/** * Get Purchase Link * * Builds a Purchase link for a specified download based on arguments passed. * This function is used all over EDD to generate the Purchase or Add to Cart * buttons. If no arguments are passed, the function uses the defaults that have * been set by the plugin. The Purchase link is built for simple and variable * pricing and filters are available throughout the function to override * certain elements of the function. * * $download_id = null, $link_text = null, $style = null, $color = null, $class = null * * @since 1.0 * @param array $args Arguments for display * @return string $purchase_form */ function edd_get_purchase_link($args = array()) { global $edd_options, $post; if (!isset($edd_options['purchase_page']) || $edd_options['purchase_page'] == 0) { edd_set_error('set_checkout', sprintf(__('No checkout page has been configured. Visit <a href="%s">Settings</a> to set one.', 'edd'), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings'))); edd_print_errors(); return false; } $post_id = is_object($post) ? $post->ID : 0; $defaults = apply_filters('edd_purchase_link_defaults', array('download_id' => $post_id, 'price' => (bool) true, 'direct' => edd_get_download_button_behavior($post_id) == 'direct' ? true : false, 'text' => !empty($edd_options['add_to_cart_text']) ? $edd_options['add_to_cart_text'] : __('Purchase', 'edd'), 'style' => isset($edd_options['button_style']) ? $edd_options['button_style'] : 'button', 'color' => isset($edd_options['checkout_color']) ? $edd_options['checkout_color'] : 'blue', 'class' => 'edd-submit')); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if ('publish' != get_post_field('post_status', $args['download_id']) && !current_user_can('edit_product', $args['download_id'])) { return false; // Product not published or user doesn't have permission to view drafts } // Override color if color == inherit $args['color'] = $args['color'] == 'inherit' ? '' : $args['color']; $variable_pricing = edd_has_variable_prices($args['download_id']); $data_variable = $variable_pricing ? ' data-variable-price="yes"' : 'data-variable-price="no"'; $type = edd_single_price_option_mode($args['download_id']) ? 'data-price-mode=multi' : 'data-price-mode=single'; if ($args['price'] && $args['price'] !== 'no' && !$variable_pricing) { $price = edd_get_download_price($args['download_id']); $button_text = !empty($args['text']) ? ' – ' . $args['text'] : ''; if (0 == $price) { $args['text'] = __('Free', 'edd') . $button_text; } else { $args['text'] = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($price)) . $button_text; } } if (edd_item_in_cart($args['download_id']) && !$variable_pricing) { $button_display = 'style="display:none;"'; $checkout_display = ''; } else { $button_display = ''; $checkout_display = 'style="display:none;"'; } global $edd_displayed_form_ids; $form_id = !empty($args['form_id']) ? $args['form_id'] : 'edd_purchase_' . $args['download_id']; $args = apply_filters('edd_purchase_link_args', $args); ob_start(); ?> <form id="<?php echo $form_id; ?> " class="edd_download_purchase_form" method="post"> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_link_top', $args['download_id'], $args); ?> <div class="edd_purchase_submit_wrapper"> <?php $class = implode(' ', array($args['style'], $args['color'], trim($args['class']))); if (!edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { echo '<a href="#" class="edd-add-to-cart ' . esc_attr($class) . '" data-action="edd_add_to_cart" data-download-id="' . esc_attr($args['download_id']) . '" ' . $data_variable . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $button_display . '><span class="edd-add-to-cart-label">' . $args['text'] . '</span> <span class="edd-loading"><i class="edd-icon-spinner edd-icon-spin"></i></span></a>'; } echo '<input type="submit" class="edd-add-to-cart edd-no-js ' . esc_attr($class) . '" name="edd_purchase_download" value="' . esc_attr($args['text']) . '" data-action="edd_add_to_cart" data-download-id="' . esc_attr($args['download_id']) . '" ' . $data_variable . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $button_display . '/>'; echo '<a href="' . esc_url(edd_get_checkout_uri()) . '" class="edd_go_to_checkout ' . esc_attr($class) . '" ' . $checkout_display . '>' . __('Checkout', 'edd') . '</a>'; ?