 function setup_ccms_for_40x_error($rcode, $pagereq)
     global $cfg, $ccms, $_SERVER;
     // ERROR 403/404; if not 403, then we default to 404
     // Or if DB query returns zero, show error 404: file does not exist
     // support custom Apache ErrorDocument rewrites, which use SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], etc.:
     $content = "";
     $complete_pageurl = $pagereq . ".html";
         $content .= sprintf("<p>resp code: %d, req: %s, redir url: %s</p>", $rcode, $pagereq, !empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] : '---');
     if (is_http_response_code($pagereq) && !empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) {
         $offending_pageurl = filterParam4FullFilePath($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']);
         if ($cfg['IN_DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT']) {
             $content .= sprintf("<p>resp code: %d, req: %s, redir url: %s, name: %s</p>", $rcode, $pagereq, !empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] : '---', $offending_pageurl);
         // check whether we have a 40x for a 'sane' page or for some sort of hack attempt: the latter will have a 'nasty' url (which won't equal the filtered one):
         if (!empty($offending_pageurl) && $offending_pageurl == $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) {
             $complete_pageurl = $offending_pageurl;
     set_ccms_opt('module', 'error');
     set_ccms_opt('module_info', null);
     set_ccms_opt('cfg', $cfg);
     set_ccms_opt('language', $cfg['language']);
     set_ccms_opt('tinymce_language', $cfg['language']);
     set_ccms_opt('editarea_language', $cfg['language']);
     set_ccms_opt('sitename', $cfg['sitename']);
     $pagetitle = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_404title'];
     $subheader = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_404header'];
     set_ccms_opt('printable', "N");
     set_ccms_opt('published', "Y");
     $bc = array();
     $bc[] = '<a href="' . $cfg['rootdir'] . '" title="' . ucfirst($cfg['sitename']) . ' ' . $ccms['lang']['system']['home'] . '">' . $ccms['lang']['system']['home'] . '</a>';
     $bc[] = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_404title'];
     set_ccms_opt('iscoding', "Y");
     set_ccms_opt('rootdir', $cfg['rootdir']);
     set_ccms_opt('urlpage', $pagereq);
     // "404" or 'real' page -- the pagename is already filtered so no bad feedback can happen here, when site is under attack
     set_ccms_opt('complete_page_url', $complete_pageurl);
     $desc = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_404title'];
     set_ccms_opt('desc_extra', '');
     set_ccms_opt('keywords', strval($rcode));
     set_ccms_opt('responsecode', $rcode);
     set_ccms_opt('page_name', $pagereq);
     set_ccms_opt('toplevel', 0);
     set_ccms_opt('sublevel', 0);
     set_ccms_opt('menu_id', 0);
     set_ccms_opt('islink', 'N');
     $tpl = DetermineTemplateName(null, $ccms['printing']);
     $tplel = explode('/', $tpl);
     set_ccms_opt('templatedir', $tplel[0]);
     set_ccms_opt('template', $tpl);
     $content .= $ccms['lang']['system']['error_404content'];
     switch ($rcode) {
             // assume 404 ~ default $ccms[] setup above.
         case 403:
             // patch the $ccms[] data for the 403 error:
             $pagetitle = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_403title'];
             $subheader = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_403header'];
             // ditch the '404' entry and replace it with...
             $bc[] = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_403title'];
             $content = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_403content'];
             $desc = $ccms['lang']['system']['error_403title'];
     set_ccms_opt('breadcrumb', $bc);
     set_ccms_opt('pagetitle', $pagetitle);
     set_ccms_opt('subheader', $subheader);
     set_ccms_opt('desc', $desc);
     set_ccms_opt('title', ucfirst($ccms['pagetitle']) . ' - ' . $ccms['sitename'] . ' | ' . $ccms['subheader']);
     Even under error conditions, we need the side-effect of the content loader code: a properly initialized template!
