function prepare_message_review($dbh, $req_id) { $_SESSION['requestid'] = $req_id; /* In order to display the message review screen, we need to first get the request record. Then the * account ID is used to log into the Bronto API to extract other message-oriented information. */ $reqinfo = db_load_request($dbh, $req_id); if ($reqinfo != null) { $acctid = $reqinfo['account_id']; $login_info = bronto_agency_login($acctid); if ($login_info) { $bapi = $login_info['binding']; $session_id = $login_info['sessionID']; $_SESSION['session_id'] = $session_id; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $rc = db_save_session($dbh, $session_id, $username, $acctid); if ($rc == false) { display_warnbox("Unable to save session information (id=" . $session_id . ",user="******")"); } print_message_review_form($bapi, $session_id, $reqinfo); if (db_update_request_status($dbh, $req_id, "UNDER_REVIEW") == false) { display_warnbox("Unable to update request status."); } } else { display_errorbox("Unable to contact the Bronto API server."); print_requestid_form($req_id); } } else { display_errorbox("Request ID " . $req_id . " is invalid."); print_requestid_form($req_id); } }
function process_login($login_info, $username, $password, $sitename) { if (is_array($login_info)) { // if an array is returned, then login was successful $bapi = $login_info['binding']; $sessionID = $login_info['sessionID']; $accountID = $login_info['accountID']; $isAgency = $login_info['isAgency']; if ($isAgency == true) { print_agency_login_form($username, $password, $sitename, "", $sessionID, $login_info['accounts']); } else { $dbh = open_db(); if ($dbh) { $rc = db_save_user($dbh, $username, $password, 'BRONTO', 'REQUESTER', $sitename); if ($rc == false) { display_warnbox("Unable to save user information (user="******",sitename=" . $sitename . ")"); } $rc = db_save_session($dbh, $sessionID, $username, $accountID); if ($rc == false) { display_warnbox("Unable to save session information (id=" . $sessionID . ",user="******")"); } if (db_update_user_last_login($dbh, $username) == false) { echo "Unable to record login date/time."; } // Confirm that user information is available. $userinfo = db_get_user($dbh, $username); if (empty($userinfo['firstname']) || empty($userinfo['lastname']) || empty($userinfo['email'])) { print_user_info_form($sessionID, $userinfo); } else { if (print_message_select_form($bapi, $sessionID) == false) { display_errorbox("Unable to connect to Bronto API."); print_request_login_form($username, $password, $sitename); } } } else { display_errorbox("Unable to connect to database."); print_request_login_form($username, $password, $sitename); } } } else { if ($login_info === false) { // if "false" was returned, then login was unsuccessful (incorrect username, password, or sitename) display_errorbox("Invalid username, password, or sitename."); } else { // otherwise, "null" is returned, meaning no connectivity to Bronto API display_errorbox("Unable to connect to the Bronto API server."); } print_request_login_form($username, $password, $sitename); } }