//print_r($ships); //print_r($speechLines); $stats = checkFiles(); $errorCount = count($stats['problemShips']); foreach ($errorLines as $scriptErrors) { $errorCount += count($scriptErrors); } $warningCount = count($stats['warningShips']); foreach ($warningLines as $scriptWarnings) { $warningCount += count($scriptWarnings); } if ($errorCount < 1) { $FIX = false; } if ($FIX == false) { displayStats($stats); } else { echo "Errors found: [31m" . $errorCount . "[0m\nAttempting to repair...\n"; if (copy($FILE_COMMANDS, "{$FILE_COMMANDS}.bak") == false || copy($FILE_STATUS, "{$FILE_STATUS}.bak") == false) { echo "Unable to backup scripts. Exiting!"; return false; } if (fix() == false) { echo "Unable to repair scripts.\n"; } else { echo "Scripts repaired. Run {$argv['0']} (without {$argv['1']}) to view current status.\n"; } exit; } function displayStats($stats) {
</form> </div> <div class="dateRange"> Statistics from <?php echo $fm_date_start; ?> to <?php echo $fm_date_end; ?> </div> <!-- kz debugging: group list for logged in user <?php print_r($_SESSION['groups']); ?> --> <?php displayStats($stats, $fm_summary); if (USE_JAVASCRIPT_TOTALS) { ?> <script> getAllSenatorTotal(); </script> <?php } ?> </body> </html>
} $res = mysql_query("SELECT name, sum(duration) AS sum FROM Games JOIN Mods ON modId = Mods.id AND Games.id IN (SELECT distinct gameId AS cnt FROM Games2players WHERE playerId={$pid}) GROUP BY modId ORDER BY sum DESC LIMIT 0,5 "); echo "most played MODS are:\n"; $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { echo $i . ". {$row['name']} - " . timeDiff($row[sum]) . "\n"; $i++; } $res = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt, side FROM Games2players WHERE playerId = {$pid} AND spectator = 0 GROUP BY side ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 0,5"); echo "most played SIDES are:\n"; $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { echo $i . ". {$row['side']} - {$row['cnt']} times \n"; $i++; } break; case "": echo "--- Stats for current game ---\n"; $res = mysql_query("SELECT sum(duration) AS totalTime, avg(duration) AS avgTime, count(*) AS cnt,avg(players) AS avgPlayers FROM Games WHERE modId = " . getModId($_GET[mod]) . " AND mapId = " . getMapId($_GET[map])); @($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)); echo "Game on this map and mod usually lasts " . timeDiff($row[avgTime]) . " and is played by " . round($row[avgPlayers]) . " players \n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_GET[users]); $i++) { $spl = explode("|", $_GET[users][$i]); echo $spl[0] . " --> " . displayStats(getPlayerId($spl[0])) . "\n"; } exit; break; default: echo "RESPOND\nuse !stats games, !stats maps, !stats player <name>"; break; }