function user_permissions_form() { global $special_user_bitfield; page_head('Manage user privileges'); start_table(); row1("Current special users", 99); echo "<tr><th>User</th>"; for ($i = 0; $i < S_NFLAGS; $i++) { echo "<th>" . $special_user_bitfield[$i] . "</th>\n"; } echo "<th> </th></tr>"; $result = _mysql_query("SELECT prefs.userid, prefs.special_user,, \n FROM forum_preferences as prefs, user \n WHERE CONVERT(special_user, DECIMAL) > 0 and"); $i = 0; while ($foo = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<tr class=row{$i}>\n <td>{$foo->name} ({$foo->id})</td>\n <form action=\"user_permissions.php\" method=\"POST\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\"{$foo->userid}\">\n "; for ($j = 0; $j < S_NFLAGS; $j++) { $bit = substr($foo->special_user, $j, 1); $c = $bit == 1 ? "checked" : ""; echo "<td>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"role" . $j . "\" value=\"1\" {$c}>\n </td>\n "; } echo "<td><input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\"></td>"; echo "</form></tr>\n"; $i = 1 - $i; } echo "\n <tr class=row{$i}>\n <form action=\"user_permissions.php\" method=\"POST\">\n <td>Add User ID:<input type=\"text\" name=\"userid\" size=\"6\"></td>\n "; for ($j = 0; $j < S_NFLAGS; $j++) { echo "<td>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"role" . $j . "\" value=\"1\">\n </td>\n "; } echo "<td>\n <input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\">\n </td>\n </form>\n </tr>\n "; end_table(); page_tail(); }
function display_wo_issue_details($issue_no) { $result = get_work_order_issue_details($issue_no); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { display_note(_("There are no items for this issue.")); } else { start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Component"), _("Quantity"), _("Units")); table_header($th); $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter $total_cost = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"] . " - " . $myrow["description"]); qty_cell($myrow["qty_issued"], false, get_qty_dec($myrow["stock_id"])); label_cell($myrow["units"]); end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th); } //end of page full new headings if } //end of while end_table(); } }
function bjtable($res, $frame_caption) { $htmlout = ''; $htmlout .= begin_frame($frame_caption, true); $htmlout .= begin_table(); $htmlout .= "<tr>\r\n\t<td class='colhead'>Rank</td>\r\n\t<td class='colhead' align='left'>User</td>\r\n\t<td class='colhead' align='right'>Wins</td>\r\n\t<td class='colhead' align='right'>Losses</td>\r\n\t<td class='colhead' align='right'>Games</td>\r\n\t<td class='colhead' align='right'>Percentage</td>\r\n\t<td class='colhead' align='right'>Win/Loss</td>\r\n\t</tr>"; $num = 0; while ($a = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { ++$num; //==Calculate Win % $win_perc = number_format($a['wins'] / $a['games'] * 100, 1); //==Add a user's +/- statistic $plus_minus = $a['wins'] - $a['losses']; if ($plus_minus >= 0) { $plus_minus = mksize(($a['wins'] - $a['losses']) * 100 * 1024 * 1024); } else { $plus_minus = "-"; $plus_minus .= mksize(($a['losses'] - $a['wins']) * 100 * 1024 * 1024); } $htmlout .= "<tr><td>{$num}</td><td align='left'>" . "<b><a href='userdetails.php?id=" . $a['id'] . "'>" . $a['username'] . "</a></b></td>" . "<td align='right'>" . number_format($a['wins'], 0) . "</td>" . "<td align='right'>" . number_format($a['losses'], 0) . "</td>" . "<td align='right'>" . number_format($a['games'], 0) . "</td>" . "<td align='right'>{$win_perc}</td>" . "<td align='right'>{$plus_minus}</td>" . "</tr>\n"; } $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= end_frame(); return $htmlout; }
function bjtable($res, $frame_caption) { begin_frame($frame_caption, true); begin_table(); ?> <tr> <td class="colhead">Rank</td> <td align="left" class="colhead">User</td> <td align="right" class="colhead">Wins</td> <td align="right" class="colhead">Losses</td> <td align="right" class="colhead">Games</td> <td align="right" class="colhead">Percentage</td> <td align="right" class="colhead">Win/Loss</td> </tr> <?php $num = 0; while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { ++$num; //Calculate Win % $win_perc = number_format($a[wins] / $a[games] * 100, 1); // Add a user's +/- statistic $plus_minus = $a[wins] - $a[losses]; if ($plus_minus >= 0) { $plus_minus = mksize(($a[wins] - $a[losses]) * 100 * 1024 * 1024); } else { $plus_minus = "-"; $plus_minus .= mksize(($a[losses] - $a[wins]) * 100 * 1024 * 1024); } print "<tr><td>{$num}</td><td align=left><table border=0 class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=embedded>" . "<b><a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $a[id] . ">" . $a[username] . "</a></b></td>" . "</tr></table></td><td align=right>" . number_format($a[wins], 0) . "</td>" . "</td><td align=right>" . number_format($a[losses], 0) . "</td>" . "</td><td align=right>" . number_format($a[games], 0) . "</td>" . "</td><td align=right>{$win_perc}</td>" . "</td><td align=right>{$plus_minus}</td>" . "</tr>\n"; } end_table(); end_frame(); }
