function dok_link_song_album($VARS, $update, $theme_path)
    if (!is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $VARS['id'] = 0;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, MSG_TITLE_ADD_SONG_ALBUM);
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    /**	$res = dok_oquery('select distinct(album_id) as aid from '.dok_tn('rel_song_album').' where song_id = '.$song['id']);
    	$current_albums = $res->fetch_col_array('aid');
    	$where = '';
    	if ( sizeof($current_albums) )	$where = ' where id not in('.implode(',',$current_albums).')';*/
    $where = '';
    $res = mysql_query('select id, name from ' . dok_tn('album') . $where . ' order by name');
    $a_select = '';
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $a_select .= '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '"';
        if ($_SESSION['song_select_album'] == $row['id']) {
            $a_select .= ' selected';
        $a_select .= '>' . $row['name'] . '</option>';
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'song_album_link.tpl');
    $t->set_var('ALBUM_SELECT', $a_select);
    $t->set_var('SONG_ID', $song['id']);
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_ADD_SONG_ALBUM);
function dok_create_album()
    global $VARS, $USER;
    if (!isset($VARS['name'])) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_ALBUM_NAME, 'dok_create_album', 'e');
        return false;
    if (!strlen(trim($VARS['name']))) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_ALBUM_NAME, 'dok_create_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $album_name = ucwords(substr($VARS['name'], 0, 255));
    $res = mysql_query('select id from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where name = \'' . addslashes($album_name) . '\'');
    if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(sprintf(MSG_ERR_DUP_ALBUM_NAME, $album_name), 'dok_create_album', 'e');
        return false;
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER) {
        $creation_uid = $USER->id;
    } else {
        $creation_uid = 0;
    //add artist
    $res = dok_uquery('insert into ' . dok_tn('album') . ' (name,creation,creation_uid) values (\'' . addslashes($album_name) . '\',' . time() . ',' . $creation_uid . ')');
    if (!$res) {
        dok_msg(mysql_error(), 'dok_create_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $VARS['id'] = mysql_insert_id();
    $_SESSION['song_select_album'] = $VARS['id'];
    return 'view_album';
function dok_update_album()
    global $VARS;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_album', 'e');
        return false;
    if (!isset($VARS['name']) || !strlen(trim($VARS['name']))) {
        return 'view_album';
    $name = substr(trim($VARS['name']), 0, 255);
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $artist = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (strtolower($artist['name']) == strtolower($name)) {
        return 'view_album';
    $res = dok_uquery('update ' . dok_tn('album') . ' set name = \'' . addslashes(ucwords($name)) . '\' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if ($res) {
        return 'view_album';
    } else {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_album', 'e');
        return false;
function dok_box_ranked($display_module, $theme_path)
    if (DOK_USE_CACHE) {
        $fname = dok_c_box_filename('ranked', 'ignored');
        $cache = dok_c_get($fname);
        if ($cache) {
            return $cache;
    $res = mysql_query('select name, id from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' order by hits desc limit 10');
    echo mysql_error();
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'box_default.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'boxlink', 'boxlinktag');
    $t->set_var('boxlinktag', '');
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t->set_var('BOXCONTENT', '');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $t->set_var('LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_song&id=' . $row['id']);
        $t->set_var('LABEL', $row['name']);
        $t->parse('BOXCONTENT', 'boxlink', 'true');
    $html = $t->parse('out', 'page');
    if (DOK_USE_CACHE) {
        dok_c_write($fname, $html);
    return $html;
function dok_update_user()
    global $VARS, $USER;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_user', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_user', 'e');
        return false;
    $user = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER && !$USER->admin && $USER->id != $user['id']) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_USER_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED, 'dok_update_user', 'e');
        return false;
    $set = array();
    if (isset($VARS['password']) && strlen(trim($VARS['password'])) > 0) {
        $VARS['password'] = substr($VARS['password'], 0, 255);
        $set[] = 'password = \'' . md5($VARS['password']) . '\'';
    if (!DOK_ENABLE_USER || $USER->admin) {
        if ($VARS['editor'] != '1') {
            $VARS['editor'] = 0;
        if ($VARS['admin'] != '1') {
            $VARS['admin'] = 0;
        if ($VARS['disabled'] != '1') {
            $VARS['disabled'] = 0;
        if (isset($VARS['name']) && trim($VARS['name']) != $user['name']) {
            $VARS['name'] = substr($VARS['name'], 0, 255);
            $res = mysql_query('select id from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where name = \'' . addslashes($VARS['name']) . '\'');
            if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
                $set[] = 'name = \'' . addslashes($VARS['name']) . '\'';
        if ($VARS['editor'] xor $user['editor']) {
            $set[] = 'editor = \'' . $VARS['editor'] . '\'';
        if ($VARS['admin'] xor $user['admin']) {
            $set[] = 'admin = \'' . $VARS['admin'] . '\'';
        if ($VARS['disabled'] xor $user['disabled']) {
            $set[] = 'disabled = \'' . $VARS['disabled'] . '\'';
    if (sizeof($set)) {
        $query = 'update ' . dok_tn('user') . ' set ' . implode(', ', $set) . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id'];
        $res = dok_uquery($query);
        if (!$res) {
            dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_user', 'e');
    return 'view_user';
function dok_list_users($VARS, $up, $theme_path)
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'user_list.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'user', 'user_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'next_page', 'next_page_block');
    if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
        $VARS['alpha'] = '-';
    if (!strlen($VARS['offset']) || $VARS['offset'] < 0) {
        $VARS['offset'] = '0';
    $VARS['alpha'] = mysql_real_escape_string($VARS['alpha']);
    $query = 'select id, name, editor, admin, disabled, creation, last_login from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where substring(name from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\' order by name limit ' . $VARS['offset'] . ', ' . DOK_LIST_EPP;
    $res = dok_oquery($query);
    if ($res->numrows()) {
        //$ids = $res->fetch_col_array('id');
        //$n_res = dok_oquery('select album_id, count(*) as c from '.dok_tn('rel_song_album').' where album_id in('.implode(',',$ids).') group by album_id');
        //$n_array = $n_res->fetch_col_array('c','album_id');
        while ($user = $res->fetch_array()) {
            if ($user['admin']) {
                $admin = MSG_YES;
            } else {
                $admin = MSG_NO;
