  *Standard method to show a box (usage by boxes not mandatory, a box can still use its own showBox function)
  * @param   array   $head       Array with properties of box title
  * @param   array   $contents   Array with properties of box lines
  * @return  void
 function showBox($head, $contents)
     global $langs, $user, $conf;
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';
     $MAXLENGTHBOX = 60;
     // Mettre 0 pour pas de limite
     $bcx = array();
     $bcx[0] = 'class="box_pair"';
     $bcx[1] = 'class="box_impair"';
     $var = false;
     $cachetime = 900;
     // 900 : 15mn
     $cachedir = DOL_DATA_ROOT . '/boxes/temp';
     $fileid = get_class($this) . 'id-' . $this->box_id . '-e' . $conf->entity . '-u' . $user->id . '-s' . $user->societe_id . '.cache';
     $filename = '/box-' . $fileid;
     $refresh = dol_cache_refresh($cachedir, $filename, $cachetime);
     $out = '';
     if ($refresh) {
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . '::showBox');
         // Define nbcol and nblines of the box to show
         $nbcol = 0;
         if (isset($contents[0])) {
             $nbcol = count($contents[0]);
         $nblines = count($contents);
         $out .= "\n<!-- Box " . get_class($this) . " start -->\n";
         $out .= '<div class="box" id="boxto_' . $this->box_id . '">' . "\n";
         if (!empty($head['text']) || !empty($head['sublink']) || !empty($head['subpicto']) || $nblines) {
             $out .= '<table summary="boxtable' . $this->box_id . '" width="100%" class="noborder boxtable">' . "\n";
         // Show box title
         if (!empty($head['text']) || !empty($head['sublink']) || !empty($head['subpicto'])) {
             //$out.= '<div id="boxto_'.$this->box_id.'_title">'."\n";
             //$out.= '<table summary="boxtabletitle'.$this->box_id.'" width="100%" class="noborder">'."\n";
             $out .= '<tr class="box_titre">';
             $out .= '<td';
             if ($nbcol > 0) {
                 $out .= ' colspan="' . $nbcol . '"';
             $out .= '>';
             if ($conf->use_javascript_ajax) {
                 $out .= '<table summary="" class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
             if (!empty($head['text'])) {
                 $s = dol_trunc($head['text'], isset($head['limit']) ? $head['limit'] : $MAXLENGTHBOX);
                 $out .= $s;
             $out .= ' ';
             if (!empty($head['sublink'])) {
                 $out .= '<a href="' . $head['sublink'] . '"' . (empty($head['target']) ? ' target="_blank"' : '') . '>';
             if (!empty($head['subpicto'])) {
                 $out .= img_picto($head['subtext'], $head['subpicto'], 'class="' . (empty($head['subclass']) ? '' : $head['subclass']) . '" id="idsubimg' . $this->boxcode . '"');
             if (!empty($head['sublink'])) {
             if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
                 $out .= '</td><td class="nocellnopadd boxclose nowrap">';
                 // The image must have the class 'boxhandle' beause it's value used in DOM draggable objects to define the area used to catch the full object
                 $out .= img_picto($langs->trans("MoveBox", $this->box_id), 'grip_title', 'class="boxhandle hideonsmartphone" style="cursor:move;"');
                 $out .= img_picto($langs->trans("Close2", $this->box_id), 'close_title', 'class="boxclose" rel="x:y" style="cursor:pointer;" id="imgclose' . $this->box_id . '"');
                 $label = $head['text'];
                 if (!empty($head['graph'])) {
                     $label .= ' (' . $langs->trans("Graph") . ')';
                 $out .= '<input type="hidden" id="boxlabelentry' . $this->box_id . '" value="' . dol_escape_htmltag($label) . '">';
                 $out .= '</td></tr></table>';
             $out .= '</td>';
             $out .= "</tr>\n";
             //$out.= "</table>\n";
             //$out.= "</div>\n";
         // Show box lines
         if ($nblines) {
             //$out.= '<table summary="boxtablelines'.$this->box_id.'" width="100%" class="noborder">'."\n";
             // Loop on each record
             for ($i = 0, $n = $nblines; $i < $n; $i++) {
                 if (isset($contents[$i])) {
                     $var = !$var;
                     // TR
                     if (isset($contents[$i][0]['tr'])) {
                         $out .= '<tr valign="top" ' . $contents[$i][0]['tr'] . '>';
                     } else {
                         $out .= '<tr valign="top" ' . $bcx[$var] . '>';
                     // Loop on each TD
                     $nbcolthisline = count($contents[$i]);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $nbcolthisline; $j++) {
                         // Define tdparam
                         $tdparam = '';
