function submitUploadForm()
    global $errors, $menu;
    $isWysiwyg = @$_REQUEST['wysiwygForm'];
    if ($isWysiwyg) {
        disableInDemoMode('', 'default/wysiwygUploads.php', false);
    } else {
        disableInDemoMode('', 'default/uploadForm.php', false);
    // remove uploads without record numbers that are older than 1 day
    ### process uploads
    $errors = '';
    $newUploadNums = array();
    foreach (array_values($_FILES) as $uploadInfo) {
        $errors .= saveUpload($GLOBALS['tableName'], $_REQUEST['fieldName'], @$_REQUEST['num'], @$_REQUEST['preSaveTempId'], $uploadInfo, $newUploadNums);
    ### Error checking
    if (!$newUploadNums && !$errors) {
        $errors = t("Please select a file to upload.") . "\n";
    ### display errors - errors will automatically be displayed when page is refreshed
    if ($errors) {
    ### On Successful Save
    $isDetailFields = getUploadInfoFields($_REQUEST['fieldName']);
    if ($isWysiwyg) {
        $errors = "File Uploaded";
    } elseif ($isDetailFields) {
        // redirect to modify upload details page
        $newUploadNumsAsCSV = join(',', $newUploadNums);
        $modifyUrl = "?menu={$menu}" . "&action=uploadModify" . "&fieldName=" . @$_REQUEST['fieldName'] . "&num=" . @$_REQUEST['num'] . "&preSaveTempId=" . @$_REQUEST['preSaveTempId'] . "&uploadNums={$newUploadNumsAsCSV}";
        print "<script type='text/javascript'>self.parent.reloadIframe('" . @$_REQUEST['fieldName'] . "_iframe')</script>";
        // reload uploadlist
        print "<script type='text/javascript'>window.location='{$modifyUrl}'</script>";
        // go to modify page
    } else {
        // reload parent iframe (with upload list)
        print "<script type='text/javascript'>self.parent.reloadIframe('" . @$_REQUEST['fieldName'] . "_iframe')</script>";
        // reload uploadlist
        print "<script type='text/javascript'>self.parent.tb_remove();</script>\n";
        // close thickbox
function resetPassword()
    $GLOBALS['sentEmail'] = false;
    // error checking
    if (!@$_REQUEST['userNum']) {
        die("No 'userNum' value specified!");
    if (!@$_REQUEST['resetCode']) {
        die("No 'resetCode' value specified!");
    if (!_isValidPasswordResetCode(@$_REQUEST['userNum'], @$_REQUEST['resetCode'])) {
        alert(t("Password reset code has expired or is not valid. Try resetting your password again."));
        showInterface('forgotPassword.php', false);
    // load user
    global $user;
    $user = mysql_get(accountsTable(), (int) @$_REQUEST['userNum']);
    // Lookup username or email
    if (@$_REQUEST['submitForm']) {
        disableInDemoMode('', 'resetPassword.php');
        // error checking
        $textErrors = getNewPasswordErrors(@$_REQUEST['password'], @$_REQUEST['password:again'], $user['username']);
        // v2.52
        if ($textErrors) {
        // update password
        $newPassword = getPasswordDigest($_REQUEST['password']);
        mysql_update(accountsTable(), $user['num'], null, array('password' => $newPassword));
        // show login
        alert(t('Password updated!'));
        $_REQUEST = array();
        showInterface('login.php', false);
function uploadListReOrder()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $tableName;
    disableInDemoMode('', 'ajax');
    # error checking
    if (!array_key_exists('num', $_REQUEST)) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no record 'num' specified!");
    if (!array_key_exists('preSaveTempId', $_REQUEST)) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no record 'preSaveTempId' specified!");
    if (!@$_REQUEST['fieldName']) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no 'fieldName' specified!");
    if (!$_REQUEST['uploadNums']) {
        $errors .= "No 'uploadNums' specified!\n";
    if (preg_match("/[^\\d\\,]/", $_REQUEST['uploadNums'])) {
        $errors .= "'uploadNums' contains invalid chars! ('" . htmlencode($_REQUEST['uploadNums']) . "')\n";
    # re-order uploads
    $orderedUploadNums = preg_split("/\\,/", $_REQUEST['uploadNums']);
    // new record order
    $newOrder = 0;
    foreach ($orderedUploadNums as $uploadNumber) {
        $query = "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}uploads`\n";
        $query .= "   SET `order`='" . mysql_escape(++$newOrder) . "'\n";
        $query .= " WHERE num       = '{$uploadNumber}' AND\n";
        $query .= "       tableName = '" . mysql_escape($tableName) . "' AND\n";
        $query .= "       fieldName = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['fieldName']) . "' AND\n";
        if ($_REQUEST['num']) {
            $query .= "recordNum     = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['num']) . "'";