            if ($user['editor']) {
                $editor = MSG_YES;
            } else {
                $editor = MSG_NO;
            if ($user['disabled']) {
                $disabled = MSG_YES;
            } else {
                $disabled = MSG_NO;
            if ($user['last_login'] == 0) {
                $last_login = MSG_USER_NEVER_LOGGED;
            } else {
                $last_login = date($THEME_DATE, $user['last_login']);
            $t->set_var('USER_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_user&id=' . $user['id']);
            $t->set_var(array('USER_NAME' => $user['name'], 'USER_DB_CREATION' => date($THEME_DATE, $user['creation']), 'USER_LAST_LOGIN' => $last_login, 'USER_ADMIN' => $admin, 'USER_EDITOR' => $editor, 'USER_DISABLED' => $disabled));
            $t->parse('user_block', 'user', 'true');
        $res = mysql_query('select count(*) as c from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where substring(name from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\'');
        $total = mysql_result($res, 0, 'c');
        if ($total > $VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP) {
            $t->set_var('NEXT_PAGE_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=list_users&alpha=' . $VARS['alpha'] . '&offset=' . ($VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP));
            $t->parse('next_page_block', 'next_page');
        } else {
            $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('user_block', MSG_NO_USER);
        $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_LIST_USER);
function dok_edit_album($VARS, $update_module, $theme_path)
    if (!$VARS['id'] || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_ALBUM, MSG_UNKNOWN));
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_ALBUM, MSG_UNKNOWN));
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'album_edit.tpl');
    $t->set_var(array('ALBUM_ID' => $row['id'], 'ALBUM_NAME' => $row['name'], 'ALBUM_NAME_TF' => str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row['name'])));
    return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_ALBUM, $row['name']));
function dok_song_track()
    global $VARS;
    //check input
    if (!isset($VARS['song_id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['song_id']) || $VARS['song_id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_song_track', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select name from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['song_id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_song_track', 'e');
        return false;
    $song_name = mysql_result($res, 0, 'name');
    if (!isset($VARS['album_id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['album_id']) || $VARS['album_id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_song_track', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select name from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['album_id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_song_track', 'e');
        return false;
    if (!isset($VARS['track']) || !is_numeric($VARS['track']) || $VARS['track'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_TRACK, 'dok_song_track', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select song_id from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' where album_id = ' . $VARS['album_id'] . ' and track = ' . $VARS['track'] . ' and song_id != ' . $VARS['song_id']);
    if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(sprintf(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_TRACK_ASSIGNED, $VARS['track']), 'dok_song_track', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = dok_uquery('delete from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' where song_id = ' . $VARS['song_id'] . ' and album_id = ' . $VARS['album_id']);
    if (!$res) {
        echo mysql_error();
        return false;
    $res = dok_uquery('insert into ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' (song_id, album_id, track) values (' . $VARS['song_id'] . ',' . $VARS['album_id'] . ',' . $VARS['track'] . ')');
    if (!$res) {
        echo mysql_error();
        return false;
    $VARS['id'] = $VARS['album_id'];
    return 'view_album';
function dok_view_album($VARS, $update_module, $tpl_path)
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_DISPLAY);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_ALBUM, ''));
    $res = mysql_query('select name, creation from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_DISPLAY);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_ALBUM, ''));
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $t = new template($tpl_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'album_display.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_albumeditor', 'editor_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'album_songs', 'songs_block');
    $t->set_var(array('ALBUM_NAME' => $row['name'], 'ALBUM_DB_CREATION' => date($THEME_DATE, $row['creation'])));
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER && !$USER->editor && !$USER->admin) {
        $t->set_var('editor_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('ALBUM_EDIT_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=edit_album&id=' . $VARS['id']);
        $t->parse('editor_block', 'if_albumeditor');
    $query = 'select,, s.creation, s.length, s.release, s.comment, r.track from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on r.song_id = where r.album_id = ' . $VARS['id'] . ' order by r.track';
    $songs = dok_oquery($query);
    $album_length = 0;
    if (!$songs->numrows()) {
        $t->set_var('songs_block', MSG_NO_SONG);
    } else {
        $pager_data = array('related' => 'album', 'related_id' => $VARS['id']);
        while ($song = $songs->fetch_array()) {
            $song_data = dok_song_format($song, $pager_data);
            $song_data['SONG_ARTIST'] = preg_replace('/^' . $ARTIST_SONG_LINKS[0] . '/', '', $song_data['SONG_ARTIST']);
            $t->set_var('SONG_TRACK', $song['track']);
            $t->parse('songs_block', 'album_songs', 'true');
            $album_length += $song['length'];
    $t->set_var('ALBUM_LENGTH', dok_sec2str($album_length));
    $t->set_var('ALBUM_SONGS', $songs->numrows());
    return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_ALBUM, $row['name']));
function dok_view_user($VARS, $update, $theme_path)
    global $USER, $THEME_DATE;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_USER_DISPLAY);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISLAY_USER, ''));
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_USER_DISPLAY);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_USER, ''));
    $user = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'user_display.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_could_edit', 'if_could_edit_block');
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER && ($USER->admin || $USER->id == $user['id']) || !DOK_ENABLE_USER) {
        $t->parse('if_could_edit_block', 'if_could_edit');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('if_could_edit_block', '');
    if ($user['admin']) {
        $admin = MSG_YES;
    } else {
        $admin = MSG_NO;
    if ($user['editor']) {
        $editor = MSG_YES;
    } else {
        $editor = MSG_NO;
    if ($user['disabled']) {
        $disabled = MSG_YES;
    } else {
        $disabled = MSG_NO;
    if ($user['last_login'] == 0) {
        $last_login = MSG_USER_NEVER_LOGGED;