                         if (isset($contents[$i][$j]['td'])) {
                             $tdparam .= ' ' . $contents[$i][$j]['td'];
                         $text = isset($contents[$i][$j]['text']) ? $contents[$i][$j]['text'] : '';
                         $textwithnotags = preg_replace('/<([^>]+)>/i', '', $text);
                         $text2 = isset($contents[$i][$j]['text2']) ? $contents[$i][$j]['text2'] : '';
                         $text2withnotags = preg_replace('/<([^>]+)>/i', '', $text2);
                         $textnoformat = isset($contents[$i][$j]['textnoformat']) ? $contents[$i][$j]['textnoformat'] : '';
                         //$out.= "xxx $textwithnotags y";
                         if (empty($contents[$i][$j]['tooltip'])) {
                             $contents[$i][$j]['tooltip'] = "";
                         $tooltip = isset($contents[$i][$j]['tooltip']) ? $contents[$i][$j]['tooltip'] : '';
                         $out .= '<td' . $tdparam . '>' . "\n";
                         // Url
                         if (!empty($contents[$i][$j]['url']) && empty($contents[$i][$j]['logo'])) {
                             $out .= '<a href="' . $contents[$i][$j]['url'] . '" title="' . dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("Show") . ' ' . $tooltip, 1) . '" class="classfortooltip"';
                             //$out.= ' alt="'.$textwithnotags.'"';      // Pas de alt sur un "<a href>"
                             $out .= isset($contents[$i][$j]['target']) ? ' target="' . $contents[$i][$j]['target'] . '"' : '';
                             $out .= '>';
                         // Logo
                         if (!empty($contents[$i][$j]['logo'])) {
                             $logo = preg_replace("/^object_/i", "", $contents[$i][$j]['logo']);
                             $out .= '<a href="' . $contents[$i][$j]['url'] . '">';
                             $out .= img_object($langs->trans("Show") . ' ' . $tooltip, $logo, 'class="classfortooltip"');
                         $maxlength = $MAXLENGTHBOX;
                         if (!empty($contents[$i][$j]['maxlength'])) {
                             $maxlength = $contents[$i][$j]['maxlength'];
                         if ($maxlength) {
                             $textwithnotags = dol_trunc($textwithnotags, $maxlength);
                         if (preg_match('/^<img/i', $text) || !empty($contents[$i][$j]['asis'])) {
                             $out .= $text;
                         } else {
                             $out .= $textwithnotags;
                         // show text with html cleaning
                         // End Url
                         if (!empty($contents[$i][$j]['url'])) {
                             $out .= '</a>';
                         if (preg_match('/^<img/i', $text2) || !empty($contents[$i][$j]['asis2'])) {
                             $out .= $text2;
                         } else {
                             $out .= $text2withnotags;
                         // show text with html cleaning
                         if (!empty($textnoformat)) {
                             $out .= "\n" . $textnoformat . "\n";
                         $out .= "</td>\n";
                     $out .= "</tr>\n";
         if (!empty($head['text']) || !empty($head['sublink']) || !empty($head['subpicto']) || $nblines) {
             $out .= "</table>\n";
         // If invisible box with no contents
         if (empty($head['text']) && empty($head['sublink']) && empty($head['subpicto']) && !$nblines) {
             $out .= "<br>\n";
         $out .= "</div>\n";
         $out .= "<!-- Box " . get_class($this) . " end -->\n\n";
         if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ACTIVATE_FILECACHE)) {
             dol_filecache($cachedir, $filename, $out);
     } else {
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . '::showBoxCached');
         $out = dol_readcachefile($cachedir, $filename);
         print "<!-- Box " . get_class($this) . " from cache -->";
     print $out;
  *  Charge les donnees en memoire pour affichage ulterieur
  *  @param  int     $max        Maximum number of records to load
  *  @return void
 function loadBox($max = 5)
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/date.lib.php';
     include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';
     $totalMnt = 0;
     $totalnb = 0;
     $line = 0;
     $cachetime = 3600;
     $fileid = '-e' . $conf->entity . '-u' . $user->id . '-s' . $user->societe_id . '-r' . ($user->rights->societe->client->voir ? '1' : '0') . '.cache';
     $now = dol_now();
     $nbofyears = 2;
     if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_BOX_ACTIVITY_DURATION)) {
         $nbofyears = $conf->global->MAIN_BOX_ACTIVITY_DURATION;