        } else {
            if ($_REQUEST['preSaveTempId']) {
                $query .= "preSaveTempId = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['preSaveTempId']) . "'";
            } else {
                die("No value specified for 'num' or 'preSaveTempId'!");
        mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
function submitFormViaAjax()
    global $schema;
    disableInDemoMode('', 'ajax');
    // auto-assign separator and relatedRecords fieldnames
    if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'separator' || $_REQUEST['type'] == 'relatedRecords') {
        if ($_REQUEST['fieldname'] == '') {
            // new field
            $newFieldname = '';
            $count = '001';
            while (!$newFieldname || array_key_exists($newFieldname, $schema)) {
                $newFieldname = "__{$_REQUEST['type']}{$count}__";
                $count = str_pad(++$count, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $_REQUEST['newFieldname'] = $newFieldname;
        } else {
            $_REQUEST['newFieldname'] = $_REQUEST['fieldname'];
    // support MySQL Column Type dropdown supplying a value
    if (@$_REQUEST['customColumnType-select'] !== '_customColumnType_') {
        $_REQUEST['customColumnType'] = @$_REQUEST['customColumnType-select'];
    // Separator - Use label for header
    if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'separator' && @$_REQUEST['label'] != '') {
        $_REQUEST['separatorType'] = 'header bar';
        $_REQUEST['separatorHeader'] = $_REQUEST['label'];
        $_REQUEST['label'] = '';
        // blank out label so we don't save it
    // Note: 'order' is a MySQL keyword that causes errors if not escaped, that's why it's reserved
    $reservedFieldnames = "menu menuName menuType menuOrder menuHidden tableHidden listPageFields listPageOrder listPageSearchFields length order action page";
    // _fields aren't allow by default
    $fieldnameChanged = $_REQUEST['fieldname'] && $_REQUEST['fieldname'] != $_REQUEST['newFieldname'];
    $isFieldnameReserved = preg_match("/\\b\\Q{$_REQUEST['newFieldname']}\\E\\b/i", $reservedFieldnames);
    $typeNoneFields = array('num', 'createdDate', 'createdByUserNum', 'updatedDate', 'updatedByUserNum', 'dragSortOrder');
    $typeDateFields = array('publishDate', 'removeDate');
    $typeCheckboxFields = array('neverRemove', 'hidden');
    // error checking
    $errors = '';
    if (@$_REQUEST['tableName'] == '') {
        $errors .= "no 'tableName' specified!\n";
    if (@$_REQUEST['type'] == '') {
        $errors .= "no field 'type' specified!\n";
    if (!$_REQUEST['type']) {
        $errors .= "You must enter a value for 'Field Type'\n";
    if (!@$_REQUEST['newFieldname']) {
        $errors .= "You must enter a value for 'Field Name'\n";
    } elseif (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9\\_\\-]/i', $_REQUEST['newFieldname'])) {
        $errors .= "'Field Name' can only contain the following characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _)\n";
    } elseif (preg_match('/^_/i', $_REQUEST['newFieldname']) && $_REQUEST['type'] != 'separator' && $_REQUEST['type'] != 'relatedRecords') {
        $errors .= "'Field Name' cannot start with an underscore\n";
    } elseif ($isFieldnameReserved) {
        $errors .= "Selected fieldname is reserved, please choose another.\n";
    } elseif ($fieldnameChanged && @$schema[$_REQUEST['newFieldname']]) {
        $errors .= "Selected fieldname is already in use, please choose another.\n";
    if (@$_REQUEST['useCustomUploadDir']) {
        #    if (!preg_match('/\/$/', $_REQUEST['customUploadDir']))          { $errors .= "Upload Directory Path must end with a slash! (eg: products/ or /www/htdocs/uploads/products/)\n"; }
        #    if (!preg_match('/\/$/', $_REQUEST['customUploadUrl']))          { $errors .= "Upload Folder Url must end with a slash! (eg: products/ or /www/htdocs/uploads/products/)\n"; }
    if (in_array($_REQUEST['newFieldname'], $typeNoneFields) && $_REQUEST['type'] != 'none') {
        $errors .= "Field '{$_REQUEST['newFieldname']}' must be set to type 'none'\n";
    if (in_array($_REQUEST['newFieldname'], $typeDateFields) && $_REQUEST['type'] != 'date') {
        $errors .= "Field '{$_REQUEST['newFieldname']}' must be set to type 'date'\n";
    if (in_array($_REQUEST['newFieldname'], $typeCheckboxFields) && $_REQUEST['type'] != 'checkbox') {
        $errors .= "Field '{$_REQUEST['newFieldname']}' must be set to type 'checkbox'\n";
    if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'textfield' && @$_REQUEST['charsetRule'] && preg_match("/\\-./", @$_REQUEST['charset'])) {
