echo $event_id; ?> "><span class="section-title"><?php _e('<strong>Program Start Date:</strong>', 'event_espresso'); ?> </span> <?php echo event_date_display($start_date, get_option('date_format')); ?> <p class="event_time"> <?php //This block of code is used to display the times of an event in either a dropdown or text format. if (isset($time_selected) && $time_selected == true) { //If the customer is coming from a page where the time was preselected. echo event_espresso_display_selected_time($time_id); //Optional parameters start, end, default } else { echo event_espresso_time_dropdown($event_id); } //End time selected ?> </p> <?php echo $venue_title != '' ? '<p style="clear: left;" id="event_venue_name-' . $event_id . '" class="event_venue_name"><strong>Location:</strong> ' . stripslashes_deep($venue_title) . '</p>' : ''; ?> <?php //Add to calendar button echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_ical', $all_meta); ?>
function espresso_reg_form_sc($atts) { global $wpdb, $org_options; global $load_espresso_scripts; $load_espresso_scripts = true; //This tells the plugin to load the required scripts extract(shortcode_atts(array('event_id' => '0'), $atts)); $event_id = "{$event_id}"; //The following variables are used to get information about your organization $event_page_id = $org_options['event_page_id']; $Organization = stripslashes_deep($org_options['organization']); $Organization_street1 = $org_options['organization_street1']; $Organization_street2 = $org_options['organization_street2']; $Organization_city = $org_options['organization_city']; $Organization_state = $org_options['organization_state']; $Organization_zip = $org_options['organization_zip']; $contact = $org_options['contact_email']; $registrar = $org_options['contact_email']; $currency_format = $org_options['currency_format']; $message = $org_options['message']; $use_captcha = $org_options['use_captcha']; $paypal_id = $org_options['paypal_id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE; $sql .= " WHERE is_active='Y' "; $sql .= " AND event_status != 'D' "; $sql .= " AND id = '" . $event_id . "' LIMIT 0,1"; if ($wpdb->get_results($sql)) { $events = $wpdb->get_results($sql); //These are the variables that can be used throughout the regsitration page foreach ($events as $event) { $event_id = $event->id; $event_name = stripslashes_deep($event->event_name); $event_desc = stripslashes_deep($event->event_desc); $display_desc = $event->display_desc; $display_reg_form = $event->display_reg_form; $event_address = $event->address; $event_address2 = $event->address2; $event_city = $event->city; $event_state = $event->state; $event_zip = $event->zip; $event_country = $event->country; $event_description = stripslashes_deep($event->event_desc); $event_identifier = $event->event_identifier; $event_cost = $event->event_cost; $member_only = $event->member_only; $reg_limit = $event->reg_limit; $allow_multiple = $event->allow_multiple; $start_date = $event->start_date; $end_date = $event->end_date; $allow_overflow = $event->allow_overflow; $overflow_event_id = $event->overflow_event_id; $virtual_url = stripslashes_deep($event->virtual_url); $virtual_phone = stripslashes_deep($event->virtual_phone); //Address formatting $location = ($event_address != '' ? $event_address : '') . ($event_address2 != '' ? '<br />' . $event_address2 : '') . ($event_city != '' ? '<br />' . $event_city : '') . ($event_state != '' ? ', ' . $event_state : '') . ($event_zip != '' ? '<br />' . $event_zip : '') . ($event_country != '' ? '<br />' . $event_country : ''); //Google map link creation $google_map_link = espresso_google_map_link(array('address' => $event_address, 'city' => $event_city, 'state' => $event_state, 'zip' => $event_zip, 'country' => $event_country, 'text' => 'Map and Directions', 'type' => 'text')); $reg_start_date = $event->registration_start; $reg_end_date = $event->registration_end; $today = date("Y-m-d"); $reg_limit = $event->reg_limit; $additional_limit = $event->additional_limit; $question_groups = unserialize($event->question_groups); global $all_meta; $all_meta = array('event_name' => stripslashes_deep($event_name), 'event_desc' => stripslashes_deep($event_desc), 'event_address' => $event_address, 'event_address2' => $event_address2, 'event_city' => $event_city, 'event_state' => $event_state, 'event_zip' => $event_zip, 'is_active' => $event->is_active, 'event_status' => $event->event_status, 'start_time' => $event->start_time, 'registration_startT' => $event->registration_startT, 'registration_start' => $event->registration_start, 'registration_endT' => $event->registration_endT, 'registration_end' => $event->registration_end, 