function ext_copy_dir($abs_item, $abs_new_item) { if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $tmp_dir = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($abs_item); $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->putRecursive($tmp_dir, $abs_new_item); remove($tmp_dir); return $res; } else { return ext_copy_dir($abs_item, $abs_new_item); } }
function execAction($dir, $item, $unlink = false) { // download file global $action, $mosConfig_cache_path; // Security Fix: $item = basename($item); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } ob_start(); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = $dir . '/' . $item; } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); //if( !strstr( $abs_item, $GLOBALS['home_dir']) ) // $abs_item = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']).$abs_item; } if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]); } if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($abs_item); $unlink = true; } $browser = id_browser(); header('Content-Type: ' . ($browser == 'IE' || $browser == 'OPERA' ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream')); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(realpath($abs_item))); //header("Content-Encoding: none"); if ($browser == 'IE') { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $item . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $item . '"'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } @set_time_limit(0); @readFileChunked(utf8_decode($abs_item)); if ($unlink == true) { unlink(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } ob_end_flush(); ext_exit(); }
function execAction($dir, $item, $unlink = false) { // Security Fix: $item = basename($item); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } ob_start(); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = $dir . '/' . $item; } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); //if( !strstr( $abs_item, $GLOBALS['home_dir']) ) // $abs_item = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']).$abs_item; } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]); return false; } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]); return false; } @set_time_limit(0); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($abs_item); $unlink = true; } $browser = id_browser(); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(realpath($abs_item))); //header("Content-Encoding: none"); if (isset($_GET['action2']) && $_GET['action2'] == 'view') { $content_disposition = 'inline'; include_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/file.php'; $extension = extFile::getExt($item); switch (strtolower($extension)) { case 'doc': case 'dot': $extension = 'msword'; break; case 'docx': case 'dotx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template'; break; case 'docm': $extension = ''; break; case 'docm': $extension = ''; break; case 'xls': case 'xlt': case 'xla': $extension = ''; break; case 'xlsx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'; break; case 'xltx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template'; break; case 'xlsm': $extension = ''; break; case 'xltm': $extension = ''; break; case 'xlam': $extension = ''; break; case 'xlsb': $extension = ''; break; case 'ppt': case 'pot': case 'pps': case 'ppa': $extension = ''; break; case 'pptx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'; break; case 'potx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template'; break; case 'ppsx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow'; break; case 'ppam': $extension = ''; break; case 'pptm': $extension = ''; break; case 'potm': $extension = ''; break; case 'ppsm': $extension = ''; break; case 'rtf': $extension = 'application/rtf'; break; } header('Content-Type: application/' . $extension . '; Charset=' . $GLOBALS["system_charset"]); } else { $content_disposition = 'attachment'; if ($browser == 'IE' || $browser == 'OPERA') { header('Content-Type: application/octetstream; Charset=' . $GLOBALS["system_charset"]); } else { header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream; Charset=' . $GLOBALS["system_charset"]); } } if ($browser == 'IE') { // header('Content-Disposition: ' . $content_disposition . '; filename="' . urlencode($item) . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: ' . $content_disposition . '; filename="' . $item . '"'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } if ($GLOBALS['use_mb']) { if (mb_detect_encoding($abs_item) == 'ASCII') { @readFileChunked(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } else { @readFileChunked($abs_item); } } else { @readFileChunked(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } if ($unlink == true) { unlink(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } ob_end_flush(); ext_exit(); }