> <?php if (!edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { ?> <span class="edd-cart-ajax-alert"> <span class="edd-cart-added-alert" style="display: none;"> <?php printf(__('<i class="edd-icon-ok"></i> Added to cart', 'edd'), '<a href="' . esc_url(edd_get_checkout_uri()) . '" title="' . __('Go to Checkout', 'edd') . '">', '</a>'); ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if (edd_display_tax_rate() && edd_prices_include_tax()) { echo '<span class="edd_purchase_tax_rate">' . sprintf(__('Includes %1$s% tax', 'edd'), edd_get_tax_rate() * 100) . '</span>'; } elseif (edd_display_tax_rate() && !edd_prices_include_tax()) { echo '<span class="edd_purchase_tax_rate">' . sprintf(__('Excluding %1$s% tax', 'edd'), edd_get_tax_rate() * 100) . '</span>'; } ?> </div><!--end .edd_purchase_submit_wrapper--> <input type="hidden" name="download_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr($args['download_id']); ?> "> <?php if (!empty($args['direct'])) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="edd_action" class="edd_action_input" value="straight_to_gateway"> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="edd_action" class="edd_action_input" value="add_to_cart"> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_link_end', $args['download_id'], $args); ?> </form><!--end #<?php echo esc_attr($form_id); ?> --> <?php $purchase_form = ob_get_clean(); return apply_filters('edd_purchase_download_form', $purchase_form, $args); }
/** * Load Scripts * * Enqueues the required scripts. * * @since 1.0 * @global $post * @return void */ function edd_load_scripts() { global $post; $js_dir = EDD_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/'; // Use minified libraries if SCRIPT_DEBUG is turned off $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; // Get position in cart of current download if (isset($post->ID)) { $position = edd_get_item_position_in_cart($post->ID); } if (edd_is_checkout()) { if (edd_is_cc_verify_enabled()) { wp_register_script('creditCardValidator', $js_dir . 'jquery.creditCardValidator' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery'), EDD_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('creditCardValidator'); } wp_register_script('edd-checkout-global', $js_dir . 'edd-checkout-global' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery'), EDD_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('edd-checkout-global'); wp_localize_script('edd-checkout-global', 'edd_global_vars', apply_filters('edd_global_checkout_script_vars', array('ajaxurl' => edd_get_ajax_url(), 'checkout_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('edd_checkout_nonce'), 'currency_sign' => edd_currency_filter(''), 'currency_pos' => edd_get_option('currency_position', 'before'), 'no_gateway' => __('Please select a payment method', 'edd'), 'no_discount' => __('Please enter a discount code', 'edd'), 'enter_discount' => __('Enter discount', 'edd'), 'discount_applied' => __('Discount Applied', 'edd'), 'no_email' => __('Please enter an email address before applying a discount code', 'edd'), 'no_username' => __('Please enter a username before applying a discount code', 'edd'), 'purchase_loading' => __('Please Wait...', 'edd'), 'complete_purchase' => __('Purchase', 'edd'), 'taxes_enabled' => edd_use_taxes() ? '1' : '0', 'edd_version' => EDD_VERSION))); } // Load AJAX scripts, if enabled if (!edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { wp_register_script('edd-ajax', $js_dir . 'edd-ajax' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery'), EDD_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('edd-ajax'); wp_localize_script('edd-ajax', 'edd_scripts', apply_filters('edd_ajax_script_vars', array('ajaxurl' => edd_get_ajax_url(), 'position_in_cart' => isset($position) ? $position : -1, 'already_in_cart_message' => __('You have already added this item to your cart', 'edd'), 'empty_cart_message' => __('Your cart is empty', 'edd'), 'loading' => __('Loading', 'edd'), 'select_option' => __('Please select an option', 'edd'), 'ajax_loader' => set_url_scheme(EDD_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/images/loading.gif', 'relative'), 'is_checkout' => edd_is_checkout() ? '1' : '0', 'default_gateway' => edd_get_default_gateway(), 'redirect_to_checkout' => edd_straight_to_checkout() || edd_is_checkout() ? '1' : '0', 'checkout_page' => edd_get_checkout_uri(), 'permalinks' => get_option('permalink_structure') ? '1' : '0', 'quantities_enabled' => edd_item_quantities_enabled(), 'taxes_enabled' => edd_use_taxes() ? '1' : '0'))); } }
