function wind_formatter($row) { if ($row["drct"] == null) { return "M"; } $gust_text = ""; if ($row["gust"] > 0) { $gust_text = sprintf("G %.0f", $row["gust"] * 1.15); } return sprintf("%s %.0f%s", drct2txt($row["drct"]), $row["sknt"] * 1.15, $gust_text); }
function fancy($v, $floor, $ceil, $p) { if ($v < $floor || $v > $ceil) { return ""; } return sprintf("%{$p}.1f", $v); } include "../../include/iemaccess.php"; include "../../include/iemaccessob.php"; $iem = new IEMAccess(); $mydata = $iem->getNetwork("AWOS"); $rwis = fopen('/tmp/wxc_ia_awos.txt', 'w'); fwrite($rwis, "Weather Central 001d0300 Surface Data\n 13\n 5 Station\n 52 CityName\n 2 State\n 7 Lat\n 8 Lon\n 2 Day\n 4 Hour\n 5 AirTemp\n 5 AirDewp\n 4 Wind Direction Degrees\n 4 Wind Direction Text\n 4 Wind Speed\n 5 Today Precipitation\n"); $now = time(); while (list($key, $val) = each($mydata)) { $tdiff = $now - $val->db["ts"]; if ($tdiff > 3600) { continue; } if ($val->db['pday'] < 0) { $val->db['pday'] = 0; } $s = sprintf("%5s %52s %2s %7s %8s %2s %4s %5s %5s %4s %4s %4s %5s\n", $key, $cities[$key]['name'], 'IA', round($cities[$key]['lat'], 2), round($cities[$key]['lon'], 2), date('d', $val->db['ts'] + 6 * 3600), date('H', $val->db['ts'] + 6 * 3600), $val->db['tmpf'], $val->db['dwpf'], $val->db['drct'], drct2txt($val->db['drct']), $val->db['sknt'], $val->db['pday']); fwrite($rwis, $s); } // End of while fclose($rwis); $pqstr = "data c 000000000000 wxc/wxc_ia_awos.txt bogus txt"; $cmd = sprintf("/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p '%s' /tmp/wxc_ia_awos.txt", $pqstr); system($cmd); unlink("/tmp/wxc_ia_awos.txt");
} if ($s < 75) { return "1,15"; } if ($s < 80) { return "1,16"; } if ($s < 85) { return "1,17"; } if ($s < 80) { return "1,18"; } if ($s < 100) { return "1,19"; } return "1,20"; } $now = time(); while (list($key, $iemob) = each($snet)) { $mydata = $iemob->db; $meta = $cities[$key]; $tdiff = $now - $mydata["ts"]; if ($tdiff > 3600) { continue; } if ($mydata["sknt"] < 2.5) { $mydata["drct"] = 0; } echo "Object: " . $meta["lat"] . "," . $meta["lon"] . "\n Threshold: 999 \n Icon: 0,0," . $mydata["drct"] . "," . s2icon(floatval($mydata["sknt"])) . "\n Icon: 0,0,000,2,13,\"" . $meta["name"] . " @ " . strftime("%d %b %I:%M %p", $mydata['ts']) . "\\nTemp: " . $mydata["tmpf"] . "F (Dew: " . $mydata["dwpf"] . "F)\\nWind: " . drct2txt($mydata["drct"]) . " @ " . intval($mydata["sknt"]) . "kt\\n\" \n Threshold: 150\n Text: -17, 13, 1, \" " . $mydata["tmpf"] . " \" \n Text: -17, -13, 1, \" " . $mydata["dwpf"] . " \" \n End: \n\n"; }
include "../../include/iemaccessob.php"; $station = isset($_GET["station"]) ? substr($_GET["station"], 0, 5) : 'SSAS2'; $iemdb = new IEMAccess(); $myOb = $iemdb->getSingleSite($station); //print_r($myOb); $tmpf = $myOb->db["tmpf"]; $relh = $myOb->db["relh"]; $alti = $myOb->db["alti"]; $pday = $myOb->db["pday"]; $drct = drct2txt($myOb->db["drct"]); $gust = round($myOb->db["max_gust"] * 1.15, 0); $sped = round($myOb->db["sknt"] * 1.15, 0); $feel = feels_like($tmpf, $relh, $sped); $time = "Valid: " . date("d M Y h:i a", $myOb->db["ts"]); $dwpf = $myOb->db["dwpf"]; $gustDir = drct2txt($myOb->db["max_drct"]); $maxTemp = $myOb->db["max_tmpf"]; $minTemp = $myOb->db["min_tmpf"]; $width = 320; $height = 240; $Font = '/mesonet/data/gis/static/fonts/kcci.ttf'; $gif = ImageCreate($width, $height); //int imagecopy ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h) $black = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 0, 0, 0); $white = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 250, 250, 250); $green = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 0, 255, 0); $yellow = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 255, 255, 120); $red = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 148, 52, 53); $blue = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 0, 0, 255); $grey = ImageColorAllocate($gif, 110, 110, 110); ImageFilledRectangle($gif, 2, 2, $width, $height, $grey);
<?php $station = isset($_GET['station']) ? substr($_GET['station'], 0, 5) : 'SJEI4'; include "../../config/"; include "../../include/iemaccess.php"; include "../../include/mlib.php"; include "../../include/iemaccessob.php"; $iem = new IEMAccess(); $ob = $iem->getSingleSite($station); header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo $ob->db["tmpf"] . "\n"; echo $ob->db["dwpf"] . "\n"; echo $ob->db["sknt"] . "\n"; echo drct2txt($ob->db["drct"]) . "\n"; echo round($ob->db["gust"], 0) . "\n"; echo $ob->db["pday"] . "\n"; echo $ob->db["relh"] . "\n"; echo $ob->db["pres"] . "\n"; echo feels_like($ob->db['tmpf'], $ob->db['relh'], $ob->db['sknt']) . "\n";
} if (round($val->db['tsf2'], 0) == -100) { $val->db['tsf2'] = 'M'; } else { $val->db['tsf2'] = round($val->db['tsf2'], 0); } if (round($val->db['tsf3'], 0) == -100) { $val->db['tsf3'] = ''; } else { $val->db['tsf3'] = round($val->db['tsf3'], 0); } if (round($val->db['pave_avg'], 0) == -100) { $val->db['pave_avg'] = 'M'; } else { $val->db['pave_avg'] = round($val->db['pave_avg'], 0); } $s = sprintf("%6s %-52s %2s %7s %8s %2s %4s %5.1f %5s %4.0f %4.0f %5.1f %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s\n", $key, strtoupper(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "|", $cities[$key]['name'])), $val->db['state'], round($cities[$key]['lat'], 2), round($cities[$key]['lon'], 2), date('d', $val->db['ts'] + 6 * 3600), date('H', $val->db['ts'] + 6 * 3600), $val->db['tmpf'], $val->db['dwpf'], $val->db['drct'], drct2txt($val->db['drct']), $val->db['sknt'], fancy($val->db['rwis_subf'], -50, 180, 5), fancy($val->db['tsf0'], -50, 180, 5), fancy($val->db['tsf1'], -50, 180, 5), fancy($val->db['tsf2'], -50, 180, 5), fancy($val->db['tsf3'], -50, 180, 5), fancy($val->db['pave_avg'], -50, 180, 5), $val->db["wcht"], $val->db["heat"], fancy($val->db["max_tmpf"], -50, 120, 5), fancy($val->db["min_tmpf"], -50, 120, 5)); fwrite($rwis, str_replace("|", " ", $s)); fwrite($rwiscsv, str_replace("|", " ", implode(",", preg_split("/\\s+/", trim($s)))) . "\n"); } // End of while fclose($rwis); fclose($rwiscsv); $pqstr = "data c 000000000000 wxc/wxc_oh_in_kydot.txt bogus txt"; $cmd = sprintf("/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p '%s' /tmp/wxc_oh_in_kydot.txt", $pqstr); system($cmd); $pqstr = "data c 000000000000 csv/oh_in_kydot.txt bogus txt"; $cmd = sprintf("/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p '%s' /tmp/csv_oh_in_kydot.txt", $pqstr); system($cmd); unlink("/tmp/wxc_oh_in_kydot.txt"); unlink("/tmp/csv_oh_in_kydot.txt");