
global $ewf_theme_options_defaults;
$ewf_theme_options = array();
$ewf_theme_options['ewf-panel-general'] = array(array("type" => "ewf-ui-image", "image-size" => "full", "image-height" => "32", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_favicon", "section-title" => __("Favicon", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Upload your favicon", 'bitpub'), "import" => '/layout/images/default/favicon.png', "std" => null), array("type" => "ewf-ui-image", "image-size" => "full", "image-height" => "64", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_favicon_retina", "section-title" => __("Favicon Retina", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Upload your favicon", 'bitpub'), "import" => '/layout/images/default/apple-touch-icon-144-precomposed.png', "std" => null), array("type" => "ewf-ui-image", "image-size" => "full", "image-height" => "64", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_ms_tile_image", "section-title" => __("MS Tile Image", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Support for internet explorer pinned tile image", 'bitpub'), "import" => '/layout/images/default/mstile.png', "std" => null), array("type" => "ewf-ui-columns-size", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_page_sidebar_size", "min" => '2', "max" => '5', "section-title" => __("Page sidebar size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the number of columns on sidebar", 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['page_sidebar_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-columns-size", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_blog_sidebar_size", "min" => '2', "max" => '5', "section-title" => __("Blog sidebar size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the number of columns on sidebar", 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['blog_sidebar_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-options", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_page_layout", "options" => array('boxed-in' => array('label' => __('Boxed in', 'bitpub'), 'value' => 'boxed-in', 'class' => 'ewf-layout-boxedin'), 'full-width' => array('label' => __('Full Width', 'bitpub'), 'value' => 'full-width', 'class' => 'ewf-layout-fullwidth')), "section-title" => __("Layout style", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the layout", 'bitpub'), "std" => 'full-width'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-select", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_page_404", "section-title" => __("Page not found", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the 404 page from your existing pages", 'bitpub'), "options" => ewf_load_site_pages(), "std" => 0), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_content_width", "min" => '1300px', "max" => '2000px', "step" => '5', "section-title" => __("Content width", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the content width", 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['content_width']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_backtotop_button", "section-title" => __("Show back to top button", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("You can show or hide the button", 'bitpub'), "std" => 'true'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-background", "image-size" => "thumbnail", "image-height" => "50", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_background", "section-title" => __("Background", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Adjust background settings", 'bitpub'), "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'background-color', 'value' => '#ffffff'), array('name' => 'background-pattern', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'background-repeat', 'value' => 'repeat-all'), array('name' => 'background-position', 'value' => 'center center'), array('name' => 'background-image', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'background-image-preview', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'background-attachment', 'value' => 'scroll'), array('name' => 'background-stretch', 'value' => 'false')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-textarea", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_include_css", "section-title" => __('Extra CSS Code', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Paste extra css code here', 'bitpub'), "std" => null));
$ewf_theme_options['ewf-panel-typography'] = array(array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_fonts_custom", "section-title" => __("Use custom typography", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("You can overwrite custom fonts", 'bitpub'), "dependency" => '.group-fonts-custom', "std" => 'false'), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => '<strong>' . __("Global Font", 'bitpub') . '</strong>', "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Raleway'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '400'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['body_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['body_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['body_font_margin']), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => "<strong>" . __("Font - Heading 1", 'bitpub') . "</strong>", "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h1_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Roboto'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '300'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h1_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h1_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h1_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h1_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h1_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h1_font_margin']), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => "<strong>" . __("Font - Heading 2", 'bitpub') . "</strong>", "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h2_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Roboto'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '300'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h2_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h2_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h2_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h2_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h2_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h2_font_margin']), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => "<strong>" . __("Font - Heading 3", 'bitpub') . "</strong>", "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h3_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Roboto'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '300'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h3_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h3_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h3_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h3_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h3_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h3_font_margin']), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => "<strong>" . __("Font - Heading 4", 