function ajaxRefreshVcard($jid) { if (!$this->validateJid($jid)) { return; } $a = new Moxl\Xec\Action\Avatar\Get(); $a->setTo(echapJid($jid))->request(); $r = new Get(); $r->setTo(echapJid($jid))->request(); }
function ajaxRefuse($jid) { $jid = echapJid($jid); $p = new Unsubscribed(); $p->setTo($jid)->request(); // TODO : move in Moxl $session = \Session::start(); $notifs = $session->get('activenotifs'); unset($notifs[$jid]); $session->set('activenotifs', $notifs); $this->onNotifs(); Notification::ajaxClear('invite|' . $jid); }
/** * @brief Get history */ function ajaxGetHistory($jid) { if (!$this->validateJid($jid)) { return; } $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $messages = $md->getContact(echapJid($jid), 0, 1); $g = new \Moxl\Xec\Action\MAM\Get(); $g->setJid(echapJid($jid)); if (!empty($messages)) { $g->setStart(strtotime($messages[0]->published)); } $g->request(); }
function ajaxSend($to, $pack, $file) { if (!$this->validateJid($to)) { return; } list($key, $ext) = explode('.', $file); $filepath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/stickers/' . $pack . '/' . $key . '.png'; if (!file_exists($filepath)) { return; } // We get the base64 $base64 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($filepath)); // Caching the picture if (!file_exists(CACHE_PATH . md5($key) . '.png')) { $p = new Picture(); $p->fromBase($base64); $p->set($key, 'png'); } // Creating a message $m = new \Modl\Message(); $m->session = $this->user->getLogin(); $m->jidto = echapJid($to); $m->jidfrom = $this->user->getLogin(); $m->sticker = $key; $m->body = $this->__('sticker.sent'); $m->published = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $session = \Session::start(); $m->id = Uuid::uuid4(); $m->type = 'chat'; $m->resource = $session->get('resource'); // Sending the sticker $html = "<p><img alt='Sticker' src='cid:sha1+" . $key . "'/></p>"; $p = new Publish(); $p->setTo($m->jidto)->setContent($m->body)->setHTML($html)->setId($m->id)->request(); $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->set($m); // Sending it to Chat $packet = new Moxl\Xec\Payload\Packet(); $packet->content = $m; $c = new Chat(); $c->onMessage($packet); }
function prepareMessages($jid) { if (!$this->validateJid($jid)) { return; } $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $messages = $md->getContact(echapJid($jid), 0, 30); if (is_array($messages)) { $messages = array_reverse($messages); foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->prepareMessage($message); } } $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('jid', $jid); $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO(); $contact = $cd->get($jid); $me = $cd->get(); if ($me == null) { $me = new \Modl\Contact(); } $view->assign('contact', $contact); $view->assign('me', false); $left = $view->draw('_chat_bubble', true); $view->assign('contact', $me); $view->assign('me', true); $right = $view->draw('_chat_bubble', true); $room = $view->draw('_chat_bubble_room', true); RPC::call('Chat.setBubbles', $left, $right, $room); RPC::call('Chat.appendMessages', $messages); }
public function setTo($to) { $this->_to = echapJid($to); return $this; }
public function set($vcard, $jid) { $this->__set('jid', \echapJid($jid)); $validate_date = Validator::date('Y-m-d'); if (isset($vcard->vCard->BDAY) && $validate_date->validate($vcard->vCard->BDAY)) { $this->__set('date', (string) $vcard->vCard->BDAY); } $this->__set('date', date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($this->date))); $this->__set('name', (string) $vcard->vCard->NICKNAME); $this->__set('fn', (string) $vcard->vCard->FN); $this->__set('url', (string) $vcard->vCard->URL); $this->__set('gender', (string) $vcard->vCard->{'X-GENDER'}); $this->__set('marital', (string) $vcard->vCard->MARITAL->STATUS); $this->__set('email', (string) $vcard->vCard->EMAIL->USERID); $this->__set('adrlocality', (string) $vcard->vCard->ADR->LOCALITY); $this->__set('adrpostalcode', (string) $vcard->vCard->ADR->PCODE); $this->__set('adrcountry', (string) $vcard->vCard->ADR->CTRY); if (filter_var((string) $vcard->vCard->PHOTO, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $this->__set('photobin', base64_encode(requestUrl((string) $vcard->vCard->PHOTO, 1))); } else { $this->__set('photobin', (string) $vcard->vCard->PHOTO->BINVAL); } $this->__set('description', (string) $vcard->vCard->DESC); }
