 function page_actions()
     //Add screen option
     $user = wp_get_current_user();
     $is12hour = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'eofc_time_format', true);
     if ('' === $is12hour) {
         $is12hour = eventorganiser_blog_is_24() ? 0 : 1;
     add_screen_option('eofc_time_format', array('value' => $is12hour));
     add_filter('screen_settings', array($this, 'screen_options'), 10, 2);
     //Check action
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['save']) || !empty($_REQUEST['publish'])) {
         //Check nonce
         //authentication checks
         if (!current_user_can('edit_events')) {
             wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to create events. ', 'eventorganiser'));
         $input = $_REQUEST['eo_event'];
         //Retrieve input from posted data
         //Set the status of the new event
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['save'])) {
             $status = 'draft';
         } else {
             $status = current_user_can('publish_events') ? 'publish' : 'pending';
         //Set post and event details
         $venue = (int) $input['venue_id'];
         $post_input = array('post_title' => $input['event_title'], 'post_status' => $status, 'post_content' => $input['event_content'], 'post_type' => 'event', 'tax_input' => array('event-venue' => array($venue)));
         $tz = eo_get_blog_timezone();
         $event_data = array('schedule' => 'once', 'all_day' => $input['allday'], 'start' => new DateTime($input['StartDate'] . ' ' . $input['StartTime'], $tz), 'end' => new DateTime($input['EndDate'] . ' ' . $input['FinishTime'], $tz));
         //Insert event
         $post_id = eo_insert_event($post_input, $event_data);
         if ($post_id) {
             //If event was successfully inserted, redirect and display appropriate message
             $redirect = get_edit_post_link($post_id, '');
             if ($status == 'publish') {
                 $redirect = add_query_arg('message', 6, $redirect);
             } else {
                 $redirect = add_query_arg('message', 7, $redirect);
             //Redirect to event admin page & exit
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete_occurrence' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'break_series') && isset($_REQUEST['series']) && isset($_REQUEST['event'])) {
         $post_id = intval($_REQUEST['series']);
         $event_id = intval($_REQUEST['event']);
         $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
         if ($action == 'break_series') {
             //Check nonce
             check_admin_referer('eventorganiser_break_series_' . $event_id);
             //Check permissions
             if (!current_user_can('edit_event', $post_id) || !current_user_can('delete_event', $post_id)) {
                 wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to edit this event. ', 'eventorganiser'));
             $new_event_id = eo_break_occurrence($post_id, $event_id);
             //Redirect to prevent resubmisson
             $redirect = get_edit_post_link($new_event_id, '');
             $redirect = add_query_arg('message', 20, $redirect);
         } elseif ($action == 'delete_occurrence') {
             global $EO_Errors;
             //Check nonce
             check_admin_referer('eventorganiser_delete_occurrence_' . $event_id);
             //Check permissions
             if (!current_user_can('delete_event', $post_id)) {
                 wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to delete this event. ', 'eventorganiser'));
             $response = _eventorganiser_remove_occurrence($post_id, $event_id);
             //Break Cache!
             if (is_wp_error($response)) {
                 $EO_Errors = $response;
             } else {
                 $EO_Errors = new WP_Error('eo_notice', '<strong>' . __('Occurrence deleted.', 'eventorganiser') . '</strong>');
                  * Triggered when occurrence is delete via the admin calendar. 
                  * If you use this, send a message here: wp-event-organiser.com/contact. It may be removed.
                  * @ignore
                 do_action('eventorganiser_admin_calendar_occurrence_deleted', $post_id, $event_id);
  * Event Organiser generates start dates and uses the duration of the first
  * event to calculate the other occurrences. So the end date of a recurring event
  * may vary.
  * @see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/last-day-missing-because-of-the-leap-year-2016?replies=3
 public function testOverVarythingMonths()
     $event = array('start' => new DateTime('2015-02-28 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-03 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'schedule' => 'monthly', 'schedule_meta' => 'BYMONTHDAY=28', 'schedule_last' => new DateTime('2015-04-28 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()));
     $event_id = eo_insert_event($event);
     $actual = array_values(eo_get_the_occurrences_of($event_id));
     $expected = array(array('start' => new DateTime('2015-02-28 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-03 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone())), array('start' => new DateTime('2015-03-28 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-31 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone())), array('start' => new DateTime('2015-04-28 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-05-01 00:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone())));
     //$actual and $expected contain the occurrence IDs as keys.
