function filedownload($oid, $fname, $msg = '')
    $cf = globalconf();
    $if = rawurlencode(encryptData($fname, session_id() . $cf['key'], false));
    $p = myhash($oid . $fname . $msg . session_id() . $cf["key"]);
    $str = "oid=" . $oid . "&filename=" . $if . "&check=" . $p;
    if ($msg != '') {
        $str .= "&msg=" . rawurlencode($msg);
    return $str;
function getMainXML($username, $sess, $pass, $pass2)
    $c = DBConnect();
    if ($c == null) {
        return array(false, "");
    $contest = $_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"];
    $r = DBExec($c, "select * from contesttable where contestnumber={$contest}");
    if (DBnLines($r) == 0) {
        echo "Unable to find the contest {$contest} in the database.\n";
    $ct = DBRow($r, 0);
    $localsite = $ct["contestlocalsite"];
    $mainsite = $ct["contestmainsite"];
    $siteurl = $ct['contestmainsiteurl'] . '/site/get.php';
    //	if ($mainsite==$localsite) return array(true,"");
    	$r = DBExec($c, "select * from sitetable where sitenumber=".$mainsite." and contestnumber=$contest");
    	if (DBnLines($r)==0) {
    		echo "Unable to find the main site in the database (site=$mainsite, contest=$contest).\n";
    	$st = DBRow($r,0);
    	$siteurl =  $st["siteip"] . '/site/get.php';
    if (substr($siteurl, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
        $siteurl = 'http://' . $siteurl;
    if ($sess == '') {
        //		MSGError('session empty');
        $s = file_get_contents($siteurl);
        if ($s === false) {
            return array(false, '', '');
        //		MSGError($s);
        $t = strtok($s, " \t");
        while ($t !== false && substr($t, 0, 8) != '<SESSION' && substr($t, 0, 6) != '<ERROR' && $t != '<OK>' && $t != '<NOTOK>') {
            echo $t . " ";
            $t = strtok(" \t");
        if ($t === false) {
            return array(false, '', '');
        echo $t . " -->\n";
        if (substr($t, 0, 8) == '<SESSION') {
            $id = strtok(" \t");
            return array(false, $id, $id);
        } else {
            return array(false, '', '');
    if ($pass == $pass2) {
        //		MSGError('equal');
        $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=' . $sess));
        $context = stream_context_create($opts);
        $s = file_get_contents($siteurl . '?name=' . $username . '&password='******'&check=nocheck', 0, $context);
    } else {
        $data = encryptData(generateXML($contest), myhash($pass2));
        $data_url = http_build_query(array('xml' => $data, 'name' => $username, 'password' => $pass, 'check' => myhash($pass . $pass2)));
        $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=' . $sess . "\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'content' => $data_url));
        $context = stream_context_create($opts);
        $s = file_get_contents($siteurl, 0, $context);
    if ($s === false) {
        return array(false, "", '');
    //		MSGError('OPA1: ' . $s);
    $t = strtok($s, " \t");
    while ($t !== false && substr($t, 0, 8) != '<SESSION' && substr($t, 0, 6) != '<ERROR' && $t != '<OK>' && $t != '<NOTOK>') {
        echo $t . " ";
        $t = strtok(" \t");
    if ($t === false) {
        return array(false, '', '');
    echo $t . " -->\n";
    if (substr($t, 0, 6) == "<ERROR") {
        $id = strtok(" \t");
        if ($id === false) {
            return array(false, '', '');
        return array(false, $id, "");
    if (substr($t, 0, 8) == "<SESSION") {
        $id = strtok(" \t");
        if ($id === false) {
            return array(false, '', '');
        $idextra = strtok(" \t");
        if ($idextra === false) {
            return array(false, '', '');
        //		MSGError("id=$id  idextra=$idextra");
        return array(false, $id, $idextra);
    $id = strtok(" \t");
    if ($id === false) {
        return array(false, '', '');
    //MSGError('OPA2: ' . $s);
    if ($pass2 != '') {
        $s = decryptData($id, myhash($pass2));
    if (strtoupper(substr($s, 0, 5)) != "<XML>") {
        return array(false, '', $t);
    return array(true, $s, $t);
文件: run.php 项目: RodolfoSilva/boca
        $strtmp .= "<br><br><center><b>To submit a program, just fill in the following fields:</b></center>\n" . "<form name=\"form1\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . $runteam . "\">\n" . "  <input type=hidden name=\"confirmation\" value=\"noconfirm\" />\n" . "  <center>\n" . "    <table border=\"0\">\n" . "      <tr> \n" . "        <td width=\"25%\" align=right>Problem:</td>\n" . "        <td width=\"75%\">\n" . "          <select name=\"problem\" onclick=\"Arquivo()\">\n";
