文件: buying.php 项目: haiha262/WAD
function AddRemoveItem($xml, $action)
    //find detail of item with id
    $id = $_POST["id"];
    $price = findItem($xml, $id, "price");
    $curQty = findItem($xml, $id, "quantity");
    if ($_SESSION["cart"] != "") {
        $cart = $_SESSION["cart"];
        //read the cart session into local variable
        if ($action == "Add") {
            if ($curQty > 0) {
                if (!isset($cart[$id])) {
                    $qty = 1;
                    // increase no of books by 1
                    $value = array();
                    $value["price"] = $price;
                    $value["qty"] = $qty;
                    $cart[$id] = $value;
                    $_SESSION["cart"] = $cart;
                    // save the adjusted cart to session variable
                    //echo (toXml($cart));   				// send XML form of CART to client
                } else {
                    //if $value["qty"] > curQty
                    //=> error
                    $value = $cart[$id];
                    $value["price"] = $price;
                    $value["qty"] = $value["qty"] + 1;
                    $cart[$id] = $value;
                    $_SESSION["cart"] = $cart;
                    //subtracting 1 from the quantity available and adding 1 to the quantity on hold
                    //echo (toXml($cart));
            } else {
                echo "sorry";
        } else {
            $value = $cart[$id];
            $value["price"] = $price;
            $value["qty"] = $value["qty"] - 1;
            $cart[$id] = $value;
            if ($value["qty"] == 0) {
            $_SESSION["cart"] = $cart;
            //echo (toXml($cart));
    } elseif ($action == "Add") {
        $value = array();
        $value["price"] = $price;
        $value["qty"] = "1";
        $cart = array();
        $cart[$id] = $value;
        $_SESSION["cart"] = $cart;
        //echo (toXml($cart));
    updateCart($xml, $cart, $id, $action);
 public function generateInputFragments(&$charData, $nonCombat = false)
     $inventory = lazyGetInventory($charData);
     $inventoryItems = $inventory->items;
     // We only want one InputFragment per item TYPE.
     $dedupedNames = [];
     foreach ($inventoryItems as $itemName) {
         $item = findItem($itemName);
         if (is_null($item)) {
             echo "ERROR: Bad item in inventory ({$itemName})!\n";
         $useLocation = $item->useLocation;
         if ($nonCombat && $useLocation == ItemUse::CombatOnly) {
         if (!$nonCombat && $useLocation == ItemUse::NonCombatOnly) {
         if ($this->deDupeItemFragments($itemName, $dedupedNames)) {
         $this->commands[] = new InputFragment($itemName, function ($charData, $mapData) use($itemName, $nonCombat) {
             global $usingItem;
             return $usingItem->useItem($itemName, $charData, $mapData, $nonCombat);
     $this->commands[] = new InputFragment("cancel", function ($charData, $mapData) use($nonCombat) {
         echo $nonCombat . "\n\n";
         if (!$nonCombat) {
             echo "You close your bag, and go back to the fight.\n";
             StateManager::ChangeState($charData, GameStates::Combat);
         } else {
             echo "Deciding against using an item, you go back to Adventuring.\n";
             StateManager::ChangeState($charData, GameStates::Adventuring);
     // Add unique identifiers to commands.
     $allocator = new UIDAllocator($this->commands);
文件: item.php 项目: darwish/skyhigh

require __DIR__ . '/../includes/start.php';
$item_id = getvar("id");
$item = findItem($item_id);
// Load that data for export
$purchase = null;
if (me()) {
    $purchase = findPurchase($item->id, me()->id);
$redirectUrl = "http" . (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "s" : "") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . preg_replace('/item\\.php/', 'paid.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$pageTitle = "Purchase Item";
require __DIR__ . '/../includes/templates/header.php';

<h1>Purchase Item</h1>

partial("breadcrumbs", ['category' => $item->category]);

if (!$item) {
	<div class="alert alert-danger">
		That item doesn't appear to exist. Try searching for a different one.