'is_active' => $is_active, 'event_country' => $event_country, 'start_date' => event_date_display($start_date, get_option('date_format')), 'end_date' => event_date_display($end_date, get_option('date_format')), 'time' => $event->start_time, 'google_map_link' => $google_map_link, 'price' => $event->event_cost, 'event_cost' => $event->event_cost); //This function gets the status of the event. $is_active = array(); $is_active = event_espresso_get_is_active(0, $all_meta); //If the coupon code system is intalled then use it if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_registration_page')) { $use_coupon_code = $event->use_coupon_code; } //If the groupon code addon is installed, then use it if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_payment_page')) { $use_groupon_code = $event->use_groupon_code; } //Set a default value for additional limit if ($additional_limit == '') { $additional_limit = '5'; } } //End foreach ($events as $event) } //This is the registration form. //This is a template file for displaying a registration form for an event on a page. //There should be a copy of this file in your wp-content/uploads/espresso/ folder. ?> <div id="event_espresso_registration_form"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo home_url(); ?> /?page_id=<?php echo $event_page_id; ?> " id="registration_form"> <?php //print_r( event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id)); switch ($is_active['status']) { case 'EXPIRED': //only show the event description. _e('<h3 class="expired_event">This event has passed.</h3>', 'event_espresso'); break; case 'REGISTRATION_CLOSED': //only show the event description. // if todays date is after $reg_end_date ?> <p class="event_full"><strong><?php _e('We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.', 'event_espresso'); ?> </strong></p> <p class="event_full"><strong><?php _e('Please <a href="contact" title="contact us">contact us</a> if you would like to know if spaces are still available.', 'event_espresso'); ?> </strong></p> <?php break; case 'REGISTRATION_NOT_OPEN': //only show the event description. // if todays date is after $reg_end_date // if todays date is prior to $reg_start_date ?> <p class="event_full"><strong><?php _e('We are sorry but this event is not yet open for registration.', 'event_espresso'); ?> </strong></p> <p class="event_full"><strong><?php _e('You will be able to register starting ', 'event_espresso'); echo event_espresso_no_format_date($reg_start_date, 'F d, Y'); ?> </strong></p> <?php break; default: //If the event is in an active or ongoing status, then show the registration form. //echo $is_active['status'];//Show event status if ($display_reg_form == 'Y') { ?> <p class="event_time"> <?php //This block of code is used to display the times of an event in either a dropdown or text format. if ($time_selected == true) { //If the customer is coming from a page where the time was preselected. echo event_espresso_display_selected_time($time_id); //Optional parameters start, end, default } else { if ($time_selected == false) { echo event_espresso_time_dropdown($event_id); } } //End time selected ?> </p> <p class="event_prices"><?php echo event_espresso_price_dropdown($event_id); //Show pricing in a dropdown or text ?> </p> <?php //Outputs the custom form questions. This function can be overridden using the custom files addon echo event_espresso_add_question_groups($question_groups); //Coupons if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_registration_page')) { echo event_espresso_coupon_registration_page($use_coupon_code, $event_id); } //End coupons display //Groupons if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_registration_page')) { echo event_espresso_groupon_registration_page($use_groupon_code, $event_id); } //End groupons display ?> <input type="hidden" name="num_people" id="num_people-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="regevent_action" id="regevent_action-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="post_attendee"> <input type="hidden" name="event_id" id="event_id-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="<?php echo $event_id; ?> "> <?php //Recaptcha portion if ($use_captcha == 'Y') { if (!function_exists('recaptcha_get_html')) { require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . 'includes/recaptchalib.php'; } //End require captcha library # the response from reCAPTCHA $resp = null; # the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any $error = null; ?> <p class="event_form_field" id="captcha-<?php echo $event_id; ?> "><?php _e('Anti-Spam Measure: Please enter the following phrase', 'event_espresso'); ?> <?php echo recaptcha_get_html($org_options['recaptcha_publickey'], $error); ?> </p> <?php } //End use captcha ?> <p class="event_form_submit" id="event_form_submit-<?php echo $event_id; ?> "> <input class="btn_event_form_submit" id="event_form_field-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php _e('Submit', 'event_espresso'); ?> "> </p> <?php } break; } //End Switch statement to check the status of the event ?> </form> </div><?php }
