foreach ($_REQUEST["Selected"] as $appr_id) { // lets build the query string $appr_id = intval($appr_id); $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments SET `approved` = 1 WHERE `id`= '{$appr_id}'"; $result = run_query($query); $num_items++; } $output .= "<p class=\"actions\">" . sprintf(plog_tr('You have approved %d comment(s) successfully.'), $num_items) . "</p>"; } else { $output .= "<p class=\"errors\">" . plog_tr('Nothing selected to approve!') . "</p>"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { if ($_REQUEST["action"] == "edit-comment") { // show the edit form $output .= edit_comment_form($_REQUEST["pid"]); } else { if ($_REQUEST["action"] == "update-comment") { // update comment in database $result = update_comment($_POST["pid"], $_POST["author"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["url"], $_POST["comment"]); if (isset($result['errors'])) { $output .= '<p class="errors">' . $result['errors'] . '</p>'; } elseif (isset($result['output'])) { $output .= '<p class="actions">' . $result['output'] . '</p>'; } } } } $output .= '<form id="contentList" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '" method="get">'; $allowedCommentKeys = array("unix_date", "author", "email", "url", "comment"); // lets iterate through all the content and build a table
<label for="allow_comments" accesskey="w">Allo<em>w</em> Comments?<label><br /><input type="checkbox" id="allow_comments" name="allow_comments" value="1"' . " {$state}>"; $output .= '<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="' . $photo['id'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="update-picture"><button class="submit" type="submit">Update</button>'; $output .= '</form>'; } else { if ($_GET["action"] == "edit-album") { // show the edit form $output .= plog_edit_album_form($_REQUEST["id"]); } else { if ($_GET["action"] == "edit-collection") { $output .= plog_edit_collection_form($_GET["id"]); } else { if ($_GET["action"] == "edit-comment") { // show the edit form $output .= edit_comment_form($_GET["pid"]); } } } } } else { if (!empty($_POST["action"])) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'update-picture') { $action_result = update_picture($_POST['pid'], $_POST['caption'], $_POST['allow_comments'], $_POST['description']); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'update-album') { $action_result = update_album($_POST['pid'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['thumbnail_id']); } else { if ($_POST["action"] == "update-collection") { $action_result = update_collection($_POST["pid"], $_POST["name"], $_POST["description"], $_POST["thumbnail_id"]); } else {