        $prob = DBGetProblems($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"], $_SESSION["usertable"]["usertype"] == 'judge');
        $strtmp .= "<option selected value=\"-1\"> -- </option>\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($prob); $i++) {
            $strtmp .= "<option value=\"" . $prob[$i]["number"] . "\">" . $prob[$i]["problem"] . "</option>\n";
        $strtmp .= "\t  </select>\n" . "        </td>\n" . "      </tr>\n" . "      <tr> \n" . "        <td width=\"25%\" align=right>Language:</td>\n" . "        <td width=\"75%\"> \n" . "          <select name=\"language\" onclick=\"Arquivo()\">\n";
        $lang = DBGetLanguages($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"]);
        $strtmp .= "<option selected value=\"-1\"> -- </option>\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($lang); $i++) {
            $strtmp .= "<option value=\"" . $lang[$i]["number"] . "\">" . $lang[$i]["name"] . "</option>\n";
        $strtmp .= "\t  </select>\n" . "        </td>\n" . "      </tr>\n" . "      <tr> \n" . "        <td width=\"25%\" align=right>Source code:</td>\n" . "        <td width=\"75%\">\n" . "\t  <input type=\"file\" name=\"sourcefile\" size=\"40\" onclick=\"Arquivo()\">\n" . "        </td>\n" . "      </tr>\n" . "    </table>\n" . "  </center>\n" . "  <script language=\"javascript\">\n" . "    function conf() {\n" . "      if (document.form1.problem.value != '-1' && document.form1.language.value != '-1') {\n" . "       if (confirm(\"Confirm submission?\")) {\n" . "        document.form1.confirmation.value='confirm';\n" . "       }\n" . "      } else {\n" . "        alert('Invalid problem and/or language');\n" . "      }\n" . "    }\n" . "  </script>\n" . "  <center>\n" . "      <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Send\" onClick=\"conf()\">\n" . "      <input type=\"reset\" name=\"Submit2\" value=\"Clear\">\n" . "  </center>\n" . "</form>\n";
    $conf = globalconf();
    $strtmp1 = "<!-- " . time() . " --> <?php exit; ?>\t" . encryptData($strcolors, $conf["key"], false) . "\n" . encryptData($strtmp, $conf["key"], false);
    $randnum = session_id() . "_" . rand();
    if (file_put_contents($runtmp . "_" . $randnum, $strtmp1, LOCK_EX) === FALSE) {
        if (!isset($_SESSION['writewarn'])) {
            LOGError("Cannot write to the user-run cache file {$runtmp} -- performance might be compromised");
            $_SESSION['writewarn'] = true;
    @rename($runtmp . "_" . $randnum, $runtmp);
echo $strtmp;

            $strtmp .= "  <td nowrap>" . $score[$e]["totalcount"] . " (" . $score[$e]["totaltime"] . ")</td>\n";
            $strtmp .= " </tr>\n";
    $strtmp .= "</table>";
    if ($n == 0) {
        $strtmp .= "<br><center><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">SCOREBOARD IS EMPTY</font></b></center>";
    } else {
        if (!$des) {
            if ($level > 0) {
                $strtmp .= "<br><font color=\"#ff0000\">P.S. Problem names are hidden.</font>";
            } else {
                $strtmp .= "<br><font color=\"#ff0000\">P.S. Problem data are hidden.</font>";
    $conf = globalconf();
    $strtmp = "<!-- " . time() . " --> <?php exit; ?>\n" . encryptData($strtmp, $conf["key"], false);
    if (file_put_contents($scoretmp, $strtmp, LOCK_EX) === FALSE) {
        if ($_SESSION["usertable"]["usertype"] == 'admin') {
            MSGError("Cannot write to the score cache file -- performance might be compromised");
        LOGError("Cannot write to the " . $_SESSION["usertable"]["usertype"] . "-score cache file -- performance might be compromised");
    $conf = globalconf();
    $strtmp = decryptData(substr($strtmp, strpos($strtmp, "\n")), $conf["key"]);
echo $strtmp;
             echo "=====stderr======\n";
             echo file_get_contents('stderr');
             echo "\n=====stdout======\n";
             echo file_get_contents('stdout');
             echo "\n===========\n";
             DBGiveUpRunAutojudging($contest, $site, $number, $ip, "error: internal test script failed (" . $file . ")");
             $cont = true;
     cleardir($dir . $ds . "problemdata");
     if ($cont) {
     $s = file_get_contents($dir . $ds . $run["inputname"]);
     file_put_contents($cache . $ds . $run["inputoid"] . "." . $run["inputname"], encryptData($s, $key));