'bitpub') . "</strong>", "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h4_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Roboto'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '300'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h4_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h4_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h4_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h4_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h4_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h4_font_margin']), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => "<strong>" . __("Font - Heading 5", 'bitpub') . "</strong>", "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h5_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Roboto'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '300'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h5_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h5_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h5_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h5_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h5_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h5_font_margin']), array("type" => "options-section", "name" => "<strong>" . __("Font - Heading 6", 'bitpub') . "</strong>", "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h6_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Roboto'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '300'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h6_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h6_font_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h6_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h6_font_lineheight']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_h6_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['h6_font_margin']));
$ewf_theme_options['ewf-panel-shop'] = array(array("type" => "ewf-ui-columns-size", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_shop_sidebar_size", "min" => '2', "max" => '5', "section-title" => __("Shop sidebar size", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the number of columns on sidebar", 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['shop_sidebar_size']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_shop_items", "min" => '6', "max" => '36', "step" => '3', "unit" => '', "section-title" => __('Items per page', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Number of items to show', 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['shop_items']));
$ewf_theme_options['ewf-panel-header'] = array(array("type" => "ewf-ui-image", "image-size" => "ewf-header-logo", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_logo_url", "section-title" => __("Header logo", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Upload logo in the header", 'bitpub'), "import" => '/layout/images/default/logo.png', "std" => null), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_height", "min" => '80px', "max" => '500px', "step" => '1', "section-title" => __("Header height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Allows you to adjust header height in case the logo doesn't fit properly.", 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['header_height']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_sticky", "dependency" => '.group-header-sticky', "section-title" => __("Sticky header", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Keep the header visible after scrolling", 'bitpub'), "std" => 'true'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_height_sticky", "min" => '80px', "max" => '500px', "step" => '1', "group" => 'header-sticky', "section-title" => __("Sticky header height", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Allows you to specify the height of the sticky header.", 'bitpub'), "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['header_height_sticky']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_action", "section-title" => __("Use action in header", 'bitpub'), "dependency" => '.group-header-action', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['header_action']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_action_text", "section-title" => __('Header action button text', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'header-action', "std" => null), array("type" => "ewf-ui-text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_action_link", "section-title" => __('Header action button link', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'header-action', "std" => '#'));
$ewf_theme_options['ewf-panel-colors'] = array(array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_custom", "section-title" => __("Use custom colors", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("You can overwrite the default color scheme", 'bitpub'), "dependency" => '.group-colors-custom', "std" => 'false'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_accent_01", "section-title" => __('Accent color', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_accent_01']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_header_font", "section-title" => __('Header font color', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_header_font']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_content_font", "section-title" => __('Content font color', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_content_font']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_menu_font", "section-title" => __('Menu font color', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_menu_font']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_darkgrey", "section-title" => __('Dark grey color in the theme', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_darkgrey']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_lightgrey", "section-title" => __('Light grey color in the theme', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_lightgrey']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_ms_tile", "section-title" => __('MS Tile Color', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Support for internet explorer pinned tile color.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_ms_tile']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_android_theme", "section-title" => __('Android theme Color', 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __('Support for Google Chrome tab colors on mobile.', 'bitpub'), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['color_android_theme']));
$ewf_theme_options['ewf-panel-footer'] = array(array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_section", "section-title" => __("Footer section", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Show footer section at the bottom", 'bitpub'), "dependency" => '.group-footer-custom', "std" => 'true'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-columns", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_columns", "section-title" => __("Footer columns", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the number of columns", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'footer-custom', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['footer_columns']), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_bottom", "section-title" => __("Footer sub", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Show sub footer section at the bottom", 'bitpub'), "dependency" => '.group-footer-sub', "std" => 'true'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-columns", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_bottom_columns", "section-title" => __("Footer sub columns", 'bitpub'), "section-description" => __("Select the number of columns", 'bitpub'), "group" => 'footer-sub', "std" => $ewf_theme_options_defaults['footer_bottom_columns']));
