function main() { !isset($_GET['url']) && exit_script('Hello Tumblr!'); isImageUrl($_GET['url']) && redirect_location($_GET['url']) && exit_script(); $hosts_number = 4; $hash_no = str_hash($_GET['url'], $hosts_number); $redirect_url = "http://tumblr-images-{$hash_no}{$_GET['url']}"; $redirect_url = encode_cjk_url($redirect_url); redirect_location($redirect_url); }
function main() { !isset($_GET['url']) && exit_script('Hello Tumblr!'); $query_param = get_query_param($_GET['url']); !$query_param && isImageUrl($_GET['url']) && redirect_location($_GET['url']) && exit_script(); !$query_param && echoTxtFile("NOT VALID TUMBLR URL: [{$_GET['url']}]") && exit_script(); $post_info = query_tumblr_api($query_param); !$post_info && echoTxtFile("NO POST INFO FETCHED FROM TUMBLR WITH GIVEN URL: [{$_GET['url']}], THE POST MIGHT BE DELETED") && exit_script(); $post_info = $post_info['posts'][0]; switch ($post_info['type']) { case 'link': $output = <<<EOD <p>Title: <h3>{$post_info['link-text']}</h3></p> <p>link: <a href="{$post_info['link-url']}">{$post_info['link-url']}</a></p> <p>Description:</p> <p>{$post_info['link-description']}</p> EOD; echoHtmlFile($output); exit_script(); break; case 'regular': $output = "<h3>{$post_info['regular-title']}</h3>{$post_info['regular-body']}"; echoHtmlFile($output); exit_script(); break; case 'answer': $question = htmlCharsDecode($post_info['question']); $answer = htmlCharsDecode($post_info['answer']); $tags = implode(', ', $post_info['tags']); $output = "[Q&A]\r\n\r\n{$question}\r\n\r\n{$answer}\r\n\r\nTags: {$tags}\r\n"; echoTxtFile($output); exit_script(); break; case 'video': $url = get_video_url($post_info); redirect_location($url) && exit_script(); break; case 'photo': default: $urls = get_photo_urls($post_info); $count = count($urls); if ($count === 1) { redirect_location($urls[0]); exit_script(); } else { $image_pack = fetch_images($urls); $zip_str = makeZip($image_pack); echoZipFile($zip_str); exit_script(); } break; } }
/** * @param $isHashHost Boolean Is this host a router * @param $hostNumber Number How many host there * @param $packImages Boolean make a zip pack for images? */ function main($isHashHost, $hostNumber, $packImages) { $url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : ''; # URL given if ($url) { # it's an image url if (Input::isImageUrl($url)) { Output::redirect($url); } elseif ($isHashHost) { Router::route($url, $hostNumber); } else { $mc = new mc(); Input::loadMemcached($mc); Output::loadMemcached($mc); Handler::loadMemcached($mc); Handler::handle($url, $packImages); } } else { exit_script('Hello Tumblr!'); } }
function return_recorded_data($record_data) { $data = $record_data['data']; switch ($record_data['responseType']) { case 'redirect': redirect_location($data); exit_script(); break; case 'txt': echoTxtFile($data); exit_script(); break; case 'html': echoHtmlFile($data); exit_script(); break; case 'photoSet': echoTxtFile($data); exit_script(); break; default: echo 'unknow response type'; exit_script(); } return true; }