function setUp() { // Bootstrap to ensure the Console_Table library is present and included. drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH); $this->original_columns = drush_get_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS'); // Some table data we reuse between tests. $this->numbers = array(array('1', '12', '123'), array('1234', '12345', '123456'), array('1234567', '12345678', '123456789')); $this->words = array(array('Drush is a command line shell', 'scripting interface', 'for Drupal'), array('A veritable', 'Swiss Army knife', 'designed to make life easier for us')); }
/** * The main Drush function. * * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment. * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible, * - Dispatches the given command. * * @return * Whatever the given command returns. */ function drush_main() { $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases(); $completed_phases = array(); $return = ''; $command_found = FALSE; foreach ($phases as $phase) { if (drush_bootstrap($phase)) { $completed_phases[$phase] = TRUE; $command = drush_parse_command(); // Process a remote command if 'remote-host' option is set. if (drush_remote_command()) { $command_found = TRUE; break; } if (is_array($command)) { if (array_key_exists($command['bootstrap'], $completed_phases) && empty($command['bootstrap_errors'])) { drush_log(dt("Found command: !command (commandfile=!commandfile)", array('!command' => $command['command'], '!commandfile' => $command['commandfile'])), 'bootstrap'); $command_found = TRUE; // Dispatch the command(s). $return = drush_dispatch($command); if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_DEBUG')) { drush_print_timers(); } drush_log(dt('Peak memory usage was !peak', array('!peak' => drush_format_size(memory_get_peak_usage()))), 'memory'); break; } } } else { break; } } if (!$command_found) { // If we reach this point, we have not found either a valid or matching command. $args = implode(' ', drush_get_arguments()); if (isset($command) && is_array($command)) { foreach ($command['bootstrap_errors'] as $key => $error) { drush_set_error($key, $error); } drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_EXECUTABLE', dt("The drush command '!args' could not be executed.", array('!args' => $args))); } elseif (!empty($args)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt("The drush command '!args' could not be found.", array('!args' => $args))); } else { // This can occur if we get an error during _drush_bootstrap_drush_validate(); drush_set_error('DRUSH_COULD_NOT_EXECUTE', dt("Drush could not execute.")); } } // We set this context to let the shutdown function know we reached the end of drush_main(); drush_set_context("DRUSH_EXECUTION_COMPLETED", TRUE); // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run, // exiting with the correct exit code. return $return; }
public function testGetCommands() { drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH); $commands = drush_get_commands(); $command = $commands['dl']; $this->assertEquals('dl', current($command['aliases'])); $this->assertEquals('download', current($command['deprecated-aliases'])); $this->assertArrayHasKey('version_control', $command['engines']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('package_handler', $command['engines']); $this->assertEquals('pm-download', $command['command']); $this->assertEquals('pm', $command['commandfile']); $this->assertEquals('drush_command', $command['callback']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('examples', $command['sections']); $this->assertTrue($command['is_alias']); $command = $commands['pm-download']; $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('is_alias', $command); }
/** * The main Drush function. * * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment. * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible, * - Dispatches the given command. * * @return * Whatever the given command returns. */ function drush_main() { $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases(); foreach ($phases as $phase) { drush_bootstrap($phase); $command = drush_parse_command(); if (is_array($command)) { if ($command['bootstrap'] == $phase) { // Dispatch the command(s). // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run, // exiting with the correct exit code. return drush_dispatch($command); } } } // If we reach this point, we have not found a valid command. drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND'); }
/** * The main Drush function. * * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment. * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible, * - Dispatches the given command. * * @return * Whatever the given command returns. */ function drush_main() { $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases(); $return = ''; $command_found = FALSE; foreach ($phases as $phase) { if (drush_bootstrap($phase)) { $command = drush_parse_command(); if (is_array($command)) { if ($command['bootstrap'] == $phase && empty($command['bootstrap_errors'])) { drush_log(dt("Found command: !command", array('!command' => $command['command'])), 'bootstrap'); $command_found = TRUE; // Dispatch the command(s). $return = drush_dispatch($command); drush_log_timers(); break; } } } else { break; } } if (!$command_found) { // If we reach this point, we have not found either a valid or matching command. $args = implode(' ', drush_get_arguments()); $drush_command = array_pop(explode('/', DRUSH_COMMAND)); if (isset($command) && is_array($command)) { foreach ($command['bootstrap_errors'] as $key => $error) { drush_set_error($key, $error); } drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_EXECUTABLE', dt("The command '!drush_command !args' could not be executed.", array('!drush_command' => $drush_command, '!args' => $args))); } elseif (!empty($args)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt("The command '!drush_command !args' could not be found.", array('!drush_command' => $drush_command, '!args' => $args))); } else { // This can occur if we get an error during _drush_bootstrap_drush_validate(); drush_set_error('DRUSH_COULD_NOT_EXECUTE', dt("Drush could not execute.")); } } // We set this context to let the shutdown function know we reached the end of drush_main(); drush_set_context("DRUSH_EXECUTION_COMPLETED", TRUE); // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run, // exiting with the correct exit code. return $return; }
/** * Display a link to a given path or open link in a browser. * * @todo Document new @handle-remote-commands and @bootstrap annotations. * * @param string|null $path Path to open. If omitted, the site front page will be opened. * @option string $browser Specify a particular browser (defaults to operating system default). Use --no-browser to suppress opening a browser. * @todo conflicts with global option: @option integer $redirect-port The port that the web server is redirected to (e.g. when running within a Vagrant environment). * @usage drush browse * Open default web browser (if configured or detected) to the site front page. * @usage drush browse node/1 * Open web browser to the path node/1. * @usage drush * Open a browser to the web site specified in a site alias. * @usage drush browse --browser=firefox admin * Open Firefox web browser to the path 'admin'. * @todo not used AFAIK @bootstrap DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE * @todo not used @handle-remote-commands true * @complete \Drush\CommandFiles\core\BrowseCommands::complete */ public function browse($path = '', $options = ['browser' => NULL]) { // Redispatch if called against a remote-host so a browser is started on the // the *local* machine. $alias = drush_get_context('DRUSH_TARGET_SITE_ALIAS'); if (drush_sitealias_is_remote_site($alias)) { $site_record = drush_sitealias_get_record($alias); $return = drush_invoke_process($site_record, 'browse', func_get_args(), drush_redispatch_get_options(), array('integrate' => TRUE)); if ($return['error_status']) { return drush_set_error('Unable to execute browse command on remote alias.'); } else { $link = $return['object']; } } else { if (!drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { // Fail gracefully if unable to bootstrap Drupal. drush_bootstrap() has // already logged an error. return FALSE; } $link = drush_url($path, array('absolute' => TRUE)); } drush_start_browser($link); return $link; }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php // $Id: drush.php,v 2008/11/28 17:18:20 adrian Exp $ /** * @file * drush is a PHP script implementing a command line shell for Drupal. * * @requires PHP CLI 4.3.0, PHP CLI 5.x, or newer. */ define('DRUSH_DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP', 'includes/'); // Terminate immediately unless invoked as a command line script if (!drush_verify_cli()) { die('drush.php is designed to run via the command line.'); } exit(drush_bootstrap($GLOBALS['argc'], $GLOBALS['argv'])); /** * Verify that we are running PHP through the command line interface. * * This function is useful for making sure that code cannot be run via the web server, * such as a function that needs to write files to which the web server should not have * access to. * * @return * A boolean value that is true when PHP is being run through the command line, * and false if being run through cgi or mod_php. */ function drush_verify_cli() { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cgi') { return is_numeric($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 0; }
/** * Test various output formats using php-eval with no Drupal site. * * @dataProvider provider **/ public function testOutputFormat($name, $format, $data, $expected) { drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH); $this->assertEquals($expected, trim(drush_format($data, array(), $format)), $name . ': ' . $format); }
* 'host' => '', * 'port' => '', * 'driver' => 'mysql', * 'prefix' => 'prefix_', * ), * ); * * * Usage: * drush scr export.php --root=/Users/ortiz/tools/projects/dlts_viewer_distro/builds/viewer --user=1 */ // We need extra memory ini_set("memory_limit", "512M"); // // drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL); function default_commands() { return array(array('label' => t('TEST'), 'callback' => array('test'))); } function prepare($caller) { global $settings; foreach (file_scan_directory(__DIR__ . '/include/', '/.*\\.inc$/') as $include) { include_once $include->uri; } $settings = settings($caller); $install_file = $settings['script_path']['dirname'] . '/' . $settings['script_path']['filename'] . '.install'; $info_file = $settings['script_path']['dirname'] . '/' . $settings['script_path']['filename'] . '.info'; $includes = file_scan_directory($settings['script_path']['dirname'], '/.*\\.inc$/'); foreach ($includes as $include) {