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
  * Checks that included/excluded dates are converted to the blog timezone 
  * before being inserted into the database
  * @see https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/264
 function testEventIncludesInForeignTimezone()
     //Set the site timezone to America/New_York
     $original_tz = get_option('timezone_string');
     update_option('timezone_string', 'America/New_York');
     //Next define an event using a foreign (to the site) timezone. E.g. UTC.
     $utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
     $event_id = eo_insert_event(array('start' => new DateTime('2015-03-27 15:00:00', $utc), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-27 22:00:00', $utc), 'schedule' => 'daily', 'schedule_last' => new DateTime('2015-03-29 15:00:00', $utc), 'include' => array(new DateTime('2015-03-30 15:00:00', $utc)), 'exclude' => array(new DateTime('2015-03-28 15:00:00', $utc))));
     $actual = array_values(eo_get_the_occurrences_of($event_id));
     $expected = array(array('start' => new DateTime('2015-03-27 11:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-27 18:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone())), array('start' => new DateTime('2015-03-29 11:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-29 18:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone())), array('start' => new DateTime('2015-03-30 11:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-03-30 18:00:00', eo_get_blog_timezone())));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
     update_option('timezone_string', $original_tz);
 function create_object($args)
     $args = array_merge(array('start' => new DateTime('2015-02-20 17:54:00'), 'end' => new DateTime('2015-02-20 18:54:00')), $args);
     return eo_insert_event($args);
 public function testScheduleLastUpdate()
     $event_data = array('start' => new DateTime('2013-10-22 19:19:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2013-10-22 20:19:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'schedule' => 'daily', 'frequency' => 2, 'until' => new DateTime('2013-10-26 19:19:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()));
     $event = eo_insert_event($event_data);
     eo_update_event($event, array('include' => array(new DateTime('2013-10-25 19:19:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()))));
     $schedule = eo_get_event_schedule($event);
     $this->assertEquals(new DateTime('2013-10-26 19:19:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), $schedule['until']);
 public function testRRULE_all_day()
     global $wpdb;
     wp_cache_set('eventorganiser_timezone', 'America/New_York');
     //Event recurrs every Monday evening in New York but is all day, so day should remain on Monday in UTC
     $event_id = eo_insert_event(array('start' => new DateTime('2013-12-02 21:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2013-12-02 23:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'schedule_last' => new DateTime('2013-12-30 21:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'frequency' => 1, 'all_day' => 1, 'schedule' => 'weekly', 'schedule_meta' => array('MO'), 'post_title' => 'The Event Title', 'post_content' => 'My event content', 'post_date' => '2015-02-18 17:30:00'));
     $this->assertEquals("FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=MO;UNTIL=20131231T020000Z", eventorganiser_generate_ics_rrule($event_id));
 * Break a specified occurrence from an event
 * @param int $post_id The event (post) ID
 * @param int $occurrence_id The occurrence ID
 * @return int|WP_Error The new event (post) ID or a WP_Error on error
function eo_break_occurrence($post_id, $occurrence_id)
    global $post;
    $post = get_post($post_id);
     * Triggered before an occurrence is broken from an event.
     * @param int $post_id The ID of the original parent event
     * @param int $occurrence_id The ID of the occurrence being broken
    do_action('eventorganiser_pre_break_occurrence', $post_id, $occurrence_id);
    $tax_input = array();
    foreach (array('event-category', 'event-tag', 'event-venue') as $tax) {
        $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, $tax);
        if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
            $tax_input[$tax] = array_map('intval', wp_list_pluck($terms, 'term_id'));
    //Post details
    $post_array = array('post_title' => $post->post_title, 'post_name' => $post->post_name, 'post_author' => $post->post_author, 'post_content' => $post->post_content, 'post_status' => $post->post_status, 'post_date' => $post->post_date, 'post_date_gmt' => $post->post_date_gmt, 'post_excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt, 'post_password' => $post->post_password, 'post_type' => 'event', 'tax_input' => $tax_input, 'comment_status' => $post->comment_status, 'ping_status' => $post->ping_status);
    //Event details
    $event_array = array('start' => eo_get_the_start(DATETIMEOBJ, $post_id, null, $occurrence_id), 'end' => eo_get_the_end(DATETIMEOBJ, $post_id, null, $occurrence_id), 'all_day' => eo_is_all_day($post_id) ? 1 : 0, 'schedule' => 'once', 'frequency' => 1);
    //Create new event with duplicated details (new event clears cache)
    $new_event_id = eo_insert_event($post_array, $event_array);
    //delete occurrence, and copy post meta
    if ($new_event_id && !is_wp_error($new_event_id)) {
        $response = _eventorganiser_remove_occurrence($post_id, $occurrence_id);
        $post_custom = get_post_custom($post_id);
        foreach ($post_custom as $meta_key => $meta_values) {
            //Don't copy these
            $ignore_meta = array('_eventorganiser_uid', '_eo_tickets', '_edit_last', '_edit_last', '_edit_lock');
             * Filters an array of keys which should be ignored when breaking an 
             * occurrence.