<?php global $post; ?> <table id="edd_checkout_cart" class="table table-striped table-bordered <?php if (!edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { echo 'ajaxed'; } ?> "> <thead> <tr class="edd_cart_header_row"> <?php do_action('edd_checkout_table_header_first'); ?> <th class="edd_cart_item_name"><?php esc_html_e('Item Name', 'helium'); ?> </th> <th class="edd_cart_item_price"><?php esc_html_e('Item Price', 'helium'); ?> </th> <th class="edd_cart_actions"><?php esc_html_e('Actions', 'helium'); ?> </th> <?php do_action('edd_checkout_table_header_last'); ?> </tr>
/** * Renders the Checkout Submit section * * @since 1.3.3 * @return void */ function edd_checkout_submit() { ?> <fieldset id="edd_purchase_submit"> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_form_before_submit'); ?> <?php edd_checkout_hidden_fields(); ?> <?php echo edd_checkout_button_purchase(); ?> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_form_after_submit'); ?> <?php if (edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { ?> <p class="edd-cancel"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><?php _e('Go back', 'edd'); ?> </a></p> <?php } ?> </fieldset> <?php }
/** * Get Purchase Link * * Builds a Purchase link for a specified download based on arguments passed. * This function is used all over EDD to generate the Purchase or Add to Cart * buttons. If no arguments are passed, the function uses the defaults that have * been set by the plugin. The Purchase link is built for simple and variable * pricing and filters are available throughout the function to override * certain elements of the function. * * $download_id = null, $link_text = null, $style = null, $color = null, $class = null * * @since 1.0 * @param array $args Arguments for display * @return string $purchase_form */ function edd_get_purchase_link($args = array()) { global $post, $edd_displayed_form_ids; $purchase_page = edd_get_option('purchase_page', false); if (!$purchase_page || $purchase_page == 0) { edd_set_error('set_checkout', sprintf(__('No checkout page has been configured. Visit <a href="%s">Settings</a> to set one.', 'easy-digital-downloads'), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings'))); edd_print_errors(); return false; } $post_id = is_object($post) ? $post->ID : 0; $button_behavior = edd_get_download_button_behavior($post_id); $defaults = apply_filters('edd_purchase_link_defaults', array('download_id' => $post_id, 'price' => (bool) true, 'price_id' => isset($args['price_id']) ? $args['price_id'] : false, 'direct' => $button_behavior == 'direct' ? true : false, 'text' => $button_behavior == 'direct' ? edd_get_option('buy_now_text', __('Buy Now', 'easy-digital-downloads')) : edd_get_option('add_to_cart_text', __('Purchase', 'easy-digital-downloads')), 'style' => edd_get_option('button_style', 'button'), 'color' => edd_get_option('checkout_color', 'blue'), 'class' => 'edd-submit')); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); // Override the stright_to_gateway if the shop doesn't support it if (!edd_shop_supports_buy_now()) { $args['direct'] = false; } $download = new EDD_Download($args['download_id']); if (empty($download->ID)) { return false; } if ('publish' !== $download->post_status && !current_user_can('edit_product', $download->ID)) { return false; // Product not published or user doesn't have permission to view drafts } // Override color if color == inherit $args['color'] = $args['color'] == 'inherit' ? '' : $args['color']; $options = array(); $variable_pricing = $download->has_variable_prices(); $data_variable = $variable_pricing ? ' data-variable-price="yes"' : 'data-variable-price="no"'; $type = $download->is_single_price_mode() ? 