    partial("search-bar", ['q' => ""]);
 private function InitItemList($playerLevel, $distance)
     // Potion quality is based on player level.
     $prefix = $this->getPotionPrefix($playerLevel);
     // Every shop has these items...
     $healthPotion = findItem($prefix . "health potion");
     $magicPotion = findItem($prefix . "magic potion");
     $tent = findItem("tent");
     // ... but in random quantities.
     $numInStock = rand(0, 5);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numInStock; ++$i) {
     $numInStock = rand(0, 3);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numInStock; ++$i) {
     $numInStock = rand(0, 1);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numInStock; ++$i) {
     // Random weapons/armour.
     $this->InitRandomEquipment($playerLevel, $distance);
    $equipment = $adventuring->getEquippedItemsStr($charData);
    echo $equipment . "\n";
// Use an item from the inventory
$adventuring->commands[] = new InputFragment("use item", function ($charData, $mapData) {
    global $usingItem;
    $inventory = lazyGetInventory($charData);
    if (empty($inventory->items)) {
        echo "After a quick rummage in your bag, it looks like you don't have anything of use.\n";
    $output = "Choose an item: ";
    // We are not in combat, hence the "true"
    $usingItem->generateInputFragments($charData, true);
    foreach ($usingItem->commands as $fragment) {
        $item = findItem($fragment->token);
        if (is_null($item)) {
        // Don't show combat-only items.
        if ($item->useLocation == ItemUse::CombatOnly) {
        $output .= "{$fragment->displayString}, ";
    $output = rtrim($output, ", ") . "\n";
    echo $output;
    StateManager::ChangeState($charData, GameStates::UsingItem);
// Check your inventory.
$adventuring->commands[] = new InputFragment("inventory", function ($charData, $mapData) {
 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B');
 $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode("Liste des gardes et des astreintes qui sont attribuées à :" . requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(htmlentities($_POST['login'])) . " sur la période du :" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($_POST['date_debut']) . " au " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($_POST['date_fin'])), 0, '', true);
 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
 // Largeurs des colonnes
 $w = array(190 / 6, 190 / 7, 190 / 10, 190 / 10, 190 / 10, 190 / 10, 190 / 7, 190 / 7);
 $header = array(utf8_decode('Date'), utf8_decode('Nature'), utf8_decode("jour sem"), utf8_decode("nuit sem"), utf8_decode("nuit we"), utf8_decode("jour we"), utf8_decode('heure de début'), utf8_decode('heure de fin'));
 // En-tête
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); $i++) {
     $pdf->Cell($w[$i], 7, $header[$i], 1, 0, 'C');
 // Données
 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
 foreach ($planning2 as $row) {
     if ($row['login'] == $_POST['login']) {
         $mon_item = findItem($row['date_fin'], $row['login'], '00:00', $planning2, 'date_debut', 'login', 'start_heure');
         if ($choix_affichage == 2) {
             $pdf->Cell($w[0], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($row['ma_date2']), 'LR', 0, 'C');
             $pdf->Cell($w[1], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row['nature'] == 0 ? "garde" : "astreinte"), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Cell($w[2], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row['date_debut']), date("G", $row['date_debut'])) == 0 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Cell($w[3], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row['date_debut']), date("G", $row['date_debut'])) == 1 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Cell($w[4], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row['date_debut']), date("G", $row['date_debut'])) == 2 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Cell($w[5], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row['date_debut']), date("G", $row['date_debut'])) == 3 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Cell($w[6], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row['start_heure']), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Cell($w[7], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row['end_heure']), 'LR', 0, 'R');
         } else {
             if ($choix_affichage == 1) {
                 if (count($mon_item) == 0 && $row['start_heure'] != '00:00') {
                     $pdf->Cell($w[0], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($row['ma_date2']), 'LR', 0, 'C');
                     $pdf->Cell($w[1], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row['nature'] == 0 ? "garde" : "astreinte"), 'LR', 0, 'R');
    $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM ITEM WHERE inventory_id="' . $invId . '" AND serial_number="' . $serial . '"';
    return mysql_query($sql_query);
//Update an item record with values provided
function updateItem($invId, $serial, $item, $model, $cat, $man, $pdate, $value, $notes, $database)
    $sql_query = "UPDATE ITEM SET item_name=\"" . $item . "\",value=" . $value . ",model='" . $model . "',manufacturer=\"" . $man . "\",category=\"" . $cat . "\",item_purchase_date=\"" . $pdate . "\",notes=\"" . $notes . "\" WHERE inventory_id=" . $invId . " AND serial_number=" . $serial;
//Checks method type passed and calls appropriate function
if ($method == "addItem") {
    addNewItem($invId, $serial, $item, $model, $cat, $man, $pdate, $value, $notes, $database);
} else {
    if ($method == "findItem") {
        $result = findItem($serial, $invId, $database);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
            //Gathers table fields to insert into json response
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                echo '{"item":{';
                echo '"itemName":"' . $row['item_name'] . '",';
                echo '"value":"' . $row['value'] . '",';
