function displayTestQueue($uid) { $puzzles = getInTestAdminQueue($uid); $puzzles = sortByLastCommentDate($puzzles); if (!$puzzles) { echo '<h3>No Puzzles Currently In Queue</h3>'; } else { displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes answer summary testers", FALSE); } }
foot(); exit(1); } if (array_key_exists('failedToAddEdit', $_SESSION) and $_SESSION['failedToAddEdit'] == TRUE) { echo "<div class='errormsg'>Failed to add puzzle to your editing queue<br/>"; echo "Perhaps you are an author, are testsolving it, or are already editing it?</div>"; unset($_SESSION['failedToAddEdit']); } displayPuzzleStats($uid); ?> <br/> <form action="form-submit.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?> " /> Enter Puzzle ID to edit: <input type="text" name="pid" /> <input type="submit" name="getPuzz" value="Get Puzzle" /> or view your current <a href="approver.php">approval editor queue</a>. </form> <?php if (ALLOW_EDITOR_PICK) { echo '<br/><h3>Needs Approval Editor(s)</h3>'; $puzzles = getPuzzlesNeedingApprovers($uid); echo '<p><strong class="impt">IMPORTANT:</strong> <strong>Clicking a puzzle below will add you as an approval editor</strong> (unless you already have a role on the puzzle or can see all puzzles.)</p>'; echo '<p><strong>Please click judiciously and give comments to improve the puzzles you decide to approve.</strong> (You can still remove yourself from being an approval editor later, however.)</p>'; displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes summary editornotes authorsandeditors", FALSE, array(), "&approve=1"); } echo '<br>(Hiding dead puzzles)<br>'; // End HTML foot();
<br><h3>Currently Testing — (if you're done, please submit a report, even an empty one):</h3> <?php /* Commented out to disallow -- for now -- getting a random puzzle to test. if (getPuzzleToTest($uid) == FALSE) { echo '<strong>No Puzzles To Add</strong>'; } else { ?> <form action="form-submit.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="getTest" value="Get Puzzle" /> </form> <?php } */ $testPuzzles = getActivePuzzlesInTestQueue($uid); displayQueue($uid, $testPuzzles, "notes summary numtesters", TRUE); echo '<br />'; echo '<br />'; echo '<h3>Finished Testing</h3>'; $donePuzzles = getActiveDoneTestingPuzzlesForUser($uid); displayQueue($uid, $donePuzzles, "notes summary", TRUE); echo '<br />'; echo '<br />'; echo '<h3>Puzzles Not Currently In Testing</h3>'; $inactivePuzzles = getInactiveTestPuzzlesForUser($uid); displayQueue($uid, $inactivePuzzles, "", TRUE); // End HTML foot(); if (isset($_SESSION['testError'])) { unset($_SESSION['testError']); }
<?php // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: require_once "config.php"; require_once "html.php"; require_once "db-func.php"; require_once "utils.php"; // Redirect to the login page, if not logged in $uid = isLoggedIn(); // Start HTML head("ffc", "Final Fact Check"); echo "<h2>(Final) Factchecking</h2>"; $puzzles = getPuzzlesForFactchecker($uid); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes summary editornotes finallinks", FALSE); ?> <h2>Puzzles Needing Final Factchecker</h2> <p><strong class="impt">IMPORTANT:</strong> <b>Clicking a puzzle below will mark you as a factchecker. Please click judiciously and complete your factchecking duties!</b></p> <?php $puzzles = getAvailablePuzzlesToFFCForUser($uid); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes summary editornotes finallinks", FALSE, array(), "&factcheck=1"); // End HTML foot(); ?>
</form> <?php foot(); exit(1); } displayPuzzleStats($uid); echo "<h2>Factchecking</h2>"; ?> <form action="form-submit.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?> " /> Enter Puzzle ID to factcheck: <input type="text" name="pid" /> <input type="submit" name="FactcheckPuzzle" value="Go" /> </form> <?php echo '<br/>'; echo '<h3>Your Puzzles:</h3>'; $puzzles = getPuzzlesForFactchecker($uid); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes", FALSE); echo '<br/>'; echo '<h3>Unclaimed Puzzles:</h3>'; $puzzles = getUnclaimedPuzzlesInFactChecking(); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes", FALSE); echo '<br/>'; echo '<h3>Already Claimed:</h3>'; $puzzles = getClaimedPuzzlesInFactChecking(); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes", FALSE); // End HTML foot();
<?php // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: require_once "config.php"; require_once "html.php"; require_once "db-func.php"; require_once "utils.php"; // Redirect to the login page, if not logged in $uid = isLoggedIn(); // Start HTML head("spoiled", "Spoiled Puzzle List"); ?> <h2>Puzzles you're spoiled on</h2> <p>(Hiding dead puzzles)</p> <?php $puzzles = getSpoiledPuzzles($uid); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes answer summary authorsandeditors", FALSE); // End the HTML foot();
foreach ($authors as $uid => $fullname) { $slct = selected('author', $uid); echo "<option value='{$uid}' {$slct}>{$fullname}</option>"; } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Filter author"> </form> <form method="get" action="allpuzzles.php" class="inlform"> <input type="hidden" name="filterkey" value="tag"> <select name="filtervalue"> <option value='-'>-</option> <?php $tags = getAllTags(); asort($tags); foreach ($tags as $tid => $name) { $slct = selected('tag', $tid); echo "<option value='{$tid}' {$slct}>{$name}</option>"; } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Filter tag"> </form> </div> <?php $puzzles = getAllPuzzles(); $uid = isLoggedIn(); echo "(Hiding dead puzzles by default)<br><br>"; displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes answer summary editornotes tags authorsandeditors", FALSE, $filt); // End HTML foot();
<?php // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: require_once "config.php"; require_once "html.php"; require_once "db-func.php"; require_once "utils.php"; // Redirect to the login page, if not logged in $uid = isLoggedIn(); // Start HTML head("postprod"); ?> <h3>Puzzles in Postprod and Later</h3> <?php $puzzles = getPuzzlesInPostprodAndLater($uid); displayQueue($uid, $puzzles, "notes finallinks", FALSE); ?> <hr> <br> <div class="warning">Warning: Please don't press this button. If you were supposed to press this button, you would know.</div> <form action="form-submit.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?> "> <input type="submit" name="postprodAll" value="Re-postprod ALL puzzles (THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE) [This will take a LONG TIME!]"> </form> <br> <?php // End the HTML foot();