    $thisDate = getDate($diagramDate);
    $xCoord = $diagramWidth / $daysToShow * $i;
    // draw day mark and day number
    imageLine($image, $xCoord, $diagramHeight - 25, $xCoord, $diagramHeight - 20, $colorGrid);
    imageString($image, 3, $xCoord - 5, $diagramHeight - 16, $thisDate["mday"], $colorGrid);
    $diagramDate += $nrSecondsPerDay;
// draw rectangle around diagram (marks its boundaries)
imageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $diagramWidth - 1, $diagramHeight - 20, $colorGrid);
// draw middle cross
imageLine($image, 0, ($diagramHeight - 20) / 2, $diagramWidth, ($diagramHeight - 20) / 2, $colorCross);
imageLine($image, $diagramWidth / 2, 0, $diagramWidth / 2, $diagramHeight - 20, $colorCross);
// print descriptive text into the diagram
imageString($image, 3, 10, 10, $TEXT['bio-birthday'] . ": {$birthDay}.{$birthMonth}.{$birthYear}", $colorCross);
imageString($image, 3, 10, 26, $TEXT['bio-today'] . ":    " . date("d.m.Y"), $colorCross);
imageString($image, 3, 10, $diagramHeight - 42, $TEXT['bio-physical'], $colorPhysical);
imageString($image, 3, 10, $diagramHeight - 58, $TEXT['bio-emotional'], $colorEmotional);
imageString($image, 3, 10, $diagramHeight - 74, $TEXT['bio-intellectual'], $colorIntellectual);
// now draw each curve with its appropriate parameters
drawRhythm($daysGone, 23, $colorPhysical);
drawRhythm($daysGone, 28, $colorEmotional);
drawRhythm($daysGone, 33, $colorIntellectual);
// set the content type
header("Content-Type: image/png");
// create an interlaced image for better loading in the browser
imageInterlace($image, 1);
// mark background color as being transparent
imageColorTransparent($image, $colorBackgr);
// now send the picture to the client (this outputs all image data directly)
     $diagramDate += $nrSecondsPerDay;
 # draw rectangle around diagram (marks its boundaries)
 $GDImage->rectangle(0, 0, $diagramWidth - 1, $diagramHeight, 1, False);
 # draw middle cross
 $GDImage->line(0, $diagramHeight / 2, $diagramWidth, $diagramHeight / 2, 1);
 $GDImage->line($diagramWidth / 2, 0, $diagramWidth / 2, $diagramHeight, 1);
 # now draw each curve with its appropriate parameters
 if ($P == 1) {
     drawRhythm($daysGone, 23);
 if ($E == 1) {
     drawRhythm($daysGone, 28);
 if ($I == 1) {
     drawRhythm($daysGone, 33);
 # print values
 if ($I == 1) {
     $GDImage->drawtext(1, 0, 33, sprintf(Aastra_get_label('I=%+.3f', $language), $array['day']['I']), 1);
 if ($E == 1) {
     $GDImage->drawtext(1, 51, 33, sprintf(Aastra_get_label('E=%+.3f', $language), $array['day']['E']), 1);
 if ($P == 1) {
     $GDImage->drawtext(1, 104, 33, sprintf(Aastra_get_label('P=%+.3f', $language), $array['day']['P']), 1);
 # Attach GD image
 # Create Softkeys
 if ($I == 1) {