protected function query($cmd, $type = SDBBase::Select) { global $s_runconf; $sql = $this->parse($cmd); if (DEBUG) { $t1 = get_microtime(); $res = $this->run_query($sql, $type); $this->last_affected = $type != SDBBase::Select ? $res['affected'] : $res['selected']; $t2 = get_microtime(); if ($res['error']) { dwrite("**Failed [** {$sql} **] {$res['error']}**", S_ERROR); } else { $dt = $t2 - $t1; $s_runconf->set('time.sql.query', $s_runconf->get('time.sql.query') + $dt); $rows_str = $type != SDBBase::Select ? $res['affected'] . ' rows affected' : $res['selected'] . ' rows selected'; dwrite("**Success [** {$sql} **] {$rows_str}** (" . number_format($dt, 8) . ")", $dt < 0.1 ? S_SUCCESS : S_ACCENT); } } else { $res = $this->run_query($sql, $type); $this->last_affected = $type != SDBBase::Select ? $res['affected'] : $res['selected']; } return $res['result']; }
} else { if ($typeid == 4) { if (in_array(strtolower(file_ext($flash_src)), array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'))) { $typeid = 3; $image_src = $flash_src; } } } } ob_start(); include template($template, $module); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); file_put($filename, '<!--' . $totime . '-->' . $data); if ($typeid > 1) { $data = 'document.write(\'' . dwrite($data) . '\');'; file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $p['pid'] . '.js', $data); } } else { file_del($filename); if ($typeid > 1) { if ($p['code']) { file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $p['pid'] . '.js', $p['code']); } else { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $p['pid'] . '.js'); } } } } } }
protected function send_raw() { if (!SEmail::validate_email($this->from_email)) { return 'Invalid "From" email'; } if (!SEmail::validate_email($this->to)) { return 'Invalid "To" email'; } $from = $this->make_from(); $hdr = 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n"; $hdr .= 'Return-Path: ' . $this->from_email . "\r\n"; $hdr .= 'Errors-To: ' . $this->from_email . "\r\n"; if ($this->html_email) { $hdr .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; } foreach ($this->headers as $key => $val) { $hdr .= $this->santize_string($key) . ': ' . $this->santize_string($val) . "\r\n"; } if (!count($this->attachments)) { if ($this->html_email) { $hdr .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $this->charset . "\r\n"; } $body = $this->body; } else { $str = $this->body; foreach ($this->attachments as $att) { $str .= $att->content; } $boundary = $this->generate_boundary($str); $hdr .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $boundary . '"' . "\r\n"; $attachs = ''; foreach ($this->attachments as $att) { if (strpos($att->mime_type, '/') === false) { throw new Exception('Invalid MIME type of the attachment.'); } $attachs .= "--{$boundary}\r\n"; $attachs .= 'Content-Type: ' . $att->mime_type; if ($att->content_name != '') { $attachs .= '; name="' . $att->content_name . '"'; } $attachs .= "\r\n"; $attachs .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; if ($att->file_name != '') { $attachs .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $att->file_name . '"' . "\r\n"; } if ($att->content_id != '') { $attachs .= 'Content-ID: <' . $att->content_id . ">\r\n"; } $attachs .= "\r\n"; $attachs .= chunk_split(base64_encode($att->content)) . "\r\n"; } $body = "--{$boundary}\r\n"; $body .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . $this->charset . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $this->body . "\r\n" . $attachs; $body .= "--{$boundary}--\r\n"; } if (DEBUG) { $msg = "**SendMail to \"{$this->to}\" with subject \"{$this->subject}\"**"; if (!conf('mail.send')) { $msg .= ' !!(Sending email is disabled)!!'; } dwrite($msg); dwrite_msg('Headers', $hdr); dwrite_msg('Body', $body); } if (conf('mail.send')) { switch (conf('mail.type')) { case 'mail': return $this->send_mail_mail($from, $this->to, $this->subject, $hdr, $body); case 'smtp': return $this->send_mail_smtp($this->from_email, $from, $this->to, $this->subject, $hdr, $body); case 'sendmail': return $this->send_mail_sendmail($from, $this->to, $this->subject, $hdr, $body); default: throw new Exception('Unknown mailer type (' . conf('mail.type') . ')'); } } return ''; }
protected function output_result($res) { global $s_runconf; $nw = get_microtime(); $this->output_headers(); echo $res; if (DEBUG) { dwrite('**[Page processing end]**'); dwrite('Page processing takes: ' . number_format($nw - $this->_start_time, 8)); dwrite('SQL parsing takes: ' . number_format($s_runconf->get('time.sql.parse'), 8)); dwrite('SQL queries takes: ' . number_format($s_runconf->get('time.sql.query'), 8)); dwrite('Templates takes: ' . number_format($s_runconf->get('time.template'), 8) . ' (approx, including template loading)'); $debuglog_str = dflush_str(); if (LOG_DEBUG_INFO) { _log("[[ Page info ]]\n\n{$debuglog_str}\n\n"); } if ($this->content_type == 'text/html' && SHOW_DEBUG_INFO) { echo '<div style="z-index:99999;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;font-size:10px;font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold;background-color:#000;color:#FFF;cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;"'; echo ' onclick="var s=document.getElementById(\'__s_debug__\').style;s.display=s.display==\'\'?\'none\':\'\';return false;">#</div>'; echo '<div id="__s_debug__" style="z-index:99999;position:absolute;top:15px;left:10px;border:1px solid #888;background-color:#FFF;overflow:auto;width:800px;height:300px;display:none;">'; echo '<pre style="text-align:left;padding:5px;margin:0;" class="s-debug">'; echo get_debuglog_html($debuglog_str); echo '</pre></div>'; } } }
function dwrite_msg($str, $msg, $type = S_NORMAL) { if (!DEBUG) { return; } dwrite($str, $type, $msg); }
<?php /* [Destoon B2B System] Copyright (c) 2008-2015 This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license.txt */ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = ''; require '../'; header("Content-type:text/javascript"); check_referer() or exit('document.write("Invalid Referer");'); $tag = isset($auth) ? decrypt($auth) : ''; $tag or exit('document.write("Invalid Parameter");'); is_file(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/0' . md5($tag) . '.js') or exit('document.write("Invalid Script");'); $tag = strip_sql($tag); foreach (array($DT_PRE, '#', '$', '%', '&', 'table', 'fields', 'password', 'payword', 'debug') as $v) { strpos($tag, $v) === false or exit('document.write("Invalid Tag");'); } ob_start(); tag($tag); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); echo 'document.write(\'' . dwrite($data ? $data : 'No Data') . '\');';
$one = isset($one) && $one ? 1 : 0; if (!isset($num)) { $num = 100; cache_clear_ad(1); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}ad_place WHERE ads=0 AND code<>''"); $totime = $DT_TIME + 86400 * 365 * 10; while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { if ($r['typeid'] > 5) { $filename = 'ad_' . $r['moduleid'] . '_d' . $r['typeid'] . '.htm'; } else { $filename = 'ad_' . $r['pid'] . '_d0.htm'; } $data = '<!--' . $totime . '-->' . $r['code']; file_put(DT_CACHE . '/htm/' . $filename, $data); if ($r['typeid'] > 1 && $r['typeid'] < 6) { $data = 'document.write(\'' . dwrite($r['code']) . '\');'; file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $r['pid'] . '.js', $data); } } } if (!isset($fid)) { $r = $db->get_one("SELECT min(aid) AS fid FROM {$DT_PRE}ad"); $fid = $r['fid'] ? $r['fid'] : 0; } isset($sid) or $sid = $fid; if (!isset($tid)) { $r = $db->get_one("SELECT max(aid) AS tid FROM {$DT_PRE}ad"); $tid = $r['tid'] ? $r['tid'] : 0; } $_moduleid = $moduleid; if ($fid <= $tid) {
error('Magic found'); } if ($index < 1) { $index = 1; dwrite('Index out of bound (less than 1)', S_ERROR); } if ($index > 9) { $index = 9; dwrite('Index out of bound (more than 9)', S_ERROR); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) { if ($i == $index) { echo "[{$i}]"; } else { if (inGET('gimmedebug')) { echo ' <a href="?index=' . $i . '&gimmedebug=1">' . $i . '</a> '; } else { echo ' <a href="?index=' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a> '; } } } ?> :.</strong> <?php dwrite('[End]'); if (DEBUG) { echo_debug(); } ?> </body> </html>
public function get_one($cmd) { $res = $this->query($cmd); if ($res === false) { return null; } if ($res === true) { if (DEBUG) { dwrite("**\"{$cmd->command}\"** is not a SELECT query", S_ERROR); } return null; } if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $fld = first_value($row); } else { $fld = null; } mysql_free_result($res); return $fld; }
public function process($filename) { global $s_runconf; if (DEBUG) { $sql_t = $s_runconf->get('time.sql.parse') + $s_runconf->get('time.sql.query'); $st = get_microtime(); $nested = $s_runconf->get('tpl.nested', array()); $nested[] = 0; $s_runconf->set('tpl.nested', $nested); } $funcname = $this->generate_funcname($filename); if (!function_exists($funcname)) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new Exception("Template \"{$filename}\" doesn't exists"); } $dir = substr(dirname($filename), strlen(BASE)); $rdir = conf('cache.path') . 'templates/' . $dir; if ($rdir != '' && !is_dir($rdir)) { make_directory($rdir); } if (substr($rdir, -1) != '/') { $rdir .= '/'; } $rname = $rdir . basename($filename) . '.php'; $mt = filemtime($filename); $mk = true; if (!file_exists($rname) || filemtime($rname) < $mt) { dwrite('Parsing template "' . $rname . '"', S_ACCENT); $parsed = $this->parse(file_get_contents($filename), $funcname); if ($fp = @fopen($rname, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp, '<' . '?' . 'php' . "\n" . $parsed); // closing php tag is not necessary fclose($fp); chmod($rname, 0555 + 0111); } else { dwrite("Can't write template to \"{$rname}\"", S_ERROR); } eval($parsed); } else { dwrite('Loading template "' . $rname . '"', S_ACCENT); require $rname; } } if (DEBUG) { $res = call_user_func($funcname, $this, $this->vars); $dt = get_microtime() - $st - ($s_runconf->get('time.sql.parse') + $s_runconf->get('time.sql.query') - $sql_t); $nested = $s_runconf->get('tpl.nested'); $curr = array_splice($nested, count($nested) - 1); $rdt = $dt - $curr[0]; if (count($nested)) { $nested[count($nested) - 1] += $dt; } $s_runconf->set('tpl.nested', $nested); $s_runconf->set('time.template', $s_runconf->get('time.template') + $rdt); return $res; } else { return call_user_func($funcname, $this, $this->vars); } }