public static function admin_options()
        global $save_button;
        if (current_user_can('list_users')) {
			<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-pro-booking-form-options" >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
            esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
            _e('PRO Booking Form Options', 'em-pro');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
            em_options_radio_binary(__('Show profile fields to logged in users?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show', __('When logged in, users usually don\'t see their profile fields, with this enabled, users will be able to update their profile fields alongside their booking. This is particularly useful if the user is missing key information.', 'em-pro'), '', '#dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show_name_row, #dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show_email_row, #dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_input_row');
            em_options_radio_binary(__('Show name profile fields?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show_name', sprintf(__('If fields are editable users will be able to change their %s whilst making a booking.', 'em-pro'), esc_html__emp('Name', 'dbem')));
            em_options_radio_binary(__('Show email profile fields?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show_email', sprintf(__('If fields are editable users will be able to change their %s whilst making a booking.', 'em-pro'), esc_html__emp('Email', 'dbem')));
            em_options_radio_binary(__('Make profile fields editable?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_input', __('If profile fields are set to show to logged in users, you can also choose whether or not to make these fields editable or just for viewing reference.', 'em-pro'));
            echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
    public static function admin_options()
        if (current_user_can('list_users')) {
			<a name="pro-api"></a>
			<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-gateway-options">
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
            esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
            _e('Payment Gateway Options', 'em-pro');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
            em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable Quick Pay Buttons?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_gateway_use_buttons', sprintf(__('Only works with gateways that do not require additional payment information to be submitted (e.g. PayPal and Offline payments). If enabled, the default booking form submit button is not used, and each gateway will have a button (or image, see <a href="%s">individual gateway settings</a>) which if clicked on will submit a booking for that gateway.', 'em-pro'), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=' . EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT . '&page=events-manager-gateways')));
            em_options_input_text(__('Gateway Label', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_gateway_label', __('If you are not using quick pay buttons a drop-down menu will be used, with this label.', 'em-pro'));
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
function wpfc_em_admin_options()
	<div  class="postbox " >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Full Calendar Options', 'dbem');
		<div class="inside">
			<p  class="em-boxheader"><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('Looking for the rest of the FullCalendar Options? They\'ve moved <a href="%s">here</a>, the options below are for overriding specific bits relevant to Events Manager.', 'dbem'), admin_url('options-general.php?page=wp-fullcalendar'));
			<table class='form-table'>
    global $events_placeholder_tip, $save_button;
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Override calendar on events page?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_override_calendar', __('If set to yes, the FullCalendar will be used instead of the standard calendar on the events page.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Override calendar shortcode?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_override_shortcode', __('Overrides the default calendar shortcode. You can also use [events_fullcalendar] instead.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_full_calendar_event_format', __('HTML is not accepted.', 'dbem') . ' ' . $events_placeholder_tip, '#_EVENTNAME');
    em_options_textarea(__('Event tooltips format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_qtips_format', __('If you enable tips, this information will be shown, which can include HTML.', 'dbem') . ' ' . $events_placeholder_tip, '#_EVENTNAME');
    $positions_options = array();
    echo $save_button;
		</div> <!-- . inside -->
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->
    public static function logging_settings()
		<table class="form-table">
		    <tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2">
        _e('Logging', 'dbem');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable Logging?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_enable_logging', sprintf(__('If enabled, a folder called %s will be created. Please ensure that your wp-contents folder is writable by the server.', 'em-pro'), '<code>' . WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/events-manager-logs' . '</code>'));
em_options_input_text(__('Event titles', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_small_calendar_event_title_format', __('The format of the title, corresponding to the text that appears when hovering on an eventful calendar day.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_input_text(__('Title separator', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_small_calendar_event_title_separator', __('The separator appearing on the above title when more than one events are taking place on the same day.', 'events-manager'));
em_options_radio_binary(__('Abbreviated weekdays', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_small_calendar_abbreviated_weekdays', __('The calendar headings uses abbreviated weekdays', 'events-manager'));
em_options_input_text(__('Initial lengths', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_small_calendar_initials_length', __('Shorten the calendar headings containing the days of the week, use 0 for the full name.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_radio_binary(__('Show Long Events?', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_small_calendar_long_events', __('Events with multiple dates will appear on each of those dates in the calendar.', 'events-manager'));
    		<tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2"><h4><?php 
_e('Full Calendar', 'events-manager');
em_options_input_text(__('Month format', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_full_calendar_month_format', __('The format of the month/year header of the calendar.', 'events-manager') . ' ' . $date_time_format_tip);
em_options_input_text(__('Event format', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_full_calendar_event_format', __('The format of each event when displayed in the full calendar. Remember to include <code>li</code> tags before and after the event.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_radio_binary(__('Abbreviated weekdays?', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_full_calendar_abbreviated_weekdays', __('Use abbreviations, e.g. Friday = Fri. Useful for certain languages where abbreviations differ from full names.', 'events-manager'));
em_options_input_text(__('Initial lengths', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_full_calendar_initials_length', __('Shorten the calendar headings containing the days of the week, use 0 for the full name.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_radio_binary(__('Show Long Events?', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_full_calendar_long_events', __('Events with multiple dates will appear on each of those dates in the calendar.', 'events-manager'));
		    <tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2"><h4><?php 
echo __('Calendar Day Event List Settings', 'events-manager');
			<tr valign="top" id='dbem_display_calendar_orderby_row'>
		   		<th scope="row"><?php 
_e('Default event list ordering', 'events-manager');
					<select name="dbem_display_calendar_orderby" >
$orderby_options = apply_filters('dbem_display_calendar_orderby_ddm', array('event_name,event_start_time' => __('Order by event name, then event start time', 'events-manager'), 'event_start_time,event_name' => __('Order by event start time, then event name', 'events-manager')));
function em_admin_options_page()
    //TODO place all options into an array
    $events_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#event-placeholders">' . __('Event Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $locations_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#location-placeholders">' . __('Location Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . __('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $events_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $locations_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $locations_placeholders);
    $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s, %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders, $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $save_button = '<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><td><p class="submit" style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:right;"><input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="' . __('Save Changes') . ' (' . __('All', 'dbem') . ')" /></p></ts></td></tr>';
	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
			var close_text = '<?php 
    _e('Collapse All', 'dbem');
			var open_text = '<?php 
    _e('Expand All', 'dbem');
			var open_close = $('<a href="#" style="display:block; float:right; clear:right; margin:10px;">'+close_text+'</a>');
			$('#icon-options-general').after(open_close); function(e){
				if($(this).text() == close_text){
			//For rewrite titles
				checked_check = $('input:radio[name=dbem_disable_title_rewrites]:checked');
				if( checked_check.val() == 1 ){
	<div class="wrap">
		<div id='icon-options-general' class='icon32'><br />
    _e('Event Manager Options', 'dbem');
		<form id="dbem_options_form" method="post" action="">          

			<div class="metabox-holder">         
			<!-- // TODO Move style in css -->
			<div class='postbox-container' style='width: 99.5%'>
			<div id="" class="meta-box-sortables" >
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('General options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use recurrence?'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use RSVP?'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the RSVP feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use categories?'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use attributes?'), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    /*default category*/
    $category_options = array();
    $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
    $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
    foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
        $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Category'), 'dbem_default_category', $category_options, __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location*/
    $location_options = array();
    $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
    $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
    foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
        $location_options[$EM_Location->id] = $EM_Location->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Location'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Custom Placeholders', 'dbem'), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can add custom placeholders here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), ''));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Events page', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
                 <table class="form-table">         
    //Wordpress Pages
    global $em_disable_filter;
    //Using a flag here instead
    $em_disable_filter = true;
    $get_pages = get_pages();
    $events_page_options = array();
    $events_page_options[0] = __('[No Events Page]');
    //TODO Add the hierarchy style ddm, like when choosing page parents
    foreach ($get_pages as $page) {
        $events_page_options[$page->ID] = $page->post_title;
    em_options_select(__('Events page'), 'dbem_events_page', $events_page_options, __('This option allows you to select which page to use as an events page', 'dbem'));
    $em_disable_filter = false;
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show events page in lists?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_list_events_page', __('Check this option if you want the events page to appear together with other pages in pages lists.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Display calendar in events page?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_display_calendar_in_events_page', __('This options allows to display the calendar in the events page, instead of the default list. It is recommended not to display both the calendar widget and a calendar page.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('If you would like to show events that span over more than one day, see the Calendar section on this page.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Disable title rewriting?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_disable_title_rewrites', __("Some wordpress themes don't follow best practices when generating navigation menus, and so the automatic title rewriting feature may cause problems, if your menus aren't working correctly on the event pages, try setting this to 'Yes', and provide an appropriate HTML title format below.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event Manager titles', 'dbem'), 'dbem_title_html', __("This only setting only matters if you selected 'Yes' to above. You will notice the events page titles aren't being rewritten, and you have a new title underneath the default page name. This is where you control the HTML of this title. Make sure you keep the #_PAGETITLE placeholder here, as that's what is rewritten by events manager. To control what's rewritten in this title, see settings further down for page titles.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event List Limits', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_default_limit', __("This will control how many events are shown on one list by default.", 'dbem'));
					<tr valign="top" id='dbem_events_default_orderby_row'>
				   		<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Default event list ordering', 'dbem');
							<select name="dbem_events_default_orderby" >