 if (!isset($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][0]) || !is_numeric($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][0]) || !isset($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][1]) || !is_numeric($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][1]) || !isset($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][2]) || !is_numeric($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][2]) || !isset($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][3]) || !is_numeric($limits[$basename][$run["extension"]][3])) {
     echo "Failed to find proper limits information for the problem -- please check the problem package\n";
     DBGiveUpRunAutojudging($contest, $site, $number, $ip, "error: problem package file is invalid (6)");
 //# parameters are:
 //# $1 source_file
 //# $2 exe_file (default ../run.exe)
 //# $3 timelimit (optional, limit to run all the repetitions, by default only one repetition)
 //# $4 maximum allowed memory (in MBytes)
 $zip = new ZipArchive();
 if ($zip->open($dir . $ds . $run["inputname"]) === true) {
     $zip->extractTo($dir, array("compile" . $ds . $run["extension"]));
            <div class="triangle"></div>
            <div class="container">
                <div class=" title">
                    <h1>Trusted Cloud</h1>
    $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db("be") or die("<br><br>no such database found!!!<br><br>");
    //count total files to compute IDF
    $query11 = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM fileindex ") or die(mysql_error());
    $total_documents = mysql_num_rows($query11);
    $text = $_POST['query'];
    $startTime = microtime(true);
    //echo "<b>Entered Query : </b>".$text;
    $encryptText = encryptData($text);
    //echo "<b>Encrypted Query : </b>".$encryptText;
    $query4 = mysql_query("select * from topkresults") or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($query4)) {
        //table is not empty, delete data
        $query44 = mysql_query("truncate table topkresults");
    $query7 = mysql_query("select * from topkencryptresults") or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($query7)) {
        //table is not empty, delete data
        $query77 = mysql_query("truncate table topkencryptresults");
    if (strlen($text) > 3) {
        $searchTimeTrustedStart = microtime(true);
        //break the query into keywords
        $words = extractCommonWords($text);
        echo "\nPasswords mismatch - aborting\n";
if (strlen($password2) < 12) {
    echo "\n\n#\n##\n###\n####\n#####\n###### WARNING: the main password should be really secure - consider using a longer and complicated password\n";
$password1 = randstr(16);
if (is_dir(trim($argv[1]))) {
    echo "Creating file " . $argv[2] . " from directory/file " . $argv[1] . "\n";
    if (($ret = create_zip(trim($argv[1]), glob(trim($argv[1]) . $ds . '*'), trim($argv[2]), true)) > 0) {
        echo "ZIP Success\n";
    } else {
        echo "ZIP Error {$ret}\n";
    $encdata = encryptData(file_get_contents(trim($argv[2])), '#####' . $password1, false);
    if ($encdata == '') {
        $encdata = file_get_contents(trim($argv[2]));
} else {
    $encdata = encryptData(file_get_contents(trim($argv[1])), '#####' . $password1, true);
    if ($encdata == '') {
        $encdata = file_get_contents(trim($argv[1]));
file_put_contents(trim($argv[2]), $encdata);
echo "Output file generated in " . $argv[2] . "\n";
echo "\n\nThe following line is a key that should be appended to a text file with one key per line.\n\n";
echo substr($encdata, 0, 10) . '#####' . encryptData('#####' . $password1, $password2, false) . "\n\n";
echo "Later on, in the admin web interface of BOCA tab Contest, item Contest keys, please select the file with\nall these lines click on update.\n\n";
    function display($filename, $contents)
        $displayStartTime = microtime(true);
        $filesize = filesize("C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\BEPROJECT\\Html\\Text/" . $filename);
        $aesKey = "Mary has one cat";
        /*echo 'FileName = '.$filename.'<br>';
        		echo 'FileSize(in bytes) = '.$filesize.'<br><br>';
        		echo '<b><center>Original Data uploaded by client:</center></b><br>'.$contents.'<br><br>';*/
        $EncryptedData = encryptData($contents, $filename);
        /*echo '<b><center>Encrypted Data stored on Cloud: </center></b><br>'.$EncryptedData.'<br>';
        		$DecryptedData = decryptData($EncryptedData, $filename);