                echo '"model":"' . $row['model'] . '",';
                echo '"man":"' . $row['manufacturer'] . '",';
                echo '"cat":"' . $row['category'] . '",';
                echo '"pdate":"' . $row['item_purchase_date'] . '",';
                echo '"notes":"' . $row['notes'] . '"';
                echo '}}';
        } else {
            echo '{"error":"Item could not be found in inventory."}';
  * print_result
  * print a pdf file wich contain schedule of the shift
  * @param array $arr : 
  * @param array $arr['agenda'] schedule with param (login, job, job2, ma_date, date_debut, date_fin)
  * @param array $arr['team'] team with param (login, nom, adresse, code, commune, tel1, tel2, mail)
  * @param int $arr['choix_affichage'] choice concerning date in the schedule : 1 for put date j+1 2 for split date 1 to midnight 1 after
  * @param int $arr['cas_affichage'] choice concerning the goal : 1 for global schedule, 2 for global schedule and all schedule of member, 3 for distinct member schedule
  * @param string $arr['date_debut'] date of the begin of the selected month format : DD/MM/YYYY
  * @param string $arr['date_fin'] date of the end of the selected month format : DD/MM/YYYY
  * @param string $arr['date_debut2'] date of the begin of the selected month format : DD_MM_YYYY
  * @param string $arr['date_fin2'] date of the end of the selected month format : DD_MM_YYYY
  * @param int $arr['date_debut3'] date of the begin of the selected month format : millisecond unix
  * @param int $arr['date_fin3'] date of the end of the selected month format : millisecond unix
  * @param array $arr['liste_jour'] list of day name and order
  * @param string $arr['login'] login name for distinct member schedule search
  * @return json json of ok
 public static function print_result($arr)
     try {
         require 'fpdf/fpdf.php';
         require 'fpdi/fpdi.php';
         $choix_affichage = $arr['choix_affichage'];
         $filename = 'planning/';
         if (!file_exists($filename)) {
             if (!mkdir($filename, 0755, true)) {
                 die('Echec lors de la création des répertoires...');
         $pdf = new FPDF();
         $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000), date("d", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000), date("Y", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000));
         $date_debut_o = $date_debut;
         $date_fin = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000), date("d", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000), date("Y", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000));
         $planning2 = $arr['agenda'];
         while ($date_debut < $date_fin) {
             if ($date_debut == mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date_debut), 1, date("Y", $date_debut)) || $date_debut == $date_debut_o) {
                 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
                 $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, "Le " . date("d.m.y"), 0, 'L');
                 if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                     $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . " " . $_SESSION['login2']), 0, 'L');
                 } else {
                     $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . " " . TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT9), 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 18);
                 $pdf->SetFillColor(153, 153, 153);
                 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                 $pdf->SetDrawColor(153, 153, 153);
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B');
                 if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 1) {
                     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT5 . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(strftime("%B", $date_debut)) . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(date("Y", $date_debut))), 0, '', true);
                 } else {
                     if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 2) {
                         $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT6 . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(strftime("%B", $date_debut)) . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(date("Y", $date_debut))), 0, '', true);
                     } else {
                         if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 3) {
                             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT7 . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(htmlentities($_POST['login'])) . " :" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(strftime("%B", $date_debut)) . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(date("Y", $date_debut))), 0, '', true);
                 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10);
                 // Largeurs des colonnes
                 $w = array(190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7);
                 $header = $arr['liste_jour'];
                 $hauteur = 3;
                 $x2 = $pdf->GetY();
                 // En-tête
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); $i++) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($w[$i] * $i + 10, $x2);
                     $pdf->MultiCell($w[$i], $hauteur, $header[$i]["nom"], 0, 'C');
                     if ($header[$i]["valeur"] == date("w", $date_debut)) {
                         $case_vide = $i - 1;
                 $x2 = $pdf->GetY();
                 if ($case_vide >= 0) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i <= $case_vide; $i++) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($w[$i] * $i + 10, $x2);
                         $pdf->MultiCell($w[0], $hauteur, "--", 'LRTB', 'C');
                 $x3 = ($case_vide + 1) * $w[$i] + 10;
                 $max_y = 0;
             // Données
             $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