'data-price-mode=multi' : 'data-price-mode=single'; $show_price = $args['price'] && $args['price'] !== 'no'; $data_price_value = 0; $price = false; if ($variable_pricing && false !== $args['price_id']) { $price_id = $args['price_id']; $prices = $download->prices; $options['price_id'] = $args['price_id']; $found_price = isset($prices[$price_id]) ? $prices[$price_id]['amount'] : false; $data_price_value = $found_price; if ($show_price) { $price = $found_price; } } elseif (!$variable_pricing) { $data_price_value = $download->price; if ($show_price) { $price = $download->price; } } $args['display_price'] = $data_price_value; $data_price = 'data-price="' . $data_price_value . '"'; $button_text = !empty($args['text']) ? ' – ' . $args['text'] : ''; if (false !== $price) { if (0 == $price) { $args['text'] = __('Free', 'easy-digital-downloads') . $button_text; } else { $args['text'] = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($price)) . $button_text; } } if (edd_item_in_cart($download->ID, $options) && (!$variable_pricing || !$download->is_single_price_mode())) { $button_display = 'style="display:none;"'; $checkout_display = ''; } else { $button_display = ''; $checkout_display = 'style="display:none;"'; } // Collect any form IDs we've displayed already so we can avoid duplicate IDs if (isset($edd_displayed_form_ids[$download->ID])) { $edd_displayed_form_ids[$download->ID]++; } else { $edd_displayed_form_ids[$download->ID] = 1; } $form_id = !empty($args['form_id']) ? $args['form_id'] : 'edd_purchase_' . $download->ID; // If we've already generated a form ID for this download ID, apped -# if ($edd_displayed_form_ids[$download->ID] > 1) { $form_id .= '-' . $edd_displayed_form_ids[$download->ID]; } $args = apply_filters('edd_purchase_link_args', $args); ob_start(); ?> <form id="<?php echo $form_id; ?> " class="edd_download_purchase_form edd_purchase_<?php echo absint($download->ID); ?> " method="post"> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_link_top', $download->ID, $args); ?> <div class="edd_purchase_submit_wrapper"> <?php $class = implode(' ', array($args['style'], $args['color'], trim($args['class']))); if (!edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { echo '<a href="#" class="edd-add-to-cart ' . esc_attr($class) . '" data-action="edd_add_to_cart" data-download-id="' . esc_attr($download->ID) . '" ' . $data_variable . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $data_price . ' ' . $button_display . '><span class="edd-add-to-cart-label">' . $args['text'] . '</span> <span class="edd-loading"><i class="edd-icon-spinner edd-icon-spin"></i></span></a>'; } echo '<input type="submit" class="edd-add-to-cart edd-no-js ' . esc_attr($class) . '" name="edd_purchase_download" value="' . esc_attr($args['text']) . '" data-action="edd_add_to_cart" data-download-id="' . esc_attr($download->ID) . '" ' . $data_variable . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $button_display . '/>'; echo '<a href="' . esc_url(edd_get_checkout_uri()) . '" class="edd_go_to_checkout ' . esc_attr($class) . '" ' . $checkout_display . '>' . __('Checkout', 'easy-digital-downloads') . '</a>'; ?> <?php if (!edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { ?> <span class="edd-cart-ajax-alert"> <span class="edd-cart-added-alert" style="display: none;"> <?php echo '<i class="edd-icon-ok"></i> ' . __('Added to cart', 'easy-digital-downloads'); ?> </span> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if (!$download->is_free($args['price_id'])) { ?> <?php if (edd_display_tax_rate() && edd_prices_include_tax()) { echo '<span class="edd_purchase_tax_rate">' . sprintf(__('Includes %1$s% tax', 'easy-digital-downloads'), edd_get_tax_rate() * 100) . '</span>'; } elseif (edd_display_tax_rate() && !edd_prices_include_tax()) { echo '<span class="edd_purchase_tax_rate">' . sprintf(__('Excluding %1$s% tax', 'easy-digital-downloads'), edd_get_tax_rate() * 100) . '</span>'; } ?> <?php } ?> </div><!--end .edd_purchase_submit_wrapper--> <input type="hidden" name="download_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr($download->ID); ?