 * Ajax response for the public full calendar. This returns events to be displayed on the front-end full calendar
 *@since 1.3
 *@access private
function eventorganiser_public_fullcalendar()
    $request = array('event_start_before' => $_GET['end'], 'event_end_after' => $_GET['start']);
    $time_format = !empty($_GET['timeformat']) ? $_GET['timeformat'] : get_option('time_format');
    //Restrict by category and/or venue/tag
    foreach (array('category', 'venue', 'tag') as $tax) {
        if (!empty($_GET[$tax])) {
            $request['tax_query'][] = array('taxonomy' => 'event-' . $tax, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => explode(',', esc_attr($_GET[$tax])), 'operator' => 'IN');
    if (!empty($_GET['organiser'])) {
        $request['author'] = (int) $_GET['organiser'];
    if (!empty($_GET['users_events']) && 'false' != $_GET['users_events']) {
        $request['bookee_id'] = get_current_user_id();
    if (!empty($_GET['event_occurrence__in'])) {
        $request['event_occurrence__in'] = $_GET['event_occurrence__in'];
    $presets = array('numberposts' => -1, 'group_events_by' => '', 'showpastevents' => true);
    if (current_user_can('read_private_events')) {
        $priv = '_priv';
        $post_status = array('publish', 'private');
    } else {
        $priv = false;
        $post_status = array('publish');
    //Retrieve events
    $query = array_merge($request, $presets);
     * Filters the query before it is sent to the calendar.
     * The returned $query array is used to generate the cache key. The `$query`
     * array can contain any keys supported by `eo_get_events()`, and so also
     * `get_posts()` and `WP_Query()`.
     * @package fullCalendar
     * @since 2.13.0
     * @param array  $query An query array (as given to `eo_get_events()`)
    $query = apply_filters('eventorganiser_fullcalendar_query', $query);
    //In case polylang is enabled with events as translatable. Include locale in cache key.
    $options = get_option('polylang');
    if (defined('POLYLANG_VERSION') && !empty($options['post_types']) && in_array('event', $options['post_types'])) {
        $key = 'eo_fc_' . md5(serialize($query) . $time_format . get_locale());
    } else {
        $key = 'eo_fc_' . md5(serialize($query) . $time_format);
    $calendar = get_transient("eo_full_calendar_public{$priv}");
    if ($calendar && is_array($calendar) && isset($calendar[$key])) {
        $events_array = $calendar[$key];
         * Filters the event before it is sent to the calendar. 
         * **Note:** This filters the response immediately before sending, and after 
         * the cache is saved/retrieved. Changes made on this filter are not cached.
         * @package fullCalendar
         * @param array  $events_array An array of events (array).
         * @param array  $query        The query as given to eo_get_events() 
        $events_array = apply_filters('eventorganiser_fullcalendar', $events_array, $query);
        echo json_encode($events_array);
    $query['post_status'] = $post_status;
    $events = eo_get_events($query);
    $events_array = array();
    //Blog timezone
    $tz = eo_get_blog_timezone();
    //Loop through events
    global $post;
    if ($events) {
        foreach ($events as $post) {
            $event = array();
            //Title and url
            $event['title'] = html_entity_decode(get_the_title($post->ID), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
            $link = esc_js(get_permalink($post->ID));
             * Filters the link to the event's page on the admin calendar.
             * **Note:** As the calendar is cached, changes made using this filter
             * will not take effect immediately. You can clear the cache by 
             * updating an event.
             * ### Example
             *    //Remove link if from calendar if event has no content
             *    add_filter('eventorganiser_calendar_event_link','myprefix_maybe_no_calendar_link',10,3);
             *    function myprefix_maybe_no_calendar_link( $link, $event_id, $occurrence_id ){
             *        $the_post = get_post($post_id);
             *        if( empty($the_post->post_content) ){
             *            return false;
             *        }
             *        return $link;
             *    }
             * @package fullCalendar
             * @param string $link          The url the event points to on the calendar.
             * @param int    $event_id      The event's post ID.
             * @param int    $occurrence_id The event's occurrence ID.
            $link = apply_filters('eventorganiser_calendar_event_link', $link, $post->ID, $post->occurrence_id);
            $event['url'] = $link;
            //All day or not?
            $event['allDay'] = eo_is_all_day();
            //Get Event Start and End date, set timezone to the blog's timzone
            $event_start = new DateTime($post->StartDate . ' ' . $post->StartTime, $tz);
            $event_end = new DateTime($post->EndDate . ' ' . $post->FinishTime, $tz);
            $event['start'] = $event_start->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s');
            $event['end'] = $event_end->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s');
            //Don't use get_the_excerpt as this adds a link
            $excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', 55);
            $description = wp_trim_words(strip_shortcodes(get_the_content()), $excerpt_length, '...');
            if ($event_start->format('Y-m-d') != $event_end->format('Y-m-d')) {
                //Start & ends on different days
                if (!eo_is_all_day()) {
                    //Not all day, include time
                    $date = eo_format_datetime($event_start, 'F j ' . $time_format) . ' - ' . eo_format_datetime($event_end, 'F j ' . $time_format);
                } else {
                    //All day, don't include date
                    if ($event_start->format('Y-m') == $event_end->format('Y-m')) {
                        //Same month
                        $date = eo_format_datetime($event_start, 'F j') . ' - ' . eo_format_datetime($event_end, 'j, Y');
                    } else {
                        //Different month
                        $date = eo_format_datetime($event_start, 'F j') . ' - ' . eo_format_datetime($event_end, 'F j');
            } else {
                //Start and end on the same day
                if (!eo_is_all_day()) {
                    //Not all day, include time
                    $date = eo_format_datetime($event_start, $format = "F j, Y {$time_format}") . ' - ' . eo_format_datetime($event_end, $time_format);
                } else {
                    //All day
                    $date = eo_format_datetime($event_start, $format = 'F j, Y');
            $description = $date . '</br></br>' . $description;
             * Filters the description of the event as it appears on the calendar tooltip.
             * **Note:** As the calendar is cached, changes made using this filter
             * will not take effect immediately. You can clear the cache by 
             * updating an event.
             * @link https://gist.github.com/stephenh1988/4040699 Including venue name in tooltip.
             * @package fullCalendar
             * @param string  $description   The event's tooltip description.
             * @param int     $event_id      The event's post ID.
             * @param int     $occurrence_id The event's occurrence ID.
             * @param WP_Post $post          The event (post) object.
            $description = apply_filters('eventorganiser_event_tooltip', $description, $post->ID, $post->occurrence_id, $post);
            $event['description'] = $description;
            $event['className'] = eo_get_event_classes();
            $event['className'][] = 'eo-event';
            //Colour past events
            $now = new DateTime(null, $tz);
            if ($event_start <= $now) {
                $event['className'][] = 'eo-past-event';
            } else {
                $event['className'][] = 'eo-future-event';
            //deprecated. use eo-event-future
            //Include venue if this is set
            $venue = eo_get_venue($post->ID);
            if ($venue && !is_wp_error($venue)) {
                $event['className'][] = 'venue-' . eo_get_venue_slug($post->ID);
                //deprecated. use eo-event-venue-{slug}
                $event['venue'] = $venue;
            //Event categories
            $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'event-category');
            $event['category'] = array();
            if ($terms) {
                foreach ($terms as $term) {
                    $event['category'][] = $term->slug;
                    $event['className'][] = 'category-' . $term->slug;
                    //deprecated. use eo-event-cat-{slug}
            //Event tags
            if (eventorganiser_get_option('eventtag')) {
                $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'event-tag');
                $event['tags'] = array();
                if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        $event['tags'][] = $term->slug;
                        $event['className'][] = 'tag-' . $term->slug;
                        //deprecated. use eo-event-tag-{slug}
            //Event colour
            $event['textColor'] = '#ffffff';
            //default text colour
            if (eo_get_event_color()) {
                $event['color'] = eo_get_event_color();
                $event['textColor'] = eo_get_event_textcolor($event['color']);
            //Add event to array
             * Filters the event before it is sent to the calendar. 
             * The event is an array with various key/values, which is seralised and sent
             * to the calendar.
             * **Note:** As the calendar is cached, changes made using this filter
             * will not take effect immediately. You can clear the cache by
             * updating an event.
             * @package fullCalendar
             * @param array  $event         The event (array)
             * @param int    $event_id      The event's post ID.
             * @param int    $occurrence_id The event's occurrence ID.
            $event = apply_filters('eventorganiser_fullcalendar_event', $event, $post->ID, $post->occurrence_id);
            if ($event) {
                $events_array[] = $event;
    if (!$calendar || !is_array($calendar)) {
        $calendar = array();
    $calendar[$key] = $events_array;
    set_transient("eo_full_calendar_public{$priv}", $calendar, 60 * 60 * 24);
    $events_array = apply_filters('eventorganiser_fullcalendar', $events_array, $query);
    //Echo result and exit
    echo json_encode($events_array);
  * Generates widget / shortcode calendar html
  * @param $month - DateTime object for first day of the month (in blog timezone)
 static function generate_output($month, $args = array())
     global $wp_locale;
     $today = new DateTime('now', eo_get_blog_timezone());
     $key = $month->format('YM') . serialize($args) . get_locale() . $today->format('Y-m-d');
     $calendar = get_transient('eo_widget_calendar');
     if ((!defined('WP_DEBUG') || !WP_DEBUG) && $calendar && is_array($calendar) && isset($calendar[$key])) {
         return $calendar[$key];
     //Parse defaults
     $args['show-long'] = isset($args['show-long']) ? $args['show-long'] : false;
     $args['link-to-single'] = isset($args['link-to-single']) ? $args['link-to-single'] : false;
     //Month details
     $first_day_of_month = intval($month->format('N'));
     $days_in_month = intval($month->format('t'));
     // 28-31
     $last_month = clone $month;
     $last_month->modify('last month');
     $next_month = clone $month;
     $next_month->modify('next month');
     //Retrieve the start day of the week from the options.