             $trouve = false;
             $mon_texte = date("d", $date_debut) . "\n";
             foreach ($planning2 as $row) {
                 if ($date_debut == $row->ma_date / 1000) {
                     $mon_item = findItem($row->date_fin / 1000, $row->login, '00:00', $planning2, 'date_debut', 'login', 'start_heure');
                     if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 1 || $arr['cas_affichage'] == 2) {
                         if ($choix_affichage == 2) {
                             $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $row->end_heure . "h \n";
                         } else {
                             if ($choix_affichage == 1) {
                                 if (count($mon_item) == 0 && $row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                     $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $row->end_heure . "h \n";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                         $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $mon_item[0]->end_heure . "h(J+1) \n";
                     } else {
                         if ($row->login == $arr['login']) {
                             if ($choix_affichage == 2) {
                                 $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "-" . $row->end_heure . " \n";
                             } else {
                                 if ($choix_affichage == 1) {
                                     if (count($mon_item) == 0 && $row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                         $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $row->end_heure . "h \n";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                             $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $mon_item[0]->end_heure . "h(J+1) \n";
                         } else {
                             //		$mon_texte .= ($row['nature']==0 ? "G" : "A").": ".$row->start_heure."-".$row->end_heure." \n" ;
                     $trouve = true;
             if ($trouve == true) {
                 $pdf->SetXY($x3, $x2);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($w[0], $hauteur, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($mon_texte), 'LRTB', 'C', false);
                 $max_y2 = $pdf->GetY();
                 if ($max_y2 > $max_y) {
                     $max_y = $max_y2;
             if ($trouve == false) {
                 $pdf->SetXY($x3, $x2);
                 $pdf->Cell($w[0], $hauteur, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(date("d", $date_debut)), 'LRTB', 'C', false);
                 $max_y2 = $pdf->GetY();
                 if ($max_y2 > $max_y) {
                     $max_y = $max_y2;
             if (date("w", $date_debut) == $header[count($header) - 1]["valeur"]) {
                 $x2 = $max_y;
                 $x2 += $hauteur;
                 $x3 = 10;
                 $max_y = 0;
             } else {
                 $x3 += $w[0];
             $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date_debut), date("d", $date_debut) + 1, date("Y", $date_debut));
         if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 2) {
             foreach ($arr['team'] as $row2) {
                 $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000), date("d", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000), date("Y", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000));
                 $date_debut_o = $date_debut;
                 $date_fin = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000), date("d", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000), date("Y", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000));
                 $planning2 = $arr['agenda'];
                 while ($date_debut < $date_fin) {
                     if ($date_debut == mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date_debut), 1, date("Y", $date_debut)) || $date_debut == $date_debut_o) {
                         if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                             $info_veto = requetemysql::info_veterinaire(array('login' => strtolower($_SESSION['login'])));
                             if (empty($info_veto)) {
                                 throw new Exception("Erreur dans la recherche des informations sur le vétérinaire");
                             } else {
                                 $info_veto = json_decode($info_veto, true);
                         $info_veto2 = $row2;
                         $pdf->Image('../images/logo/essai1.jpg', 10, 6, 30);
                         if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                             $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 18);
                             $titre3 = utf8_decode(stripslashes(ucfirst($info_veto[0]['nom'])));
                             $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(stripslashes($titre3)) + 6;
                             $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
                             $pdf->Cell($w, 7, $titre3, 0, 'C');
                             $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['adresse']))) + 6;
                             $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
                             $pdf->Cell($w, 7, utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['adresse'])), 0, 'C');
                             $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['code'] . " " . $info_veto[0]['commune']))) + 6;
                             $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
                             $pdf->Cell($w, 7, utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['code'] . " " . $info_veto[0]['commune'])), 0, 'C');
                             $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
                             $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['tel']))) + 6;