    } else {
        $last_login = date($THEME_DATE, $user['last_login']);
    $t->set_var(array('USER_NAME' => $user['name'], 'USER_DB_CREATION' => date($THEME_DATE, $user['creation']), 'USER_LAST_LOGIN' => $last_login, 'USER_ADMIN' => $admin, 'USER_EDITOR' => $editor, 'USER_DISABLED' => $disabled, 'USER_EDIT_LINK' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=edit_user&id=' . $user['id']));
    return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_USER, $user['name']));
function dok_edit_user($VARS, $update_module, $theme_path)
    global $USER;
    if (!$VARS['id'] || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_USER, MSG_UNKNOWN));
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_USER, MSG_UNKNOWN));
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER && (!$USER->admin && $USER->id != $row['id'])) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_USER_EDITION_NOT_ALLOWED);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_USER, MSG_UNKNOWN));
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $editor_cb = '<input type="checkbox" name="editor" value="1"';
    if ($row['editor']) {
        $editor_cb .= ' CHECKED';
    $editor_cb .= '>';
    $admin_cb = '<input type="checkbox" name="admin" value="1"';
    if ($row['admin']) {
        $admin_cb .= ' CHECKED';
    $admin_cb .= '>';
    $disabled_cb = '<input type="checkbox" name="disabled" value="1"';
    if ($row['disabled']) {
        $disabled_cb .= ' CHECKED';
    $disabled_cb .= '>';
    $t->set_file('page', 'user_edit.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_admin', 'if_admin_block');
    if (!DOK_ENABLE_USER || $USER->admin) {
        $t->parse('if_admin_block', 'if_admin');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('if_admin_block', '');
    $t->set_var(array('USER_ID' => $row['id'], 'USER_NAME' => $row['name'], 'USER_NAME_TF' => str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row['name']), 'USER_EDITOR_CB' => $editor_cb, 'USER_DISABLED_CB' => $disabled_cb, 'USER_ADMIN_CB' => $admin_cb));
    return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_EDIT_USER, $row['name']));
function dok_unlink_song_link()
    global $VARS, $GENRES, $USER;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !strlen(trim($VARS['id'])) || !is_numeric(trim($VARS['id'])) || trim($VARS['id']) < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_create_song_link', 'e');
        return false;
    if (!isset($VARS['other_id']) || !strlen(trim($VARS['other_id'])) || !is_numeric(trim($VARS['other_id'])) || trim($VARS['other_id']) < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_create_song_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $options = dok_songs_links_array();
    if (!in_array($VARS['link'], array_keys($options))) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NO_LINK_NAME, 'dok_create_song_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $VARS['other_id'] = trim($VARS['other_id']);
    $VARS['id'] = trim($VARS['id']);
    $VARS['nohit'] = 1;
    $relation = explode('-', $VARS['link']);
    $query = 'delete from ' . dok_tn('rel_songs') . ' where link = ' . $relation[0] . ' ';
    if (sizeof($relation)) {
        if ($relation[1]) {
            $query .= 'AND song_id1=' . $VARS['other_id'] . ' AND song_id2=' . $VARS['id'] . ' ';
        } else {
            $query .= 'AND song_id1=' . $VARS['id'] . ' AND song_id2=' . $VARS['other_id'] . ' ';
    } else {
        if ($VARS['id'] <= $VARS['other_id']) {
            $query .= 'AND song_id1=' . $VARS['id'] . ' AND song_id2=' . $VARS['other_id'] . ' ';
        } else {
            $query .= 'AND song_id1=' . $VARS['other_id'] . ' AND song_id2=' . $VARS['id'] . ' ';
    $res = dok_uquery($query);
    if ($res) {
        return 'view_song';
    } else {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_unlink_song_link', 'e');
        return false;
function dok_create_artist()
    global $VARS, $USER;
    if (!isset($VARS['name'])) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_ARTIST_NAME, 'dok_create_artist', 'e');
        return false;
    if (!strlen(trim($VARS['name']))) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_ARTIST_NAME, 'dok_create_artist', 'e');
        return false;
    $artist_name = ucwords(substr($VARS['name'], 0, 255));
    $res = mysql_query('select id from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where name = \'' . addslashes($artist_name) . '\'');
    if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(sprintf(MSG_ERR_DUP_ARTIST_NAME, $artist_name), 'dok_create_artist', 'e');
        return false;
    //test for soundex
    if (DOK_USE_SOUNDEX && !$VARS['soundex_checked']) {
        $query = 'select id, name from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where substring(soundex(name) from 2) = substring(soundex(\'' . addslashes($artist_name) . '\') from 2)';
        $res = dok_oquery($query);
        if ($res->numrows()) {
            $VARS['soundex'] = $res->fetch_col_array('name', 'id');
            return 'ask_sound_artist';
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER) {
        $creation_uid = $USER->id;
    } else {
        $creation_uid = 0;
    //add artist
    $res = dok_uquery('insert into ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' (name,creation,creation_uid) values (\'' . addslashes($artist_name) . '\',' . time() . ',' . $creation_uid . ')');
    if (!$res) {
        dok_msg(mysql_error(), 'dok_create_artist', 'e');
        return false;
    $VARS['id'] = mysql_insert_id();
    $_SESSION['song_select_artist'] = $VARS['id'];
    return 'view_artist';
function dok_update_song_album_link()
    global $VARS;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (!isset($VARS['album']) || !is_numeric($VARS['album']) || $VARS['album'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['album']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $album = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (!isset($VARS['track']) || !is_numeric($VARS['track']) || $VARS['track'] < 1) {
        $VARS['track'] = 1;
    $res = mysql_query('select r.song_id, from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on r.song_id =  where r.album_id = ' . $album['id'] . ' and r.track = ' . $VARS['track']);
    if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(sprintf(MSG_ERR_SONG_TRACK_DUP, mysql_result($res, 0, 'name'), $VARS['track']), 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
    //cool we could update
    $res = dok_uquery('insert into ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' (song_id, album_id, track) values (' . $song['id'] . ',' . $album['id'] . ',' . $VARS['track'] . ')');
    if ($res) {
        $VARS['id'] = $album['id'];
        return 'view_album';
    } else {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
 function login($user, $password)
     $query = 'select * from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where name = \'' . addslashes($user) . '\' and password = \'' . md5($password) . '\' and disabled = \'0\'';
     //echo $query;
     $res = mysql_query($query);
     echo mysql_error();
     if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
         $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
         $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['id'];
         $_SESSION['user_password'] = $row['password'];
         $this->name = $row['name'];
         $this->id = $row['id'];
         $this->editor = $row['editor'];
         $this->admin = $row['admin'];