     $start_day = intval(get_option('start_of_week'));
     //How many blank cells before inserting dates
     $offset = ($first_day_of_month - $start_day + 7) % 7;
     //Number of weeks to show in Calendar
     $totalweeks = ceil(($offset + $days_in_month) / 7);
     //Get events for this month
     $start = $month->format('Y-m-d');
     $end = $month->format('Y-m-t');
     //Query events
     $required = array('numberposts' => -1, 'showrepeats' => 1);
     if ($args['show-long']) {
         $args['event_start_before'] = $end;
         $args['event_end_after'] = $start;
     } else {
         $args['event_start_before'] = $end;
         $args['event_start_after'] = $start;
     $events = eo_get_events(array_merge($args, $required));
     //Populate events array
     $calendar_events = array();
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         if ($args['show-long']) {
             $start = eo_get_the_start(DATETIMEOBJ, $event->ID, null, $event->occurrence_id);
             $end = eo_get_the_end(DATETIMEOBJ, $event->ID, null, $event->occurrence_id);
             $pointer = clone $start;
             while ($pointer <= $end) {
                 $date = eo_format_datetime($pointer, 'Y-m-d');
                 $calendar_events[$date][] = $event;
                 $pointer->modify('+1 day');
         } else {
             $date = eo_get_the_start('Y-m-d', $event->ID, null, $event->occurrence_id);
             $calendar_events[$date][] = $event;
     $before = "<table id='wp-calendar'>";
     $title = sprintf("<caption> %s </caption>", esc_html(eo_format_datetime($month, 'F Y')));
     $head = "<thead><tr>";
     for ($d = 0; $d <= 6; $d++) {
         $day = $wp_locale->get_weekday(($d + $start_day) % 7);
         $day_abbrev = $wp_locale->get_weekday_initial($day);
         $head .= sprintf("<th title='%s' scope='col'>%s</th>", esc_attr($day), esc_html($day_abbrev));
     $head .= "</tr></thead>";
     $foot = sprintf("<tfoot><tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td id='eo-widget-prev-month' colspan='3'><a title='%s' href='%s'>&laquo; %s</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='pad'>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td id='eo-widget-next-month' colspan='3'><a title='%s' href='%s'> %s &raquo; </a></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr></tfoot>", esc_html__('Previous month', 'eventorganiser'), add_query_arg('eo_month', $last_month->format('Y-m')), esc_html(eo_format_datetime($last_month, 'M')), esc_html__('Next month', 'eventorganiser'), add_query_arg('eo_month', $next_month->format('Y-m')), esc_html(eo_format_datetime($next_month, 'M')));
     $body = "<tbody>";
     $current_date = clone $month;
     //Foreach week in calendar
     for ($w = 0; $w <= $totalweeks - 1; $w++) {
         $body .= "<tr>";
         //For each cell in this week
         for ($cell = $w * 7 + 1; $cell <= ($w + 1) * 7; $cell++) {
             $formated_date = $current_date->format('Y-m-d');
             $data = "data-eo-wc-date='{$formated_date}'";
             if ($cell <= $offset) {
                 $body .= "<td class='pad eo-before-month' colspan='1'>&nbsp;</td>";
             } elseif ($cell - $offset > $days_in_month) {
                 $body .= "<td class='pad eo-after-month' colspan='1'>&nbsp;</td>";
             } else {
                 $class = array();
                 if ($formated_date < $today->format('Y-m-d')) {
                     $class[] = 'eo-past-date';
                 } elseif ($formated_date == $today->format('Y-m-d')) {
                     $class[] = 'today';
                 } else {
                     $class[] = 'eo-future-date';
                 //Does the date have any events
                 if (isset($calendar_events[$formated_date])) {
                     $class[] = 'event';
                     $events = $calendar_events[$formated_date];
                     if ($events && count($events) == 1 && $args['link-to-single']) {
                         $only_event = $events[0];
                         $link = get_permalink($only_event->ID);
                     } else {
                         $link = eo_get_event_archive_link($current_date->format('Y'), $current_date->format('m'), $current_date->format('d'));
                     $link = esc_url($link);
                      * Filters the the link of a date on the events widget calendar
                      * @param string $link The link
                      * @param datetime $current_date The date being filtered
                      * @param array $events Array of events starting on this day