function add_new_attendee($event_id) { if (isset($_REQUEST['regevent_action_admin']) && $_REQUEST['regevent_action_admin'] == 'post_attendee') { require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "includes/functions/attendee_functions.php"; require_once EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "includes/process-registration/add_attendees_to_db.php"; $attendee_id = event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db(); if ($attendee_id) { // SEND CONFIRMATION EMAIL MESSAGES event_espresso_email_confirmations(array('attendee_id' => $attendee_id, 'send_admin_email' => 'true', 'send_attendee_email' => 'true')); //echo $attendee_id; ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"> <p><strong> <?php _e('Added Attendee to Database', 'event_espresso'); ?> </strong></p> </div> <?php } else { global $notifications; $error_msg = implode($notifications['error'], '<br />'); ?> <div id="message" class="error"> <p> <strong><?php echo $error_msg; ?> </strong> </p> </div> <?php } } wp_register_script('reCopy', EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "scripts/reCopy.js", false, '1.1.0'); wp_print_scripts('reCopy'); global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE is_active='Y' AND event_status != 'D' AND id = '" . $event_id . "' LIMIT 0,1"; //Build the registration page if ($wpdb->get_results($sql)) { $events = $wpdb->get_results($sql); //These are the variables that can be used throughout the regsitration page foreach ($events as $event) { $event_id = $event->id; $event_name = stripslashes($event->event_name); $event_desc = stripslashes($event->event_desc); $display_desc = $event->display_desc; $event_address = $event->address; $event_city = $event->city; $event_state = $event->state; $event_zip = $event->zip; $event_description = stripslashes($event->event_desc); $event_identifier = $event->event_identifier; $event_cost = isset($event->event_cost) ? $event->event_cost : ''; $member_only = isset($event->member_only) ? $event->member_only : ''; $reg_limit = isset($event->reg_limit) ? $event->reg_limit : ''; $allow_multiple = $event->allow_multiple; $start_date = $event->start_date; $end_date = $event->end_date; $reg_limit = $event->reg_limit; $additional_limit = $event->additional_limit; $is_active = array(); $question_groups = unserialize($event->question_groups); //This function gets the status of the event. $is_active = event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id); //If the coupon code system is intalled then use it if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_registration_page')) { $use_coupon_code = $event->use_coupon_code; } //If the groupon code addon is installed, then use it if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_payment_page')) { $use_groupon_code = $event->use_groupon_code; } //Set a default value for additional limit if ($additional_limit == '') { $additional_limit = '5'; } } //End foreach ($events as $event) //This is the start of the registration form. This is where you can start editing your display. $num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'num_attendees'); //Get the number of attendees $available_spaces = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces'); //Gets a count of the available spaces $number_available_spaces = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'number_available_spaces'); //Gets the number of available spaces ?> <script>$jaer = jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function($jaer) { jQuery(function(){ //Registration form validation jQuery('#espresso-admin-add-new-attendee-frm').validate(); }); }); </script> <div class="metabox-holder"> <div class="postbox"> <div id="espresso-admin-add-new-attendee-dv"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " onsubmit="return validateForm(this)" id="registration_form" class="espresso_form"> <?php wp_nonce_field('reg_nonce', 'reg_form_nonce'); ?> <h3 class="h3_event_title" id="h3_event_title-<?php echo $event_id; ?> "><?php echo $event_name; ?> </h3> <div class="padding"> <div class="inside"> <fieldset> <h4 class="reg-quest-title section-title"><?php _e('Event Dates and Times', 'event_espresso'); ?