    echo '</div>';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="count_custom_' . $type . '" value=' . ($i - 1) . ' />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="deleted_custom_' . $type . '" value="' . $deleted_custom_fields . '" />';
    // display link to create new custom field
    $Form->info('', '<a onclick="return false;" href="#" id="add_new_' . $type . '_custom_field">' . $data['title'] . '</a>', '( ' . $data['note'] . ' )');
if ($creating) {
    $Form->end_form(array(array('submit', 'actionArray[create]', T_('Record'), 'SaveButton'), array('submit', 'actionArray[create_new]', T_('Record, then Create New'), 'SaveButton'), array('submit', 'actionArray[create_copy]', T_('Record, then Create Similar'), 'SaveButton')));
} else {
    $Form->end_form(array(array('submit', 'actionArray[update]', T_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton')));
<script type="text/javascript">
function guidGenerator()
	var S4 = function()
		return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
	return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4());

jQuery( '#add_new_double_custom_field' ).click( function()
	var count_custom_double = jQuery( 'input[name=count_custom_double]' ).attr( 'value' );
$Form->text_input('redirect_to_after_login', $Settings->get('redirect_to_after_login'), 60, T_('After login, redirect to'), T_('Users will be redirected there upon successful login, unless they are in process of doing something.'), array('maxlength' => NULL));
// fp>TODO: enhance UI with a general Form method for Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds
$Form->duration_input('timeout_sessions', $Settings->get('timeout_sessions'), T_('Session timeout'), 'months', 'seconds', array('minutes_step' => 1, 'required' => true, 'note' => T_('If the user stays inactive for this long, he will have to log in again.')));
// $Form->text_input( 'timeout_sessions', $Settings->get('timeout_sessions'), 9, T_('Session timeout'), T_('seconds. How long can a user stay inactive before automatic logout?'), array( 'required'=>true) );
// fp>TODO: It may make sense to have a different (smaller) timeout for sessions with no logged user.
// fp>This might reduce the size of the Sessions table. But this needs to be checked against the hit logging feature.
$Form->duration_input('timeout_online', $Settings->get('timeout_online'), T_('Online/Offline timeout'), 'hours', 'seconds', array('minutes_step' => 1, 'required' => true, 'note' => T_('If the user stays inactive for this long, we will no longer display him as "online" and we will start sending him email notifications when things happen while he is away.')));
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('User latitude') . get_manual_link('user-profile-latitude-settings'));
$Form->checkbox_input('allow_avatars', $Settings->get('allow_avatars', true), T_('Allow profile pictures'), array('note' => T_('Allow users to upload profile pictures.')));
$Form->text_input('uset_min_picture_size', $Settings->get('min_picture_size'), 5, T_('Minimum picture size'), '', array('note' => T_('pixels (width and height)')));
$name_editing_options = array(array('edited-user', T_('Can be edited by user')), array('edited-user-required', T_('Can be edited by user + required')), array('edited-admin', T_('Can be edited by admins only')), array('hidden', T_('Hidden')));
$Form->radio('uset_nickname_editing', $Settings->get('nickname_editing'), $name_editing_options, T_('Nickname'), true);
$Form->radio('uset_firstname_editing', $Settings->get('firstname_editing'), $name_editing_options, T_('Firstname'), true);
$Form->radio('uset_lastname_editing', $Settings->get('lastname_editing'), $name_editing_options, T_('Lastname'), true);
$location_options = array(array('optional', T_('Optional')), array('required', T_('Required')), array('hidden', T_('Hidden')));
$Form->radio('uset_location_country', $Settings->get('location_country'), $location_options, T_('Country'));
$Form->radio('uset_location_region', $Settings->get('location_region'), $location_options, T_('Region'));
$Form->radio('uset_location_subregion', $Settings->get('location_subregion'), $location_options, T_('Sub-region'));
$Form->radio('uset_location_city', $Settings->get('location_city'), $location_options, T_('City'));
$Form->text_input('uset_minimum_age', $Settings->get('minimum_age'), 3, T_('Minimum age'), '', array('input_suffix' => ' ' . T_('years old.')));
$Form->radio('uset_multiple_sessions', $Settings->get('multiple_sessions'), array(array('never', T_('Never allow')), array('adminset_default_no', T_('Let admins decide for each user, default to "no" for new users')), array('userset_default_no', T_('Let users decide, default to "no" for new users')), array('userset_default_yes', T_('Let users decide, default to "yes" for new users')), array('adminset_default_yes', T_('Let admins decide for each user, default to "yes" for new users')), array('always', T_('Always allow'))), T_('Multiple sessions'), true);
$Form->radio('uset_emails_msgform', $Settings->get('emails_msgform'), array(array('never', T_('Never allow')), array('adminset', T_('Let admins decide for each user, default set on Registration tab')), array('userset', T_('Let users decide, default set on Registration tab'))), T_('Receiving emails through a message form'), true);
if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
    $Form->buttons(array(array('submit', 'submit', T_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton')));
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="custom_' . $type . '_guid' . $i . '" value="' . $custom_guid . '" />';
        $custom_field_name = ' ' . T_('Name') . ' <input type="text" name="custom_' . $type . '_fname' . $i . '" value="' . $custom_field_name . '" class="form_text_input custom_field_name ' . $custom_field_name_class . '" maxlength="36" />';
        $Form->text_input($field_id_suffix, $custom_field_value, $data['size'], $data['label'], $action_delete, array('maxlength' => $data['maxlength'], 'input_prefix' => T_('Title') . ' ', 'input_suffix' => $custom_field_name, 'class' => $custom_field_value_class));
    echo '</div>';
    // display link to create new custom field
    echo '<div class="input">';
    echo '<a onclick="return false;" href="#" id="add_new_' . $type . '_custom_field">' . $data['title'] . '</a>';
    echo '<span class="notes"> ( ' . $data['note'] . ' )</span>';
    echo '</div>';
$Form->end_form(array(array('submit', 'submit', T_('Save !'), 'SaveButton'), array('reset', '', T_('Reset'), 'ResetButton')));

<script type="text/javascript">
	function guidGenerator() {
		var S4 = function() {
			return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
		return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4());

	jQuery( '#add_new_double_custom_field' ).click( function()
		var count_custom_double = jQuery( 'input[name=count_custom_double]' ).attr( 'value' );
		var custom_guid = guidGenerator();