/** * Return the HTML for summarizing a random featured exhibit * * @return string */ function custom_exhibit_builder_display_random_featured_exhibit() { $html = '<div id="featured-exhibit">'; $featuredExhibit = exhibit_builder_random_featured_exhibit(); $html .= '<h2> L\'exposition </h2>'; if ($featuredExhibit) { $html .= '<h3>' . exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($featuredExhibit) . '</h3>' . "\n"; $html .= '<p>' . snippet_by_word_count(metadata($featuredExhibit, 'description', array('no_escape' => true))) . '</p>'; } else { $html .= '<p>' . __('You have no featured exhibits.') . '</p>'; } $html .= '</div>'; $html = apply_filters('exhibit_builder_display_random_featured_exhibit', $html); return $html; }
function hijack_exhibit_builder_random_featured_exhibit() { $html = '<div id="featured-exhibit">'; $featuredExhibit = exhibit_builder_random_featured_exhibit(); $html .= '<h2>' . __('Featured Exhibit') . '</h2>'; if ($featuredExhibit) { $html .= '<h3>' . exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($featuredExhibit) . '</h3>' . "\n"; if ($item = get_record('Item', array('sort_field' => 'random', 'exhibit' => $featuredExhibit->id, 'hasImage' => true))) { $html .= exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($featuredExhibit, item_image('square_thumbnail', array(), 0, $item), array('class' => 'image')); } $html .= '<p class="description">' . snippet_by_word_count(metadata($featuredExhibit, 'description', array('no_escape' => true))) . '</p>'; } else { $html .= '<p>' . __('You have no featured exhibits.') . '</p>'; } $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
if ($exhibitImage = record_image($exhibit, 'square_thumbnail')) { ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($exhibitDescription = metadata('exhibit', 'description', array('no_escape' => true))) { ?> <h3 class="title_ini" style="font-weight:300; font-size:13px; text-align:justify;"> <?php $resumo_texto = $exhibit->description; $conta_letra = strlen($resumo_texto); if ($conta_letra <= 140) { echo resumo($resumo_texto, 140); } else { echo resumo($resumo_texto, 140) . exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, ' (Saiba Mais)', array('style' => 'color:#768BCD')); } ?> </h3> <?php } ?> </div> <?php $exhibitCount++; ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo pagination_links();
</div> </fieldset> </section> <?php echo $csrf; ?> <section class="three columns omega"> <div id="save" class="panel"> <?php echo $this->formSubmit('save_exhibit', __('Save Changes'), array('class' => 'submit big green button')); ?> <?php if ($exhibit->exists()) { ?> <?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, __('View Public Page'), array('class' => 'big blue button', 'target' => '_blank')); ?> <?php if (is_allowed($exhibit, 'delete')) { ?> <?php echo link_to($exhibit, 'delete-confirm', __('Delete Exhibit'), array('class' => 'big red button delete-confirm')); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <div id="public-featured"> <div class="public">
echo $nextLink; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="exhibit-nav-up"> <?php echo exhibit_builder_page_trail(); ?> </div> </div> <?php if ($exhibitNavOption == 'side') { ?> <nav id="exhibit-pages" class="side"> <h4><?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit); ?> </h4> <?php echo exhibit_builder_page_tree($exhibit, $exhibit_page); ?> </nav> <?php } ?> <?php echo foot();
if ($exhibitCount % 2 == 1) { echo ' even'; } else { echo ' odd'; } ?> "> <h2><?php echo link_to_exhibit(); ?> </h2> <?php if ($exhibitImage = record_image($exhibit, 'square_thumbnail')) { ?> <?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, $exhibitImage, array('class' => 'image')); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($exhibitDescription = metadata('exhibit', 'description', array('no_escape' => true))) { ?> <div class="description"><?php echo $exhibitDescription; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php
" alt="featured Exhibit Image" /> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- <div class="sp-layer sp-static sp-black sp-padding" data-position="bottomLeft" data-height="20%"> --> <div class="featured-text sp-caption"> <h3><?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($featuredExhibit); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo snippet_by_word_count(metadata($featuredExhibit, 'description', array('no_escape' => true)), 200); echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($featuredExhibit, $text = ' Learn More→'); ?> </p> </div> <!-- </div> --> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div>
/** * Return a link to the parent exhibit page * * @param string $text Link text * @param array $props Link attributes * @param ExhibitPage $exhibitPage If null, will use the current exhibit page * @return string */ function exhibit_builder_link_to_parent_page($text = null, $props = array(), $exhibitPage = null) { if (!$exhibitPage) { $exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page'); } $exhibit = get_record_by_id('Exhibit', $exhibitPage->exhibit_id); if ($exhibitPage->parent_id) { $parentPage = $exhibitPage->getParent(); if (!isset($props['class'])) { $props['class'] = 'parent-page'; } if ($text === null) { $text = '↑ ' . metadata($parentPage, 'title'); } return exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, $text, $props, $parentPage); } return null; }
/** * Returns a link to an exhibit, or exhibit page. * @uses exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit * * @param string|null $text The text of the link * @param array $props * @param ExhibitPage|null $exhibitPage * @param Exhibit $exhibit|null If null, it uses the current exhibit * @return string */ function link_to_exhibit($text = null, $props = array(), $exhibitPage = null, $exhibit = null) { return exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, $text, $props, $exhibitPage); }
<?php if ($exhibitCredits = metadata('exhibit', 'credits')) { ?> <div class="exhibit-credits"> <h2><?php echo __('Credits'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo $exhibitCredits; ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($exhibitPages = $exhibit->getTopPages()) { ?> <p class="text-center"> <?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, __('Enter the Exhibit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-lg'), reset($exhibitPages)); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php echo foot(array('exhibit' => $exhibit));
<?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, metadata($child, 'title'), array('class' => 'list-group-item'), $child); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <nav class="row" id="exhibit-page-navigation"> <div class="col-sm-5"> <?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_previous_page(); ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-5 col-sm-push-2 text-right"> <?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_next_page(); ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 col-sm-pull-5 text-center"> <?php echo exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit(null, 'Exhibit Home'); ?> </div> </nav> <?php echo foot(array('exhibit' => $exhibit));