function getRefresh_rate()
    $rate = eF_getTableData("module_chat_config", "refresh_rate", "1");
    foreach ($rate as $r) {
        echo $r['refresh_rate'];
function getLessonFromId()
    if (eF_checkParameter($_GET['loglessonid'], 'id')) {
        $id = $_GET["loglessonid"];
        $result = eF_getTableData('lessons', 'id, name', "id='" . $id . "'");
        echo json_encode(array('name' => $result[0]['name'], 'id' => $result[0]['id']));
  * @param $param
  * @return unknown_type
 public function __construct($param)
     //Special handling in case we are instantiating with string (name) instead of id
     if (!eF_checkParameter($param, 'id') && eF_checkParameter($param, 'alnum_general')) {
         $result = eF_getTableData("themes", "id", "name='" . $param . "'");
         if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
             throw new EfrontEntityException(_ENTITYNOTFOUND . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($param), EfrontEntityException::ENTITY_NOT_EXIST);
         $param = $result[0]['id'];
     if (strpos($this->{$this->entity}['path'], 'http') === 0) {
         $this->remote = 1;
             //Check whether this is a remote theme
             if (!is_dir($this -> {$this -> entity}['path']) && !is_file($this -> {$this -> entity}['path'])) {
                 if (!fopen($this -> {$this -> entity}['path'].'theme.xml', 'r')) {
                     throw new EfrontEntityException(_ENTITYNOTFOUND.': '.htmlspecialchars($this -> {$this -> entity}['path']), EfrontEntityException :: ENTITY_NOT_EXIST);
                 } else {
                     $this -> remote = 1;
     if (unserialize($this->{$this->entity}['options']) !== false) {
         $this->options = unserialize($this->{$this->entity}['options']);
     if (!$this->options) {
         $this->options = array();
     if (unserialize($this->{$this->entity}['layout']) !== false) {
         $this->layout = unserialize($this->{$this->entity}['layout']);
     if (!$this->layout) {
         $this->layout = array();
     //Check validity of current logo
     try {
         if (isset($this->options['logo'])) {
             new EfrontFile($this->options['logo']);
         } else {
             throw new Exception();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->options['logo'] = false;
     //Check validity of current favicon
     try {
         if (isset($this->options['favicon'])) {
             new EfrontFile($this->options['favicon']);
         } else {
             throw new Exception();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->options['favicon'] = false;
function getConnectedUsers()
    $usersOnline = array();
    //A user may have multiple active entries on the user_times table, one for system, one for unit etc. Pick the most recent
    $result = eF_getTableData("user_times,users,module_chat_users", "users_LOGIN, users.name, users.surname, users.user_type, timestamp_now, session_timestamp", "users.login=user_times.users_LOGIN and users.login=module_chat_users.username and session_expired=0", "timestamp_now desc");
    foreach ($result as $value) {
        if (!isset($parsedUsers[$value['users_LOGIN']])) {
            $value['login'] = $value['users_LOGIN'];
            $usersOnline[] = array('login' => $value['users_LOGIN'], 'formattedLogin' => formatLogin($value['login'], $value), 'user_type' => $value['user_type'], 'timestamp_now' => $value['timestamp_now'], 'time' => eF_convertIntervalToTime(time() - $value['session_timestamp']));
            $parsedUsers[$value['users_LOGIN']] = true;
    return $usersOnline;
                $groups[$key]['partof'] = 1;
            } else {
                if ((!$group['active'] || !$_change_groups_) && !($_self_groups_ && $group['self_enroll'])) {
        $dataSource = $groups;
        $tableName = 'groupsTable';
        include "sorted_table.php";
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (isset($_GET['postAjaxRequest']) && ($_change_groups_ || $_self_groups_)) {
    $result = eF_getTableData("groups", "*", "active=1");
    $groups = array();
    foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        if ($value['active'] && ($_change_groups_ || $_self_groups_ && $value['self_enroll'])) {
            $groups[$value['id']] = $value;
    try {
        if ($_GET['insert'] == "true" && in_array($_GET['add_group'], array_keys($groups))) {
        } else {
            if ($_GET['insert'] == "false" && in_array($_GET['add_group'], array_keys($groups))) {
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET['addAll'])) {
                    isset($_GET['filter']) ? $groups = eF_filterData($groups, $_GET['filter']) : null;
$smarty->assign("T_TABLE_OPTIONS", $options);
$currentContent = new EfrontContentTree($currentLesson);
if ($_GET['scorm_review']) {
    $iterator = new EfrontSCORMFilterIterator(new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($currentContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST)));
    foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
        $scormContentIds[] = $key;
    if (sizeof($scormContentIds)) {
        $result = eF_getTableData("scorm_data, content, users", "scorm_data.*, content.name as content_name, users.name, users.surname", "scorm_data.users_LOGIN != '' and scorm_data.content_ID IN (" . implode(",", $scormContentIds) . ") and content_ID=content.id and users.login=scorm_data.users_LOGIN");
        $result2004 = array();
        if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
            #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
            if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'standard') {
                #cpp#ifndef STANDARD
                $result2004 = eF_getTableData("scorm_data_2004, content, users", "scorm_data_2004.*, content.name as content_name, users.name, users.surname", "scorm_data_2004.users_LOGIN != '' and scorm_data_2004.content_ID IN (" . implode(",", $scormContentIds) . ") and content_ID=content.id and users.login=scorm_data_2004.users_LOGIN");
        $scormData = array_merge($result, $result2004);
    } else {
        $scormData = array();
    foreach ($result as $value) {
        //$scormData[$value['users_LOGIN']] = $value;