function edit_form($user, $team, $forum, $first) { page_head("Team forum"); echo ' <form action="team_forum.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="teamid" value="$team->id"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="edit_action"> '; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); if (!strlen($forum->title)) { $forum->title = $team->name; } if (!strlen($forum->description)) { $forum->description = "Discussion among members of {$team->name}"; } row2('Title', '<input name="title" value="$forum->title">'); row2('Description', '<textarea name="description">$forum->description</textarea>'); row2('Minimum time between posts (seconds)', '<input name="post_min_interval" value="$forum->post_min_interval">'); row2('Minimum total credit to post', '<input name="post_min_total_credit" value="$forum->post_min_total_credit">'); row2('Minimum average credit to post', '<input name="post_min_expavg_credit" value="$forum->post_min_expavg_credit">'); row2('', '<input type="submit" value="OK">'); end_table(); echo "</form>"; if (!$first) { echo '<p><a href="team_forum.php?teamid=$team->id&cmd=remove_confirm$tokens">Remove your team\'s message board.</a></p>'; } page_tail(); }
function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $systypes_array; $cart = $_SESSION['alloc']; display_heading(sprintf(_("Allocation of %s # %d"), $systypes_array[$cart->type], $cart->trans_no)); display_heading($cart->person_name); display_heading2(_("Date:") . " <b>" . $cart->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(_("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format($cart->bank_amount) . ' ' . $cart->currency . "</b>"); if ($cart->currency != $cart->person_curr) { $total = _("Total in clearing currency:") . " <b>" . price_format($cart->amount) . "</b>" . sprintf(" %s (%s %s/%s)", $cart->person_curr, exrate_format($cart->bank_amount / $cart->amount), $cart->currency, $cart->person_curr); display_heading2($total); } echo "<br>"; start_form(); div_start('alloc_tbl'); if (count($cart->allocs) > 0) { show_allocatable(true); //ML Start start_table(); //text_row_ex(_("Number: "), 'num', 10); end_table(); br(); //ML End submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', _("Refresh"), _('Start again allocation of selected amount'), true); submit('Process', _("Process"), true, _('Process allocations'), 'default'); submit_center_last('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } else { display_note(_("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); submit_center('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), true, _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } div_end(); end_form(); }
function display_trial_balance() { global $table_style, $path_to_root; start_table($table_style); $tableheader = "<tr>\n <td rowspan=2 class='tableheader'>" . tr("Account") . "</td>\n <td rowspan=2 class='tableheader'>" . tr("Account Name") . "</td>\n\t\t<td colspan=2 class='tableheader'>" . tr("Brought Forward") . "</td>\n\t\t<td colspan=2 class='tableheader'>" . tr("This Period") . "</td>\n\t\t<td colspan=2 class='tableheader'>" . tr("Balance") . "</td>\n\t\t</tr><tr>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . tr("Debit") . "</td>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . tr("Credit") . "</td>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . tr("Debit") . "</td>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . tr("Credit") . "</td>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . tr("Debit") . "</td>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . tr("Credit") . "</td>\n </tr>"; echo $tableheader; $k = 0; $accounts = get_gl_accounts(); while ($account = db_fetch($accounts)) { if (is_account_balancesheet($account["account_code"])) { $begin = null; } else { $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); if ($_POST['TransFromDate'] < $begin) { $begin = $_POST['TransFromDate']; } $begin = add_days($begin, -1); } $prev_balance = get_balance($account["account_code"], $begin, $_POST['TransFromDate'], false, false); $curr_balance = get_balance($account["account_code"], $_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST['TransToDate']); if (check_value("NoZero") && !