        		echo '<br><b><center>Decrypted Data reterived by client: </center></b><br>'.$DecryptedData;*/
        $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
        mysql_select_db("be") or die("<br><br>no database found<br><br>");
        echo '<br><br>';
        /*echo '<b><center>Plain file indexing</b>(for reference only)</center><br>';
        		$query1 = " select * from fileindex ";
        		$result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die("<br>Query Failed selecting from fileindex ".mysql_error());
        		$numrows1 = mysql_num_rows($result1);			
        		if($numrows1 > 0)
        			echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' align='center'>";
        			echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Size(in KB)</th></tr>";
        			while($rows1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1))
        					$id = $rows1['file_id'];
        					$name = $rows1['file_name'];
        					$size = $rows1['file_size'];
        					echo "<tr><td>$id</td><td>$name</td><td>$size</td></tr>";	
        			echo "</table>";	
        			echo "No results found!!!!!";*/
        echo '
								<br><br><b>Your Access Token</b>(<i>you need to input this token while downloading file</i>!!! : <br>
									<h4 style="color:red">a:2:{s:1:"t";s:16:"hic55718skyllls1";s:1:"s";s:15:"zfz5wtb8giiaq1t";}</h4>
									<a href="downloadAccessToken.php">Download Access Token File</a>
        echo '<br><br>';
        echo '<b><center>Encrypted file indexing</b>(stored on trusted cloud server)</center><br>';
        $query11 = " select * from encryptedfileindex ";
        $result11 = mysql_query($query11) or die("<br>Query Failed selecting from encryptedfileindex " . mysql_error());
        $numrows11 = mysql_num_rows($result11);
        if ($numrows11 > 0) {
            echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' align='center'>";
            echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Size(in KB)</th></tr>";
            while ($rows11 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result11)) {
                $id = $rows11['file_id'];
                $name = $rows11['file_name'];
                $size = $rows11['file_size'];
                echo "<tr><td>{$id}</td><td>{$name}</td><td>{$size}</td></tr>";
            echo "</table>";
        } else {
            echo "No results found!!!!!";
        echo '<br><br>';
        /*//Decrypting fileindex using aes
        		echo '<b><center>Decrypted file indexing</b></center><br>';
        		$query111 = " select AES_DECRYPT(file_id, '".$aesKey."') as file_id, AES_DECRYPT(file_name, '".$aesKey."') as file_name, AES_DECRYPT(file_size, '".$aesKey."') as file_size from encryptedfileindex ";
        		$result111 = mysql_query($query111) or die("<br>Query Failed selecting from encryptedfileindex ".mysql_error());
        		$numrows111 = mysql_num_rows($result111);			
        		if($numrows111 > 0)
        			echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' align='center'>";
        			echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Size(in KB)</th></tr>";
        			while($rows111 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result111))
        					$id_decrypt = $rows111['file_id'];
        					$name_decrypt = $rows111['file_name'];
        					$size_decrypt = $rows111['file_size'];
        					echo "<tr><td>$id_decrypt</td><td>$name_decrypt</td><td>$size_decrypt</td></tr>";	
        			echo "</table>";	
        			echo "No results found!!!!!";*/
        echo '<br><br>';
        /*echo '<b><center>Plain keyword indexing</b>(for reference only)</center><br>';
        		$query2 = " select * from modifiedindex ";
        		$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die("<br>Query Failed selecting from modifiedindex ".mysql_error());
        		$numrows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);			
        		if($numrows2 > 0)
        			echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' align='center'>";
        			echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Frequency</th><th>Term_Frequency</th></tr>";
        			while($rows2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))
        					$id = $rows2['file_id'];
        					$keyword = $rows2['keyword'];
        					$frequency = $rows2['frequency'];
        					$term_freq = $rows2['term_frequency'];
        					echo "<tr><td>$id</td><td>$keyword</td><td>$frequency</td><td>$term_freq</td></tr>";	