    //$smarty -> assign("T_SCORM_DATA", $scormData);
    if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'scormUsersTable') {
        isset($_GET['limit']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['limit'], 'uint') ? $limit = $_GET['limit'] : ($limit = G_DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE);
        if (isset($_GET['sort']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['sort'], 'text')) {
                             $skills_missing = array();
                             $all_skills = "";
                             foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
                                 // all skill-related posted values are just the skill_ID ~ a uint value
                                 if (eF_checkParameter($key, 'unit')) {
                                     if ($value == 1) {
                                         $skills_missing[] = $key;
                             // We found all the skills missing
                             $skills_missing = implode("','", $skills_missing);
                             // We have all the already attended courses
                             $alredy_attending = implode("','", array_keys($editedUser->getLessons()));
                             // Thus we can find the missing courses to fill the skill gap
                             $lessons_proposed = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_skills LEFT OUTER JOIN module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill ON module_hcd_skills.skill_ID = module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.skill_ID JOIN lessons ON lessons.id = module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.lesson_ID", "module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.lesson_ID, lessons.*, count(module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.skill_ID) as skills_offered", "module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.skill_ID IN ('" . $skills_missing . "') AND module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.lesson_ID NOT IN ('" . $alredy_attending . "')", "", "module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.lesson_ID ORDER BY skills_offered DESC");
                             // And assign them
                             foreach ($lessons_proposed as $lesson) {
 if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'toggle_user' && $_GET['type'] == 'lesson' && $_change_lessons_) {
     $response = array('status' => 1);
     $editLesson = new EfrontLesson($_GET['id']);
文件: order.php 项目: bqq1986/efront
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $errorMessages[] = $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getCode();
 if (isset($_POST['deactivate_nodes']) && $_POST['deactivate_nodes']) {
     foreach ($_POST['deactivate_nodes'] as $value) {
         if (in_array($value, $legalValues) && eF_checkParameter($value, 'id')) {
             try {
                 // Deactivate also linked units
                 $linked_units = eF_getTableData('content', 'id', 'linked_to=' . $value);
                 foreach ($linked_units as $unit) {
                     $lessons_IDs = eF_getTableData('content', 'lessons_ID', 'id=' . $unit['id']);
                     foreach ($lessons_IDs as $lessons_ID) {
                         $lessonsContent = new EfrontContentTree($lessons_ID['lessons_ID']);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $errorMessages[] = $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getCode();
 if (isset($_POST['node_orders']) && $_POST['node_orders']) {
     //$nodeOrders        = explode(",", $_POST['node_orders']);
     $previousContentId = 0;
文件: index.php 项目: bqq1986/efront
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString());
        $message = $e->getMessage() . ' &nbsp;<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>';
        $message_type = failure;
} else {
    $smarty->assign("T_CART", cart::prepareCart());
if (isset($_SESSION['s_login']) && ($GLOBALS['currentTheme']->options['sidebar_interface'] == 2 && $GLOBALS['currentTheme']->options['show_header'] == 2)) {
    try {
        //$currentUser = EfrontUserFactory :: factory($_SESSION['s_login']);
        $currentUser = EfrontUser::checkUserAccess();
        //$_SESSION['last_action_timestamp'] = time();		//Keep the last time something happened to the session
        if ($accounts = unserialize($currentUser->user['additional_accounts'])) {
            $result = eF_getTableData("users", "login, user_type", 'login in ("' . implode('","', array_values($accounts)) . '")');
            $smarty->assign("T_MAPPED_ACCOUNTS", $result);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
if (isset($_GET['ctg']) && is_numeric($_GET['ctg'])) {
    //cheking a possible issue with search engine robots that overloads server
    if (empty($customBlocks) || in_array($_GET['ctg'], array_keys($customBlocks)) !== true) {
        eF_redirect("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
if (isset($_SESSION['s_login']) && $_SESSION['s_login']) {
    //This way, logged in users that stay on index.php are not logged out
    $loadScripts[] = 'sidebar';
function eF_local_printBranchJobs($branch)
    $result = $branch->getJobDescriptions();
    $branchJobs = array("--- {$branch->branch['name']} ---");
    foreach ($result as $value) {
        $branchJobs[$value['description']] = $value['description'];
    $branchJobs['#empty#'] = "--- " . _OTHERBRANCHJOBS . " ---";
    $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_job_description", "distinct description");
    foreach ($result as $value) {
        $branchJobs[$value['description']] = $value['description'];
    return $branchJobs;
     $smarty->assign("T_LAYOUT_CLASS", "centerFull hideLeft");
 } else {
     $smarty->assign("T_LAYOUT_CLASS", $currentTheme->options['toolbar_position'] == "left" ? "hideRight" : "hideLeft");
     //Whether to show the sidemenu on the left or on the right
 if (!$currentLesson->options['show_horizontal_bar'] && $_student_ || $_COOKIE['horizontalSideBar'] == 'hidden') {
     $smarty->assign("T_HEADER_CLASS", "headerHidden");
 } else {
     $smarty->assign("T_HEADER_CLASS", "header");
     //$currentTheme -> options['toolbar_position'] == "left" ? "hideRight" : "hideLeft");    //Whether to show the sidemenu on the left or on the right
 if (isset($currentUnit['options']['maximize_viewport']) && $currentUnit['options']['maximize_viewport'] && $currentUser->getType($currentLesson) == "student") {
     $smarty->assign("T_MAXIMIZE_VIEWPORT", 1);
 if (isset($currentUnit['options']['scorm_times']) && $currentUnit['options']['scorm_times']) {
     $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_content", "visits", "content_ID={$unit['id']} AND lessons_ID={$currentLesson->lesson['id']} AND users_LOGIN='******'login']}'");
     $remaining_times = $currentUnit['options']['scorm_times'] - $result[0]['visits'];
     $remaining_times > 0 or $remaining_times = 0;
     $smarty->assign("T_SCORM_TIMES_REMAINING", $remaining_times);
 if (isset($currentUnit['options']['scorm_asynchronous']) && $currentUnit['options']['scorm_asynchronous']) {
     $smarty->assign("T_SCORM_ASYNCHRONOUS", 1);
 } else {
     $smarty->assign("T_SCORM_ASYNCHRONOUS", 0);
 if (isset($currentUnit['options']['object_ids']) && $currentUnit['options']['object_ids']) {
     $smarty->assign("T_OBJECT_IDS", $currentUnit['options']['object_ids']);
 $content_side_modules = array();
 foreach ($loadedModules as $module) {
     if (isset($currentLesson->options[$module->className]) && $currentLesson->options[$module->className] == 1) {
            $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_content", "visits, attempt_identifier", "content_ID={$unit['id']} and users_LOGIN='******'login']}'");
            if (!empty($result)) {
                // 				vd($_SESSION['attempt_identifier']);
                // 				vd($result[0]['attempt_identifier']);
                $visits = $result[0]['visits'];
                if ($_SESSION['attempt_identifier'] != $result[0]['attempt_identifier']) {
                    eF_updateTableData("users_to_content", array("visits" => $result[0]['visits'] + 1, "attempt_identifier" => $_SESSION['attempt_identifier']), "content_ID={$unit['id']} and users_LOGIN='******'login']}'");
                    $visits = $result[0]['visits'] + 1;
            } else {
                eF_insertTableData("users_to_content", array("attempt_identifier" => $_SESSION['attempt_identifier'], "visits" => 1, "content_ID" => $unit['id'], "lessons_ID" => $unit['lessons_ID'], "users_LOGIN" => $scoUser->user['login']));
                $visits = 1;
            $remaining_times = $unit['options']['scorm_times'] - $visits;
    $newUserProgress = EfrontStats::getUsersLessonStatus($scoLesson, $scoUser->user['login']);
    $newPercentage = $newUserProgress[$scoLesson->lesson['id']][$scoUser->user['login']]['overall_progress'];
    $newConditionsPassed = $newUserProgress[$scoLesson->lesson['id']][$scoUser->user['login']]['conditions_passed'];
    $newLessonPassed = $newUserProgress[$scoLesson->lesson['id']][$scoUser->user['login']]['lesson_passed'];
    if ($scoLesson->lesson['course_only'] && $_SESSION['s_courses_ID']) {
        $res = eF_getTableData("users_to_courses", "issued_certificate", "courses_ID=" . $_SESSION['s_courses_ID'] . " and users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "'");
        if ($res[0]['issued_certificate'] != "") {
            $courseCertified = true;
    echo json_encode(array($newPercentage, $newConditionsPassed, $newLessonPassed, $scormState, $redirectTo, $trackActivityInfo, $courseCertified, $remaining_times));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
 private function toggleSetting($setting, $enable)
     $result = eF_getTableData("lessons", "id, options");
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         $options = unserialize($value['options']);
         $enable ? $options[$setting] = 1 : ($options[$setting] = 0);
         eF_updateTableData("lessons", array("options" => serialize($options)), "id=" . $value['id']);
                                 $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("f_users_to_polls", "count(*)", "vote != 0 and f_poll_ID=" . $poll['id']);
                             $polls[$k]['votes'] = $result['count(*)'][0];
                         $smarty->assign("T_FORUM_TOPICS", $topics);
                         $smarty->assign("T_FORUM_POLLS", $polls);
                         if ((!$currentUser->coreAccess['forum'] || $currentUser->coreAccess['forum'] == 'change') && ($currentUser->user['user_type'] != 'student' || isset($forum_config) && $forum_config['students_add_forums']) && (!isset($_GET['forum']) || $forums[$_GET['forum']]['status'] != 2)) {
                             $forum_options = array(1 => array('text' => _NEWFORUM, 'image' => "16x16/add.png", 'href' => basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=forum&add=1&type=forum&parent_forum_id={$parent_forum}&popup=1", 'onclick' => "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, '" . _NEWFORUM . "', 2)", 'target' => "POPUP_FRAME"));
                             $smarty->assign("T_FORUM_OPTIONS", $forum_options);
                 //Calculate the forum parents, so the title may be created and displayed
                 while ($parent_forum != 0 && $count++ < 100) {
                     //Count is put to prevent an unexpected infinite loop
                     $result = eF_getTableData("f_forums", "id,title,parent_id,lessons_ID", "id={$parent_forum}");
                     $parent_forum = $result[0]['parent_id'];
                     $parents[$result[0]['id']] = $result[0]['title'];
                     $firstNode = $result[0]['lessons_ID'];
                 //echo $firstNode;
                 $smarty->assign("T_FIRSTNODE", $firstNode);
                 $smarty->assign("T_FORUM_PARENTS", array_reverse($parents, true));
                 $dataSource = $topics;
                 $tableName = 'topicsTable';
                 include "sorted_table.php";
$smarty->assign("T_MODULES", $modulesList);
$upload_form = new HTML_QuickForm("upload_file_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?ctg=modules', "", null, true);
$upload_form->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter');
//Register this rule for checking user input with our function, eF_checkParameter
$upload_form->addElement('file', 'file_upload[0]', null, 'class = "inputText"');
$upload_form->addElement('checkbox', 'overwrite', _OVERWRITEIFFOLDEREXISTS);
$upload_form->setMaxFileSize(FileSystemTree::getUploadMaxSize() * 1024);
//getUploadMaxSize returns size in KB
$upload_form->addElement('submit', 'submit_upload_file', _UPLOAD, 'class = "flatButton"');
if ($upload_form->isSubmitted() && $upload_form->validate()) {
    $filesystem = new FileSystemTree(G_MODULESPATH);
    $uploadedFile = $filesystem->uploadFile('file_upload', G_MODULESPATH, 0);
    if (isset($_GET['upgrade'])) {
        $prev_module_version = eF_getTableData("modules", "position", "className = '" . $_GET['upgrade'] . "'");
        $prev_module_folder = $prev_module_version[0]['position'];
        // The name of the temp folder to extract the new version of the module
        $module_folder = $prev_module_folder;
        //basename($filename[0], '.zip') . time();
        $module_position = $prev_module_folder;
        //basename($filename[0], '.zip');
    } else {
        $module_folder = basename($uploadedFile['path'], '.zip');
        $module_position = $module_folder;
    if (is_dir(G_MODULESPATH . $module_folder) && !isset($_GET['upgrade']) && !isset($_POST['overwrite'])) {
        $message_type = 'failure';
    } else {
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
 } catch (Exception $e) {
 try {
     if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && isset($_GET['reset_user'])) {
         $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_GET['reset_user']);
     if (isset($_GET['postAjaxRequest'])) {
         if (isset($_GET['login']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['login'], 'login')) {
             isset($_GET['user_type']) && in_array($_GET['user_type'], array_keys($roles)) ? $userType = $_GET['user_type'] : ($userType = 'student');
             $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_lessons", "users_LOGIN, user_type", "archive = 0 and users_LOGIN='******'login']}' and lessons_ID={$editLesson->lesson['id']}");
             if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
                 $editLesson->addUsers($_GET['login'], $userType);
             } else {
                 $userType != $result[0]['user_type'] ? $editLesson->setRoles($_GET['login'], $userType) : $editLesson->archiveLessonUsers($_GET['login']);
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['addAll'])) {
                 $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'active' => true, 'condition' => 'r.lessons_ID is null', 'return_objects' => false);
                 $users = $editLesson->getLessonUsersIncludingUnassigned($constraints);
                 isset($_GET['filter']) ? $users = eF_filterData($users, $_GET['filter']) : null;
                 $userTypes = array();
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     $user['user_types_ID'] ? $userTypes[] = $user['user_types_ID'] : ($userTypes[] = $user['user_type']);
                 $editLesson->addUsers($users, $userTypes);
  * Check if a course must be reset because of certificate expiry or 'before expiry' reset
  * @param mixed lesson A lesson id or an EfrontLesson object
  * @since 3.6.3
  * @access public
 public static function checkCertificateExpire()
     $courses = eF_getTableData("courses", "id,reset_interval,reset", "certificate_expiration !=0");
     $notifications = eF_getTableData("event_notifications", "id,event_type,after_time,send_conditions", "event_type=-56 and active=1");
     $notifications_on_event = eF_getTableData("event_notifications", "id,event_type,after_time,send_conditions", "event_type=56 and active=1");
     foreach ($courses as $value) {
         $course = new EfrontCourse($value['id']);
         $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'active' => true, 'condition' => 'issued_certificate != ""');
         $users = $course->getStudentUsers(false, $constraints);
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $login = $user['login'];
             $dateTable = unserialize($user['issued_certificate']);
             if (eF_checkParameter($dateTable['date'], 'timestamp')) {
                 //new way that issued date saves
                 $expirationArray = convertTimeToDays($course->course['certificate_expiration']);
                 $expirationTimestamp = getCertificateExpirationTimestamp($dateTable['date'], $expirationArray);
                 if ($course->course['reset_interval'] != 0) {
                     $resetArray = convertTimeToDays($value['reset_interval']);
                     $resetTimestamp = getCertificateResetTimestamp($expirationTimestamp, $resetArray);
                     if ($resetTimestamp < time()) {
                         $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($user);
                         $user->resetProgressInCourse($course, true, true);
                 if ($course->course['reset']) {
                     //If student completed again the course with reset_interval, he has a new expire date so he will not be reset,(so it is not elseif)
                     if ($expirationTimestamp < time()) {
                         if (!$user instanceof EfrontUser) {
                             $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($user);
                         $user->resetProgressInCourse($course, true);
                         foreach ($notifications_on_event as $notification) {
                             $send_conditions = unserialize($notification['send_conditions']);
                             $courses_ID = $send_conditions['courses_ID'];
                             if ($courses_ID == $value['id'] || $courses_ID == 0) {
                                 if ($notification['after_time'] == 0) {
                                     EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::COURSE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY, "users_LOGIN" => $user->user['login'], "lessons_ID" => $course->course['id'], "lessons_name" => $course->course['name'], 'create_negative' => false));
                 if (!$course->course['reset'] && !$course->course['reset_interval']) {
                     if ($expirationTimestamp < time()) {
                         eF_updateTableData("users_to_courses", array("issued_certificate" => ""), "users_LOGIN='******' and courses_ID = " . $course->course['id']);
                         foreach ($notifications_on_event as $notification) {
                             $send_conditions = unserialize($notification['send_conditions']);
                             $courses_ID = $send_conditions['courses_ID'];
                             if ($courses_ID == $value['id'] || $courses_ID == 0) {
                                 if ($notification['after_time'] == 0) {
                                     EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::COURSE_CERTIFICATE_REVOKE, "users_LOGIN" => $login, "lessons_ID" => $course->course['id'], "lessons_name" => $course->course['name'], "create_negative" => false));
                 foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                     $send_conditions = unserialize($notification['send_conditions']);
                     $courses_ID = $send_conditions['courses_ID'];
                     if ($courses_ID == $value['id'] || $courses_ID == 0) {
                         if ($notification['after_time'] < 0) {
                             $resetArray = convertTimeToDays(abs($notification['after_time']));
                             $resetTimestamp = getCertificateResetTimestamp($expirationTimestamp, $resetArray);
                             // in order notification to be sent one (not every day after $resetTimestamp)
                             if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['last_reset_certificate'] < $resetTimestamp && $resetTimestamp < time() && $expirationTimestamp > time()) {
                                 EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => -1 * EfrontEvent::COURSE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY, "users_LOGIN" => $login, "lessons_ID" => $course->course['id'], "lessons_name" => $course->course['name'], "create_negative" => false));
  * Create lesson instance
  * This function is used to create a lesson instance.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $instance = EfrontLesson :: createInstance(43);
  * </code>
  * @param mixed $instanceSource Either a lesson id or an EfrontLesson object.
  * @return EfrontLesson The new lesson instance
  * @since 3.6.1
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function createInstance($instanceSource, $originateCourse)
     if (!$instanceSource instanceof EfrontLesson) {
         $instanceSource = new EfrontLesson($instanceSource);
     if (!$originateCourse instanceof EfrontCourse) {
         $originateCourse = new EfrontCourse($originateCourse);
     $result = eF_getTableData("lessons", "*", "id=" . $instanceSource->lesson['id']);
     //unset($result[0]['directions_ID']);			//Instances don't belong to a category
     if (!$result[0]['share_folder']) {
         $result[0]['share_folder'] = $instanceSource->lesson['id'];
     //$result[0]['name'] .= ' ('._INSTANCE.')';
     $result[0]['originating_course'] = $originateCourse->course['id'];
     $result[0]['instance_source'] = $instanceSource->lesson['id'];
     $file = $instanceSource->export(false, true, false);
     $instance = EfrontLesson::createLesson($result[0]);
     $instance->import($file, true, true, true);
     $instance->course['originating_course'] = $originateCourse->course['id'];
     $instance->course['instance_source'] = $instanceSource->lesson['id'];
     $modules = eF_loadAllModules();
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         $module->onCreateInstance($instance->lesson['id'], $instanceSource->lesson['id']);
     return $instance;
        if ($_POST['dashboard']) {
            eF_updateTableData("users", array('dashboard_positions' => $positions), "login='******'login'] . "'");
        } else {
            if ($currentUser->user['user_type'] == 'administrator' && !isset($_POST['lessons_ID'])) {
                EfrontConfiguration::setValue($currentUser->user['login'] . "_positions", $positions);
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['set_default']) && ($currentUser->user['user_type'] == 'administrator' || $roles[$currentLesson->getRole($currentUser->user['login'])] == 'professor')) {
                    $currentLesson->setOptions(array("default_positions" => $positions));
                    $positions = serialize(array('first' => array_unique($firstlist), 'second' => array_unique($secondlist), 'visibility' => $visibility, 'update' => true));
                    $lessonStudents = $currentLesson->getUsers('student');
                    if (sizeof($lessonStudents) > 0) {
                        $users = implode("','", array_keys($lessonStudents));
                        eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", array('positions' => $positions), "users_LOGIN in ('" . $users . "') and lessons_ID=" . $currentLesson->lesson['id']);
                } else {
                    if (!$visibility) {
                        $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_lessons", "positions", "lessons_ID=" . $currentLesson->lesson['id'] . " AND users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
                        $result = unserialize($result[0]['positions']);
                        $visibility = $result['visibility'];
                        if (isset($result['visibility'])) {
                            $positions = serialize(array('first' => array_unique($firstlist), 'second' => array_unique($secondlist), 'visibility' => $visibility));
                    eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", array('positions' => $positions), "lessons_ID=" . $currentLesson->lesson['id'] . " AND users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
} catch (Exception $e) {
             if (!in_array($value, $branchTreeUsers)) {
     if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
         $result = eF_getTableData("users", "login, avatar", "login IN ('" . implode("','", $all_related_users) . "')");
         $users_avatars = array();
         foreach ($result as $avatar) {
             $users_avatars[$avatar['login']] = $avatar['avatar'];
     $myEvents = EfrontEvent::getEvents($all_related_users, true, 1000);
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
         $result = eF_getTableData("users", "login, avatar");
         $users_avatars = array();
         foreach ($result as $avatar) {
             $users_avatars[$avatar['login']] = $avatar['avatar'];
     $myEvents = EfrontEvent::getEventsForAllUsers(true, 1000);
 $allModules = eF_loadAllModules();
 $eventMessages = array();
 foreach ($myEvents as $key => $event) {
     if ($myEvents[$key]->createMessage($allModules)) {
         if (strpos($myEvents[$key]->event['time'], "-") === false) {
             // Added this to prevent events that changed time in the future as project expiration
             $new_event = array("time" => $myEvents[$key]->event['time'], "message" => $myEvents[$key]->event['message']);
             if ($myEvents[$key]->event['editlink']) {
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
         #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
         if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator') {
             $templates = eF_getTableData("certificate_templates", "id, certificate_name, certificate_type", "certificate_type='main' OR id='" . $currentCourse->options['certificate_tpl_id'] . "' OR users_LOGIN='******'currentUser']->user['login'] . "'", "certificate_name");
         } else {
             $templates = eF_getTableData("certificate_templates", "id, certificate_name, certificate_type", "", "certificate_name");
         foreach ($templates as $key => $value) {
             $userTemplates[$value['id']] = $value['id'];
         if (!in_array($_GET['template_id'], $userTemplates)) {
             $message = urlencode(_CERTIFICATETEMPLATENOACCESS) . "&message_type=failure";
             eF_redirect("" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?" . $baseUrl . "&op=format_certificate&switch=1&message=" . urlencode($message));
         if ($currentCourse->options['certificate_tpl_id'] == $_GET['template_id']) {
             $mainTemplate = eF_getTableData("certificate_templates", "id", "certificate_name='" . CERTIFICATES_MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME . "'");
             // XXX
             $currentCourse->options['certificate_tpl_id'] = $mainTemplate[0]['id'];
         if (eF_deleteTableData("certificate_templates", "id=" . $_GET['template_id'])) {
             $message = urlencode(_SUCCESSFULLYDELETECERTIFICATETEMPLATE) . "&message_type=success";
             eF_redirect("" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?" . $baseUrl . "&op=format_certificate&switch=1&message=" . urlencode($message));
         } else {
             $message = urlencode(_PROBLEMDELETECERTIFICATETEMPLATE) . "&message_type=failure";
             eF_redirect("" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?" . $baseUrl . "&op=format_certificate&switch=1&message=" . urlencode($message));
 } else {
     if ($_GET['op'] == 'course_rules') {
 protected function getData($type)
     switch ($type) {
         case "users":
             if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                 #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
                 return eF_getTableData("users LEFT JOIN module_hcd_employees ON users.login = module_hcd_employees.users_login", implode(",", $this->types), "users.archive = 0");
             } else {
                 return eF_getTableData($type, implode(",", $this->types), "archive = 0");
         case "users_to_courses":
             return eF_getTableData("users_to_courses JOIN courses ON courses.id = users_to_courses.courses_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
         case "users_to_groups":
             return eF_getTableData("users_to_groups JOIN groups ON groups.id = users_to_groups.groups_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
             #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
         #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
         case "branches":
             return eF_getTableData("module_hcd_branch LEFT OUTER JOIN module_hcd_branch as father_branches ON module_hcd_branch.father_branch_ID = father_branches.branch_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
         case "job_descriptions":
             return eF_getTableData("module_hcd_job_description JOIN module_hcd_branch ON module_hcd_branch.branch_ID = module_hcd_job_description.branch_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
         case "skills":
             return eF_getTableData("module_hcd_skills JOIN module_hcd_skill_categories ON module_hcd_skill_categories.id = module_hcd_skills.categories_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
         case "users_to_jobs":
             return eF_getTableData("module_hcd_employee_has_job_description JOIN module_hcd_job_description ON module_hcd_employee_has_job_description.job_description_ID = module_hcd_job_description.job_description_ID JOIN module_hcd_branch ON module_hcd_job_description.branch_ID = module_hcd_branch.branch_ID JOIN module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch ON (module_hcd_job_description.branch_ID = module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch.branch_ID AND module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch.users_login = module_hcd_employee_has_job_description.users_login)", implode(",", $this->types), "");
         case "users_to_skills":
             return eF_getTableData("module_hcd_employee_has_skill JOIN module_hcd_skills ON module_hcd_employee_has_skill.skill_ID = module_hcd_skills.skill_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
         case "courses_to_branches":
             return eF_getTableData("module_hcd_course_to_branch as mcb JOIN courses as c ON c.id = mcb.courses_ID JOIN module_hcd_branch as b ON b.branch_ID=mcb.branches_ID", implode(",", $this->types), "");
             return eF_getTableData($type, implode(",", $this->types), "archive = 0");
  * Construct user object
  * This function is used to construct a user object, based on the user type.
  * Specifically, it creates an EfrontStudent, EfrontProfessor, EfrontAdministrator etc
  * An optional password verification may take place, if $password is specified
  * If $user is a login name, the function queries database. Alternatively, it may
  * use a prepared user array, which is mostly convenient when having to perform
  * multiple initializations
  * <br/>Example :
  * <code>
  * $user = EfrontUserFactory :: factory('jdoe');			//Use factory function to instantiate user object with login 'jdoe'
  * $userData = eF_getTableData("users", "*", "login='******'");
  * $user = EfrontUserFactory :: factory($userData[0]);	  //Use factory function to instantiate user object using prepared data
  * </code>
  * @param mixed $user A user login or an array holding user data
  * @param string $password An optional password to check against
  * @param string $forceType Force the type to initialize the user, for example for when a professor accesses student.php as student
  * @return EfrontUser an object of a class extending EfrontUser
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function factory($user, $password = false, $forceType = false)
     if ((is_string($user) || is_numeric($user)) && eF_checkParameter($user, 'login')) {
         $result = eF_getTableData("users", "*", "login='******'");
         if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
             throw new EfrontUserException(_USERDOESNOTEXIST . ': ' . $user, EfrontUserException::USER_NOT_EXISTS);
         } else {
             if ($password !== false && $password != $result[0]['password']) {
                 throw new EfrontUserException(_INVALIDPASSWORDFORUSER . ': ' . $user, EfrontUserException::INVALID_PASSWORD);
         if (strcmp($result[0]['login'], $user) !=0){
         	throw new EfrontUserException(_USERDOESNOTEXIST.': '.$user, EfrontUserException :: USER_NOT_EXISTS);
         $user = $result[0];
     } elseif (!is_array($user)) {
         throw new EfrontUserException(_INVALIDLOGIN . ': ' . $user, EfrontUserException::INVALID_PARAMETER);
     $forceType ? $userType = $forceType : ($userType = $user['user_type']);
     switch ($userType) {
         case 'administrator':
             $factory = new EfrontAdministrator($user, $password);
         case 'professor':
             $factory = new EfrontProfessor($user, $password);
         case 'student':
             $factory = new EfrontStudent($user, $password);
             throw new EfrontUserException(_INVALIDUSERTYPE . ': "' . $userType . '"', EfrontUserException::INVALID_TYPE);
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
         #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
         $factory->aspects['hcd'] = EfrontEmployeeFactory::factory($factory);
     return $factory;
文件: api.php 项目: bqq1986/efront
             echo "<status>error</status>";
             echo "<message>Incomplete arguments</message>";
             echo "</xml>";
     } else {
         echo "<xml>";
         echo "<status>error</status>";
         echo "<message>Invalid token</message>";
         echo "</xml>";
 case 'deactivate_user_course':
     if (isset($_GET['token']) && checkToken($_GET['token'])) {
         if (isset($_GET['login']) && isset($_GET['course'])) {
             $update['from_timestamp'] = 0;
             $courses = eF_getTableData("lessons_to_courses", "lessons_id", "courses_ID=" . $_GET['course']);
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($courses); $i++) {
                 if (eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", $update, "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "' and lessons_ID=" . $courses[$i]['lessons_id'])) {
                     $cacheKey = "user_lesson_status:lesson:" . $courses[$i]['lessons_id'] . "user:"******"<xml>";
             echo "<status>ok</status>";
             echo "</xml>";
         } else {
             echo "<xml>";
             echo "<status>error</status>";
             echo "<message>Incomplete arguments</message>";
             echo "</xml>";
 // Create the branches select
 require_once $path . "module_hcd_tools.php";
 $company_branches = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_branch", "branch_ID, name, father_branch_ID", "", "father_branch_ID ASC,branch_ID ASC");
 if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator' && $currentEmployee->isSupervisor()) {
     //this applies to supervisors only
     foreach ($company_branches as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($value['branch_ID'], $allowedBranches)) {
     $company_branches = array_values($company_branches);
 $filter_branches = eF_createBranchesTreeSelect($company_branches, 4);
 $smarty->assign("T_BRANCHES", $filter_branches);
 $job_descriptions = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_job_description", "description,job_description_ID,branch_ID", "", "description ASC");
 if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator' && $currentEmployee->isSupervisor()) {
     //this applies to supervisors only
     foreach ($job_descriptions as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($value['branch_ID'], $allowedBranches)) {
     $job_descriptions = array_values($job_descriptions);
 $job_des = array();
 foreach ($job_descriptions as $key => $value) {
     if (empty($job_des[$key])) {
         $job_des[$value['description']] = $value['job_description_ID'];
 public static function switchLessonReportingMode($mode)
     if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports'] != $mode && $mode == 1) {
         //step one: Read all times from the user_times table, per user,lesson and unit
         $data = $totals = array();
         $result = eF_getTableData("user_times", "users_LOGIN, entity_ID, lessons_ID, time", "entity = 'unit'");
         foreach ($result as $value) {
             if (isset($totals[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['lessons_ID']][$value['entity_ID']])) {
                 $totals[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['lessons_ID']][$value['entity_ID']] += $value['time'];
             } else {
                 $totals[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['lessons_ID']][$value['entity_ID']] = $value['time'];
         //step 2: read all current time entries in the users_to_content table
         $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_content", "users_LOGIN, content_ID, lessons_ID, total_time");
         foreach ($result as $value) {
             $existing[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['lessons_ID']][$value['content_ID']] = $value['total_time'];
         //step 3: Populate the users_to_content table with the data from the user_times table, or update if a value already exist (overwriting it).