     $textHead = $langs->trans("Activity") . ' - ' . $langs->trans("LastXMonthRolling", $nbofyears * 12);
     $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $textHead, 'limit' => dol_strlen($textHead));
     // compute the year limit to show
     $tmpdate = dol_time_plus_duree(dol_now(), -1 * $nbofyears, "y");
     $cumuldata = array();
     // list the summary of the bills
     if (!empty($conf->facture->enabled) && $user->rights->facture->lire) {
         include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php';
         $facturestatic = new Facture($db);
         $cachedir = DOL_DATA_ROOT . '/facture/temp';
         $filename = '/boxactivity-invoice' . $fileid;
         $refresh = dol_cache_refresh($cachedir, $filename, $cachetime);
         $data = array();
         if ($refresh) {
             $sql = "SELECT f.fk_statut, SUM(f.total_ttc) as Mnttot, COUNT(*) as nb";
             $sql .= " FROM (" . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s," . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "facture as f";
             if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
                 $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
             $sql .= ")";
             $sql .= " WHERE f.entity = " . $conf->entity;
             if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
                 $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
             $sql .= " AND f.fk_soc = s.rowid";
             $sql .= " AND f.datef >= '" . $db->idate($tmpdate) . "' AND paye=1";
             $sql .= " GROUP BY f.fk_statut";
             $sql .= " ORDER BY f.fk_statut DESC";
             $result = $db->query($sql);
             if ($result) {
                 $num = $db->num_rows($result);
                 $j = 0;
                 while ($j < $num) {
                     $data[$j] = $db->fetch_object($result);
                 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ACTIVATE_FILECACHE)) {
                     dol_filecache($cachedir, $filename, $data);
             } else {
         } else {
             $data = dol_readcachefile($cachedir, $filename);
         $cumuldata = array_merge($cumuldata, $data);
         if (!empty($data)) {
             $j = 0;
             while ($line < count($cumuldata)) {
                 $billurl = "viewstatut=2&amp;paye=1&amp;year=" . $data[$j]->annee;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'tooltip' => $langs->trans('Bills') . '&nbsp;' . $facturestatic->LibStatut(1, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 0), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/compta/facture/list.php?" . $billurl . "&amp;mainmenu=accountancy&amp;leftmenu=customers_bills", 'logo' => 'bill');
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("Bills") . "&nbsp;" . $facturestatic->LibStatut(1, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 0) . " " . $data[$j]->annee);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][2] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'tooltip' => $langs->trans('Bills') . '&nbsp;' . $facturestatic->LibStatut(1, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 0), 'text' => $data[$j]->nb, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/compta/facture/list.php?" . $billurl . "&amp;mainmenu=accountancy&amp;leftmenu=customers_bills");
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][3] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => price($data[$j]->Mnttot, 1, $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency));
                 // We add only for the current year
                 if ($data[$j]->annee == date("Y")) {
                     $totalnb += $data[$j]->nb;
                     $totalMnt += $data[$j]->Mnttot;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][4] = array('td' => 'align="right" width="18"', 'text' => $facturestatic->LibStatut(1, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 3));
             if (count($data) == 0) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => $langs->trans("NoRecordedInvoices"));
         $cachedir = DOL_DATA_ROOT . '/facture/temp';
         $filename = '/boxactivity-invoice2' . $fileid;
         $refresh = dol_cache_refresh($cachedir, $filename, $cachetime);
         if ($refresh) {
             $sql = "SELECT f.fk_statut, SUM(f.total_ttc) as Mnttot, COUNT(*) as nb";
             $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s," . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "facture as f";
             $sql .= " WHERE f.entity = " . $conf->entity;
             $sql .= " AND f.fk_soc = s.rowid";
             $sql .= " AND paye=0";
             $sql .= " GROUP BY f.fk_statut";
             $sql .= " ORDER BY f.fk_statut DESC";
             $result = $db->query($sql);
             if ($result) {
