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/** * Course section select: shows general list of statuses and * if $status is not NULL, shows the current status * for a particular course section record. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $status * @return string Returns the record key if selected is true. */ function course_sec_status_select($status = NULL, $readonly = '') { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $select = '<select name="currStatus" class="selectpicker form-control" data-style="btn-info" data-size="10" data-live-search="true" required' . $readonly . '> <option value=""> </option> <option' . dopt('activate_course_sec') . ' value="A"' . selected($status, 'A', false) . '>A Active</option> <option value="I"' . selected($status, 'I', false) . '>I Inactive</option> <option value="P"' . selected($status, 'P', false) . '>P Pending</option> <option' . dopt('cancel_course_sec') . ' value="C"' . selected($status, 'C', false) . '>C Cancel</option> <option value="O"' . selected($status, 'O', false) . '>O Obsolete</option> </select>'; return $app->hook->apply_filter('course_sec_status', $select, $status); }
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