> </h4> <p class="start_date"> <span class="span_event_date_label"><?php _e('Start Date:', 'event_espresso'); ?> </span><span class="span_event_date_value"><?php echo event_date_display($start_date); ?> </span> </p> <p class="event_time"> <?php $time_selected = ''; //This block of code is used to display the times of an event in either a dropdown or text format. if (!empty($time_selected) && $time_selected == true) { //If the customer is coming from a page where the time was preselected. echo event_espresso_display_selected_time($time_id); //Optional parameters start, end, default } else { if ($time_selected == false) { echo event_espresso_time_dropdown($event_id); } } //End time selected ?> </p> <?php // Added for seating chart addon do_action('ee_seating_chart_css'); do_action('ee_seating_chart_js'); do_action('ee_seating_chart_flush_expired_seats'); do_action('espresso_seating_chart_select', $event_id); ?> </fieldset> <?php echo event_espresso_add_question_groups($question_groups, '', null, 0, array('admin_only' => true), 'inline'); //Coupons if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_registration_page')) { echo event_espresso_coupon_registration_page($use_coupon_code, $event_id); } //End coupons display //Groupons if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_registration_page')) { echo event_espresso_groupon_registration_page($use_groupon_code, $event_id); } //End groupons display ?> <p class="event_form_field"> <label for="event_cost" class="inline"> <?php _e('Amount Paid:', 'event_espresso'); ?> </label> <input tabindex="9" type="text" maxlength="10" size="15" name="event_cost" id="event_cost-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " <?php echo $event_cost ? 'value="' . $event_cost . '"' : ""; ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="regevent_action_admin" id="regevent_action-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="post_attendee" /> <input type="hidden" name="event_id" id="event_id-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="<?php echo $event_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="true" /> </p> <?php echo event_espresso_additional_attendees($event_id, $additional_limit, $number_available_spaces, __('Number of Tickets', 'event_espresso'), true, 'admin', 'inline'); ?> <p class="event_form_submit" id="event_form_submit-<?php echo $event_id; ?> "> <input class="btn_event_form_submit button-primary" id="event_form_field-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php _e('Submit', 'event_espresso'); ?> " /> </p> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <?php event_list_attendees(); } //End Build the registration page }
function add_new_attendee($event_id) { if (isset($_REQUEST['regevent_action_admin']) && $_REQUEST['regevent_action_admin'] == 'post_attendee') { $attendee_id = event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db(); // SEND CONFIRMATION EMAIL MESSAGES event_espresso_email_confirmations(array('attendee_id' => $attendee_id, 'send_admin_email' => 'true', 'send_attendee_email' => 'true')); //echo $attendee_id; ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"> <p><strong> <?php _e('Added Attendee to Database', 'event_espresso'); ?> </strong></p> </div> <?php } wp_register_script('reCopy', EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . "scripts/reCopy.js", false, '1.1.0'); wp_print_scripts('reCopy'); global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE is_active='Y' AND event_status != 'D' AND id = '" . $event_id . "' LIMIT 0,1"; //Build the registration page if ($wpdb->get_results($sql)) { $events = $wpdb->get_results($sql); //These are the variables that can be used throughout the regsitration page foreach ($events as $event) { $event_id = $event->id; $event_name = stripslashes($event->event_name); $event_desc = stripslashes($event->event_desc); $display_desc = $event->display_desc; $event_address = $event->address; $event_city = $event->city; $event_state = $event->state; $event_zip = $event->zip; $event_description = stripslashes($event->event_desc); $event_identifier = $event->event_identifier; $event_cost = isset($event->event_cost) ? $event->event_cost : ''; $member_only = isset($event->member_only) ? $event->member_only : ''; $reg_limit = isset($event->reg_limit) ? $event->reg_limit : ''; $allow_multiple = $event->allow_multiple; $start_date = $event->start_date; $end_date = $event->end_date; $reg_limit = $event->reg_limit; $additional_limit = $event->additional_limit; $is_active = array(); $question_groups = unserialize($event->question_groups); //This function gets the status of the event. $is_active = event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id); //If