                 $num = $db->num_rows($result);
                 $j = 0;
                 while ($j < $num) {
                     $data[$j] = $db->fetch_object($result);
                 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ACTIVATE_FILECACHE)) {
                     dol_filecache($cachedir, $filename, $data);
             } else {
         } else {
             $data = dol_readcachefile($cachedir, $filename);
         $cumuldata = array_merge($cumuldata, $data);
         if (!empty($data)) {
             $j = 0;
             while ($line < count($cumuldata)) {
                 $billurl = "viewstatut=" . $data[$j]->fk_statut . "&amp;paye=0";
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'tooltip' => $langs->trans('Bills') . '&nbsp;' . $facturestatic->LibStatut(0, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 0), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/compta/facture/list.php?" . $billurl . "&amp;mainmenu=accountancy&amp;leftmenu=customers_bills", 'logo' => 'bill');
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("Bills") . "&nbsp;" . $facturestatic->LibStatut(0, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 0));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][2] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => $data[$j]->nb, 'tooltip' => $langs->trans('Bills') . '&nbsp;' . $facturestatic->LibStatut(0, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 0), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/compta/facture/list.php?" . $billurl . "&amp;mainmenu=accountancy&amp;leftmenu=customers_bills");
                 $totalnb += $data[$j]->nb;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][3] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => price($data[$j]->Mnttot, 1, $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency));
                 $totalMnt += $objp->Mnttot;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][4] = array('td' => 'align="right" width="18"', 'text' => $facturestatic->LibStatut(0, $data[$j]->fk_statut, 3));
             if ($num == 0) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => $langs->trans("NoRecordedInvoices"));
         } else {
             $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $db->error() . ' sql=' . $sql);
     // list the summary of the orders
     if (!empty($conf->commande->enabled) && $user->rights->commande->lire) {
         include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/commande/class/commande.class.php';
         $commandestatic = new Commande($db);
         $cachedir = DOL_DATA_ROOT . '/commande/temp';
         $filename = '/boxactivity-order' . $fileid;
         $refresh = dol_cache_refresh($cachedir, $filename, $cachetime);
         $data = array();
         if ($refresh) {
             $sql = "SELECT c.fk_statut, sum(c.total_ttc) as Mnttot, count(*) as nb";
             $sql .= " FROM (" . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s, " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "commande as c";
             if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
                 $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
             $sql .= ")";
             $sql .= " WHERE c.entity = " . $conf->entity;
             $sql .= " AND c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
             if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
                 $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
             $sql .= " AND c.date_commande >= '" . $db->idate($tmpdate) . "'";
             $sql .= " AND c.facture=0";
             $sql .= " GROUP BY c.fk_statut";
             $sql .= " ORDER BY c.fk_statut DESC";
             $result = $db->query($sql);
             if ($result) {
                 $num = $db->num_rows($result);
                 $j = 0;
                 while ($j < $num) {
                     $data[$j] = $db->fetch_object($result);
                 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ACTIVATE_FILECACHE)) {
                     dol_filecache($cachedir, $filename, $data);
             } else {
         } else {
             $data = dol_readcachefile($cachedir, $filename);
         $cumuldata = array_merge($cumuldata, $data);
         if (!empty($data)) {
             $j = 0;
             while ($line < count($cumuldata)) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/commande/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&amp;leftmenu=orders&amp;viewstatut=" . $data[$j]->fk_statut, 'tooltip' => $langs->trans("Orders") . "&nbsp;" . $commandestatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0, 0), 'logo' => 'object_order');