                             $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
                             $pdf->Cell($w, 7, utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['tel'])), 0, 'C');
                         $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($info_veto2->nom) . "\n" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($info_veto2->adresse) . "\n" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($info_veto2->code) . ' ' . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($info_veto2->commune), 0, 'C');
                         $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, "Le " . date("d.m.y"), 0, 'L');
                         if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                             $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . " " . $_SESSION['login2']), 0, 'L');
                         } else {
                             $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . " " . TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT9), 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 18);
                         $pdf->SetFillColor(153, 153, 153);
                         $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                         $pdf->SetDrawColor(153, 153, 153);
                         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B');
                         $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT7 . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(htmlentities($row2->login)) . " :" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(strftime("%B", $date_debut)) . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(date("Y", $date_debut))), 0, '', true);
                         $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10);
                         // Largeurs des colonnes
                         $w = array(190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7, 190 / 7);
                         $header = $arr['liste_jour'];
                         $hauteur = 3;
                         $x2 = $pdf->GetY();
                         // En-tête
                         for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); $i++) {
                             $pdf->SetXY($w[$i] * $i + 10, $x2);
                             $pdf->MultiCell($w[$i], $hauteur, $header[$i]["nom"], 0, 'C');
                             if ($header[$i]["valeur"] == date("w", $date_debut)) {
                                 $case_vide = $i - 1;
                         $x2 = $pdf->GetY();
                         if ($case_vide >= 0) {
                             for ($i = 0; $i <= $case_vide; $i++) {
                                 $pdf->SetXY($w[$i] * $i + 10, $x2);
                                 $pdf->MultiCell($w[0], $hauteur, "--", 'LRTB', 'C');
                         $x3 = ($case_vide + 1) * $w[$i] + 10;
                         $max_y = 0;
                     // Données
                     $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
                     $trouve = false;
                     $mon_texte = date("d", $date_debut) . "\n";
                     foreach ($planning2 as $row) {
                         if ($date_debut == $row->ma_date / 1000) {
                             $mon_item = findItem($row->date_fin / 1000, $row->login, '00:00', $planning2, 'date_debut', 'login', 'start_heure');
                             if ($row->login == $row2->login) {
                                 if ($choix_affichage == 2) {
                                     $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "-" . $row->end_heure . " \n";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($choix_affichage == 1) {
                                         if (count($mon_item) == 0 && $row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                             $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $row->end_heure . "h \n";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                                 $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $mon_item[0]->end_heure . "h(J+1) \n";
                             } else {
                                 //		$mon_texte .= ($row['nature']==0 ? "G" : "A").": ".$row->start_heure."-".$row->end_heure." \n" ;
                             $trouve = true;
                     if ($trouve == true) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($x3, $x2);
                         $pdf->MultiCell($w[0], $hauteur, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($mon_texte), 'LRTB', 'C', false);
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                     if ($trouve == false) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($x3, $x2);
                         $pdf->Cell($w[0], $hauteur, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(date("d", $date_debut)), 'LRTB', 'C', false);
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                             $max_y = $max_y2;
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                         $x2 += $hauteur;
                         $x3 = 10;
                         $max_y = 0;
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                     $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date_debut), date("d", $date_debut) + 1, date("Y", $date_debut));
         if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 3) {
             $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000), date("d", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000), date("Y", $arr['date_debut3'] / 1000));
             $date_debut_o = $date_debut;
             $date_fin = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000), date("d", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000), date("Y", $arr['date_fin3'] / 1000));
             while ($date_debut < $date_fin) {
                 if ($date_debut == mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date_debut), 1, date("Y", $date_debut)) || $date_debut == $date_debut_o) {
