// Niv 1 + SECURITE MOTEUR /* ************************************ */ /* CONSTRUCTION de la commande pour ENVOI sur la console via SSH */ if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) { // *** Affichage mode debug *** // echo '# '.$_POST['cmd'].' #<br />'; if (isset($_POST['versionLog'])) { $cheminWIN = ""; $cheminWIN = str_replace('/', '\\', INI_Conf_Moteur($_SESSION['opensim_select'], "address")); if ($_POST['versionLog'] == "32") { $cmd = 'DEL ' . $cheminWIN . "OpenSim.log"; } if ($_POST['versionLog'] == "64") { $cmd = 'DEL ' . $cheminWIN . "OpenSim.32BitLaunch.log"; } exec_command($cmd); //echo exec_command($cmd); // $ecrire = fopen($cheminWIN.'OpenSim.log', "w"); // ftruncate($ecrire, 0); // echo "DEBUG: ".$ecrire; } } //*************** Formulaire de choix du moteur a selectionne ***************** // On se connecte a MySQL $db = mysql_connect($hostnameBDD, $userBDD, $passBDD); mysql_select_db($database, $db); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM moteurs'; $req = mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL !<p>' . $sql . '</p>' . mysql_error()); // echo '<h4>Selectionner un Simulateur</h4>'; echo '<form class="form-group" method="post" action="">'; echo '<div class="form-inline">';
// get server statistics via fb_lock_print // if (have_panel_permissions($s_login['user'], 'adm_server')) { $exe = 'fb_lock_print'; // get the LOCK_HEADER BLOCK list($iblockpr_output, $binary_error) = exec_command($exe, ' -o'); $lock_header = ''; unset($iblockpr_output[0]); foreach ($iblockpr_output as $line) { if (strlen(trim($line)) == 0) { break; } $lock_header .= $line . "<br>\n"; } // get the server statistics list($iblockpr_output, $binray_error) = exec_command($exe, ' -i'); if (count($iblockpr_output) > 3) { $iblock['names'] = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $iblockpr_output[0]); $iblock['last'] = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $iblockpr_output[1]); $iblock['avg'] = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $iblockpr_output[3]); } // get server version and implementation strings if (($service = fbird_service_attach($s_login['host'], $s_login['user'], $s_login['password'])) != FALSE) { $server_info = fbird_server_info($service, IBASE_SVC_SERVER_VERSION) . ' / ' . fbird_server_info($service, IBASE_SVC_IMPLEMENTATION); fbird_service_detach($service); } else { $ib_error = fbird_errmsg(); } } // // backup the current database
function isql_get_metadata($user, $pw, $db, $host) { $db_str = !empty($host) ? $host . ':' . $db : $db; $user_str = getenv('ISC_USER') ? '' : ' -u ' . ibwa_escapeshellarg($user); $pw_str = getenv('ISC_PASSWORD') ? '' : ' -p ' . ibwa_escapeshellarg($pw); $parameters = ' -m -x' . $user_str . $pw_str . ' ' . ibwa_escapeshellarg($db_str); return exec_command('isql-fb', $parameters); }
light_message('<h3>Properties for selected items</h3> <p>size of '.sizeof($fsizes).' selected files: <b>'.show_size(0,false,array_sum($fsizes)).'</b></p> <p>size of '.sizeof($dsizes).' selected dirs: <b>'.show_size(0,false,array_sum($dsizes)).'</b></p> <p>total size: <b>'.show_size(0,false,array_sum($fsizes)+array_sum($dsizes)).'</b></p> '.(sizeof($mods)==1 ? '<p>mod: <b>'.get_rights($v,false).' ('.get_rights($v).')</b></p>' : '').' '.(sizeof($owners)==1 ? '<p>owner: <b>'.get_owner($v).'</b></p>' : '').' '.(sizeof($groups)==1 ? '<p>group: <b>'.get_group($v).'</b></p>' : '') ); } break; case 'terminal': if(!empty($_REQUEST['cmd'])) { $res = exec_command($_REQUEST['cmd']); }else { $res = array('cmd'=>'', 'output'=>'', 'dir'=> getcwd_short()); } light_message('<form action="?act=terminal" method="POST" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"><h3>'.$res['dir'].'</h3> <!-- cmd has id "filter" because filter is default focused on --> <input type=text id="filter" name="cmd" value="'.(!empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['cmd']) : '').'"><br> <input type="submit" value="execute"> <br> <br><div style="font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace;" class="toutput">'.$res['output'].'</div> '); break; case 'logout': logout();
