  * Initialize and load the Drupal configuration files.
  * We process and store a normalized set of database credentials
  * from the loaded configuration file, so we can validate them
  * and access them easily in the future.
  * Also override Drupal variables as per --variables option.
 function bootstrap_drupal_configuration()
     global $conf;
     $override = array('dev_query' => FALSE, 'cron_safe_threshold' => 0);
     $current_override = drush_get_option_list('variables');
     foreach ($current_override as $name => $value) {
         if (is_numeric($name) && strpos($value, '=') !== FALSE) {
             list($name, $value) = explode('=', $value, 2);
         $override[$name] = $value;
     $conf = is_array($conf) ? array_merge($conf, $override) : $conf;
 function commandfile_searchpaths($phase, $phase_max = FALSE)
     if (!$phase_max) {
         $phase_max = $phase;
     $searchpath = array();
     switch ($phase) {
         case BackdropBoot::BOOTSTRAP_ROOT:
             $backdrop_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_BACKDROP_ROOT');
             $searchpath[] = $backdrop_root . '/../drush';
             $searchpath[] = $backdrop_root . '/drush';
             $searchpath[] = $backdrop_root . '/sites/all/drush';
             // Add the drupalboot.drush.inc commandfile.
             // $searchpath[] = __DIR__;
         case BackdropBoot::BOOTSTRAP_SITE:
             // If we are going to stop bootstrapping at the site, then
             // we will quickly add all commandfiles that we can find for
             // any extension associated with the site, whether it is enabled
             // or not.  If we are, however, going to continue on to bootstrap
             // all the way to DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL, then we will
             // instead wait for that phase, which will more carefully add
             // only those Drush commandfiles that are associated with
             // enabled modules.
             if ($phase_max < BackdropBoot::BOOTSTRAP_FULL) {
                 $searchpath = array_merge($searchpath, $this->contrib_modules_paths());
                 // Adding commandfiles located within /profiles. Try to limit to one
                 // profile for speed. Note that Backdrop allows enabling modules from
                 // a non-active profile so this logic is kinda dodgy.
                 $cid = $this->install_profile_cid();
                 if ($cached = drush_cache_get($cid)) {
                     $profile = $cached->data;
                     $searchpath[] = "profiles/{$profile}/modules";
                     $searchpath[] = "profiles/{$profile}/themes";
                 } else {
                     // If install_profile is not available, scan all profiles.
                     $searchpath[] = "profiles";
                     $searchpath[] = "sites/all/profiles";
                 $searchpath = array_merge($searchpath, $this->contrib_themes_paths());
         case BackdropBoot::BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURATION:
             // Nothing to do here anymore. Left for documentation.
         case BackdropBoot::BOOTSTRAP_FULL:
             // Add enabled module paths, excluding the install profile. Since we are
             // bootstrapped we can use the Backdrop API.
             $ignored_modules = drush_get_option_list('ignored-modules', array());
             $cid = $this->install_profile_cid();
             if ($cached = drush_cache_get($cid)) {
                 $ignored_modules[] = $cached->data;
             foreach (array_diff($this->module_list(), $ignored_modules) as $module) {
                 $filepath = backdrop_get_path('module', $module);
                 if ($filepath && $filepath != '/') {
                     $searchpath[] = $filepath;
             $searchpath[] = backdrop_get_path('theme', config_get('system.core', 'theme_default'));
             $searchpath[] = backdrop_get_path('theme', config_get('system.core', 'theme_admin'));
     return $searchpath;
 function bootstrap_drupal_full()
     drush_log(dt('About to bootstrap the Drupal 8 Kernel.'), LogLevel::DEBUG);
     // TODO: do we need to do ob_start any longer?
     if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_QUIET', FALSE)) {
     if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_QUIET', FALSE)) {
     drush_log(dt('Finished bootstraping the Drupal 8 Kernel.'), LogLevel::DEBUG);
     // Get a list of the modules to ignore
     $ignored_modules = drush_get_option_list('ignored-modules', array());
     // We have to get the service command list from the container, because
     // it is constructed in an indirect way during the container initialization.
     // The upshot is that the list of console commands is not available
     // until after $kernel->boot() is called.
     $container = \Drupal::getContainer();
     $serviceCommandlist = $container->get('drush.service.consolecommands');
     foreach ($serviceCommandlist->getCommandList() as $command) {
         if (!$this->commandIgnored($command, $ignored_modules)) {
             drush_log(dt('Add a command: !name', ['!name' => $command->getName()]), LogLevel::DEBUG);
             drush_add_command_to_application(\Drush::getContainer(), $command);
     // Do the same thing with the annotation commands.
     $serviceCommandlist = $container->get('drush.service.consolidationcommands');
     foreach ($serviceCommandlist->getCommandList() as $commandhandler) {
         if (!$this->commandIgnored($commandhandler, $ignored_modules)) {
             drush_log(dt('Add a commandhandler: !name', ['!name' => get_class($commandhandler)]), LogLevel::DEBUG);
             drush_create_commands_from_command_instance(\Drush::getContainer(), $commandhandler);