function leave_spellcheck_mode($ppage)
    global $userP;
    // The user has requested a return from spellcheck mode.
    // The response that we send will replace the frame/document
    // containing the spellcheck form.
    if ($userP['i_type'] == 0) {
        // standard interface:
        // The spellcheck document (containing text only) is in 'textframe'.
        // So the response we generate will go into 'textframe'.
        // So generate just the (normal-mode) text frame of the std interface.
    } else {
        // enhanced interface:
        // The spellcheck document (containing image+text) is in 'proofframe'.
        // So the response we generate will go into 'proofframe'.
        // So generate the (normal-mode) image-and-text doc of the enh interface.

$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . '';
include_once $relPath . '';
include_once '';
include_once '';
// This script is invoked only for the standard interface now.
// cpeel - disabled assert 2016-04-04. foofAid is loading this
// page even if the user's editing interface is set to enhanced
// resulting in PHP errors.
//assert($userP['i_type'] == 0);
$ppage = get_requested_PPage($_GET);
// vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab