /><pre>' . $named_checkzone_cmd . '</pre><p>', '<pre>' . $named_checkzone_results . '</pre>'); break 2; } } } } } if ($named_checkzone_results) { if (empty($message)) { $message = __('Your zone configuration files contain one or more errors:') . '<br /><pre>' . $named_checkzone_results . '</pre>'; } } else { $class = null; $message = __('Your named configuration and zone files are loadable.'); } } } /** Remove temporary directory */ system('rm -rf ' . $tmp_dir); return <<<HTML \t\t\t<div id="named_check" {$class}> \t\t\t\t<p>{$message}</p> \t\t\t</div> HTML; }
} $fm_tools->backupDatabase(); header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['basename']); } $branding_logo = $GLOBALS['RELPATH'] . 'fm-modules/' . $fm_name . '/images/fm.png'; printHeader(_('Upgrade'), 'install'); switch ($step) { case 0: case 1: if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '') || !file_get_contents(ABSPATH . '')) { header('Location: /fm-install.php'); } printf('<div id="fm-branding"> <img src="%s" /><span>%s</span> </div> <div id="window"><p>', $branding_logo, _('Upgrade')); $backup_button = findProgram('mysqldump') ? sprintf('<a href="?backup" class="button">%s</a>', _('Backup Database')) : null; printf(_("I have detected you recently upgraded %s and its modules, but have not upgraded the database. Click 'Upgrade' to start the upgrade process."), $fm_name); printf('</p><p class="step"><a href="?step=2" class="button click_once">%s</a> %s</p></div>', _('Upgrade'), $backup_button); break; case 2: if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '') || !file_get_contents(ABSPATH . '')) { header('Location: /fm-install.php'); } require_once ABSPATH . 'fm-modules/facileManager/upgrade.php'; include ABSPATH . ''; include_once ABSPATH . 'fm-includes/fm-db.php'; fmUpgrade($__FM_CONFIG['db']['name']); break; } printFooter();
/** * Backs up the database * * @since 1.0 * @package facileManager */ function backupDatabase() { global $__FM_CONFIG, $fm_name; if (!currentUserCan('run_tools')) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>', _('You are not authorized to run these tools.')); } /** Temporary fix for MySQL 5.6 warnings */ $exclude_warnings = array('Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.' . "\n"); $curdate = date("Y-m-d_H.i.s"); $sql_file = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $__FM_CONFIG['db']['name'] . '_' . $curdate . '.sql'; $error_log = str_replace('.sql', '.err', $sql_file); $mysqldump = findProgram('mysqldump'); if (!$mysqldump) { return sprintf('<p class="error">' . _('mysqldump is not found on %s.') . '</p>', php_uname('n')); } $command_string = "{$mysqldump} --opt -Q -h {$__FM_CONFIG['db']['host']} -u {$__FM_CONFIG['db']['user']} -p{$__FM_CONFIG['db']['pass']} {$__FM_CONFIG['db']['name']} > " . sys_get_temp_dir() . "/{$__FM_CONFIG['db']['name']}_{$curdate}.sql 2>{$error_log}"; @system($command_string, $retval); $retarr = @file_get_contents($error_log); if ($retval) { @unlink($error_log); @unlink($sql_file); return '<p class="error">' . nl2br(str_replace($exclude_warnings, '', $retarr)) . '</p>'; } compressFile($sql_file, @file_get_contents($sql_file)); @unlink($error_log); @unlink($sql_file); addLogEntry(_('Backed up the database.'), $fm_name); sendFileToBrowser($sql_file . '.gz'); }
$whoami = 'root'; $url = null; /** Check for options */ $dryrun = in_array('-n', $argv) || in_array('dryrun', $argv) ? true : false; $buildconf = in_array('-b', $argv) || in_array('buildconf', $argv) ? true : false; $cron = in_array('-c', $argv) || in_array('cron', $argv) ? true : false; /** Include shared client functions */ $fm_client_functions = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/functions.php'; if (file_exists($fm_client_functions)) { include_once $fm_client_functions; } else { echo fM("The facileManager client scripts are not installed.\n"); exit(1); } /** Check running user */ if (exec(findProgram('whoami')) != $whoami && !$dryrun) { echo fM("This script must run as {$whoami}.\n"); exit(1); } /** Check if running supported version */ $data['server_version'] = detectFWVersion(); /** Build everything required via cron */ if ($cron) { $data['action'] = 'cron'; } /** Build the server config */ if ($buildconf) { $data['action'] = 'buildconf'; } /** Build the zone files */ if ($zones) {
if (array_key_exists('submit', $_POST)) { switch ($_POST['submit']) { case _('Clean Up Database'): $response = $fm_tools->cleanupDatabase(); break; case _('Backup Database'): $response = $fm_tools->backupDatabase(); if (!$response) { header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['basename']); } break; } } printHeader(); @printMenu(); $backup_button = findProgram('mysqldump') ? sprintf('<p class="step"><input id="db-backup" name="submit" type="submit" value="%s" class="button" /></p>', _('Backup Database')) : sprintf(_('<p>The required mysqldump utility is not found on %s.</p>'), php_uname('n')); $tools_option[] = '<h2>' . _('Backup Database') . '</h2> <p>' . _('Run an ad hoc backup of your database.') . "</p>\n\t\t\t{$backup_button}\n\t\t\t<br />"; $purge_logs = currentUserCan('do_everything') ? ' <input id="purge-logs" name="submit" type="submit" value="' . _('Purge Logs') . '" class="button double-click" />' : null; $tools_option[] = '<h2>' . _('Clean Up Database') . '</h2> <p>' . _('You should periodically clean up your database to permanently remove deleted items. Make sure you backup your database first!') . '</p> <p class="step"><input id="db-cleanup" name="submit" type="submit" value="' . _('Clean Up Database') . '" class="button" />' . $purge_logs . '</p> <br />'; /** Get available module tools */ $module_var_file = ABSPATH . 'fm-modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION['module'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; if (file_exists($module_var_file)) { include $module_var_file; } $shared_tools_file = ABSPATH . 'fm-modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'shared' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; if (file_exists($shared_tools_file)) { include $shared_tools_file;
$__FM_CONFIG['soa']['soa_ttl'] = '5m'; $__FM_CONFIG['soa']['soa_refresh'] = '15m'; $__FM_CONFIG['soa']['soa_retry'] = '1h'; $__FM_CONFIG['soa']['soa_expire'] = '1w'; /** Name Server Default Values */ $__FM_CONFIG['ns']['named_root_dir'] = '/var/named'; $__FM_CONFIG['ns']['named_chroot_dir'] = '/var/named/chroot'; $__FM_CONFIG['ns']['named_zones_dir'] = '/etc/named/zones'; $__FM_CONFIG['ns']['named_config_file'] = '/etc/named.conf'; /** Logging Channel Options */ $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['destinations'] = array('file', 'syslog', 'stderr', 'null'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['file'] = array('versions', 'size'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['file_versions'] = array_merge(array('', 'unlimited'), range(1, 10)); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['file_sizes'] = array('K', 'M', 'G'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['syslog'] = array('kern', 'user', 'mail', 'daemon', 'auth', 'syslog', 'lpr', 'news', 'uucp', 'cron', 'authpriv', 'ftp', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['severity'] = array('critical', 'error', 'warning', 'notice', 'info', 'debug 0', 'debug 1', 'debug 2', 'debug 3', 'debug 4', 'debug 5', 'debug 6', 'debug 7', 'debug 8', 'debug 10', 'debug 50', 'debug 90', 'dynamic'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['print-category'] = array('', 'yes', 'no'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['print-severity'] = array('', 'yes', 'no'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['options']['print-time'] = array('', 'yes', 'no'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['categories'] = array('client', 'config', 'database', 'default', 'delegation-only', 'dispatch', 'dnssec', 'general', 'lame-servers', 'network', 'notify', 'queries', 'resolver', 'rpz', 'rate-limit', 'security', 'unmatched', 'update', 'update-security', 'xfer-in', 'xfer-out'); $__FM_CONFIG['logging']['channels']['reserved'] = array('null', 'default_syslog', 'default_debug', 'default_stderr'); /** Cleanup options */ $__FM_CONFIG['module']['clean']['prefixes'] = array('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'acls' => 'acl', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'config' => 'cfg', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'domains' => 'domain', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'keys' => 'key', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'records' => 'record', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'servers' => 'server', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'soa' => 'soa', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'views' => 'view', 'fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix'] . 'records_skipped' => 'record'); $__FM_CONFIG['clean']['prefixes'] = @array_merge($__FM_CONFIG['clean']['prefixes'], $__FM_CONFIG['module']['clean']['prefixes']); /** Default values */ $named_check_utils = findProgram('named-checkconf') ? findProgram('named-checkconf') . ', ' . findProgram('named-checkzone') : '/path/to/named-checkconf, /path/to/named-checkzone'; $__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['default']['options'] = @array('enable_named_checks' => array('description' => array(__('Enable named Checks'), __('Enable or disable named-checkconf and named-checkzone utilities.') . '</p> <p>' . sprintf(__('sudo must be installed on %s with the following in sudoers:'), php_uname('n')) . '</p> <pre>' . $__FM_CONFIG['webserver']['user_info']['name'] . ' ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ' . $named_check_utils . '</pre>'), 'default_value' => 'no', 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'purge_config_files' => array('description' => array(__('Purge Configuration Files'), __('When enabled, configuration files will be deleted on the DNS servers before building the server config. This can be handy if you want to remove unused files.')), 'default_value' => 'no', 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'auto_create_ptr_zones' => array('description' => array(__('Create Reverse Zones Automatically'), __('While creating A records and choosing to create the associated PTR record, reverse zones can be automatically created if they are missing.')), 'default_value' => 'no', 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'clones_use_dnames' => array('description' => array(__('Use DNAME Resource Records for Clones'), __('When creating cloned zones, use the DNAME resource record rather than a full clone (when available).')), 'default_value' => 'yes', 'type' => 'checkbox')); /** Array sorts */ sort($__FM_CONFIG['logging']['categories']);
/** * Tests server connectivity */ function connectTests() { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG; $return = null; /** Load ssh key for use */ $ssh_key = getOption('ssh_key_priv', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); $temp_ssh_key = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/fm_id_rsa'; if ($ssh_key) { if (file_exists($temp_ssh_key)) { @unlink($temp_ssh_key); } $ssh_key_loaded = @file_put_contents($temp_ssh_key, $ssh_key); @chmod($temp_ssh_key, 0400); } $ssh_user = getOption('ssh_user', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); /** Get server list */ $result = basicGetList('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'servers', 'server_name', 'server_'); /** Process server list */ $num_rows = $fmdb->num_rows; $results = $fmdb->last_result; for ($x = 0; $x < $num_rows; $x++) { $return .= sprintf(__("Running tests for %s\n"), $results[$x]->server_name); /** ping tests */ $return .= "\t" . str_pad(__('Ping:'), 15); if (pingTest($results[$x]->server_name)) { $return .= __('success'); } else { $return .= __('failed'); } $return .= "\n"; /** remote port tests */ $return .= "\t" . str_pad(__('Remote Port:'), 15); if ($results[$x]->server_update_method != 'cron') { if (socketTest($results[$x]->server_name, $results[$x]->server_update_port, 10)) { $return .= __('success') . ' (tcp/' . $results[$x]->server_update_port . ")\n"; if ($results[$x]->server_update_method == 'ssh') { $return .