function prepareMessages($jid, $muc = false) { if (!$this->validateJid($jid)) { return; } $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); if ($muc) { $messages = $md->getRoom(echapJid($jid)); } else { $messages = $md->getContact(echapJid($jid), 0, $this->_pagination); } if (is_array($messages)) { $messages = array_reverse($messages); /*foreach($messages as $message) { $this->_msgMap[$message->published.$message->jid] = $message; } foreach($this->_msgMap as $message) {*/ foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->prepareMessage($message); } } $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('jid', $jid); $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO(); $contact = $cd->get($jid); $me = $cd->get(); if ($me == null) { $me = new \Modl\Contact(); } $view->assign('contact', $contact); $view->assign('me', false); $left = $view->draw('_chat_bubble', true); $view->assign('contact', $me); $view->assign('me', true); $right = $view->draw('_chat_bubble', true); $room = $view->draw('_chat_bubble_room', true); RPC::call('Chat.setBubbles', $left, $right, $room); //RPC::call('Chat.appendMessages', $messages); RPC::call('Chat.appendMessagesWrapper', $this->_wrapper); RPC::call('MovimTpl.scrollPanel'); }
public function set($vcard, $jid) { $this->jid = \echapJid($jid); if (isset($vcard->vCard->BDAY) && (string) $vcard->vCard->BDAY != '') { $this->date = (string) $vcard->vCard->BDAY; } else { $this->date = null; } $this->date = date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($this->date)); $this->name = (string) $vcard->vCard->NICKNAME; $this->fn = (string) $vcard->vCard->FN; $this->url = (string) $vcard->vCard->URL; $this->gender = (string) $vcard->vCard->{'X-GENDER'}; $this->marital = (string) $vcard->vCard->MARITAL->STATUS; $this->email = (string) $vcard->vCard->EMAIL->USERID; $this->adrlocality = (string) $vcard->vCard->ADR->LOCALITY; $this->adrpostalcode = (string) $vcard->vCard->ADR->PCODE; $this->adrcountry = (string) $vcard->vCard->ADR->CTRY; if (filter_var((string) $vcard->vCard->PHOTO, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $this->photobin = base64_encode(requestUrl((string) $vcard->vCard->PHOTO, 1)); } else { $this->photobin = (string) $vcard->vCard->PHOTO->BINVAL; } $this->description = (string) $vcard->vCard->DESC; }
/** * @brief Get history */ function ajaxGetHistory($jid = false) { $g = new \Moxl\Xec\Action\MAM\Get(); $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); if ($jid == false) { $chats = Cache::c('chats'); foreach ($chats as $jid => $value) { $messages = $md->getContact(echapJid($jid), 0, 1); $g->setJid(echapJid($jid)); if (!empty($messages)) { $g->setStart(strtotime($messages[0]->published) + 10); } $g->request(); } } elseif ($this->validateJid($jid)) { $messages = $md->getContact(echapJid($jid), 0, 1); $g->setJid(echapJid($jid)); if (!empty($messages)) { // We add a little delay of 10sec to prevent some sync issues $g->setStart(strtotime($messages[0]->published) + 10); } $g->request(); } }
function ajaxRefuse($jid) { $jid = echapJid($jid); $p = new Unsubscribed(); $p->setTo($jid)->request(); // TODO : move in Moxl $notifs = Cache::c('activenotifs'); unset($notifs[$jid]); Cache::c('activenotifs', $notifs); $this->onNotifs(); }