This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License v2 (links provided above) for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ include "../../config/config.php"; include "function.php"; session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION[namauser]) and empty($_SESSION[passuser])) { echo "<link href='../css/pos_style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n <center>Untuk mengakses modul, Anda harus login <br>"; echo "<a href=index.php><b>LOGIN</b></a></center>"; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION[idCustomer])) { findCustomer($_POST[idCustomer]); } //HS javascript untuk menampilkan popup ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> function addComma(angka) { nStr += ''; x = nStr.split('.'); x1 = x[0];
mysql_query("delete from tmp_detail_jual where idCustomer='{$_SESSION['idCustomer']}' " . "and barcode = '{$barang['barcode']}' " . "and username='******'uname']}'") or die('Gagal clean ' . mysql_error()); $jumBarang += $barang['qty']; } else { $jumBarang = $barang['qty']; } tambahBarangJual($barang['barcode'], $jumBarang); } } } elseif ($module == 'penjualan_barang' and $act == 'nomorkartuinput') { if (isset($_POST['nomor-kartu'])) { $return = array('sukses' => false); $nomorKartu = $_POST['nomor-kartu']; $result = mysql_query("select idCustomer from customer where nomor_kartu='{$nomorKartu}'"); $customer = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($customer) { findCustomer($customer['idCustomer']); mysql_query("UPDATE tmp_detail_jual SET idCustomer = {$customer['idCustomer']} WHERE username = '******'uname']}'"); $query = mysql_query("SELECT barcode, sum(jumBarang) qty\n FROM tmp_detail_jual\n WHERE username = '******'uname']}' AND idCustomer = {$customer['idCustomer']}\n group by barcode"); // Hapus semuanya // Ulangi proses input while ($barang = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { mysql_query("delete from tmp_detail_jual where idCustomer={$customer['idCustomer']} " . "and barcode = '{$barang['barcode']}' " . "and username='******'uname']}'") or die('Gagal clean ' . mysql_error()); tambahBarangJual($barang['barcode'], $barang['qty']); } $return = array('sukses' => true); } } header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($return); } elseif ($module == 'penjualan_barang' and $act == 'get_harga_jual') { if (isset($_POST['barcode'])) { This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License v2 (links provided above) for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ include "../../config/config.php"; include "function.php"; session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION[namauser]) and empty($_SESSION[passuser])) { echo "<link href='../../css/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n <center>Untuk mengakses modul, Anda harus login <br>"; echo "<a href=index.php><b>LOGIN</b></a></center>"; } else { if (isset($_POST['idCustomer'])) { findCustomer($_POST['idCustomer']); } $result = mysql_query("select `value` from config where `option`='ukm_mode'") or die(mysql_error()); $hasil = mysql_fetch_array($result); $ukmMode = $hasil['value']; $transferahad = false; if ($_POST['transferahad'] == 1 || $_GET['transferahad'] == 1) { $transferahad = true; } $batalGagal = false; if (isset($_GET['bg']) && $_GET['bg'] && !$transferahad) { $batalGagal = true; } //HS javascript untuk menampilkan popup ?> <!DOCTYPE html>