                     $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, "Le " . date("d.m.y"), 0, 'L');
                     if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                         $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . " " . $_SESSION['login2']), 0, 'L');
                     } else {
                         $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . " " . TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT9), 0, 'L');
                     $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 18);
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                     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B');
                     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT10 . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(strftime("%B", $date_debut)) . " " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(date("Y", $date_debut))), 0, '', true);
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                         $pdf->MultiCell($w[$i], $hauteur, $header[$i]["nom"], 0, 'C');
                         if ($header[$i]["valeur"] == date("w", $date_debut)) {
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                     $x2 = $pdf->GetY();
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                 // Données
                 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
                 $trouve = false;
                 $mon_texte = date("d", $date_debut) . "\n";
                 foreach ($planning2 as $row) {
                     if ($date_debut == $row->ma_date / 1000) {
                         $mon_item = findItem($row->date_fin / 1000, $row->login, '00:00', $planning2, 'date_debut', 'login', 'start_heure');
                         if ($choix_affichage == 2) {
                             $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $row->end_heure . "h \n";
                         } else {
                             if ($choix_affichage == 1) {
                                 if (count($mon_item) == 0 && $row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                     $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $row->end_heure . "h \n";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                         $mon_texte .= $row->job2 . ": " . $row->login . " " . $row->start_heure . "h-" . $mon_item[0]->end_heure . "h(J+1) \n";
                         $trouve = true;
                 if ($trouve == true) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($x3, $x2);
                     $pdf->MultiCell($w[0], $hauteur, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($mon_texte), 'LRTB', 'C', false);
                     $max_y2 = $pdf->GetY();
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                         $max_y = $max_y2;
                 if ($trouve == false) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($x3, $x2);
                     $pdf->Cell($w[0], $hauteur, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(date("d", $date_debut)), 'LRTB', 'C', false);
                     $max_y2 = $pdf->GetY();
                     if ($max_y2 > $max_y) {
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                     $x2 = $max_y;
                     $x2 += $hauteur;
                     $x3 = 10;
                     $max_y = 0;
                 } else {
                     $x3 += $w[0];
                 $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date_debut), date("d", $date_debut) + 1, date("Y", $date_debut));
             if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                 $info_veto = requetemysql::info_veterinaire(array('login' => strtolower($_SESSION['login'])));
                 if (empty($info_veto)) {
                     throw new Exception("Erreur dans la recherche des informations sur le vétérinaire");
                 } else {
                     $info_veto = json_decode($info_veto, true);
             $var_tempo = $arr['login'];
             $info_veto2 = array_values(array_filter($arr['team'], function ($var) use($var_tempo) {
                 return $var->login == $var_tempo;
             //		var_error_log($info_veto2[0]);
             $pdf->Image('../images/logo/essai1.jpg', 10, 6, 30);
             if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 18);
                 $titre3 = utf8_decode(stripslashes(ucfirst($info_veto[0]['nom'])));
                 $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(stripslashes($titre3)) + 6;
                 $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
                 $pdf->Cell($w, 7, $titre3, 0, 'C');
                 $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['adresse']))) + 6;
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                 $pdf->Cell($w, 7, utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['adresse'])), 0, 'C');
                 $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['code'] . " " . $info_veto[0]['commune']))) + 6;
                 $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
                 $pdf->Cell($w, 7, utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['code'] . " " . $info_veto[0]['commune'])), 0, 'C');
                 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
                 $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['tel']))) + 6;
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                 $pdf->Cell($w, 7, utf8_decode(stripslashes($info_veto[0]['tel'])), 0, 'C');
             $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj($info_veto2[0]->nom) . "\n" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($info_veto2[0]->adresse) . "\n" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($info_veto2[0]->code) . ' ' . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($info_veto2[0]->commune), 0, 'C');
             $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, "Le " . date("d.m.y"), 0, 'L');
