 * Move any attachments as needed when a bug is moved from project to project.
 * @param integer $p_bug_id        ID of bug containing attachments to be moved.
 * @param integer $p_project_id_to Destination project ID for the bug.
 * @return void
 * @todo: this function can't cope with source or target storing attachments in DB
function file_move_bug_attachments($p_bug_id, $p_project_id_to)
    $t_project_id_from = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id');
    if ($t_project_id_from == $p_project_id_to) {
    $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method');
    if ($t_method != DISK) {
    if (!file_bug_has_attachments($p_bug_id)) {
    $t_path_from = project_get_field($t_project_id_from, 'file_path');
    if (is_blank($t_path_from)) {
        $t_path_from = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder', null, null, $t_project_id_from);
    $t_path_to = project_get_field($p_project_id_to, 'file_path');
    if (is_blank($t_path_to)) {
        $t_path_to = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder', null, null, $p_project_id_to);
    if ($t_path_from == $t_path_to) {
    # Initialize the update query to update a single row
    $c_bug_id = (int) $p_bug_id;
    $t_query_disk_attachment_update = 'UPDATE {bug_file}
	                                 SET folder=' . db_param() . '
	                                 WHERE bug_id=' . db_param() . '
	                                 AND id =' . db_param();
    $t_attachment_rows = bug_get_attachments($p_bug_id);
    $t_attachments_count = count($t_attachment_rows);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $t_attachments_count; $i++) {
        $t_row = $t_attachment_rows[$i];
        $t_basename = basename($t_row['diskfile']);
        $t_disk_file_name_from = file_path_combine($t_path_from, $t_basename);
        $t_disk_file_name_to = file_path_combine($t_path_to, $t_basename);
        if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name_to)) {
            chmod($t_disk_file_name_from, 0775);
            if (!rename($t_disk_file_name_from, $t_disk_file_name_to)) {
                if (!copy($t_disk_file_name_from, $t_disk_file_name_to)) {
                    trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED, ERROR);
            chmod($t_disk_file_name_to, config_get('attachments_file_permissions'));
            db_query($t_query_disk_attachment_update, array(db_prepare_string($t_path_to), $c_bug_id, (int) $t_row['id']));
        } else {
            trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR);
 * Nomalizes the disk file path based on the following algorithm:
 * 1. If disk file exists, then return as is.
 * 2. If not, and a project path is available, then check with that, if exists return it.
 * 3. If not, then use default upload path, then check with that, if exists return it.
 * 4. If disk file doesn't include a path, then return expected path based on project path or default path.
 * 5. Otherwise return as is.
 * @param string $p_diskfile  The disk file (full path or just filename).
 * @param integer The project id - shouldn't be 0 (ALL_PROJECTS).
 * @return The normalized full path.
function file_normalize_attachment_path($p_diskfile, $p_project_id)
    if (file_exists($p_diskfile)) {
        return $p_diskfile;
    $t_basename = basename($p_diskfile);
    $t_expected_file_path = '';
    if ($p_project_id != ALL_PROJECTS) {
        $t_path = project_get_field($p_project_id, 'file_path');
        if (!is_blank($t_path)) {
            $t_diskfile = file_path_combine($t_path, $t_basename);
            if (file_exists($t_diskfile)) {
                return $t_diskfile;
            // if we don't find the file, then this is the path we want to return.
            $t_expected_file_path = $t_diskfile;
    $t_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    if (!is_blank($t_path)) {
        $t_diskfile = file_path_combine($t_path, $t_basename);
        if (file_exists($t_diskfile)) {
            return $t_diskfile;
        // if the expected path not set to project directory, then set it to default directory.
        if (is_blank($t_expected_file_path)) {
            $t_expected_file_path = $t_diskfile;
    // if diskfile doesn't include a path, then use the expected filename.
    if ((strstr($p_diskfile, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false || strstr($p_diskfile, '\\') === false) && !is_blank($t_expected_file_path)) {
        return $t_expected_file_path;
    // otherwise return as is.
    return $p_diskfile;