         $this->lang = $row['lang'];
         $this->theme = $row['theme'];
         $this->creation = $row['creation'];
         $this->last_login = $row['last_login'];
     return true;
function dok_update_song_artist_link()
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_update_song_artist_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_update_song_artist_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (!isset($VARS['artist']) || !is_numeric($VARS['artist']) || $VARS['artist'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ARTIST_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_song_artist_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['artist']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ARTIST_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_update_song_artist_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $artist = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (!in_array($VARS['link'], array_keys($ARTIST_SONG_LINKS))) {
        $VARS['link'] = 0;
    //cool we could update
    $res = dok_uquery('insert into ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' (song_id, artist_id, link) values (' . $song['id'] . ',' . $artist['id'] . ',' . $VARS['link'] . ')');
    if ($res) {
        $VARS['nohit'] = 1;
        if (isset($VARS['back2edit'])) {
            return 'link_song_artist';
        } else {
            return 'view_song';
    } else {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_song_artist_link', 'e');
        return false;
function dok_create_song_link() {
	global $VARS, $GENRES, $USER;
	if ( !isset($VARS['id']) || !strlen(trim($VARS['id'])) || !is_numeric(trim($VARS['id'])) || trim($VARS['id']) < 1 ) {
		return false;

	if ( !isset($VARS['other_id']) || !strlen(trim($VARS['other_id'])) || !is_numeric(trim($VARS['other_id'])) || trim($VARS['other_id']) < 1 ) {
		return false;

	$options = dok_songs_links_array();
	if ( !in_array($VARS['link'],array_keys($options)) ) {
		return false;

	if ( !$VARS['old_link'] || !is_numeric($VARS['old_link']) )	$VARS['old_link'] = 0;

	$res = mysql_query('select name from '.dok_tn('song').' where id = '.$VARS['id'].' or id = '.$VARS['other_id']);
	if ( mysql_numrows($res) != 2 ) {
                return false;

	$ok = dok_song_link_add($VARS['id'],$VARS['other_id'],$VARS['link'],$VARS['old_link']);

	if ( !$ok ) {
		echo mysql_error();
		return false;
	return 'view_song';
function dok_unlink_song_album()
    global $VARS;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_unlink_song_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_unlink_song_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (!isset($VARS['album']) || !is_numeric($VARS['album']) || $VARS['album'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_unlink_song_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['album']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_ALBUM_NOT_FOUND, 'dok_unlink_song_album', 'e');
        return false;
    $album = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $res = mysql_query('select album_id from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' where song_id = ' . $VARS['id'] . ' AND album_id != ' . $album['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = dok_uquery('delete from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' where song_id = ' . $song['id'] . ' and album_id = ' . $album['id']);
    if ($res) {
        return 'edit_song';
    } else {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_song_album_link', 'e');
        return false;
function dok_create_user()
    global $VARS, $USER;
    if (!isset($VARS['name'])) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_USER_NAME, 'dok_create_user', 'e');
        return false;
    $VARS['name'] = substr($VARS['name'], 0, 255);
    if (!isset($VARS['password']) || !strlen($VARS['password'])) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_NO_USER_PASSWORD, 'dok_create_user', 'e');
        return false;
    if ($VARS['password'] != $VARS['password_again']) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH, 'dok_create_user', 'e');
        return false;
    $VARS['password'] = substr($VARS['password'], 0, 255);
    $res = mysql_query('select id from ' . dok_tn('user') . ' where name = \'' . addslashes($VARS['name']) . '\'');
    if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(sprintf(MSG_ERR_USER_NAME_EXISTS, $VARS['name']), 'dok_create_user', 'e');
        return false;
    if ($VARS['editor'] != '1') {
        $VARS['editor'] = 0;
    if ($VARS['admin'] != '1') {
        $VARS['admin'] = 0;
    $res = dok_uquery('insert into ' . dok_tn('user') . ' (name, password, editor, admin, creation) values (\'' . addslashes($VARS['name']) . '\', \'' . md5($VARS['password']) . '\', \'' . $VARS['editor'] . '\', \'' . $VARS['admin'] . '\', ' . time() . ')');
    if (!$res) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_create_user', 'e');
        return false;
    $VARS['id'] = mysql_insert_id();
    return 'view_user';
function dok_link_songs($VARS, $update, $theme_path)
    if (!is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $VARS['id'] = 0;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, MSG_TITLE_ADD_SONG_ALBUM);
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
        $VARS['alpha'] = ' ';
    if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
        $VARS['alpha'] = 'a';
        //could change again later with $letters array
    /**	$res = dok_oquery('select distinct(album_id) as aid from '.dok_tn('rel_song_album').' where song_id = '.$song['id']);
    	$current_albums = $res->fetch_col_array('aid');
    	$where = '';
    	if ( sizeof($current_albums) )	$where = ' where id not in('.implode(',',$current_albums).')';*/
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'song_song_link.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'alphalink', 'alphalink_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'song', 'song_block');
    //make alphalinks
    $letters = dok_letter_array('song');
    if (!sizeof($letters)) {
        $t->set_var('alphalink_block', '');
    } else {
        if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
            $VARS['alpha'] = reset($letters);
        foreach ($letters as $letter) {
            $lnk = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=link_songs&id=' . $VARS['id'];
            if ($VARS['link']) {
                $lnk .= '&link=' . urlencode($VARS['link']);
            $lnk .= '&alpha=' . urlencode($letter);
            $t->set_var('ALPHALINK_LINK', $lnk);
            $t->set_var('ALPHALINK_LETTER', $letter);
            $t->parse('alphalink_block', 'alphalink', 'true');
    $where = ' where substring(name from 1 for 1) = \'' . addslashes($VARS['alpha']) . '\' and id != ' . $VARS['id'];
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . $where . ' order by name');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $t->set_var('SONG_CB', '<input type=radio name="other_id" value="' . $row['id'] . '">');
        $t->parse('song_block', 'song', 'true');
    $la = dok_songs_links_array();
    $options = '';
    foreach ($la as $value => $legend) {
        $options .= '<option value="' . str_replace('"', '&quot;', $value) . '">' . $legend . '</option>' . "\n";
    $t->set_var('RELATION_OPTIONS', $options);
    $t->set_var('ALBUM_SELECT', $a_select);
    $t->set_var('SONG_ID', $song['id']);
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_ADD_SONG_LINK);
function dok_list_albums($VARS, $up, $theme_path)
