echo "</td></tr><tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo feedback_create_action_form('print_picture', array('You clicked on the first example'));
echo "</td><td> \n";
echo "echo feedback_create_action_form('print_picture', array('You clicked on the first example'));\n";
echo "</td></tr><tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo "<tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo feedback_create_action_form('print_picture', array('You clicked on the second example'));
echo "</td><td> \n";
echo "echo feedback_create_action_form('print_picture', array('You clicked on the second example'));\n";
echo "</td></tr><tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo "<tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo feedback_create_action_form('prnt', array('This will produce an error'));
echo "</td><td> \n";
echo "echo feedback_create_action_form('prnt', array('This will produce an error'));\n";
echo "</td></tr><tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo feedback_create_action_form('print_picture', array('You were redirect to testpage_2'), 'move.gif', 'print_picture', 'testpage_2.php?id=' . $SESSION->feedback->coursemoduleid);
echo "</td><td> \n";
echo " echo feedback_create_action_form('print_picture', array('You will be redirected to testpage_2'),'move.gif','print_picture','testpage_2.php?id='.\$SESSION->feedback->coursemoduleid);\n";
echo "</td></tr><tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo "</td><td> \n";
echo "</td></tr></table> \n";
//the same stuff on a large form
echo '<form action="testpage_1.php?id=' . $SESSION->feedback->coursemoduleid . '" method="post">';
echo "<br /><table><tr align='left'><td width='200px'> \n";
echo "<strong>These guys are sitting on a large form <br />Icon to click on:</strong>";
echo "</td><td> \n";
echo "<strong>PHP to create the button: </strong>\n";
echo "</td></tr><tr align='left'><td> \n";
echo feedback_create_action('print_picture', array('You clicked on the third example'));
 * outputs HTML for picture item
 * Outputs HTML code to browser window showing the picture item,
 * item may have already a $value (a sumitted form has been received), and
 * it is possible to show only the selected picture ($readonly=true)
 * Radio button values are numbered starting from 1 ($index)
 * @param object $item contains the item data (a record from prefix_feedback_item table)
 * @param integer $value gives the index to the selected picture (if any)
 * @param boolean $readonly if true, only the selected picture is shown
function print_feedback_picture($item, $value = false, $readonly = false)
    global $CFG;
    global $SESSION;
    $presentation = explode("|", $item->presentation);
    $requiredmark = $item->required == 1 ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : '';
   <td valign="top" align="left" style="padding-right: 40px;"><?php 
    echo text_to_html(stripslashes_safe($item->name) . $requiredmark, true, false, false);
   <td valign="top" align="left">
    $index = 1;
    $checked = '';
    if ($readonly) {
        // here we want to show the selected picture only, $value must be provided
        // this is used by feedback/show_entries.php, for example
        foreach ($presentation as $pic) {
            if ($value == $index) {
                echo '<img style="padding-left: 20px;" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . feedback_PICTURE_FILES . '/' . $pic . '" />';
    } else {
        // this is what we want most of the time, to show the picture item so that answering is possible
        // item may have already a value, after a failed saving attempt, say)
        $currentpic = 0;
        $piccount = count($presentation);
        $course_module = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $SESSION->feedback->coursemoduleid);
        foreach ($presentation as $pic) {
            // do we have somehting already selected?
            if ($value == $index) {
                $checked = 'checked="checked"';
            } else {
                $checked = '';
            // generate the HTML for the item
         <td valign="top"><input type="radio"
            echo $item->typ . '_' . $item->id;
            echo $index;
" <?php 
            echo $checked;
            echo '<img style="padding-left: 20px;" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . feedback_PICTURE_FILES . '/' . $pic . '" />';
            if (isadmin() || isteacher($course_module->course)) {
                if ($currentpic != 1) {
                    echo '</td><td width="20"> ' . feedback_create_action_form('moveup_picture', array($item, $currentpic), 'up.gif');
                } else {
                    echo '</td><td width="20"> &nbsp;';
                if ($currentpic < $piccount) {
                    echo '</td><td width="50"> ' . feedback_create_action_form('movedown_picture', array($item, $currentpic), 'down.gif');
                } else {
                    echo '</td><td width="50"> &nbsp;';