    $orderby_options = apply_filters('em_settings_events_default_orderby_ddm', array('start_date,start_time,name' => __('Order by start date, start time, then event name', 'dbem'), 'name,start_date,start_time' => __('Order by name, start date, then start time', 'dbem'), 'name,end_date,end_time' => __('Order by name, end date, then end time', 'dbem'), 'end_date,end_time,name' => __('Order by end date, end time, then event name', 'dbem')));
    foreach ($orderby_options as $key => $value) {
				 				<option value='<?php 
        echo $key;
' <?php 
        echo $key == get_option('dbem_events_default_orderby') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
        echo $value;
							<select name="dbem_events_default_order" >
    $ascending = __('Ascending', 'dbem');
    $descending = __('Descending', 'dbem');
    $order_options = apply_filters('em_settings_events_default_order_ddm', array('ASC' => __('All Ascending', 'dbem'), 'DESC,ASC,ASC' => __("{$descending}, {$ascending}, {$ascending}", 'dbem'), 'DESC,DESC,ASC' => __("{$descending}, {$descending}, {$ascending}", 'dbem'), 'DESC' => __('All Descending', 'dbem'), 'ASC,DESC,ASC' => __("{$ascending}, {$descending}, {$ascending}", 'dbem'), 'ASC,DESC,DESC' => __("{$ascending}, {$descending}, {$descending}", 'dbem'), 'ASC,ASC,DESC' => __("{$ascending}, {$ascending}, {$descending}", 'dbem'), 'DESC,ASC,DESC' => __("{$descending}, {$ascending}, {$descending}", 'dbem')));
    foreach ($order_options as $key => $value) {
				 				<option value='<?php 
        echo $key;
' <?php 
        echo $key == get_option('dbem_events_default_order') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
        echo $value;
    _e('When Events Manager displays lists of events the default behaviour is ordering by start date in ascending order. To change this, modify the values above.', 'dbem');
					<tr valign="top" id='dbem_events_display_time_limit'>
				   		<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Event list range limit', 'dbem');
								<select name="dbem_events_page_time_limit" >
    $limit_options = apply_filters('em_settings_events_page_time_limit_ddm', array('0' => __('no limit', 'dbem'), '1' => __('This month', 'dbem'), '2' => __('Next two months', 'dbem'), '3' => __('Next three months', 'dbem'), '6' => __('Next six months', 'dbem'), '12' => __('Next twelve months', 'dbem')));
    foreach ($limit_options as $key => $value) {
									<option value='<?php 
        echo $key;
' <?php 
        echo $key == get_option('dbem_events_page_time_limit') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
        echo $value;
								<br />
    _e('Only show events starting within a certain time limit on the events page. Default is no time limit is applied.', 'dbem');
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Events format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    em_options_textarea(__('Default event list format header', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_list_item_format_header', __('This content will appear just above your code for the default event list format. Default is blank', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Default event list format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_list_item_format', __('The format of any events in a list.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default event list format footer', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_list_item_format_footer', __('This content will appear just below your code for the default event list format. Default is blank', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Single event page title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_page_title_format', __('The format of a single event page title.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default single event format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_single_event_format', __('The format of a single event page.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('Events page title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_page_title', __('The title on the multiple events page.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('No events message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_no_events_message', __('The message displayed when no events are available.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('List events by date title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_list_date_title', __('If viewing a page for events on a specific date, this is the title that would show up. To insert date values, use <a href="">PHP time format characters</a>  with a <code>#</code> symbol before them, i.e. <code>#m</code>, <code>#M</code>, <code>#j</code>, etc.<br/>', 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
           	<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Calendar format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">   
    em_options_input_text(__('Small calendar title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_small_calendar_event_title_format', __('The format of the title, corresponding to the text that appears when hovering on an eventful calendar day.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('Small calendar title separator', 'dbem'), 'dbem_small_calendar_event_title_separator', __('The separator appearing on the above title when more than one events are taking place on the same day.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Full calendar events format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_full_calendar_event_format', __('The format of each event when displayed in the full calendar. Remember to include <code>li</code> tags before and after the event.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show long events on calendar pages?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_full_calendar_long_events', __("If you are showing a calendar on the events page (see Events format section on this page), you have the option of showing events that span over days on each day it occurs.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show list on day with single event?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_display_calendar_day_single', __("By default, if a calendar day only has one event, it display a single event when clicking on the link of that calendar date. If you select Yes here, you will get always see a list of events.", 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Locations format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    em_options_input_text(__('Single location page title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_page_title_format', __('The format of a single location page title.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default single location page format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_single_location_format', __('The format of a single location page.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default location balloon format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_baloon_format', __('The format of of the text appearing in the baloon describing the location in the map.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default location event list format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_event_list_item_format', __('The format of the events the list inserted in the location page through the <code>#_NEXTEVENTS</code>, <code>#_PASTEVENTS</code> and <code>#_ALLEVENTS</code> element.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default no events message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_no_events_message', __('The message to be displayed in the list generated by <code>#_NEXTEVENTS</code>, <code>#_PASTEVENTS</code> and <code>#_ALLEVENTS</code> when no events are available.', 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('RSS feed format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS main title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_main_title', __('The main title of your RSS events feed.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS main description', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_main_description', __('The main description of your RSS events feed.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_title_format', __('The format of the title of each item in the events RSS feed.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS description format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_description_format', __('The format of the description of each item in the events RSS feed.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Maps and geotagging', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'> 
    $gmap_is_active = get_option('dbem_gmap_is_active');
					<tr valign="top">
						<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Enable Google Maps integration?', 'dbem');
 <input id="dbem_gmap_is_active_yes" name="dbem_gmap_is_active" type="radio" value="1" <?php 
    echo $gmap_is_active ? "checked='checked'" : '';
 <input name="dbem_gmap_is_active" type="radio" value="0" <?php 
    echo $gmap_is_active ? '' : "checked='checked'";
 /><br />
    _e('Check this option to enable Goggle Map integration.', 'dbem');
    em_options_textarea(__('Map text format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_map_text_format', __('The text format inside the map balloons.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('RSVP and bookings', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
    em_options_select(__('Default contact person', 'dbem'), 'dbem_default_contact_person', em_get_wp_users(), __('Select the default contact person. This user will be employed whenever a contact person is not explicitly specified for an event', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Approval Required?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_approval', __('Bookings will not be confirmed until the event administrator approves it.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Email events admin?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_notify_admin', __("If you would like every event booking confirmation email sent to an administrator write their email here (leave blank to not send an email).", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Email contact person?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_contact_email', __('Check this option if you want the event contact to receive an email when someone books places. An email will be sent when a booking is first made (regardless if confirmed or pending)', 'dbem'));
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Contact person booking confirmed', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('An email will be sent to the event contact when a booking is first made.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Contact person email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_contact_email_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Contact person email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_contact_email_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Contact person booking cancelled', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('An email will be sent to the event contact if someone cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Contact person cancellation subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_contactperson_email_cancelled_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Contact person cancellation email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_contactperson_email_cancelled_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Confirmed booking email', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This is sent when a person\'s booking is confirmed. This will be sent automatically if approvals are required and the booking is approved. If approvals are disabled, this is sent out when a user first submits their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking confirmed email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_confirmed_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking confirmed email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_confirmed_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Pending booking email', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This will be sent to the person when they first submit their booking. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking pending email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_pending_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking pending email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_pending_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Rejected booking email', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This will be sent automatically when a booking is rejected. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking rejected email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_rejected_subject', __("The subject of the email sent to the person making a booking that is awaiting administrator approval. Not relevant if bookings don't require approval.", 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking rejected email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_rejected_body', __('The body of the email which will be sent to the person if the booking is rejected. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Booking cancelled', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This will be sent when a user cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking cancelled email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_cancelled_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking cancelled email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_cancelled_body', '');
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Email Settings', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
    em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender name', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_name', __("Insert the display name of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender address', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_address', __("Insert the address of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text('Mail sending port', 'dbem_rsvp_mail_port', __("The port through which you e-mail notifications will be sent. Make sure the firewall doesn't block this port", 'dbem'));
    em_options_select(__('Mail sending method', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_send_method', array('smtp' => 'SMTP', 'mail' => __('PHP mail function', 'dbem'), 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'qmail' => 'Qmail', 'wp_mail' => 'WP Mail'), __('Select the method to send email notification.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use SMTP authentication?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_SMTPAuth', __('SMTP authentication is often needed. If you use GMail, make sure to set this parameter to Yes', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text('SMTP host', 'dbem_smtp_host', __("The SMTP host. Usually it corresponds to 'localhost'. If you use GMail, set this value to 'ssl://'.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('SMTP username', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_username', __("Insert the username to be used to access your SMTP server.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_password(__('SMTP password', 'dbem'), "dbem_smtp_password", __("Insert the password to be used to access your SMTP server", 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Images size', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