        			echo "</table>";	
        			echo "No results found!!!!!";*/
        echo '<br><br>';
        echo '<b><center>Encrypted keyword indexing</b>(stored on trusted cloud server)</center><br>';
        $query22 = " select * from encryptedindex ";
        $result22 = mysql_query($query22) or die("<br>Query Failed selecting from encryptedindex " . mysql_error());
        $numrows22 = mysql_num_rows($result22);
        if ($numrows22 > 0) {
            echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' align='center'>";
            echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Frequency</th><th>Term_Frequency</th></tr>";
            while ($rows22 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result22)) {
                $id = $rows22['file_id'];
                $keyword = $rows22['keyword'];
                $frequency = $rows22['frequency'];
                $term_freq = $rows22['term_frequency'];
                echo "<tr><td>{$id}</td><td>{$keyword}</td><td>{$frequency}</td><td>{$term_freq}</td></tr>";
            echo "</table>";
        } else {
            echo "No results found!!!!!";
        echo '<br><br>';
        /*//Decrypting keyword index using aes
        		echo '<b><center>Decrypted Keyword indexing</b></center><br>';
        		$query222 = " select AES_DECRYPT(file_id, '".$aesKey."') as file_id, AES_DECRYPT(keyword, '".$aesKey."') as keyword, AES_DECRYPT(frequency, '".$aesKey."') as frequency, AES_DECRYPT(term_frequency, '".$aesKey."') as term_frequency from encryptedindex ";
        		$result222 = mysql_query($query222) or die("<br>Query Failed selecting from encryptedindex ".mysql_error());
        		$numrows222 = mysql_num_rows($result222);			
        		if($numrows222 > 0)
        			echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' align='center'>";
        			echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Frequency</th><th>Term_Frequency</th></tr>";
        			while($rows222 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result222))
        					$id = $rows222['file_id'];
        					$keyword = $rows222['keyword'];
        					$frequency = $rows222['frequency'];
        					$term_freq = $rows222['term_frequency'];
        					echo "<tr><td>$id</td><td>$keyword</td><td>$frequency</td><td>$term_freq</td></tr>";	
        			echo "</table>";	
        			echo "No results found!!!!!";*/
        echo '<br><br>';
        $displayEndTime = microtime(true);
        $totalDisplayTime = $displayEndTime - $displayStartTime;
        $_SESSION['displayText_time'] = $totalDisplayTime;
文件: export.php 项目: sbaldrich/boca
        if (count($scores) == 0 || count($scores) == 1 && !is_numeric($scores[0])) {
            $scores = array($fromsite);
        $judges = explode(",", $siteinfo['sitejudging']);
        if (count($judges) == 0 || count($judges) == 1 && !is_numeric($judges[0])) {
            $judges = array($fromsite);
        $scores = array_unique(array_merge($scores, $judges));
        if (in_array(0, $scores)) {
            $scores = null;
        $xml = generateXML($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"], $localsite, $scores, $reduced);
        if (isset($_POST['nopassword']) && $_POST['nopassword'] == 'true') {
            echo $xml;
        } else {
            echo rawurlencode($_POST['challenge']) . " " . encryptData($xml, $_POST['password']);
<body onload="document.form1.name.focus()">
<script language="JavaScript" src="../sha256.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
function computeHASH()
	var passHASH;
    if(document.form1.password.value == '') {
		document.form1.nopassword.value = 'true';
文件: utils.php 项目: gw-acadtech/VCL
function addContinuationsEntry($nextmode, $data = array(), $duration = SECINWEEK, $deleteFromSelf = 1, $multicall = 1, $repeatProtect = 0)
    global $user, $mode, $inContinuation, $continuationid;
    if ($repeatProtect) {
        $data['______parent'] = $continuationid;
    $serdata = serialize($data);
    $contid = md5($mode . $nextmode . $serdata . $user['id']);
    $serdata = mysql_escape_string($serdata);
    $expiretime = unixToDatetime(time() + $duration);
    $query = "SELECT id, " . "parentid " . "FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '{$contid}' AND " . "userid = {$user['id']}";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        # update expiretime
        $query = "UPDATE continuations " . "SET expiretime = '{$expiretime}' " . "WHERE id = '{$contid}' AND " . "userid = {$user['id']}";
