function echoArray(array $arr) { echo '['; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { echo ','; echoArray($v); } else { if ($k > 0) { echo ','; } echo $v; } } echo ']'; }
function echoArray($arreglo) { $sizeofArray = count($arreglo); for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofArray; $i++) { echo $arreglo[$i] . " "; } } if ($_POST['ordenar']) { $sizeofArray = $_POST['sizeSaved']; $arreglo = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofArray; $i++) { $arreglo[$i] = $_POST["position" . $i]; } orderArray($arreglo); echo "<br><br>array order lest to greats<br>"; echoArray($arreglo); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <!--localhost/webApplication/ordenaArray.php--> <html> <head> <title>Ordenamiento Ayan</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var label;//label html function setAttribute(name,value){//set attribute in var label var attribute=document.createAttribute(name);//create attribute attribute.nodeValue=value;//set value of attribute return attribute; } function reloadInputs(){
$html = $caselisthtml; break; case 'casecontext': $casecontexthtml = requestData($fjudContextURL, $postdata, $fjudQueryURL, '', 'GET'); //取得案件內容 $html = $casecontexthtml; break; case 'caseprint': $caseprinthtml = requestData($fjudPrintURL, $printdata, $fjudContextURL, $getdata, 'GET'); //取得友善列印 $html = $caseprinthtml; break; case 'test': echo time(); echo '<br>'; echoArray(explode(',', $jrecno)); break; } $contextpattern = '/(<pre[\\d\\D]*?>[\\d\\D]*?pre>)/'; preg_match($contextpattern, $html, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $totalcountpattern = '/本次查詢結果共(\\d.*?)筆/'; preg_match($totalcountpattern, $html, $totalcountmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); //if(count($totalcountmatches) > 0) //echo 'TOTAL COUNT:'.$totalcountmatches[1][0]; if ($format == 'html') { echo $html; } else { if ($format == 'plaintext') { $html = str_get_html($html); switch ($type) { case 'caselist':
public function debug() { echoArray($this); }