             * When breaking an occurrence from an event a new event is made for 
             * that occurrence. Meta data from the original event is copied across, 
             * unless its meta key exists in the filtered array.  
             * @param array $ignore_meta Array of meta keys to be ignored
            $ignore_meta = apply_filters('eventorganiser_breaking_occurrence_exclude_meta', $ignore_meta);
            if (in_array($meta_key, $ignore_meta)) {
            //Don't copy event meta
            if (0 == strncmp($meta_key, '_eventorganiser', 15)) {
            foreach ($meta_values as $meta_value) {
                //get_post_meta() without a key doesn't unserialize:
                // @see{https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/3.5.1/wp-includes/meta.php#L289}
                $meta_value = maybe_unserialize($meta_value);
                add_post_meta($new_event_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
     * Triggered after an occurrence has been broken from an event.
     * @param int $post_id The ID of the original parent event
     * @param int $occurrence_id The ID of the occurrence being broken
     * @param int $new_event_id The ID of the newly created event
    do_action('eventorganiser_occurrence_broken', $post_id, $occurrence_id, $new_event_id);
    return $new_event_id;
  * Update and EO event, given a CiviEvent. If no EO event exists
  * then create one. This will NOT create sequences and is intended for the
  * initial migration of CiviEvents to WordPress
  * @since 0.1
  * @param array $civi_event An array of data for the CiviEvent
  * @return int $event_id The numeric ID of the event
 public function update_event($civi_event)
     error_log( print_r( array(
     	'method' => __METHOD__,
     	'civi_event' => $civi_event,
     ), true ) );
     // define schedule
     $event_data = array('start' => new DateTime($civi_event['start_date'], eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime($civi_event['end_date'], eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'schedule_last' => new DateTime($civi_event['end_date'], eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'frequency' => 1, 'all_day' => 0, 'schedule' => 'once');
     // define post
     $post_data = array('post_title' => $civi_event['title'], 'post_content' => isset($civi_event['description']) ? $civi_event['description'] : '', 'post_excerpt' => isset($civi_event['summary']) ? $civi_event['summary'] : '', 'to_ping' => '', 'pinged' => '', 'post_content_filtered' => '');
     // test for created date, which may be absent
     if (isset($civi_event['created_date']) and !empty($civi_event['created_date'])) {
         // create DateTime object
         $datetime = new DateTime($civi_event['created_date'], eo_get_blog_timezone());
         // add it, but format it first since Civi seems to send data in the form 20150916135435
         $post_data['post_date'] = $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // assume the CiviEvent is live
     $post_data['post_status'] = 'publish';
     // is the event active?
     if ($civi_event['is_active'] == 0) {
         // make the CiviEvent unpublished
         $post_data['post_status'] = 'draft';
     // init venue as undefined
     $venue_id = 0;
     // get location ID
     if (isset($civi_event['loc_block_id'])) {
         // we have a location...
         // get location data
         $location = $this->plugin->civi->get_location_by_id($civi_event['loc_block_id']);
         // get corresponding EO venue ID
         $venue_id = $this->plugin->eo_venue->get_venue_id($location);
         // did we get one?
         if ($venue_id === false) {
             // no, let's create one
             $venue_id = $this->plugin->eo_venue->create_venue($location);
         } else {
             // yes, update it
             $venue_id = $this->plugin->eo_venue->update_venue($location);
     // init category as undefined
     $terms = array();
     // get location ID
     if (isset($civi_event['event_type_id'])) {
         // we have a category...