> "> <?php if ($variable_pricing && isset($price_id) && isset($prices[$price_id])) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="edd_options[price_id][]" id="edd_price_option_<?php echo $download->ID; ?> _1" class="edd_price_option_<?php echo $download->ID; ?> " value="<?php echo $price_id; ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($args['direct']) && !$download->is_free($args['price_id'])) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="edd_action" class="edd_action_input" value="straight_to_gateway"> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="edd_action" class="edd_action_input" value="add_to_cart"> <?php } ?> <?php if (apply_filters('edd_download_redirect_to_checkout', edd_straight_to_checkout(), $download->ID, $args)) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="edd_redirect_to_checkout" id="edd_redirect_to_checkout" value="1"> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_link_end', $download->ID, $args); ?> </form><!--end #<?php echo esc_attr($form_id); ?> --> <?php $purchase_form = ob_get_clean(); return apply_filters('edd_purchase_download_form', $purchase_form, $args); }
/** * Checks whether AJAX is enabled. * * This will be deprecated soon in favor of edd_is_ajax_disabled() * * @since 1.0 * @return bool */ function edd_is_ajax_enabled() { $retval = !edd_is_ajax_disabled(); return apply_filters('edd_is_ajax_enabled', $retval); }
<?php /** * This template is used to display the Checkout page when items are in the cart */ global $post; ?> <table id="edd_checkout_cart" <?php if ( ! edd_is_ajax_disabled() ) { echo 'class="ajaxed"'; } ?>> <thead> <tr class="edd_cart_header_row"> <?php do_action( 'edd_checkout_table_header_first' ); ?> <th class="edd_cart_item_name"><?php _e( 'Item Name', 'edd' ); ?></th> <th class="edd_cart_item_price"><?php _e( 'Item Price', 'edd' ); ?></th> <th class="edd_cart_actions"><?php _e( 'Actions', 'edd' ); ?></th> <?php do_action( 'edd_checkout_table_header_last' ); ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $cart_items = edd_get_cart_contents(); ?> <?php do_action( 'edd_cart_items_before' ); ?> <?php if ( $cart_items ) : ?> <?php foreach ( $cart_items as $key => $item ) : ?> <tr class="edd_cart_item" id="edd_cart_item_<?php echo esc_attr( $key ) . '_' . esc_attr( $item['id'] ); ?>" data-download-id="<?php echo esc_attr( $item['id'] ); ?>"> <?php do_action( 'edd_checkout_table_body_first', $item ); ?> <td class="edd_cart_item_name"> <?php if ( current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' ) && has_post_thumbnail( $item['id'] ) ) { echo '<div class="edd_cart_item_image">'; echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $item['id'], apply_filters( 'edd_checkout_image_size', array( 25,25 ) ) ); echo '</div>'; } $item_title = get_the_title( $item['id'] );
function edd_helium_js_vars($vars) { return array_merge($vars, array('EDD' => array('ajaxDisabled' => edd_is_ajax_disabled(), 'straightToCheckout' => edd_straight_to_checkout(), 'checkoutPage' => edd_get_checkout_uri()))); }
/** * Get system info * * @since 2.0 * @access public * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress Database API * @global array $edd_options Array of all EDD options * @return string $return A string containing the info to output */ function edd_tools_sysinfo_get() { global $wpdb, $edd_options; if (!class_exists('Browser')) { require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/libraries/browser.php'; } $browser = new Browser(); // Get theme info if (get_bloginfo('version') < '3.4') { $theme_data = get_theme_data(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/style.css'); $theme = $theme_data['Name'] . ' ' . $theme_data['Version']; } else { $theme_data = wp_get_theme(); $theme = $theme_data->Name . ' ' . $theme_data->Version; } // Try to identify the hosting provider $host = edd_get_host(); $return = '### Begin System Info ###' . "\n\n"; // Start with the basics... $return .= '-- Site Info' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Site URL: ' . site_url() . "\n"; $return .= 'Home URL: ' . home_url() . "\n"; $return .= 'Multisite: ' . (is_multisite() ? 'Yes' : 'No') . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_site_info', $return); // Can we determine the site's host? if ($host) { $return .= "\n" . '-- Hosting Provider' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Host: ' . $host . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_host_info', $return); } // The local users' browser information, handled by the Browser class $return .= "\n" . '-- User Browser' . "\n\n"; $return .= $browser; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_user_browser', $return); // WordPress configuration $return .= "\n" . '-- WordPress Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Version: ' . get_bloginfo('version') . "\n"; $return .= 'Language: ' . (defined('WPLANG') && WPLANG ? WPLANG : 'en_US') . "\n"; $return .= 'Permalink Structure: ' . (get_option('permalink_structure') ? get_option('permalink_structure') : 'Default') . "\n"; $return .= 'Active Theme: ' . $theme . "\n"; $return .= 'Show On Front: ' . get_option('show_on_front') . "\n"; // Only show page specs if frontpage is set to 'page' if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page') { $front_page_id = get_option('page_on_front'); $blog_page_id = get_option('page_for_posts'); $return .= 'Page On Front: ' . ($front_page_id != 0 ? get_the_title($front_page_id) . ' (#' . $front_page_id . ')' : 'Unset') . "\n"; $return .= 'Page For Posts: ' . ($blog_page_id != 0 ? get_the_title($blog_page_id) . ' (#' . $blog_page_id . ')' : 'Unset') . "\n"; } // Make sure wp_remote_post() is working $request['cmd'] = '_notify-validate'; $params = array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 60, 'user-agent' => 'EDD/' . EDD_VERSION, 'body' => $request); $response = wp_remote_post('https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr', $params); if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response['response']['code'] >= 200 && $response['response']['code'] < 300) { $WP_REMOTE_POST = 'wp_remote_post() works'; } else { $WP_REMOTE_POST = 'wp_remote_post() does not work'; } $return .= 'Remote Post: ' . $WP_REMOTE_POST . "\n"; $return .= 'Table Prefix: ' . 'Length: ' . strlen($wpdb->prefix) . ' Status: ' . (strlen($wpdb->prefix) > 16 ? 'ERROR: Too long' : 'Acceptable') . "\n"; $return .= 'WP_DEBUG: ' . (defined('WP_DEBUG') ? WP_DEBUG ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' : 'Not set') . "\n"; $return .= 'Memory Limit: ' . WP_MEMORY_LIMIT . "\n"; $return .= 'Registered Post Stati: ' . implode(', ', get_post_stati()) . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_wordpress_config', $return); // EDD configuration $return .= "\n" . '-- EDD Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Version: ' . EDD_VERSION . "\n"; $return .= 'Upgraded From: ' . get_option('edd_version_upgraded_from', 'None') . "\n"; $return .= 'Test Mode: ' . (edd_is_test_mode() ? "Enabled\n" : "Disabled\n"); $return .= 'Ajax: ' . (!edd_is_ajax_disabled() ? "Enabled\n" : "Disabled\n"); $return .= 'Guest Checkout: ' . (edd_no_guest_checkout() ? "Disabled\n" : "Enabled\n"); $return .= 'Symlinks: ' . (apply_filters('edd_symlink_file_downloads', isset($edd_options['symlink_file_downloads'])) && function_exists('symlink') ? "Enabled\n" : "Disabled\n"); $return .= 'Download Method: ' . ucfirst(edd_get_file_download_method()) . "\n"; $return .= 'Currency Code: ' . edd_get_currency() . "\n"; $return .= 'Currency Position: ' . edd_get_option('currency_position', 'before') . "\n"; $return .= 'Decimal Separator: ' . edd_get_option('decimal_separator', '.') . "\n"; $return .= 'Thousands Separator: ' . edd_get_option('thousands_separator', ',') . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_edd_config', $return); // EDD pages $return .= "\n" . '-- EDD Page Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Checkout: ' . (!empty($edd_options['purchase_page']) ? "Valid\n" : "Invalid\n"); $return .= 'Checkout Page: ' . (!empty($edd_options['purchase_page']) ? get_permalink($edd_options['purchase_page']) . "\n" : "Unset\n"); $return .= 'Success Page: ' . (!empty($edd_options['success_page']) ? get_permalink($edd_options['success_page']) . "\n" : "Unset\n"); $return .= 'Failure Page: ' . (!empty($edd_options['failure_page']) ? get_permalink($edd_options['failure_page']) . "\n" : "Unset\n"); $return .= 'Downloads Slug: ' . (defined('EDD_SLUG') ? '/' . EDD_SLUG . "\n" : "/downloads\n"); $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_edd_pages', $return); // EDD gateways $return .= "\n" . '-- EDD Gateway Configuration' . "\n\n"; $active_gateways = edd_get_enabled_payment_gateways(); if ($active_gateways) { $default_gateway_is_active = edd_is_gateway_active(edd_get_default_gateway()); if ($default_gateway_is_active) { $default_gateway = edd_get_default_gateway(); $default_gateway = $active_gateways[$default_gateway]['admin_label']; } else { $default_gateway = 'Test Payment'; } $gateways = array(); foreach ($active_gateways as $gateway) { $gateways[] = $gateway['admin_label']; } $return .= 'Enabled Gateways: ' . implode(', ', $gateways) . "\n"; $return .= 'Default Gateway: ' . $default_gateway . "\n"; } else { $return .= 'Enabled Gateways: None' . "\n"; } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_edd_gateways', $return); // EDD Taxes $return .= "\n" . '-- EDD Tax Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Taxes: ' . (edd_use_taxes() ? "Enabled\n" : "Disabled\n"); $return .= 'Tax Rate: ' . edd_get_tax_rate() * 100 . "\n"; $return .= 'Display On Checkout: ' . (!empty($edd_options['checkout_include_tax']) ? "Displayed\n" : "Not Displayed\n"); $return .= 'Prices Include Tax: ' . (edd_prices_include_tax() ? "Yes\n" : "No\n"); $rates = edd_get_tax_rates(); if (!empty($rates)) { $return .= 'Country / State Rates: ' . "\n"; foreach ($rates as $rate) { $return .= ' Country: ' . $rate['country'] . ', State: ' . $rate['state'] . ', Rate: ' . $rate['rate'] . "\n"; } } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_edd_taxes', $return); // EDD Templates $dir = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/edd_templates/*'; if (is_dir($dir) && count(glob("{$dir}/*")) !== 0) { $return .= "\n" . '-- EDD Template Overrides' . "\n\n"; foreach (glob($dir) as $file) { $return .= 'Filename: ' . basename($file) . "\n"; } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_edd_templates', $return); } // WordPress active plugins $return .= "\n" . '-- WordPress Active Plugins' . "\n\n"; $plugins = get_plugins(); $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins', array()); foreach ($plugins as $plugin_path => $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin_path, $active_plugins)) { continue; } $return .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . "\n"; } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_wordpress_plugins', $return); // WordPress inactive plugins $return .= "\n" . '-- WordPress Inactive Plugins' . "\n\n"; foreach ($plugins as $plugin_path => $plugin) { if (in_array($plugin_path, $active_plugins)) { continue; } $return .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . "\n"; } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_wordpress_plugins_inactive', $return); if (is_multisite()) { // WordPress Multisite active plugins $return .= "\n" . '-- Network Active Plugins' . "\n\n"; $plugins = wp_get_active_network_plugins(); $active_plugins = get_site_option('active_sitewide_plugins', array()); foreach ($plugins as $plugin_path) { $plugin_base = plugin_basename($plugin_path); if (!array_key_exists($plugin_base, $active_plugins)) { continue; } $plugin = get_plugin_data($plugin_path); $return .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . "\n"; } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_wordpress_ms_plugins', $return); } // Server configuration (really just versioning) $return .= "\n" . '-- Webserver Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'PHP Version: ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n"; $return .= 'MySQL Version: ' . $wpdb->db_version() . "\n"; $return .= 'Webserver Info: ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_webserver_config', $return); // PHP configs... now we're getting to the important stuff $return .= "\n" . '-- PHP Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Safe Mode: ' . (ini_get('safe_mode') ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' . "\n"); $return .= 'Memory Limit: ' . ini_get('memory_limit') . "\n"; $return .= 'Upload Max Size: ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "\n"; $return .