        doQuery($query, 101);
    } else {
        if (!$inContinuation) {
            $parent = 'NULL';
        } else {
            $parent = "'{$continuationid}'";
        if ($deleteFromSelf || !$inContinuation) {
            $deletefromid = $contid;
            $parent = 'NULL';
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT deletefromid " . "FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '{$continuationid}' AND " . "userid = {$user['id']}";
            $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
            if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
            $deletefromid = $row['deletefromid'];
        $query = "INSERT INTO continuations " . "(id, " . "userid, " . "expiretime, " . "frommode, " . "tomode, " . "data, " . "multicall, " . "parentid, " . "deletefromid) " . "VALUES " . "('{$contid}', " . "{$user['id']}, " . "'{$expiretime}', " . "'{$mode}', " . "'{$nextmode}', " . "'{$serdata}', " . "{$multicall}, " . "{$parent}, " . "'{$deletefromid}')";
        doQuery($query, 101);
    $salt = generateString(8);
    $now = time();
    $data = "{$salt}:{$contid}:{$user['id']}:{$now}";
    $edata = encryptData($data);
    $udata = urlencode($edata);
    return $udata;
function DBGetFullProblemData($contestnumber, $freeproblems = false)
    $c = DBConnect();
    DBExec($c, "begin work", "GetFullProblemData");
    $r = DBExec($c, "select p.problemnumber as number, p.problemname as name, p.problemfullname as fullname, " . "p.problembasefilename as basefilename, p.fake as fake, " . "p.problemcolor as color, p.problemcolorname as colorname, " . "p.probleminputfilename as inputfilename, p.probleminputfile as inputoid, p.probleminputfilehash as inputhash " . " from problemtable as p " . "where p.contestnumber={$contestnumber} order by p.problemnumber", "DBGetFullProblemData(get problem)");
    // and p.problemfullname !~ '(DEL)'
    $n = DBnlines($r);
    if ($n == 0) {
        LOGLevel("No problems defined in the database ({$contestnumber})", 1);
    $cf = globalconf();
    $a = array();
    if ($ds == "") {
        $ds = "/";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        $a[$i] = array_merge(array(), DBRow($r, $i));
        if (strpos($a[$i]['fullname'], '(DEL)') !== false) {
        $nn = $a[$i]['number'];
        $ptmp = $_SESSION["locr"] . $ds . "private" . $ds . "problemtmp" . $ds . "contest" . $contestnumber . "-problem" . $nn;
        $ck = myshorthash('');
        if (is_readable($ptmp . ".hash")) {
            $ck = trim(file_get_contents($ptmp . ".hash"));
        if ($ck != $a[$i]['inputhash']) {
            @unlink($ptmp . ".name");
            @unlink($ptmp . ".hash");
            $a[$i]['basefilename'] = '';
            $a[$i]['descfilename'] = '';
            $a[$i]['fullname'] = '';
        if ($freeproblems && $a[$i]['fake'] != 't') {
            if (is_readable($ptmp . ".name")) {
                $a[$i]['descfilename'] = trim(file_get_contents($ptmp . ".name"));
                if ($a[$i]['descfilename'] != '') {
                    $a[$i]['descoid'] = -1;
            } else {
                @unlink($ptmp . ".name");
                @unlink($ptmp . ".hash");
                $randnum = session_id() . "_" . rand();
                $dir = $ptmp . '-' . $randnum;
                @mkdir($dir, 0770, true);
                $failed = 0;
                if (($ret = DB_lo_export($contestnumber, $c, $a[$i]["inputoid"], $dir . $ds . "tmp.zip")) === false) {
                    LogError("FreeProblems: Unable to read problem package from database (problem={$nn}, contest={$contestnumber})");
                    $failed = 1;
                if (!$failed) {
                    $zip = new ZipArchive();
                    if ($zip->open($dir . $ds . "tmp.zip") === true) {
                        if (($info = @parse_ini_file($dir . $ds . "description" . $ds . 'problem.info')) === false) {
                            $failed = 2;
                        if (!$failed) {
                            $descfile = '';
                            if (isset($info['descfile'])) {
                                $descfile = trim(sanitizeText($info['descfile']));
                            $basename = trim(sanitizeText($info['basename']));
                            $fullname = trim(sanitizeText($info['fullname']));
                            if ($basename == '' || $fullname == '') {
                                $failed = 3;