         //print_r( $this->plugin->civi->get_event_types() ); die();
         // get event type data for this pseudo-ID (actually "value")
         $type = $this->plugin->civi->get_event_type_by_value($civi_event['event_type_id']);
         // does this type have an existing term?
         $term_id = $this->get_term_id($type);
         // if not...
         if ($term_id === false) {
             // create one
             $term = $this->create_term($type);
             // assign term ID
             $term_id = $term['term_id'];
         // define as array
         $terms = array(absint($term_id));
     // add to post data
     $post_data['tax_input'] = array('event-venue' => array(absint($venue_id)), 'event-category' => $terms);
     error_log( print_r( array(
     	'method' => __METHOD__,
     	'post_data' => $post_data,
     	'type' => isset( $type ) ? $type : 'NOT SET',
     ) ); die();
     // do we have a post ID for this event?
     $eo_post_id = $this->plugin->db->get_eo_event_id_by_civi_event_id($civi_event['id']);
     // remove hooks
     remove_action('wp_insert_post', array($this, 'insert_post'), 10);
     remove_action('eventorganiser_save_event', array($this, 'intercept_save_event'), 10);
     // did we get a post ID?
     if ($eo_post_id === false) {
         // use EO's API to create event
         $event_id = eo_insert_event($post_data, $event_data);
     } else {
         // use EO's API to update event
         $event_id = eo_update_event($eo_post_id, $post_data, $event_data);
     // re-add hooks
     add_action('wp_insert_post', array($this, 'insert_post'), 10, 2);
     add_action('eventorganiser_save_event', array($this, 'intercept_save_event'), 10, 1);
     // --<
     return $event_id;
 * Break a specified occurrence from an event
 * @param int $post_id The event (post) ID
 * @param int $occurrence_id The occurrence ID
 * @return int|WP_Error The new event (post) ID or a WP_Error on error
function eo_break_occurrence($post_id, $occurrence_id)
    global $post;
    $post = get_post($post_id);
    do_action('eventorganiser_pre_break_occurrence', $post_id, $occurrence_id);
    $tax_input = array();
    foreach (array('event-category', 'event-tag', 'event-venue') as $tax) {
        $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, $tax);
        if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
            $tax_input[$tax] = array_map('intval', wp_list_pluck($terms, 'term_id'));
    //Post details
    $post_array = array('post_title' => $post->post_title, 'post_name' => $post->post_name, 'post_author' => $post->post_author, 'post_content' => $post->post_content, 'post_status' => $post->post_status, 'post_date' => $post->post_date, 'post_date_gmt' => $post->post_date_gmt, 'post_excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt, 'post_password' => $post->post_password, 'post_type' => 'event', 'tax_input' => $tax_input, 'comment_status' => $post->comment_status, 'ping_status' => $post->ping_status);
    //Event details
    $event_array = array('start' => eo_get_the_start(DATETIMEOBJ, $post_id, null, $occurrence_id), 'end' => eo_get_the_end(DATETIMEOBJ, $post_id, null, $occurrence_id), 'all_day' => eo_is_all_day($post_id) ? 1 : 0, 'schedule' => 'once', 'frequency' => 1);
    //Create new event with duplicated details (new event clears cache)
    $new_event_id = eo_insert_event($post_array, $event_array);
    //delete occurrence, and copy post meta
    if ($new_event_id && !is_wp_error($new_event_id)) {
        $response = _eventorganiser_remove_occurrence($post_id, $occurrence_id);
        $post_custom = get_post_custom($post_id);
        foreach ($post_custom as $meta_key => $meta_values) {
            //Don't copy these
            $ignore_meta = array('_eventorganiser_uid', '_eo_tickets', '_edit_last', '_edit_last', '_edit_lock');
            $ignore_meta = apply_filters('eventorganiser_breaking_occurrence_exclude_meta', $ignore_meta);
            if (in_array($meta_key, $ignore_meta)) {
            //Don't copy event meta
            if (0 == strncmp($meta_key, '_eventorganiser', 15)) {
            foreach ($meta_values as $meta_value) {
                //get_post_meta() without a key doesn't unserialize:
                // @see{https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/3.5.1/wp-includes/meta.php#L289}
                $meta_value = maybe_unserialize($meta_value);
