  * Test that using eo_get_add_to_google_link() does not reset timezone of
  * start/end date of event
  * @see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/eo_get_add_to_google_link?replies=1
 public function testAddToGoogleLink()
     $tz = ini_get('date.timezone');
     $original_tz = get_option('timezone_string');
     $original_offset = get_option('gmt_offset');
     update_option('timezone_string', '');
     update_option('gmt_offset', 10);
     $event_id = $this->factory->event->create(array('start' => new DateTime('2014-07-09 13:02:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'end' => new DateTime('2014-07-09 14:02:00', eo_get_blog_timezone()), 'all_day' => 0, 'schedule' => 'once'));
     $occurrences = eo_get_the_occurrences($event_id);
     $occurrence_ids = array_keys($occurrences);
     $occurrence_id = array_shift($occurrence_ids);
     $actual = eo_get_the_start('Y-m-d H:i:s', $event_id, null, $occurrence_id);
     $this->assertEquals('2014-07-09 13:02:00', $actual);
     eo_get_add_to_google_link($event_id, $occurrence_id);
     $actual = eo_get_the_start('Y-m-d H:i:s', $event_id, null, $occurrence_id);
     $this->assertEquals('2014-07-09 13:02:00', $actual);
     update_option('timezone_string', $original_tz);
     update_option('gmt_offset', $original_offset);
 * Returns a the url which adds a particular occurrence of an event to
 * a google calendar. Must be used inside the loop.
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @deprecated 2.3.0
 * @see eo_get_add_to_google_link()
 * @param int $post_id Optional, the event (post) ID,
 * @return string Url which adds event to a google calendar
function eo_get_the_GoogleLink()
    _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.3', 'eo_get_add_to_google_link()');
    return eo_get_add_to_google_link();
 * Ajax response for the agenda widget
 * This gets the month being viewed and generates the
 *@since 1.0
 *@access private
function eventorganiser_widget_agenda()
    global $wpdb;
    $number = (int) $_GET['instance_number'];
    $wid = new EO_Events_Agenda_Widget();
    $settings = $wid->get_settings();
    $instance = $settings[$number];
    $today = new DateTime('now', eo_get_blog_timezone());
    $query = array();
    $return_array = array();
    $query['mode'] = !empty($instance['mode']) ? $instance['mode'] : 'day';
    $query['direction'] = intval($_GET['direction']);
    $query['date'] = $query['direction'] < 1 ? $_GET['start'] : $_GET['end'];
    $query['order'] = $query['direction'] < 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
    $key = 'eo_ag_' . md5(serialize($query)) . get_locale();
    $agenda = get_transient('eo_widget_agenda');
    if ($agenda && is_array($agenda) && isset($agenda[$key])) {
        echo json_encode($agenda[$key]);
    if ('day' == $query['mode']) {
        //Day mode
        $selectDates = "SELECT DISTINCT StartDate FROM {$wpdb->eo_events}";
        $whereDates = " WHERE {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate" . ($query['order'] == 'ASC' ? " >= " : " <= ") . "%s ";
        $whereDates .= " AND {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate >= %s ";
        $orderlimit = "ORDER BY  {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate {$query['order']} LIMIT 4";
        $dates = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare($selectDates . $whereDates . $orderlimit, $query['date'], $today->format('Y-m-d')));
        if (!$dates) {
            return false;
        $query['date1'] = min($dates[0], $dates[count($dates) - 1]);
        $query['date2'] = max($dates[0], $dates[count($dates) - 1]);
    } elseif ('week' == $query['mode']) {
        //Week mode - find the week of the next/previous event
        $selectDates = "SELECT DISTINCT StartDate FROM {$wpdb->eo_events}";
        $whereDates = " WHERE {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate" . ($query['order'] == 'ASC' ? " > " : " < ") . "%s ";
        $whereDates .= " AND {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate >= %s ";
        $orderlimit = "ORDER BY  {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate {$query['order']} LIMIT 1";
        $date = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($selectDates . $whereDates . $orderlimit, $query['date'], $today->format('Y-m-d')));
        if (!$date) {
            return false;
        $datetime = new DateTime($date->StartDate, eo_get_blog_timezone());
        //Get the week day, and the start of the week
        $week_start_day = (int) get_option('start_of_week');
        $event_day = (int) $datetime->format('w');
        $offset_from_week_start = ($event_day - $week_start_day + 7) % 7;
        $week_start_date = clone $datetime;
        $week_start_date->modify('- ' . $offset_from_week_start . ' days');
        $week_end_date = clone $week_start_date;
        $week_end_date->modify('+6 days');
        //Query is inclusive.
        $query['date1'] = $week_start_date->format('Y-m-d');
        $query['date2'] = $week_end_date->format('Y-m-d');
    } else {
        //Month mode - find the month of the next date
        $selectDates = "SELECT DISTINCT StartDate FROM {$wpdb->eo_events}";
        $whereDates = " WHERE {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate" . ($query['order'] == 'ASC' ? " > " : " < ") . "%s ";
        $whereDates .= " AND {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate >= %s ";
        $orderlimit = "ORDER BY  {$wpdb->eo_events}.StartDate {$query['order']} LIMIT 1";
        $date = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($selectDates . $whereDates . $orderlimit, $query['date'], $today->format('Y-m-d')));
        if (!$date) {
            return false;
        $datetime = new DateTime($date->StartDate, eo_get_blog_timezone());
        $query['date1'] = $datetime->format('Y-m-01');
        $query['date2'] = $datetime->format('Y-m-t');
    $events = eo_get_events(array('event_start_after' => $query['date1'], 'event_start_before' => $query['date2']));
    global $post;
    foreach ($events as $post) {
        $return_array[] = array('StartDate' => $post->StartDate, 'display' => eo_get_the_start($instance['group_format']), 'time' => $instance['mode'] == 'day' && eo_is_all_day() ? __('All Day', 'eventorganiser') : eo_get_the_start($instance['item_format']), 'post_title' => get_the_title(), 'color' => eo_get_event_color(), 'event_url' => get_permalink(), 'link' => '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . __('View', 'eventorganiser') . '</a>', 'Glink' => '<a href="' . eo_get_add_to_google_link() . '" target="_blank">' . __('Add To Google Calendar', 'eventorganiser') . '</a>');
    if (!$agenda || !is_array($agenda)) {
        $agenda = array();
    $agenda[$key] = $return_array;
    set_transient('eo_widget_agenda', $agenda, 60 * 60 * 24);
    echo json_encode($return_array);