             if (isset($_SESSION['login2'])) {
                 $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT8 . $_SESSION['login2']), 0, 'L');
             } else {
                 $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(TXT_CHARGEMENT_EXPORT23), 0, 'L');
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             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B');
             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 12, utf8_decode("Liste des gardes et des astreintes qui sont attribuées à :" . requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(htmlentities($arr['login'])) . " sur la période du :" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($_POST['date_debut']) . " au " . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($_POST['date_fin'])), 0, '', true);
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             // En-tête
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                 $pdf->Cell($w[$i], 7, $header[$i], 1, 0, 'C');
             // Données
             $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
             foreach ($planning2 as $row) {
                 if ($row->login == $arr['login']) {
                     $mon_item = findItem($row->date_fin / 1000, $row->login, '00:00', $planning2, 'date_debut', 'login', 'start_heure');
                     if ($choix_affichage == 2) {
                         $pdf->Cell($w[0], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(date("d/m", $row->ma_date / 1000)), 'LR', 0, 'C');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[1], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->job2), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[2], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 0 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[3], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 1 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[4], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 2 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[5], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 3 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[6], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->start_heure), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell($w[7], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->end_heure), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                     } else {
                         if ($choix_affichage == 1) {
                             if (count($mon_item) == 0 && $row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[0], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(date("d/m", $row->ma_date / 1000)), 'LR', 0, 'C');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[1], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->job2), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[2], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 0 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[3], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 1 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[4], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 2 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[5], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 3 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[6], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->start_heure), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                 $pdf->Cell($w[7], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->end_heure), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                             } else {
                                 if ($row->start_heure != '00:00') {
                                     //		$mon_texte .= ($row->nature==0 ? "G" : "A").": ".$row->login." ".$row->start_heure."h-".$mon_item[0]->end_heure."h(J+1) \n" ;
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[0], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_maj(date("d/m", $row->ma_date / 1000)), 'LR', 0, 'C');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[1], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->job2), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[2], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 0 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[3], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 1 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[4], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 2 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[5], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm(touvelejour(date("w", $row->date_debut), date("G", $row->date_debut)) == 3 ? "X" : ""), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[6], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($row->start_heure), 'LR', 0, 'R');
                                     $pdf->Cell($w[7], 6, requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($mon_item[0]->end_heure . "(J+1)"), 'LR', 0, 'R');
             // Trait de terminaison
             $pdf->Cell(array_sum($w), 0, '', 'T');
         if ($arr['cas_affichage'] == 3) {
             $mon_url = $filename . $arr['login'] . '_planning_' . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($arr['date_debut2']) . "_" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($arr['date_fin2']) . uniqid() . '.pdf';
         } else {
             $mon_url = $filename . 'planning_' . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($arr['date_debut2']) . "_" . requetemysql::gestion_string_norm($arr['date_fin2']) . uniqid() . '.pdf';
         //$pdf->Output($mon_url, F);
         $pdf->Output('../' . $mon_url, F);
         return json_encode($mon_url);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return 'Exception -> ';
 public function generateInputFragments(&$charData, &$mapData, $justItems = false)
     // To be in here, we need to have a shop at our current location.