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("Orders") . "&nbsp;" . $commandestatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0, 0));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][2] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => $data[$j]->nb, 'tooltip' => $langs->trans("Orders") . "&nbsp;" . $commandestatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0, 0), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/commande/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&amp;leftmenu=orders&amp;viewstatut=" . $data[$j]->fk_statut);
                 $totalnb += $data[$j]->nb;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][3] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => price($data[$j]->Mnttot, 1, $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency));
                 $totalMnt += $data[$j]->Mnttot;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][4] = array('td' => 'align="right" width="18"', 'text' => $commandestatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0, 3));
     // list the summary of the propals
     if (!empty($conf->propal->enabled) && $user->rights->propal->lire) {
         include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php';
         $propalstatic = new Propal($db);
         $cachedir = DOL_DATA_ROOT . '/propale/temp';
         $filename = '/boxactivity-propal' . $fileid;
         $refresh = dol_cache_refresh($cachedir, $filename, $cachetime);
         $data = array();
         if ($refresh) {
             $sql = "SELECT p.fk_statut, SUM(p.total) as Mnttot, COUNT(*) as nb";
             $sql .= " FROM (" . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s, " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "propal as p";
             if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
                 $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
             $sql .= ")";
             $sql .= " WHERE p.entity = " . $conf->entity;
             $sql .= " AND p.fk_soc = s.rowid";
             if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
                 $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
             $sql .= " AND p.datep >= '" . $db->idate($tmpdate) . "'";
             $sql .= " AND p.date_cloture IS NULL";
             // just unclosed
             $sql .= " GROUP BY p.fk_statut";
             $sql .= " ORDER BY p.fk_statut DESC";
             $result = $db->query($sql);
             if ($result) {
                 $num = $db->num_rows($result);
                 $j = 0;
                 while ($j < $num) {
                     $data[$j] = $db->fetch_object($result);
                 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_ACTIVATE_FILECACHE)) {
                     dol_filecache($cachedir, $filename, $data);
             } else {
         } else {
             $data = dol_readcachefile($cachedir, $filename);
         $cumuldata = array_merge($cumuldata, $data);
         if (!empty($data)) {
             $j = 0;
             while ($line < count($cumuldata)) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/propal/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&amp;leftmenu=propals&amp;viewstatut=" . $data[$j]->fk_statut, 'tooltip' => $langs->trans("Proposals") . "&nbsp;" . $propalstatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0), 'logo' => 'object_propal');
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("Proposals") . "&nbsp;" . $propalstatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][2] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => $data[$j]->nb, 'tooltip' => $langs->trans("Proposals") . "&nbsp;" . $propalstatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 0), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/propal/list.php?mainmenu=commercial&amp;leftmenu=propals&amp;viewstatut=" . $data[$j]->fk_statut);
                 $totalnb += $data[$j]->nb;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][3] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => price($data[$j]->Mnttot, 1, $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency));
                 $totalMnt += $data[$j]->Mnttot;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$line][4] = array('td' => 'align="right" width="18"', 'text' => $propalstatic->LibStatut($data[$j]->fk_statut, 3));
     // Add the sum in the bottom of the boxes
     $this->info_box_contents[$line][0] = array('tr' => 'class="liste_total"');
     $this->info_box_contents[$line][1] = array('td' => 'align="left" class="liste_total" ', 'text' => $langs->trans("Total") . "&nbsp;" . $textHead);
     $this->info_box_contents[$line][2] = array('td' => 'align="right" class="liste_total" ', 'text' => $totalnb);
     $this->info_box_contents[$line][3] = array('td' => 'align="right" class="liste_total" ', 'text' => '');
     $this->info_box_contents[$line][4] = array('td' => 'align="right" class="liste_total" ', 'text' => "");