#	echo '<pre style="padding-left:200px;">';
#		print_r($ewf_theme_options);
#	echo '</pre>';
function ewf_admin_load_dynamicStyles()
    global $ewf_theme_options_defaults;
    #	Theme Options - Content Width
    $_eto_content_width = get_option(EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_content_width", $ewf_theme_options_defaults['content_width']);
    echo ".ewf-boxed-layout #wrap { max-width:" . $_eto_content_width . ";} \n";
    echo ".ewf-boxed-layout #header { max-width:" . $_eto_content_width . ";} \n";
    // echo '.ewf-debug-message  { background-color: #FCFCFC;border-left: 4px solid #7ad03a;box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);padding:12px;margin:20px;color:#555; }';
    # 	Theme Options - Header Height
    # 	/* */
    $header_height = get_option(EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_height", $ewf_theme_options_defaults['header_height']);
    if ($header_height != $ewf_theme_options_defaults['header_height']) {
        echo '@media (min-width: 1025px) {' . "\n";
        echo '#header-wrap { height:' . $header_height . '; }' . "\n";
        echo "} \n";
add_action("after_switch_theme", "ewf_admin_theme_install", 10, 2);
#	Add extra body class for layout settings
add_filter('body_class', 'ewf_admin_body_classes');
function ewf_admin_body_classes($classes)
    if (get_option(EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_page_layout", 'full-width') == 'boxed-in') {
        $classes[] = 'ewf-boxed-layout';
    if (get_option(EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_sticky", 'false') == 'true') {
        $classes[] = 'ewf-sticky-header';
    return $classes;
$ewf_admin_options = array(array("type" => "panel", "name" => "Home page", "mode" => "open", "id" => "ewf-panel-general"), array("type" => "ewf-ui-section", "name" => '<strong>' . __("Favicon", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN) . '</strong>'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-image", "image-size" => "thumbnail", "image-height" => "32", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_favicon", "section-title" => __("Favicon", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Upload your favicon", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => get_template_directory_uri() . '/favicon.png'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-section", "name" => '<strong>' . __("Layout", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN) . '</strong>'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-options", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . 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"_content_width", "min" => '1120', "max" => '1400', "step" => '5', "section-title" => __("Content width", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Select the content width", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => '1170px'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-background", "image-size" => "thumbnail", "image-height" => "50", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_background", "section-title" => __("Background", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Adjust background settings", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'background-color', 'value' => '#fff'), array('name' => 'background-pattern', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'background-repeat', 'value' => 'repeat-all'), array('name' => 'background-position', 'value' => 'center center'), array('name' => 'background-image', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'background-image-preview', 'value' => ''), array('name' => 'background-attachment', 'value' => 'scroll'), array('name' => 'background-stretch', 'value' => 'true')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-section", "name" => '<strong>' . __("Includes", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN) . '</strong>'), array("type" => "textarea", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_include_analytics", "section-title" => __('Google Analytics', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Paste the analytics code', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "textarea", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_include_css", "section-title" => __('Extra CSS Code', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Paste extra css code here', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "panel", "mode" => "close"), array("type" => "panel", "name" => "Typography settings", "mode" => "open", "id" => "ewf-panel-typography"), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_fonts_custom", "section-title" => __("Use custom typography", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("You can overwrite custom fonts", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "dependency" => '.group-fonts-custom', "std" => false), array("type" => "ewf-ui-section", "name" => '<strong>' . __("Font - Body", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN) . '</strong>', "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-font", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font", "section-title" => __("Font family", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Set the font of the body", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => json_encode(array(array('name' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Open sans'), array('name' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'Regular'), array('name' => 'font-italic', 'value' => '')))), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font_size", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Font size", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Set fize of the font", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => '13px'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font_lineheight", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Line height", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Set the font line height", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => '21px'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-slider", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_body_font_margin", "max" => '60', "section-title" => __("Margin bottom", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Set the bottom spacing", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'fonts-custom', "std" => '20px'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-section", "name" => __("<strong>Font</strong> - Headings", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-section", "name" => __("<strong>Font</strong> - Navigation", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'fonts-custom'), array("type" => "panel", "mode" => "close"), array("type" => "panel", "name" => "Header settings", "mode" => "open", "id" => "ewf-panel-header"), array("type" => "ewf-ui-image", "image-size" => "full", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_logo_url", "section-title" => __("Header