= "\t" . str_pad(__('SSH Login:'******'no SSH key defined'); } elseif ($ssh_key_loaded === false) { $return .= sprintf(__('could not load SSH key into %s'), $temp_ssh_key); } elseif (!$ssh_user) { $return .= __('no SSH user defined'); } else { exec(findProgram('ssh') . " -t -i {$temp_ssh_key} -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p {$results[$x]->server_update_port} -l {$ssh_user} {$results[$x]->server_name} uptime", $post_result, $retval); if ($retval) { $return .= __('ssh key login failed'); } else { $return .= __('success'); } } } else { /** php tests */ $return .= "\t" . str_pad(__('http page:'), 15); $php_result = getPostData($results[$x]->server_update_method . '://' . $results[$x]->server_name . '/' . $_SESSION['module'] . '/reload.php', null); if ($php_result == 'Incorrect parameters defined.') { $return .= __('success'); } else { $return .= __('failed'); } } } else { $return .= __('failed') . ' (tcp/' . $results[$x]->server_update_port . ')'; } } else { $return .= __('skipping (host updates via cron)'); } $return .= "\n"; /** dns tests */ $return .= "\t" . str_pad(__('DNS:'), 15); $port = 53; if (socketTest($results[$x]->server_name, $port, 10)) { $return .= __('success') . ' (tcp/' . $port . ')'; } else { $return .= __('failed') . ' (tcp/' . $port . ')'; } $return .= "\n"; $return .= "\n"; } @unlink($temp_ssh_key); return $return; }
/** * Upgrades the client sotware * * @since 1.1 * @package facileManager */ function doClientUpgrade($serial_no) { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG, $fm_name; /** Check permissions */ if (!currentUserCan('manage_servers', $_SESSION['module'])) { echo buildPopup('header', _('Error')); printf('<p>%s</p>', _('You do not have permission to manage servers.')); echo buildPopup('footer', _('OK'), array('cancel_button' => 'cancel')); exit; } /** Process server group */ if ($serial_no[0] == 'g') { $group_servers = $this->getGroupServers(substr($serial_no, 1)); if (!is_array($group_servers)) { return $group_servers; } $response = null; foreach ($group_servers as $serial_no) { if (is_numeric($serial_no)) { $response .= $this->doClientUpgrade($serial_no) . "\n"; } } return $response; } /** Check serial number */ basicGet('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'servers', sanitize($serial_no), 'server_', 'server_serial_no'); if (!$fmdb->num_rows) { return sprintf(_('%d is not a valid serial number.'), $serial_no); } $server_details = $fmdb->last_result; extract(get_object_vars($server_details[0]), EXTR_SKIP); $response[] = $server_name; if ($server_installed != 'yes') { $response[] = ' --> ' . _('Failed: Client is not installed.') . "\n"; } if (count($response) == 1) { switch ($server_update_method) { case 'cron': /* Servers updated via cron require manual upgrades */ $response[] = ' --> ' . _('This server needs to be upgraded manually with the following command:'); $response[] = " --> sudo php /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']}/\$(ls /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']} | grep php | grep -v functions) upgrade"; addLogEntry(sprintf(_('Upgraded client scripts on %s.'), $server_name)); break; case 'http': case 'https': /** Test the port first */ if (!socketTest($server_name, $server_update_port, 10)) { $response[] = ' --> ' . sprintf(_('Failed: could not access %s using %s (tcp/%d).'), $server_name, $server_update_method, $server_update_port); break; } /** Remote URL to use */ $url = $server_update_method . '://' . $server_name . ':' . $server_update_port . '/' . $_SESSION['module'] . '/reload.php'; /** Data to post to $url */ $post_data = array('action' => 'upgrade', 'serial_no' => $server_serial_no); $post_result = @unserialize(getPostData($url, $post_data)); if (!is_array($post_result)) { /** Something went wrong */ if (empty($post_result)) { $response[] = ' --> ' . sprintf(_('It appears %s does not have php configured properly within httpd or httpd is not running.'), $server_name); break; } } else { if (count($post_result) > 1) { /** Loop through and format the output */ foreach ($post_result as $line) { if (strlen(trim($line))) { $response[] = " --> {$line}"; } } } else { $response[] = " --> " . $post_result[0]; } addLogEntry(sprintf(_('Upgraded client scripts on %s.'), $server_name)); } break; case 'ssh': /** Test the port first */ if (!socketTest($server_name, $server_update_port, 10)) { $response[] = ' --> ' . sprintf(_('Failed: could not access %s using %s (tcp/%d).'), $server_name, $server_update_method, $server_update_port); break; } /** Get SSH key */ $ssh_key = getOption('ssh_key_priv', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$ssh_key) { $response[] = ' --> ' . sprintf(_('Failed: SSH key is not %sdefined</a>.'), '<a href="' . getMenuURL(_('General')) . '">'); break; } $temp_ssh_key = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/fm_id_rsa'; if (file_exists($temp_ssh_key)) { @unlink($temp_ssh_key); } if (@file_put_contents($temp_ssh_key, $ssh_key) === false) { $response[] = ' --> ' . sprintf(_('Failed: could not load SSH key into %s.'), $temp_ssh_key); break; } @chmod($temp_ssh_key, 0400); $ssh_user = getOption('ssh_user', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$ssh_user) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", sprintf(_('Failed: SSH user is not <a href="%s">defined</a>.'), getMenuURL(_('General')))); } unset($post_result); exec(findProgram('ssh') . " -t -i {$temp_ssh_key} -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p {$server_update_port} -l {$ssh_user} {$server_name} 'sudo php /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']}/\$(ls /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']} | grep php | grep -v functions) upgrade 2>&1'", $post_result, $retval); @unlink($temp_ssh_key); if ($retval) { /** Something went wrong */ $post_result[] = _('Client upgrade failed.'); } else { if (!count($post_result)) { $post_result[] = _('Config build was successful.'); addLogEntry(sprintf(_('Upgraded client scripts on %s.'), $server_name)); } } if (count($post_result) > 1) { /** Loop through and format the output */ foreach ($post_result as $line) { if (strlen(trim($line))) { $response[] = " --> {$line}"; } } } else { $response[] = " --> " . $post_result[0]; } break; } $response[] = null; } return implode("\n", $response); }
function manageCache($action, $message) { addLogEntry($message); if (shell_exec('ps -A | grep named | grep -vc grep') > 0) { $last_line = system(findProgram('rndc') . ' ' . $action . ' 2>&1', $retval); if ($last_line) { addLogEntry($last_line); } if ($action == 'dumpdb -cache') { /** Get dump-file location */ $dump_file = system('grep dump-file /etc/named.conf* | awk \'{print $NF}\'', $retval); $dump_file = str_replace(array('"', ';'), '', $dump_file); if (file_exists($dump_file)) { echo file_get_contents($dump_file); } } $message = $retval ? $message . ' failed' : $message . ' completed successfully'; echo fM($message); addLogEntry($message); } else { $error_msg = "The server is not running\n"; if ($debug) { echo fM($error_msg); } addLogEntry($error_msg); } if ($retval) { addLogEntry($last_line); $message = "There was an error " . strtolower($message) . " - please check the logs for details\n"; if ($debug) { echo fM($message); } addLogEntry($message); exit(1); } exit; }
/** * Extracts files * * @since 1.1 * @package facileManager * * @param array $files Files to extract */ function extractFiles($files = array()) { $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/fM_files'; if (!is_dir($tmp_dir)) { mkdir($tmp_dir); } foreach ($files as $filename) { $path_parts = pathinfo($filename); $untar_opt = '-C ' . $tmp_dir . ' -x'; switch ($path_parts['extension']) { case 'bz2': $untar_opt .= 'j'; break; case 'tgz': case 'gz': $untar_opt .= 'z'; break; } $untar_opt .= 'f'; $command = findProgram('tar') . " {$untar_opt} {$filename}"; @system($command, $retval); if ($retval) { $message = "Failed to extract {$filename}. Exiting.\n"; echo fM($message); addLogEntry($message); exit(1); } } /** Move files */ $command = findProgram('cp') . " -r {$tmp_dir}/facileManager/client/facileManager " . dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); @system($command, $retval); if ($retval) { $message = "Failed to save files. Exiting.\n"; echo fM($message); addLogEntry($message); exit(1); } if ($tmp_dir != '/') { @system(findProgram('rm') . " -rf {$tmp_dir}"); } }