    $orders = array('hits', 'length');
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'album_list.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_artist', 'artist_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_artist_2', 'artist_2_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'album', 'album_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'next_page', 'next_page_block');
    if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
        $VARS['alpha'] = '-';
    if (!strlen($VARS['offset']) || $VARS['offset'] < 0) {
        $VARS['offset'] = '0';
    $VARS['alpha'] = mysql_real_escape_string($VARS['alpha']);
    //$query = 'select id, name from '.dok_tn('album').' where substring(name from 1 for 1) >= \''.$VARS['alpha'].'\' order by name limit  '.$VARS['offset'].', '.DOK_LIST_EPP;
    $query = 'select sum(s.length) as length, count( as c, sum(s.hits) as hits,, from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as r on left join ' . dok_tn('album') . ' as a on ';
    $where = array();
    if (isset($VARS['sort']) && !in_array($VARS['sort'], $orders) || !isset($VARS['sort'])) {
        $where[] = 'substring( from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\' ';
    if (isset($VARS['artist']) && is_numeric($VARS['artist']) && $VARS['artist'] > 0) {
        $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['artist']);
        if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', $row['name']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_ID', $row['id']);
            $t->parse('artist_block', 'if_artist');
            $res = dok_oquery('select distinct(r.album_id) from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r2 on r.song_id=r2.song_id where r2.artist_id = ' . $VARS['artist']);
            $al_ids = $res->fetch_col_array('album_id');
            if (sizeof($al_ids)) {
                $where[] = ' in(' . implode(', ', $al_ids) . ')';
        } else {
            $t->set_var('artist_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('artist_block', '');
    if (sizeof($where)) {
        $query .= ' where ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
    $query .= 'group by r.album_id ';
    if (isset($VARS['sort'])) {
        $query .= 'order by ' . $VARS['sort'] . ' desc ';
    } else {
        $query .= 'order by ';
    $query .= 'limit ' . $VARS['offset'] . ', ' . DOK_LIST_EPP;
    $res = dok_oquery($query);
    echo mysql_error();
    if ($res->numrows()) {
        //$ids = $res->fetch_col_array('id');
        //$n_res = dok_oquery('select album_id, count(*) as c from '.dok_tn('rel_song_album').' where album_id in('.implode(',',$ids).') group by album_id');
        //$n_array = $n_res->fetch_col_array('c','album_id');
        while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
            $t->set_var('ALBUM_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_album&id=' . $row['id']);
            $t->set_var('ALBUM_NAME', $row['name']);
            $t->set_var('ALBUM_HITS', $row['hits']);
            $t->set_var('ALBUM_LENGTH', dok_sec2str($row['length']));
            if ($row['c'] > 0) {
                $t->set_var('ALBUM_SONGS', $row['c']);
            } else {
                $t->set_var('ALBUM_SONGS', 0);
            $t->parse('album_block', 'album', 'true');
        $t_query = 'select count(*) as c from ' . dok_tn('album') . ' as a';
        if (sizeof($where)) {
            $t_query .= ' where ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
        $res = mysql_query($t_query);
        $total = mysql_result($res, 0, 'c');
        if ($total > $VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP) {
            $link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=list_albums&alpha=' . $VARS['alpha'] . '&offset=' . ($VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP . '&artist=' . $VARS['artist']);
            if (isset($VARS['sort'])) {
                $link .= '&sort=' . $VARS['sort'];
            $t->set_var('NEXT_PAGE_LINK', $link);
            $t->parse('next_page_block', 'next_page');
        } else {
            $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('album_block', MSG_NO_ALBUM);
        $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_LIST_ALBUM);
function dok_list_full($VARS, $up, $theme_path)
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'full_list.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'element_letter', 'element_letter_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'element', 'element_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'next_block', 'next_block_block');
    $t->set_var('element_letter_block', '');
    $t->set_var('next_block_block', '');
    if (!isset($VARS['element']) || !in_array($VARS['element'], array('artist', 'song', 'album', 'user'))) {
        $VARS['element'] = 'song';
    if ($VARS['element'] == 'album') {
        $msg = MSG_NO_ALBUM;
        $element_name = MSG_ALBUMS;
    } elseif ($VARS['element'] == 'artist') {
        $msg = MSG_NO_ARTIST;
        $element_name = MSG_ARTISTS;
    } elseif ($VARS['element'] == 'user') {
        $msg = MSG_NO_USER;
        $element_name = MSG_USERS;
    } else {
        $msg = MSG_NO_SONG;
        $element_name = MSG_SONGS;
    $t->set_var('LIST_ELEMENT_NAME', $element_name);
    $where = '';
    if (($VARS['element'] == 'album' || $VARS['element'] == 'song') && isset($VARS['artist_id']) && is_numeric($VARS['artist_id']) && $VARS['artist_id'] > 0) {
        $res = mysql_query('select name from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['artist_id']);
        if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', $row['name']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_artist&id=' . $VARS['artist_id']);
            if ($VARS['element'] == 'song') {
                $where = 'left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r on where r.artist_id = ' . $VARS['artist_id'];
            } else {
                $where = 'left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as r on left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r2 on r.song_id=r2.song_id  where r2.artist_id = ' . $VARS['artist_id'] . ' group by';
    } else {
        $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', '');
        $t->set_var('ARTIST_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    $query = 'select,, substring( from 1 for 1) as letter from ' . dok_tn($VARS['element']) . ' as a ' . $where . ' order by';
    //echo $query.'<BR>';
    $res = dok_oquery($query);
    //echo mysql_error();
    if ($res->numrows()) {
        $letter = false;
        $count = -1;
        $div = 1;
        if ($res->numrows() <= reset($THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN)) {
            $el_per_block = $res->numrows();
            $div = 1;
        } elseif ($res->numrows() >= end($THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN)) {
            $div = key($THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN);
            $el_per_block = ceil($res->numrows() / $div);
        } else {
            $ak = array_keys($THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN);
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN as $key => $val) {
                if ($res->numrows() >= $val && $res->numrows() <= $THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN[$ak[$i]]) {
                    $div = $key;
                    $el_per_block = ceil($res->numrows() / $key);
        $t->set_var('BLOCK_PERCENT', (int) (100 / $div));