        $errors .= "Allowed Content: If character list contains a dash it must be the last character!\n";
    if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'upload' || $_REQUEST['type'] == 'wysiwyg') {
        if (@$_REQUEST['resizeOversizedImages']) {
            if ($_REQUEST['maxImageHeight'] == '') {
                $errors .= "Resize images: Please specify a value for Max Image Height!\n";
            if (preg_match('/[^0-9\\_]/i', $_REQUEST['maxImageHeight'])) {
                $errors .= "Resize images: Max Image Height must be a numeric value!\n";
            if ($_REQUEST['maxImageWidth'] == '') {
                $errors .= "Resize images: Please specify a value for Max Image Width!\n";
            if (preg_match('/[^0-9\\_]/i', $_REQUEST['maxImageWidth'])) {
                $errors .= "Resize images: Max Image Width must be a numeric value!\n";
        foreach (array('', 2, 3, 4) as $num) {
            if (@$_REQUEST["createThumbnails{$num}"]) {
                $fieldLabel = "Create thumbnail" . ($num ? "({$num})" : '');
                if ($_REQUEST["maxThumbnailHeight{$num}"] == '') {
                    $errors .= "{$fieldLabel}: Please specify a value for Max Image Height!\n";
                if (preg_match('/[^0-9\\_]/i', $_REQUEST["maxThumbnailHeight{$num}"])) {
                    $errors .= "{$fieldLabel}: Max Image Height must be a numeric value!\n";
                if ($_REQUEST["maxThumbnailWidth{$num}"] == '') {
                    $errors .= "{$fieldLabel}: Please specify a value for Max Image Width!\n";
                if (preg_match('/[^0-9\\_]/i', $_REQUEST["maxThumbnailWidth{$num}"])) {
                    $errors .= "{$fieldLabel}: Max Image Width must be a numeric value!\n";
    if ($errors) {
        print $errors;
    // update mysql first to get any MySQL errors before updating schema
function previewDefaultDate()
    disableInDemoMode('', 'ajax');
    $defaultDate = @$_REQUEST['defaultDate'];
    $defaultDateString = @$_REQUEST['defaultDateString'];
    $format = "D, M j, Y - g:i:s A";
    // show date preview
    if (!$defaultDate) {
        echo date($format);
    } elseif ($defaultDate == 'none') {
        echo '';
    } elseif ($defaultDate == 'custom') {
        $output = @date($format, strtotime($defaultDateString));
        if (!$defaultDateString) {
            echo '';
        } elseif (@$php_errormsg) {
            print $php_errormsg;
        } else {
            print $output;
    } else {
        die("Can't create date preview!");
    // this is called with ajax so returning nothing means success - see: addTable_functions.js - initSubmitFormWithAjax
function eraseUpload()
    global $tableName, $escapedTableName;
    disableInDemoMode('', 'ajax');
    // error checking
    if (!array_key_exists('fieldName', $_REQUEST)) {
        die("no 'fieldName' value specified!");
    if (!array_key_exists('uploadNum', $_REQUEST)) {
        die("no 'uploadNum' value specified!");
    // create where query
    $where = "";
    if ($_REQUEST['num']) {
        $where .= "recordNum     = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['num']) . "' AND ";
    } else {
        if ($_REQUEST['preSaveTempId']) {
            $where .= "preSaveTempId = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['preSaveTempId']) . "' AND ";
        } else {
            die("No value specified for 'num' or 'preSaveTempId'!");
    $where .= "num       = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['uploadNum']) . "' AND ";
    $where .= "tableName = '" . mysql_escape($tableName) . "' AND ";
    $where .= "fieldName = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['fieldName']) . "'";
    $count = removeUploads($where);
    if ($count == 0) {
        die("Upload not found!");
    // this function is called via ajax, any output will be returns as errors with javascript alert
function admin_saveSettings($savePagePath)
    global $SETTINGS, $APP;
    // error checking
    // so previous alerts won't prevent saving of admin options
    // security checks
    disableInDemoMode('settings', $savePagePath);
    # license error checking
    if (array_key_exists('licenseProductId', $_REQUEST)) {
        if (!isValidProductId($_REQUEST['licenseProductId'])) {
            alert("Invalid Product License ID!");
        } else {
            if ($SETTINGS['licenseProductId'] != $_REQUEST['licenseProductId']) {
                $SETTINGS['licenseCompanyName'] = $_REQUEST['licenseCompanyName'];
                // update settings
                $SETTINGS['licenseDomainName'] = $_REQUEST['licenseDomainName'];
                // ...
                $SETTINGS['licenseProductId'] = $_REQUEST['licenseProductId'];
                // ...