function execAction($dir, $item) { // show file contents global $action; if (@eregi($GLOBALS["images_ext"], $item)) { $html = '<img src="' . make_link('get_image', $dir, rawurlencode($item)) . '" alt="' . $GLOBALS["messages"]["actview"] . ": " . $item . '" /><br /><br />'; } elseif (@eregi($GLOBALS["editable_ext"], $item)) { $geshiFile = _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/geshi/geshi.php'; ext_RaiseMemoryLimit('32M'); // GeSHi 1.0.7 is very memory-intensive include_once $geshiFile; // Create the GeSHi object that renders our source beautiful $geshi = new GeSHi('', '', dirname($geshiFile) . '/geshi'); $file = get_abs_item($dir, $item); $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $file = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($file); } if (is_callable(array($geshi, 'load_from_file'))) { $geshi->load_from_file($file); } else { $geshi->set_source(file_get_contents($file)); } if (is_callable(array($geshi, 'get_language_name_from_extension'))) { $lang = $geshi->get_language_name_from_extension($pathinfo['extension']); } else { $pathinfo = pathinfo($item); $lang = $pathinfo['extension']; } $geshi->set_language($lang); $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS); $langs = $GLOBALS["language"]; if ($langs == "japanese") { $enc_list = array("ASCII", "ISO-2022-JP", "UTF-8", "EUCJP-WIN", "SJIS-WIN"); $_e0 = strtoupper(mb_detect_encoding($geshi->source, $enc_list, true)); if ($_e0 == "SJIS-WIN") { $_encoding = "Shift_JIS"; } elseif ($_e0 == "EUCJP-WIN") { $_e0 = "EUC-JP"; } elseif ($_e0 == "ASCII") { $_e0 = "UTF-8"; } else { $_encoding = $_e0; } $geshi->set_encoding($_encoding); } $html = $geshi->parse_code(); if ($langs == "japanese") { if (empty($lang) || strtoupper(mb_detect_encoding($html, $enc_list)) != "UTF-8") { $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, "UTF-8", $_e0); } } if (ext_isFTPMode()) { unlink($file); } $html .= '<hr /><div style="line-height:25px;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;" class="small">Rendering Time: <strong>' . $geshi->get_time() . ' Sec.</strong></div>'; } else { $html = ' <iframe src="' . make_link('download', $dir, $item, null, null, null, '&action2=view') . '" id="iframe1" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; } $html = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('\\r', '\\n'), addslashes($html)); ?> { "dialogtitle": "<?php echo $GLOBALS['messages']['actview'] . ": " . $item; ?> ", "height": 500, "autoScroll": true, "html": "<?php echo $html; ?> " } <?php }
function execAction($dir, $item) { // show file contents echo '<div> <div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div> <div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc"> <h3 style="margin-bottom:5px;">' . $GLOBALS["messages"]["actview"] . ": " . $item . '</h3>'; echo '</div></div></div> <div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div> </div><hr />'; /*$index2_edit_link = str_replace('/index3.php', '/index2.php', make_link('edit', $dir, $item )); echo '<a name="top" class="componentheading" href="javascript:window.close();">[ '._PROMPT_CLOSE.' ]</a> '; $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); if( get_is_editable( $abs_item) && $GLOBALS['ext_File']->is_writable( $abs_item )) { // Edit the file in the PopUp echo '<a class="componentheading" href="'.make_link('edit', $dir, $item ).'&return_to='.urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ).'">[ '.$GLOBALS["messages"]["editlink"].' ]</a> '; // Edit the file in the parent window //echo '<a class="componentheading" href="javascript:opener.location=\''.$index2_edit_link.'\'; window.close();">[ '.$GLOBALS["messages"]["editlink"].' ]</a> '; } echo '<a class="componentheading" href="#bottom">[ '._CMN_BOTTOM.' ]</a>'; echo '<br /><br />'; */ if (@eregi($GLOBALS["images_ext"], $item)) { echo '<img src="' . make_link('get_image', $dir, rawurlencode($item)) . '" alt="' . $GLOBALS["messages"]["actview"] . ": " . $item . '" /><br /><br />'; } else { $geshiFile = _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/geshi/geshi.php'; if (file_exists($geshiFile)) { ext_RaiseMemoryLimit('32M'); // GeSHi 1.0.7 is very memory-intensive include_once $geshiFile; // Create the GeSHi object that renders our source beautiful $geshi = new GeSHi('', '', dirname($geshiFile) . '/geshi'); $file = get_abs_item($dir, $item); $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $file = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($file); } if (is_callable(array($geshi, 'load_from_file'))) { $geshi->load_from_file($file); } else { $geshi->set_source(file_get_contents($file)); } if (is_callable(array($geshi, 'getlanguagesuage_name_from_extension'))) { $lang = $geshi->getlanguagesuage_name_from_extension($pathinfo['extension']); } else { $pathinfo = pathinfo($item); $lang = $pathinfo['extension']; } $geshi->set_language($lang); $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS); $text = $geshi->parse_code(); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { unlink($file); } echo $text; echo '<hr /><div style="line-height:25px;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;" class="small">Rendering Time: <strong>' . $geshi->get_time() . ' Sec.</strong></div>'; } else { // When GeSHi is not available, just display the plain file contents echo '<div class="quote" style="text-align:left;">' . nl2br(htmlentities($GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_get_contents(get_abs_item($dir, $item)))) . '</div>'; } } //echo '<a href="#top" name="bottom" class="componentheading">[ '._CMN_TOP.' ]</a><br /><br />'; }