$prev_balance && !$curr_balance) { continue; } alt_table_row_color($k); $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/gl_account_inquiry.php?" . SID . "TransFromDate=" . $_POST["TransFromDate"] . "&TransToDate=" . $_POST["TransToDate"] . "&account=" . $account["account_code"] . "'>" . $account["account_code"] . "</a>"; label_cell($url); label_cell($account["account_name"]); display_debit_or_credit_cells($prev_balance); display_debit_or_credit_cells($curr_balance); display_debit_or_credit_cells($prev_balance + $curr_balance); end_row(); } end_table(1); }
function gl_inquiry_controls() { $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); start_form(); start_table(TABLESTYLE_NOBORDER); $date = today(); if (!isset($_POST['TransFromDate'])) { $_POST['TransFromDate'] = begin_month($date); } if (!isset($_POST['TransToDate'])) { $_POST['TransToDate'] = end_month($date); } date_cells(_("From:"), 'TransFromDate'); date_cells(_("To:"), 'TransToDate'); if ($dim >= 1) { dimensions_list_cells(_("Dimension") . " 1:", 'Dimension', null, true, " ", false, 1); } if ($dim > 1) { dimensions_list_cells(_("Dimension") . " 2:", 'Dimension2', null, true, " ", false, 2); } check_cells(_("No zero values"), 'NoZero', null); check_cells(_("Only balances"), 'Balance', null); submit_cells('Show', _("Show"), '', '', 'default'); end_table(); end_form(); }
function show_stats($brand) { switch ($brand) { case 1: $x = "HTC Power to Give"; break; default: error_page("invalid brand"); } $hosts = BoincHost::enum("os_name='Android' and serialnum like '%{$x}%'"); $n = 0; $t = 0; $a = 0; foreach ($hosts as $h) { $t += $h->total_credit; $a += $h->expavg_credit; if ($h->expavg_credit > 0.1) { $n++; } } page_head("Stats for {$x}"); start_table(); row2("Active devices", $n); row2("Average daily credit", $a); row2("Total credit", $t); end_table(); page_tail(); }
function edit_form($user, $team, $forum, $first) { page_head(tra("Team Message Board")); echo "\n <form action=team_forum.php method=post>\n <input type=hidden name=teamid value={$team->id}>\n <input type=hidden name=cmd value=edit_action>\n "; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); if (!strlen($forum->title)) { $forum->title = $team->name; } if (!strlen($forum->description)) { $forum->description = tra("Discussion among members of %1", $team->name); } row2(tra("Title"), "<input name=title size=80 value=\"{$forum->title}\">"); row2(tra("Description"), "<textarea name=description>{$forum->description}</textarea>"); row2(tra("Minimum time between posts (seconds)"), "<input name=post_min_interval value={$forum->post_min_interval}>"); row2(tra("Minimum total credit to post"), "<input name=post_min_total_credit value={$forum->post_min_total_credit}>"); row2(tra("Minimum average credit to post"), "<input name=post_min_expavg_credit value={$forum->post_min_expavg_credit}>"); row2("", "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=submit value=" . tra("Submit") . ">"); end_table(); echo "\n </form>\n "; if (!$first) { echo "\n <p>\n <a href=team_forum.php?teamid={$team->id}&cmd=remove_confirm{$tokens}>\n " . tra("Remove your team's message board.") . "</a>\n "; } page_tail(); }
function commenttable_new($rows) { global $CURUSER, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; begin_main_frame(); begin_frame(); $count = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $subres = mysql_query("SELECT name from torrents where id=" . unsafeChar($row["torrent"])) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres); print "<br /><a href=\"details.php?id=" . safeChar($row["torrent"]) . "\">" . safeChar($subrow["name"]) . "</a><br />\n"; print "<p class=sub>#" . $row["id"] . " by "; if (isset($row["username"])) { print "<a name=comm" . $row["id"] . " href=userdetails.php?id=" . safeChar($row["user"]) . "><b>" . safechar($row["username"]) . "</b></a>" . ($row["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=" . "pic/warned.gif alt=\"Warned\">" : ""); } else { print "<a name=\"comm" . safeChar($row["id"]) . "\"><i>(orphaned)</i></a>\n"; } print " at " . safeChar($row["added"]) . " GMT" . "- [<a href=comment.php?action=edit&cid={$row['id']}>Edit</a>]" . "- [<a href=deletecomment.php?id={$row['id']}>Delete</a>]</p>\n"; $avatar = $CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? safechar($row["avatar"]) : ""; if (!$avatar) { $avatar = "pic/default_avatar.gif"; } begin_table(true); print "<tr valign=top>\n"; print "<td align=center width=150 style='padding: 0px'><img width=150 src={$avatar}></td>\n"; print "<td class=text>" . format_comment($row["text"]) . "</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; end_table(); } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); }
function display_customer_summary($customer_record) { global $table_style; $past1 = get_company_pref('past_due_days'); $past2 = 2 * $past1; if ($customer_record["dissallow_invoices"] != 0) { echo "<center><font color=red size=4><b>" . tr("CUSTOMER ACCOUNT IS ON HOLD") . "</font></b></center>"; } $nowdue = "1-" . $past1 . " " . tr('Days'); $pastdue1 = $past1 + 1 . "-" . $past2 . " " . tr('Days'); $pastdue2 = tr('Over') . " " . $past2 . " " . tr('Days'); start_table("width=80% {$table_style}"); $th = array(tr("Currency"), tr("Terms"), tr("Current"), $nowdue, $pastdue1, $pastdue2, tr("Total Balance")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($customer_record["curr_code"]); label_cell($customer_record["terms"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Balance"] - $customer_record["Due"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Due"] - $customer_record["Overdue1"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Overdue1"] - $customer_record["Overdue2"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Overdue2"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Balance"]); end_row(); end_table(); }
function gl_payment_controls() { global $table_style2; $home_currency = get_company_currency(); start_form(false, true); start_table($table_style2, 5, 7); echo "<tr><td valign=top>"; // outer table echo "<table>"; bank_accounts_list_row(tr("From Account:"), 'FromBankAccount', null, true); bank_accounts_list_row(tr("To Account:"), 'ToBankAccount', null, true); date_row(tr("Transfer Date:"), 'DatePaid'); $from_currency = get_bank_account_currency($_POST['FromBankAccount']); $to_currency = get_bank_account_currency($_POST['ToBankAccount']); if ($from_currency != "" && $to_currency != "" && $from_currency != $to_currency) { amount_row(tr("Amount:"), 'amount', null, null, $from_currency); exchange_rate_display($from_currency, $to_currency, $_POST['DatePaid']); } else { amount_row(tr("Amount:"), 'amount'); } echo "</table>"; echo "</td><td valign=top class='tableseparator'>"; // outer table echo "<table>"; bank_trans_types_list_row(tr("Transfer Type:"), 'TransferType', null); ref_row(tr("Reference:"), 'ref', references::get_next(systypes::bank_transfer())); textarea_row(tr("Memo:"), 'memo_', null, 40, 4); end_table(1); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(1); // outer table submit_center('AddPayment', tr("Enter Transfer")); end_form(); }
function show_admins($user, $teamid) { page_head("Add or remove Team Admins"); echo "\n\t\tYou can select team members as 'Team Admins'.\n\t\tTeam Admins can:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Edit team information (name, URL, description, country).</li>\n\t\t<li>View the team's join/quit history.</li>\n\t\t<li>Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get emails notification of moderation events and red X reports).</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\tTeam Admins cannot:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Change the team founder.</li>\n\t\t<li>Remove members.</li>\n\t\t<li>Add or remove Team Admins.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\tIf a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.\n\t\t<p>\n\t\tWe recommend that you select only people\n\t\tyou know and trust very well as Team Admins.\n\t"; $admins = BoincTeamAdmin::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); start_table(); if (count($admins) == 0) { row1("There are currently no Team Admins"); } else { row1("Current Team Admins", 3); table_header("Name", "Became Team Admin on", ""); foreach ($admins as $admin) { show_admin($user, $admin); } } end_table(); echo ' <p> <form action="team_admins.php"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add"> <input type="hidden" name="teamid" value="$teamid"> '; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); row1("Add Team Admin"); row2('Email address of team member:', '<input name="email_addr">'); row2('', '<input type="submit" action value="Add">'); end_table(); echo "</form>"; page_tail(); }