     $room = $mapData->map->GetRoom($mapData->playerX, $mapData->playerY);
     $shop = $room->occupant;
     if (!$justItems) {
         $this->commands[] = new InputFragment("check stock", function ($charData, $mapData) use($shop) {
             global $shopping;
             $shopStr = $shopping->getShopString($shop, $charData, $mapData);
             echo $shopStr;
     if (!$justItems) {
         $this->commands[] = new InputFragment("leave", function ($charData, $mapData) {
             echo "\"Maybe next time, eh?\", the shopkeeper drawls at you as you walk away.\n";
             StateManager::ChangeState($charData, GameStates::Adventuring);
     if (!$justItems) {
         $this->commands[] = new InputFragment("equipment", function ($charData, $mapData) {
             global $adventuring;
             $equipment = $adventuring->getEquippedItemsStr($charData);
             echo $equipment . "\n";
     foreach ($shop->stock as $itemName => $quantity) {
         $item = findItem($itemName);
         $this->commands[] = new InputFragment($itemName, function ($charData, $mapData) use($item, $itemName, $shop, $room) {
             global $shopping;
             if (!$shopping->canAffordItem($charData, $item->getCost($charData))) {
             // Remove item from shop.
             // Add item to player inventory, and deduct gold.
             $inventory = lazyGetInventory($charData);
             $shopping->takeMoney($item, $shop, $charData, $room);
     foreach ($shop->equipment as $equipment) {
         $this->commands[] = new InputFragment($equipment->name, function ($charData, $mapData) use($equipment, $shop, $room) {
             global $shopping;
             if (!$shopping->canAffordItem($charData, $equipment->getCost($charData))) {
             $equipString = "You equip your new {$equipment->name} immediately";
             $isBarbarian = strcasecmp($charData->class, "Barbarian") == 0;
             if ($equipment->type == ShopEquipment::Weapon) {
                 $weapon1Better = $charData->weaponVal >= $equipment->level;
                 $weapon2Better = $charData->weapon2Val >= $equipment->level;
                 if (!$isBarbarian && $weapon1Better || $isBarbarian && $weapon1Better && $weapon2Better) {
                     echo "\"No point buying my wares if you've got better yourself!\"\n";
                 // Bloody complicated Barbarians
                 if ($isBarbarian) {
                     // Going in the off-hand
                     if ($weapon1Better) {
                         $charData->weapon2 = $equipment->name;
                         $charData->weapon2Val = $equipment->level;
                     } else {
                         $equipString .= ", moving your {$charData->weapon} to your off-hand";
                         $charData->weapon2 = $charData->weapon;
                         $charData->weapon2Val = $charData->weaponVal;
                         $charData->weapon = $equipment->name;
                         $charData->weaponVal = $equipment->level;
                 } else {
                     $charData->weapon = $equipment->name;
                     $charData->weaponVal = $equipment->level;
             } else {
                 if ($equipment->type == ShopEquipment::Armour) {
                     $armourBetter = $charData->armourVal >= $equipment->level;
                     if ($isBarbarian) {
                         echo "\"Not sure you'd know what to do with that!\"\n";
                     } else {
                         if ($armourBetter) {
                             echo "\"No point buying my wares if you've got better yourself!\"\n";
                     $charData->armour = $equipment->name;
                     $charData->armourVal = $equipment->level;
             $equipString .= ". ";
             // Remove equipment from shop.
             $shopping->takeMoney($equipment, $shop, $charData, $room, $equipString);
     // Add unique identifiers to commands.
     $allocator = new UIDAllocator($this->commands);