                add_post_meta($new_event_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
    do_action('eventorganiser_occurrence_broken', $post_id, $occurrence_id, $new_event_id);
    return $new_event_id;
  * Reads in an ICAL file into an array, then parses the array and inserts events into database
  * @since 1.1.0
  * @param string $cal_file - the file to import
 function import_file($ical_file)
     global $EO_Errors;
     if (!current_user_can('manage_options') || !current_user_can('edit_events')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to import events.', 'eventorganiser'));
     $ical = new EO_ICAL_Parser();
     $import_venues = isset($_POST['eo_import_venue']) ? true : false;
     $import_cats = isset($_POST['eo_import_cat']) ? true : false;
     $events_imported = 0;
     $events_updated = 0;
     $venues_imported = 0;
     $categories_imported = 0;
     if ($import_venues && $ical->venues) {
         foreach ($ical->venues as $venue) {
             if (!eo_get_venue_by('name', $venue)) {
                 $args = array();
                 //If lat/lng meta data is set, include that
                 if (isset($ical->venue_meta[$venue]['latitude']) && isset($ical->venue_meta[$venue]['longtitude'])) {
                     $args['latitude'] = $ical->venue_meta[$venue]['latitude'];
                     $args['longtitude'] = $ical->venue_meta[$venue]['longtitude'];
                 $new_venue = eo_insert_venue($venue, $args);
                 if (!is_wp_error($new_venue) && $new_venue) {
     if ($import_cats && $ical->categories) {
         foreach ($ical->categories as $category) {
             if (!get_term_by('name', $category, 'event-category')) {
                 $new_cat = wp_insert_term($category, 'event-category', array());
                 if (!is_wp_error($new_cat) && $new_cat) {
     foreach ($ical->events as $event) {
         //TODO refactor eo_insert_event & eo_update_event...
         $uid = !empty($event['uid']) ? $event['uid'] : false;
         //TODO Check if event already exists
         //$found_event = eo_get_event_by_uid( $uid );
         //Create event
         if (!empty($event['event-venue'])) {
             $venue = eo_get_venue_by('name', $event['event-venue']);
             if ($venue) {
                 $event['tax_input']['event-venue'][] = intval($venue->term_id);
         if (!empty($event['event-category'])) {
             $event['tax_input']['event-category'] = array();
             foreach ($event['event-category'] as $category) {
                 $cat = get_term_by('name', $category, 'event-category');
                 if ($cat) {
                     $event['tax_input']['event-category'][] = intval($cat->term_id);
         $event_id = eo_insert_event($event);
         if (is_wp_error($event_id)) {
             $ical->errors[] = $event_id;
         } else {
     if ($events_updated == 0) {
         $EO_Errors->add('eo_error', __("No events were imported.", 'eventorganiser'));
     if (count($ical->errors) > 0) {
         foreach ($ical->errors as $error) {
             $codes = $error->get_error_codes();
             foreach ($codes as $code) {
                 $error_messages = $error->get_error_messages();
                 foreach ($error_messages as $error_message) {
                     $EO_Errors->add('eo_error', '<strong>' . __('Error:', 'eventorganiser') . '</strong> ' . $error_message);
     $message = array();
     if ($ical->warnings) {
         foreach ($ical->warnings as $warning) {
             $message[] = '<strong>' . __('Warning:', 'eventorganiser') . '</strong> ' . $warning->get_error_message();
     if (count($ical->events) == 1) {
         $message[] = __("1 event was successfully imported", 'eventorganiser');
     } elseif (count($ical->events) > 1) {
         $message[] = sprintf(__("%d events were successfully imported", 'eventorganiser'), count($ical->events)) . ".";
     if ($venues_imported == 1) {
         $message[] = __("1 venue was created", 'eventorganiser');
     } elseif ($venues_imported > 1) {
         $message[] = sprintf(__("%d venues were created", 'eventorganiser'), $venues_imported);
     if ($categories_imported == 1) {
         $message[] = __("1 category was created", 'eventorganiser');
     } elseif ($categories_imported > 1) {
         $message[] = sprintf(__("%d categories were created", 'eventorganiser'), $categories_imported);
     $EO_Errors->add('eo_notice', implode('<br/>', $message));