function show_admins($user, $teamid) { page_head(tra("Add or remove Team Admins")); echo tra("You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("Edit team information (name, URL, description, country)") . "\n <li>" . tra("View the team's join/quit history") . "\n <li>" . tra("Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation events and red X reports)") . "\n </ul>\n " . tra("Team Admins cannot:") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("Change the team founder") . "\n <li>" . tra("Remove members") . "\n <li>" . tra("Add or remove Team Admins") . "\n </ul>\n " . tra("If a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.") . "\n <br /><br />" . tra("We recommend that you select only people you know and trust very well as Team Admins."); $admins = BoincTeamAdmin::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); start_table(); if (count($admins) == 0) { row1(tra("There are currently no Team Admins")); } else { row1(tra("Current Team Admins"), 3); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Became Team Admin on"), ""); foreach ($admins as $admin) { show_admin($user, $admin); } } end_table(); echo "\n <p>\n <form action=team_admins.php>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=add>\n <input type=hidden name=teamid value={$teamid}>\n "; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); row1(tra("Add Team Admin")); row2(tra("Email address of team member:"), "<input name=email_addr>"); row2("", "<input type=submit action value=\"" . tra("Add") . "\">"); end_table(); echo "</form>"; page_tail(); }
function render($id, $title) { global $path_to_root; include_once $path_to_root . "/includes/"; $today = date2sql(Today()); $sql = "SELECT bank_act, bank_account_name, SUM(amount) balance FROM " . TB_PREF . "bank_trans bt" . " INNER JOIN " . TB_PREF . "bank_accounts ba ON bt.bank_act =" . " WHERE trans_date < '{$today}'" . " AND inactive <> 1"; if ($this->data_filter != '') { $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->data_filter; } $sql .= " GROUP BY bank_act, bank_account_name" . " ORDER BY bank_account_name"; $result = db_query($sql); br(); $th = array(_("Account"), _("Balance")); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=98%"); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["bank_account_name"]); amount_cell($myrow['balance']); end_row(); } end_table(1); }
function main() { page_head("Bossa apps"); start_table(); show_apps(); end_table(); page_tail(); }
function render($id, $title) { global $path_to_root; include_once $path_to_root . "/includes/"; include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/"; if (!defined('FLOAT_COMP_DELTA')) { define('FLOAT_COMP_DELTA', 0.004); } if (!isset($this->top)) { $this->top = 10; } $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); $today = Today(); $begin1 = date2sql($begin); $today1 = date2sql($today); $sql = "SELECT SUM((trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_discount) * rate) AS total, s.supplier_id, s.supp_name FROM\n " . TB_PREF . "supp_trans AS trans, " . TB_PREF . "suppliers AS s WHERE trans.supplier_id=s.supplier_id\n AND (trans.type = " . ST_SUPPINVOICE . " OR trans.type = " . ST_SUPPCREDIT . ")\n AND tran_date >= '{$begin1}' AND tran_date <= '{$today1}' "; if ($this->data_filter != '') { $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->data_filter; } $sql .= "GROUP by s.supplier_id ORDER BY total DESC, s.supplier_id " . " LIMIT " . $this->top; $result = db_query($sql); if ($this->graph_type == 'Table') { $th = array(_("Supplier"), _("Amount")); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=98%"); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); $name = $myrow["supplier_id"] . " " . $myrow["supp_name"]; label_cell($name); amount_cell($myrow['total']); end_row(); } end_table(1); } else { $pg = new graph(); $i = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $name = $myrow["supplier_id"] . " " . $myrow["supp_name"]; $pg->x[$i] = $name; $pg->y[$i] = $myrow['total']; $i++; } $pg->title = $title; $pg->axis_x = _("Supplier"); $pg->axis_y = _("Amount"); $pg->graphic_1 = $today; $pg->type = 2; $pg->skin = 1; $pg->built_in = false; $filename = company_path() . "/pdf_files/" . uniqid("") . ".png"; $pg->display($filename, true); echo "<img src='{$filename}' border='0' alt='{$title}' style='max-width:100%'>"; } }
function render($id, $title) { global $path_to_root; include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/"; $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); $today = Today(); $begin1 = date2sql($begin); $today1 = date2sql($today); $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS total, c.class_name, c.ctype FROM\n " . TB_PREF . "gl_trans," . TB_PREF . "chart_master AS a, " . TB_PREF . "chart_types AS t,\n " . TB_PREF . "chart_class AS c WHERE\n account = a.account_code AND a.account_type = AND t.class_id = c.cid\n AND IF(c.ctype > 3, tran_date >= '{$begin1}', tran_date >= '0000-00-00')\n AND tran_date <= '{$today1}' "; if ($this->data_filter != '') { $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->data_filter; } $sql .= " GROUP BY c.cid ORDER BY c.cid"; $result = db_query($sql, "Transactions could not be calculated"); $calculated = _("Calculated Return"); if ($this->graph_type == 'Table') { start_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width=98%"); $total = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow['ctype'] > 3) { $total += $myrow['total']; $myrow['total'] = -$myrow['total']; } label_row($myrow['class_name'], number_format2($myrow['total'], user_price_dec()), "class='label' style='font-weight:bold;'", "style='font-weight:bold;' align=right"); } label_row(" ", ""); label_row($calculated, number_format2(-$total, user_price_dec()), "class='label' style='font-weight:bold;'", "style='font-weight:bold;' align=right"); end_table(1); } else { $pg = new graph(); $i = 0; $total = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow['ctype'] > 3) { $total += $myrow['total']; $myrow['total'] = -$myrow['total']; $pg->x[$i] = $myrow['class_name']; $pg->y[$i] = abs($myrow['total']); $i++; } } $pg->x[$i] = $calculated; $pg->y[$i] = -$total; $pg->title = $title; $pg->axis_x = _("Class"); $pg->axis_y = _("Amount"); $pg->graphic_1 = $today; $pg->type = 5; $pg->skin = 1; $pg->built_in = false; $filename = company_path() . "/pdf_files/" . uniqid("") . ".png"; $pg->display($filename, true); echo "<img src='{$filename}' border='0' alt='{$title}' style='max-width:100%'>"; } }
function render($id, $title) { global $path_to_root; if (!isset($this->top)) { $this->top = 10; } global $path_to_root; $pg = new graph(); $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); $today = Today(); $begin1 = date2sql($begin); $today1 = date2sql($today); $sql = "SELECT SUM(-t.amount) AS total, d.reference, FROM\n " . TB_PREF . "gl_trans AS t," . TB_PREF . "dimensions AS d WHERE\n (t.dimension_id = OR t.dimension2_id = AND\n t.tran_date >= '{$begin1}' AND t.tran_date <= '{$today1}' "; if ($this->data_filter != '') { $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->data_filter; } $sql .= "GROUP BY ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT " . $this->top; $result = db_query($sql, "Transactions could not be calculated"); if ($this->graph_type == 'Table') { $title = _("Top 10 Dimensions in fiscal year"); br(2); display_heading($title); br(); $th = array(_("Dimension"), _("Amount")); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=98%"); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow['reference'] . " " . $myrow["name"]); amount_cell($myrow['total']); end_row(); } end_table(2); } else { $pg = new graph(); $i = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $pg->x[$i] = $myrow['reference'] . " " . $myrow["name"]; $pg->y[$i] = abs($myrow['total']); $i++; } $pg->title = $title; $pg->axis_x = _("Dimension"); $pg->axis_y = _("Amount"); $pg->graphic_1 = $today; $pg->type = 5; $pg->skin = 1; $pg->built_in = false; $filename = company_path() . "/pdf_files/" . uniqid("") . ".png"; $pg->display($filename, true); echo "<img src='{$filename}' border='0' alt='{$title}' style='max-width:100%'>"; } }