} log_message("[32mBuilding project...[37m"); exec_command('xcodebuild -target "' . $projectName . '" -sdk "' . $targetSDK . '" -configuration "' . $configuration . '" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="' . $projectBuildDirPath . '" -scheme "' . BUILD_SCHEME . '" clean build archive >> "' . $logPath . '"', FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); // Make app filename $appPath; $handle = opendir($projectBuildDirPath); if (!$handle) { die_with_error('Couldn\'t read project build dir'); } while (($fileName = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if (pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'app') { continue; } $appPath = $projectBuildDirPath . '/' . $fileName; } closedir($handle); if (!file_exists($appPath)) { die_with_error('Didn\'t create APP file'); } // Clean temp files exec_command('rm -rf ' . $tempBuildDirPath, FALSE, FALSE); ########################################################### # Sign app ########################################################### log_message("[32mPackaging and signing...[37m"); exec_command('/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk "' . $targetSDK . '" PackageApplication -v "' . $appPath . '" -o "' . $ipaPath . '" --sign "' . $developerIdentity . '" --embed "' . $provProfilePath . '" >> "' . $logPath . '"', FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); if (!file_exists($ipaPath)) { die_with_error('Didn\'t create IPA file'); } log_message("[32mDone.[37m"); $errorHappened = FALSE;
?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </form> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"><h2 class="panel-title"><?php echo gettext('pfSync nodes'); ?> </h2></div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul> <?php foreach (explode("\n", exec_command("/sbin/pfctl -vvss | /usr/bin/grep creator | /usr/bin/cut -d\" \" -f7 | /usr/bin/sort -u")) as $node) { echo '<li>' . $node . '</li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } include "foot.inc";
log_append('SHELL: ' . $line); } } if (isset($password)) { if (empty($_REQUEST['p'])) { log_append('Missing hook password'); die; } if ($_REQUEST['p'] !== $password) { log_append('Invalid hook password'); die; } } // GitLab sends the json as raw post data $input = file_get_contents("php://input"); $json = json_decode($input); if (!is_object($json) || empty($json->ref)) { log_append('Invalid push event data'); die; } if (isset($ref)) { $_refs = (array) $ref; if ($ref !== '*' && !in_array($json->ref, $_refs)) { log_append('Ignoring ref ' . $json->ref); die; } } log_append('Launching shell hook script...'); exec_command('sh ' . $hookfile); #log_append('executando o comand sh ' . $hookfile); log_append('Shell hook script finished');
unset($tableauIni[$_POST['name_sim']]); // Enregistrement du nouveau fichier $fp = fopen(INI_Conf_Moteur($_SESSION['opensim_select'], "address") . "Regions/RegionTemp.ini", "w"); while (list($key, $val) = each($tableauIni)) { fputs($fp, "[" . $key . "]\r\n"); fputs($fp, "RegionUUID = " . $tableauIni[$key]['RegionUUID'] . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Location = " . $tableauIni[$key]['Location'] . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "InternalAddress =\r\n"); fputs($fp, "InternalPort = " . $tableauIni[$key]['InternalPort'] . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "AllowAlternatePorts = False\r\n"); fputs($fp, "ExternalHostName = " . $tableauIni[$key]['ExternalHostName'] . "\r\n"); } fclose($fp); unlink($filename); rename(INI_Conf_Moteur($_SESSION['opensim_select'], "address") . "Regions/RegionTemp.ini", $filename); exec_command("chmod -R 777 " . INI_Conf_Moteur($_SESSION['opensim_select'], "address") . "Regions/"); echo "<p class='alert alert-success alert-anim'>"; echo "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></i>"; echo " Region <strong>" . $_POST['NewName'] . "</strong> supprimee avec succes</p>"; } } // ****************************************************** // Affichage page principale // ****************************************************** // ****************************************************** // *** Lecture Fichier Regions.ini *** $filename2 = INI_Conf_Moteur($_SESSION['opensim_select'], "address") . "Regions/Regions.ini"; if (file_exists($filename2)) { $filename = $filename2; } else { echo "<p class='alert alert-success alert-anim'>";
goto tc_connection_clientnonce_complete; } } if (@class_exists('COM')) { if ($CAPI_Util = @new COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1')) { $clientnonce = base64_decode($CAPI_Util->GetRandom(16, 0)); goto tc_connection_clientnonce_complete; } } // If none of the above is available, an error is // given. $auth_success = 0; $error_message = '<p>No available random source found</p>'; goto tc_connection_authchallenge_complete; tc_connection_clientnonce_complete: $response = exec_command('authchallenge safecookie ' . bin2hex($random_string)); if (substr($response, 0, 29) === '250 AUTHCHALLENGE SERVERHASH=') { $serverhash = hex2bin(substr($response, 29, 64)); $servernonce = hex2bin(substr($response, 106, 64)); $tohash = $tc_connection_auth_cookie_contents . $clientnonce . $servernonce; $serverhash1 = hash_hmac('sha256', $tohash, "Tor safe cookie authentication server-to-controller hash", 1); if ($serverhash == $serverhash1) { $clienthash_hex = hash_hmac('sha256', $tohash, "Tor safe cookie authentication controller-to-server hash"); $command = 'authenticate ' . $clienthash_hex; goto tc_connection_authchallenge_complete; } } $auth_success = 0; $error_message = '<p>Authchallenge failed</p>'; tc_connection_authchallenge_complete: } else {
'success' => $success, 'dir' => sizeof($fz) == 1 ? d_is_dir($fz[0]) : true, ); break; case 'save-file': $f = clean(urldecode($_REQUEST['filename_encoded'])); if(!d_file_put_contents($f, $_REQUEST['content'])) { echo 'Cannot edit file.'.reason(); $_RESULT = false; }else $_RESULT = true; break; case 'exec': session_write_close(); $_RESULT = exec_command($_REQUEST['cmd']); break; case 'get_rights': $_RESULT = d_get_rights($f); break; case 'set_rights': if(!$_REQUEST['recursive']) { $_RESULT = true; //array_display($_REQUEST); foreach($fz as $v) { if(!d_chmod($v, trim($_REQUEST['mod']))) $_RESULT=false; }
//2011.05.06 @fbassas require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-config.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'; ${$msg} = ''; // Check database connection $isok = username_exists('admin'); if (!$isok) { $msg .= 'ERROR: No es pot connectar a la base de dades<br/><br/>'; } // Check connection to data files $wpcontentdir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content'; $blogsdir = $wpcontentdir . '/blogs.dir'; $isok = is_writable($blogsdir); if ($isok !== TRUE) { $msg .= 'ERROR: No es pot accedir al sistema de fitxers. Reviseu el punt de muntatge ' . $blogsdir; $msg .= exec_command("ls -la {$wpcontentdir}"); $msg .= exec_command("ls -la {$blogsdir}"); $msg .= exec_command("df -h {$wpcontentdir}"); } if (empty($msg)) { $msg = 'OK'; } echo $msg; function exec_command($command) { $msg = "<br/><br/>\$ {$command}<br/>"; $msgtmp = array(); exec($command, $msgtmp); $msg .= implode($msgtmp, '<br/>'); return $msg; }