    $iFrameUri = $uri;
} elseif ($response->info['http_code'] == 404) {
    echo_error("Got HTTP response code of 404 Not Found.");
    $iFrameUri = false;
} else {
    echo_error("Unexpected response code: '" . $response->info['http_code'] . "'. Expecting 303 Redirect or 200 OK.");
    $iFrameUri = false;
if ($iFrameUri) {
    echo "<iframe id=\"herbal-html-response\" src=\"{$iFrameUri}\"></iframe>";
} else {
    echo_error("Errors prevent retrieval of HTML.");
if (!$requestRdf) {
    echo_info("No 303 redirect so stopping here.");
    echo_info("Check out 'Importance of 303 Redirect' in the <a href=\"/md.php?q=documentation\">documentation</a>.");
} else {
    echo_info("Had 303 redirect when asking for HTML so will request RDF format.");
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#request-rdf-results').html('Loading ...');
    $('#request-rdf-results').load('tests/request_rdf.php', 'uri=' + '<?php 
    echo $uri;
' );
// end if requestRdf
// var_dump($response);
<h2>Requesting RDF Format Data</h2>
$uri = $_GET['uri'];
// get default curl handle
$curl = get_curl_handle($uri);
// set other things here
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/rdf+xml"));
$response = run_curl_request($curl);
echo_info("Requesting RDF by passing 'Accept: application/rdf+xml' header.");
if ($response->info['http_code'] != 303) {
    echo_error("Unexpected response code: '" . $response->info['http_code'] . "'. Expecting 303 Redirect to RDF.");
} else {
    echo_ok("Recieved 303 Redirect HTTP code.");
    echo_ok("Redirect to URI: <a target=\"_new\" href=\"" . $response->info['redirect_url'] . "\">" . $response->info['redirect_url'] . "</a>");
    echo_info("Had 303 redirect so will request RDF data for parsing.");
    $rdfUri = $response->info['redirect_url'];
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#parse-rdf-results').html('Loading ...');
    $('#parse-rdf-results').load('tests/parse_rdf.php', 'rdf_uri=' + '<?php 
    echo $rdfUri;
' + '&specimen_uri=' + '<?php 
    echo $uri;
' );