function render($id, $title) { global $path_to_root; include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/"; if (!defined('FLOAT_COMP_DELTA')) { define('FLOAT_COMP_DELTA', 0.004); } if (!isset($this->top)) { $this->top = 10; } $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); $today = Today(); $begin1 = date2sql($begin); $today1 = date2sql($today); $sql = "SELECT SUM((ov_amount + ov_discount) * rate * IF(trans.type = " . ST_CUSTCREDIT . ", -1, 1)) AS total,d.debtor_no," . " FROM " . TB_PREF . "debtor_trans AS trans, " . TB_PREF . "debtors_master AS d" . " WHERE trans.debtor_no=d.debtor_no" . " AND (trans.type = " . ST_SALESINVOICE . " OR trans.type = " . ST_CUSTCREDIT . ")" . " AND tran_date >= '{$begin1}' AND tran_date <= '{$today1}'"; if ($this->data_filter != '') { $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->data_filter; } $sql .= " GROUP by d.debtor_no ORDER BY total DESC, d.debtor_no " . " LIMIT " . $this->top; $result = db_query($sql); if ($this->graph_type == 'Table') { $th = array(null, _("Customer"), _("Amount")); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=98%"); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter $i = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell(viewer_link($myrow["debtor_no"], 'sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php?customer_id=' . $myrow["debtor_no"])); label_cell(viewer_link($myrow["name"], 'sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php?customer_id=' . $myrow["debtor_no"])); amount_cell($myrow['total']); end_row(); } end_table(1); } else { $pg = new graph(); $i = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $pg->x[$i] = $myrow["debtor_no"] . " " . $myrow["name"]; $pg->y[$i] = $myrow['total']; $i++; } $pg->title = $title; $pg->axis_x = _("Customer"); $pg->axis_y = _("Amount"); $pg->graphic_1 = $today; $pg->type = 2; $pg->skin = 1; $pg->built_in = false; $filename = company_path() . "/pdf_files/" . uniqid("") . ".png"; $pg->display($filename, true); echo "<img src='{$filename}' border='0' alt='{$title}' style='max-width:100%'>"; } }
function insert_smilies_frame() { global $smilies, $BASEURL; begin_frame("Smilies", true); begin_table(false, 5); print "<tr><td class=colhead>Type...</td><td class=colhead>To make a...</td></tr>\n"; while (list($code, $url) = each($smilies)) { print "<tr><td>{$code}</td><td><img src={$BASEURL}/pic/smilies/{$url}></td>\n"; } end_table(); end_frame(); }
function insert_smilies_frame() { global $smilies, $DEFAULTBASEURL; begin_frame("Смайлы", true); begin_table(false, 5); print "<tr><td class=\"colhead\">Написание</td><td class=\"colhead\">Смайл</td></tr>\n"; while (list($code, $url) = each($smilies)) { print "<tr><td>{$code}</td><td><img src=\"{$DEFAULTBASEURL}/pic/smilies/{$url}\"></td>\n"; } end_table(); end_frame(); }
function show_batches($user) { $batches = BoincBatch::enum("user_id={$user->id}"); page_head("Batches"); start_table(); table_header("Batch ID", "Submitted", "# jobs"); foreach ($batches as $batch) { echo "<tr>\n <td><a href=submit_status.php?action=show_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->id}</a></td>\n <td>" . time_str($batch->create_time) . "</td>\n <td>{$batch->njobs}</td>\n </tr>\n "; } end_table(); page_tail(); }
function display_po_receive_items() { div_start('grn_items'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "colspan=7 width=90%"); $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Description"), _("Ordered"), _("Units"), _("Received"), _("Outstanding"), _("This Delivery"), _("Price"), _("Total")); table_header($th); /*show the line items on the order with the quantity being received for modification */ $total = 0; $k = 0; //row colour counter if (count($_SESSION['PO']->line_items) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['PO']->line_items as $ln_itm) { alt_table_row_color($k); $qty_outstanding = $ln_itm->quantity - $ln_itm->qty_received; if (!isset($_POST['Update']) && !isset($_POST['ProcessGoodsReceived']) && $ln_itm->receive_qty == 0) { //If no quantites yet input default the balance to be received $ln_itm->receive_qty = $qty_outstanding; } $line_total = $ln_itm->receive_qty * $ln_itm->price; $total += $line_total; label_cell($ln_itm->stock_id); if ($qty_outstanding > 0) { text_cells(null, $ln_itm->stock_id . "Desc", $ln_itm->item_description, 30, 50); } else { label_cell($ln_itm->item_description); } $dec = get_qty_dec($ln_itm->stock_id); qty_cell($ln_itm->quantity, false, $dec); label_cell($ln_itm->units); qty_cell($ln_itm->qty_received, false, $dec); qty_cell($qty_outstanding, false, $dec); if ($qty_outstanding > 0) { qty_cells(null, $ln_itm->line_no, number_format2($ln_itm->receive_qty, $dec), "align=right", null, $dec); } else { label_cell(number_format2($ln_itm->receive_qty, $dec), "align=right"); } amount_decimal_cell($ln_itm->price); amount_cell($line_total); end_row(); } } $colspan = count($th) - 1; $display_sub_total = price_format($total); label_row(_("Sub-total"), $display_sub_total, "colspan={$colspan} align=right", "align=right"); $taxes = $_SESSION['PO']->get_taxes(input_num('freight_cost'), true); $tax_total = display_edit_tax_items($taxes, $colspan, $_SESSION['PO']->tax_included); $display_total = price_format($total + input_num('freight_cost') + $tax_total); start_row(); label_cells(_("Amount Total"), $display_total, "colspan={$colspan} align='right'", "align='right'"); end_row(); end_table(); div_end(); }
