function get_thread_info($post) { $identifier = dsq_identifier_for_post($post); $title = dsq_title_for_post($post); $response = $this->api->thread_by_identifier(array('identifier' => $identifier, 'title' => $title)); return $response->thread; }
function dsq_update_permalink($post) { global $dsq_api; if (DISQUS_DEBUG) { echo "updating post on disqus: {$post->ID}\n"; } $response = $dsq_api->api->update_thread(null, array('thread_identifier' => dsq_identifier_for_post($post), 'title' => dsq_title_for_post($post), 'url' => dsq_link_for_post($post))); $cleaned_thread_id = sanitize_meta('dsq_thread_id', $response->id, 'post'); update_post_meta($post->ID, 'dsq_thread_id', $cleaned_thread_id); return $response; }
'; var disqus_identifier = '<?php echo dsq_identifier_for_post($post); ?> '; var disqus_container_id = 'disqus_thread'; var disqus_domain = '<?php echo DISQUS_DOMAIN; ?> '; var disqus_shortname = '<?php echo strtolower(get_option('disqus_forum_url')); ?> '; var disqus_title = <?php echo cf_json_encode(dsq_title_for_post($post)); ?> ; <?php if (false && get_option('disqus_developer')) { ?> var disqus_developer = 1; <?php } ?> var disqus_config = function () { var config = this; // Access to the config object /* All currently supported events: * preData — fires just before we request for initial data
function dsq_update_permalink($post) { global $dsq_api; $response = $dsq_api->api->update_thread(null, array('thread_identifier' => dsq_identifier_for_post($post), 'title' => dsq_title_for_post($post), 'url' => dsq_link_for_post($post))); return $response; }
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function dsq_update_permalink($post) { global $dsq_api; if (DISQUS_DEBUG) { echo "updating post on disqus: {$post->ID}\n"; } $response = $dsq_api->api->update_thread(null, array('thread_identifier' => dsq_identifier_for_post($post), 'title' => dsq_title_for_post($post), 'url' => dsq_link_for_post($post))); //Make sure that response exists so that warnings are not thrown if (!empty($response)) { $cleaned_thread_id = sanitize_meta('dsq_thread_id', $response->id, 'post'); update_post_meta($post->ID, 'dsq_thread_id', $cleaned_thread_id); } return $response; }
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