= 'Post Max Size: ' . ini_get('post_max_size') . "\n"; $return .= 'Upload Max Filesize: ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "\n"; $return .= 'Time Limit: ' . ini_get('max_execution_time') . "\n"; $return .= 'Max Input Vars: ' . ini_get('max_input_vars') . "\n"; $return .= 'Display Errors: ' . (ini_get('display_errors') ? 'On (' . ini_get('display_errors') . ')' : 'N/A') . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_php_config', $return); // PHP extensions and such $return .= "\n" . '-- PHP Extensions' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'cURL: ' . (function_exists('curl_init') ? 'Supported' : 'Not Supported') . "\n"; $return .= 'fsockopen: ' . (function_exists('fsockopen') ? 'Supported' : 'Not Supported') . "\n"; $return .= 'SOAP Client: ' . (class_exists('SoapClient') ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') . "\n"; $return .= 'Suhosin: ' . (extension_loaded('suhosin') ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') . "\n"; $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_php_ext', $return); // Session stuff $return .= "\n" . '-- Session Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'EDD Use Sessions: ' . (defined('EDD_USE_PHP_SESSIONS') && EDD_USE_PHP_SESSIONS ? 'Enforced' : (EDD()->session->use_php_sessions() ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled')) . "\n"; $return .= 'Session: ' . (isset($_SESSION) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') . "\n"; // The rest of this is only relevant is session is enabled if (isset($_SESSION)) { $return .= 'Session Name: ' . esc_html(ini_get('session.name')) . "\n"; $return .= 'Cookie Path: ' . esc_html(ini_get('session.cookie_path')) . "\n"; $return .= 'Save Path: ' . esc_html(ini_get('session.save_path')) . "\n"; $return .= 'Use Cookies: ' . (ini_get('session.use_cookies') ? 'On' : 'Off') . "\n"; $return .= 'Use Only Cookies: ' . (ini_get('session.use_only_cookies') ? 'On' : 'Off') . "\n"; } $return = apply_filters('edd_sysinfo_after_session_config', $return); $return .= "\n" . '### End System Info ###'; return $return; }
/** * Renders the Checkout Submit section * * @since 1.3.3 * @return void */ function edd_checkout_submit() { ?> <fieldset id="edd_purchase_submit"> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_form_before_submit'); ?> <?php edd_checkout_hidden_fields(); ?> <?php echo edd_checkout_button_purchase(); ?> <?php do_action('edd_purchase_form_after_submit'); ?> <?php if (edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { ?> <p class="edd-cancel"><a href="<?php echo edd_get_checkout_uri(); ?> "><?php _e('Go back', 'easy-digital-downloads'); ?> </a></p> <?php } ?> </fieldset> <?php }
/** * EDD discount field */ function pp_edd_discount_field() { if (isset($_GET['payment-mode']) && edd_is_ajax_disabled()) { return; // Only show before a payment method has been selected if ajax is disabled } if (edd_has_active_discounts() && edd_get_cart_total()) { $color = edd_get_option('checkout_color', 'blue'); $color = $color == 'inherit' ? '' : $color; $style = edd_get_option('button_style', 'button'); ?> <fieldset id="edd_discount_code"> <p id="edd-show-discount"> <a href="#" class="edd-discount-link"> <svg width="32" height="32"> <use xlink:href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/svg-defs.svg#icon-discount'; ?> "></use> </svg> <?php echo _x('Have a discount code?', 'Entering a discount code', 'edd'); ?> </a> </p> <p id="edd-discount-code-wrap"> <label class="edd-label" for="edd-discount"> <img src="<?php echo EDD_PLUGIN_URL; ?> assets/images/loading.gif" id="edd-discount-loader" style="display:none;"/> </label> <span class="edd-description"><?php _e('Enter a coupon code if you have one.', 'edd'); ?> </span> <span class="input-wrap"> <input class="edd-input" type="text" id="edd-discount" name="edd-discount" placeholder="<?php _e('Enter discount', 'edd'); ?> "/> <input type="submit" class="edd-apply-discount edd-submit button <?php echo $color . ' ' . $style; ?> " value="<?php echo _x('Apply', 'Apply discount at checkout', 'edd'); ?> "/> </span> <span id="edd-discount-error-wrap" class="edd_errors" style="display:none;"></span> </p> </fieldset> <?php } }