                $isValid = register();
                // validate productId (and save new settings)
                if (!$isValid) {
                    redirectBrowserToURL('?menu=admin', true);
    # program url / adminUrl
    if (array_key_exists('adminUrl', $_REQUEST)) {
        if (!preg_match('/^http/i', $_REQUEST['adminUrl'])) {
            alert("Program URL must start with http:// or https://<br/>\n");
        if (preg_match('/\\?/i', $_REQUEST['adminUrl'])) {
            alert("Program URL can not contain a ?<br/>\n");
    # webPrefixUrl - v2.53
    if (@$_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'] != '') {
        if (!preg_match("|^(\\w+:/)?/|", $_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'])) {
            alert(t("Website Prefix URL must start with /") . "<br/>\n");
        if (preg_match("|/\$|", $_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'])) {
            alert(t("Website Prefix URL cannot end with /") . "<br/>\n");
    # upload url/dir
    if (array_key_exists('uploadDir', $_REQUEST)) {
        #    if      (!preg_match('/\/$/',      $_REQUEST['uploadDir'])) { alert("Upload Directory must end with a slash! (eg: /www/htdocs/uploads/)<br/>\n"); }
    if (array_key_exists('uploadUrl', $_REQUEST)) {
        #    if      (preg_match('/^\w+:\/\//', $_REQUEST['uploadUrl'])) { alert("Upload Folder Url must be the web path only without a domain (eg: /uploads/)<br/>\n"); }
        #    else if (!preg_match('/^\//',      $_REQUEST['uploadUrl'])) { alert("Upload Folder Url must start with a slash! (eg: /uploads/)<br/>\n"); }
        #    if      (!preg_match('/\/$/',      $_REQUEST['uploadUrl'])) { alert("Upload Folder Url must end with a slash! (eg: /uploads/)<br/>\n"); }
        $_REQUEST['uploadUrl'] = chop($_REQUEST['uploadUrl'], '\\\\/');
        // remove trailing slashes
    # admin email
    if (array_key_exists('adminEmail', $_REQUEST) && !isValidEmail($_REQUEST['adminEmail'])) {
        alert("Admin Email must be a valid email (example:<br/>\n");
    // error checking - require HTTPS
    if (@$_REQUEST['requireHTTPS'] && !isHTTPS()) {
        alert("Require HTTPS: You must be logged in with a secure HTTPS url to set this option!<br/>\n");
    // error checking - require HTTPS
    if (@$_REQUEST['restrictByIP'] && !isIpAllowed(true, @$_REQUEST['restrictByIP_allowed'])) {
        alert(t("Restrict IP Access: You current IP address must be in the allowed IP list!") . "<br/>\n");
    // error checking - session values
    $sessionErrors = getCustomSessionErrors(@$_REQUEST['session_cookie_domain'], @$_REQUEST['session_save_path']);
    if ($sessionErrors) {
    # show errors
    if (alert()) {
    ### update global settings
    $globalSettings =& $SETTINGS;
    foreach (array_keys($globalSettings) as $key) {
        if (array_key_exists($key, $_REQUEST)) {
            $globalSettings[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
    # update subsection settings
    $subsections = array('advanced', 'wysiwyg');
    foreach ($subsections as $subsection) {
        $sectionSettings =& $SETTINGS[$subsection];
        foreach (array_keys($sectionSettings) as $key) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $_REQUEST)) {
                $sectionSettings[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
    # save to file
    # return to admin home
    notice('Settings have been saved.');
function eraseField()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $schema;
    disableInDemoMode('', 'ajax');
    $tableName = $_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $fieldname = $_REQUEST['fieldname'];
    if (!$tableName) {
        die("no tableName specified!\n");
    if (!$fieldname) {
        die("no tableName specified!\n");
    // erase from schema
    saveSchema($tableName, $schema);
    // erase from mySQL
    $columnType = getMysqlColumnType($tableName, $fieldname);
    if ($columnType != '') {
        $result = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `" . mysql_escape($tableName) . "`\n                              DROP COLUMN `" . mysql_escape($fieldname) . "`") or die("There was an error removing the MySQL Column, the error was:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    // expire uploads (mark files for erasing by blanking out fieldname - they get erased when upload form is submitted)
    $tableNameWithoutPrefix = getTableNameWithoutPrefix($tableName);
    $query = "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}uploads`";
    $query .= "   SET fieldName = ''";
    $query .= " WHERE fieldName = '" . mysql_escape($fieldname) . "' AND";
    $query .= "       tableName = '" . mysql_escape($tableNameWithoutPrefix) . "'";
    mysql_query($query) or die("There was an error erasing old uploads:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    // this function is called via ajax.  Output is returned as errors via javascript alert.  Output nothing on success.