function getInterfaceNames($os) { $interfaces = null; switch (PHP_OS) { case 'Linux': $command = findProgram('ifconfig') . ' | grep Link'; break; case 'Darwin': case 'FreeBSD': case 'OpenBSD': case 'NetBSD': $command = findProgram('netstat') . ' -i | grep Link'; break; case 'SunOS': $command = findProgram('ifconfig') . ' -a | grep flags | sed -e \'s/://g\''; break; default: return null; break; } exec($command . ' | awk "{print \\$1}" | sort | uniq', $interfaces); return $interfaces; }
function buildZoneConfig($domain_id) { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG, $fm_name; /** Check domain_id and soa */ $parent_domain_ids = getZoneParentID($domain_id); if (!isset($parent_domain_ids[2])) { $query = "SELECT * FROM fm_{$__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix']}domains d, fm_{$__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix']}soa s WHERE domain_status='active' AND d.account_id='{$_SESSION['user']['account_id']}' AND s.soa_id=d.soa_id AND d.domain_id IN (" . join(',', $parent_domain_ids) . ")"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM fm_{$__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix']}domains d, fm_{$__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix']}soa s WHERE domain_status='active' AND d.account_id='{$_SESSION['user']['account_id']}' AND\n\t\t\t\ts.soa_id=(SELECT soa_id FROM fm_dns_domains WHERE domain_id={$parent_domain_ids[2]})"; } $result = $fmdb->query($query); if (!$fmdb->num_rows) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", __('Failed: There was no SOA record found for this zone.')); } $domain_details = $fmdb->last_result; extract(get_object_vars($domain_details[0]), EXTR_SKIP); $name_servers = $this->getNameServers($domain_name_servers, array('masters')); /** No name servers so return */ if (!$name_servers) { return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", __('There are no DNS servers hosting this zone.')); } /** Loop through name servers */ $name_server_count = $fmdb->num_rows; $response = '<textarea rows="12" cols="85">'; $failures = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $name_server_count; $i++) { switch ($name_servers[$i]->server_update_method) { case 'cron': /** Add records to fm_{$__FM_CONFIG['fmDNS']['prefix']}track_reloads */ foreach ($this->getZoneCloneChildren($domain_id) as $child_id) { $this->addZoneReload($name_servers[$i]->server_serial_no, $child_id); } /** Set the server_update_config flag */ setBuildUpdateConfigFlag($name_servers[$i]->server_serial_no, 'yes', 'update'); $response .= '[' . $name_servers[$i]->server_name . '] ' . __('This zone will be updated on the next cron run.') . "\n"; break; case 'http': case 'https': /** Test the port first */ if (!socketTest($name_servers[$i]->server_name, $name_servers[$i]->server_update_port, 10)) { $response .= '[' . $name_servers[$i]->server_name . '] ' . sprintf(__('Failed: could not access %s (tcp/%d).'), $name_servers[$i]->server_update_method, $name_servers[$i]->server_update_port) . "\n"; $failures = true; break; } /** Remote URL to use */ $url = $name_servers[$i]->server_update_method . '://' . $name_servers[$i]->server_name . ':' . $name_servers[$i]->server_update_port . '/' . $_SESSION['module'] . '/reload.php'; /** Data to post to $url */ $post_data = array('action' => 'reload', 'serial_no' => $name_servers[$i]->server_serial_no, 'domain_id' => $domain_id); $post_result = unserialize(getPostData($url, $post_data)); if (!is_array($post_result)) { /** Something went wrong */ return '<div class="error"><p>' . $post_result . '</p></div>' . "\n"; } else { if (count($post_result) > 1) { /** Loop through and format the output */ foreach ($post_result as $line) { $response .= '[' . $name_servers[$i]->server_name . "] {$line}\n"; if (strpos(strtolower($line), 'fail')) { $failures = true; } } } else { $response .