} else {
    if (count($cache_discovery['ucd-snmp-mib'])) {
        // Discover 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' if 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' empty.
        $mib = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB';
        echo " {$mib} ";
        foreach ($cache_discovery['ucd-snmp-mib'] as $index => $dsk) {
            $hc = 0;
            $fstype = $dsk['dskDevice'];
            $descr = $dsk['dskPath'];
            $units = 1024;
            $deny = FALSE;
            // Using 64bit counters if available
            if (isset($dsk['dskTotalLow'])) {
                $hc = 1;
                $size = $dsk['dskTotalHigh'] * 4294967296.0 + $dsk['dskTotalLow'];
                $size *= $units;
                $used = $dsk['dskUsedHigh'] * 4294967296.0 + $dsk['dskUsedLow'];
                $used *= $units;
            } else {
                $size = $dsk['dskTotal'] * $units;
                $used = $dsk['dskUsed'] * $units;
            if (!$deny && is_numeric($index)) {
                discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, $fstype, $mib, $descr, $units, $size, $used, $hc);
            unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $units, $hc);
// EOF
    foreach ($cache_discovery['netapp-mib'] as $index => $storage) {
        $fstype = $storage['dfType'];
        $descr = $storage['dfFileSys'];
        if (!empty($storage['dfVserver'])) {
            // Add server info on cluster devices
            $descr .= ' - ' . $storage['dfVserver'];
            // CLEANME, remove in r7500, but not before CE 0.16.1
            rename_rrd($device, 'storage-netapp-mib-' . $storage['dfFileSys'] . '.rrd', 'storage-netapp-mib-' . $descr . '.rrd');
        $deny = FALSE;
        if (!$deny) {
            if (is_numeric($storage['df64TotalKBytes'])) {
                $size = $storage['df64TotalKBytes'] * 1024;
                $used = $storage['df64UsedKBytes'] * 1024;
                $hc = 1;
            } else {
                $size = $storage['dfKBytesTotal'] * 1024;
                $used = $storage['dfKBytesUsed'] * 1024;
                $hc = 0;
            if (is_numeric($index)) {
                discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, $fstype, 'NETAPP-MIB', $descr, 1024, $size, $used, array('storage_hc' => $hc));
        unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $free, $percent, $hc);
    unset($index, $storage);
// EOF
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Peter TKATCHENKO https://github.com/Peter2121/
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
 * the source code distribution for details.
$eql_storage = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'EqliscsiVolumeEntry', null, 'EQLVOLUME-MIB', $config['install_dir'] . '/mibs/equallogic');
if (is_array($eql_storage)) {
    echo 'EqliscsiVolumeEntry ';
    foreach ($eql_storage as $index => $storage) {
        $fstype = $storage['eqliscsiVolumeAdminStatus'];
        $descr = $storage['eqliscsiVolumeName'];
        $units = 1000000;
        $size = $storage['eqliscsiVolumeSize'] * $units;
        $used = $storage['eqliscsiVolumeStatusAllocatedSpace'] * $units;
        if (is_int($index)) {
            discover_storage($valid_storage, $device, $index, $fstype, 'eql-storage', $descr, $size, $units, $used);
        } else {
            // Trying to search the last '.' and take something after it as index
            $arrindex = explode(".", $index);
            $newindex = (int) end($arrindex) + 0;
            if (is_int($newindex)) {
                discover_storage($valid_storage, $device, $newindex, $fstype, 'eql-storage', $descr, $size, $units, $used);
        unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $units, $storage_rrd, $old_storage_rrd, $hrstorage_array);

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
// Note, this mountpoint '/ifs' also discovered in HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, but ignored
//ISILON-MIB::ifsTotalBytes.0 = Counter64: 71376260235264
//ISILON-MIB::ifsUsedBytes.0 = Counter64: 38523365810176
//ISILON-MIB::ifsAvailableBytes.0 = Counter64: 28651530510336
//ISILON-MIB::ifsFreeBytes.0 = Counter64: 32852894425088
$cache_discovery['ISILON-MIB'] = snmpget_cache_multi($device, 'ifsTotalBytes.0 ifsUsedBytes.0', array(), 'ISILON-MIB');
if (is_array($cache_discovery['ISILON-MIB'][0])) {
    $hc = 1;
    $size = $cache_discovery['ISILON-MIB'][0]['ifsTotalBytes'];
    $used = $cache_discovery['ISILON-MIB'][0]['ifsUsedBytes'];
    discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, 0, 'volume', 'ISILON-MIB', '/ifs', 1, $size, $used, array('storage_hc' => $hc));
// EOF
            if ($debug) {
                echo "skip(cd)\n";
        if (!$deny) {
            //32bit counters
            $size = snmp_dewrap32bit($storage['hrStorageSize']) * $units;
            $used = snmp_dewrap32bit($storage['hrStorageUsed']) * $units;
            // hrStorageDescr.8 = /mnt/Media, type: zfs, dev: Media
            // hrStorageDescr.31 = /
            list($path) = explode(',', $descr);
            // Find index from 'dskTable'
            foreach ($dsk_array as $dsk) {
                if ($dsk['dskPath'] === $path) {
                    //Using 64bit counters if available
                    if (isset($dsk['dskTotalLow'])) {
                        $size = $dsk['dskTotalLow'] * 1024;
                        $used = $dsk['dskUsedLow'] * 1024;
            $percent = round($used / $size * 100);
        if (!$deny && is_numeric($index)) {
            discover_storage($valid_storage, $device, $index, $fstype, "hrstorage", $descr, $size, $units, $used, $free, $percent);
        unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $units, $path, $dsk, $storage_rrd, $old_storage_rrd);
    unset($hrstorage_array, $dsk_array);
        foreach ($config['ignore_mount'] as $bi) {
            if ($bi == $descr) {
                $deny = 1;
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "{$bi} == {$descr} \n";
        foreach ($config['ignore_mount_string'] as $bi) {
            if (strpos($descr, $bi) !== FALSE) {
                $deny = 1;
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "strpos: {$descr}, {$bi} \n";
        foreach ($config['ignore_mount_regexp'] as $bi) {
            if (preg_match($bi, $descr) > "0") {
                $deny = 1;
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "preg_match {$bi}, {$descr} \n";
        if (!$deny && is_numeric($index)) {
            discover_storage($valid_storage, $device, $index, $fstype, "netapp-storage", $descr, $size, $units, $used);
        unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $units, $storage_rrd, $old_storage_rrd, $hrstorage_array);