                    } else {
                        $failed = 4;
                    if (!$failed) {
                        if ($descfile != '') {
                            if (file_put_contents($ptmp . $ds . $descfile, encryptData(file_get_contents($dir . $ds . "description" . $ds . $descfile), $cf['key']), LOCK_EX) === FALSE) {
                                $failed = 5;
                            if (!$failed) {
                                file_put_contents($ptmp . ".name", $ptmp . $ds . $descfile);
                                file_put_contents($ptmp . ".hash", $a[$i]['inputhash']);
                                if (is_readable($ptmp . ".name")) {
                                    $a[$i]['descfilename'] = trim(file_get_contents($ptmp . ".name"));
                                    if ($a[$i]['descfilename'] != '') {
                                        $a[$i]['descoid'] = -1;
                        } else {
                            @unlink($ptmp . ".name");
                            @unlink($ptmp . ".hash");
                        if (!$failed) {
                            DBExec($c, "update problemtable set problemfullname='{$fullname}', problembasefilename='{$basename}' where problemnumber={$nn} and contestnumber={$contestnumber}", "DBGetFullProblemData(free problem)");
                            $a[$i]['basefilename'] = $basename;
                            $a[$i]['fullname'] = $fullname;
                if ($failed) {
                    $a[$i]['basefilename'] = '';
                    $a[$i]['descfilename'] = '';
                    @unlink($ptmp . ".name");
                    @unlink($ptmp . ".hash");
                    DBExec($c, "update problemtable set problemfullname='', problembasefilename='' where problemnumber={$nn} and contestnumber={$contestnumber}", "DBGetFullProblemData(unfree problem)");
                    if ($failed != 4) {
                        LogError("Failed to unzip problem package (failcode={$failed}, problem={$nn}, contest={$contestnumber})");
                        if ($failed == 1) {
                            $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(ERROR READING FROM DATABASE, OR DIRECTORY PERMISSION PROBLEM)';
                        } else {
                            $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(PROBLEM PACKAGE SEEMS INVALID)';
                    } else {
                        if ($ret == 1) {
                            $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(PROBABLY ENCRYPTED FILE)';
                        if ($ret == 2) {
                            $a[$i]['fullname'] = '(FILE IS NOT A ZIP)';
                cleardir($dir, false, true);
    DBExec($c, "commit", "GetFullProblemData");
    return $a;
文件: get.php 项目: sbaldrich/boca
        $tasks = explode(",", $siteinfo['sitetasking']);
        if (count($tasks) == 0 || count($tasks) == 1 && !is_numeric($tasks[0])) {
            $tasks = array($fromsite);
    } else {
        echo "<!-- <ERROR9> " . session_id() . " " . session_id() . " -->\n";
    if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['xml'])) {
        //		$fp=fopen('/tmp/aaa',"w"); fwrite($fp,$_POST['xml']); fclose($fp);
        $s = decryptData(rawurldecode($_POST['xml']), myhash($_SESSION["usertable"]["userpassword"]));
        //		$fp=fopen('/tmp/aaa1',"w"); fwrite($fp,$s); fclose($fp);
        $ac = array();
        $ac['SITEREC'] = array('site' => $fromsite, 'sitenumber' => 0, 'number' => 0, 'sitename' => 0, 'siteip' => 0, 'siteduration' => 0, 'sitelastmileanswer' => 0, 'sitelastmilescore' => 0, 'siteautoend' => 0, 'siteactive' => 0, 'sitescorelevel' => 0, 'sitepermitlogins' => 0, 'siteautojudge' => 0, 'sitenextuser' => 0, 'sitenextclar' => 0, 'sitenextrun' => 0, 'sitenexttask' => 0, 'sitemaxtask' => 0, 'sitechiefname' => 0, 'updatetime' => 0);
        $ac['SITETIME'] = array('site' => $fromsite, 'number' => 0, 'start' => 0, 'enddate' => 0, 'updatetime' => 0);
        $ac['USERREC'] = array('site' => $fromsite, 'user' => 0, 'number' => 0, 'username' => 0, 'usericpcid' => 0, 'userfull' => 0, 'userdesc' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'enabled' => 0, 'multilogin' => 0, 'userip' => 0, 'userlastlogin' => 0, 'userlastlogout' => 0, 'permitip' => 0, 'updatetime' => 0);
        $ac['CLARREC'] = array('site' => $judges, 'user' => 0, 'number' => 0, 'problem' => 0, 'question' => 0, 'clarnumber' => 0, 'clardate' => 0, 'clardatediff' => 0, 'clardatediffans' => 0, 'claranswer' => 0, 'clarstatus' => 0, 'clarjudge' => 0, 'clarjudgesite' => 0, 'updatetime' => 0);
