  * Get the DB column name from a property.
  * The "property" defined in the public field is actually the property
  * of the entity metadata wrapper. Sometimes that property can be a
  * different name than the column in the DB. For example, for nodes the
  * "uid" property is mapped in entity metadata wrapper as "author", so
  * we make sure to get the real column name.
  * @param string $property_name
  *   The property name.
  * @return string
  *   The column name.
 protected function getColumnFromProperty($property_name)
     $property_info = entity_get_property_info($this->entityType);
     return $property_info['properties'][$property_name]['schema field'];
 * Define new types of items that can be searched.
 * This hook allows modules to define their own item types, for which indexes
 * can then be created. (Note that the Search API natively provides support for
 * all entity types that specify property information, so they should not be
 * added here. You should therefore also not use an existing entity type as the
 * identifier of a new item type.)
 * The main part of defining a new item type is implementing its data source
 * controller class, which is responsible for loading items, providing metadata
 * and tracking existing items. The module defining a certain item type is also
 * responsible for observing creations, updates and deletions of items of that
 * type and notifying the Search API of them by calling
 * search_api_track_item_insert(), search_api_track_item_change() and
 * search_api_track_item_delete(), as appropriate.
 * The only other restriction for item types is that they have to have a single
 * item ID field, with a scalar value. This is, e.g., used to track indexed
 * items.
 * Note, however, that you can also define item types where some of these
 * conditions are not met, as long as you are aware that some functionality of
 * the Search API and related modules might then not be available for that type.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array keyed by item type identifier, and containing type
 *   information arrays with at least the following keys:
 *   - name: A human-readable name for the type.
 *   - datasource controller: A class implementing the
 *     SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface interface which will be used as
 *     the data source controller for this type.
 *   - entity_type: (optional) If the type represents entities, the entity type.
 *     This is used by SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController for determining the
 *     entity type of items. Other datasource controllers might ignore this.
 *   Other, datasource-specific settings might also be placed here. These should
 *   be specified with the data source controller in question.
 * @see hook_search_api_item_type_info_alter()
function hook_search_api_item_type_info()
    // Copied from search_api_search_api_item_type_info().
    $types = array();
    foreach (entity_get_property_info() as $type => $property_info) {
        if ($info = entity_get_info($type)) {
            $types[$type] = array('name' => $info['label'], 'datasource controller' => 'SearchApiEntityDataSourceController', 'entity_type' => $type);
    return $types;
  * Is the field name a property?
  * @param  string  $field_name
  * @return boolean
 protected function isProperty($field_name)
     $property_info = entity_get_property_info($this->entityType);
     return in_array($field_name, array_keys($property_info['properties']));
  * Implements EntityExtraFieldsControllerInterface::fieldExtraFields().
 public function fieldExtraFields()
     $extra = array();
     $this->propertyInfo = entity_get_property_info($this->entityType);
     if (isset($this->propertyInfo['properties'])) {
         foreach ($this->propertyInfo['properties'] as $name => $property_info) {
             // Skip adding the ID or bundle.
             if ($this->entityInfo['entity keys']['id'] == $name || $this->entityInfo['entity keys']['bundle'] == $name) {
             $extra[$this->entityType][$this->entityType]['display'][$name] = $this->generateExtraFieldInfo($name, $property_info);
     // Handle bundle properties.
     $this->propertyInfo += array('bundles' => array());
     if (isset($this->propertyInfo['bundles'])) {
         foreach ($this->propertyInfo['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $info) {
             foreach ($info['properties'] as $name => $property_info) {
                 if (empty($property_info['field'])) {
                     $extra[$this->entityType][$bundle_name]['display'][$name] = $this->generateExtraFieldInfo($name, $property_info);
     return $extra;
  * As seen in commerce_services...
  * Returns a list of fields for the specified entity type.
  * @param string $entity_type
  *   Machine-name of the entity type whose properties should be returned.
  * @param string $bundle
  *   Optional bundle name to limit the returned fields to.
  * @return array
  *   An associative array of fields for the specified entity type with the key
  *   being the field name and the value being the Entity API property type.
 public static function entityTypeFields($entity_type, $bundle = NULL)
     $fields = drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
     if (!isset($fields[$entity_type])) {
         $info = entity_get_property_info($entity_type);
         $fields = array();
         // Loop over the bundles info to inspect their fields.
         foreach ($info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
             // Loop over the properties on the bundle to find field information.
             foreach ($bundle_info['properties'] as $key => $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['field'])) {
                     $fields[$entity_type][$bundle_name][$key] = $value['type'];
     // If a specific bundle's fields was requested, return just those.
     if (!empty($bundle)) {
         return $fields[$entity_type][$bundle];
     } else {
         // Otherwise combine all the fields for various bundles of the entity type
         // into a single return value.
         $combined_fields = array();
         foreach ($fields[$entity_type] as $bundle_name => $bundle_fields) {
             $combined_fields += $bundle_fields;
         return $combined_fields;