    em_options_input_text(__('Maximum width (px)', 'dbem'), 'dbem_image_max_width', __('The maximum allowed width for images uploades', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Maximum height (px)', 'dbem'), 'dbem_image_max_height', __("The maximum allowed height for images uploaded, in pixels", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Maximum size (bytes)', 'dbem'), 'dbem_image_max_size', __("The maximum allowed size for images uploaded, in pixels", 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->

		<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Management Permission Options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
	            	<tr><td colspan="2">
    _e('Warning: Changing these values may result in exposing previously hidden information to all users.');
</strong><br />
    _e('Note that currently "users" are considered as wordpress contributor users upwards, as they can create and manage events (we\'re working on that). Wordpress administrators can control all events/locations/categories/etc. on Events Manager.', 'dbem');
					<tr><th colspan="2"><strong><?php 
    _e('Event Permissions', 'dbem');
    $location_privacy_options = array('0' => __('Every user can create and manage their own events. Users can\'t view or modify each others\' events and booking data', 'dbem'), '1' => __('Every user can create/edit/delete any event on this site. (not recommended)', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio('dbem_permissions_events', $location_privacy_options);
					<tr><th colspan="2"><strong><?php 
    _e('Location Permissions', 'dbem');
    $location_privacy_options = array('0' => __('Every user can create and manage their own location.', 'dbem') . " " . __('In future releases of Events Manager, sharing locations with more than one user will be possible in this option, as well as connecting different user defined locations to prevent duplicate listings.', 'dbem'), '1' => __('Only event administrators can create and edit locations. User must choose from these available locations.', 'dbem'), '2' => __('Everyone can create/edit/delete all locations on this site. (not recommended)', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio('dbem_permissions_locations', $location_privacy_options);
					<tr><th colspan="2"><strong><?php 
    _e('Category Permissions', 'dbem');
    $category_privacy_options = array('0' => __('Every user can create and manage their own category.', 'dbem'), '1' => __('Only event administrators can create and edit categories. User must choose from these available categories.', 'dbem'), '2' => __('Everyone can create/edit/delete all categories on the system. (not recommended)', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio('dbem_permissions_categories', $category_privacy_options);
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->    
			<p class="submit">
				<input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes');
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="em-submitted" value="1" />
			</div> <!-- .metabox-sortables -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox-container -->
			</div> <!-- .metabox-holder -->	
     * Outputs custom PayPal setting fields in the settings page 
    function mysettings()
        global $EM_options;
		<table class="form-table">
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Success Message', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_booking_feedback" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_booking_feedback"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('The message that is shown to a user when a booking is successful whilst being redirected to PayPal for payment.', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Success Free Message', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_booking_feedback_free" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_booking_feedback_free"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('If some cases if you allow a free ticket (e.g. pay at gate) as well as paid tickets, this message will be shown and the user will not be redirected to PayPal.', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Thank You Message', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_booking_feedback_thanks" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_booking_feedback_thanks"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('If you choose to return users to the default Events Manager thank you page after a user has paid on PayPal, you can customize the thank you message here.', 'em-pro');
        echo sprintf(__('%s Options', 'em-pro'), 'PayPal');
        _e('Important:', 'em-pro');
</strong> <?php 
        echo __('In order to connect PayPal with your site, you need to enable IPN on your account.');
        echo " " . sprintf(__('Your return url is %s', 'em-pro'), '<code>' . $this->get_payment_return_url() . '</code>');
        echo sprintf(__('Please visit the <a href="%s">documentation</a> for further instructions.', 'em-pro'), '');
		<table class="form-table">
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('PayPal Email', 'em-pro');
				  <td><input type="text" name="paypal_email" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_email"));
" />
				  <br />
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Paypal Currency', 'em-pro');
        echo esc_html(get_option('dbem_bookings_currency', 'USD'));
<br /><i><?php 
        echo sprintf(__('Set your currency in the <a href="%s">settings</a> page.', 'em-pro'), EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-options#bookings');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Include Taxes In Itemized Prices', 'em-pro'), 'em_' . $this->gateway . '_inc_tax', __('If set to yes, taxes are not included in individual item prices and total tax is shown at the bottom. If set to no, taxes are included within the individual prices.', 'em-pro') . ' ' . __('We strongly recommend setting this to No.', 'em-pro') . ' <a href="">' . __('Click here for more information.', 'em-pro')) . '</a>';
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('PayPal Language', 'em-pro');
			  	<select name="paypal_lc">
			  		<option value=""><?php 
        _e('Default', 'em-pro');
        $ccodes = em_get_countries();
        $paypal_lc = get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . '_lc', 'US');
        foreach ($ccodes as $key => $value) {
            if ($paypal_lc == $key) {
                echo '<option value="' . $key . '" selected="selected">' . $value . '</option>';
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $key . '">' . $value . '</option>';
				  <br />
        _e('PayPal allows you to select a default language users will see. This is also determined by PayPal which detects the locale of the users browser. The default would be US.', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('PayPal Mode', 'em-pro');
				  <select name="paypal_status">
					  <option value="live" <?php 
        if (get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_status") == 'live') {
            echo 'selected="selected"';
        _e('Live Site', 'em-pro');
					  <option value="test" <?php 
        if (get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_status") == 'test') {
            echo 'selected="selected"';
        _e('Test Mode (Sandbox)', 'em-pro');
				  <br />
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Return URL', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_return" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_return"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('Once a payment is completed, users will be offered a link to this URL which confirms to the user that a payment is made. If you would to customize the thank you page, create a new page and add the link here. For automatic redirect, you need to turn auto-return on in your PayPal settings.', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Cancel URL', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_cancel_return" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_cancel_return"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('Whilst paying on PayPal, if a user cancels, they will be redirected to this page.', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('PayPal Page Logo', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_format_logo" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_format_logo"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('Add your logo to the PayPal payment page. It\'s highly recommended you link to a https:// address.', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Border Color', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_format_border" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_format_border"));
" style='width: 40em;' /><br />
        _e('Provide a hex value color to change the color from the default blue to another color (e.g. #CCAAAA).', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Delete Bookings Pending Payment', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="text" name="paypal_booking_timeout" style="width:50px;" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e(get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_booking_timeout"));
" style='width: 40em;' /> <?php 
        _e('minutes', 'em-pro');
<br />
        _e('Once a booking is started and the user is taken to PayPal, Events Manager stores a booking record in the database to identify the incoming payment. These spaces may be considered reserved if you enable <em>Reserved unconfirmed spaces?</em> in your Events &gt; Settings page. If you would like these bookings to expire after x minutes, please enter a value above (note that bookings will be deleted, and any late payments will need to be refunded manually via PayPal).', 'em-pro');
		  <tr valign="top">
			  <th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Manually approve completed transactions?', 'em-pro');
			  	<input type="checkbox" name="paypal_manual_approval" value="1" <?php 
        echo get_option('em_' . $this->gateway . "_manual_approval") ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
 /><br />
        _e('By default, when someone pays for a booking, it gets automatically approved once the payment is confirmed. If you would like to manually verify and approve bookings, tick this box.', 'em-pro');
</em><br />
        echo sprintf(__('Approvals must also be required for all bookings in your <a href="%s">settings</a> for this to work properly.', 'em-pro'), EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-options');
	<div class="inside">
		<p class="em-boxheader">
    echo sprintf(__('This is only applicable when %s is not active.', 'dbem'), '<em>' . __('No-User Booking Mode', 'dbem') . '</em>');

    _e('When a guest user makes a booking for the first time in Events Manager, a new user account is created for them and they are sent their credentials in a seperate email, which can be modified below.', 'dbem');

		<table class='form-table'>
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Disable new registration email?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_email_disable_registration', __('Check this option if you want to prevent the WordPress registration email from going out when a user anonymously books an event.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Registration email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_registration_subject');
    em_options_textarea(__('Registration email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_registration_body', sprintf(__('%s is replaced by username and %s is replaced by the user password.', 'dbem'), '<code>%username%</code>', '<code>%password%</code>'));
    echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside -->
	</div> <!-- .postbox -->

	<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-event-submission-emails" >
	<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    echo sprintf(__('This option allows you to select which page to use as the %s page.', 'dbem'), __('tags', 'dbem'), __('tags', 'dbem'));
				<tr class="em-header">
					<td colspan="2">
    echo _e('General settings', 'dbem');
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Override with Formats?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_cp_tags_formats', sprintf($format_override_tip, __('tags', 'dbem')));

				<tr valign="top">
			   		<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Default archive ordering', 'dbem');
						<select name="dbem_tags_default_archive_orderby" >
    foreach ($event_archive_orderby_options as $key => $value) {
			 				<option value='<?php 
        echo esc_attr($key);
function em_admin_options_page()
    global $wpdb;
    //TODO place all options into an array
    $events_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#event-placeholders">' . __('Event Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $locations_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#location-placeholders">' . __('Location Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . __('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $categories_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#category-placeholders">' . __('Category Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $events_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $locations_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $locations_placeholders);
    $categories_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $categories_placeholders);
    $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s, %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders, $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $save_button = '<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><td><p class="submit" style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:right;"><input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="' . __('Save Changes') . ' (' . __('All', 'dbem') . ')" /></p></ts></td></tr>';
    //Do some multisite checking here for reuse
    $multisite_view = is_multisite() && is_super_admin() ? ' - (' . __('Only Network Admins see this', 'dbem') . ')' : '';
	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
			var close_text = '<?php 
    _e('Collapse All', 'dbem');
			var open_text = '<?php 
    _e('Expand All', 'dbem');
			var open_close = $('<a href="#" style="display:block; float:right; clear:right; margin:10px;">'+close_text+'</a>');
			$('#icon-options-general').after(open_close); function(e){
				if($(this).text() == close_text){
			//For rewrite titles
				checked_check = $('input:radio[name=dbem_disable_title_rewrites]:checked');
				if( checked_check.val() == 1 ){
			$(".postbox").addClass('closed'); //Let's start off closing everything for now.			