$dsktable_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'dskTable', null, 'UCD-SNMP-MIB');
$sql = "SELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id`  = '" . $device['device_id'] . "' AND `storage_type` != 'dsk'";
$tmp_storage = dbFetchColumn($sql);
if (is_array($dsktable_array)) {
    foreach ($dsktable_array as $dsk) {
        if (isset($dsk['dskPath'])) {
            if (!in_array($dsk['dskPath'], $tmp_storage)) {
                $dsk['dskTotal'] = $dsk['dskTotal'] * 1024;
                $dsk['dskAvail'] = $entry['dskAvail'] * 1024;
                $dsk['dskUsed'] = $dsk['dskTotal'] - $dsk['dskAvail'];
                $deny = ignore_storage($dsk['dskPath']);
                if ($deny != 1) {
                    discover_storage($valid_storage, $device, $dsk['dskIndex'], 'dsk', 'ucd-dsktable', $dsk['dskPath'], $dsk['dskTotal'], 1024, $dsk['dskUsed']);
        unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $units, $path, $dsk, $hc);
} else {
    if (count($cache_discovery['ucd-snmp-mib'])) {
        // Discover 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' if 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' empty.
        $mib = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB';
        foreach ($cache_discovery['ucd-snmp-mib'] as $index => $dsk) {
            $hc = 0;
            $fstype = $dsk['dskDevice'];
            $descr = $dsk['dskPath'];
            $units = 1024;
            $deny = FALSE;
            // Using 64bit counters if available
            if (isset($dsk['dskTotalLow'])) {
                $hc = 1;
                $size = snmp_size64_high_low($dsk['dskTotalHigh'], $dsk['dskTotalLow']);
                $size *= $units;
                $used = snmp_size64_high_low($dsk['dskUsedHigh'], $dsk['dskUsedLow']);
                $used *= $units;
            } else {
                $size = $dsk['dskTotal'] * $units;
                $used = $dsk['dskUsed'] * $units;
            if (!$deny && is_numeric($index)) {
                discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, $fstype, $mib, $descr, $units, $size, $used, array('storage_hc' => $hc));
            unset($deny, $fstype, $descr, $size, $used, $units, $hc);
// EOF

echo " {$mib} ";
# lookup for storage data
$entry = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'swStorage', NULL, $mib, mib_dirs('checkpoint'));
if (is_array($entry)) {
    $index = 0;
    $descr = "Config Storage";
    $free = $entry[$index]['swStorageConfigFree'] * 1024;
    $total = $entry[$index]['swStorageConfigTotal'] * 1024;
    $used = $total - $free;
    discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, 'StorageConfig', $mib, $descr, 1024, $total, $used, 0);
unset($entry, $index, $descr, $total, $used, $free);
// EOF

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
# lookup for storage data
$entry = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'swStorage', NULL, 'EMBEDDED-NGX-MIB');
if (is_array($entry)) {
    $index = 0;
    $descr = "Config Storage";
    $free = $entry[$index]['swStorageConfigFree'] * 1024;
    $total = $entry[$index]['swStorageConfigTotal'] * 1024;
    $used = $total - $free;
    discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, 'StorageConfig', 'EMBEDDED-NGX-MIB', $descr, 1024, $total, $used);
unset($entry, $index, $descr, $total, $used, $free);
// EOF
            $index = "{$flash_index}.{$partition_index}";
            $descr = $flash['ciscoFlashDeviceDescr'] ? $flash['ciscoFlashDeviceDescr'] : $flash['ciscoFlashDeviceName'];
            // Clean some descriptions:
            // ciscoFlashDeviceDescr.2 = Cat4000 Private Flash Area (Not available for general use)
            list($descr) = explode(' (', $descr);
            if ($flash['ciscoFlashDevicePartitions'] > 1 || $partition['ciscoFlashPartitionName'][0] === '/') {
                $descr .= ' - ' . $partition['ciscoFlashPartitionName'];
            if ($hc)
              $size = $partition['ciscoFlashPartitionSizeExtended'];
              $free = $partition['ciscoFlashPartitionFreeSpaceExtended'];
            } else {
              $size = $partition['ciscoFlashPartitionSize'];
              $free = $partition['ciscoFlashPartitionFreeSpace'];
            $used = $size - $free;
            // FIXME. Skip based on ciscoFlashPartitionStatus: readOnly, runFromFlash, readWrite
            //if ($partition['ciscoFlashPartitionStatus'] != 'readWrite') { continue; }
            //discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, $fstype, 'CISCO-FLASH-MIB', $descr, 1, $size, $used, array('storage_hc' => $hc));
            discover_storage($valid['storage'], $device, $index, $fstype, 'CISCO-FLASH-MIB', $descr, 1, 1, 0, array('storage_hc' => $hc));
            // Fake size/used - updated later by poller
unset($device_tmp, $flash, $flash_index, $partition, $partition_index, $index, $descr, $size, $used, $free, $hc);
//I know, that this too long discovery, but it better than nothing
// EOF