        //if ( $res->numrows() < $THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN[0] && $res->numrows() < $THEME_FULL_LIST_COLUMN[0]
        //$el_per_block = ceil($res->numrows() /3);
        while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
            if ($count && !($count % $el_per_block)) {
                $t->parse('element_block', 'next_block', 'true');
            if (!$letter || $letter != $row['letter']) {
                $letter = $row['letter'];
                $t->set_var('LIST_LETTER', strtoupper($letter));
                $t->parse('element_block', 'element_letter', 'true');
            $t->set_var('LIST_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_' . $VARS['element'] . '&id=' . $row['id']);
            $t->set_var('LIST_NAME', $row['name']);
            $t->parse('element_block', 'element', 'true');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('element_block', $msg);
    return array($t, $element_name . MSG_TITLE_LIST_FULL);

$pager_where = 'where' . $VARS['pager_related_id'];
$pager_query = 'select r.artist_id, r.song_id, as artist, as song from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on r.song_id = left join ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' as a on r.artist_id = ' . $pager_where . ' order by';
$pager_res = dok_oquery($pager_query);
if ($pager_res->numrows() < 2) {
    $t = dok_pager_clean($t);
} else {
    $pager_prev = '';
    $pager_next = '';
    while ($tmp = $pager_res->fetch_array()) {
        if ($tmp['song_id'] == $row['id']) {
            if ($tmp = $pager_res->fetch_array()) {
                $pager_next = $tmp;
        $pager_prev = $tmp;
    if ($pager_prev == '' && $pager_next == '') {
        $t = dok_pager_clean($t);
    } else {
        if ($pager_prev == '') {
            $pager_prev = $pager_res->fetch_last_array();
        if ($pager_next == '') {
            $pager_next = $pager_res->fetch_first_array();
        $t->set_block('page', 'pager', 'pager_block');
        $t->set_var(array('PAGER_PREV_LINK' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_song&id=' . $pager_prev['song_id'] . '&pager_related=' . $VARS['pager_related'] . '&pager_related_id=' . $VARS['pager_related_id'], 'PAGER_PREV_NAME' => $pager_prev['song'], 'PAGER_NEXT_LINK' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_song&id=' . $pager_next['song_id'] . '&pager_related=' . $VARS['pager_related'] . '&pager_related_id=' . $VARS['pager_related_id'], 'PAGER_NEXT_NAME' => $pager_next['song'], 'PAGER_RELATED_LINK' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=list_songs&artist=' . $pager_next['artist_id'], 'PAGER_RELATED_NAME' => $pager_next['artist']));
        $t->parse('pager_block', 'pager');
function dok_link_song_artist($VARS, $update, $theme_path)
    global $ARTIST_SONG_LINKS;
    if (!is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $VARS['id'] = 0;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND);
        return array($t, MSG_TITLE_ADD_SONG_ARTIST);
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $res = dok_oquery('select distinct(artist_id) as aid from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' where song_id = ' . $song['id']);
    $current_artists = $res->fetch_col_array('aid');
    $where = '';
    if (sizeof($current_artists)) {
        $where = ' where id not in(' . implode(',', $current_artists) . ')';
    $res = mysql_query('select id, name from ' . dok_tn('artist') . $where . ' order by name');
    $a_select = '';
    if (!DOK_USE_HTML4) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            $a_select .= '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '"';
            if ($_SESSION['song_select_artist'] == $row['id']) {
                $a_select .= ' selected';
            $a_select .= '>' . $row['name'] . '</option>';
    } else {
        $current_letter = '';
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            $c_letter = substr($row['name'], 0, 1);
            if ($c_letter != $current_letter) {
                if (strlen($current_letter)) {
                    $a_select .= '</optgroup>';
                $a_select .= '<OPTGROUP label="' . $c_letter . '">';
                $current_letter = $c_letter;
            $a_select .= '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '"';
            if ($_SESSION['song_select_artist'] == $row['id']) {
                $a_select .= ' selected';
            $a_select .= '>' . $row['name'] . '</option>' . "\n";
        if (strlen($current_letter)) {
            $a_select .= '</optgroup>';
    $l_select = '';
    foreach ($ARTIST_SONG_LINKS as $link_id => $link_name) {
        $l_select .= '<option value="' . $link_id . '">' . $link_name . '</option>';
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'song_artist_link.tpl');
    $t->set_var('ARTIST_SELECT', $a_select);
    $t->set_var('LINK_SELECT', $l_select);
    $t->set_var('SONG_ID', $song['id']);
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_ADD_SONG_ARTIST);
function dok_view_song($VARS, $update, $theme_path)
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_SONG_DISPLAY);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_SONG, ''));
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t = dok_error_template(MSG_ERR_SONG_DISPLAY);
        return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_SONG, ''));
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $fields = array_keys($row);
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'song_display.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'song', 'song_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'relation', 'relation_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_relation', 'if_relation_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_songeditor', 'songeditor_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_label', 'label_block');
    if (DOK_ENABLE_USER && !$USER->editor && !$USER->admin) {
        $t->set_var('songeditor_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->parse('songeditor_block', 'if_songeditor');
        $t->set_var('SONG_EDIT_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=edit_song&id=' . $row['id']);
    $t->set_block('page', 'song_albums', 'albums_block');
    $query = 'select, a.creation,, r.track from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('album') . ' as a on r.album_id = where r.song_id = ' . $VARS['id'] . ' order by';
    $res = mysql_query($query);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t->set_var('albums_block', MSG_NO_ALBUM);
    } else {
        while ($a_row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            $t->set_var(array('ALBUM_LINK' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_album&id=' . $a_row['id'], 'ALBUM_NAME' => $a_row['name'], 'ALBUM_TRACK' => $a_row['track']));
            $t->parse('albums_block', 'song_albums', 'true');
    // song relations
    $rel = 0;
    $query = 'select ';
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $query .= ' s1.' . $field . ' as s1' . $field . ', s2.' . $field . ' as s2' . $field . ',';
    $query .= ' from ' . dok_tn('rel_songs') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s1 on left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s2 on where song_id1=' . $row['id'] . ' or song_id2=' . $row['id'] . ' order by link';
    //echo $query;
    $res = mysql_query($query);
    $link = false;
    $relations = array();
    while ($subrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        if ($subrow['s1id'] == $row['id']) {