	<div class="wrap">
		<div id='icon-options-general' class='icon32'><br />
    _e('Event Manager Options', 'dbem');
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'bookings_migrate') {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../em-install.php';
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'bookings_migrate_delete') {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../em-install.php';
    if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . EM_PEOPLE_TABLE . "'") == EM_PEOPLE_TABLE) {
        if ($wpdb->get_var('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . EM_TICKETS_BOOKINGS_TABLE) > 0) {
				<div class='updated'>
					It looks like you've already tried reimporting some bookings into the new version (or new bookings have been made since you installed). 
					If everything looks correct, you can 
					<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;_wpnonce=<?php 
            echo wp_create_nonce('bookings_migrate_delete');
&amp;action=bookings_migrate_delete">delete the unused tables</a>, 
					or you can also safely try 
					<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;_wpnonce=<?php 
            echo wp_create_nonce('bookings_migrate');
&amp;action=bookings_migrate">re-importing again</a>.
        } else {
				<div class='updated'>
					<p>It looks like you've upgraded from Events Manager version 3.0, meaning your old bookings won't work until you re-import them. 
					Events Manager 3.0 kept booking user info in a simple database table, whereas now people that make bookings get a subscriber account so 
					they can access private booking information. You have to choice to 
					<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;_wpnonce=<?php 
            echo wp_create_nonce('bookings_migrate');
&amp;action=bookings_migrate">import all your old bookings</a> 
					and create wordpress accounts for bookers, or you can also start afresh and 
					<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;_wpnonce=<?php 
            echo wp_create_nonce('bookings_migrate_delete');
&amp;action=bookings_migrate_delete">delete the old bookings</a>.
		<form id="dbem_options_form" method="post" action="">          

			<div class="metabox-holder">         
			<!-- // TODO Move style in css -->
			<div class='postbox-container' style='width: 99.5%'>
			<div id="" class="meta-box-sortables" >
    if (is_multisite() && is_super_admin()) {
			<div  class="postbox " >
				<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
        _e('Multi Site Options', 'dbem');
        echo $multisite_view;
				<div class="inside">
		            <table class="form-table">
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable global tables mode?'), 'dbem_ms_global_table', __('Setting this to yes will make all events save in the main site event tables (EM must also be activated). This allows you to share events across different blogs, such as showing events in your network whilst allowing users to display and manage their events within their own blog. Bear in mind that activating this will mean old events created on the sub-blogs will not be accessible anymore, and if you switch back they will be but new events created during global events mode will only remain on the main site.', 'dbem'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Display global events on main blog?'), 'dbem_ms_global_events', __('Displays events from all sites on the network by default. You can still restrict events by blog using shortcodes and template tags coupled with the <code>blog</code> attribute. Requires global tables to be turned on.', 'dbem'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Link sub-site events directly to sub-site?'), 'dbem_ms_global_events_links', __('When displaying global events on the main site you have the option of users viewing the event details on the main site or being directed to the sub-site.', 'dbem'));
        echo $save_button;
				</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('General options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use recurrence?'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable bookings?'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to allow bookings and tickets for events.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use categories?'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use event attributes?'), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    /*default category*/
    $category_options = array();
    $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
    $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
    foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
        $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Category'), 'dbem_default_category', $category_options, __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location*/
    $location_options = array();
    $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
    $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
    foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
        $location_options[$EM_Location->id] = $EM_Location->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Location'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location country*/
    em_options_select(__('Default Location Country'), 'dbem_location_default_country', em_get_countries(__('no default country', 'dbem')), __('If you select a default country, that will be pre-selected when creating a new location.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Event Attributes', 'dbem'), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can also add event attributes here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), ''));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Events page', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
                 <table class="form-table">         
    //Wordpress Pages
    global $em_disable_filter;
    //Using a flag here instead
    $em_disable_filter = true;
    $get_pages = get_pages();
    $events_page_options = array();
    $events_page_options[0] = __('[No Events Page]');
    //TODO Add the hierarchy style ddm, like when choosing page parents
    foreach ($get_pages as $page) {
        $events_page_options[$page->ID] = $page->post_title;
    em_options_select(__('Events page'), 'dbem_events_page', $events_page_options, __('This option allows you to select which page to use as an events page', 'dbem'));
    $em_disable_filter = false;
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show events page in lists?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_list_events_page', __('Check this option if you want the events page to appear together with other pages in pages lists.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Display calendar in events page?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_display_calendar_in_events_page', __('This options allows to display the calendar in the events page, instead of the default list. It is recommended not to display both the calendar widget and a calendar page.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('If you would like to show events that span over more than one day, see the Calendar section on this page.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Disable title rewriting?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_disable_title_rewrites', __("Some wordpress themes don't follow best practices when generating navigation menus, and so the automatic title rewriting feature may cause problems, if your menus aren't working correctly on the event pages, try setting this to 'Yes', and provide an appropriate HTML title format below.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event Manager titles', 'dbem'), 'dbem_title_html', __("This only setting only matters if you selected 'Yes' to above. You will notice the events page titles aren't being rewritten, and you have a new title underneath the default page name. This is where you control the HTML of this title. Make sure you keep the #_PAGETITLE placeholder here, as that's what is rewritten by events manager. To control what's rewritten in this title, see settings further down for page titles.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event List Limits', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_default_limit', __("This will control how many events are shown on one list by default.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Are current events past events?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_current_are_past', __("By default, events that are have an end date later than today will be included in searches, set this to yes to consider events that started 'yesterday' as past.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show events search?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_page_search', __("If set to yes, a search form will appear just above your list of events.", 'dbem'));
					<tr valign="top" id='dbem_events_default_orderby_row'>
				   		<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Default event list ordering', 'dbem');
							<select name="dbem_events_default_orderby" >
    $orderby_options = apply_filters('em_settings_events_default_orderby_ddm', array('start_date,start_time,name' => __('Order by start date, start time, then event name', 'dbem'), 'name,start_date,start_time' => __('Order by name, start date, then start time', 'dbem'), 'name,end_date,end_time' => __('Order by name, end date, then end time', 'dbem'), 'end_date,end_time,name' => __('Order by end date, end time, then event name', 'dbem')));
    foreach ($orderby_options as $key => $value) {
				 				<option value='<?php 
        echo $key;
' <?php 
        echo $key == get_option('dbem_events_default_orderby') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
        echo $value;
							<select name="dbem_events_default_order" >
    $ascending = __('Ascending', 'dbem');
    $descending = __('Descending', 'dbem');
    $order_options = apply_filters('em_settings_events_default_order_ddm', array('ASC' => __('All Ascending', 'dbem'), 'DESC,ASC,ASC' => __("{$descending}, {$ascending}, {$ascending}", 'dbem'), 'DESC,DESC,ASC' => __("{$descending}, {$descending}, {$ascending}", 'dbem'), 'DESC' => __('All Descending', 'dbem'), 'ASC,DESC,ASC' => __("{$ascending}, {$descending}, {$ascending}", 'dbem'), 'ASC,DESC,DESC' => __("{$ascending}, {$descending}, {$descending}", 'dbem'), 'ASC,ASC,DESC' => __("{$ascending}, {$ascending}, {$descending}", 'dbem'), 'DESC,ASC,DESC' => __("{$descending}, {$ascending}, {$descending}", 'dbem')));
    foreach ($order_options as $key => $value) {
				 				<option value='<?php 
        echo $key;
' <?php 
        echo $key == get_option('dbem_events_default_order') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
        echo $value;
    _e('When Events Manager displays lists of events the default behaviour is ordering by start date in ascending order. To change this, modify the values above.', 'dbem');
					<tr valign="top" id='dbem_events_display_time_limit'>
				   		<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Event list scope', 'dbem');
								<select name="dbem_events_page_scope" >
    foreach (em_get_scopes() as $key => $value) {
									<option value='<?php 
        echo $key;
' <?php 
        echo $key == get_option('dbem_events_page_scope') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
        echo $value;
								<br />
    _e('Only show events starting within a certain time limit on the events page. Default is future events with no end time limit.', 'dbem');
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Events format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    echo sprintf(__('%s Page', 'dbem'), __('Events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Events page title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_page_title', __('The title on the multiple events page.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Default event list format header', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_list_item_format_header', __('This content will appear just above your code for the default event list format. Default is blank', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Default event list format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_list_item_format', __('The format of any events in a list.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default event list format footer', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_list_item_format_footer', __('This content will appear just below your code for the default event list format. Default is blank', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('No events message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_no_events_message', __('The message displayed when no events are available.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('List events by date title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_list_date_title', __('If viewing a page for events on a specific date, this is the title that would show up. To insert date values, use <a href="">PHP time format characters</a>  with a <code>#</code> symbol before them, i.e. <code>#m</code>, <code>#M</code>, <code>#j</code>, etc.<br/>', 'dbem'));
