while ($scor = $db->fetch_row($scora)) { $unams = $db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$scor['userid']}")); print "<tr><td>{$unams['username']}</td><td>{$scor['score']} points</td><td> <a href=?act=view&id={$scor['gameid']}>View</a> </td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; } if ($_GET['act'] == 'replay') { $gameid = $_GET['id']; $db->query("INSERT INTO {$gpre}game (userid) VALUES({$userid})"); $pp = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$gpre}game WHERE gameover=0 AND userid={$userid}"); setup_game($userid); $_GET['act'] = 'play'; $pany = 1; } $id = abs((int) $_GET['id']); if ($_GET['act'] == 'view') { $vgs = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$gpre}scores WHERE gameid={$id}"); if (!$db->num_rows($vgs)) { die; } $vg = $db->fetch_row($vgs); print "<h2>" . userid_to_username($vg['userid']) . " scored " . number_format($vg['score']) . "</h2>\n\t> <a href='s_pp_game.php?act=highscores'>Back to High Scores</a><br />"; draw_board($ir['userid'], $id, 1); } if ($pany && $_GET['act'] == 'play') { $p = $db->fetch_row($pp); $gameid = $p['id']; print "\n <center><div id = \"gamediv\">\n <img src='images/pp/s14.gif' onerror=\"refreshPage();\" onload=\"refreshPage();\" onclick=\"refreshPage();\">\n <br /><button type=\"button\" onclick=\"refreshPage();\">Begin Playing</button>\n </div>"; } print "</center>"; $h->endpage();
//This code is essentially the code that executes in the if($pany && $_GET['act']=='play') statement within s_pp_game.php if ($pany) { $p = $db->fetch_row($pp); print "<h2>Poker Patience</h2><a href='s_pp_game.php?act=highscores'><b><font color=green>View Highscores</font></b></a> | \n\t<b>How to play:</b><br /><font size=1> Get the best 5 card hand possible on each row, column, and the two diagonals. <br />\n\tYour final score is the total points you earned from all 12 of those hands.<br />\n\tClick one of the two decks at top to select a card to play, and click an open square to play it.</font><br /><br />\n\t<div id = \"gamediv\">"; $gameid = $p['id']; $boardtxt = draw_board($userid, $gameid); if ($move != 0 && $p['gameover'] == 0) { make_move($move, $userid); $points = check_win($userid); if ($points > 0) { $ins = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pp_scores WHERE userid={$userid} AND {$points}<score"); $insn = $db->num_rows($ins); //keep old score only if there's a score in the DB that has a higher value than $points if (!$insn) { $db->query("DELETE FROM pp_scores WHERE userid={$userid}"); $db->query("DELETE FROM pp_game WHERE userid={$userid} AND id!={$gameid}"); $db->query("INSERT INTO pp_scores (userid, score, gameid) VALUES({$userid}, {$points}, {$gameid})"); } print "Game over, you got <b>{$points} points</b> <br /><br>"; print "<form method='post' action='?act=replay'>\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='New Game?'>\n\t\t\t</form><br /><br />"; print "<form method='post' action='?act=post'>\n\t\t\tVictory Message (optional): <input type=text name='victory'><br />\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='Post to Facebook?'>\n\t\t\t</form>"; } } if ($select != 0) { card_select($select, $userid); } $boardtxt = draw_board($userid, $gameid); print $boardtxt; print "</div>"; } print "</center>";
player_ready($begin, $userid, $roomid); } if ($setup) { place_piece($setup, $userid, $roomid); } if ($endturn) { end_turn($userid, $roomid); } print "<h1>{$gamename}</h1>"; if ($waittxt) { print "{$waittxt}"; } else { if ($defaultwin) { print "{$defaultwin}"; } else { print "{$vstxt}{$wintxt}{$topturntxt}"; if ($displayreplay) { if ($badreplaymsg) { print "You don't have enough money to play again.<br />"; } else { if ($gi['replay'] == $ir['userid']) { print "Asking opponent to play again...<br />"; } else { replay_option($roomid); } } } print $timetxt; draw_board($roomid, $userid, $ga['turn']); } }