            if (is_array($SONGS_LINKS[$subrow['link']]) && $SONGS_LINKS[$subrow['link']][0]) {
                $good_song = 's2';
                $good_link = $SONGS_LINKS[$subrow['link']][0];
            } else {
        } else {
            if (is_array($SONGS_LINKS[$subrow['link']]) && $SONGS_LINKS[$subrow['link']][1]) {
                $good_song = 's1';
                $good_link = $SONGS_LINKS[$subrow['link']][1];
            } else {
        if (isset($good_song)) {
            $myrow = array();
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                $myrow[$field] = $subrow[$good_song . $field];
            $relations[$good_link][] = $myrow;
    $related_ids = array($row['id']);
    if (sizeof($relations)) {
        foreach ($relations as $relation => $songs) {
            $t->set_var('song_block', '');
            $t->set_var('SONG_RELATION', $relation);
            foreach ($songs as $song) {
                $t->parse('song_block', 'song', 'true');
                $related_ids[] = $song['id'];
            $t->parse('relation_block', 'relation', 'true');
    //same title
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id not in(' . implode(', ', $related_ids) . ') and name = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['name']) . '\'');
    if (mysql_numrows($res)) {
        $t->set_var('song_block', '');
        while ($dup_row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            $t->parse('song_block', 'song', 'true');
        $t->parse('relation_block', 'relation', 'true');
    if ($rel) {
        $t->parse('if_relation_block', 'if_relation');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('if_relation_block', '');
    $t->set_var('SONG_RELATIONS', $rel);
    if ($row['label'] > 0) {
        $t->parse('label_block', 'if_label');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('label_block', '');
    //pager related
        global $THEME_PAGER_TYPE;
        if (isset($VARS['pager_related'])) {
            if ($VARS['pager_related'] == 'artist') {
                include_once 'php/pager_song_artist.php';
            } elseif ($VARS['pager_related'] == 'album') {
                include_once 'php/pager_song_album.php';
            } else {
                $t = dok_pager_clean($t);
        } else {
            $t = dok_pager_clean($t);
    } else {
        $t = dok_pager_clean($t);
    if (!isset($VARS['nohit'])) {
        $res = mysql_query('update ' . dok_tn('song') . ' set hits = hits + 1 where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    return array($t, sprintf(MSG_TITLE_DISPLAY_SONG, $row['name']));
function dok_search_artist($query)
    $return = array();
    $sql_query = 'select *, MATCH (name) AGAINST (\'' . $query . '\') as score from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' as s where MATCH (name) AGAINST (\'' . $query . '\')';
    $res = mysql_query($sql_query);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $vars['ARTIST_NAME'] = $row['name'];
        $vars['ARTIST_LINK'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_artist&id=' . $row['id'];
        $vars['ARTIST_SCORE'] = sprintf('%2f', $row['score']);
        $return[] = $vars;
    return $return;
function dok_list_artists($VARS, $up, $theme_path)
    $orders = array('count', 'length', 'albums');
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'artist_list.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'artist', 'artist_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'next_page', 'next_page_block');
    if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
        $VARS['alpha'] = '-';
    $VARS['alpha'] = mysql_real_escape_string($VARS['alpha']);
    if (isset($VARS['sort']) && !in_array($VARS['sort'], $orders)) {
    if (!strlen($VARS['offset']) || $VARS['offset'] < 0) {
        $VARS['offset'] = '0';
    $display = array();
    // here we do 2 queries: it's better than 1 for mysql
    if (isset($VARS['sort'])) {
        $my_display = array();
        $query = "select r.artist_id as id, count(distinct r.song_id) as count, sum(s.length) as length, count(distinct al.album_id) as albums from " . dok_tn("rel_song_artist") . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as al on r.song_id=al.song_id group by r.artist_id order by ' . $VARS['sort'] . ' desc limit ' . $VARS['offset'] . ', ' . DOK_LIST_EPP;
        //echo $query;
        $res = dok_oquery($query);
        while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
            $my_display[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'count' => $row['count'], 'length' => $row['length'], 'albums' => $row['albums']);
        if (sizeof($my_display)) {
            $query = 'select name,id from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where id in(' . implode(', ', array_keys($my_display)) . ')';
            $res = dok_oquery($query);
            while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
                $my_display[$row['id']]['name'] = $row['name'];
            foreach ($my_display as $one) {
                $display[] = $one;
    } else {
        $my_display = array();
        $query = 'select name,id from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where LEFT(name,1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\' order by name limit ' . $VARS['offset'] . ', ' . DOK_LIST_EPP;
        $res = dok_oquery($query);
        while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
            $my_display[$row['id']] = array('name' => $row['name'], 'id' => $row['id']);
        if (sizeof($my_display)) {
            $query = "select r.artist_id as id, count(DISTINCT r.song_id) as count, sum(s.length) as length, count(distinct al.album_id) as albums  from " . dok_tn("rel_song_artist") . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on left join ' . dok_tn('rel_song_album') . ' as al on r.song_id=al.song_id where r.artist_id in(' . implode(', ', array_keys($my_display)) . ') group by r.artist_id';
            $res = dok_oquery($query);
            while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
                $my_display[$row['id']]['count'] = $row['count'];
                $my_display[$row['id']]['length'] = $row['length'];
                $my_display[$row['id']]['albums'] = $row['albums'];
            foreach ($my_display as $one) {
                $display[] = $one;
    if (sizeof($display)) {
        $display_first = $VARS['offset'] + 1;
        $display_last = $display_first - 1;
        foreach ($display as $row) {
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_artist&id=' . $row['id']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', $row['name']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_SONGS', $row['count']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_ALBUMS', $row['albums']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_LENGTH', dok_sec2str($row['length']));
            $t->parse('artist_block', 'artist', 'true');
        if (isset($VARS['sort'])) {
            $t_query = 'select count(*) as c from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r group by r.artist_id';
        } else {
            $t_query = 'select id from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where LEFT(name,1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\'';
            //$t_query='select count(*) as c from '.dok_tn('rel_song_artist').' as r left join '.dok_tn('artist').' as a on r.artist_id = where substring( from 1 for 1) >= \''.$VARS['alpha'].'\' group by r.artist_id';