function insert_smilies_frame() { global $smilies, $BASEURL, $pic_base_url; begin_frame("Smilies", true); begin_table(false, 5); print "<tr><td class='colhead'>Type...</td><td class='colhead'>To make a...</td></tr>\n"; while (list($code, $url) = each($smilies)) { print "<tr><td>{$code}</td><td><img src=\"{$pic_base_url}smilies/{$url}\" alt='' /></td></tr>\n"; } end_table(); end_frame(); }
function handle_list() { page_head("Project-wide management functions"); echo "<h3>User permissions and quotas</h3>\n The following users are allowed to submit jobs.\n <p>\n "; show_button("manage_project.php?action=add_form", "Add user", "Allow a new user to submit jobs"); $us = BoincUserSubmit::enum(""); start_table(); table_header("User", "Can submit jobs for", "Quota"); foreach ($us as $u) { user_row($u); } end_table(); page_tail(); }
function handle_list() { page_head("Job submission access control"); echo "The following users are allowed to submit jobs.\n <p>\n "; $us = BoincUserSubmit::enum(""); start_table(); table_header("User<br><p class=\"text-muted\">Click to change permissions or quota</p>", "Can submit jobs for", "Quota", "Max jobs in progress<br><p class=\"text-muted\">0 means no limit</p>", "Current priority<br><p class=\"text-muted\">Later time = lower priority</p>"); foreach ($us as $u) { user_row($u); } end_table(); show_button("manage_project.php?action=add_form", "Add user", "Allow a new user to submit jobs"); page_tail(); }
function insert_smilies_frame() { global $smilies, $INSTALLER09; $htmlout = ''; $htmlout .= begin_frame("Smilies", true); $htmlout .= begin_table(false, 5); $htmlout .= "<tr><td class='colhead'>Type...</td><td class='colhead'>To make a...</td></tr>\n"; foreach ($smilies as $code => $url) { $htmlout .= "<tr><td>{$code}</td><td><img src=\"{$INSTALLER09['pic_base_url']}smilies/{$url}\" alt='' /></td></tr>\n"; } $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= end_frame(); return $htmlout; }
function vorlage_waehlen($empf_typ = null, $kat = null) { // die($empf_typ); if ($empf_typ == null && $kat == null) { $db_abfrage = "SELECT * FROM PDF_VORLAGEN ORDER BY KURZTEXT ASC"; } if ($empf_typ && $kat == null) { $db_abfrage = "SELECT * FROM PDF_VORLAGEN WHERE EMPF_TYP='{$empf_typ}' ORDER BY KURZTEXT ASC"; } if ($empf_typ == null && $kat) { $db_abfrage = "SELECT * FROM PDF_VORLAGEN WHERE KAT='{$kat}' ORDER BY KURZTEXT ASC"; } if ($empf_typ != null && $kat != null) { $db_abfrage = "SELECT * FROM PDF_VORLAGEN WHERE KAT='{$kat}' && EMPF_TYP='{$empf_typ}' ORDER BY KURZTEXT ASC"; } $result = mysql_query($db_abfrage) or die(mysql_error()); /* Wenn keine Vorlagen, dann alle anzeigen */ $numrows = mysql_numrows($result); if (!$numrows) { $db_abfrage = "SELECT * FROM PDF_VORLAGEN ORDER BY KURZTEXT ASC"; $result = mysql_query($db_abfrage) or die(mysql_error()); } $numrows = mysql_numrows($result); if ($numrows) { start_table(); $link_kat = "<a href=\"?daten=weg&option=serienbrief\">Alle Kats anzeigen</a>"; echo "<tr><th>Vorlage / Betreff</th><th>KAT</th><th>BEARBEITEN</th><th>ANSEHEN</th></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>{$empf_typ}<b></td><td>{$link_kat}</td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $dat = $row['DAT']; $kurztext = $row['KURZTEXT']; $text = $row['TEXT']; $kat = $row['KAT']; if ($empf_typ == 'Eigentuemer') { $link_ansehen = "<a href=\"?daten=weg&option=serienbrief_pdf&vorlagen_dat={$dat}\">Serienbrief als PDF</a>"; $link_kat = "<a href=\"?daten=weg&option=serienbrief&kat={$kat}\">{$kat}</a>"; } if ($empf_typ == 'Partner') { $link_ansehen = "<a href=\"?daten=partner&option=serienbrief_pdf&vorlagen_dat={$dat}\">Serienbrief als PDF</a>"; $link_kat = "<a href=\"?daten=partner&option=serienbrief&kat={$kat}\">{$kat}</a>"; } $link_bearbeiten = "<a href=\"?daten=bk&option=vorlage_bearbeiten&vorlagen_dat={$dat}\">Vorlage bearbeiten</a>"; echo "<tr><td>{$kurztext}</td><td>{$link_kat}</td><td>{$link_bearbeiten}</td><td>{$link_ansehen}</td></tr>"; } end_table(); } else { echo "Keine Vorlagen AA3"; } }