= "[{$name_servers[$i]->server_name}] " . $post_result[0] . "\n"; if (strpos(strtolower($post_result[0]), 'fail')) { $failures = true; } } } /** Set the server_update_config flag */ setBuildUpdateConfigFlag($name_servers[$i]->server_serial_no, 'yes', 'update'); break; case 'ssh': /** Test the port first */ if (!socketTest($name_servers[$i]->server_name, $name_servers[$i]->server_update_port, 10)) { $response .= '[' . $name_servers[$i]->server_name . '] ' . sprintf(__('Failed: could not access %s (tcp/%d).'), $name_servers[$i]->server_update_method, $name_servers[$i]->server_update_port) . "\n"; $failures = true; break; } /** Get SSH key */ $ssh_key = getOption('ssh_key_priv', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$ssh_key) { return '<p class="error">' . sprintf(__('Failed: SSH key is not <a href="%s">defined</a>.'), getMenuURL(_('Settings'))) . '</p>' . "\n"; } $temp_ssh_key = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/fm_id_rsa'; if (file_exists($temp_ssh_key)) { @unlink($temp_ssh_key); } if (@file_put_contents($temp_ssh_key, $ssh_key) === false) { return '<p class="error">' . sprintf(__('Failed: could not load SSH key into %s.'), $temp_ssh_key) . '</p>' . "\n"; } @chmod($temp_ssh_key, 0400); $ssh_user = getOption('ssh_user', $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$ssh_user) { return '<p class="error">' . sprintf(__('Failed: SSH user is not <a href="%s">defined</a>.'), getMenuURL(_('Settings'))) . '</p>' . "\n"; } unset($post_result); exec(findProgram('ssh') . " -t -i {$temp_ssh_key} -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p {$name_servers[$i]->server_update_port} -l {$ssh_user} {$name_servers[$i]->server_name} 'sudo php /usr/local/{$fm_name}/{$_SESSION['module']}/dns.php zones id={$domain_id}'", $post_result, $retval); @unlink($temp_ssh_key); if (!is_array($post_result)) { /** Something went wrong */ return sprintf('<p class="error">%s</p>' . "\n", $post_result); } else { if (!count($post_result)) { $post_result[] = __('Zone reload was successful.'); } if (count($post_result) > 1) { /** Loop through and format the output */ foreach ($post_result as $line) { $response .= '[' . $name_servers[$i]->server_name . "] {$line}\n"; if (strpos(strtolower($line), 'fail')) { $failures = true; } } } else { $response .= "[{$name_servers[$i]->server_name}] " . $post_result[0] . "\n"; if (strpos(strtolower($post_result[0]), 'fail')) { $failures = true; } } } /** Set the server_update_config flag */ setBuildUpdateConfigFlag($name_servers[$i]->server_serial_no, 'yes', 'update'); break; } } $response .= "</textarea>\n"; /** Reset the domain_reload flag */ if (!$failures) { global $fm_dns_records; if (!isset($fm_dns_records)) { include ABSPATH . 'fm-modules/fmDNS/classes/class_records.php'; } $fm_dns_records->updateSOAReload($domain_id, 'no'); } addLogEntry(sprintf(__("Reloaded zone '%s'."), displayFriendlyDomainName($domain_name))); return $response; }
/** * Generates a SSH key pair * * @since 1.0 * @package facileManager */ function generateSSHKeyPair() { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG, $fm_name; $tmp = sys_get_temp_dir(); /** Create the ssh key pair */ exec(findProgram('ssh-keygen') . " -t rsa -b 2048 -f {$tmp}/fm_id_rsa -N ''", $exec_array, $retval); $array['ssh_key_priv'] = @file_get_contents($tmp . '/fm_id_rsa'); $array['ssh_key_pub'] = @file_get_contents($tmp . '/'); @unlink($tmp . '/fm_id_rsa'); @unlink($tmp . '/'); if ($retval) { return _('SSH key generation failed.'); } foreach ($array as $key => $data) { /** Check if the option has changed */ $current_value = getOption($key); if ($current_value == $data) { continue; } $new_array[$key] = $current_value === false ? array($data, 'insert') : array($data, 'update'); } if (isset($new_array) && is_array($new_array)) { foreach ($new_array as $option => $value) { list($option_value, $command) = $value; /** Update with the new value */ $result = setOption($option, $option_value, $command, false, $_SESSION['user']['account_id']); if (!$result) { return _('Could not save settings because a database error occurred.'); } } addLogEntry(_('Generated system SSH key pair.'), $fm_name); } return true; }