            //echo $t_query;
        $res = mysql_query($t_query);
        $total = mysql_numrows($res);
        if ($total > $VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP) {
            $t->set_var('NEXT_PAGE_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=list_artists&alpha=' . $VARS['alpha'] . '&offset=' . ($VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP) . '&sort=' . $VARS['sort']);
            $t->parse('next_page_block', 'next_page');
        } else {
            $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('artist_block', MSG_NO_ARTIST);
        $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_LIST_ARTIST);
function dok_list_songs($VARS, $up, $theme_path)
    $t = new template($theme_path);
    $t->set_file('page', 'song_list.tpl');
    $t->set_block('page', 'song', 'song_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'next_page', 'next_page_block');
    $t->set_block('page', 'if_artist', 'if_artist_block');
    if (!isset($VARS['alpha'])) {
        $VARS['alpha'] = '-';
    if (!strlen($VARS['offset']) || $VARS['offset'] < 0) {
        $VARS['offset'] = '0';
    $VARS['alpha'] = mysql_real_escape_string($VARS['alpha']);
    if (isset($VARS['artist']) && is_numeric($VARS['artist']) && $VARS['artist'] > 0) {
        $query = 'select s.* from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on r.song_id = where substring( from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\' and r.artist_id = ' . $VARS['artist'] . ' order by limit ' . $VARS['offset'] . ', ' . DOK_LIST_EPP;
        $total_query = 'select count(*) as c from ' . dok_tn('rel_song_artist') . ' as r left join ' . dok_tn('song') . ' as s on r.song_id = where substring( from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\' and r.artist_id = ' . $VARS['artist'];
        $res = mysql_query('select name from ' . dok_tn('artist') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['artist']);
        if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', '');
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_LINK', '');
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_ID', '');
        } else {
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', mysql_result($res, 0, 'name'));
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_LINK', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=view_artist&id=' . $VARS['artist']);
            $t->set_var('ARTIST_ID', $VARS['artist']);
        $t->parse('if_artist_block', 'if_artist');
        $pager_infos = array('related' => 'artist', 'related_id' => $VARS['artist']);
    } else {
        $query = 'select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where substring(name from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\' order by name limit ' . $VARS['offset'] . ', ' . DOK_LIST_EPP;
        $total_query = 'select count(*) as c from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where substring(name from 1 for 1) >= \'' . $VARS['alpha'] . '\'';
        $t->set_var('if_artist_block', '');
        $t->set_var('ARTIST_ID', '');
        $t->set_var('ARTIST_NAME', '');
        $t->set_var('ARTIST_LINK', '');
        $pager_infos = '';
    $res = dok_oquery($query);
    if ($res->numrows()) {
        $ids = $res->fetch_col_array('id');
        while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
            $t->set_var(dok_song_format($row, $pager_infos));
            $t->parse('song_block', 'song', 'true');
        $res = mysql_query($total_query);
        $total = mysql_result($res, 0, 'c');
        if ($total > $VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP) {
            $lnk = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?display=list_songs&alpha=' . $VARS['alpha'] . '&offset=' . ($VARS['offset'] + DOK_LIST_EPP);
            if ($t->get_var('ARTIST_ID')) {
                $lnk .= '&artist=' . $t->get_var('ARTIST_ID');
            $t->set_var('NEXT_PAGE_LINK', $lnk);
            $t->parse('next_page_block', 'next_page');
        } else {
            $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    } else {
        $t->set_var('song_block', MSG_NO_SONG);
        $t->set_var('next_page_block', '');
    return array($t, MSG_TITLE_LIST_SONG);
function dok_update_song()
    global $VARS, $SONGS_LABELS;
    if (!isset($VARS['id']) || !is_numeric($VARS['id']) || $VARS['id'] < 1) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_update_song', 'e');
        return false;
    $res = mysql_query('select * from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if (!mysql_numrows($res)) {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_SONG_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE, 'dok_update_song', 'e');
        return false;
    $song = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $set = array();
    $name = ucwords(trim($VARS['name']));
    if (is_string($name) && strlen($name) && $name != $song['name']) {
        if (!$VARS['dup_checked']) {
            //check if name is already known
            $res = dok_oquery('select id from ' . dok_tn('song') . ' where name = \'' . addslashes($name) . '\' and id != ' . $VARS['id']);
            if ($res->numrows()) {
                $VARS['duplicates'] = $res->fetch_col_array('id');
                return 'ask_dup_song';
        $set[] = 'name = \'' . addslashes($name) . '\'';
    $comment = dok_textarea_2_db($VARS['comment']);
    if ($comment != $song['comment']) {
        $set[] = 'comment = \'' . addslashes($VARS['comment']) . '\'';
    if (!isset($VARS['release']) || !is_numeric($VARS['release']) || $VARS['release'] < 1901 || $VARS['release'] > 2155) {
        $VARS['release'] = 0;
    if ($VARS['release'] != $song['release']) {
        $set[] = 'release = ' . $VARS['release'];
    $length = 0;
    if (isset($VARS['length'])) {
        if (preg_match('/:/', $VARS['length'])) {
            $test = explode(':', $VARS['length']);
            if (sizeof($test) > 1) {
                $sec = 0;
                if (is_numeric($test[0])) {
                    $sec = $test[0] * 60;
                if (is_numeric($test[1])) {
                    $sec += $test[1];
                $length = $sec;
        } elseif (is_numeric($VARS['length']) && $VARS['length'] > 0) {
            $length = $VARS['length'];
    if ($length != $song['length']) {
        $set[] = 'length = ' . $length;
    if (is_numeric($VARS['genre']) && $VARS['genre'] >= 0 && $VARS['genre'] != $song['genre']) {
        $set[] = 'genre = ' . $VARS['genre'];
    if (is_numeric($VARS['label']) && $VARS['label'] != $song['label'] && (in_array($VARS['label'], array_keys($SONGS_LABELS)) && strlen($SONGS_LABELS[$VARS['label']]['label']) || $VARS['label'] == 0)) {
        $set[] = 'label = ' . $VARS['label'];
    //	print_r($set);
    if (sizeof($set)) {
        $res = dok_uquery('update ' . dok_tn('song') . ' set ' . implode(',', $set) . ' where id = ' . $VARS['id']);
    if ($res) {
        $VARS['nohit'] = 1;
        return 'view_song';
    } else {
        dok_msg(MSG_ERR_DB_UPDATE_FAILED, 'dok_update_song', 'e');
        return false;
*returns a list of beginning letters of table $table names
*@param string $table name of the db table
*@return array array of letters
function dok_letter_array($table)
    $tables = array('user', 'song', 'artist', 'album');
    if (!in_array($table, $tables)) {
        return false;
    $res = dok_oquery('select distinct(substring( from 1 for 1)) as letter from ' . dok_tn($table) . ' as a order by letter');
    return $res->fetch_col_array('letter');