    echo sprintf(__('Single %s Page', 'dbem'), __('Event', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Single event page title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_page_title_format', __('The format of a single event page title.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default single event format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_single_event_format', __('The format of a single event page.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
           	<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Calendar format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    em_options_input_text(__('Small calendar title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_small_calendar_event_title_format', __('The format of the title, corresponding to the text that appears when hovering on an eventful calendar day.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('Small calendar title separator', 'dbem'), 'dbem_small_calendar_event_title_separator', __('The separator appearing on the above title when more than one events are taking place on the same day.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Full calendar events format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_full_calendar_event_format', __('The format of each event when displayed in the full calendar. Remember to include <code>li</code> tags before and after the event.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show long events on calendar pages?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_full_calendar_long_events', __("If you are showing a calendar on the events page (see Events format section on this page), you have the option of showing events that span over days on each day it occurs.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show list on day with single event?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_display_calendar_day_single', __("By default, if a calendar day only has one event, it display a single event when clicking on the link of that calendar date. If you select Yes here, you will get always see a list of events.", 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Locations format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    echo sprintf(__('%s Page', 'dbem'), __('Locations', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('%s page title', 'dbem'), __('Locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_locations_page_title', sprintf(__('The title on the multiple %s page.', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')));
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s list header format', 'dbem'), __('Locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_list_item_format_header', sprintf(__('This content will appear just above your code for the %s list format below. Default is blank', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')));
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s list item format', 'dbem'), __('Locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_list_item_format', sprintf(__('The format of a single %s in a list.', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')) . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s list footer format', 'dbem'), __('Locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_list_item_format_footer', sprintf(__('This content will appear just below your code for the %s list format above. Default is blank', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('No %s message', 'dbem'), __('Locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_no_locations_message', sprintf(__('The message displayed when no %s are available.', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')));
    echo sprintf(__('Single %s Page', 'dbem'), __('Location', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('Single %s title format', 'dbem'), __('location', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_page_title_format', __('The format of a single location page title.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('Single %s page format', 'dbem'), __('location', 'dbem')), 'dbem_single_location_format', __('The format of a single location page.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Default location balloon format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_baloon_format', __('The format of of the text appearing in the baloon describing the location a single location map.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('Default %s list format', 'dbem'), __('events', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_event_list_item_format', __('The format of the events the list inserted in the location page through the <code>#_NEXTEVENTS</code>, <code>#_PASTEVENTS</code> and <code>#_ALLEVENTS</code> element.', 'dbem') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('No %s message', 'dbem'), __('events', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_no_events_message', __('The message to be displayed in the list generated by <code>#_NEXTEVENTS</code>, <code>#_PASTEVENTS</code> and <code>#_ALLEVENTS</code> when no events are available.', 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Categories format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    echo sprintf(__('%s Page', 'dbem'), __('Categories', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('%s page title', 'dbem'), __('Categories', 'dbem')), 'dbem_categories_page_title', sprintf(__('The title on the multiple %s page.', 'dbem'), __('categories', 'dbem')));
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s list header format', 'dbem'), __('Categories', 'dbem')), 'dbem_categories_list_item_format_header', sprintf(__('This content will appear just above your code for the %s list format below. Default is blank', 'dbem'), __('categories', 'dbem')));
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s list item format', 'dbem'), __('Categories', 'dbem')), 'dbem_categories_list_item_format', sprintf(__('The format of a single %s in a list.', 'dbem'), __('categories', 'dbem')) . $categories_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s list footer format', 'dbem'), __('Categories', 'dbem')), 'dbem_categories_list_item_format_footer', sprintf(__('This content will appear just below your code for the %s list format above. Default is blank', 'dbem'), __('categories', 'dbem')));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('No %s message', 'dbem'), __('Categories', 'dbem')), 'dbem_no_categories_message', sprintf(__('The message displayed when no %s are available.', 'dbem'), __('categories', 'dbem')));
    echo sprintf(__('Single %s Page', 'dbem'), __('Category', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('Single %s title format', 'dbem'), __('category', 'dbem')), 'dbem_category_page_title_format', __('The format of a single category page title.', 'dbem') . $categories_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('Single %s page format', 'dbem'), __('category', 'dbem')), 'dbem_category_page_format', __('The format of a single category page.', 'dbem') . $categories_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('RSS feed format', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
            	<table class="form-table">
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS main title', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_main_title', __('The main title of your RSS events feed.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS main description', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_main_description', __('The main description of your RSS events feed.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_title_format', __('The format of the title of each item in the events RSS feed.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_input_text(__('RSS description format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rss_description_format', __('The format of the description of each item in the events RSS feed.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Maps and geotagging', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'> 
    $gmap_is_active = get_option('dbem_gmap_is_active');
					<tr valign="top">
						<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Enable Google Maps integration?', 'dbem');
 <input id="dbem_gmap_is_active_yes" name="dbem_gmap_is_active" type="radio" value="1" <?php 
    echo $gmap_is_active ? "checked='checked'" : '';
 <input name="dbem_gmap_is_active" type="radio" value="0" <?php 
    echo $gmap_is_active ? '' : "checked='checked'";
 /><br />
    _e('Check this option to enable Goggle Map integration.', 'dbem');
    em_options_textarea(__('Map text format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_map_text_format', __('The text format inside the map balloons.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Booking and Ticketing Options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'> 
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Approval Required?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_approval', __('Bookings will not be confirmed until the event administrator approves it.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_select(__('Currency', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_currency', em_get_currencies()->names, __('Choose your currency for displaying event pricing.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Single ticket mode?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_tickets_single', __('In single ticket mode, users can only create one ticket per booking (and will not see options to add more tickets).', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show unavailable tickets?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_tickets_show_unavailable', __('You can choose whether or not to show unavailable tickets to visitors.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Reserved unconfirmed spaces?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_approval_reserved', __('By default, event spaces become unavailable once there are enough CONFIRMED bookings. To reserve spaces even if unnapproved, choose yes.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Show multiple tickets if logged out?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_tickets_show_loggedout', __('If logged out, a user will be asked to register in order to book. However, we can show available tickets if you have more than one ticket.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow overbooking when approving?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_approval_overbooking', __('If you get a lot of pending bookings and you decide to allow more bookings than spaces allow, setting this to yes will allow you to override the event space limit when manually approving.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow guest bookings?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_anonymous', __('If enabled, guest visitors can supply an email address and a user account will automatically be created for them along with their booking. They will be also be able to log back in with that newly created account.', 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Booking Email Templates', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
    em_options_select(__('Default contact person', 'dbem'), 'dbem_default_contact_person', em_get_wp_users(), __('Select the default contact person. This user will be employed whenever a contact person is not explicitly specified for an event', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Email events admin?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_notify_admin', __("If you would like every event booking confirmation email sent to an administrator write their email here (leave blank to not send an email).", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Email contact person?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_contact_email', __('Check this option if you want the event contact to receive an email when someone books places. An email will be sent when a booking is first made (regardless if confirmed or pending)', 'dbem'));