     Also allow the template to override / augment the error page content: when it sets the 'content' slot, we won't override
     it with the default error message below.
     set_ccms_opt('content40x', $content);
     $rendered_page = ccmsContent(null, 'Y', false);
     //$content = $rendered_page['content'];
     //$rcode = $rendered_page['responsecode'];
     if (!empty($rendered_page['content'])) {
         $content = $rendered_page['content'];
     set_ccms_opt('content', $content);
 * Convert any path (absolute or relative) to a fully qualified URL
function makeAbsoluteURI($path)
    $reqpage = filterParam4FullFilePath($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    $page = array();
    if (strpos($path, '://')) {
        if (strpos($path, '?') === false || strpos($path, '://') < strpos($path, '?')) {
             * parse_url can only parse URLs, not relative paths.
             * http://bugs.php.net/report.php?manpage=function.parse-url#Notes
            $page = parse_url($path);
            if (isset($page[PHP_URL_SCHEME])) {
                return $path;
             * We do NOT accept 'URL's like
             *   www.example.com/path.ext
             * as input: we treat the entire string as a path (and a relative one at that)!
     * Expect input which is a subset of
     *   /path/file.exe?query#fragment
     * with either absolute or relative path/file.ext as the mandatory part.
    $idx = strpos($path, '?');
    if ($idx !== false) {
        $page[PHP_URL_PATH] = substr($path, 0, $idx);
        $path = substr($path, $idx + 1);
        $idx = strpos($path, '#');
        if ($idx !== false) {
            $page[PHP_URL_QUERY] = substr($path, 0, $idx);
            $page[PHP_URL_FRAGMENT] = substr($path, $idx + 1);
        } else {
            $page[PHP_URL_QUERY] = $path;
    } else {
        $page[PHP_URL_PATH] = $path;
    $path = $page[PHP_URL_PATH];
    if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
        //already absolute
    } else {
         * Convert relative path to absolute by prepending the current request path
         * (which is absolute) and a '../' basedir-similar.
         * This way also provides for relative paths which don't start with './' but
         * simply say something like
         *   relpath/file.ext
         * which will produce a dotted absolute path like this:
         *   /current_request_path/reqfile.php/../relpath/file.ext
         * which is fine: the ../ will remove the reqfile.php component and we're left
         * with a neatly formatted absolute path!
        $page[PHP_URL_PATH] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/../' . $path;
    $page[PHP_URL_PATH] = path_remove_dot_segments($page[PHP_URL_PATH]);
    // fill in the holes... assume defaults from the current request.
    if (empty($page[PHP_URL_SCHEME])) {
        if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']), 'https') === 0 || intval($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]) == 443) {
            $page[PHP_URL_SCHEME] = 'https';
        } else {
            $page[PHP_URL_SCHEME] = 'http';
    if (empty($page[PHP_URL_HOST])) {
        $page[PHP_URL_HOST] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    if (empty($page[PHP_URL_PORT])) {
        Only set the port number when it is non-standard:
        $portno = intval($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
        if ($portno != 0 && ($page[PHP_URL_SCHEME] == 'http' && $portno == 80) && ($page[PHP_URL_SCHEME] == 'https' && $portno == 443)) {
            $page[PHP_URL_PORT] = $portno;
    $url = '';
    if (!empty($page[PHP_URL_SCHEME])) {
        $url = $page[PHP_URL_SCHEME] . '://';
    if (!empty($page[PHP_URL_USER])) {
        $url .= $page[PHP_URL_USER];
        if (!empty($page[PHP_URL_PASS])) {
            $url .= ':' . $page[PHP_URL_PASS];
        $url .= '@';
    if (!empty($page[PHP_URL_HOST])) {
        $url .= $page[PHP_URL_HOST];
    $url .= $page[PHP_URL_PATH];
    if (!empty($page[PHP_URL_QUERY])) {
        $url .= '?' . $page[PHP_URL_QUERY];
    if (!empty($page[PHP_URL_FRAGMENT])) {
        $url .= '#' . $page[PHP_URL_FRAGMENT];
    return $url;