         foreach ($totals as $user => $lesson) {
             foreach ($lesson as $lessonId => $content) {
                 foreach ($content as $contentId => $seconds) {
                     if (isset($existing[$user][$lessonId][$contentId])) {
                         eF_updateTableData("users_to_content", array("total_time" => $seconds), "users_LOGIN='******' and content_ID={$contentId} and lessons_ID={$lessonId}");
                     } else {
                         $data[] = array("users_LOGIN" => $user, "content_ID" => $contentId, "lessons_ID" => $lessonId, "total_time" => $seconds);
         eF_insertTableDataMultiple("users_to_content", $data);
         //step 4: Read the lesson (but not unit) times from the user_times table
         $data = $totals = array();
         $result = eF_getTableData("user_times", "users_LOGIN, entity_ID, time", "entity = 'lesson'");
         foreach ($result as $value) {
             if (isset($totals[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['entity_ID']])) {
                 $totals[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['entity_ID']] += $value['time'];
             } else {
                 $totals[$value['users_LOGIN']][$value['entity_ID']] = $value['time'];
         //step 5: Populate the users_to_content table with the plain lesson times, using null as a contentId
         foreach ($totals as $user => $lesson) {
             foreach ($lesson as $lessonId => $seconds) {
                 $data[] = array("users_LOGIN" => $user, "content_ID" => null, "lessons_ID" => $lessonId, "total_time" => $seconds);
         eF_deleteTableData("users_to_content", "content_ID is null or content_ID=0");
         //empty previous entries
         eF_insertTableDataMultiple("users_to_content", $data);
  * Clear duplicate comments
  * There are times that the system may end up with duplicate comments, like when
  * copying content. This function is used to effectively eliminate duplicates.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * comments :: clearDuplicates($currentLesson);
  * </code>
  * @param mixed $lesson a lesson id or an EfrontLesson object
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @since 3.6.0
 public static function clearDuplicates($lesson)
     if ($lesson instanceof EfrontLesson) {
         $lessonId = $lesson->lesson['id'];
     } elseif (eF_checkParameter($lesson, 'id')) {
         $lessonId = $lesson;
     } else {
         throw new EfrontLessonException(_INVALIDID . ": {$lesson}", EfrontLessonException::INVALID_ID);
     $result = eF_getTableData("comments", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $lessonId, "id");
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         $commentsTerms[$value['id']] = $value;
         $id = $value['id'];
         $checksums[$id] = md5(serialize($value));
     $uniques = array_unique($checksums);
     $duplicates = array_diff_key($checksums, $uniques);
     foreach ($duplicates as $key => $value) {
         $comments = new comments($commentsTerms[$key]);

$path = "../../../libraries/";
require_once $path . "configuration.php";
$result = eF_getTableData("modules", "*", "name='module_rss'");
$module = $result[0];
if ($module['active']) {
    $folder = $module['position'];
    $className = $module['className'];
    require_once G_MODULESPATH . $folder . "/" . $className . ".class.php";
    $moduleInstance = new $className("student.php?ctg=module&op=" . $className, $folder);
    $moduleInstance->createRssFeed($_GET['type'], $_GET['mode'], $_GET['lesson']);
} else {
    header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=" . _CHARSET);
    echo "<message>Rss feeds not activated</message>";
$date = getdate();
$lastHour = mktime($date['hours'], 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
function cacheHeaders($lastModifiedDate) {
    if ($lastModifiedDate) {
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) >= $lastModifiedDate) {
            if (php_sapi_name()=='CGI') {
                Header("Status: 304 Not Modified");
            } else {
//This file cannot be called directly, only included.
if (str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", __FILE__) == $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) {
$loadScripts[] = 'includes/lessons_list';
$loadScripts[] = 'includes/catalog';
try {
    if (isset($_GET['op']) && $_GET['op'] == 'tests') {
        require_once "tests/show_skill_gap_tests.php";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'rtf') {
        require_once "rtf_export.php";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'xml') {
        require_once "xml_export.php";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['course'])) {
        $currentCourse = new EfrontCourse($_GET['course']);
        $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_courses", "user_type", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "' and archive=0 and courses_ID=" . $currentCourse->course['id']);
        if (empty($result) || $roles[$result[0]['user_type']] != 'professor') {
            throw new Exception(_UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS);
        $baseUrl = 'ctg=lessons&course=' . $currentCourse->course['id'];
        $smarty->assign("T_BASE_URL", $baseUrl);
        $smarty->assign("T_CURRENT_COURSE", $currentCourse);
        require_once 'course_settings.php';
    } elseif (isset($_GET['op']) && $_GET['op'] == 'search') {
        require_once "module_search.php";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['catalog'])) {
        require_once "catalog_page.php";
    } else {
        $myCoursesOptions = array();
        $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see libraries/EfrontEntity#delete()
 public function delete()
     $folderMessages = eF_getTableData("f_personal_messages", "id", "f_folders_ID=" . $this->{$this->entity}['id']);
     foreach ($folderMessages as $message) {
     $folderDirectory = new EfrontDirectory(G_UPLOADPATH . $this->{$this->entity}['users_LOGIN'] . '/message_attachments/' . $this->{$this->entity}['name']);