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Contact person booking confirmed', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('An email will be sent to the event contact when a booking is first made.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Contact person email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_contact_email_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Contact person email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_contact_email_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Contact person booking cancelled', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('An email will be sent to the event contact if someone cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Contact person cancellation subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_contactperson_email_cancelled_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Contact person cancellation email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_contactperson_email_cancelled_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Confirmed booking email', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This is sent when a person\'s booking is confirmed. This will be sent automatically if approvals are required and the booking is approved. If approvals are disabled, this is sent out when a user first submits their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking confirmed email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_confirmed_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking confirmed email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_confirmed_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Pending booking email', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This will be sent to the person when they first submit their booking. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking pending email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_pending_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking pending email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_pending_body', '');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Rejected booking email', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This will be sent automatically when a booking is rejected. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking rejected email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_rejected_subject', __("The subject of the email sent to the person making a booking that is awaiting administrator approval. Not relevant if bookings don't require approval.", 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip);
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking rejected email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_rejected_body', __('The body of the email which will be sent to the person if the booking is rejected. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip);
    echo $save_button;
					<tr><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
    _e('Booking cancelled', 'dbem');
					<tr><td colspan='2'><?php 
    echo __('This will be sent when a user cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
    em_options_input_text(__('Booking cancelled email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_cancelled_subject', '');
    em_options_textarea(__('Booking cancelled email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_email_cancelled_body', '');
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
    if (!is_multisite() || is_multisite() && is_super_admin()) {
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
        _e('Email Settings', 'dbem');
        echo $multisite_view;
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
        em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender name', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_name', __("Insert the display name of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender address', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_address', __("Insert the address of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_text('Mail sending port', 'dbem_rsvp_mail_port', __("The port through which you e-mail notifications will be sent. Make sure the firewall doesn't block this port", 'dbem'));
        em_options_select(__('Mail sending method', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_send_method', array('smtp' => 'SMTP', 'mail' => __('PHP mail function', 'dbem'), 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'qmail' => 'Qmail', 'wp_mail' => 'WP Mail'), __('Select the method to send email notification.', 'dbem'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Use SMTP authentication?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_SMTPAuth', __('SMTP authentication is often needed. If you use GMail, make sure to set this parameter to Yes', 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_text('SMTP host', 'dbem_smtp_host', __("The SMTP host. Usually it corresponds to 'localhost'. If you use GMail, set this value to 'ssl://'.", 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_text(__('SMTP username', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_username', __("Insert the username to be used to access your SMTP server.", 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_password(__('SMTP password', 'dbem'), "dbem_smtp_password", __("Insert the password to be used to access your SMTP server", 'dbem'));
        echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
        _e('Images size', 'dbem');
        echo $multisite_view;
			<div class="inside">
				<table class='form-table'>
        em_options_input_text(__('Maximum width (px)', 'dbem'), 'dbem_image_max_width', __('The maximum allowed width for images uploades', 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Maximum height (px)', 'dbem'), 'dbem_image_max_height', __("The maximum allowed height for images uploaded, in pixels", 'dbem'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Maximum size (bytes)', 'dbem'), 'dbem_image_max_size', __("The maximum allowed size for images uploaded, in pixels", 'dbem'));
        echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->
			<div  class="postbox" >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
        _e('User Capabilities', 'dbem');
        echo $multisite_view;
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
	            	<tr><td colspan="2">
        _e('Warning: Changing these values may result in exposing previously hidden information to all users.');
</strong><br />
        global $wp_roles;
        global $em_capabilities_array;
	            	<tr><td colspan="2">
        _e('You can now give fine grained control with regards to what your users can do with events. Each user role can have perform different sets of actions.', 'dbem');
			            <table class="em-caps-table" style="width:auto;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        $odd = 0;
        $cap_docs = array('publish_events' => __('Users can publish events and skip any admin approval.', 'dbem'), 'edit_categories' => __('User can edit the global categories.', 'dbem'), 'delete_others_events' => __('User can delete other users events.', 'dbem'), 'delete_others_locations' => __('User can delete other users locations.', 'dbem'), 'edit_others_locations' => __('User can edit other users locations.', 'dbem'), 'manage_others_bookings' => __('User can manage other users individual bookings and event booking settings.', 'dbem'), 'edit_others_events' => __('User can edit other users events.', 'dbem'), 'delete_locations' => __('User can delete their own locations.', 'dbem'), 'delete_events' => __('User can delete their events.', 'dbem'), 'edit_locations' => __('User can edit their locations.', 'dbem'), 'manage_bookings' => __('User can use and manage bookings with their events.', 'dbem'), 'read_others_locations' => __('User can view other users locations, to make locations shared by all users allow all event user roles to view all locations.', 'dbem'), 'edit_recurrences' => __('User can create recurrent events.', 'dbem'), 'edit_events' => __('User can create and edit their events.', 'dbem'));
        foreach (array_keys($em_capabilities_array) as $capability) {
<th class="<?php 
            echo $capability;
            echo !is_int($odd / 2) ? 'odd' : '';
">&nbsp;<a href="#" title="<?php 
            echo $cap_docs[$capability];
        foreach ($wp_roles->role_objects as $role) {
			            			<td class="cap"><strong><?php 
            echo $role->name;
            $odd = 0;
            foreach (array_keys($em_capabilities_array) as $capability) {
<td class="<?php 
                echo !is_int($odd / 2) ? 'odd' : '';
"><input type="checkbox" name="em_capabilities[<?php 
                echo $role->name;
                echo $capability;
]" value="1" <?php 
                echo $role->has_cap($capability) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox -->    

    <div  class="postbox " >
    <div class="handlediv" title="<?php __('Click to toggle'); ?>"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php _e ( 'Debug Modes', 'dbem' ); ?> </span></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    	<table class='form-table'>
    		em_options_radio_binary ( __( 'EM Debug Mode?', 'dbem' ), 'dbem_debug', __( 'Setting this to yes will display different content to admins for event pages and emails so you can see all the available placeholders and their values.', 'dbem' ) );
    		em_options_radio_binary ( __( 'WP Debug Mode?', 'dbem' ), 'dbem_wp_debug', __( 'This will turn WP_DEBUG mode on. Useful if you want to troubleshoot php errors without looking at your logs.', 'dbem' ) );
    </div> <!-- . inside -->
    </div> <!-- .postbox -->

			<p class="submit">
				<input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes');
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="em-submitted" value="1" />
			</div> <!-- .metabox-sortables -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox-container -->
			</div> <!-- .metabox-holder -->	
_e('The option below allows you to disable user accounts and assign all bookings to a parent user, yet you will still see the supplied booking personal information for each booking. When this mode is enabled, extra booking information about the person is stored alongside the booking record rather than as a WordPress user.', 'dbem');
_e('Users with accounts (which would be created by other means when this mode is enabled) will still be able to log in and make bookings linked to their account as normal.', 'dbem');
_e('<strong>Warning : </strong> Various features afforded to users with an account will not be available, e.g. viewing bookings. Once you enable this and select a user, modifying these values will prevent older non-user bookings from displaying the correct information.', 'dbem');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable No-User Booking Mode?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_disable', __('This disables user registrations for bookings.', 'dbem'));
em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow bookings with registered emails?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_disable_user_emails', __('By default, if a guest tries to book an event using the email of a user account on your site they will be asked to log in, selecting yes will bypass this security measure.', 'dbem') . '<br />' . __('<strong>Warning : </strong> By enabling this, registered users will not be able to see bookings they make as guests in their "My Bookings" page.', 'dbem'));
$current_user = array();
if (get_option('dbem_bookings_registration_user')) {
    $user = get_user_by('id', get_option('dbem_bookings_registration_user'));
    $current_user[$user->ID] = $user->display_name;
    em_options_input_text(__('Assign bookings to', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_user', __('Please add a User ID.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('Choose a parent user to assign bookings to. People making their booking will be unaware of this and will never have access to those user details. This should be a subscriber user you do not use to log in with yourself.', 'dbem'));
} else {
    em_options_select(__('Assign bookings to', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_user', em_get_wp_users(array('role' => 'subscriber'), $current_user), __('Choose a parent user to assign bookings to. People making their booking will be unaware of this and will never have access to those user details. This should be a subscriber user you do not use to log in with yourself.', 'dbem'));
echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside -->
    public static function emails()
        global $save_button;
        $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="' . EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . esc_html__emp('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
        $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(esc_html__emp('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders);
		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-multiple-booking-emails" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
        _e('Multiple Booking Email Templates', 'em-pro');
		<div class="inside">
		    <div class="em-boxheader">