the coupon code system is intalled then use it if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_registration_page')) { $use_coupon_code = $event->use_coupon_code; } //If the groupon code addon is installed, then use it if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_payment_page')) { $use_groupon_code = $event->use_groupon_code; } //Set a default value for additional limit if ($additional_limit == '') { $additional_limit = '5'; } } //End foreach ($events as $event) //This is the start of the registration form. This is where you can start editing your display. $num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'num_attendees'); //Get the number of attendees $available_spaces = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces'); //Gets a count of the available spaces $number_available_spaces = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'number_available_spaces'); //Gets the number of available spaces ?> <script>$jaer = jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function($jaer) { jQuery(function(){ //Registration form validation jQuery('#registration_form').validate(); }); }); </script> <div class="metabox-holder"> <div class="postbox"> <div id="event_espressotration_form"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " onsubmit="return validateForm(this)" id="registration_form"> <h3 class="h3_event_title" id="h3_event_title-<?php echo $event_id; ?> "><?php echo $event_name; ?> </h3> <div class="padding"> <p class="start_date"> <?php _e('Start Date:', 'event_espresso'); ?> <?php echo event_date_display($start_date); ?> </p> <p class="event_time"> <?php $time_selected = ''; //This block of code is used to display the times of an event in either a dropdown or text format. if (!empty($time_selected) && $time_selected == true) { //If the customer is coming from a page where the time was preselected. echo event_espresso_display_selected_time($time_id); //Optional parameters start, end, default } else { if ($time_selected == false) { echo event_espresso_time_dropdown($event_id); } } //End time selected ?> </p> <?php /* * Added for seating chart addon */ if (defined('ESPRESSO_SEATING_CHART')) { $seating_chart_id = seating_chart::check_event_has_seating_chart($event_id); if ($seating_chart_id !== false) { ?> <p class="event_form_field"> <label>Select a Seat:</label> <input type="text" name="seat_id" value="" class="ee_s_select_seat required" title="Please select a seat." event_id="<?php echo $event_id; ?> " readonly="readonly" /> <?php $seating_chart = $wpdb->get_row("select * from " . EVENTS_SEATING_CHART_TABLE . " where id = {$seating_chart_id}"); if (trim($seating_chart->image_name) != "" && file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_UPLOAD_DIR . 'seatingchart/images/' . $seating_chart->image_name)) { ?> <br/> <a href="<?php echo EVENT_ESPRESSO_UPLOAD_URL . 'seatingchart/images/' . $seating_chart->image_name; ?> " target="_blank">Seating chart image</a> <?php } ?> </p> <?php } } /* * End */ ?> <?php echo event_espresso_add_question_groups($question_groups); //Coupons if (function_exists('event_espresso_coupon_registration_page')) { echo event_espresso_coupon_registration_page($use_coupon_code, $event_id); } //End coupons display //Groupons if (function_exists('event_espresso_groupon_registration_page')) { echo event_espresso_groupon_registration_page($use_groupon_code, $event_id); } //End groupons display ?> <p class="event_form_field"> <label for="event_cost"> <?php _e('Amount Paid:', 'event_espresso'); ?> </label> <input tabindex="9" type="text" maxlength="10" size="15" name="event_cost" id="event_cost-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " <?php echo $event_cost ? 'value="' . $event_cost . '"' : ""; ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="regevent_action_admin" id="regevent_action-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="post_attendee" /> <input type="hidden" name="event_id" id="event_id-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " value="<?php echo $event_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="true" /> </p> <p class="event_form_submit" id="event_form_submit-<?php echo $event_id; ?> "> <input class="btn_event_form_submit" id="event_form_field-<?php echo $event_id; ?> " type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php _e('Submit', 'event_espresso'); ?> " /> </p> <?php echo event_espresso_additional_attendees($event_id, $additional_limit, $number_available_spaces, __('Number of Tickets', 'event_espresso'), true, $event_meta); ?> </form> </div> </div> </div> <?php event_list_attendees(); } //End Build the registration page }