        $ac['RUNREC'] = array('site' => $judges, 'user' => 0, 'number' => 0, 'runnumber' => 0, 'problem' => 0, 'lang' => 0, 'filename' => 0, 'filepath' => 0, 'rundate' => 0, 'rundatediff' => 0, 'rundatediffans' => 0, 'runanswer' => 0, 'runstatus' => 0, 'runjudge' => 0, 'runjudgesite' => 0, 'runjudge1' => 0, 'runjudgesite1' => 0, 'runanswer1' => 0, 'runjudge2' => 0, 'runjudgesite2' => 0, 'runanswer2' => 0, 'autoip' => 0, 'autobegindate' => 0, 'autoenddate' => 0, 'autoanswer' => 0, 'autostdout' => 0, 'autostderr' => 0, 'updatetime' => 0);
        $ac['TASKREC'] = array('site' => $tasks, 'user' => 0, 'desc' => 0, 'number' => 0, 'tasknumber' => 0, 'color' => 0, 'colorname' => 0, 'updatetime' => 0, 'filename' => 0, 'filepath' => 0, 'sys' => 0, 'status' => 0, 'taskdate' => 0, 'taskdatediff' => 0, 'taskdatediffans' => 0, 'taskstaffnumber' => 0, 'taskstaffsite' => 0);
        if (importFromXML($s, $ac, $_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"])) {
            echo "<!-- <OK> -->";
        } else {
            echo "<!-- <NOTOK> -->";
    $xml = generateXML($_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"], 0, $scores);
    echo encryptData($xml, myhash($_SESSION["usertable"]["userpassword"]));
} else {
    echo "<!-- <ERROR3> " . session_id() . " " . session_id() . " -->\n";
 * map转换string,按新规范加密
 * @param
 *        	$customerInfo
function getCustomerInfoStrNew($customerInfo)
    $encryptedInfo = array();
    foreach ($customerInfo as $key => $value) {
        if ($key == 'phoneNo' || $key == 'cvn2' || $key == 'expired') {
            //if ($key == 'phoneNo' || $key == 'cvn2' || $key == 'expired' || $key == 'certifTp' || $key == 'certifId') {
            $encryptedInfo[$key] = $customerInfo[$key];
    if (count($encryptedInfo) != 0) {
        $encryptedInfo = createLinkString($encryptedInfo, false, false);
        $encryptedInfo = encryptData($encryptedInfo, SDK_ENCRYPT_CERT_PATH);
        $customerInfo['encryptedInfo'] = $encryptedInfo;
    return base64_encode("{" . createLinkString($customerInfo, false, false) . "}");
echo $p->t("lvplan/persoenlicherLvPlan");
	</td><td valign="top">	
    echo ' 
		<h2>' . $p->t('lvplan/persoenlichenAbonnieren') . '</h2>
		<a class="Item" href="../../../cms/content.php?content_id=' . $p->t('dms_link/lvplanSyncFAQ') . '" target="_blank">' . $p->t('lvplan/anleitungLVPlanSync') . '</a>
    echo '<ul>';
    $caldavurl = APP_ROOT . 'webdav/lvplan.php/calendars/' . $uid . '/LVPlan-' . $uid;
    echo '<li><a class="Item" href="' . $caldavurl . '">' . $p->t('lvplan/caldavURL') . '</a></li>';
    echo '<li><a class="Item" href="' . APP_ROOT . 'webdav/lvplan.php/principals/' . $uid . '">' . $p->t('lvplan/caldavURLMac') . '</a></li>';
    echo '<li><a class="Item" href="' . APP_ROOT . 'webdav/google.php?cal=' . encryptData($uid, LVPLAN_CYPHER_KEY) . '&' . microtime(true) . '">' . $p->t('lvplan/googleURL') . '</a></li>';
    echo '</ul>';
    echo '	</div>';
echo '
			<td width="30%">
				<h2>' . $p->t("lvplan/saalplan") . '</h2>
    echo '<h2>' . $p->t("lvplan/lektorInStudentIn") . '</h2>';
echo '
    $webcastdir = $locr . $ds . 'private' . $ds . 'webcast';
    $webcastparentdir = $locr . $ds . 'private';
if (is_writable($webcastdir)) {
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'runs', $runfile);
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'contest', $contestfile);
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'version', $versionfile);
    file_put_contents($webcastdir . $ds . 'time', $timefile);
    if (@create_zip($webcastparentdir, array('webcast'), $webcastdir . ".tmp") != 1) {
        LOGError("Cannot create score webcast.tmp file");
        MSGError("Cannot create score webcast.tmp file");
    } else {
        $cf = globalconf();
        file_put_contents($webcastdir . ".tmp", encryptData(file_get_contents($webcastdir . ".tmp"), $cf["key"], false));
        @rename($webcastdir . ".tmp", $webcastdir . '.zip');
    echo "<br><br><br><center>";
    echo "<a href=\"{$locr}/filedownload.php?" . filedownload(-1, $webcastdir . '.zip') . "\">CLICK TO DOWNLOAD</a>";
    echo "</center>";
} else {
    LOGError('Error creating the folder for the ZIP file: ' . $webcastdir);
    MSGError('Error creating the folder for the ZIP file: ' . $webcastdir);
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";
echo "<br><br><br>\n";