        echo sprintf(__('When users make a booking in Multiple Bookings Mode or cancels their booking, these emails get sent to the attendee and administrator emails you assign in the %s section above.', 'em-pro'), '<code>' . esc_html__emp('Booking Email Templates', 'dbem') . '</code>');
        _e('When administrators modify a set of multiple bookings rather than individual events, these templates will be used to notify the attendee.', 'em-pro');
			<table class='form-table'>
        $email_subject_tip = esc_html__emp('You can disable this email by leaving the subject blank.', 'dbem');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Email event owners?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email', sprintf(__('If enabled, additional emails will be sent to administrators and event owners for EVERY event booked based on the above %s settings.', 'em-pro'), '<code>' . esc_html__emp('Booking Email Templates', 'dbem') . '</code>'));
				<tr class="em-header"><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
        esc_html_e_emp('Event Admin/Owner Emails', 'dbem');
				<tbody class="em-subsection">
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Contact person booking confirmed', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('An email will be sent to the event contact when a booking is first made.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Contact person email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Contact person email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Contact person booking cancelled', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('An email will be sent to the event contact if someone cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Contact person cancellation subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_cancelled_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Contact person cancellation email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_cancelled_body', '');
				<tbody class="em-subsection">
    				<tr class="em-header"><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
        esc_html_e_emp('Booked User Emails', 'dbem');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Confirmed booking email', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('This is sent when a person\'s booking is confirmed. This will be sent automatically if approvals are required and the booking is approved. If approvals are disabled, this is sent out when a user first submits their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Booking confirmed email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_confirmed_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Booking confirmed email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_confirmed_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Pending booking email', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('This will be sent to the person when they first submit their booking. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Booking pending email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_pending_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Booking pending email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_pending_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Rejected booking email', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('This will be sent automatically when a booking is rejected. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Booking rejected email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_rejected_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Booking rejected email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_rejected_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Booking cancelled', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('This will be sent when a user cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Booking cancelled email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_cancelled_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Booking cancelled email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_cancelled_body', '');
        echo $save_button;
		</div> <!-- . inside -->
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->
 * Displays network-related options in the network admin section
 * @uses em_options_save() to save settings 
function em_ms_admin_options_page()
    global $wpdb, $EM_Notices;
    //Check for uninstall/reset request
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'uninstall') {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'reset') {
    //TODO place all options into an array
    $events_placeholders = '<a href="' . EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;events-manager-help#event-placeholders">' . __('Event Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $locations_placeholders = '<a href="' . EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;events-manager-help#location-placeholders">' . __('Location Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="' . EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . __('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $categories_placeholders = '<a href="' . EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;events-manager-help#category-placeholders">' . __('Category Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $events_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $locations_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $locations_placeholders);
    $categories_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $categories_placeholders);
    $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s, %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders, $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $save_button = '<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><td><p class="submit" style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:right;"><input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="' . __('Save Changes', 'dbem') . ' (' . __('All', 'dbem') . ')" /></p></ts></td></tr>';
    //Do some multisite checking here for reuse
	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
			var close_text = '<?php 
    _e('Collapse All', 'dbem');
			var open_text = '<?php 
    _e('Expand All', 'dbem');
			var open_close = $('<a href="#" style="display:block; float:right; clear:right; margin:10px;">'+open_text+'</a>');
			$('#em-options-title').before(open_close); function(e){
				if($(this).text() == close_text){
			$(".postbox > h3").click(function(){ $(this).parent().toggleClass('closed'); });
			//MS Mode selection hiders 
			$('input[name="dbem_ms_global_table"]').change(function(){ //global
				if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_ms_global_table"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
				if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_ms_global_events"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
					$("tr#dbem_ms_global_events_links_row, tr#dbem_ms_events_slug_row").hide();					
				if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_ms_global_events_links"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
				if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_ms_mainblog_locations"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
				if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_ms_global_locations"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
					$("tr#dbem_ms_global_locations_links_row, tr#dbem_ms_locations_slug_row").hide();					
				if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_ms_global_locations_links"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
	<style type="text/css">.postbox h3 { cursor:pointer; }</style>
	<div class="wrap">		
		<div id='icon-options-general' class='icon32'><br /></div>
		<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
			<a href="#" id="em-menu-general" class="nav-tab nav-tab-active"><?php 
    _e('General', 'dbem');
		<h3 id="em-options-title"><?php 
    _e('Event Manager Options', 'dbem');
    echo $EM_Notices;
		<form id="em-options-form" method="post" action="">
			<div class="metabox-holder">         
			<!-- // TODO Move style in css -->
			<div class='postbox-container' style='width: 99.5%'>
			<div id="">
		  	<div class="em-menu-general em-menu-group">
				<div  class="postbox " >
					<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
    _e('Multi Site Options', 'dbem');
					<div class="inside">
			            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable global tables mode?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_ms_global_table', __('Setting this to yes will make all events save in the main site event tables (EM must also be activated). This allows you to share events across different blogs, such as showing events in your network whilst allowing users to display and manage their events within their own blog. Bear in mind that activating this will mean old events created on the sub-blogs will not be accessible anymore, and if you switch back they will be but new events created during global events mode will only remain on the main site.', 'dbem'));
							<tbody class="em-global-options">
    global $current_site;
    $global_slug_tip = __('%s belonging to other sub-sites will have an extra slug preppended to it so that your main site can differentiate between its own %s and those belonging to other sites in your network.');
    $global_link_tip = __('When displaying global %s on the main site you have the option of users viewing the %s details on the main site or being directed to the sub-site.', 'dbem');
    $global_post_tip = __('Displays %s from all sites on the network by default. You can still restrict %s by blog using shortcodes and template tags coupled with the <code>blog</code> attribute. Requires global tables to be turned on.', 'dbem');
    $global_link_tip2 = __('You <strong>must</strong> have assigned a %s page in your <a href="%s">main blog settings</a> for this to work.');
    $options_page_link = get_admin_url($current_site->blog_id, 'edit.php?post_type=event&page=events-manager-options#pages');
    echo sprintf(__('%s Options', 'dbem'), __('Event', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Display global events on main blog?', 'dbem'), __('events', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_global_events', sprintf($global_post_tip, __('events', 'dbem'), __('events', 'dbem')));
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Link sub-site %s directly to sub-site?', 'dbem'), __('events', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_global_events_links', sprintf($global_link_tip, __('events', 'dbem'), __('event', 'dbem')) . sprintf($global_link_tip2, __('event', 'dbem'), $options_page_link));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('Global %s slug', 'dbem'), __('event', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_events_slug', sprintf($global_slug_tip, __('Events', 'dbem'), __('events', 'dbem')) . __('Example:', 'dbem') . '<code><strong>event</strong>/subsite-event-slug/', EM_EVENT_SLUG);
    echo sprintf(__('%s Options', 'dbem'), __('Location', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Locations on main blog?', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_mainblog_locations', __('If you would prefer all your locations to belong to your main blog, users in sub-sites will still be able to create locations, but the actual locations are created and reside in the main blog.', 'dbem'));
							<tbody class="em-global-options em-global-locations">
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Display global %s on main blog?', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_global_locations', sprintf($global_post_tip, __('locations', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')));
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Link sub-site %s directly to sub-site?', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_global_locations_links', sprintf($global_link_tip, __('locations', 'dbem'), __('location', 'dbem')) . sprintf($global_link_tip2, __('location', 'dbem'), $options_page_link));
    em_options_input_text(sprintf(__('Global %s slug', 'dbem'), __('event', 'dbem')), 'dbem_ms_locations_slug', sprintf($global_slug_tip, __('Locations', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')) . __('Example:', 'dbem') . '<code><strong>location</strong>/subsite-location-slug/', EM_LOCATION_SLUG);
    echo $save_button;
					</div> <!-- . inside --> 
				</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
    //including shared MS/non-MS boxes
			</div> <!-- .em-menu-general -->
		  	<div class="em-menu-pages em-menu-group" style="display:none;">				
			</div> <!-- .em-menu-pages -->

			<p class="submit">
				<input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes');
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="em-submitted" value="1" />
				<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('events-manager-options');
" />
			</div> <!-- .metabox-sortables -->
			</div> <!-- .postbox-container -->
			</div> <!-- .metabox-holder -->	
     * Generates meta box for settings page 
    public static function custom_email_options()
        global $save_button;
		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-custom-emails" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><?php 
        _e('Custom Booking Email Templates', 'em-pro');
		<div class="inside">
			<table class='form-table'>
				<tr class="em-boxheader"><td colspan='2'>
        _e('You can customize the email templates sent when users make a booking for one of your events.', 'em-pro');
        em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(_x('Enable %s?', 'Enable a feature in settings page', 'em-pro'), __('Custom Booking Email Templates', 'em-pro')), 'dbem_custom_emails', '');
				<tbody class="dbem-js-custom-emails">
					<tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2"><h4><?php 
        _e('Event Emails', 'em-pro');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow custom emails for events?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_custom_emails_events', __('Allow custom booking email templates to be configured for individual events.', 'em-pro') . ' ' . __('Users with the %s user capability will be able to do this when adding/editing events.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow custom admin email addresses for events?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_custom_emails_events_admins', __('Allow adding custom email addresses to be addded to individual events.', 'em-pro') . ' ' . __('Users with the %s user capability will be able to do this when adding/editing events.', 'em-pro'));
					<tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2"><h4><?php 
        _e('Gateway Emails', 'em-pro');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow custom emails for gateways?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_custom_emails_gateways', sprintf(__('Allow administrators of this blog to configure custom booking email templates inside each %s settings page.', 'em-pro'), '<a href="' . admin_url('edit.php?post_type=event&page=events-manager-gateways') . '">' . __('Payment Gateways', 'em-pro') . '</a>'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow custom admin email addresses for gateways?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_custom_emails_gateways_admins', sprintf(__('Allow administrators of this blog to add additional admin email addresses for gateways inside each %s settings page.', 'em-pro'), '<a href="' . admin_url('edit.php?post_type=event&page=events-manager-gateways') . '">' . __('Payment Gateways', 'em-pro') . '</a>'));
        echo $save_button;
		</div> <!-- . inside -->
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->
		<script type="text/javascript">
					if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_custom_emails"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
				$('input:radio[name="dbem_custom_emails_events"], input:radio[name="dbem_custom_emails_gateways"]').change(function(){
					if( $('input:radio[name="''"]:checked').val() == 1 ){
文件: general.php 项目: interfisch/lm
_e('Below are some additional options for individual pages and sections, which you can turn on to enforce custom styling provided by the plugin or off if you want to do your own custom styling.', 'events-manager');
        <table class="form-table">
em_options_radio_binary(__('Search forms', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_search');
			<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan="2">The options below currently have no effect, but are there so you know what may be added in future updates. You can leave them on if you want furture styling to take effect, or turn them off to keep your current styles as is.</td><tr>
em_options_radio_binary(__('Event/Location admin pages', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_editors');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Booking admin pages', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_rsvpadmin');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Events list page', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_evlist');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Locations list page', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_loclist');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Event booking forms', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_rsvp');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Categories list page', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_catlist');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Tags list page', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_css_taglist');
echo $save_button;
	</div> <!-- . inside --> 
	</div> <!-- .postbox -->
if (!is_multisite()) {
if (get_option('dbem_migrate_images')) {
        <table class="form-table">
em_options_radio_binary(__('Search forms', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_search');

			<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan="2">The options below currently have no effect, but are there so you know what may be added in future updates. You can leave them on if you want furture styling to take effect, or turn them off to keep your current styles as is.</td><tr>
em_options_radio_binary(__('Event/Location admin pages', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_editors');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Booking admin pages', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_rsvpadmin');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Events list page', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_evlist');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Locations list page', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_loclist');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Event booking forms', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_rsvp');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Categories list page', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_catlist');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Tags list page', 'dbem'), 'dbem_css_taglist');
echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside --> 
	</div> <!-- .postbox -->
if (!is_multisite()) {

function em_admin_option_box_uninstall()
    global $save_button;
    if (is_multisite()) {
        $uninstall_url = admin_url() . 'network/admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;action=uninstall&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_uninstall_' . get_current_user_id() . '_wpnonce');
        $reset_url = admin_url() . 'network/admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;action=reset&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_reset_' . get_current_user_id() . '_wpnonce');
        $recheck_updates_url = admin_url() . 'network/admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;action=recheck_updates&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_recheck_updates_' . get_current_user_id() . '_wpnonce');
        $check_devs = admin_url() . 'network/admin.php?page=events-manager-options&amp;action=check_devs&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_check_devs_wpnonce');
    } else {
        $uninstall_url = EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-options&amp;action=uninstall&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_uninstall_' . get_current_user_id() . '_wpnonce');
        $reset_url = EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-options&amp;action=reset&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_reset_' . get_current_user_id() . '_wpnonce');
        $recheck_updates_url = EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-options&amp;action=recheck_updates&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_recheck_updates_' . get_current_user_id() . '_wpnonce');
        $check_devs = EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-options&amp;action=check_devs&amp;_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('em_check_devs_wpnonce');
	<div  class="postbox" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
    _e('Admin Tools', 'dbem');
    _e('Advanced', 'dbem');
		<div class="inside">
			<h4 style="font-size:1.1em;"><?php 
    _e('Development Versions &amp; Updates', 'dbem');
    _e('We\'re always making improvements, adding features and fixing bugs between releases. We incrementally make these changes in between updates and make it available as a development version. You can download these manually, but we\'ve made it easy for you. <strong>Warning:</strong> Development versions are not always fully tested before release, use wisely!');
			<table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable Dev Updates?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_pro_dev_updates', __('If enabled, the latest dev version will always be checked instead of the latest stable version of the plugin.'));
			<p><a href="<?php 
    echo $recheck_updates_url;
" class="button-secondary"><?php 
    _e('Re-Check Updates', 'dbem');
</a> - <?php 
    _e('If you would like to check and see if there is a new stable update.', 'dbem');
			<p><a href="<?php 
    echo $check_devs;
" class="button-secondary"><?php 
    _e('Check Dev Versions', 'dbem');
</a> - <?php 
    _e('If you would like to download a dev version, but just as a one-off, you can force a dev version check by clicking the button below. If there is one available, it should appear in your plugin updates page as a regular update.', 'dbem');
			<h4 style="font-size:1.1em;"><?php 
    _e('Uninstall/Reset', 'dbem');
    _e('Use the buttons below to uninstall Events Manager completely from your system or reset Events Manager to original settings and keep your event data.', 'dbem');
			<a href="<?php 
    echo $uninstall_url;
" class="button-secondary"><?php 
    _e('Uninstall', 'dbem');
			<a href="<?php 
    echo $reset_url;
" class="button-secondary"><?php 
    _e('Reset', 'dbem');
    echo $save_button;
     * Generates meta box for settings page 
    function options()
        global $save_button;
		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-email-reminders" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><?php 
        _e('Event Email Reminders', 'em-pro');
		<div class="inside">
			<table class='form-table'>
				<tr><td colspan='2'>
        _e('Events Manager can send people that booked a place at your events a reminder email before it starts.', 'em-pro');
        echo sprintf(__('We use <a href="%s">WP Cron</a> for scheduling checks for future events, which relies on site visits to trigger these tasks to run. If you have low levels of site traffic, this may not happen frequently enough, so you may want to consider forcing WP-Cron to run every few minutes. For more information, <a href="%s">read this tutorial</a> on setting up WP Cron.', 'em-pro'), '#emails', '#emails');
        _e('<strong>Important!</strong>, you should use SMTP as your email setup if you are sending automated emails in this way for optimal performance. Other methods are not suited to sending mass emails.', 'em-pro');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable Email Reminders?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_cron_emails', '');
        em_options_input_text(__('Days before reminder', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_days', __('You can choose to send people attending your event x days before the event starts. Minimum is one day.'), 1);
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Attach ical invite?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_ical', __('If using SMTP in your email settings. You can automatically attach an ical file which some email clients (e.g. gmail) will render as an invitation they can add to their calendar.'));
        $days = get_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_days', 1);
        _e('WP Cron Time', 'em-pro');
						<input class="em-time-input em-time-start" type="text" name="dbem_emp_emails_reminder_time" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_time', '12:00 AM');
" /><br />
        _e('Every day Events Manager automatically checks upcoming events in order to generate emails. You can choose at what time of day to run this check, if your site has a lot of traffic, it may help having this run at times of lower server loads.', 'em-pro');
        em_options_input_text(__('Reminder subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_subject', '');
        em_options_textarea(__('Approved email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_body', '');
        echo $save_button;
		</div> <!-- . inside -->
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->