logo", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Upload logo in the header", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => get_template_directory_uri() . '/layout/images/logo.png'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_header_sticky", "section-title" => __("Sticky header", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Keep the header visible after scrolling", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => false), array("type" => "panel", "mode" => "close"), array("type" => "panel", "name" => "Footer settings", "mode" => "open", "id" => "ewf-panel-footer"), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_section", "section-title" => __("Footer section", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Show footer section at the bottom", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "dependency" => '.group-footer-custom', "std" => 'true'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-columns", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_columns", "columns" => '3', "section-title" => __("Footer columns", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Select the number of columns", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'footer-custom', "std" => '4,4,4'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_footer_sub", "section-title" => __("Footer sub", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("Show sub footer section at the bottom", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => 'true'), array("type" => "panel", "mode" => "close"), array("type" => "panel", "name" => "Colors schemes", "mode" => "open", "id" => "ewf-panel-colors"), array("type" => "ewf-ui-toggle", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_custom", "section-title" => __("Use custom colors", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __("You can overwrite the default color scheme", EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "dependency" => '.group-colors-custom', "std" => false), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_accent_01", "section-title" => __('Accent color #1', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#08ab89'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_accent_02", "section-title" => __('Accent color #2', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#474E5D'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_accent_02_hover", "section-title" => __('Accent Color #2 Hover', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#8BD99F'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_accent_03", "section-title" => __('Accent color #3', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#EEE5DD'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_colors_accent_03_hover", "section-title" => __('Accent color #3 Hover', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#96E0A9'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_header_top", "section-title" => __('Header top color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#484F5E'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_header_top_border", "section-title" => __('Header top border color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#62D4D8'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_header_top_font", "section-title" => __('Header top font color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#ffffff'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_content", "section-title" => __('Content font color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#474D5D'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_footer_top", "section-title" => __('Footer top color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#79849B'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_footer_top_font", "section-title" => __('Footer top font color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#FFFFFF'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_footer_middle", "section-title" => __('Footer middle color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#484F5E'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_footer_middle_font", "section-title" => __('Footer middle font color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#D1D1D1'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_footer_bottom", "section-title" => __('Footer bottom color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#303745'), array("type" => "ewf-ui-color", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_color_footer_bottom_font", "section-title" => __('Footer bottom font color', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the color you want to use.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "group" => 'colors-custom', "std" => '#D1D1D1'), array("type" => "panel", "mode" => "close"), array("type" => "panel", "name" => "Social Profiles", "mode" => "open", "id" => "ewf-panel-social"), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_facebook", "section-title" => __('Facebook', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Facebook account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_twitter", "section-title" => __('Twitter', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Twitter account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_plus", "section-title" => __('Google Plus', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Goolge Plus account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_pinterest", "section-title" => __('Pinterest', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Pinterest account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_instagram", "section-title" => __('Instagram', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Instagram account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_tumblr", "section-title" => __('Tumblr', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Tumblr account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_youtube", "section-title" => __('YouTube', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your YouTube account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_flickr", "section-title" => __('Flickr', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your Flickr account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "text", "id" => EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_social_linkedin", "section-title" => __('LinkedIn', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "section-description" => __('Specify the link to your LinkedIn account.', EWF_SETUP_THEME_DOMAIN), "std" => null), array("type" => "panel", "mode" => "close"));
function ewf_admin_renderOptions($ewf_admin_options)
    $panel_active = get_option(EWF_SETUP_THNAME . "_admin_tab_active", 'ewf-panel-general');
    foreach ($ewf_admin_options as $value) {
        switch ($value['type']) {
            // case 'upload':
            // $textVal = '';
            // if ( get_option( $value['id'] ) != "") {
            // $textVal = stripslashes(get_option( $value['id'] ));
            // } else {
            // $textVal = $value['std'];
            // }
            // echo '<div class="bordered clfixed ewf-upload-input">
            // <div class="col-220">