                     $link = apply_filters('eventorganiser_widget_calendar_date_link', $link, $current_date, $events);
                     foreach ($events as $event) {
                         $class = array_merge($class, eo_get_event_classes($event->ID, $event->occurrence_id));
                     $class = array_unique(array_filter($class));
                     $classes = implode(' ', $class);
                     $titles = implode(', ', wp_list_pluck($events, 'post_title'));
                     $body .= sprintf("<td {$data} class='%s'> <a title='%s' href='%s'> %s </a></td>", esc_attr($classes), esc_attr($titles), $link, $cell - $offset);
                 } else {
                     $classes = implode(' ', $class);
                     $body .= sprintf("<td {$data} class='%s'> %s </td>", esc_attr($classes), $cell - $offset);
                 //Proceed to next day
                 $current_date->modify('+1 day');
         //Endfor each day in week
         $body .= "</tr>";
     //End for each week
     $body .= "</tbody>";
     $after = "</table>";
     if (!$calendar || !is_array($calendar)) {
         $calendar = array();
     $calendar[$key] = $before . $title . $head . $foot . $body . $after;
     set_transient('eo_widget_calendar', $calendar, 60 * 60 * 24);
     return $calendar[$key];

    while ($eo_event_loop->have_posts()) {

        if ($current_month != eo_get_the_start('m')) {
            //End previous group
            //Start new group
            echo '<p class="month"><a href="/veranstaltungen/on/' . eo_get_the_start('Y/m') . '">' . eo_get_the_start('F Y') . '</a></p>';
        $current_month = eo_get_the_start('m');
        //Generate HTML classes for this event
        $eo_event_classes = eo_get_event_classes();
        //For non-all-day events, include time format
        $format = eo_is_all_day() ? $date_format : $date_format . '--' . $time_format;


} elseif (!empty($eo_event_loop_args['no_events'])) {

    <ul id="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($id);
function eventorganiser_list_events($query, $args = array(), $echo = 1)
    $args = array_merge(array('id' => '', 'class' => 'eo-event-list', 'type' => 'shortcode', 'no_events' => ''), $args);
    /* Pass these defaults - backwards compat with using eo_get_events()*/
    $query = wp_parse_args($query, array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'event', 'suppress_filters' => false, 'orderby' => 'eventstart', 'order' => 'ASC', 'showrepeats' => 1, 'group_events_by' => '', 'showpastevents' => true));
    //Make sure false and 'False' etc actually get parsed as 0/false (input from shortcodes, for instance, can be varied).
    //This maybe moved to the shortcode handler if this function is made public.
    if (strtolower($query['showpastevents']) === 'false') {
        $query['showpastevents'] = 0;
    if (!empty($query['numberposts'])) {
        $query['posts_per_page'] = (int) $query['numberposts'];
    $template = isset($args['template']) ? $args['template'] : '';
    global $eo_event_loop, $eo_event_loop_args;
    $eo_event_loop_args = $args;
    $eo_event_loop = new WP_Query($query);
     * @ignore
     * Try to find template - backwards compat. Don't use this filter. Will be removed!
    $template_file = apply_filters('eventorganiser_event_list_loop', false);
    $template_file = locate_template($template_file);
    if ($template_file || empty($template)) {
        if (empty($template_file)) {
            $template_file = eo_locate_template(array($eo_event_loop_args['type'] . '-event-list.php', 'event-list.php'), true, false);
        } else {
            require $template_file;
        $html = ob_get_contents();
    } else {
        //Using the 'placeholder' template
        $no_events = isset($args['no_events']) ? $args['no_events'] : '';
        $line_wrap = '<li class="%2$s">%1$s</li>';
        $id = !empty($args['id']) ? 'id="' . esc_attr($args['id']) . '"' : '';
        $container = '<ul ' . $id . ' class="%2$s">%1$s</ul>';
        $html = '';
        if ($eo_event_loop->have_posts()) {
            while ($eo_event_loop->have_posts()) {
                $event_classes = eo_get_event_classes();
                $html .= sprintf($line_wrap, EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::read_template($template), esc_attr(implode(' ', $event_classes)));
        } elseif ($no_events) {
            $html .= sprintf($line_wrap, $no_events, 'eo-no-events');
        $html = sprintf($container, $html, esc_attr($args['class']));
    if ($echo) {
        echo $html;
    return $html;